(based on the text by Daniil Granin) (Unified State Examination in Russian). The problem of a person’s awareness of the possibilities inherent in him. Does a person know his capabilities? (based on the text by Daniil Granin) (Unified State Examination in Russian) Material for composition

Read the text,

At almost every step we contribute to the destruction of wildlife. There are many such examples that can be cited. And all this happens only because a simple life principle is violated: if you can, do not bother others. The great French writer Antoine de Saint-Exupéry put wise words into the mouth of one of his heroes: “You are always responsible for those you have tamed.” While proud of our intelligence and strength, we should not forget that man, in essence, has only recently stepped over the fine line that separates him from the animal. And there is not absolute reason in us, but only the first glimpses of it.

In order to better understand the need to protect nature, we must determine what we owe to the animal world, besides the fact that we ourselves are its representatives.

(According to A. Ageev)

According to Ageev, in its attitude towards the world, humanity should be guided by a simple principle... It is no coincidence that the author quotes... These words remind us that... Indeed, a person should not forget that...

Highlight and comment on the problem of the text. State the author's position.

No matter how passionate a person is about history, sports or mathematics, he must be cultured enough to face all the necessary tasks without disgust.

After all, what is culture? We call cultural everything that is processed in the interests of man and in the traditions of society, to which efforts are made. Cultural is the opposite of wild. The wild apple tree produces sour, wrinkled fruits. The apple tree we worked on produces large, beautiful and tasty fruits. This is a cultivated plant. It’s the same in a person: he has a culture of thought if he studied a lot, and a culture of behavior if he was raised well, and a culture of body if he went in for sports. What about the culture of feelings? A culture of desire? Culture of interests? These types of culture also do not come by themselves; they also require work, education and self-education. Otherwise, what emerges is a wild man, a wild man among developed, cultured people. A savage these days is not one who wears a loincloth and eats raw meat. - a savage is one to whom no effort has been made to educate, and therefore he does not know how to control himself, his body, his movements, feelings, interests.

(According to S. Soloveichik)

Essay material : What's happened..? What kind of person can you call..? Such questions attracted the attention of Simon Soloveitchik.

Highlight and comment on the problem of the text. State the author's position.

How brighter life would be if every person could know what he is capable of! After all, everyone can do much more than they think - they are braver than they think they are, more resilient, stronger, and more adaptable. During the hungry winter of the Leningrad blockade, we saw enough of the miracles of human souls. It was the shower, because in these exhausted bodies, eaten away by torment, the energy of the soul and its perseverance were amazing. Theoretically, even medicine could not imagine an organism capable of enduring so much hardship. For humans - as for steel, for conductors. For concrete, there are limits for permissible loads. And suddenly it turned out that these limits could be surpassed and people could live not by physical forces - they did not exist, they were exhausted, and people continued to live and act with forces not provided for by medicine: love for their homeland, hatred, anger.

But even in everyday life there are such unexpected hours when a person realizes himself with extraordinary completeness. From God knows where, strength will surge, the mind will sharpen, the imagination will boil...

This is what is important: the possibility of such a state when a person surpasses himself, his usual abilities and limits. This means it is possible, and if it is possible once, then why not twice and not every day? Human resources are still poorly understood.

(According to D. Granin)

Essay materials: Writer Daniil Granin reflects on the problem... It is no coincidence that the author admires the “energy of the soul”, which... Indeed, a person can work miracles if... Granin emphasizes that... even in everyday life there are moments when... According to the author,...

Highlight and comment on the problem of the text. State the author's position.

Love for the fatherland can be physical, moral and political.

