Summary of an open lesson in the second junior group on the topic “the bright holiday of Easter.” Easter lesson plan (junior group) on the topic Summary about Easter in the second junior group

Sections: Working with preschoolers

Target: introduce children to the history of this Orthodox holiday.


  • Arouse interest in the life of the Russian people at different historical times.
  • Introduce children to traditional culture through the use of folklore.
  • Contribute to the development of imagination and enrichment of children's vocabulary.


Children in Russian national costumes line up at the doors of the hall. Small bags containing painted Easter eggs are slung over the shoulder.

The Russian national melody sounds. Children, holding hands, enter the hall in a round dance, go to their places at the tables, take off their bags, put them on the table in front of them and sit down calmly.

1 hour (1)


Hello, good fellows!
Hello, beautiful girls!
Drops are dripping loudly
Near our window.
The birds sang merrily
Easter has come to visit us.

- Guys, today in class we will talk about the greatest holiday that is celebrated in Rus' - the holiday of Holy Easter. This holiday is popularly called the holiday of holidays, a celebration of celebrations.

– Easter is always celebrated on Sunday. We talked a lot about this holiday and learned a lot of interesting things. Yesterday you and your parents, brothers, sisters celebrated this wonderful holiday - the holiday of Holy Easter. Some of you have probably been to church. Tell me, children, what event served to establish this holiday in the Christian religion?

Children(answer) Jesus Christ was resurrected (revived) after he was crucified on the cross.



Educator. On this day, the church remembers the suffering and death of Jesus Christ on the cross, and teaches Christian forgiveness, because Jesus Christ loved all people and forgave them all evil. Even when he was nailed to the cross, he prayed for his enemies and said: “Our Father! Forgive them, they don’t know what they are doing.”
The holiday of Holy Easter is famous for various treats that you will not find on any holiday table throughout the year. Tell me, children, what dishes are prepared once a year, just for the Easter table?

Children.(answer) Easter cakes, Easter eggs, painted eggs.

Educator. How do you decorate your house?

Children.(answer) They light candles, turn on lamps, chandeliers, lamps, and put willow branches in vases.

Educator. Yes, the willow is planted a week before Easter, on Palm Sunday. Guys, who can tell me why willow is used to decorate the house?

Children.(answer) Willow in Russia is considered the first flowering shrub.

Educator. It has long been believed that three flowering willow branches are enough to drive away all evil spirits from the house. And golden fluffy willow earrings contain healing power. Grandmothers kneaded them in their palms, applied them to their faces and said: “Get off, wrinkles, smooth out, skin.” They tied a crushed willow twig with a scarf to their forehead and whispered: “Calm down, headache!” Willow bark was dried, crushed into powder, and it became a healing medicine. The patient was given palm powder to inhale, and his runny nose disappeared.
The holiday of Holy Easter is rich rituals. On this day, old people combed their hair with wishes that they would have as many grandchildren as there were hairs on their heads, washed themselves with gold, silver and red eggs in the hope of getting rich, and young people climbed onto the roofs to better see how the red sun would play and have fun. All the people went to church. The Easter service was going on all night on the eve of Holy Easter. When during the Easter service the holy words “Christ is Risen” were heard. Truly rise again,” the young girls wished for the future: “Send, God, a good groom, neither young nor old, but equal.”

1 hour (2)

Musical director. We will listen to church hymns with you. In the Orthodox Church, the sound of musical instruments is not allowed, so the music was written for the choir. This is spiritual music, its author is Russian composer Dmitry Bortnyansky. Listen to how beautiful the most amazing, most perfect musical instrument is - the human voice.

A fragment of the concert for two choirs “We Praise You God” by D. Bortnyansky (gr-s) (1.Allegromalstoso) sounds.

Musical director. On this day, on the day of Holy Easter, bells ring in all churches and cathedrals after the end of the Easter service. Listen to the poem that Russian poet Sergei Yesenin wrote about the ringing of bells.

The dozing bell woke me up.
The sleepy earth smiled at the sun.
The blows flew towards the blue skies,
A voice rings loudly through the forests.
The white moon disappeared behind the river,
A frisky wave ran loudly.
The quiet valley will drive away sleep,
Somewhere along the road the ringing fades away.

