Children's Moscow shadow theater: repertoire, tickets, reviews. Tickets to the children's shadow theater DIY animal shadows

Shadow theater for children usually means not only a theater with puppets, but also images of animal shadows using hands. Parents can amaze their child with animated pictures on the simplest wall.

History of shadow theater

Shadow theater is an art that originated many centuries ago. The richest and most famous were fond of it, because the puppets were made by hand from thin, well-dressed camel skin. Openwork dolls, animals and birds, painted by masters in all the colors of the rainbow, were expensive.

And only in the 17th century did the French realize that the mystery of shadow theater, depicting unprecedented figures with their own hands, especially captivated children, so this art spread in just a couple of years in the form of a real role-playing game.

DIY animal shadows

Organizing a shadow theater at home couldn't be easier! There is nothing complicated about animal shadows; most often, just two hands are enough to see a bunny, dog or bird.

So, how to make eyeshadow with your own hands?

  1. You will need a light wall or any large object, hung with a white sheet;
  2. Sunlight or light from a bright lamp should shine directly on the wall, not from the side;
  3. Approach the wall so that your own shadow does not fall directly on the wall;
  4. Fold your hands together as shown in any of the pictures.

You can also bring animal shadows to life with your own hands! Move your fingers and your bunny will fold his ears and the bird will fly. Teach your child to draw shadows of animals; this will develop the baby’s motor skills and spatial thinking.

Moscow Children's Shadow Theater

The Moscow Children's Shadow Theater was the first in Russia to use shadow theater techniques; they skillfully combine the form of ancient art and classical plots. So, among the performances there are “Aibolit”, “Thumbelina”, “The Nutcracker”, “The Little Humpbacked Horse”. The repertoire includes performances for children from 3 years old, for children from 5 and 7 years old. The seats in the hall are also specially adapted for small spectators.

For children over 3 years old, we can recommend the wonderful story “Butter Lisa” - about the adventures of a butter bun in the shape of a cat, created by the wizard Krem.
For children from 7 years old, the theater’s repertoire includes the play “The Lotus of the Heavenly Princess” based on Lyudmila Ulitskaya. The journey to the magical city of Kanakapuri is based on Indian folklore and the idea of ​​reincarnation and responsibility for one's actions in the past.

Theater "Scientist Bear"

The theater employees write their own scripts, create puppets and scenery with their own hands, as well as some rare musical instruments: the harp, the psaltery, the hurdy-gurdy, the kalimba. In the theater you can watch the performance-play “Well and Well” - it combines shadow theater, African masks, songs and dances of the African people of Mali. The play “Christmas”, based on a Russian nativity scene, will tell kids about the main religious sacrament.

For children aged 4 years and older, “The Scientist Bear” conducts a master class “Travel in 10 minutes around the world.” After an hour-long rehearsal with the actors and director, the kids put on their own shadow show for their parents.

Trickster Theater

Directors of the Trickster Theater, winners of the Golden Mask theater award Maria Litvinova and Vyacheslav Ignatov, create amazing puppet and shadow performances. Here they stage not the usual “Teremok” with “The Pockmarked Hen”, but “The Little Prince” or “Fairy Tales of Robots”. The popular play "The Farmer and the Giantess" tells the funny story of Scottish farmers and their neighbors - rampaging giants.

“Trickster” also organizes shadow master classes for children, the topic can be any work: “Don Juan”, “Prometheus”, “Little Red Riding Hood”, “Swan Lake”. There is a lot of improvisation in these classes. First, the directors and the children remember the story, the plot, then the children themselves draw the dolls, cut them out, attach them to the same pencil they used to draw, and as a result they play the version of the plot that they managed to recreate together.

Theater "Praktika"

The shadow play “The Tale That Was Not Written” was also staged by the directors of the Trickster Theater. It can be perceived both as a children's fairy tale and as a philosophical parable: a princess finds herself in a magical world, and the audience helps her find her own fairy tale. The authors call their performance a draft, but it turned out to be very interesting, and we have been loved by the audience for more than five years.

