What does the star design mean? Drawing meaningless scribbles on paper, a person gives himself away completely. Flowers and natural phenomena

Buttercup flowers, hearts, curls, cats, eyes - what people don’t draw while talking on the phone or attending a meeting. They draw and do not always realize that their “masterpieces” can be assessed from the point of view of psychology and graphology.

Shapes made from straight lines

It doesn’t matter in what manner the drawing is made: both three-dimensional images with a 3-D effect, and the most primitive squares - rectangles - triangles indicate that their author is a very organized person. If the geometric shapes overlap each other and are superimposed on one another, then this indicates that the search for a way out of the problem situation has reached a dead end. It is also important to evaluate the thickness of the lines - thick, bright strokes indicate that the “artist” has excellent penetrating power and the ability to realize his intentions. If the pressure is so strong that the drawing seems to be squeezed out on the paper, then you need to not only relax the hand holding the pencil, but also begin to enjoy life right here and now, instead of gritting your teeth and moving towards your goals.

Flowers - curls

Wreaths of roses, armfuls of tulips, daisies, buttercups and any other flowers, even those that are not in the Plant Atlases, are painted by sympathetic, sociable people prone to extroversion. It is convenient to discuss work problems with them, laugh and even gossip. Pay attention to the drawing of details: the more carefully the drawing is made, the more diverse interests its author has. If, in addition to flowers, the composition also contains ants or trees, then we can assume that this is a particularly positive person.


Pictures in the style of Kandinsky or Malevich are drawn by very creative people who do not want to “give up everything” and immediately get down to business that is important, necessary, but very boring. Abstract sketches (site note: especially if you allow yourself to “throw out” your feelings on a piece of paper) are a great way to deal with stress. The more fantasy the drawing looks, the more emotional its author is. In addition, creative sketch writers hate it when people look over their shoulders or try to find out secrets in some other way - they prefer to keep their thoughts and secrets to themselves.


People who draw eyes are more prone than others to philosophical reflection about what is happening to their inner world, how much these changes depend on changes in the external world, etc. Oddly enough, it is the “eye” that serves as a true identifier of whether one is happy a man with his work. If the drawing is located closer to the top edge of the sheet, then its author is glad that there are prospects and/or interesting projects and tasks. If, on the contrary, the drawing is located closer to the bottom edge, then, to put it mildly, the current work does not cause much enthusiasm. In addition, this picture can be used to judge one’s temperament - on the left, the eyes depict slow movers, doing everything for a very long time, but carefully. And on the right, on the contrary, people are energizers, in whose hands everything is burning and blazing.


A person who has a whole zoo in his notebook after a meeting is usually a good team player who thinks of himself as part of the whole. Such people know how to listen and hear other people, encourage the weak, and support the leader. If we turn to more specific images, then a drawn cat is a sign that a person lacks intimacy, birds symbolize the thirst for freedom and carelessness, crocodiles symbolize the desire for power, and elephants symbolize a complete lack of fear of the boss.


The heart is one of the most frequently depicted objects. You don’t need to be a psychologist to guess what it represents: as a rule, it is either a thirst for a new romantic relationship, or a passionate affair that has just begun, when only one thought fits in the brain: “When will we meet.” Look at the shape of the heart: the rounder and more magnificent its barrel, the more emotional the author of the drawing. If the entire sheet is covered with hearts from top to bottom, then a hypersensitive nature has had a hand in it, who loves to be offended by everyone and everything in vain. If the drawing is made schematically - in separate strokes, then in front of you is a person prone to aggression; he will always think first of all about himself and secondly about others. Is the heart shape more like a triangle than a circle? The author of this sketch forbids himself to demonstrate his own weaknesses to others.

And finally - not about drawings, but about inscriptions: if a person constantly writes his own name, do not expect friendly support from him.

Surely each of us has scribbled something more than once during boring lectures, meetings, or while talking on the phone. We draw some curlicues, draw animals and little men and do not even suspect that they can say more about us than we know ourselves.

Spirals, circles or wavy lines

They mean that other people's problems don't bother you that much or don't interest you at all. Maybe you are even experiencing a slight emotional crisis: you are walking in a circle of your ambiguous experiences. Now you need to monitor your behavior so as not to lose your temper and lash out at others.


You are probably in an awkward situation or have entered into a risky business, and in such a situation you will not take the initiative into your own hands, but will agree to everything that is offered to you, endure the insult and restrain your irritation. The pattern resembles a lattice - then you feel driven into a corner or are trying to isolate yourself from such an obstacle.

