How the color of food affects your health. Why colored food is the key to a healthy diet Which food is blue?

It has already been scientifically proven that color affects a person’s mental and emotional state. These patterns are taken into account in particular in the field of design. But who would have thought that the color of food also has a certain effect on us, increasing appetite or suppressing it.

In addition, by the color of the product you can determine its benefits for the human body and taste sensations. Of course, we shouldn’t pay too much attention to the color of the foods that appear in our daily diet, but such information can still be very useful and interesting.

It is well known that dishes with bright, multi-colored colors look most appetizing to humans. It is not without reason that professional chefs always try to brightly decorate their gastronomic masterpieces, using products of different shades. Among the colors that increase a person's interest in foods and drinks, it is worth highlighting, first of all, red, yellow and orange.

It is believed that each color suits a specific time of day. Green and yellow foods are best consumed in the morning. Orange or red dishes are optimal for a daytime meal; they will fill a person with the necessary energy. But for dinner, it is advisable to use purple foods that promote relaxation.

It is worth dwelling in more detail on what this or that color of a product means and what effect it has on a person.


Yellow foods, in particular many vegetables and fruits, stimulate the production of gastric juice and increase appetite. The yellow color indicates that they contain flavonoids, which accelerate metabolic processes and promote fat burning. This food helps remove toxins and improves skin condition. Yellow foods include apples, lemons, peppers, butter, peaches, and cheese.

Yellow color has a stimulating effect on vision, it improves mood and has a positive effect on physical activity. Products in this color range contain vitamin C and carotenoids, which protect cells and promote tissue regeneration.


Red foods contain lycopene, which is a powerful antioxidant. Such products are considered an excellent preventative measure in the fight against cancer. Red foods, which include tomatoes, watermelon, sweet peppers, beef, veal, strawberries, raspberries, stimulate blood circulation and fill our muscles with the necessary energy. In addition, red foods strengthen the immune system. Including red foods in your daily diet can provide increased performance and stamina.


Orange-colored foods include apricots, corn, salmon, pumpkin, and tangerines. Consumption of such products allows us to improve digestion and cleanse our body of harmful substances. A significant portion of orange-colored foods contain in their chemical composition an antioxidant such as beta-carotene, which helps strengthen the immune system. In addition, orange food supplies our body with vitamin C and folic acid salts, which have a positive effect on the functioning of the heart.


The color purple is closely associated with nerves and breathing. Such food calms the nervous system, relaxes, and helps with mental disorders. If you don't have enough purple foods in your diet, such as beets, plums, eggplants or red cabbage, you may feel tired. Among other things, eating purple foods helps normalize sleep. It is recommended to “dilute” products of this color with something on the table.


Green color is associated with health. And this is quite fair. After all, green foods (apples, cabbage, zucchini, onions, cucumbers, green peas, dill) contain many vitamins and beneficial elements necessary to keep the human body in shape. Such food has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the heart, relieving palpitations. It is highly recommended for people who have problems with blood pressure.

It contains chlorophyll, which helps cleanse the body and improve digestion processes. A prolonged absence of green foods in the diet can lead to increased excitability and irritability in a person. At the same time, abuse of such foods can cause increased concentration of bile.


In terms of food, blue is considered the color that is least likely to arouse a person's appetite. That is, blue products seem the least attractive to us. Since the blue color does not cause appetite, those who are struggling with excess weight are recommended to purchase blue-colored dishes. Plum, blueberries, and grapes can help normalize blood pressure and relieve muscle tension.


Blue is also one of those colors that a person tries to avoid on a subconscious level. However, certain products, in particular blueberries, blackberries or blueberries, have a calming effect on the human body. They help cope with insomnia. Also, blue food is often used in the treatment of various eye diseases.


White color indicates that foods are rich in carbohydrates. Therefore, those who are watching their figure should be careful when consuming boiled rice and potatoes, milk, and spaghetti. But onions or garlic have proven themselves well as a means of combating various viruses and colds. They also help lower blood cholesterol levels, positively affecting the functioning of the cardiovascular system.