Home theater

“Home Theater” was founded by GITIS graduates Olga Zeiger and Arseny Epelbaum. It turned out to be a real theater house, where there is a theater studio for children. In it, children first get acquainted with the theater behind the scenes, study theatrical genres, help create costumes and scenery for performances, and then go on stage and play the roles of Onegin, Odysseus, Hercules, Juliet, Athena.

Among the shadow performances, you can now watch “Swan Lake” at the Home Theater, or rather, you can order it by inviting artists to your event. This is not just a performance, but a shadow master class: children cut out dolls using patterns, and then use them to stage a short excerpt from the play.

information relevance: February 2012

About the site

Moscow children's shadow theater. Moscow, Izmailovsky Boulevard, 60/10

How to get there

Art. Pervomaiskaya metro station, 1st car from the center, then take bus 645 or T51 to the Moscow Shadow Theater stop, or 10 minutes on foot along Izmailovsky Boulevard.

History of the theater

The founders, or rather the founders, of the Moscow Children's Shadow Theater in June 1944 were the artist Ekaterina Sonnenstral and the director Sofya Svobodina. It was they, working in the Moscow branch of the VGKO, together with enthusiastic actors, who initiated the creation of a professional shadow theater, although its origins date back to 1934, when a shadow theater on a semi-professional basis was first created by them at the Moscow Museum of Children's Books, where Ekaterina Zonenstral led Graphics club for children. Already in the thirties, this theater was so actively and successfully staging performances and showing them in schools and pioneer camps that it was taken over by the Mosgorono budget. The work of the theater was interrupted by the fact that, by decision of the People's Commissariat of Education, just before the Great Patriotic War of 1941, the Museum of Children's Books, along with its extensive and valuable funds, was transferred to Leningrad.

Until the end of the 50s, the theater worked only with a projection doll, giving a black silhouette on the screen, which is always very emotionally expressive and even aesthetically exquisite, and in choosing the repertoire it relied on works of foreign and Russian classical literature.

During the first 20 years of its existence, the theater produced about 50 performances and, since it was traveling, gave hundreds of performances for children and adults in pioneer homes, schools and pioneer camps, in creative unions and institutes, constantly winning public recognition and receiving good reviews in the press.
In 1957, the theater participated in the 1st All-Union Festival of Puppet Theaters and received a Diploma for the play “Ashik-Kerib” by Lermontov, and in 1958 at the World Exhibition in Brussels it was awarded a Silver Medal.

The end of the 50s is a new stage in the development of the theater. It was during these years that he became acquainted with the traditional Chinese shadow theater - the theater of “light puppets”, and, seeing some of its advantages over projection theater, adopted its techniques.

The next milestone in the history of the theater is associated with the arrival of its new artistic director, Emil Isaakovich May. In 1963, he produced a cheerful performance - a game based on the fairy tales of K. Chukovsky “Aibolit” (artist N. Tselikov). In it, he went on a bold experiment - he combined in one performance a flat shadow puppet on the screen (Chinese and silhouette) and a three-dimensional puppet on a screen, which gave the entire stage space of the performance some perspective and made the performance very diverse in artistic expression. And the element of play - games with the audience - was introduced into the performance by the characters of the presenters. The performance enjoys constant success among the audience and lives on the stage of the theater to this day.

In 1988, an important event occurred in the life of the theater - it received a permanent station on Izmailovsky Boulevard, which, on the one hand, greatly facilitated the existence of the theater, since the theater ceased to be mobile and could easily work in one place, and on the other hand, it complicated creatively, since other requirements began to be placed on stationary performances, because the stage expanded production possibilities. And in 1989, the theater, having left the Mosconcert legally and organizationally, became an independent city theater. During these years, from the mid-80s until his death in 1996, the artistic director of the theater was Honored Artist of the Russian Federation Lev Konstantinovich Mashlyatin.

