Node on speech development for the younger group. NOD for speech development “Journey to the forest. Finger game: “Cook, we cook compote”

Software tasks:

1. Educational:

- fix the name of insects: mosquito, grasshopper, beetle, butterfly, dragonfly, bee;

- consolidate the ability to distinguish the most common fruits by appearance, taste, shape and name them.


- learn to distinguish and correctly pronounce the sound “Z”; develop motor skills of the speech-motor apparatus, auditory perception; clarify and consolidate the articulation of the sound “Z”;

— exercise the ability to form plural nouns of the genitive case in the use of prepositional-case constructions;

— exercise the ability to describe fruits using mnemonics.

3. Developmental:

- develop attention, thinking, perception, fine motor skills.

4. Educational:

- cultivate kindness and respect for nature.


Demonstration: laptop, demonstration board, home-made toy - a “mosquito” twitcher, box, illustration of the Fly - Tskokotuhi, fruits (pear, apple, plum, peach), mnemonic track “fruit”.

Progress of the lesson.

  1. Introductory part.


- Guys, do you hear someone crying quietly? Oh, yes, this is a mosquito. (shows a toy). The mosquito is crying because no one is friends with him. He doesn't know how to sing the song that other mosquitoes sing. Let's help the mosquito and teach him to sing the mosquito song.

2. Main part.

- First we need to do exercises for our tongue. Watch the mosquito as the guys do different exercises.

Articulation gymnastics.

  1. Exercise “Smile”

- Children, let's smile at each other, stretch our closed lips like this so that your teeth are not visible.

2. Exercise “Bite your tongue”

- Let's quietly bite our tongue from tip to middle. We push the tongue forward. (the teacher shows the exercises and asks the children to repeat them)


- Well done guys, now your tongue can easily cope with the mosquito song. Listen to her: “Z-Z-Z” (the teacher pronounces the isolated sound “Z”)

- Let's sing the mosquito song together. (the teacher reminds that when singing a song, the lips are stretched in a smile, the tip of the tongue rests on the lower teeth). Start quietly: “Z-Z-Z-Z” (choral and 5-6 individual performances)


- So the little mosquito sings quietly, and the big mosquito sings its song loudly. Let's sing the song of the big mosquito. (voice strength is being trained)


- Look, children, our mosquito is no longer sad. Do you hear? He sings something cheerfully. Listen.

The teacher pronounces a simple saying: “FOR – FOR – FOR – mosquito, grasshopper, dragonfly.”

- Let us sing the funny song of the mosquito (children repeat the phrase in chorus and individually)

- And here is another song that the mosquito came up with: “ZU - ZU - ZU - we caught a dragonfly” (the teacher suggests repeating the saying first to the boys, then to the girls, and individually)


— Komarik really liked the way you sing.

Word game: “Catch a mosquito.”


- Children, the mosquito came up with riddles that contain his song, I will name the words, and you clap if you hear the mosquito’s song in them.

Hare, mosaic, grasshopper, cat, dog, goat, dragonfly, wolf, umbrella, hat. (children sit on chairs and clap their hands when they hear the sound “Z” in these words.) Well done, you have guessed all the mosquito’s riddles.

- And now the mosquito invites you to dance.

Physical exercise.

Russian folk song “Like ours at the gate.”

Like ours at the gate
The dragonfly is dancing.
Ay, Lyuli, here he comes,
Ay, Lyuli, here he comes.

The mosquito makes music
The dragonfly is dancing.
Ay, Lyuli, here she goes,
Ay, Lyuli, here she goes.

The dragonfly went to dance,
I took the ant with me.
Ay, Lyuli, here she goes,
Ay, Lyuli, here she goes.

“Ant, my dear,
Come dance with me!”
Ay, Lyuli, you are with me,
Ay, Lyuli, you are with me.

“I would be glad to dance,
I’m really tired!”
Ay, Lyuli, I'm tired,
Ay, Lyuli, I'm tired.

Verses 1 and 2 – children walk in a circle.

Verse 3 – make a spring, hands on the belt.

Verse 4 - spinning.