Let's listen to the bell ringing, children.

Musical director. On Easter Sunday the bells ring in a special, solemn way. This ringing is called the Easter bell. Let's repeat.

Children repeat together with the music director.


Everywhere the gospel is buzzing,
People are pouring out of all the churches.
The dawn is already looking from the sky,
Christ is risen! Christ is risen!


The earth is waking up
And the fields are getting dressed.
Spring is coming, full of miracles,
Christ is risen! Christ is risen!

2 hours

Educator. The first spring games and round dances begin with Holy Easter Week. Let us, good fellows, beautiful maidens, call out spring and join in a round dance.

The Russian national melody sounds. Children get up, start a round dance in the center of the hall, and read spring Russian folk chants and sayings.

1) Tits are sisters, tap dancers are aunts,
Kulichki are little men, starlings are great fellows,
Fly to us from across the sea,
Bring the redness of spring!
With silk grass
With pearl dew,
With the warm sun,
With wheat grain!

2) Spring, spring, how did it come?
On the plow, on the harrow, on the other side.
3) Oh, spring, spring, throw, aunts, kresna,
And you guys sharpen the coulters.
Yes, go to the field and start plowing!

The round dance “Vesnyanka” is performed
Ukrainian folk melody.

4) Larks, come,
Bring some warmth, please,
We're tired of winter
She ate all our bread,
Firewood and straw burned all over.
She took away all the milk.

5) Spring, red spring!
Come, spring with joy,
With joy, with joy,
With great mercy!
With tall flax,
With deep roots,
With abundant bread!

The round dance “Spring is Red” is performed

Belarusian folk melody.


Hey boys and girls
Would you like to dance?
Your brave prowess
Show in Russian dance.

Children(answer) We want!

A general dance is performed.
Russian folk melody “Travushka - ant.”


You danced in circles
And they danced together.
And now, my guys,
You need to play.

The game “Shine Clear” is being played
Russian folk melody.

Educator. Take me into your circle too!
If I have a goat, there will also be gray wolves. (Counts the counting rhyme, chooses a goat)

A goat walked along the bridge
And wagged her tail,
Got caught on the railing
It landed right in the river,
Who doesn't believe is him,
Get out of the circle!

A Russian folk song is being performed.
Like grandma’s goat” (dramatized)
(The teacher stands in a circle with the children)

The game "Goat" is being played - it was considered

Educator. They played well, sang and danced well. It's time to get to work.

Children walk in a round dance, holding hands, to the tables.

3 hours(1)

Educator. I want to test your skill in painting Easter eggs.
According to custom, Easter eggs were painted on Good Friday, the day before Easter.
It has long been believed that an egg is a symbol of new life, pure, bright, a symbol of hope. Once upon a time in ancient times there was the following legend: “In the beginning the human race was enclosed in an egg. He was an ungerminated seed, an unopened bud. But the imprisonment came to an end. Rod gave birth to mother Lada. Rod destroyed the prison with the power of love. Then the world was filled with love.
Eggs were most often colored with onion peels! It was believed that an egg painted in this way acquired healing powers and helped against all sorts of diseases and the evil eye. For small children, when they slept poorly, they rolled a testicle on the top of their heads, and the child’s night fears disappeared.
Let's repeat the symbols with which Easter eggs were painted.

Pine - longevity and health.
The star is moral purity, philanthropy.
Oak leaf - harmony.
The sun is for the harvest.

Russian folk songs are played. Children paint eggs with watercolors or felt-tip pens.

(The teacher observes the children’s work, helps those children who do not succeed, and praises them for successful work.)

Educator. In front of you on the table in your bags are real painted Easter eggs that you brought from home. What are they popularly called?

Children(answer) Krashenki.

Educator. Take the paints out of your bags, take them in your hands, and hang the bags on your shoulder. Now we will play games with paints. Leave your tables!

3h (2)

The children come out and stand in two lines in the center of the hall: the girls are opposite the boys, turning around to face each other.

Game No. 1 is played (the first and second pairs participate alternately)

On command, the children simultaneously spin their paints. Whose egg spins the longest is the winner, he takes the loser's egg.

