James Aldridge short biography. All books by James Aldridge Chronological table of James Aldridge

James Aldridge-English writer, journalist and public figure, Australian by birth.

James Aldridge is born July 10, 1918 in White Hill, Australia, in a large family. The future writer was the youngest fifth child. In the mid-1920s, Aldridge's family moved to Swan Hill, and in 1938 Aldridge moved to London.

Studied at Melbourne Commercial College. During World War II, Aldridge works as a war correspondent in the Middle East (Iran) and the Middle East, writing about the Axis invasion of Greece and the island of Crete.

The writer's second novel, The Sea Eagle, was published in 1944.

One of the writer’s most successful and widely known novels was “The Diplomat,” published in 1949.

The novel “The Hunter,” written in 1949, was the result of the author’s attempt to mix various genres and trends in literature. The drama tells the story of Canadian fur trappers, their life's difficulties and the twists and turns of fate that occur around the hunt on the shores of Lake Ontario.

The writer lived in Cairo for a long time, to whom he dedicated the book “Cairo. Biography of the city" (1969).

Since the mid-1960s, Aldridge has written primarily books for children and teenagers.

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James Aldridge
James Aldridge
James Aldridge (Berlin, 1987)
Birth name:

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Full name

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Date of Birth:
Date of death:
Citizenship (nationality):

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Years of creativity:

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Language of works:



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Studied at Melbourne Commercial College. During World War II, Aldridge works as a war correspondent in the Middle East (Iran) and the Middle East, writing about the Axis invasion of Greece and the island of Crete.

His first novel, A Matter of Honor, based on the writer's own experience, was published in Great Britain and the USA in 1942 and immediately established itself as a bestseller. The main character of the novel is a young British Royal Air Force pilot, John Quayle, who fights in outdated biplanes against Axis aircraft in the skies over Greece, Crete and North Africa in 1940-41. The novel became Aldridge's best-selling book until 1988.

The writer's second novel, The Sea Eagle, was published in 1944. The plot is based on the fate of Australian pilots after the disaster on the island of Crete in 1941. Despite the fact that the book turned out to be generally successful, reviews from critics turned out to be more restrained.

Aldridge's early novels, A Matter of Honor and The Sea Eagle, were inspired by the work of Ernest Hemingway.

One of the writer's most successful and widely known novels was The Diplomat, published in 1949. It talks about espionage and the political situation during the Iranian Revolution. The book received mixed reviews from critics.

The novel "The Hunter", written in 1949, was the result of the author's attempt to mix various genres and trends in literature. The drama tells the story of Canadian fur trappers, their life's difficulties and the twists and turns of fate that occur around the hunt on the shores of Lake Ontario.

Since the mid-1960s, Aldridge has written primarily books for children and teenagers.



  1. The Girl from the Sea 2002 novel young adult 2003 shortlisted Children’s Book Council Book of the Year Awards - Book of the Year: Older Readers 2003 shortlisted New South Wales Premier’s Literary Awards - Ethel Turner Prize for Young People’s Literature
  2. The True Story of Spit MacPhee 1986 children’s fiction children’s 1986 winner FAW ANA Literature Award 1986 winner New South Wales Premier’s Literary Awards - Ethel Turner Prize 1986 winner New South Wales Premier’s Literary Awards - Children’s Book Award
  3. The True Story of Lilli Stubeck 1984 novel young adult 1985 winner Children’s Book Council Book of the Year Awards - Book of the Year Award - Older Readers

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  • Kornilova E. V., J. Aldridge, M., 1957;
  • Stukov O. V., Novels by J. Aldridge, M., 1961;
  • Ivasheva V.V., The English novel of the last decade (1950-1960), M., 1962;
  • Balashov P. S., J. Aldridge, M., 1963.

Film adaptations

  • In 1958, the film “The Last Inch”, directed by Theodore Wolfovich, based on Aldridge’s story of the same name, was shot in the USSR.
  • In 1975, the film “Ride the Wild Pony” was shot in the USA. Ride a Wild Pony) based on the novel of the same name and directed by Don Chaffee.
  • In 1990, with the assistance of the USA and the USSR, the film “Prisoner of the Earth” (eng. A Captive in the Land) based on the writer's story of the same name. Directed by John Barry.