A person loves the place of his birth and upbringing. This attachment is common to all people and nations, it is a matter of nature and should be called physical. The homeland is dear to the heart not for its local beauty, not for its clear sky, not for its pleasant climate, but for its captivating memories surrounding, so to speak, the morning and the cradle of humanity. There is nothing sweeter in the world than life; it is the first happiness, and the beginning of all well-being has some special charm for our imagination. This is how tender lovers and friends consecrate in memory the first day of their love and friendship. The Laplander, born almost in the grave of nature, despite the fact, loves the cold darkness of his land. Move him to happy Italy: he will turn his eyes and heart to the north, like a magnet; the bright shine of the sun will not produce such sweet feelings in his soul as a gloomy day, like the whistle of a storm, like falling snow: they remind him of his fatherland! “The very location of the nerves formed in a person by climate binds us to our homeland. It is not for nothing that doctors sometimes advise patients to be treated with its air; It is not for nothing that a resident of Helvetia, removed from his snowy mountains, dries up and falls into melancholy; and returning to wild Unterwalden, to harsh Glaris, he comes to life. Every plant has more strength in its climate: the law of nature does not change for humans.

(N. Karamzin)

Essay material: Nikolai Karamzin reflects on the problem...

The author emphasizes that a person’s attachment to the place of his birth is explained...Our indissoluble connection with the fatherland, according to the historian, has the force of a law of nature. As examples confirming his thoughts, Karamzin gives...

It's a strange life

I wanted to talk about this person in a way that would stick to the facts and would be interesting. It is quite difficult to combine both of these requirements. Facts are interesting when you don't have to stick to them. One could try to find some fresh technique and, using it, build an entertaining plot from the facts. So that there is mystery and struggle and danger. And so that with all this, authenticity is maintained.

It was customary to portray, for example, this man as a united lone fighter against powerful opponents. One against all. Even better - all against one. Injustice immediately attracts sympathy. But in reality it was just one against all. He attacked. He was the first to attack and crush. The meaning of his scientific struggle was quite complex and controversial. It was a real scientific struggle, where no one manages to be completely right. It was possible to attribute a simpler problem to him, to invent it, but then it would have been inconvenient to leave his real name. Then it was necessary to abandon many other surnames. But then no one would have believed me. In addition, I wanted to pay tribute to this man, to show what a person is capable of.

Of course, authenticity got in the way and tied my hands. It's much easier to deal with a fictional hero. He is both flexible and frank - the author knows all his thoughts and intentions, both his past and his future.

I had another task: to introduce all the useful information to the reader, to give descriptions - of course, amazing, surprising, but, unfortunately, unsuitable for a literary work. They were more likely suitable for a popular science essay. Imagine inserting a description of fencing in the middle of The Three Musketeers. The reader will probably skip these pages. And I had to force the reader to read my information, since this is the most important thing...

I wanted a lot of people to read about it, and that’s essentially why this thing was started.

...It was also quite possible to get hooked on the secret. The promise of a secret, a mystery - it always attracts, especially since this mystery is not invented: I really struggled for a long time with the diaries and archive of my hero, and everything that I learned from there was a discovery for me, a clue to the secret of an amazing life.

However, to be honest, this secret is not accompanied by adventures, pursuit, and is not associated with intrigue and danger.

The secret is about how to live better. And here, too, you can arouse curiosity by declaring that this thing - about the most instructive example of the best structure of life - provides a unique System of Life.

“Our System allows you to achieve great success in any field, in any profession!”

“The system ensures the highest achievements with the most ordinary abilities!”

“You do not get an abstract system, but a guaranteed one, proven by many years of experience, accessible, productive...”

“Minimum costs - maximum effect!”

"The best in the world!.."

One could promise to tell the reader about an outstanding person of the 20th century unknown to him. To give a portrait of a moral hero, with such high moral rules that now seem old-fashioned. The life he lived is outwardly the most ordinary, in some ways even unlucky; from the point of view of the average person, he is a typical loser, but in his inner sense he was a harmonious and happy person, and his happiness was of the highest standard. Frankly, I thought that people of this scale had evolved, they were dinosaurs...

Just as in the old days they discovered the earth, just as astronomers discovered the stars, so a writer may be lucky enough to discover a person. There are great discoveries of characters and types: Goncharov discovered Oblomov, Turgenev - Bazarov, Cervantes - Don Quixote.

This was also a discovery, not of a universal type, but as if personal, mine, and not of a type, but rather of an ideal; however, this word did not fit either. Lyubishchev was also not suitable for the ideal...

