How to get sick so you don't have to go to school. How to get sick quickly at home. Now we will teach you bad things without a twinge of conscience. We talk about how to pretend to be sick so as not to go to work. And so that nothing happens to you for this

Skipping school can be quite difficult. If you're going to pretend to be sick, taking a day off from school will require some preparation and considerable acting skills. Even if you miss class for a valid reason, unfinished assignments will accumulate. But there are days when you have absolutely no energy to go to school! It is for such cases that you will need our tips on how to convince your parents to keep you at home - for real or fictitious reasons.


Part 1

Let's pretend

    Plan ahead. It's more likely that your parents will believe you when you get up in the morning and say you're not feeling well if you set the stage the previous evening.

    • The sooner you start pretending to be sick, the more time you have to show how your condition is getting worse. Show some fatigue the night before. For example, instead of walking outside after school, stay home and lie in your room.
    • Be lethargic in front of your parents. They should get the impression that you are tired and have no energy. In the evening, do not stick to your usual routine. If you are watching TV, lie down and show no interest in anything. You should also go to bed earlier and make sure your parents notice.
    • Add fire to the performance - eat very little at dinner or try to eat something, but clutch your stomach as if you were in sharp pain. Say you don't feel well. Naturally, skip dessert. You can also ask your parents to give you some hot tea to calm your stomach.
    • Tell your parents that your classmate threw up at school or that your friend missed school. Make sure it's a friend your parents don't know. This information will add fuel to the fire.
  1. Demonstrate symptoms. Outwardly visible symptoms, such as a rash, are difficult to portray convincingly, so in most cases you should show external signs of internal pain.

    Be unobtrusive but convincing. One of the biggest mistakes is overacting. If you act out your imaginary illness too dramatically, your parents may catch on to the falsehood.

    • It's best to act out a simple illness rather than pretend you have some illness that requires proof. Trying to make a vomiting sound can be quite risky, as your parents may catch you in a lie. Likewise, if you want to fake a high temperature and dip the thermometer into something hot, it may backfire on you.
    • Don't protest too much when your parents ask you not to go to school. You may find that acting out your worries about missing class may be more convincing, while trying too hard to stay home may make you suspicious. But don't forget that if you really felt as terrible as you pretend to, your parents wouldn't have to convince you to stay home. Be hesitant before you agree, but don't act like you're too worried about missing school, especially if that worry doesn't apply to your role.
  2. Don't get better too quickly. Never forget that your parents may take you to school later if they realize that you have recovered or that you were faking it. If you want to skip school by pretending to be sick, you should maintain that imaginary illness throughout the school day.

    • You should recover gradually throughout the day. Rest and be relaxed. By lunchtime, you might mention that you're starting to feel better, but you're not recovered yet. By late evening your recovery should be almost complete.
  3. Don't pretend to be sick too often. If you pretend to be sick too often, your parents may not believe you when you actually feel sick and need to stay home.

    Part 2

    We don't pretend
    1. Tell your parents if you are sick. This is the most common reason why students miss school. If you really don't feel well or think you might be sick, tell your parents and ask to be kept at home.

      Stay home if you experience any shock. For example, if you recently lost a family member, friend, or other person you were close to, your grief is a valid reason to stay home from school. Be honest with your parents about how much the loss has affected you.

      • If tragedy befalls you but not your parents, you may think it will be difficult for them to understand you. Grief is a universal emotion, and most people can put themselves in your shoes and give you time to process the loss.
      • However, you should understand that the period of sadness must end someday. Intense sadness can last for quite a long time, and you may find it difficult to extricate yourself from the situation. If you feel that after a few days to a week you are still unable to go to school, you may want to talk to a psychologist and ask for help with your grief.
    2. Be honest if you are being bullied at school. If you are the victim of a bully or group of bullies at school, talk to your parents or other people close to you about it. Explain how difficult your school life has become as a result of bullying, and ask to be allowed to stay away from school for a day or two until things settle down.