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Excerpt characterizing Aldridge, James

“My name is Giovanni... you don’t need to know anything else, Madonna...” the man said hoarsely. -Who are you? How did you get here?
“Oh, this is a very long and sad story...” I smiled. - My name is Isidora, and you also have no need to know more, Monseigneur...
- Do you know how to leave here, Isidora? – the cardinal smiled in response. - Somehow you ended up here?
“Unfortunately, they don’t leave here so easily,” I answered sadly. “My husband couldn’t, in any case... And my father only reached the fire.”
Giovanni looked at me very sadly and nodded, showing that he understood everything. I tried to give him the wine I found, but nothing worked - he was unable to take even the slightest sip. Having “looked” at him in my own way, I realized that the poor fellow’s chest was badly damaged.
“Your chest is broken, Monseigneur, I can help you... if, of course, you are not afraid to accept my “witch” help...” I said, smiling as affectionately as possible.
In the dim light of a smoking torch, he carefully peered into my face until his gaze finally lit up with understanding.
– I know who you are... I remember you! You are the famous Venetian Witch, with whom His Holiness does not want to part with anything - Giovanni said quietly - Legends are told about you, Madonna! Many around the Pope wish you were dead, but he won't listen to anyone. Why does he need you so much, Isidora?
It was clear that the conversation was very difficult for him. With every breath the cardinal wheezed and coughed, unable to breathe properly.
– It’s very difficult for you. Please let me help you! – I stubbornly did not give up, knowing that after that no one would help him anymore.
- It doesn’t matter... I think it would be better for you to leave here quickly, Madonna, before my new jailers, or even better, the Pope himself, arrive. I don’t think he would really like to find you here... - the cardinal whispered quietly, and added, - And you are, indeed, extraordinarily beautiful, Madonna... Too... even for the Pope.
Without listening to him anymore, I put my hand on his chest, and, feeling life-giving warmth flowing into the broken bone, I turned away from my surroundings, completely concentrating only on the man sitting in front of me. After a few minutes, he took a cautious but deep breath, and, feeling no pain, smiled in surprise.
“If you hadn’t called yourself a Witch, you would have been immediately christened a saint, Isidora!” It is wonderful! True, it’s a pity that your work was in vain... They’ll come for me soon, and I think after that I’ll need more serious treatment... You’re familiar with his methods, aren’t you?
– Are you really going to be tortured like everyone else, Monseigneur?.. You serve his beloved church!.. And your family - I’m sure it’s very influential! Will she be able to help you?
“Oh, I think they’re not going to kill me so easily...” the cardinal smiled bitterly. – But even before death, in the basements of Caraffa, they make you pray for her... Isn’t that right? Go away, Madonna! I'll try to survive. And I will remember you with gratitude...
I sadly looked around the stone “cell”, suddenly remembering with a shudder the dead Girolamo hanging on the wall... How long will all this horror continue?!.. Will I really not find a way to destroy Caraffa, and innocent lives will still end one after the other? another, destroyed by him with impunity?..
Someone's footsteps were heard in the corridor. A moment later, the door opened with a creak - Caraffa stood on the threshold....
His eyes sparkled with lightning. Apparently, one of the diligent servants immediately reported that I had gone to the cellars and now “Holiness” was clearly going, instead of me, to take out his anger on the unfortunate cardinal, who was sitting helplessly next to me...
– Congratulations, Madonna! You obviously liked this place, even if you come back here alone! - Well, let me give you pleasure - we will now show you a cute performance! – and smiling contentedly, he sat down in his usual large chair, intending to enjoy the upcoming “spectacle”...
I felt dizzy from hatred... Why?!.. Why did this monster think that any human life belonged to him, with every right to take it away whenever he pleased?..
“Your Holiness, are there really heretics among the faithful servants of your beloved church?..,” I asked, slightly restraining my indignation, mockingly.
– Oh, in this case it’s just serious disobedience, Isidora. There is no smell of heresy here. I just don't like it when my orders aren't followed. And every disobedience needs a little lesson for the future, isn’t it, my dear Morone?.. I think you agree with me on this?
Morone!!! Surely! That's why this man seemed familiar to me! I saw him only once at the Pope's personal reception. But the cardinal delighted me then with his truly natural greatness and the freedom of his sharp mind. And I remember that Caraffa then seemed very benevolent towards him and pleased with him. How did the cardinal manage to do so much wrong now that the vindictive Pope dared to put him in this terrible stone bag?..
- Well, my friend, do you want to admit your mistake and return back to the Emperor to correct it, or will you rot here until you wait for my death... which, as I know, will not happen very soon... .
I froze... What did that mean?! What changed?! Caraffa was going to live long??? And he stated this very confidently! What could have happened to him during his absence?..
– Don’t try, Karaffa... This is no longer interesting. You have no right to torture me and keep me in this basement. And you know this very well,” Morone answered very calmly.
He still had that unfailing dignity that had once so sincerely delighted me. And then our first and only meeting came back very vividly to my memory...
This happened late in the evening at one of Caraffa’s strange “night” receptions. There were almost no people left waiting, when suddenly, a servant as thin as a pole announced that His Eminence Cardinal Morone had come to the reception, who, moreover, was “in a hurry.” Caraffa was clearly delighted. Meanwhile, a man was entering the hall with a majestic step... If anyone deserved the title of the highest hierarch of the church, it was him! Tall, slender and fit, magnificent in his bright moire robe, he walked with a light, springy gait along the richest carpets, as if on autumn leaves, proudly carrying his beautiful head, as if the world belonged only to him. Thoroughbred from the roots of his hair to the very tips of his aristocratic fingers, he aroused involuntary respect for himself, even without knowing him yet.