Game No. 2 is played (the third and fourth pairs participate alternately)
The players roll the paints so that they collide. Whose egg breaks, he gives it to his opponent.

Game No. 3 is played (the fifth and sixth pairs participate)

Paint fight. Players hit paints with the sharp side. Whose egg breaks or cracks is the loser. He gives his egg to his opponent.

Educator. This concludes our lesson.

Children line up in the center of the hall in a semicircle.

Educator. Let's summarize. What great holiday were discussed in class today?

Children(answer) About the holiday of Holy Easter.

Educator. What is another name for this holiday?

Children(answer) Bright Sunday of Christ.

Educator. What is the name of the shrub, the branches of which are brought into the house and placed in vases a week before Easter in order to drive away all evil spirits from the house?

Children(answer) This shrub is called willow.

Educator. In the evening, on the eve of the holiday, to attend the Easter service, where do people gather?

Children(answer) In the church.

Educator. In the morning in churches and cathedrals after the Easter service, what do they start ringing?

Children(answer) The bells ring.

Educator. What is this ringing called?

Children(answer) Easter gospel.

Educator. What church music did you listen to and who wrote it?

Children(answer) We listened to a concert for choir, written by the Russian composer Bortnyansky.

Educator. What else did you do in class today?

Children(answer) We painted Easter eggs.

Educator. How do you usually color Easter eggs?

Children ( answer) Before Easter, eggs are usually painted with onion skins.

Educator. Why?

Children(answer) Such an egg helps against various diseases.

Educator. What else did we do in class today?


1. They sang songs, danced in circles, played different games.
2. We also played games with paints.

Educator. Well done! Did you like the lesson?

Children(answer) Yes, I liked it.


Praise the Lord from heaven
And sing constantly!
The world of his wonders is filled
And unspeakable glory!


Praise the Lord from heaven
And angelic faces!
Let all sorrow be silent
And the murmur is hopeless.


Praise the Lord from heaven
And praise, people!
Christ is risen! Christ is risen!
And trampled death forever!

Song. Inviting children to the table.

  1. Summary of a lesson on introducing children of the second junior group to the Easter holiday
  2. Performed by Pyankova Elena Aleksandrovna

Target: introduce children to the traditions of celebrating Easter.


1. Tell why this holiday is celebrated, why eggs are painted and Easter cakes are baked on this holiday.

3. Develop fine motor skills of fingers and imagination.

4. Develop speech and thinking.

Material: visual aids (pictures of Easter cake, Easter, Easter colored eggs, riddles, poems).

Preliminary work: Looking at illustrations with children - a basket with Easter colored eggs, looking at Easter cake and Easter.

Progress of the lesson

Cheerful music sounds with the singing of birds and the murmur of water(Sounds of nature).

Drops are dripping loudly near our window. The birds sang merrily, VisitEaster has come to us

(K. Fofanov)

Guys, please listen to the first riddle:

The hostesses baked forholiday in the oven

Lush, rosy miracle... (Easter cakes)

That's right guys, these are Easter cakes, listen to the next one riddle:

The sun is playing and the birds are chirping,

Table decoration - red...(testicles)

Guys, Easter cakes and colored eggs are attributes of what holiday (Easter)

EASTER - This is the main church holiday. People have been preparing for the holiday all week Easter.

Tell me what needs to be done to celebrate the holiday Easter?

(People paint eggs, bake Easter cakes, clean their homes).

On Easter day It is customary to wear clean, light clothes, give each other painted eggs, and treatEaster cakes, and when people meet they say to each other “Christ is Risen!” and answer “In truth He is Risen!”They say that miracles happen on Easter.

Even the sun rejoices on this day. Have you ever seen how the sun plays in the sky, it seems to be dancing in the sky.

Guys, do you know why people give eggs to each other on this holiday? Because the egg is a symbol of new life.

Why did the egg become a symbol of new life?

(Because new life comes from the egg, a chicken hatches from it.)

That's right, nature comes to life, wakes up from sleep when spring comes and the holiday begins Easter.