Chess fields

Apparently, you find yourself in a very unpleasant, or at least difficult, situation. If such images appear frequently, then you most likely suffer from hidden complexes associated with the inability to resolve some situation or are in search of yourself, your life path, and doubt the correctness of your life.

Houses and boxes

Symmetrical forms demonstrate a love of order, a penchant for planning and calculations. This is what such a drawing says to others: “I am not easily confused, I know exactly what I want, I have clear goals and I am going to resolutely defend my opinion.”

Flowers, sun, clouds

Cheerful flowers and the sun are sure signs that you are happy with the way the telephone conversation is going. Most likely, while listening to your interlocutor, you are already dreaming and fantasizing about something pleasant. Such drawings clearly reveal your optimistic attitude and good mood.


You want to be the center of attention; it is important for you to be bright and always noticed. But if your star has too many rays or you depict them separately from her, this may indicate depressive experiences.

Personal signatures

Such mechanical drawings are characteristic of a vain and self-centered nature. The abundance of your own paintings, mechanically drawn on a sheet of paper during a conversation, or thinking about some problem, signals that you are too fixated on your own person. It's time to look around.

Patterns like wallpaper

This suggests that you are bored, tired of a telephone conversation or a lecture, or maybe even your entire lifestyle. Come up with something new, buy an interesting thing or clothes that are unusual for you, do an extravagant act - and the melancholy will go away by itself.


You strive for peace, harmony, and want to organize your life. It is also quite likely that you are thinking about creating a family nest.

Circles and rings

Circles connected to each other or inscribed within one another indicate a desire for affiliation and participation. “I’m lonely, I feel like I’m disconnected from the outside world,” such drawings signal. By drawing circles on paper, the unconscious hints that you lack friendly participation and attention.

Circle figure

Symbolizes the tendency towards secrecy and isolation, especially if the circle is not filled with anything. You close your inner world and do not want to give information about yourself. You don’t like it when not only strangers, but also fairly close ones, meddle in your life and your affairs.

Squares, triangles and other geometric shapes

You have clear goals and beliefs, you almost never hide your opinions, and you are always persistent and persistent. You are usually overly vigilant and cautious, so try to keep things simple.

Interweaving circles

It seems to you that you are outside of some important events, you want to take part in something, join some kind of community. But the intertwining of hearts means that you are overwhelmed with feelings and are ready to give love and warmth to the whole world. Don't hold back, and those around you will reciprocate.
You need to pay attention not only to your spontaneous “creativity”. If one day you notice that your boss, colleague or loved one has drawn something similar, take a closer look at it all. Perhaps this simple approach will help you get to know a person more deeply, see his motives and emotions, and understand his inner world. As a result, it will be easier for you to establish relationships with him, understand his actions and reactions, and find an approach to communication.


Perhaps you are worried about feeling guilty towards a loved one or are burdened by some problem for which you feel responsible.


Expresses the search for life harmony, one’s life path.

Sabers, pistols or other weapons

A lot of aggression has accumulated in you, perhaps you are very angry with someone or are generally angry with life.

Little houses

You lack something fundamental, for example, a strong and strong shoulder, care and support.


This is the vector by which you navigate in life. The arrow is directed up - orientation towards other people, down - towards yourself, to the left - look into the past, to the right - hope for the future.


A variety of interpretations awaits us here. If your pet stands on two legs or is dressed in human clothes (pants, skirts, bows, belts, dresses), then you clearly liken it to a person: yourself or some important person in your life. Take a close look, sometimes in such drawings the faces of animals are similar to human faces, the shape of the paws is similar to legs and arms. In this situation, all this indicates infantility, emotional immaturity - after all, you subconsciously place yourself at a lower level of development.

Your emotions today may directly depend on the animal that has settled on your paper. If it is a tiger or a wolf - aggression is hidden in you, if a fox - you are planning to cheat somewhere, a bunny or a squirrel - you need care and protection, a lion - you feel superior to everyone. This mechanism is similar to the allegorical meaning of animals and their characters in fairy tales, parables and children's stories. When you constantly depict the same animal, bird or bug, you most likely compare it with yourself, attribute its habits to yourself.

Human figures

Pay attention to details. If these are little people, then most likely you feel helpless or want to avoid any responsibilities. When you depict a person schematically (“a stick, a stick, a cucumber—here comes a little man”), your emotional state is unstable, you want to close yourself off and not let anyone near you.