As we can see, a product of a particular color is important in its own way. Therefore, professional nutritionists recommend including foods of different colors in your diet so that the body receives all the microelements it needs. The more colorful the food looks on your plate, the better. Thus, it is desirable that the diet contains ingredients of all colors of the rainbow, so that the body receives a whole range of substances with various vitamins and minerals.

Is how food looks important to you? Agree, it is much more pleasant to eat when the food is presented beautifully and looks appetizing. And Canadian scientists have recently proven that the color of foods can affect not only our appetite, but also how we perceive their taste. In their interesting experiment, a group of volunteers were asked to sit down at a table full of a variety of mouth-watering dishes. Everything was just fine until the lighting changed, shifting the usual colors of the products towards green, blue and red. The subjects suddenly lost their appetite, and those who were able to try at least something felt a fresh taste instead of sweet, and bitter instead of sour.

This once again proves that vision is one of the most important signaling systems that allows our body to determine many factors, including how useful and how the foods we are about to absorb will affect us. This does not happen by chance; certain colors also indicate a certain chemical composition and substances contained in a particular food product. Today we will try to figure out what special impact products have on us depending on their color.

Products color: white

White, as you know, is the color of calm, purity and peace. This is how it affects our nervous system, smoothing out emotions, relieving irritability, bringing balance and tranquility. In addition to having a beneficial effect on the nervous system, white foods improve our vision and the functioning of the endocrine glands, and remove toxins and waste from the body. Mustard oil and quercetin dye contained in white foods help our body regulate high blood pressure and reduce cholesterol levels in the blood, and also strengthen the walls of blood vessels. In addition, such food reduces the risk of heart disease and stroke and improves memory.

Examples of white plant sources include cabbage, rice, and garlic and onions, which boost immunity. White dairy products help us strengthen our teeth and bones. Chicken and white fish are also white foods. Appreciate all their beneficial properties, but also keep in mind that too much white can have a distancing, frustrating, and cold feeling․ If you do not need such effects, then, as in all other cases, you do not need to overdo it in choosing only one color, but maintain a balance and include in your diet the required amount of foods of different colors and effects.

Products color: yellow

Yellow foods - pineapple, bananas, peanuts, cereals, yellow pears - improve our mood, awaken joy and inspire creativity. All these products, as well as cheese, egg yolk, lemon, stimulate digestion, improve metabolism in the body, stimulate the liver, lymphatic system and help cleanse the blood. This also improves the condition of our skin. If you have problems with the digestive system, indigestion, constipation, diabetes, add yellow to your diet.

Yellow foods have a tonic effect and make it easier to look at the world, be more happy and enjoy life. In addition, they help improve the functioning of the nervous system, can activate the brain, improve thought processes and memory. That is why they can be safely recommended to students and people engaged in intellectual work, as well as to those who want to expand their horizons, awaken their intuition and reveal their dormant talents!

Products color: orange

Orange is the color of vitality, it is obtained by mixing yellow and red and balances these two active colors, acting harmoniously on us. Oranges are oranges, tangerines, persimmons, pumpkins, carrots, salmon. Products of this color improve blood circulation as well as the color of our skin. They promote better digestion, the functioning of the spleen, endocrine and pulmonary systems (often help alleviate the situation with various problems with the bronchi, lungs, trachea, larynx, pharynx and esophagus).

Orange products also have a beneficial effect on our nervous and muscular systems, helping to strengthen and restore them (therefore, they are recommended for inclusion in a comprehensive epilepsy treatment program). This pleasant warm color in products is formed due to so-called carotenoid pigments. One of them is the well-known beta-carotene, which, when entering our body, turns into vitamin A and nourishes our hair, nails and skin, giving them youth and shine.

The warming and stimulating effect of orange is also reflected in sexual activity, supporting it, restoring hormonal balance, and also helping to cure diseases of the genitourinary system. In addition, these products lift our spirits and, as it turns out, make us more sociable, open and optimistic, relieve headaches, fight fatigue and apathy, and help the birth of new creative ideas.