Verse 5 – walk in a circle, wipe their forehead with their hand.

Word game: “Where did the mosquito hide?”

- Guys, the mosquito really loves to play hide and seek, let's play with it (children sit on chairs)

The teacher places a box on the table, hides the mosquito in the box, on the box, behind the box, near the box, under the box.

-Where is the mosquito hiding?

Guys, our mosquito is invited to his name day by the Fly - Tsokotukha.

Today Fly-Tsokotukha is the birthday girl. Many different insects gathered to visit her. Let's see who.

Word game: “One is many” (animation)


- First, one butterfly flew to the fly, and then many...

1 slide 2 slide

- One grasshopper galloped up, and then many...

3 slide 4 slide

- One beetle crawled in, and then many...

5 slide 6 slide

– One dragonfly came to visit the fly, and then many...

7 slide 8 slide

– One bee came, and then many...

9 slide 10 slide


— Many guests came to Mukha’s name day – Tsokotuhe.

Let us hurry up, the mosquito will show us the way.

And here is the birthday girl herself. The Fly-Tsokotukha decided to treat her guests to a delicious compote.

Let's help Mukha - Tsokotukha cook compote. For compote, let's take... (the teacher takes an apple out of the basket) What is this? What apple? (apple red, round, smooth, sweet)

What is this? What pear? (yellow, triangular, smooth, sweet)

What is this? What plum? (blue, oval, smooth, sweet)

What is this? What peach? (yellow, round, rough, sweet)

Apple, pear, plum, peach - what is it? (fruit)

Let's put the fruit in the pan.

The teacher takes one fruit, uses a mnemonic track to give a sample of a descriptive story, and puts it in a pan.

The teacher calls on the children one by one to describe the fruit before putting it in the pan.

3. Final part.

The teacher invites the children to cook compote.

Finger game: “Cook, we cook compote”

We will cook compote

You need a lot of fruit. Here.

(hold your left palm like a ladle, and stir with the index finger of your right hand)

Let's chop apples

We will chop pears

Squeeze the lemon juice

We'll put in some drainage and sand.

(bend your fingers one at a time, starting with the thumb)

We cook, we cook compote

Let's treat honest people.

(hold your right palm like a ladle, and stir with the index finger of your left hand)

- Well done guys!

Summary of educational activities for speech development for children of the second younger group (3-4 years old) “What is good”

Integrated educational areas:
Speech development
Cognitive development,
Social and communicative development,
Physical development

Generalize and expand children's knowledge about good and bad deeds.
Repeat and reinforce with children forms of polite treatment of people.
Draw children's attention to the fact that kind words must be combined with kind deeds.
Foster a culture of communication, friendly relationships, the desire to support friends, and take care of them.

Planned results:
Can repeat forms of polite address,
Knows the rules for using polite words in speech,
Can distinguish between good and bad deeds,
Strives to maintain friendly relationships with children,
Strives to support friends and bring correct behavior to the masses

Sunny flower made from colored cardboard
Demonstration materials “What is good and what is bad?”,
Giraffe costume
Certificates for the “Most Polite Child” based on the number of children,
Tape recorder,
Music for physical education "Little Birds"

Preliminary work:
Solving riddles in poems about polite words;
Games “Opposites”, “Tender Word”;
Reading V. Mayakovsky “What is good and what is bad”;
Analysis of proverbs about goodness and kindness;
Reading “The Magic Word” by V. Oseeva
Reading “What is good, what is bad”, “Uncle Styopa”, “Aibolit”, etc.
Conversations on the topics: “What is good, what is bad”, “So that you do good for people”,
Role-playing game “If you can, help!”
Watching the cartoon “Three Cats”
Making a board game for speech development “What is good and what is bad”
Organizational moment

Good morning guys. Thank you for coming to kindergarten today! Today we will talk on the topic: “What is good and what is bad.” Let's talk about good and bad deeds. Guys, tell me, are you pleased to hear polite speech? What polite words have you heard from me just now?