Guys, let's look at the picture:

How busy children in the picture? (Children play with the egg)

That's right, on this day the children played with the testicles, rolling them on the spot, down the slides.

Not only children, but also adults loved to play games with eggs.

Do you want to play and have fun today?(Yes)

Surprise moment

(Soundtrack of bird clucking)

That's right, it's a chicken, let's find where the clucking is coming from.

A basket with a chicken and a large egg in it.

Game one: "Egg"

To the music, we pass the testicle around in a circle, when the melody ends, the one with the testicle goes into the circle and recites a poem.

Game two: "Battle"

Did you like the games? Well done guys quickly learned to play with the testicle.

Guys, it looks like there is still something in the basket. What is this?(Testicles)

Which? (Easter)

Let's look at them, are they the same?(different)

That's right, because they were painted in different ways.

Look at this egg. It's dyed. An egg painted with one color is called a krashenka.(Ask several children to show the paint)

And this is a pysanka, because the egg was painted with different colors(ask the children to repeat)

Please stand in front of the tables.

Show the children a basket of eggs.

Guys, what are these pysanka or krashenka eggs called?

That's right, paints, now we will turn them into Easter eggs.

How, it’s very simple with the help of cotton swabs and paints. If we paint our paints, we will get some pysanka eggs! Guys, look, in front of you lies a blank egg-dye, gouache paints and cotton swabs. With the help of cotton swabs we can draw not only dots, but also straight and wavy lines. First we dip a cotton swab in water, then in paint and begin to draw our pattern. Guys, for each color we take a new stick, we don’t mix paints. You can draw spring forget-me-not flowers - a yellow dot in the center, and blue or blue dots around it. And so we turn our painted eggs into Easter eggs! Imagine! Background music.

Now let's admire our testicles, did they turn out beautiful?(Yes.)

Guys, your eggs, which you have now decorated with your own hands, will bring happiness and joy to the one to whom you give them. Let us give our Easter eggs to our loved ones, i.e. mom and dad.

Lesson summary:

What holiday were we talking about today? How do people prepare for this holiday? What do you call eggs that are simply painted? Which ones did you paint? What games are played on Easter? What else did we do today?

Lucien Kriventseva
Summary of an open lesson in the second junior group “Easter”

Target: introduce children to the traditions of celebration Easter.


1. Tell why this holiday is celebrated, why eggs are painted on this holiday.

3. Develop fine motor skills of fingers and imagination.

4. Develop speech and thinking.

Integrations: communication, music, artistic creativity, cognition.

Progress of the lesson

Children enter to the music...

They came in and sat down on the chairs.

It seems we didn’t all come, I think we forgot someone, but our kids are catching up with us on a train.

The guys brought us a song about kindergarten! (Children sing a song)

Today I came to you in the image of Spring, look at my wreath! I did not come empty-handed, but brought one of the spring holidays.

What spring holidays do you know?

And I'll tell you about Easter and Palm Sunday.


Before Easter celebrate the spring holiday of Palm Sunday.

Willow is health, strength and beauty. Whoever touches the willow on the holiday will be healthy, strong and beautiful. Early in the morning they lightly touched the children with willow and sentenced: Just as a willow grows, you grow. Let me touch you with a willow so that you are healthy!

The willow has flowers -

Fluffy lumps

In spring it blooms

Holiday Easter is calling us.

Now let's dance with the willow

Now let's sit down on the chairs.

I want to tell you about the holiday Easter.

EASTER This is the main church holiday. People have been preparing for the holiday all week Easter.

Tell me what needs to be done to celebrate the holiday Easter?

(Paint eggs, bake Easter cakes).

Easter is also called RED EASTER, i.e. beautiful.

Why Easter is called red? (children's answers)

per day Easter It is customary to wear clean, light clothes, give each other painted eggs, and treat Easter cakes.

The testicle is a symbol of life

The egg has become a symbol of new life, rebirth on Easter.

Why did the egg become a symbol of new life?

(answers because new life comes from the egg, a chicken hatches from it.)

That's right, nature comes to life, wakes up from sleep when spring comes and the holiday begins Easter.