I sat in a large, uncomfortable audience. The bare bulb harshly illuminated the gray hair and bald heads, the smooth comb-overs of graduate students, the long shaggy hair and fashionable wigs and curly blackness of blacks. Professors, doctors, students, journalists, historians, biologists... Most of all there were mathematicians, because it happened at their faculty - the first meeting in memory of Alexander Alexandrovich Lyubishchev.

I didn't expect so many people to come. And especially for young people. Perhaps they were driven by curiosity. Because they knew little about Lyubishchev. Either a biologist or a mathematician. Amateur? Amateur? Seems like an amateur. But the postal official from Toulouse - the great Fermat - was also an amateur... Lyubishchev - who is he? Either a vitalist, or a positivist or an idealist, in any case, a heretic.

And the speakers did not clarify either. Some considered him a biologist, others - a historian of science, others - an entomologist, others - a philosopher...

Each speaker had a new Lyubishchev. Everyone had their own interpretation, their own assessments.

For some, Lyubishev turned out to be a revolutionary, a rebel, challenging the dogmas of evolution and genetics. Others imagined the kindest figure of a Russian intellectual, inexhaustibly tolerant of his opponents.

- ...In any philosophy, living critical and creative thought was valuable to him!

-...His strength was in the continuous generation of ideas, he posed questions, he awakened thought!

- ...As one of the great mathematicians noted, brilliant geometers propose a theorem, talented ones prove it. So he was the proposer.

-...He was too scattered, he should have focused on systematics and not wasted himself on philosophical problems.

- ...Alexander Alexandrovich is an example of concentration, purposefulness of the creative spirit, he consistently throughout his life...

-...The gift of mathematics determined his worldview...

- ...The breadth of his philosophical education allowed him to rethink the problem of the origin of species.

-...He was a rationalist!


-...A dreamer, an enthusiastic person, an intuitionist!

They had been familiar with Lyubishchev and his works for many years, but each talked about the Lyubishchev they knew.

They had, of course, represented his versatility before. But only now, listening to each other, they realized that each knew only part of Lyubishchev.

I had spent the week before reading his diaries and letters, delving into the history of the preoccupations of his mind. I started reading without a purpose. Just other people's letters. Just well-written testimonies of someone else’s soul, past worries, past anger, memorable for me too, because I once thought about the same thing, but I didn’t think of it...

I soon became convinced that I did not know Lyubishchev. That is, I knew, I met him, I understood that he was a rare person, but I did not suspect the scale of his personality. With shame, I admitted to myself that I considered him an eccentric, a wise, sweet eccentric, and it was bitter that I missed many opportunities to be with him. I had planned to go to see him in Ulyanovsk so many times, and everything seemed to work out in time.

Once again life taught me not to put anything off. Life, if you think about it, is a patient caretaker, it again and again brought me together with the most interesting people of our century, but I was in a hurry and often hurried past, putting it off for later. Why did I put it off, why was I in a hurry? Now these past hurries seem so insignificant, and the losses so offensive and, most importantly, irreparable.

The student who was sitting next to me shrugged his shoulders in bewilderment, unable to combine the contradictory stories of the speakers into one.

Only a year passed after Lyubishchev's death - and it was no longer possible to understand what he really was like.

The departed belongs to everyone, nothing can be done about it. The speakers selected from Lyubishchev what they liked or what they needed as arguments. While telling stories, they also built their own stories. Over the years, their portraits will turn out to be something average, or rather, an acceptable average, devoid of contradictions, mysteries - smoothed out and barely recognizable.

This average will be explained, it will be determined where he was wrong and where he was ahead of his time, and will be made completely understandable. And lifeless. If he gives in, of course. Above the pulpit hung a large photograph in a black frame - an old bald man, wrinkling his drooping nose, scratching the back of his head. He looked puzzledly, either at the audience or at the speakers, as if deciding what else he could do. And it was clear that all these clever speeches and theories now had nothing to do with that old man who could no longer be seen and who was so needed now. I'm too used to him being there. It was enough for me to know that somewhere there was a person with whom I could talk about everything and ask about everything.