      Ask to skip school. Tell Mom and Dad you want to spend a special day with them and let them take the day off from work. This plan might work especially if you're about to graduate from high school and enroll in higher education in another city, or if it will be an easy work day for you and your parents (for example, you don't have any tests and your parents don't have urgent assignments at work ).

      Get permission for a “mental health” day. It's important to talk to your parents about anxiety and stress. Adults often forget how difficult school life can be, when in fact, stress levels during school are quite high. If you're experiencing normal school-related stress, you may find it more helpful to deal with it and get through it. If stress, anxiety and depression become more serious problems, talk to a parent or counselor and ask for a day away from school.

      • If you think you may be developing a serious mental health problem, such as depression or anxiety, ask your parents to make an appointment with your doctor. This may signal the seriousness of your problem to your parents, and if you do have some kind of disorder, then going to the doctor will help you monitor your condition.
    3. Stay at home if weather or environmental conditions require it. If there is a severe storm, flooding, or other circumstances that make traveling to school dangerous, your school may close for a period of time. If the weather conditions are dangerous, but the school does not close for some reason, you are better off staying home early.

      • Parents or teachers can usually help you determine if the weather conditions are severe enough to warrant staying home, so you may not have to convince anyone of anything. If your parents are staying home because of the weather, they will be more willing to keep you home too.
    4. Consider other special circumstances. A family vacation or a visit from a distant relative may be a reason to miss school, but don't miss school for such reasons too often. Compare what you might miss if you go to school versus what you might miss if you stay home, and discuss with your parents whether you should miss school.

      • Please note that the school does not usually consider such reasons valid. If your school is one of these, you should tell your parents so that they inform the school that you will be absent, without explaining the reason.
      • Typically, if you know in advance that you will be absent from school, it is a good idea for your parent or guardian to write a note that you can bring a few days in advance. This will give teachers time to prepare assignments for you.

    Part 3

    We're stalling for time
    1. Be late on purpose. Incorporate some delays into your morning routine, finishing your morning routine a few minutes later so that you won't be able to get to school on time.

      • Dress very slowly. Get your breakfast dirty so you have to change clothes. Get dressed again...very slowly.
      • Pretend that you can't find something you need, like one shoe or a pair of sportswear. Find it eventually, but let it take you 5-10 minutes.
      • Complain loudly that you are having a bad day; shed a tear if necessary. If you're lucky, your parent will sympathize with you and let you stay at home.
      • Understand that your tardiness affects others, such as your parents, who need to be at work on time. Realize that you are putting their job at risk and decide if missing school is worth it.
    2. Miss the bus. Missing the bus could be an accident, or it could be a plan. In any case, if you miss the bus, you may not get to school if your parents leave for work early in the morning or if they don't have time to drive you to school.

      Lose an item. You can't go to school without your textbooks or homework flash drive, right? Search everywhere. The more cluttered your home is, the easier it will be for you to prolong your search so you'll be late for school.

      • The smaller the item, the easier it is to “lose” it. For example, your mom will have a hard time believing that you lost your backpack or laptop.
      • The more important the item, the more likely it will seem that you will skip school if you don't find it. Losing glasses or contact lenses, for example, is more important than losing a notebook, as it will affect your ability to study throughout your workday (and depending on how poor your eyesight is, it may also affect whether you will you bump into things).
      • If you drive to school by yourself, you may lose your keys. However, if this becomes a habit, the consequences may be bad (for example, your parents may not allow you to drive to school and will force you to take the bus to get there).

    Call the school yourself if allowed. Most schools require the student's parent or guardian to call, regardless of age, but some schools allow the student to call.

  4. Get a doctor's note. If you have a long-term illness, your school may require a doctor's note from you, your parents, guardians or other family members stating that you are indeed ill and need time to recover.

    • A certificate from a pediatrician or therapist will be required if your illness continues beyond a certain time. The exact timing may vary from school to school, so you may want to check your school's rules to know at what point a doctor's note becomes mandatory. This time usually varies from 3 to 10 days, 10 days is usually more common.