(2015-02-23 ) (96 years old)

Studied at Melbourne Commercial College. During World War II, Aldridge worked as a war correspondent in the Middle East (Iran) and the Middle East, writing about the Axis invasion of Greece and Crete. Aldridge's early novels, A Matter of Honor and The Sea Eagle, were inspired by the work of Ernest Hemingway.

His first novel, A Matter of Honor, based on the writer's own experience, was published in Great Britain and the USA in 1942 and immediately established itself as a bestseller. The main character of the novel is a young British Royal Air Force pilot, John Quayle, who fights in outdated biplanes against Axis aircraft in the skies over Greece, Crete and North Africa in 1940-41. The novel became Aldridge's best-selling book until 1988.

The writer's second novel, The Sea Eagle, was published in 1944. The plot is based on the fate of Australian pilots after the disaster on the island of Crete in 1941. Despite the fact that critics' reviews turned out to be more restrained, the book received the prestigious Young Writer and Military Pilot John Llewellyn Rice Award for 1945.

One of the writer’s most successful and widely known novels was The Diplomat, published in 1949. The novel takes place in the Soviet Union, in northern Iran - Azerbaijan and Kurdistan, as well as in Great Britain. The book shows in detail and fascinatingly the work of Soviet and British diplomats: how certain political decisions are made at the highest level. It also talks about the political situation in Iran during the 1945 revolution. The life, culture and local color of Iranians and Kurds is colorfully shown. The book received mixed reviews from critics.

In 1974, Aldridge published the book “Mountains and Weapons,” which is a continuation of the novel “The Diplomat.” On its pages the reader will again meet the main characters of “The Diplomat”. The action of the book from the struggling Kurdistan is transferred to Europe, where the main character goes at the request of his old friends, the Iranian Kurds, in search of money that has disappeared without a trace and was intended to buy weapons.