Main part

Dear children! Look outside the window, what time is it now? (Winter)
Right! How did they understand this? (It’s cold, it’s snowing, people are dressed warmly) Well done!
Is it good or bad when it's cold? (Bad) Why? (Because you can get sick). How should we dress when going outside so as not to get sick or freeze? (Warm). And When we are dressed warmly, but it’s cold outside, is it good or bad? (Fine)
We have a lot of snow now.
Guys, tell me, is eating snow good or bad? (Bad) Why? (Because you can get sick..)
What do we miss so much in winter? (Warmth, sun, flowers)
Today the sun sent you and me a letter asking for help! All the flowers have turned gray, lost their colors, and the sun asks you and me to return the colors to their place, but for this we will need to complete tasks. Are you ready?
And before you start completing tasks. I suggest you get some rest.

Physical education minute "Small Birds"
Great! Now let's get to work!
I tear off the first petal and invite you to play a game of polite words.

Word game "Polite words".
We need to remember all the polite words that we know.
Greetings– hello, hello, good morning, good evening.
Parting- bye, goodbye.
Request– please, be kind, be so kind.
Gratitude- thank you, thank you very much, thank you.

Tell me how you can greet adults and children?
Wishes - all the best, all the best, be healthy, good night, bon appetit, bon voyage.
Apology - I'm sorry, I'm sorry, please, I beg your pardon, I apologize, I beg your pardon.

Well done! All the polite words were remembered.

I tear off the second petal, now I offer to answer the questions.
Let's play the game "Good and bad"
Rules of the game:
The teacher names a good deed - the children clap, a bad deed - they stomp their feet.

I tear off the third petal, now I’ll read the task to you: I suggest you play finger gymnastics.

Finger gymnastics “Orange”
We shared an orange -
(Both hands “hold” the supposed orange)
There are many of us, but he is alone.
(Show first ten fingers, and then one)
This slice is for the hedgehog,
(Bend the thumb)
This slice is for the swift,
(Bend the index finger)
This slice is for ducklings
(Bend the middle finger)
This slice is for kittens,
(Bend the ring finger)
This slice is for the beaver,
(bend the little finger)
And for the wolf - the peel.
(Throw the intended peel with your hand)
He is angry with us - trouble!!!
(Looks scared)
Run away in all directions!
(Make arm movements to the sides)

I tear off the fourth petal. To teach someone who is not quite well-mannered something good. I just know a giraffe who doesn’t know how to behave!

“Giraffe” comes in and doesn’t say hello.

All: Hello Giraffe!
Guys, when I come to the garden, I stick my tongue out at everyone, is that right? (No)
What should you do? (Greet)
Also, when I want a toy, I take it away, is that right? (No)
What should you do? (ask)
And also, I also like to eat candy on the street and throw candy wrappers right on the road! This is right? (no) How should it be? (throw it in the trash)

And now we will open the last petal with the task. I tear off the fifth petal and suggest playing the game “Good and Bad.” There are cards with good and bad deeds on the table. Our task will be to share these cards with you. On one easel put pictures with only good deeds, and on the second - only with bad ones.
While the children are playing the game, the teacher turns the middle of the flower over to the colored one with a smile.

Oh, friends, it turns out I was so ill-mannered, I did so many bad things! It's such a shame! But now, thanks to you, I will always say hello, say goodbye, say please and will never take away toys or throw candy wrappers. And I also want to say the magic word THANK YOU to all of you!

I, in turn, want to present you, my dear kids, with certificates as the most polite, well-mannered and kind children! (Presentation of certificates)

Let's take a photo for memory!

GCD purpose: develop coherent speech in children; learn to use nouns in singular and plural forms in speech; learn to agree on adjectives and nouns in gender (masculine, feminine and neuter) and number (singular and plural); expand children's vocabulary.

GCD tasks:

Educational: learn to use nouns in singular and plural forms in speech; learn to agree on adjectives and nouns in gender (masculine, feminine and neuter) and number (singular and plural); learn to compare objects by size, color, practice using diminutive names; expand children's vocabulary.

Educational: develop the ability to listen to each other, develop monologue and dialogic speech, develop speech activity, develop fine motor skills.