  • Face the real reason. Ask yourself why you don't want to go to school. If you want to hide from an abuser or avoid another serious problem, you should better look for solutions to the problem rather than run away from it. This will make your life happier and healthier in the future.
  • Don't skip school. Go through all the options your school provides for accounting for absences. If you skip school without a reason or a call from your parents, you will be considered truant and you could get into serious trouble as a result.
  • Find out what you're missing. You will have a harder time catching up with your grade in some subjects than in others. Before you stay home from school, you might want to think about how difficult it will be for you to catch up with class when you return, and whether missing school is worth the effort. This is especially important if you are pretending to be sick or staying home for a reason that is not very important.
  • Consider the consequences. You can stay home for a real reason, or pretend to be sick if you don't have a real reason to be absent. Either way, missing one or more days of school can make your life more difficult later on.

It’s amazing how many schoolchildren dream of getting sick so as not to go to school. It happens, of course. For these, below are several ways to get symptoms of a cold, or worse, and quite quickly. However, it is better to think carefully before deciding to take unsafe actions.

The simplest thing that comes to mind is to hold the thermometer in hot water or apply it to the battery. The main thing is not to overdo it and create a fever so that you can stay at home and not end up in the emergency room. For annoying parents, you can warm your head with a hot stream of air from a hairdryer, and only then voice complaints about your health.

A very simple way to ensure this is to wash your hair and sit by an open window or take a shower (even better, a bath) and do the same while the body is still warm. You can, of course, take a short walk in the fresh air, but if your parents are at home, they are unlikely to let you out. The method, of course, is not a quick response and must be carried out in advance, but depending on the state of the immune system, the effect can be long-lasting.

Here are more efficient methods

Place a drop of iodine on a piece of refined sugar or bread and eat. The temperature will rise to 37.70C, but not for long, for a day at most. The main thing is not to get poisoned, because it is unknown how the body will react; with a weak heart, fainting may occur.

You can purchase several scoops of ice cream and concentrated mint gum. Consume alternately ice cream and chewing gum. At a minimum, a reddened throat is guaranteed.

Another extreme method is to crush the ice into pieces and pour it into a glass filled 1/6 with cold water. Swallow everything at once. The effect is that the ice becomes cold from the inside, starting to melt and releasing cold. For some, a glass of milk from the refrigerator will be enough.

Who would have thought, but body temperature rises, almost to 39 C, if you rub your armpits with salt or garlic.
You can portray acute poisoning in front of your parents, talking about abdominal pain and severe nausea that rushes out. And then in the bathroom, with the help of water being poured jerkily from a ladle, and the appropriate sound design, demonstrate your pain. The face should also be done accordingly, and then 2-3 days of home treatment.

Life is an unpredictable thing, and, as they say, there are cases when there was no happiness, but misfortune helped. I’m talking about those days when there’s a test, an exam, a parent meeting coming up, for which you’re not prepared either mentally or physically, and suddenly you wake up on day X, and the mercury column pleases you with a new temperature record. However, such happiness may not always come, and therefore you have to resort to some tricks. So, what to do when you need to quickly get sick or pretend to be sick.

1. The safest way to “get sick quickly” at home. You need to take salt, pepper or garlic, or better yet both, and rub it on your armpits. Measure the temperature - it should be slightly elevated. You can also melt the butter and drink (Caution! It's hot!). This method is only for those whose parents are extremely distrustful or slightly paranoid - the throat will be red, though not from a cold, but from a thermal burn.

2. You can also heat the thermometer and forehead using a battery. Don't overdo it! If you heat the thermometer to 40 degrees, they are unlikely to believe you. And remember: you need to be talented at simulating. Use all your acting skills.

3. They say that if you eat the lead of a “simple” pencil, it will come naturally. I don’t know, I haven’t tried it, but it’s probably worth checking.