Since 1997, Alexander Gennadievich Krupenin became the artistic director of the theater. Wonderful performances appeared in the theater’s repertoire: “The Black Hen” based on the fairy tale by A. Pogorelsky and “The Lotus of the Heavenly Princess” based on Indian fairy tales (play by L. Ulitskaya.)

In 2012, Margarita Andreevna Modestova became the director of the Shadow Theater. In 2014, Alexander Gennadievich Krupenin left the post of Artistic Director of the theater. In the same year, 2014, the Honored Artist of Russia Viktor Leonidovich Platonov became the main artist of the theater.

Any theater is a mystery, and shadow theater is the most exquisite and poetic mystery. There is an opinion that this type of art appeared on the basis of the ritual of ancestor worship - according to legend, the souls of the dead were infused into special figurines. With the help of these figurines, the exploits of their ancestors were sung and their life was described. But there is another version of the origin of shadow theater, a more romantic one.

The Legend of the Shadow Theater

In ancient times, around 200 BC, the Chinese emperor lost his beloved wife. The inconsolable ruler was sad, abandoned state affairs, and stopped talking. The affairs of the empire were in decline. The courtiers invented a variety of methods, but any attempts to force the emperor to leave his chambers were unsuccessful.

But one day the chief courtier asked the ruler to go into the rooms of his wife, who had died of a serious illness. In the chambers, the emperor saw the silhouette of his beloved sitting behind the curtain. Suddenly she stood up, her profile clearly emerged against the background of the sun behind the thin fabric. So, with the help of shadow theater, the courtier was able to cure the ruler of melancholy.

The emperor liked the performance shown to the courtier so much that he asked to repeat it every evening. He even invited spectators. The doll, which was a unique copy of the wife, walked, played musical instruments, and sat by the window. Suddenly the emperor realized: the fabric was only a temporary barrier between them, and his beloved was waiting for him in another world. A little time will pass and they will be together again. Realizing this, the sovereign became cheerful and again took up state affairs. And shadow theater began its march across the earth, it spread to Asian countries: India, Turkey. Together with the army of Genghis Khan, this art reached Europe and Russia.

First performances

Initially, the shadow theater could only be seen at night. Usually performances took place right on the street. The productions could involve up to a thousand figures and no less scenery. Oil lamps were used as a light source.

Puppets for shadow theater

The material for the first dolls was animal skins. They were made so thinly that they were almost transparent. Figures were cut out of skins and paint was applied to them. Traditionally, the height of theater puppets did not exceed 30 centimeters. All figures were movable. With the help of thin long rods, the dolls were controlled by a person hiding behind the screen.

How to make a shadow theater?

Shadow theater does not require bright costumes and complex scenery. To create it, you can use any available materials. Therefore, it is not difficult to make a shadow theater with your own hands. It is worth noting that this type of creativity is extremely useful for children - after all, it combines music, literature, crafts and painting!

Cardboard screen for shadow theater

Any theater begins with a hanger. But shadow theater begins with the screen. You can do it in different ways.

The first (and easiest) way is to make a screen out of a box. To do this you will need a cardboard box, colored and parchment paper, glue and scissors:

  1. It is necessary to trim the high walls of the box and carefully cut out the bottom. This will create a base for the screen.
  2. The base must be covered with colored paper.
  3. Cut out a rectangle of suitable size from parchment paper. It needs to be glued to the inside of the base, thus covering the bottom.

The front side of the screen can be decorated - beads, colored stones, feathers and much more are suitable for this.

Wooden screen

A wooden screen is much more reliable than a cardboard screen. To make it you will need: chipboard, a jigsaw, a ruler or tape measure, a pencil, a drill, sandpaper, small canopies, a screwdriver, screws, white paint and a brush, thick fabric (preferably white), Velcro, four flashlights, loops for wiring, cardboard, black gouache.