Educating: cultivate tolerance, responsiveness, desire to help others, communication skills.

Methodical techniques: verbal (conversation); visual (ICT, demonstration material, toys); reception of emotional interest (trouble has happened - we need to help); game; use of health-saving technologies; voice modulation; surprise moment; questions.

Didactic games:“Call it affectionately”, “One is many.”

Equipment: projector, laptop, screen, soft frog toy, 6 goblins, dragon castle; dragon, princess doll, music center.

Handout: task cards; markers; one large green cucumber, one large yellow pear, one large red apple, many small green apples, many small red pears, many small yellow bananas.

GCD move.

(Children enter the group, listen, hear some sounds (the teacher turns on a recording of a croaking frog; then I display an image of a frog on the screen); they find the source - it’s a frog).

Educator: I read a poem about a frog ( showing a toy frog)

Reeds grow by the river.

A baby lives in the reeds.

He has green skin

And with a green face.

Educator: Guys, the frog is crying; How can we calm her down?

Children: Have pity, stroke her, say kind words, find out why she is crying.

(Children feel sorry for her, stroke her, say kind words, find out why she is crying.)

Frog: I am a princess, and an evil dragon turned me into a frog (crying). And no one can help me.

Educator: Guys, how can we help the frog?

Children: Get to the dragon and persuade him to disenchant the frog.

Educator: To do this we need to complete a number of tasks. Do you agree?

Children: Yes.

Educator: Here's your first task - croak like frogs. ( The children are croaking.)

(The teacher praises the children by showing frogs croaking in the swamp on the screen.)

Educator: Guys, to complete the next task we need to sit down at the tables.

(Children go to the tables. On the tables there are cards with the task: draw a path for the frog to the dragon’s castle, point by point).

Educator: Guys, let's help the frog get to the dragon's castle?

Children: Yes.

(Children complete the task. We check the correctness of execution, correcting errors if necessary.)

Educator: Well done! Everyone reached the dragon's castle. But look: there are guards at the castle gates - goblins. How do we get into the castle? (Children make assumptions. We come to the conclusion that we need to treat them with something) (we find a basket of fruit).

Children: Here's one big green banana for you, goblin.

Here you go, goblin, a lot of little yellow bananas.

Here's one big red apple for you, goblin.

Here you go, goblin, a lot of little green apples.

Here's one big yellow pear for you, goblin.

Here you go, goblin, a lot of little red pears.

(I praise the children, correcting mistakes if necessary. The goblins let us into the castle, where we find an evil dragon).

Educator: Guys, how do we persuade the dragon to disenchant the frog?

(Children's answers: ask the dragon, dear little dragon, you are so good, please cast a spell on the frog. (Children call the dragon affectionately: little dragon, dragon, little dragon, pretty, darling, what beautiful eyes you have, how green you are, how smart you are, etc. .d.)

Educator: Well done! Guys, our little dragon has gotten better and decided to cast a spell on the frog. (The children close their eyes, and when they open them, the frog has already become a princess. She thanks the children, and everyone stands in a circle to the music).


Educator: Guys, did you like helping the frog to become a princess again?

Children: Yes.
Educator: What did you do for this?

Children: They croaked, drew a path to the castle, treated the goblins, and spoke kind words to the dragon.

Educator: Guys, you are great! Thank you. Now everyone can have fun.

Nomination: open lesson on speech development in the second junior group according to the Federal State Educational Standard.

Position: teacher of the highest qualification category
Place of work: MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 125 in Chelyabinsk"
Location: Chelyabinsk, Chelbinsk region

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution No. 3 – kindergarten

general developmental type


300010 Tula, st. Mayskaya 11 tel/fax 48-62-95


directly educational activities

in the second junior group on the topic: “Composing a descriptive story about toys.”

Educator: Proshchalykina Z.N.

Tula, 2015

Integration of educational areas:“Speech development”, “Artistic and aesthetic development”, “Social and communicative development”, “Cognitive development”.

Types of children's activities:gaming, communicative, visual, motor.