When a person dies, many things become clear, many things become known. And our attitude towards the deceased is summed up. I felt this in the speakers' speeches. There was certainty about them. Lyubishchev’s life appeared complete before them, now they decided to think it over and summarize it. And it was clear that now many of his ideas would receive recognition, many of his works would be published and republished. For some reason, the dead have more rights, they are allowed more...

ORIGINAL TEXT: (1) Most people do not try to go beyond their capabilities; throughout their lives they never try to find out what they are capable of and what they are incapable of. (2) They don’t know what they can’t do. (3) The saddest thing is this prudence in science. (4) A scientist who chooses tasks according to his strengths achieves honor and a solid reputation. (5) He made no mistakes. (6) The lists of his works are impeccable, no one has refuted them, they have always been effective. (7) If he took on a task, he brought it to the end. (8) But somewhere there, beyond the line of this long list of his printed works, the unwritten, the undone begins - there, among unmade mistakes, avoided risks and even shame, perhaps truly great discoveries were hidden. (9) And certainly - self-discovery. (10) It’s a shame to live life without recognizing yourself - the person who seemed to be closest to you and whom you loved so much...

(11) How life would be more beautiful if every person could know what he is capable of! (12) After all, everyone can do much more than he thinks - he is braver than he thinks himself, and more resilient, and stronger, and more adaptable. (13) During the hungry winter of the Leningrad blockade, we saw enough of the miracles of human souls. (14) It was the soul, first of all the soul, because in these exhausted bodies, eaten away by torment, the energy of the soul and its perseverance were amazing. (15) Theoretically, even medicine could not imagine an organism capable of enduring so many hardships. (16) For humans - as for steel, for conductors, for concrete - there are limits of permissible loads. (17) And suddenly it turned out that these limits could be surpassed and people could live not by physical forces - they did not exist, they were exhausted, and people continued to live and act with forces not provided for by medicine: love for the Motherland, hatred, anger. (18) During the blockade, it was not death that was striking - it was legal - it was survivability that was striking: the fact that we clear trenches of snow, carry shells, and fight.

(19) The heroism of war is an exception. (20) But even in everyday life there are such unexpected hours when a person realizes himself with extraordinary completeness. (21) From nowhere - strength will surge, the mind will sharpen, the imagination will boil...

(22) Writers call this happy, blissful state inspiration, athletes - form, scientists - insight; this happens to every person - for some rarely, for others more often... (23) This is what is important: the possibility of such a state when a person surpasses himself, his usual abilities and limits. (24) So this is possible, and if it is possible once, then why not twice and not every day?..

(25) Exceed your capabilities...

(26) Not only in critical circumstances, but all activities may exceed normal capabilities. (27) Human resources are still poorly understood.

(28)…The author is sure that in the future they will not understand why people - at the end of the twentieth century - lived so unprofitably, used their bodies so poorly, perhaps worse than their ancestors. (29) The author involuntarily looked back at himself - and became convinced that he lived almost half “less than himself.” (30) It was sad. (31) Moreover, the author was still pleased with his performance.

(32) In other ways, but in terms of employment, both the author’s generation and the following generations did not spare themselves. (33) During the day - a factory, in the evening - an institute; they are correspondence students, evening students, and external students; they gave their best honestly and completely. (34) However, the author understood that working conscientiously, working with enthusiasm does not mean working skillfully.

(35) Willy-nilly, the author thought about his own relationship with Time. (36)Where did it go? (37) Disappeared - no one knows where, as if the author lived less than his age. (38) There is a law of conservation of energy, a law of conservation of mass - why is there no law of conservation of time? (39) Why could it fall out of human life without a trace?

(40) Reflecting on this omission of nature, the author felt that somewhere it, this vanished Time, still exists - a reproach to us, our guilt...

(According to D. Granin)

Show full text

Does a person fully use the resources given to him by nature? And is it possible to surpass yourself, to go beyond the boundaries of your capabilities? The author of this text reflects on these questions. YES. Granin invites his readers to think about the important problem of self-knowledge.