The novel “The Hunter,” written in 1949, was the result of the author’s attempt to mix different genres and trends in literature. The drama tells the story of Canadian fur trappers, their difficulties in life and the twists and turns of fate that occur around the hunt on the shores of the lake. All of Aldridge's performances and artistic creations are imbued with deep respect for the Soviet Union and sympathy for the liberation struggle of the peoples of Asia and Africa. James Aldridge categorically condemned the government's decision

  • Sea eagle. M.: Goslitizdat, 1945
  • A matter of honor. M.: Goslitizdat, 1947
  • Forty-ninth state. M.: Publishing house. foreign literature, 1947
  • Diplomat. M.: Publishing house. foreign literature, 1952
  • Hunter. M.: 1954 (2 editions)
  • Boy from the forest shore. Stories. M.: Pravda, 1957
  • Heroes of desert horizons. M.: Publishing house. foreign literature, 1958
  • I don't want him to die. M.: Goslitizdat, 1958
  • Spearfishing. M.: Physical culture and sport, 1958.
  • The last inch. Stories. M.: Goslitizdat, 1959.
  • The last exile. T. 1-2. M.: Publishing house. foreign literature, 1963
  • A prisoner of a foreign country. Dangerous game. M.: Progress, 1969
  • Cairo. Biography of the city. M.: Young Guard, 1970
  • The last inch. Stories and story “My Brother Tom”. M.: Children's literature, 1971.
  • Sports offer. M.: Children's literature, 1975
  • Amazing Mongolian. M.: Young Guard, 1976
  • Goodbye, wrong America. M.: Pravda, 1983
  • Selected works in 2 volumes. (Vol. 1: Diplomat. Vol. 2: Mountains and weapons). M.: Raduga, 1984
  • Selected works in 2 volumes. (Vol. 1: Hunter. Last Look. The True Story of Lilly Stubeck. Vol. 2: Sea Eagle. America vs. America. Stories. Articles). M.: Fiction, 1986
  • Broken saddle. M.: Children's literature, 1986
  • The True Story of Spitter McPhee. M.: Children's literature, 1992


  1. The Girl from the Sea 2002 novel young adult 2003 shortlisted Children’s Book Council Book of the Year Awards - Book of the Year: Older Readers 2003 shortlisted New South Wales Premier’s Literary Awards - Ethel Turner Prize for Young People’s Literature
  2. The True Story of Spit MacPhee 1986 children’s fiction children’s 1986 winner FAW ANA Literature Award 1986 winner New South Wales Premier’s Literary Awards - Ethel Turner Prize 1986 winner New South Wales Premier’s Literary Awards - Children’s Book Award
  3. The True Story of Lilli Stubeck 1984 novel young adult 1985 winner Children’s Book Council Book of the Year Awards - Book of the Year Award - Older Readers


  • Kornilova E. V., J. Aldridge, M., 1957;
  • Stukov O. V., Novels by J. Aldridge, M., 1961;
  • Ivasheva V.V., The English novel of the last decade (1950-1960), M., 1962;
  • Balashov P. S., J. Aldridge, M., 1963.

Harold Edward James Aldridge; Great Britain, London; 07/10/1918 – 02/23/2015

James Aldridge's books are one of the few that were able to break through the Iron Curtain in the USSR. The writer was awarded the Lenin Prize “For Strengthening Peace Between Nations,” and his story “The Last Inch” was even made into a film of the same name. By the way, two of the three films based on books by James Aldridge were produced in the USSR. But even abroad, the writer’s work was quite in demand, and he was repeatedly awarded various awards and prizes.

Biography of James Aldridge

James Aldridge was born in 1918 to William Thomas and Edith Quayle Aldridge. The family lived in the town of White Hill in northwestern Australia. James became the fifth child in the family and his mother paid a lot of attention to his upbringing. Somewhere in the mid-20s, the family moved to the larger town of Swan Hill, which was subsequently depicted more than once by James Aldridge in his books. After graduating from school, the future writer entered the Melbourne Commercial College.

In 1938, James Aldridge goes to London. Here he tries himself as a journalist, thanks to which in 1942 he gets a job as a war correspondent. It operates in Iran, the Middle East, as well as Greece and Cyprus. It was the events in Greece that formed the basis of James Aldridge's first book, A Matter of Honor. Like Aldridge, he was amazed by the capabilities of aviation and therefore his first book is about pilots. Literally immediately after publication, it becomes a bestseller and remains the writer’s best-selling book for a long time. Aldridge's subsequent book continues the theme of aviation during World War II, but it is not as successful. The year 1942 generally became significant in the writer’s biography. This year he married Dina Michnik, who bore him two sons.