– learn to write a descriptive story about toys with the help of a teacher;

– learn to compare different animals, highlighting opposite characteristics;

– activate adjectives in speech, including antonyms;

– consolidate the correct pronunciation of the sounds [m], [m"] in individual words, learn to pronounce words and phrases loudly and quietly;

– practice understanding and using spatial prepositions: in, on, under, about;

– consolidate knowledge about wild and domestic animals;

– develop imagination and creative abilities;

– cultivate activity, independence, initiative, love for animals.

Methods and techniques:

Visual (looking at toys, pictures)

Verbal (storytelling, conversation, speech pattern, guessing a riddle)

Practical (speech games and exercises, finger gymnastics, outdoor play, game situation, drawing)

Forms of organizing joint activities: individual, group, game.

Planned results of the development of integrative qualities of a preschooler:participates with emotional interest in composing a story about toys, answers the teacher’s questions, shows positive emotions when performing movements accompanied by a poetic text and an image on the screen, participates in a conversation during an exercise to compare animals (toys), looks with interest at pictures of pets , is active when creating an individual composition in the rug design.

Materials and equipment:TV, laptop, toys (a bear and a fox), a basket, pictures of “Pets”, felt-tip pens, sheets of white paper.

Progress of direct educational activities

1. Organizational moment.

The teacher shows the children the basket. There is a soft toy (bear) covered with a napkin.

- Guys, someone is sleeping in my basket. You will find out who is there if you solve the riddle.

In summer it wanders without a path between pines and birches.

And in winter he sleeps in a den, hiding his nose from the frost.

- Yes, it's a bear. What should we call his cub? What about the bear's mother?

(The teacher, highlighting the sounds [m], [m "], asks the children to repeat after her the words: bear, bear cub, she-bear.)

2. Conversation.

– What kind of fur does a bear have? What ears? What tail? What paws? What eyes?

– What does a bear like?

- What can he do?

3. Writing a story about a bear.

– Who wants to talk about the bear?

(With the help of the teacher, the child talks about the toy.)

4. Physical exercise.

The teacher asks the child:

– Ask, does the bear want to play with you? The child asks: “Bear, do you want to play with us?” The teacher replies: “The bear says that you show him a game about bears.” At this time, an image appears on the screen: the bear is standing, the bear is doing exercises. Children stand in a circle and, together with the teacher, perform movements with the text.

Two bears were sitting on a thin branch.

One was reading a newspaper, the other was grinding flour.

One peek-a-boo, two peek-a-boo, both plopped into the flour.

Nose in flour, forehead in flour, ears in sour milk.

5. Exercise on the correct use of prepositions.

- Guys, the bear whispers to me that he didn’t come to us alone, but his friend was lost somewhere, let’s look for him. Look, is there something near the closet? (Children answer:"There's no closet near"). Is it on the table? Under the chair? In a box? (Not on the table. Not under the chair. Not in the box.)

A – I’ll check behind the door. Yes, here he is! Who is this? ( Fox ). Where was he hiding? ( Behind the door)

6. Writing a story about a little fox.

The teacher asks the children:

– Who wants to tell us about the little fox? (One child talks, the teacher helps in case of difficulty.)

7. Finger gymnastics.

- Guys, what kind of animals are a fox and a bear? ( Wild ) Why are they called that?

– What kind of animals are these? (The teacher shows pictures of “Pets”). - Why are they called that?

- Let's play with the animals with our fingers.


The dog has a sharp nose, a neck, and a tail.


The cat has ears on the top of its head to better hear the mouse in the hole.


The bunny's ears are long and stick out from the bushes.

Fox and wolf.

A gray wolf runs through the forest, and a fox runs after him,

Two fluffy tails rose like a trumpet.

8. Animal comparison exercise.

- Guys, look at the bear’s tail? ( Short ). What about the little fox? (Long ). What ears? Paws? Wool?

9. Drawing a rug.

- Guys, let's give our friends rugs so that they can sleep warmly. Children come to the tables, choose a place and color of a felt-tip pen, and draw a rug according to their own design. Then they give their rug to the bear and the fox. The teacher praises them.

10. Reflection.

– Who did we talk about today?