How to make a shadow theater using these items? Very simple. You need to start with the screen. To do this, you need to draw a sheet of chipboard - leave small edges and mark the center, which will then be cut out. Using a drill, you need to drill holes in the corners of the future screen. You can cut out the “window” using a jigsaw. The next stage is the manufacture of the side parts of the screen. They should be the same height as the screen. It is important to sand all parts. Then you need to attach the awnings and paint all the parts.

The screen for such a screen is best made of fabric so that it can be removed and washed. Regular Velcro will help secure such a screen! It is sewn along the edges of the fabric and glued to the back of the screen.

Small lanterns that need to be attached to the sides of the screen will help make the screen mobile. Children's shadow theater is ready!

Large screen for shadow theater

The previous manufacturing options are suitable for small theaters, in which the roles are “performed” by small figures. What if the actors are people? We need to make a big screen! The most budget option is white raincoat fabric. Of course, its density varies. But choosing the right material is not so difficult - you just need to take a flashlight and check how the shadow is transmitted. Then you just need to stretch the fabric onto a frame made of metal or wood. You can start rehearsals.

Theater of hands

The simplest shadow theater is the theater of hands! With their help, you can show different characters, just by folding your fingers in a certain way. You just need to move your fingers - and the bunny will move its ears, the bird will fly, and the crocodile will close its jaw! In addition, you can teach your baby to depict animals using his hands - this will develop his motor skills and spatial thinking!

Paper "actors"

A large number of animal figures are extremely difficult to depict using hands. Shadow theater for children can be diversified with the help of “actors” made of paper. With such figures you can stage complex plays based on fairy tales, fables and short stories. The performance will work if several people read the text (by role), and several more show illustrations of the work on the screen.

To make puppets for a shadow theater, you will need thick cardboard. You can find ready-made templates, or you can use your imagination and creativity and make them yourself. The finished figures need to be painted with black gouache. A shadow theater in a kindergarten can quickly wear out, so you need to laminate all the figures. A wooden stick or drinking straw is glued to the finished characters. It is more convenient to do this with tape.

Be careful - if the doll needs to be guided from below, the stick must also be glued from below. If you want to lead the character from above, then you need to glue the stick on top. For birds and ships, it is better to use fishing line - this will give them special mobility.

Shadow People

Have you made templates of characters, have you played a large number of performances and want something new? Try being an actor yourself! Of course, taming your shadow is not so easy, but the result will exceed all expectations!

It is best to use tight-fitting clothes as a costume for shadow theater actors. For such a robe, it is enough to select one or two characteristic details to create an image. For example, a cardboard sword and crown combined with a fabric cape create the image of a king. And if you replace the crown with a fluffy hat, you will get a brave musketeer!

You have already made a shadow theater, the templates for the fairy tales are ready, the scenery is cut out. How to stage a performance that will not leave anyone indifferent?

Here are some helpful tips:

  1. To create a real theatrical atmosphere - mystical and mysterious, you need to dim the lights in the room and drape the seats for the audience with soft fabric. You can even make a real curtain, draw tickets and even have an intermission!
  2. In the first performances, it is better not to involve more than two or three characters. Only after having practiced properly should you proceed to more complex pieces.
  3. The most “advanced” puppeteers can use movable figures. You need to attach arms, legs, tails, wings and other movable parts to the body using thin wire. You will also need to glue sticks or straws for drinks to each part.
  4. Please note that the actor must be between the screen and the light sources, and the screen must be between the lamps and the audience. During production, lighting fixtures can become very hot, and therefore it is better not to touch them.
  5. In order for the shadow on the screen to be as clear as possible, the light should fall directly on the figures or people, and the lamp should not be placed next to the screen.
  6. The size of the figures can be adjusted: to make the image smaller, you need to bring the character closer to the screen. And, conversely, you can enlarge the image by placing the figure near the lamp.
  7. Making the scenery motionless is also quite simple. You just need to secure them to the screen using tape or buttons.
  8. Colored light bulbs or special filters will help you “colorize” the performance. For night scenes, blue is suitable, and for morning scenes, pink or red.