If a person is big and “real,” then you should start, first of all, with the head. The head is in profile, and the body is frontal - there is anxiety in you caused by the social environment and the need for communication, full frontal - you are open to communication, the more a person “turns away”, “leave” - the more you strive to avoid external contacts. A large head means you are guided primarily by thought, a small one means you pay little attention to intellectual work, a poorly drawn head means you show shyness and timidity. If you carefully draw your face, then you are very concerned about your appearance and relationships with other people; it is important for you how you are “greeted by your clothes.”

If you depict figures without faces or make them unclear, slightly outlined, you are shy and fearful, it is difficult for you to start casual conversations and make acquaintances at parties. Closed, hidden or unidentified eyes indicate a desire to avoid unpleasant visual stimuli and a reluctance to actually see the unpleasant moments of life. Large ears - you are sensitive to criticism and depend on the opinions of others, too small or absent - you do not want to listen to other people's views and positions. Heavily colored hair means anxiety has settled in you; unshaded hair framing your head means you are controlled by hostile feelings.

Large shoulders or body - you have a feeling of great strength or excessive preoccupation with power, small ones - a feeling of low value and insignificance, sloping shoulders or a stooped body - despondency, despair, guilt and lack of vital energy.

Hands are a symbol of interpersonal relationships. If your hands are far from your body (spread to the sides) - your actions are out of control, when crossed on your chest - you are hostile, behind your back or in your pockets - unwillingness to give in, to compromise, pressed against your body - you have difficulties in social contacts.

Long legs indicate a need for independence, short legs indicate a feeling of physical or psychological awkwardness. Legs spread wide apart - open disdain and ignorance of interlocutors and their actions, legs together (the person stands in line) - stiffness in communication.

If you suddenly "forgot" or deliberately drew a person without any body parts, this suggests that you are experiencing some feeling of rejection of that part, feel a corresponding lack in your appearance, or are unhappy with something about your partner.


You are dominated by those around you, you feel that you constantly have to give in to someone, agree with other people’s decisions.

Clown or caricature

They express the desire to avoid their own inferiority, to hide behind a non-existent image. A robot has appeared on your sheet - you are suffering from the control of external forces, you are worried that much in life does not depend on you.


You are secretive and cautious, trying to hide from the outside world.

And in conclusion. Psychologists say that an absolutely normal person does not draw aimlessly during a conversation.

So what kind of person are you? 😉

We have noticed more than once: a long telephone conversation somehow magically forces us to pick up a pencil and draw some kind of gobbledygook on the first piece of paper that comes to hand. It’s the same at a boring meeting: we are floating somewhere in the clouds, while our hand diligently and hardworkingly, or perhaps carelessly and sweepingly, thoughtfully draws doodles, fancy figures, lines, patterns...

This kind of creativity should not be taken lightly. After all, this is nothing more than the work of the subconscious, which reveals our true needs and aspirations. It is not difficult to unravel his impulses and desires. The main thing is interesting and useful! In a word, your “conversation illustrations” are not at all meaningless: serious people study them.

Are we all artists?

Psychologists say: approximately nine out of ten people aged 18 to 34 draw constantly, and those over 65 - six out of ten. In general, many. Why are we doing this? Many experts have come to the conclusion that scribbles help a person to formalize his thoughts and somewhat reduce the tension that has arisen. It turns out that even the most, at first glance, “silly” drawing can convey thoughts and feelings, talk about character, mood and attitude.

John Kennedy is known to have painted sailboats. According to a reputable graphologist, this was a sign of great persistence and vital energy. In the pointed sailboats, drawn with a firm hand, there is also an element of considerable sexual attractiveness.

…It is well known that children use drawing to express their emotions much more often than adults. What do our “arts” mean? Interesting? Then read the “transcript”. The next time you engage in such creativity, compare the comments with your personal feelings.

Either a birch or a rowan...

Trees are believed to represent strength and love of life. But... drawing a frail Christmas tree is one thing, drawing a strong oak tree is another.

Any thin trees with bare branches seem to indicate that they are being painted by a person who is now a little lost and dejected.

Drawing a branched crown and a thick trunk means that at this moment you are cheerful and energetic.

One and two and three is four

The diligent drawing of numbers, their shading and circling speak more eloquently than any words - now you are concerned exclusively with material values. Spiritual life gave way to finances and current problems with them.

You are thinking about how to make money. Perhaps it's time to pay off your debts.

Ocean is shaking…

Spirals, circles, wavy lines - all these are bright messengers of the fact that now the problems of others do not bother the artist much. His attention is entirely on himself. Perhaps he is now going through a crisis (or, alternatively, he must make a serious decision). In such a state, you should try to control yourself and not take it out on others - your nerves are on edge now.