The author reveals this problem using the example of a scientist, “who chooses tasks according to his strength, achieves honor and a solid reputation.” He lived his life within the framework of a familiar, comfortable state. And somewhere there, “among the imperfect mistakes,” perhaps completely new facets of his soul languished. Who knows, maybe they could lead him to great discoveries that could revolutionize the modern world? You should also pay attention to the author’s idea that “in the future they will not understand why people - at the end of the twentieth century - lived so unprofitably and used their bodies so poorly.” After all, we are often satisfied with our performance without even thinking about trying to go beyond it. But in the end, you fail to fully recognize the most important person: yourself.

The author leads the reader to the conclusion that every person should strive for self-knowledge, which can be achieved through trial and error. Therefore, one cannot be afraid of shame or failure, which will certainly occur on a new path that goes beyond the usual framework.

It is difficult to disagree with the author's opinion. Indeed, many people never succeed in my whole life find out what they are capable of. However, there are times when the most unexpected personality traits appear. I'll try to argue my position.

T ak, in the work of A.S. Pushkin's "The Captain's Daughter" the main character is Masha Mironova, a pampered girl, everyone's favorite, who was protected from serious problems and worries. However, when the girl came face to face with the threat hanging over her loved one, she cast aside all doubts


  • 1 of 1 K1 Formulation of source text problems
  • 3 of 3 K2

Consultation on preparation for the Unified State Exam in the Russian language.

Goal: developing the ability to identify the author's position.

Read the text, highlight and comment on the problem of the text. State the author's position. When commenting, you can use prompts - material for an essay.

How brighter life would be if every person could know what he is capable of! After all, everyone can do much more than he thinks - he is braver than he thinks himself, and more resilient, and stronger, and more adaptable. During the hungry winter of the Leningrad blockade, we saw enough of the miracles of human souls. It was the soul, first of all the soul, because in these exhausted bodies, eaten away by torment, the energy of the soul and its resilience were amazing. Theoretically, even medicine could not imagine an organism capable of enduring so much hardship. For humans - as for steel, for conductors, for concrete - there are limits to permissible loads. And suddenly it turned out that these limits could be surpassed and people could live not by physical forces - they did not exist, they were exhausted, and people continued to live and act with forces not provided for by medicine: love for the Motherland, hatred, anger.

But even in everyday life there are such unexpected hours when a person realizes himself with extraordinary completeness. From God knows where, strength will surge, the mind will sharpen, the imagination will boil...

This is what is important: the possibility of such a state when a person surpasses himself, his usual abilities and limits. This means it is possible, and if it is possible once, then why not twice and not every day? Human resources are still poorly understood.

(According to D. Granin)

Essay material

Writer Daniil Granin reflects on the problem....

Thus, reflecting on the problem, the author comes to the following conclusion...

So, at the beginning of the essay we formulated the problem, then in the commentary we showed how exactly this problem is revealed in the source text. The next stage is to identify the author’s position.

Remember, if the problem of the text is a certain question, then the author’s position is the answer to the question posed in the text, what the author sees as a solution to the problem. Thus, the problem and the author’s position are closely related: the problem and the author’s position must be correlated as a question-answer unity. If this does not happen, the logic of the presentation of thoughts in the essay is broken.

The author's position is manifested, first of all, in the author's attitude to the depicted phenomena, events, characters and their actions. Therefore, when reading the text, pay attention to the linguistic means that express the author’s attitude towards the subject of the image.

Language means:

Marker words: the main thing, the most important, necessary, necessary (No need to hide your joy!).

Evaluative vocabulary: excellent, wonderful, luxurious, magnificent - positive assessment; nasty, disgusting, ugly, arrogant - negative assessment. (A loving person is a great blessing).

Means of expression (for example, rhetorical exclamations.)

Introductory words: can express the author’s feeling and attitude (unfortunately...)

Incentive offers. They contain various appeals of the author addressed to the reader (so learn from the greats)

When identifying the author's position, it is important to take into account that the text may use a technique such as irony - the use of a word or expression in a text that gives the word (expression) the exact opposite meaning. As a rule, irony is condemnation under the guise of praise:

In addition, when proving their point of view, many authors rely on various statements of their real or possible opponents, i.e. cite statements with which they disagree. Such statements cannot be attributed to the author himself; this will lead to a misunderstanding of the author’s position.