Products color: red

Red is the color of activity and energy, which excites and stimulates activity, inspires determination and desire for success. If you are in a state of discouragement, when nothing makes you happy and you don’t want to do anything, quickly add red to your diet and environment!

Lycopene, which is found in red foods and gives them their rich color, is a powerful antioxidant that fights free radicals, supporting the healthy functioning of all our body systems and preventing the formation of cancer cells. Thanks to it, our heart and blood vessels are strengthened, blood circulation is improved and metabolic processes are accelerated. The phenol contained in red foods is also an antioxidant and helps us fight depression!

Red foods help cleanse blood vessels of cholesterol plaques and burn excess weight. They activate the activity of our endocrine system, strengthen the immune system and affect the condition and color of our skin, helping to heal even some skin diseases. They stimulate our nervous tissue, increasing endurance and performance. At the same time, you should not “overdo it” with red; too much of it can lead to fatigue and overload of the nervous system, overexcitation and difficulty falling asleep. That is why a lot of red foods should not be consumed by easily excitable people, irritable people, with high blood pressure or those who have bleeding problems.

Red foods consumed in moderation, such as cherries, beets, red meat, raspberries, watermelon, red peppers, can improve the absorption of food and the distribution of nutrients throughout the body, eliminating any congestion. This color activates a person’s inner strength and helps him believe in himself. Red is a warmth that penetrates deep into us and awakens passion and interest in everything new, no matter what it concerns.

Products color: brown

Brown is an earthy and calm color, some people may prefer brighter and more active colors, but brown is a color that can give a feeling of coziness and warmth. In Eastern medicine it is considered. That brown makes people more honest and compassionate.

Products such as cocoa, coffee, chocolate, buckwheat, brown rice, brown sugar and some types of honey improve both our mental and physical performance. These products give our perception clarity and realism. And in the East it is even believed that they open spiritual vision. Brown food is recommended for people who have problems with the visual system and hearing, as well as the respiratory system (nose, lungs, etc.). It can improve the condition of the skin and thyroid gland.

You may need these products especially when you feel anxious, impulsive, and imbalanced. Brown will help restore a lost sense of balance.

Products color: blue and purple

As strange as it may sound, blue and purple foods have the same effect in some ways as red ones. In particular, this applies to their ability to protect the body from free radicals and prevent the formation of cancer cells. The processes of healing and strengthening healthy body cells and increasing immunity occur thanks to antioxidants, most found in blueberries, red onions and eggplants. These foods, like their red counterparts, strengthen the heart and blood vessels and lower blood cholesterol levels.

At the same time, in terms of their effect on the nervous system, blue foods are directly opposite to red ones. They also strengthen it, but not through activation, but through a calming and balancing effect. They can lower blood pressure and relieve muscle tension. Blue products are also used against various inflammatory processes, including inflammation of the throat; they have a beneficial effect on breathing and lung function. Purple products also help relieve sore throats and more, reduce fever, and can relieve spasms and relieve itching.

Blue and purple foods contain large quantities of anthocyanins - biologically active substances that protect our blood vessels and heart, as well as the respiratory system and vision. There are a lot of them, in honeysuckle, blackberry, black currant. The good antiseptic effect of these products allows them to be used for rheumatic diseases, jaundice, whooping cough and burns. In addition, blue is able to reduce appetite, making it useful for those people who want to lose weight.

The calming effect of these flowers helps combat insomnia, allowing you to relax and fully recover during a night's sleep. They also improve our brain function, concentration, memory, and awaken a feeling of peace and self-confidence. That is why all purple products can be used to recover from various mental disorders. These colors are very popular among lovers of yoga and meditation. At the same time, it is worth considering that too much blue can lead to some effect of inhibition of nervous processes, boredom, fatigue, and too much purple can cause melancholy and depression, so don’t overdo it.