The steps of a staircase, escalator, stepladder, etc. can only mean uncertainty and tension. Something needs to be done about this...

Ikebana and bouquets

Any flowers mean a wide range of feelings, beauty, strength and rich imagination. Energetic and sweepingly drawn, they personify a dreamer and visionary. Softer and rounder ones allow you to recognize a sensual personality.

However, flowers always mean a certain feeling of loneliness. The person who draws them clearly lacks the warmth and tender care of someone important...

Sky, sun, clouds

A hand draws rays of the sun, and there are playful clouds nearby? There are few options here, or rather there is only one: such a naturalist is life-loving, joyful and full of strength. Of course, he is only optimistic about the future.

Networks and lattices

This is an unambiguous symbol of being cornered. Every sharp, bright line is an attack that one lacks the courage to make in a real conversation. If at the end a person circles his drawing, it means he has made his final decision. In principle, networks and grids are a clear indication of problems, namely: containment of irritation, accumulation of internal tension and discomfort.

Love for geometry

Symmetrical forms always mean a commitment to neatness and order. For example, clear rectangles indicate a tendency towards planning and prudence. The one who draws them cannot be fooled easily: the “draftsman” clearly sees his goals and will defend his own opinion to the end. Moreover, he rarely hides it and also rarely gives in to the enemy.

However, if the corners of the figures are drawn too clearly and sharply, this is a clear tendency towards aggression, which is often masked externally.

My distant star

Strict and symmetrical, or maybe blurry and indistinct, in any case, drawing stars means: - the “stargazer” passionately desires to receive what he is deprived of, for example, recognition and love.

Plexus of hearts

There is no need to guess: the person is overwhelmed with feelings. He just wants to hug and kiss this whole world.

Attention: the stricter the words spoken into the telephone receiver, the larger the scale the drawing acquires.

Advice: don’t act so coldly, hiding real emotions.

I'll draw some wallpaper...

Sharp corners, smooth ovals, their variations, interweavings are combined into a motif that is repeated ad infinitum? How boring! How tired of this telephone conversation... Or maybe the whole way of life, its routine and monotony. The heart yearns for change. Now and immediately. So quickly do what you have dreamed of for so long that you previously forbade yourself due to “valid” reasons.

Criss cross

Women usually give the cross design the appearance of jewelry, men - more strict outlines. In any case, the drawing expresses the feeling of guilt that arose in the conversation: you reproach yourself, or perhaps your interlocutor reproached you for something. Discuss everything quickly in order to quickly get rid of unpleasant emotions.

An arm, a leg, a cucumber...

Drawing a man is a sign of helplessness or a desire to evade some responsibility (even if the overall appearance of the drawing is quite cheerful). People usually draw little people at the moment when they should have said a decisive “no”. So we take this as a signal: “Give up now, otherwise you will regret it.”

Field... for chess

Apparently you find yourself in a very unpleasant situation. And you dream of a reliable path that will provide salvation. There is no need to hide or hold back anything at this time. If such images appear frequently, it is most likely worth resolving the problem of hidden complexes.

Such a bee house

Drawing honeycombs with a diligent pencil indicates a desire for peace, harmony, and an orderly life.

Honeycombs can also mean the desire to start a family. Your problem is probably your reluctance to admit this dream even to yourself. So admit it quickly and start fulfilling good desires at a pace.

Good luck!

Alla Martinkevich

Have you ever wondered what the pictures we unconsciously draw on paper mean? A lot of information is stored in our subconscious, and the moment you scribble again, your inner “I” speaks to you. By analyzing your drawings you can interpret what it all means. Look at our examples and read their meaning, and perhaps you will learn a lot about yourself!

Parade of numbers

Those who like to draw numbers are only concerned with material values. The first option is you figure out where and how you can make money. Second, you are thinking about how to pay off your debts.

May there always be sunshine

Are the pages of the notebook decorated with the sun or garlands? Paradoxically, your mood is by no means as rosy as these drawings. You lack warmth, care and attention. You dream of friendship and tenderness. Want some advice? Try to be around people more often in the near future. Call your friends, go to the cinema or for a walk with them, sit in a cafe. Then the sun will appear not only on paper, but also in your soul.

Oh, these figures!