4. Do you need to get really sick quickly with a fever? Don't want to cheat? Then we move on to radical measures. Wet your hair and go out onto the balcony, or open the window. Don't forget the name brand mint candies - they're great for cooling. Be patient until the last! Then, perhaps, you will be lucky and some harmful microbe will still penetrate the body and do its job. In winter, put on an autumn jacket with wet clothes underneath and go for a walk for half an hour. Before going out, drink any cold drink with ice. But remember! The consequences can be anything, including catastrophic, from a mild cold and runny nose to a sore throat and a week in the hospital.

5. What about poisoning? We take foods that are incompatible with each other: milk that is not fresh, fish, pickled cucumbers, and consume them in large quantities. It might make your stomach churn, but hopefully you won't throw up while eating them. Although, maybe it's even better. In any case, after such a “lunch” you will not feel the best. Now all that’s left to do is go and complain to your parents about nausea and stomach pain. Believe me, you will still look great! Maybe they'll believe it.

6. Still, don’t push it to the limit! In order not to think about how to quickly get sick at home with a fever and without consequences, do your homework, don’t break glass at school and don’t put buttons on teachers. And if something unpleasant has happened - from grades to relationships with classmates and teachers, try to talk about it with your parents. In most cases, they will be able to figure out what's going on and offer help. After all, they, too, were once schoolchildren. Go for it! Good luck in your studies!

There are days when you don’t feel like going to school at all. A test you’re not ready for, terrible events or conflicts with classmates, all this definitely doesn’t make you happy, and you just want to stay at home.

There are a great many ways to get sick and not go to school, but there are 2 main ways to solve this problem: feign illness or really get sick. And although the second method is more reliable, it can lead to consequences that you do not expect: you planned to stay at home for a day, but spent a month in the hospital on IVs - you wanted to induce nausea, ended up in the hospital with poisoning and had to do a gastric lavage (and this the procedure is not pleasant).

How to feign illness so as not to go to school

  • When measuring temperature, you can attach a thermometer to a light bulb, or dip it in hot water, but don’t overdo it, 37.2-37.4 is quite enough to stay at home, but 42 will cause serious suspicion, and if the parents are very gullible, real panic.
  • You can rub your armpits with salt, in this case you can measure the temperature right in front of your parents and they will not notice anything, and the temperature on the thermometer will be high.
  • In addition to the previous methods, for greater persuasiveness, you can heat your forehead with a hairdryer or heating pad; this will help if your parents first decide to check your temperature with their own hands (literally and figuratively).
  • You can drop a drop of iodine onto a cube of refined sugar, the temperature will rise again, but the main thing is not to overdo it, otherwise you can be seriously poisoned.

How to get really sick

So, if you think that your parents will not believe in a simple simulation, and you decide to get really sick and not go to school, then this is your and only your responsibility. With such actions, there is a high risk that you will become seriously ill and spend a lot of time in the hospital, so you do not need to go for walks with wet hair or drink boiling oil, these are more likely methods for suicide than for skipping school. Safer ways to get sick in 5 minutes for a week:

  • Drinking cold things in the heat can cause you to catch a cold or a sore throat.
  • Eating ice cream on the street - you may have to eat more ice cream than you are used to and quite quickly. The effect will intensify if the weather outside is either already cold or, conversely, hot and scorching.
  • Standing in the wind means, again, a cold or a sore throat, but take care of your ears; if they blow out, inflammation of the inner ear will have to be treated for a long time and in a hospital.
  • If you shout enough, you will become hoarse and your throat will hurt.
  • Getting your feet wet while walking is important in autumn and spring.

Whatever method you choose, be careful, or better yet, no pain at all.

Attention, TODAY only!


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Every adequate respondent will answer: “Of course, health!” After all, if a person is unhealthy, everything hurts, and not a single medicine helps, then the white world is not nice to him, and no amount of money will help. Health is that state when you want to run, jump, sing at the top of your lungs, laugh heartily and dance.