Betanidin contained in purple products promotes the absorption of vitamin E by our body, which improves the condition of skin and hair, maintains youth, and is especially necessary for pregnant women. It should be noted that betanidin is easily destroyed when cooked, so it is preferable to bake purple vegetables.

Products color: green

Green has a calming effect on us, psychologically this color calms us down, gives us a feeling of balance and freshness. This is also why green foods have a beneficial effect on our nervous system, relieve emotional stress and irritability, and help us recover after a hard day. This is, of course, influenced by the many beneficial substances contained in them. Thus, green foods are rich in chlorophyll, which helps overcome stress and relieves headaches.

The same substance cleanses the body, removes toxins, improves intestinal function, helps protect against bacterial infections and helps reduce the level of “bad” cholesterol. Thanks to green products, the functioning of our cardiovascular system is normalized, heart diseases are prevented, blood pressure is normalized and arrhythmia is cured. The iron in their composition saturates the blood with oxygen, making it easier for a person to breathe - in the literal and figurative sense of the word. These foods support the formation of red blood cells, which is essential for people suffering from anemia or those who are simply cold.

Surprisingly, green fruits and vegetables also contain orange and yellow dyes, zeaxanthin and lutein, folic acid and beta-carotene, which are effective against eye fatigue, help restore vision and protect against the negative effects of ultraviolet rays. Eat more greens, cabbage, cucumbers, sorrel and beans, in addition to them, peas, pumpkin seeds, green peppers, green apples and pears will allow you to feel cheerful and improve your health in just a few weeks!

Green foods improve the condition of your entire body, boost your immunity, and also protect cells from the aging process. Please note that an overdose of greens is also possible and can lead to a concentration of bile and even the formation of gallstones. So eat everything in moderation and enjoy all the benefits of eating a variety of different and colorful foods. In this case, each of them will contribute to strengthening your physical and mental health and will make you feel fresh and renewed!

16 chosen

Diet is not only about limiting the choice and calorie content of foods. It can be anything, for example, aimed at improving health. Try to lose a few extra pounds and improve your well-being with a colorful diet!

This diet is based on a philosophical idea - each color has an individual frequency of energy vibrations and has a certain effect on the body. Therefore, if you do not mix food of all colors of the rainbow, you can turn food into an ally, guarding your harmony. To do this, you will have to divide all the foods in your diet by color.

White products

This color in a colorful diet can improve your performance. This is the peculiarity of white foods - they activate the production of insulin in the body and the rise of blood sugar.

Red products

Color carries a huge charge of energy, so all red foods instill confidence, courage and determination, give vigor and stimulate sexual energy. Red foods can relieve depression. And they are indispensable in the cold season, when there is an acute shortage of bright colors in nature.

Orange products

It is believed that orange is the color preferred by cheerful people. Thanks to products of this shade, you can bring more positivity into your life. And also improve metabolism, increase immunity and sexual energy. Fans of the colorful diet are confident that regular consumption of orange-colored foods can also increase creative potential.

Yellow products

A yellow day with a colorful diet can improve your outlook and mood. Sun-hued products work wonders. Their regular use improves the digestive process, stimulates brain activity and makes the skin younger.

Green products

The day when the basis of the diet consists of green-colored foods can be the calmest during the entire multi-colored diet. The color of nature brings harmony, so the body’s work comes into balance. Green foods relieve stress, relieve headaches and improve heart function.

Purple Products

This day of a colorful diet, thanks to purple-colored foods, can qualitatively improve brain activity and intuition. Don’t be surprised, but by eating purple foods, you can get rid of insomnia and even calm your nerves.

Brown products

The energetic influence of foods that have a brown tint can have a beneficial effect on the development of intuition, the activity of the thyroid gland, and improve vision, hearing and smell.

How to combine colors when losing weight

  • Monday - white products;
  • Tuesday - red foods;
  • Wednesday - green products;
  • Thursday - orange products;
  • Friday - purple products;
  • Saturday - yellow products;
  • Sunday - brown products.