-What did you do for them?

– Now you can draw the same beautiful rugs for other toys.

Topic: "Vegetables"

Target: expand children's ideas about vegetables based on sensory examination and description of their external characteristics.
- Developmental:
develop speech,
promote sensory development and auditory perception.
- Educational:
consolidate the ability to correctly name vegetables, describe their color, shape and size.
Identify vegetables by appearance; learn to compose basic descriptions of vegetables (sentences of 5-6 words).
Practice using diminutive names for vegetables.
- Educational:
instill in children the habit of helping others, being active, attentive and responsive when interacting with each other
Methods used:
Verbal: description of a hare, vegetables, logical questions, solving riddles.
Practical: didactic games “Wonderful Bag”, “Name What’s Missing?”, finger gymnastics “Harvest”, dynamic game “In the Garden”.
Equipment: dummies of vegetables, basket, “wonderful bag”, visual aids depicting vegetables, carrot coloring book, soft toy hare
Preliminary work:
- looking at illustrations of vegetables;
- reading fairy tales “Turnip”, “Puff”, poems and riddles about vegetables;
- plot-based role-playing game “Vegetable Store”
Integration of educational areas:“Socio-communicative development”, “Cognition”.
Progress of the lesson.
1. Organizational moment.
- Guys, an unusual guest will come to visit us today. And to find out who it is, you need to guess the riddle:
"Long ear, little ball of fluff,

He jumps deftly and loves carrots.”
- Who is this? (Bunny)
- That's right, bunny. Let's call him quietly, “Come to us, bunny.” Now turn it up.
- Hello, bunny. (Children say hello).
- Look, guys, at the bunny. What color is the bunny? (White). Pat him, what is he like? (Soft, fluffy, warm). What does he have? (ears, tail...) What kind of ears does he have? What ponytail?
- Look, guys, the bunny brought something with him. What is this? (“Wonderful bag”)
2. Game “Wonderful bag”. Ask the children, without looking into the bag, to guess by touch what vegetable is there.
- Well done, everyone guessed right. How can you describe all this in one word? (Vegetables).
- Children, do you know how a cucumber differs from a tomato? And carrots from beets? Correctly, carrots are oblong and orange, and beets are red and round. All these vegetables grew in the garden, are they planted in the spring, and at what time of year are they harvested? (Summer and autumn).
3. Game “Name what’s missing?”
The teacher invites the children to approach the table on which there are dummies of vegetables.
- I put 4 vegetables on the table. Look at them and remember. Now you close your eyes, I’ll remove one, and you’ll tell me what’s missing.
The game “Name what is missing” is played.
- Now, let's show the bunny how we harvest.
4. Dynamic game “In the garden”.
We're walking in the garden,
We collect tomatoes.
Tomatoes are good -
Let's eat to our heart's content
Clenching and unclenching fingers
They stroke their belly.

We're walking in the garden,
We collect cucumbers.
Cucumbers are good -
Let's eat to our heart's content. Children holding hands walk in a circle
They clench and unclench their fingers and stroke their belly.

We're walking in the garden,
We collect carrots and turnips.
Carrots and turnips are good -
Let's eat to our heart's content.
Children holding hands walk in a circle
Clenching and unclenching fingers
They stroke their belly.

What did we collect in the garden? (Vegetables).
- Guys, do you know what vegetables the bunny likes? (Cabbage, carrots).
- Let's give our guest his favorite delicacy. To do this, let's color his carrots orange.
5. Finger gymnastics “Harvest”
We collect in a basket
And carrots and potatoes.
Cucumbers, beans, peas -
Our harvest is not bad.
Bend your fingers to your palm one by one, starting with the thumb. With the words: “Our harvest is not bad,” cover the entire fist with the other hand, and repeat the same with the other palm.
6. Practical part: Coloring “carrots”.
7. Summary of the lesson.
It's time for our bunny to get ready to go home. Let's say goodbye to him. (Children say goodbye to the hare).
- Who came to visit us today?
- What did he bring us as a gift?
- What vegetables grew in his garden?
- What game did you like to play today?