Nevertheless, oddly enough, situations arise when a completely healthy person wants to get sick: quickly and for a long time. Most often, this does not happen to adults, who realize the horror of the possibility of contracting some kind of illness. After all, the older a person becomes, the purer his consciousness.

This wild desire arises mainly among schoolchildren who, for various reasons, do not want to go to school: another test, tense relationships with classmates or teachers, or a primitive desire to sleep late.

So, how can you get sick in 5 minutes? Here are some "bad" tips to help you avoid going to school.

Cold. Lasts a week or more

  • Drink 1-2 glasses of full-fat milk at icy temperature in small sips. Milk fat coats your throat, and soon you will feel a sore throat, and then a cough. For guaranteed results, drink milk immediately after taking a hot bath. Sore throat will be provided for you.
  • An alternative option is to go outside in a cold, windy season with a wet head. The result is pneumonia or, even better, inflammation of the cerebral cortex under the cute name “meningitis”. The latter, by the way, can lead to death.
  • Eat ice cream in the cold air, then chew super mint gum, breathe deeply and intensely. Then repeat one more time. As a result, your throat will turn red and sore, and your temperature will rise.
  • Sleep all night in a draft with the window open. In the morning you will feel that the cold has overcome you.
  • Swim in an ice hole in winter.

Gastrointestinal "bullying". Duration of the "illness" - 1-2 days

How to get sick in 5 minutes? A few days of “easy life” on the toilet will provide you with:

  • Cheap and effective (magnesia), a tablespoon of which should be diluted in a glass of water. Prepare a drink, otherwise the taste of the “cocktail” is very nasty.
  • Eat pickled cucumber or persimmon with fresh milk and plenty of it. Although the result depends on the condition of the body.
  • You can eat more expired, moldy and sour foods and get unpleasant stomach pains.

Thus, you can get problems not only for 1-2 days, but also for many years of life. It’s easy to get sick in 5 minutes, but it’s quite difficult to recover afterwards.

"Cruel Intentions" with pressure. Duration - several hours - 1 day

  • You can increase your blood pressure with 2-3 cups of very strong coffee.
  • You can lower it with special medications, but without knowing the dose and effectiveness of the medicine, the pressure can drop to dangerous, critical levels.

Specific methods that cause the level of the thermometer scale to rise. Duration - several hours

How to get sick in 5 minutes pretending? There are ways to create the appearance of illness, use:

  • It's not worth chewing on the stylus.
  • Drop a few drops of iodine onto a piece of refined sugar or drink an iodine solution.
  • Set the plastic on fire, then breathe in the fumes that come from the melted material. In addition to the fact that the temperature will rise to 39 degrees, you will also be poisoned by gas.

There are, of course, many options for how to get sick in 5 minutes. You can give yourself a hand, or you can go to the infectious diseases department of the nearest hospital, walk around the wards, and ask everyone who wants to cough and sneeze on you. And if you manage to become infected, rest assured that you have received this “gift”, most likely, for life!

Before you start injuring your not yet fully strengthened body, try the simulation option.

  • You need to lubricate your armpits with salt, garlic or the temperature will rise to 38 degrees.
  • Tap the thermometer (back side) on a hard surface (carefully so as not to break it), thus “tapping” the desired temperature.
  • Place the thermometer on the battery, or heat your fingers on it very much, then pinch the thin part of the thermometer with hot fingers.
  • When you are about to measure your blood pressure with a tonometer, you need to tense your legs very hard for 20 seconds. Such actions will lead to an increase in the upper value to 150-160.
  • Use sneezing inducers: pepper, geranium leaves, Kalanchoe. To do this, just generously lubricate your nostrils with them.


Now you know how to get sick in 5 minutes, but do you need it? In any case, all of the above methods are dishonest treatment of others. Usually people who use “harmful” advice are weak people who are afraid of difficulties. And how many more difficulties lie ahead throughout life! Therefore, it is better to start tempering now. Finish reading the article and sit down to do your homework! And may health be with you!