Squares, diamonds, and triangles indicate clear goals and strong beliefs. Such figures are usually drawn by people who are used to openly expressing their point of view. They try not to give in to the enemy, have a practical mindset, well-developed logical thinking and are capable of holding a leadership position. Moreover, symmetrical forms mean a commitment to accuracy and order, prudence and the ability to plan everything. At the same time, if the corners of the figures are drawn too sharply, this is a clear tendency towards aggression. Your problem is excessive concentration, which does not allow you to relax normally.


Crosses express feelings of guilt. Perhaps you offended someone or did not fulfill a promise, or it seems to you that those around you are reproaching you for something. Quickly discuss everything that is bothering you, or ask for forgiveness, it will immediately become easier. By the way, your drawing may contain not just ordinary crosses, but, for example, decorations or patterns containing cross-shaped elements. As a rule, women give them this look.

Spirals, circles, wavy lines

Other people's problems don't bother you too much or don't interest you at all. You are a very secretive and reserved person; you do not like it when others meddle in your affairs. You may be going through a mild crisis. Now you are a complete exposed wire. Try to control yourself, otherwise you may lose your temper and insult your interlocutor.

There was a birch tree in the field...

Thin trees with bare branches depict lost and upset people. But the branched crown and thick trunk show that you are energetic, cheerful and nothing is bothering you at the moment.

Burn, burn, my star…

A star is an indicator of an optimistic nature. When faced with a problem, such a person tries not to give up and tries to quickly cope with difficulties. In addition, such a drawing demonstrates the desire of the “draftsman” to attract attention.

Heart to heart

You are overwhelmed with feelings. I want to kiss the whole world. But you constantly restrain your emotions and from the outside appear strict and unapproachable. Moreover, the larger the drawing, the greater the difference between your true face and the usual mask. Stop controlling yourself, become more open and relaxed.

Bee house

“Honeycomb” speaks of the desire for an orderly and measured life, peace, harmony with oneself and the world around us. In addition, such a drawing may mean a desire to start a family, which a person often does not want to admit even to himself.

Seven-flowered flower

Flowers and leaves indicate good character. Such people are sympathetic and love to help others. They are also sensitive and emotional. If a person draws plants in a vase, it means that he constantly needs energy recharge.

Checkmate or checkmate

You find yourself in an unpleasant or difficult situation, so you draw a chessboard. And you want to solve all the problems by developing your own tactics and strategy, just like chess players do. Meanwhile, if such an image is a frequent visitor in your notebook, then it is possible that you suffer from hidden complexes

Faces in profile

If a person unknowingly draws people in profile, it means that he is trying to get attention, but does not want to show it clearly. He may feel that people are not treating him the way he deserves, that they are being unfair to him. Faces drawn in profile indicate that a person is afraid of life's difficulties; it is also evidence of self-doubt, which can be accompanied by pride. Such a person is somewhat reserved and shy.

Full face faces

An image of an open face drawn from the front, indicates the sociability and ease of life of the artist. The person is characterized by increased sociability and dynamism. He looks at life simply, but at the same time he is characterized by considerable wisdom in life.

Long bangs falling into the eyes on the face shown indicates that the person is afraid of responsibility. He believes that he can cope with any problems in life, but often he lacks the courage to take on something seriously.

If a face is depicted with closed eyes, this indicates that a person wants to take an active part in life, but for various reasons is afraid of it. He wants to be needed and loved, but is afraid to show it. This person wants to be cheerful and sociable, but is embarrassed to take the first step.


If a person involuntarily draws eyes, this suggests suspicion, as well as a manifestation of concern for public opinion. This person, before making a decision, will definitely consult with authoritative people.

If your eyes are bulging, this suggests that the person is a little callous, most likely he is inattentive to the people around him, and sometimes he is rude.

Small eyes They talk about a person’s self-absorption, about his isolation. This person, as a rule, strives to prove his point of view not with words, but with deeds.

If unnaturally long eyelashes are shown, this speaks of a person’s desire to seduce and demonstrate himself.


Cats in the drawing indicate the individuality of the drawer. Such people are always lucky in life; they inspire trust and admiration among others. They have good taste. They are prone to melancholy and constantly replay in their thoughts the act they just committed. They are very conservative, preferring familiar and proven methods.

Picture of dogs indicates that a person is faithful, honest and fair. He knows how to keep other people's secrets, so he inspires trust. He has a lot of friends. Such a person does not like loneliness and prefers to relax with friends.

Man drawing a horse loves entertainment, loves to be in the center of events. He is very popular among companies. Friends come first for him.

Man drawing a tiger irritable and conflicting. Prefers active recreation. He is very strong, energetic and thoughtful.

