Presentation "Epic Bogatyr Ilya Muromets". Presentation "Epic Bogatyr Ilya Muromets" Image of a Bogatyr in Fine Arts

Epic "Ilya Muromets and the Nightingale the Robber"

  • Author: Smurova T.N., teacher of Russian language and literature, Municipal Educational Institution “Pai Basic Secondary School No. 8”, Pai village, Prionezhsky district, Republic of Karelia
  • Literature lesson in 7th grade
  • There lived a peasant in the Kizhi volost...
  • Storytellers of epics
  • T.G. Ryabinin
  • M.D. Krivopole-nova
  • Kryukov sisters
  • Collector of epics P.N. Rybnikov
  • Zaonezhsky poetess - Irina Andreevna Fedosova 1827 -1899.
  • Near the lake
  • The fence has rotted.
  • On the mountain -
  • wooden crosses are inconsistent.
  • Sing,
  • Irina Andreevna,
  • light of Fedosov!
  • Sing about the peasants of the Olonets province.
  • R. Rozhdestvensky
  • Born in Zaonezhye, in the village of Garnitsy, Sennogubsky churchyard, he lost his parents early. He was raised by the peasant world. He adopted the epics from his old fellow villager Ivan Agapitov and kept them in his memory all his life. I learned a lot of epics from Ilya Elustafyev.
  • In 1860, the famous collector P.N. Rybnikov
  • I recorded the first epics from the narrator. In total, he recorded 23 texts.
  • In 1871, another scientist -
  • A.F. Hilferding – Recorded 19 stories (21 texts). Ryabinin was invited to perform in St. Petersburg,
  • awarded a silver medal.
EPICS about Ilya Muromets
  • The first exploits of Ilya Muromets.
  • Ilya Muromets and Tsar Kalin.
  • Svyatogor and Ilya Muromets.
  • Three trips of Ilya Muromets.
  • Ilya Muromets and Nightingale the Robber.
  • Fight between Ilya Muromets and his son.
Features of the epic
  • What is an epic? Give a definition.
  • Find words with the same root for the word “epic”
  • What is fictional in the epic, and what information is reliable?
  • What epic heroes do you know?
  • What parts does the epic consist of?
  • What is the name of the verse in which the epic was written?
  • What is the peculiarity of the epic verse?
  • What figurative and expressive means are used in epics? Give examples.
Epics are works of art, and therefore they are characterized by fiction. For epics, it is not the truth of an individual fact that is important, but the truth of life. Therefore, in epics there is no accuracy in reproducing historical events, dates, names, and geographical names. Epics tell about invincible Russian heroes - and this is also true. Glorifying the heroes, the defenders of the Motherland, the epics called for a feat for the glory of the fatherland, raising the spirit of the people in difficult times of testing. The epics also tell about the defeats of Russian heroes in battles with enemies. Some characters in epics bear the names of historical figures. In most epics, the Kyiv prince “red sun” is called one of the Stolnokiev princes: Vladimir Svyatoslavovich (died in 1015) and Vladimir Vsevolodovich Monomakh (1053-1125). In epics we will find many historically reliable signs. Who doesn’t know, for example, the ancient weapons of warriors: a sword, shield, spear, helmet, chain mail - the hero has all this.
  • Name the warrior's military equipment
  • How many rings did the chain mail consist of?
  • What epics are depicted in the illustrations?
  • Which epic belongs to the Kyiv cycle?
  • The main character of the epic -
  • Ilya Muromets.
  • What do you know about him?
  • So who is he, the epic hero Ilya Muromets - a mythical creature or a real historical figure? Our ancestors had no doubt that there was such a warrior who served the Kyiv prince. His name was first mentioned in a documentary source in 1574. The envoy of the Roman Emperor Erich Lassota, who visited Kyiv in 1594, left a description of the tomb of Ilya Muromets, located in the heroic chapel of the St. Sophia Cathedral, that is, he was given the same honor as the great princes. The remains of the hero were transferred to the Anthony Cave of the Kiev Pechersk Monastery and described. According to eyewitnesses, the relics belonged to a rather tall man (180 cm). The well-preserved mummy was missing both feet, had a deep wound on the left arm, and damage to the left chest area. Maybe the hero covered his chest with his hand during the battle, and it was nailed with a blow from a spear to the heart? In 1988, an examination of the relics was carried out using modern techniques and ultra-precise Japanese equipment. The results amazed the researchers. The age was determined to be 40-55 years, and spinal defects were identified. Scientists have concluded that the hero suffered paralysis of his limbs in his youth. The cause of death was a large wound to the heart around the eleventh or twelfth century. Thus, we can say that the epic hero Ilya Muromets had a prototype - a real historical person. Another proof of this is the following fact: Ilya Muromets has been revered by the Russian Orthodox Church as a saint since the seventeenth century. So he is not a mythical creature.
What city is Ilya Muromets coming from? Where? What feats does he perform along the way?
  • Which way did you go?
  • Ilya Muromets in Kyiv?
  • What does this choice indicate?
  • Why did Ilya refuse the offer to become a governor in Chernigov?
  • How does the epic describe Ilya's trip to
  • heroic horse?
  • He drives up to Mud, he drives up to Black,
  • Who cares about the birch tree,
  • To that glorious cross to Levanidov...
  • What other feat did Ilya Muromets accomplish?
  • Fight between Ilya Muromets and Nightingale the Robber.
  • And here is the old Cossack and Ilya Muromets,
  • Yes, he takes his tight, explosive bow,
  • He takes it in his own hands,
  • He pulled the silken string,
  • And he shot at that Nightingale the robber,
  • His right eye with a pigtail was knocked out.
  • Tell us about Ilya’s fight
  • Muromets with Nightingale -
  • A robber. How they conducted
  • yourself in battle opponents?
  • What helped the hero
  • defeat the Nightingale-
  • A robber? What features
  • character of the hero
  • appeared during the battle?
  • How does Ilya Muromets behave in the princely chambers?
  • What is the point of this episode?
  • Describe Ilya Muromets
  • What qualities
  • empowers his people
  • hero?
  • What constant epithets pass from epic to epic?
  • TEAM
  • GIRL
Glorious defender of Mother Rus', 33 years old, motionless
  • Glorious defender of Mother Rus', 33 years old, motionless
  • sitting in the hut. Passers-by helped him
  • gain heroic strength.
  • 2. Villain. Whistled like a nightingale, shouted like an animal,
  • hissed like a snake.
  • 3. Brother-in-arms of Ilya Muromets, who liberated Zabava
  • Putyatishna, niece of Prince Vladimir.
  • 4. The monster that lived on Mount Sorochinskaya.
  • 5. The famous guslar who visited the bottom of the sea-ocean
  • from the sea king.
  • 6. Bogatyr, priest's son. Defeated Tugarin Zmeevich.
  • 7. The hero who knew how to transform into various
  • animals.
  • Quiz
Monument to Ilya Muromets in Murom
  • Monument to Ilya Muromets in Murom