James Aldridge received his greatest recognition for his book The Diplomat, which was published in 1949. In it, he tells the story of diplomatic and espionage passions immediately after the revolution in Iran. In subsequent books, Aldridge increasingly moves away from political and military topics and begins to work more and more in the field of children's literature. So in 1959 his story “The Last Inch” was published. It is noteworthy that in the USSR the story was published a little earlier in 1957. For some time Aldridge lived in Cairo, to which he dedicated a separate book. In 1971, the writer visited Moscow. Since 1960, James Aldridge's new books have become increasingly difficult to read. A writer publishes one book every three to four years. This continues until 2006, when James Aldridge's last book, The Wings of the Kitten of St. Clare, was published.

Books by James Aldridge on the Top Books website

James Aldridge’s books are quite popular to read, but of course the writer’s most famous work in our country is the story “The Last Inch.” Thanks to its presence in the school curriculum, this is not the first time that it has taken high places among. And given the fairly stable interest in this story, it will be included in the ratings of our site more than once.

In James Aldridge's The Sea Eagle, the characters spend three-quarters of the time on boats at sea, dealing with jibs, sheets, masts, rigging and sails. The action takes place on the coast of the Greek island of Crete, inhabited by fishermen, sponge catchers and winemakers. But the book is still not about the sea, but about war. The Second World War is underway. Crete is occupied by fascist troops. The few remaining soldiers of the Australian and British armies, who did not have time to evacuate with the main troops, in groups of two or three people make their way to the coast in order to by hook or by crook get a boat and leave the island. It is very difficult, almost impossible, to get a boat, but this is the only means of salvation. After all, even on an island like Crete it is impossible to hide from the Nazis for a long time; they occupy village after village, whole hordes of them.
Enges Berk is one of many soldiers in hiding. He is an experienced, smart and brave fighter, but he is confused and confused, he feels trapped on the island. At first I thought that this was the main character, and I prepared to watch how he would cope with everything. But on his way he meets a Greek named Nis, and the author’s attention switches to a new person. With the advent of Nys, the life of Enges and his fellow travelers does not become easier or simpler, no, but at least now Nys clearly sets a goal for them, and they know what needs to be done and in what order. Nis is a leader by nature, whether he wants it or not. He himself understands and realizes this not immediately, but people gather around him, look at him with hope, it is he who is able to inspire and guide. If a plan of action is developed jointly, the final word is his. The crowd, gathered in the square in indecision, awaits answers and decisions from him. You probably already guessed who the sea eagle is here.
What I didn’t like about this book is that it is too unambiguous, correct, black and white, kept in the right spirit, as if edited and censored. There are “good” ones: Greeks, Australians, English. There are bad ones: Greek metaxists, Greek informers and traitors, fascists. The heroes laugh in the face of danger, stand at full height under the bullets of an enemy machine gun, and even in death their faces are beautiful. In places the author uses figures of speech and metaphors that give the text an epic feel, and the appearance of the heroes something of the Olympian gods. Their serenity, calmness and taciturnity seem to show that they are on the right path, so there is nothing to worry about or discuss. However, such epicness often turns into pathos and looks a little funny.
Aldridge's style in this book is inexorably reminiscent of Hemingway's. The same stinginess of language and brevity of sentences. At the same time, the book is incredibly long. Every action of the characters is described in detail, the reader literally follows them in real time.
Yes, it's immersive, but it's exhaustingly boring.
It’s funny to us when the Americans say that they won the Second World War, but, for example, my knowledge is also very one-sided, limited to the participation of the Soviet Union in the war. From this book I partially gained an understanding of how Greece experienced and endured this terrible war, the suffering of the Greek people and the Greek Resistance Movement. I learned about the heroes and armies of other countries participating in World War II. But I didn't like this book at all, and what's worse is that it's so right that it makes me feel ashamed that I didn't like it.