Bear image indicates that the person drawing is an exemplary family man. The main things for him are work and family. Prefers reading books to traveling.

Snakes in the drawings they symbolize wisdom and taciturnity. Such a person relies more on himself.


If a person draws letters or combinations of letters, this indicates that he is daydreaming. It is about such people that they say that they constantly have their head in the clouds.


The word circled in a frame- This is a sign of self-affirmation and conviction that one is right, which can also mean a desire to convince everyone else of this.

A word underlined by a straight and even line speaks of a strong intention to do something.

The word underlined by a wavy line is indicates sentimentality and some indecision.

The words written with a “web” are barely noticeable, they talk about doubts or that a person has some assumptions or guesses.

It happens that a person writes his name uncontrollably. This means that he is simply completely absorbed in himself.

Psychologists say: approximately nine out of ten people aged 18 to 34 constantly draw casually, and among those over 65 - six out of ten. It is known that John Kennedy loved to depict sailing boats. According to a reputable graphologist, this was a sign of great persistence and vital energy. What do you like to draw?

Often, while listening to our interlocutor, waiting in line, sitting in class, we draw, draw, or paint something. Almost no one pays attention to this: it’s just ordinary entertainment, so it won’t be so boring. Nevertheless, drawings can say a lot about a person’s character, his preferences and condition.

Psychologists have long confirmed that you can learn a lot about a person from drawings. Everything is important here: what a person draws, in what part his work is located, and what size and color it is. After all, our creations are symbols coming from the depths of the subconscious. People spit them out automatically when they move a pencil over paper.

Many psychologists believe that something as simple as drawing can help overcome absent-mindedness without harming the performance of the main task. By drawing, we concentrate better on boring tasks. This was proven by such a simple test. The subjects were given a speech to listen to, in which different names were mentioned. Half of the volunteers drew while listening. Another suffered without a pencil and paper. The result: those who drew remembered much more surnames - by 29 percent. So, when going to a meeting, feel free to take a pen, pencil, paper with you and get creative!

Where will we place it, how will we draw it?

The position of a drawing relative to the available space on the paper can say a lot about a person.

  • If it is located closer to the top edge, this indicates high self-esteem, but at the same time it also indicates that a person may be dissatisfied with his position in society and feels a lack of recognition from others. The large size of the picture also indicates high self-esteem. This indicates that the artist is expansive, prone to vanity and arrogance. A small drawing means anxiety, emotional dependence and stiffness.
  • The picture at the bottom means that the "artist" is unsure of himself, indecisive or uninterested in increasing his own importance.
  • If creation is predominantly on the left, the person is focused on his past experiences, focusing on past experience. The painted right edge of the sheet speaks of a desire to quickly bring the future closer, that life and emotions are directed towards something in the future.

Are the lines of the drawings thick? The person is probably worried about something. Weak and thin “web-like” lines indicate body fatigue and psychological exhaustion.

  • If the drawings are angular, the lines are perpendicular, this indicates unexpressed aggression, that at the moment it is difficult for the artist to adapt to something new. Jagged, uneven lines reveal insolence and hostility. Are the lines smooth and rounded? You are a soft, calm, feminine person.
  • Three-dimensional figures, for example, indicate that their author is a multifaceted personality, capable of making unconventional decisions and performing unpredictable actions.

Quite often we shade something in a drawing. Short strokes mean that the person is excitable, long strokes mean that the person is measured and calm. The strokes are straight and clear - you are persistent and persistent, sketchy and light - slightly anxious and unsure of yourself. Horizontal strokes are feminine and weak, while vertical strokes are stubborn and decisive. In general, if a person constantly shades something or draws grids, this indicates that he is in an awkward position or has entered into a risky business, cannot take the initiative into his own hands and is holding back irritation. The artist feels driven into a corner or tries to isolate himself from some obstacle.

Flowers, houses, names, animals

According to psychologists and graphologists, it is important not only how a person draws, but also what he depicts. Here are the most common images and what they can tell about a person.