Are positive or negative human qualities manifested in the hero’s actions, words, and thoughts?

How do the characters around him treat the hero?

How do the hero’s actions affect other characters in the work?


Pay attention to the evaluative vocabulary of the text, lexical repetitions, introductory words, exclamatory and incentive sentences - all these are means of expressing the author’s position.

When quoting, select sentences in which the author’s thoughts are expressed clearly and clearly, if possible. (remember that not in every text you can find quotes that accurately express the author’s opinion)

What does the expert check?

The ability to adequately perceive and correctly formulate the author’s position: positive, negative, neutral, ambiguous, etc. attitude to what is being told, the author’s proposed answer to the questions he poses in the text. (1 point)

Independent work followed by mutual discussion.

Lesson 2. Comment on the problem. Practice.

Task 1. Read the text, highlight and comment on the problem of the text. State the author's position. When commenting, you can use prompts - material for an essay.

At almost every step we contribute to the destruction of wildlife. There are many such examples that can be cited. And all this happens only because a simple life principle is violated: if you can, do not bother others. The great French writer Antoine de Saint-Exupéry put wise words into the mouth of one of his heroes: “You are responsible for those you have tamed.” While proud of our intelligence and strength, we should not forget that man, in essence, has only recently stepped over the fine line that separates him from the animal. And there is not absolute reason in us, but only the first glimpses of it.

To better understand the need to protect nature, we must determine what we owe to the animal world, besides the fact that we ourselves are its representatives.

(According to A. Ageev)

Material for essay:

According to Ageev, in its attitude towards the world, humanity should be guided by a simple principle... It is no coincidence that the author quotes... These words remind us that... Indeed, a person should not forget that...

Task 2. Read the text, highlight and comment on the problem of the text. State the author's position. When commenting, you can use prompts - material for an essay.

No matter how passionate a person is about history, sports or mathematics, he must be cultured enough to do all the necessary things without disgust.

After all, what is culture? We call cultural everything that is processed in the interests of man and in the traditions of society, to which efforts are made. Cultural is the opposite of wild. The wild apple tree produces sour, wrinkled fruits that you can’t put into your mouth. The apple tree we worked on produces large, beautiful and tasty fruits. This is a cultivated plant. It’s the same in a person: he has a culture of thought if he studied a lot, and a culture of behavior if he was raised well, and a culture of body if he went in for sports. What about the culture of feelings? A culture of desire? Culture of interests? These types of culture also do not come by themselves; they also require work, education and self-education. Otherwise, what emerges is a wild man, a wild man among developed, cultured people. The savage today is not the one who walks around in a loincloth and eats raw meat - the savage is the one to whom no effort has been made to educate, and therefore he does not know how to control himself, his body, his movements, feelings, interests.

(According to S. Soloveichik)

Materials for essay:

What's happened…? What kind of person can be called...? Such questions attracted the attention of Simon Soloveitchik.

Reflecting on the problem posed, the author emphasizes what is usually called cultural... Soloveitchik gives an analogy between... (The author compares...). The publicist writes about... In his opinion, a savage these days is...

Task 3. Read the text, highlight and comment on the problem of the text. State the author's position. When commenting, you can use prompts - material for an essay.

How brighter life would be if every person could know what he is capable of! After all, everyone can do much more than he thinks - he is braver than he thinks himself, and more resilient, and stronger, and more adaptable. During the hungry winter of the Leningrad blockade, we saw enough of the miracles of human souls. It is the soul, first of all, the soul, because in these exhausted bodies, eaten away by torment, the energy of the soul and its resilience were amazing. Theoretically, even medicine could not imagine an organism capable of enduring so much hardship. For humans - as for steel, conductors, concrete - there are limits to permissible loads. And suddenly it turned out that these limits could be surpassed and people could live not by physical forces - they did not exist, they were exhausted, and people continued to live and act with forces not provided for by medicine: love for the Motherland, hatred, anger.

But even in everyday life there are such unexpected hours when a person realizes himself with extraordinary completeness. From God knows where, strength will surge, the mind will sharpen, the imagination will boil...