Another variation of the colorful diet divides foods according to their effect on the body. For example, you should not mix “warm” colors (yellow, red and brown) with “cold” colors (purple and white). The combination of products of different shades within a group is permitted. The products with the “color of life” (green tint) stand out. It is not recommended to mix them with others.

A colorful diet is a source of vitamins

If you have made a choice in favor of a colorful diet, try to preserve as many nutrients as possible in your foods. When cooking, do not remove the peel - a source of fiber. Cook by steaming or in the oven. And if you cook in water, do not bring it to a boil, because vitamins are destroyed at high temperatures.

Products are “provocateurs”

Despite the fact that a colorful diet involves eating foods of the same shade, some of them should be abandoned. For example, it is not recommended to eat bananas during the white diet: they are quite high in calories and give a feeling of fullness only for a short time, while increasing the feeling of hunger. On an “orange” day, this warning applies to carrots, on a red diet color – to beets, and on green and purple days – to grapes.

Diet for beauty and creativity

Creative people prefer a colorful diet. After all, they don’t just get rid of excess weight, but do it masterfully - they select the colors of products, like artists. Become the author of your new figure – slim and beautiful.

Impact of food color.

Each product has its own color. The color of food, like the color of the dishes from which we eat, has a certain meaning on us: it can stimulate, induce appetite or, conversely, suppress it. Color also has a huge impact on taste. To confirm this, a simple experiment was carried out: a table was served with a variety of food and illuminated with rays, the color of which did not correspond to this food (products). So, tomatoes turned out to be purple, cucumbers turned out to be blue, etc. And imagine, none of those invited to the meal could eat these “unusual” foods. Those who tried it tasted bitter.

By combining foods by color in your meals, you can achieve a lot in terms of personal wellness and targeted effects of food on your body. Experiment a little: eat food of only one color for one day (fruits, drinks, vegetables, cereals, etc.), will your condition change in the right direction?

Red color radiates heat and has an exciting, stimulating effect on the nervous system. Improves and accelerates all metabolic processes in the body, while activating the activity of the skin and endocrine glands. The energy of red has a stimulating effect on the bone marrow, nervous tissue, and determines the color of our skin. Exposure to red color improves blood circulation and cardiac activity, eliminates congestion in organs, and “accelerates the blood.” Treats some skin diseases: chicken pox, measles, erysipelas, lupus, scarlet fever. If you need to increase your performance and endurance, improve your mood, including red foods will help with this.

Excess red causes overexcitation of the vital principle of Bile in the body. Contraindicated for: irritable and easily excitable persons.

Red. Apples, beets, red cabbage, cherries, radishes, raspberries, strawberries, tomatoes, watermelon, red peppers, red meat.

Orange color has the ability to restore nerve and muscle tissue. This color is able to support sexuality and treat diseases associated with disorders of the genitourinary system. Orange color improves blood circulation and skin color.

Medicinally, orange color is very effective for spleen diseases, improves the digestion of food and its distribution throughout the body. A very high therapeutic effect is observed when exposed to the color orange for all diseases of the pulmonary system (lungs, trachea, bronchi, larynx, pharynx, esophagus) and the use of orange is especially good in a patient with bronchial asthma (overexcitation of mucus).

As the color of vitality and warmth, this color regulates metabolic processes and affects the functioning of our endocrine glands. Its effect is beneficial for weakened heart function. We recommend orange color in the complex treatment of epilepsy, as it has the property of penetrating into the deep structures of tissues, in particular, into the structures of nervous and muscle tissue.

An excess of orange causes overheating of the body (overexcitation of Bile).

If you want to stimulate your body with the color orange, then make a meal of orange-colored foods.

Orange. Apricots, carrots, mangoes, oranges, persimmons, pumpkin, tangerines.

Yellow color - tonic, its effect on our body and physiology is optimal, it does not tire, and has a stimulating effect on vision and the nervous system. Yellow color has a holistic effect on the entire body - it heals the mind and body, stimulates mental abilities and activates the logical abilities of the mind (because it activates the life principle of Bile). Contemplation of the color yellow (in general and food in particular) creates a harmonious attitude towards life, harmonizes physiological processes, provides the body with equilibrium, balance, and a sense of optimism. Yellow color provides self-control (especially important in order not to overeat, not to snack between meals).