  • So, if you depict words, meticulously drawing out each letter, putting them in frames, emphasizing them, this means a lot. A word in a frame is a sign of self-affirmation and conviction that one is right; it can also mean a desire to convince everyone else of this. A word underlined with a straight and even line expresses your persistent intention, firmness of thoughts on this matter, a word underlined with a wavy line expresses sentimentality and some indecision, written with a “web”, barely noticeable, doubt.
  • If you write your name over and over again, put a signature, the first letters of your name or initials, experimenting with elements of decoration, you are in a state of crisis and are not sure of the correctness of the decisions you are making. Writing your name is a way of self-affirmation, overcoming emotional or intellectual conflicts. The only advice here is to think less about problems, and more about what you have already achieved, what life has already given you.
  • If you draw animals, it all depends on who is depicted and how. If it is a tiger or a wolf, aggression is hidden in you, if it is a fox, you are planning to cheat somewhere, a bunny or a squirrel - you need care and protection, a lion - you feel superior to everyone. This mechanism is similar to the allegorical meaning of animals and their characters in fairy tales, parables and children's stories. When you constantly depict the same animal, bird or bug, you most likely compare it with yourself, attribute its habits to yourself. Sometimes in such drawings the muzzles of animals resemble human faces, and the shape of their paws resembles legs and arms. This indicates infantility, emotional immaturity, because a person subconsciously places himself at a lower level of development.

Image of a person

The image of little people is a sign of helplessness or a desire to evade some responsibility. In general, if a person is depicted schematically, this indicates an unstable emotional state, a desire to close himself off and not let anyone near him.

If a “real” person is depicted, the analysis should begin with the head.

  • Full-face drawing - you are open to communication, the more a person “turns away”, “leave”, the more you strive to avoid external contacts.
  • The head is in profile, and the body is frontal - you have anxiety caused by the social environment and the need for communication, a large head - you are guided primarily by thought, a small one - you pay little attention to intellectual work, a poorly drawn one - you show shyness and timidity.
  • If you carefully draw your face, then you are very concerned about your appearance and relationships with other people; it is important for you how you are “greeted by your clothes.”
  • And when you depict figures without faces or make them unclear, slightly outlined, this indicates shyness and slight timidity; it is difficult for you to have casual conversations and make acquaintances at parties.
  • Closed, hidden or not drawn eyes indicate a desire to avoid unpleasant visual stimuli, a reluctance to actually see the unpleasant moments of life.

A dissatisfied, sad face indicates the same state of the painter. After all a person who draws faces thinks that he is drawing others, but in reality he is drawing himself, his inner state.

A gloomy face is dissatisfaction with oneself, grimaces express pain and confusion, a smile is happiness. Large, widely spaced eyes indicate optimism and love for life. A face with dots instead of eyes and a line of mouth - alienation (from the world, a person, oneself). If an artist depicts beautiful profiles, it means that he is interested in communication. These drawings reveal a sociable nature and love for people.

  • Large ears - you are sensitive to criticism and depend on the opinions of others, too small or absent - you do not want to listen to other people's views and positions. Heavily colored hair means anxiety has settled in you; unshaded hair framing your head means you are controlled by hostile feelings.
  • Large shoulders or body - you have a feeling of great strength or excessive preoccupation with power, small ones - a feeling of low value and insignificance, sloping shoulders or a stooped back - despondency, despair, guilt and lack of vital energy.
  • Hands are a symbol of interpersonal relationships. If your arms are far from your body (spread to the sides), your actions are out of control, when crossed on your chest, you are hostile, behind your back or in your pockets - unwillingness to give in, to compromise, pressed against your body - you have difficulties in social contacts.
  • Long legs indicate a need for independence, short legs indicate a feeling of physical or psychological awkwardness. Widely spaced legs indicate outright disdain and ignorance of the interlocutors and their actions, legs together (the person stands in line) indicates constraint in communication.
  • If you suddenly "forgot" or deliberately drew a person without any body parts, this suggests that you are experiencing some feeling of rejection of this part, feel a corresponding lack in your appearance, or are unhappy with something in your partner.

Picture of dolls means that the artist is dominated by those around him, he feels that he constantly has to give in to someone, agree with other people’s decisions.

Clown or caricature express a desire to avoid their own inferiority, to hide behind a non-existent image. appeared on your sheet robot- you suffer from the control of external forces, you worry that much in life does not depend on you. Mask - you are secretive and cautious, trying to hide from the outside world.

At home

Images of a house or home furniture speak of a love for a warm homely atmosphere. Such drawings are found among single women or bachelors. However, when they are drawn by married people, this indicates a lack of warmth in the relationship. No matter how houses or household items are depicted, these drawings show the desire to find home comfort and family warmth. But a too clear, repeatedly outlined outline of the house indicates attempts to control one’s actions and emotions.