How busy children in the picture? (Children play with the egg)

That's right, that day the children played with testicles, rolled them on the spot, down slides, and played cue ball. Not only children, but also adults loved to play games with eggs.

Do you want to play and have fun today? (Yes)

Then I invite you to go on an unusual spring journey. Let's be together Celebrate Easter, after all, they say, on Miracles happen on Easter...

Surprise moment

Soundtrack of a bird clucking!

That's right, it's a chicken, let's find where the clucking is coming from.

A basket with a chicken and a large egg in it.

Game egg! To the music, we pass the testicle around in a circle, when the melody ends, the one whose testicle comes out into the circle and dances.

Did you like the game? Well done, they quickly learned to play with the testicle.

Guys, it looks like there is something else in the basket. What is this? (Testicles)

Which? (Easter)

Let's look at them, are they the same? (different)

That's right, because they were painted in different ways.

Look at this egg (painted) An egg of one color is called a krashenka because it was painted one color! (Ask several children to show the paint)

And this is a pysanka, because the egg was painted with different colors (ask the children repeat)

Please stand in front of the tables.

Show the children a basket of eggs.

Children, what are these eggs called pysanka or krashenka?

That's right, paints, now we will turn them into Easter eggs.

How, yes, it’s very simple with the help of stickers. If we glue them onto paints, we will get some eggs, Easter eggs!

And so we turn our Easter eggs into painted eggs.

Background music.

Now let's admire our testicles, did they turn out beautiful? (Yes.)

Guys, your eggs, which you have now decorated with your own hands, will bring happiness and joy to the one to whom you give them. (Give to parents).

Now we will take our dyes to group and there we will give it to our loved ones.

Lesson “Bright Easter” in the 2nd junior group of a preschool educational institution

This lesson is intended for familiarization and practical application. In our lesson, parents acted as educators. The children got acquainted with the Christian holiday of Easter and its customs.

Target: Introduce children to the tradition of celebrating Easter.
Educational: familiarization with the origins of the cultural traditions of the Russian people.
Educational: introduce children to the customs of the Orthodox Church, folk games and amusements.
Developmental: development of attention and observation, concentration of movements.
Equipment and materials: painted eggs, Easter eggs, image of Easter cake, Easter table, slide for rolling eggs. Cardboard egg templates, paper decorations, glue.
Progress of the lesson:
Introductory conversation. Children sit in a semicircle on the carpet on cushions.
Drops are dripping loudly
Near our window.
The birds sang merrily,
Easter has come to visit us
(K. Fofanov)

Educator: Guys, do you know what Easter is?
Children: Such bread
Educator: Yes, bread, Easter cake, baked according to a special recipe. When are Easter cakes baked? What holiday?
Children: Easter cakes are baked

Educator: Do you want to know how this holiday is celebrated?
On this day, people visited each other and exchanged eggs and pastries. Eggs are painted in different colors and given to each other.
Educator: “Let’s try to give you an Easter egg.”
The teacher chooses two people who want to, gives one of them an egg - a pysanka and invites the children to say hello according to the Easter custom. (Eggs need to be tapped with your nose).

The teacher shows the children colored eggs: “How are these eggs different?”
Children's answers.
Educator: “That's right, guys. One egg is painted one color, and on the other we see a pattern.
Eggs painted with paint are called “krashenki”, and eggs painted with subtle patterns are called “pysanky”. When an artist draws, they say that he is painting a picture or a pattern.