Yellow light has a cleansing effect on the entire body, treats a number of skin diseases, including the abdominal organs: it stimulates the liver and has a beneficial effect on the intestines. It is used for weak, sluggish digestion, intestinal atony, atonic constipation, to normalize digestion and increase gastric secretion.

Yellow color stimulates thought processes, helps with nervous exhaustion, stimulates appetite, and treats insomnia.

If you want to stimulate your body and related functions with yellow, then include the following foods in your diet.

Yellow. Bananas, corn, eggs, grapefruits, lemons, vegetable oil, peaches, pineapples, cheese, ghee.

Green color normalizes the activity of the cardiovascular system, relieves palpitations, treats arrhythmia, stabilizes blood pressure and the functions of the nervous system. The effect of green color is very effective for headaches, eye fatigue, and blurred vision. In addition, green tea can treat acute colds. In the absence of green color, it is possible to develop increased excitability, nervousness, irritability, as well as inappropriate activity (especially in persons with a pronounced bile constitution).

The effect of green color creates a feeling of peace and balance in the body; it is not for nothing that we feel so great in nature, on a green lawn, in the forest. We are relaxed, at peace, experiencing delight and renewal. Green color creates a feeling of security, freshness, coolness, and promotes concentration of thoughts.

An overdose of green can cause increased concentration of bile, even leading to the formation of gallstones.

Green. Cabbage, asparagus, artichoke, avocado, all lettuces, green vegetables, pears.

Blue . The medicinal value of blue and cyan tones is very great. They have a hypnotic effect - these are the colors of cold vibration.

Blue color cools and calms. With its help, you can normalize blood pressure and heart function, and relieve muscle tension. It treats skin processes associated with pigment metabolism disorders - vitiligo. Used for “hot” liver diseases, various inflammatory processes (with overexcitation of Bile). With a sore throat - hoarseness, inflammation of the vocal cords. Recommended for rheumatic diseases (has a good antiseptic effect), jaundice, burns.

The practical significance of blue color is very important for those who want to lose excess weight. Blue color reduces appetite, so if possible, buy blue dishes and set the table with a blue tablecloth.

Excess blue color enhances cooling factors.

Blue. Blueberries, blueberries, some grape varieties, blue plums.

Blue color has a calming effect on all functions of the body and contributes to the fight of protective functions against any processes associated with a rise in temperature. The healing effect of blue color is effective for throat diseases, all kinds of spasms, insomnia, headaches, palpitations, intestinal disorders (with overexcitation of the Wind).

A good therapeutic effect from the use of blue color is observed in patients with thyroid disease and goiter.

Dark blue (indigo) color has a healing effect for pulmonary diseases, clears mucus, treats inflammation, whooping cough, jaundice, and various types of colic.

Blue and cyan colors have a calming effect on the psyche. The color blue carries a psychological feeling of stability, restraint, and peace. Its effect helps with conditions such as melancholia, hypochondria, hysteria, epilepsy, as well as overexcitation that has a sexual basis.

The color blue has an effect on the pineal gland, which regulates the functions of the eyes, ears and nose. It is successfully used to treat eye diseases of inflammatory origin, cataracts and glaucoma. Just like orange, it is used to treat lung diseases, asthma, and pneumonia.

Blue. Use all blue and purple products.

Abuse of blue and blue colors can cause a feeling of fear, fear of being in a confined space.

Purple calms the nervous system, it can be used for all mental and nervous disorders, neuralgia, rheumatism, concussion, kidney, bladder and gall bladder diseases. The color violet also has an effect on various inflammatory diseases, normalizes sleep, and when engaged in creative work, on the contrary, it increases efficiency and influences the spiritual development of a person.

Prolonged exposure to the color violet can cause sadness and depression.

Violet. Blackberries, black currants, eggplant, dark grapes, purple plums, red seaweed.