  • A huge window will appear in the picture of a person with an open, welcoming, friendly character. A window (several windows) with shutters or bars indicates secrecy, the presence of complexes, greed, and the inability to give oneself or accept anything from others. If they are located in the middle of the facade, then this is a sign of friendliness and hospitality. And when there is also a porch, the author can be congratulated: you are very confident in yourself.
  • An open door means sociability. And closed means isolation. Those who have the door on the side are not very sociable. There are people whose door covers almost the entire façade of the building. This is evidence of frivolity and unpredictability in actions. The same door at the same time indicates your inherent generosity, sometimes even excessive.
  • The absence of a pipe is a sign of insensitivity. If there is a chimney, but no smoke comes out of it, this means the same thing. If smoke comes out of the chimney, the artist is generous. Bricks or other small details indicate optimism.

Other images

  • Stars. A person wants to be the center of attention; it is important for him to be bright and noticeable. But if a star has too many rays or they are depicted separately, this may indicate depression.
  • Bee honeycombs. The painter strives for peace, harmony, and wants to streamline his life. It is likely that he was thinking about creating a family nest.
  • Spirals, circles, wavy lines. They mean that other people's problems are of little or no interest to the artist. Or perhaps he is experiencing a slight emotional crisis: he is walking in a circle of his experiences. Now he needs to monitor his behavior so as not to lose his temper and lash out at others.
  • Labyrinths, passages. A sign that a person is in search of harmony, his life path. If the lines are inclined to the right, there is a desire to be more open, to the left - cautious. Endless designs indicate a lack of time to think about what you really want.
  • Squares, triangles and other geometric shapes. The creator has clear goals and convictions, he almost never hides his opinion, and is always persistent and persistent. Usually overly vigilant and cautious.
  • The figure of a circle (especially one not filled with anything). Symbolizes the tendency towards secrecy and isolation. A person closes his inner world and does not want to give information about himself, does not like it when not only strangers, but also fairly close ones meddle in his life and affairs.
  • Interweaving circles. It seems to a person that he is outside of some important events, he wants to take part in something, to join some kind of community.
  • Intertwining of hearts. It means being overwhelmed with feelings. I want to kiss the whole world.
  • Pentagon (regular pentagon). Well-being and health. The painter feels that life is good and strives to consolidate this.
  • Hexagon (regular hexagon). Beauty and harmony. The painter wants to achieve true life balance.
  • Brickwork. It says that the artist is trying to focus on one important thought. If the masonry is drawn carefully, the character is methodical and consistent, the person knows exactly what he wants.
  • Serrations (similar to saw teeth or mountains). They symbolize aggressiveness, which can be positive, and mean a desire to fight, or negative (anger, hostility).
  • Chess fields. A symbol that a person finds himself in an unpleasant, difficult situation. If such images appear frequently, this is an indicator of hidden complexes associated with the inability to resolve some situation, or being in search of oneself, one’s path in life.
  • Crosses. Feelings of guilt towards a loved one or responsibility for some problem.
  • Swastika. Contrary to the ingrained associations of Russians, it denotes an auspicious and happy object - it is a symbol of happiness and light. The fact is that the Swastika is one of the most ancient symbols. It was used by many peoples of the world: it was present on weapons, everyday items, clothing, banners and coats of arms, and was used in the design of churches and houses. The swastika has many meanings. For most peoples, they were positive - it was a symbol of the movement of life, sun, light, prosperity (before the era of the overthrow of Nazism).
  • Pistols or other weapons. A lot of aggression has accumulated in a person; perhaps he is very angry with someone or is angry with life.
  • Flowers, leaves, sun, garlands or something similar. They say that a person has a kind nature. Such people love to help others and have a very gentle character. They have a little low self-esteem. If a flower is placed in a vase, a person tends to avoid conflicts; he needs support and nourishment. A flower with a cut stem - a person is lost in his fantasies, does not adapt well to situations, does not feel support and support.
  • Tree. If a person draws a tree with a lot of leaves, it means he is sociable and outgoing. If the branches of a tree are broken, there are difficulties in the past that have left an indelible mark on the soul. A tree has no roots - it is a feeling of lack of support.
  • River. The direction of flow from left to right is a focus on the future; from right to left - a lot of unfinished business in the past. The river bed is straight - clearly defined goals, the ability to achieve them. Bending in the riverbed means inability to concentrate on solving problems.
  • Arrows. This is the vector by which you navigate in life. The arrow is directed upward - focus on other people, down - on yourself, to the left - look at the past, to the right - hope for the future.
  • Eye. The eye is a paranoid image of control. The person drawing the eye feels that he is not independent, someone is constantly putting pressure on him, he cannot make important decisions. Very large eyes indicate vigilance and, in extreme cases, paranoia; if the eyes are very small, the person does not want to notice anything.