The most popular shadow theater

Shadow theaters are very common in Asia and the Middle East. Most often, epic and folklore scenes are shown on their stages. Shadow productions are popular in the USA, Greece and Czechoslovakia. In Russia, they have not gained much popularity; elements of shadow theater are used only as an addition to productions.

The most popular shadow theater is Javanese. Puppets for the Wayang Kuli theater are still made from buffalo skin. It is processed so that it becomes thinner than paper! Despite this, they are very durable and bright - the figures, stored in one of the German museums, are still in perfect condition, although they are over a thousand years old!

The performances of this theater have a mystical, sacred character. They are not shown for the sake of entertainment - they accompanied important events in the life of both society and the average person!

The performance is performed by a puppeteer called a dalang. His speech is accompanied by a unique orchestra - gamelan. By the way, not everyone can find harmony and beauty in Javanese music.

One of the ancient forms of art. The first representatives of this field appeared in Ancient Greece more than two thousand years ago. A distinctive feature of this type of art is that the main characters in the productions are lighting equipment and a doll that projects its silhouette onto the screen. This magical form of art is also presented in our capital within the walls of the Children's Moscow Shadow Theater. What is he like?

Moscow Children's Shadow Theater

The theater described has a difficult fate and an extensive history. Its origins go back to 1934, when the artist E. Sonnenstral led a children's graphics club at the Moscow Museum of Children's Books. Then she was joined by director S. Svobodina, who took the circle’s activities to a new level. Now the shadow theater toured children's camps and schools, spreading its magic. Unfortunately, during the Great Patriotic War, the Children's Moscow Shadow Theater was destroyed. After the war, the acting troupe did not have a permanent place. But in 1988, the theater received its home in Moscow on Izmailovsky Boulevard.

The stages of development of the Moscow Children's Shadow Theater can be considered the modernization of the puppets themselves. From the 30s to the 50s of the 20th century, shadow theater worked exclusively with a projection puppet, the silhouette of which was projected onto the screen using properly installed light. Then, since the early 60s, the acting troupe has been studying the traditions of Chinese shadow theater, namely the “light puppet”. This means that with the help of theater lighting from above and the unusual design of the doll, it makes it possible to obtain a three-dimensional image. The first positive experience of using the Chinese method was the production “Come, Fairy Tale!”. The next breakthrough in shadow art was made by the new director E.I. May in 1963. His innovation was that he combined a shadow puppet on the screen and a three-dimensional puppet on a screen in the play "Aibolit". This gave more space for the realization of all artistic ideas.

The address of the Moscow Children's Shadow Theater has not changed since the end of the 20th century - Izmailovsky Boulevard, building 60/10.


The list of performances is relatively small. It includes performances for both the youngest and teenagers.

The repertoire includes a production that is practically absent in other children's theaters. The performance "Classic for the little ones. Giselle" is staged for children aged 1+ (duration 35 minutes) to give the little viewer a little magic, after which he will remain in a good mood.

For the target audience aged 5+, the repertoire is quite extensive: “Thumbelina”, “How Dad and I Went to the Forest for a Christmas Tree”, “The Little Humpbacked Horse”, “A Kitten Named Woof”, “Buttery Lisa”.

For children aged 6+, the Moscow Children's Shadow Theater has prepared an educational excursion performance "Where Shadows Live" and a master class "Evening Tale".


Actors in shadow theater are not just artists, they are wizards, thanks to whom dolls and their shadows come to life. The acting troupe is small, but has all the skills of shadow art at a professional level.

Buying tickets

Purchasing tickets will not be difficult. Their purchase can be made both at the box office on Izmailovsky Boulevard and on the official website of the Moscow Children's Shadow Theater. Purchasing tickets at the box office is the best option, as you can consult with the cashier about the repertoire, which will help you choose the right performance for your child. As for the official theater, the theater’s website has a very convenient menu for ordering, and it is easy to use. The theater itself also recommends affiliated ticket sales sites as partners. But do not forget that there may be a markup on such sites, be careful.

The minimum ticket price is 400 rubles.