Bright colors brighten life and lift your spirits, including colorful food. Nutritionists have invented a simple way to enrich your menu with the help of colored food. Colorful landscapes, colorful facades, bright cars, red shoes and, finally, bright lipstick, all this attracts attention.

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People first pay attention to bright colors. Have you ever noticed that today you want red tomatoes, tomorrow green salad or purple plums? Is there a pattern here? Nutrition experts recommend expanding your color range and including colorful foods in your diet.

Colorful foods are the key to a healthy diet

Colorful food is the key to a healthy diet, nutritionists say. When you eat colorful foods, your body receives plant phytonutrients, beneficial substances found in plants. In living nature, phytonutrients help plants fight diseases and aggressive environmental factors, and they also help humans maintain health.

Organic acids, antioxidants and flavonoids contained in fruits and greens protect the cells of the human body from oxidation and help to function properly. If your diet lacks food of different colors, then the cells are doomed to damage, and the possibility of inflammatory processes cannot be ruled out.

Researchers warn that colorless foods cause the greatest damage to the body. Primarily white sugar, white bread and processed carbohydrates. Look at your menu like an artist's painting. What colors catch your eye? What palette did the artist use to paint this painting? But in this case, the artist is you. How to diversify food using the color spectrum?

Scientists have come up with a simple way to make food colorful

Mentally break your plate into 3 parts

  • One third of the plate is green food. All kinds of greens, both fresh and cooked.
  • The second third is food in gray and neutral tones. This can be stewed cabbage, bread, meat, potatoes, pasta, etc.
  • The last third is the most colorful food, red, yellow, orange. This may include tomatoes, yellow fruits, grapes or carrots.

At first glance, this may seem like a difficult task. But on the other hand, in order to eat healthy, you don’t need to bother yourself with counting calories and tables with the vitamin content of certain foods. Are you an artist! Get creative with your plate design and use all the colors of the rainbow.

Start with fruits and vegetables, this is the easiest way. For example, prepare a mixed salad of plain and red cabbage, decorated with herbs, or a salad of red cabbage with apples. According to the World Health Organization, three quarters of the world's population does not get the recommended 5-9 servings of vegetables per day!

Half of the population does not receive vitamins. C and A, and two-thirds of vital minerals. The simplest thing is to supplement a serving of neutral-colored protein, salmon steak or meat with a side dish of colored vegetables, not forgetting fresh herbs.

Colored food - orange

Products: pumpkin, carrots, turmeric, persimmons, apricots, etc. Benefits: orange color indicates a high content of carotenoids, that is, this colored food is rich in beta-carotene, provitamin A, which strengthens the immune system, skin condition and improves the reproductive system. All these products have anti-inflammatory and antitumor properties.

Yellow products

Products: butternut squash, potatoes, ginger, apples, pears, etc. Benefits in addition to the above properties: yellow fruits are good for vision, improve skin condition and increase cognitive functions.

Green products

Foods: Kale, spinach, leafy greens, broccoli, etc. Benefits: Green vegetables and leafy greens reduce the risk of cancer, improve vision, promote strong bones and a strong muscular system. Green foods help reduce stress and help get rid of headaches. “Green food” strengthens hair, nails and promotes skin regeneration.

Blue and purple fruits and vegetables

Foods: eggplants, red cabbage, blueberries, prunes, raisins, etc. Benefits: these foods protect cells from damage, prevent heart disease, cancer, prevent early aging and improve brain function.

Red products

Foods: Red peppers, radishes, apples, tomatoes, cherries, pomegranates, raspberries, etc. Benefits: All red vegetables and fruits contain antioxidants, which improve the functioning of the cardiovascular system and also help prevent the occurrence of certain forms of cancer.

Red foods can strengthen the immune system and have a positive effect on the blood. Red color has a positive effect on mood. You are your own artist! Get creative with your plate design and use all the colors of the rainbow. Colorful foods are the easiest way to enrich your diet with essential vitamins and antioxidants.