Now let’s find out what Easter cakes are. Kulich symbolizes the red sun, and if a person tries Kulich, he absorbs the life-giving rays and becomes kind and strong.
Easter always fell in the spring and people watched the weather, this is how folk signs developed: Look outside, is there still snow?
Educator: “A folk sign tells us: “If all the snow has already melted by Easter, then the year will be fruitful. And if there is still snow, then the year will be poor.”
Educator: “Now look, is it raining or is the sun shining?”
Educator: “There is another sign: if the weather is clear and sunny on Easter Sunday, then the summer will be hot but dry. If the “mushroom rain” passes, the summer will be warm but rainy. And if it is cloudy but without rain, then the summer will be cold but dry.
Educator: “The ritual of “letting the birds go free” has long existed.
Let us imagine that we have birds in our hands and we are releasing them.
Educator: “So you and I released our birds into the wild, so that spring would come quickly, so that the snow would melt, so that the flowers would bloom.
Easter is one of the most beloved family holidays all over the world.
Preparations for Easter begin with cleaning the house; many people collect things for the poor and give them to those who need it. After all, Easter is a holiday of mercy and compassion, and each of us can show these qualities by helping our neighbor. And this, you see, is pleasant and not at all difficult.
On Easter, you, too, together with your parents, can put together things you’ve outgrown and toys you don’t play with, and give them to younger children.
On Thursday and Friday, housewives bake Easter cakes, and children decorate them with icing and sprinkle with colorful sugar stars and peas.
The Easter holiday has always been accompanied by folk games and entertainment.
Game "Egg Rolling": The teacher lays out small souvenirs and sets up a small homemade slide or board. The child picks up the egg and rolls it down the slide. Whichever souvenir the egg rolls to, the child receives that gift.
"Laying Game": For this game you will need 2 eggs and 2 spoons. Children are divided into two teams, the teacher sets the flags. On command, children place an egg in a spoon and carry the egg so as not to drop it from the spoon, while avoiding the flags. Next, the egg and spoon are handed over to the team. The team that gets the egg around the flags first wins.
Educator: Now let's decorate our eggs with a pattern of geometric shapes.
Application “Testicles for the holiday.”

Children decorate eggs. Show each other.
Educator: The kids worked hard, how good they are.

Progress of the lesson:

Educator: There are many rituals in Rus'.

And today is the holiday of God:

Easter is God's Sunday,

His second birthday.

Everywhere the gospel is buzzing,

People are pouring out of all the churches.

The dawn is already looking from the sky...

Christ is risen! Christ is risen!

(bells ringing)

Guys, who knows what kind of Easter holiday this is?

(the teacher listens to the children’s answers and marks the correct ones)

Easter has its roots in the distant past.

Easter is the holiday of the bright Sunday of Christ, which is celebrated with joy and triumph. On Easter, everyone goes to visit each other, says Christ, congratulates them on the holiday, wishes the owners happiness and prosperity, and gifts each other with colored eggs and Easter cakes.

In ancient times, people walked from house to house, stopping in front of the windows and singing songs. The songs included Easter greetings, spells for the future harvest, livestock offspring, and demands for gifts: eggs, pies, etc. And the owners tried to please the volcanoes in any way they could. They were afraid not to give them gifts, since terrible words could be spoken to the stingy owner:

Whoever does not give us eggs will kill the sheep,

If a piece of lard does not give us, the heifer will die.

During Lent, all kinds of games and amusements were prohibited, and from Easter, fun festivities began with games, round dances, and round dance songs. Celebrations were held in the fresh air. It was from Easter that people began to swing on swings and carousels.

Physical education lesson “Carousel”


The carousel is spinning (the children begin to move slowly)

And then, then, then

Everything is running, running, running (the pace of speech and movement accelerates)

Let's run, let's run,

Let's run, let's run,

Hush, hush, don't rush (the pace slows down)

Carousel os-ta-no-vi-te. (everyone stopped)

One-two, one-two,

So the game is over (everyone bows to each other).

What else do we do for Easter? That's right, on the bright holiday of Easter they painted eggs.

Did you know that eggs painted in one color were called “colored”; if the general color indicated spots, stripes, specks of a different color - it was a “speckle”. There were also “pysanky” - eggs hand-painted with plot pictures or ornamental patterns. (demonstration of pictures with painted eggs).

Special symbols were used for Easter eggs: cockscombs protected against evil forces, the sun for a good harvest, stars for a pure soul and kindness. And for the pattern to be beautiful and even, you need to work carefully.

And now I suggest you go to your tables, on which images of eggs are prepared for you. Each of you can decorate your egg the way you like best.

After the work is completed, the “pysanky” are displayed on the board. Children look at each other's work, telling what they liked best.

Educator: What holiday did we talk about today? What new did you learn? What did you like? Guys, you all worked really hard today! Well done! Let's traditionally give each other our “colors” so that next year will be good and fruitful.