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Ilya had heroic strength, not knowing what to do with it, he left his father and mother and went to fight for the land of Kyiv for Prince Vladimir. He visited the city of Murom in the morning and prayed in the church there. And by evening I planned to be in Kyiv.

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When I approached Chernigov, I saw that, as if there were black crows, large troops surrounded the city. And there is no way to go there either on foot or on horseback. Ilya fought with that army and defeated him.

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The people of Chernigov, who allowed him into the city, asked to become their governor, but Ilya did not agree, but asked to show him the way to Kyiv. He learned from people that no one walks or drives along the closest path, it is overgrown with grass and lined with logs, and that on this road, near a swamp and an old birch tree, the Nightingale the Robber, Odikhmantov’s son, sits on a tall tree.

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He whistles like a nightingale and screams like an animal. His whistle makes everyone sink to the ground, and if someone from the people approaches, everyone lies dead. But people were afraid to take the straight road. There was another road, but it was a thousand miles, and the direct route was five hundred miles. Ilya chose the straight path, terrible for others, but not for him - the path that was blocked by the Nightingale the Robber. Ilya rode on his heroic horse along the straight road. It quickly rushed through valleys, rivers and mountains.

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When he was already at Smorodinka’s speech, the dark swamp and the old birch tree, the monster whistled and screamed. Immediately the horse under the hero fell to his knees. Ilya Muromets had to force his horse to move on. After which the hero fired an arrow from his bow and hit the Nightingale the Robber right in the eye. And he fell to the ground.

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The Russian strongman hitched it to the horse harness on the right side and rode to the nightingale's nest. In the nightingale's nest, his three daughters were waiting for the nightingale. The eldest looked out the window and said that their father was approaching and was taking a man with him. And the middle one said the same thing, looking out the window. And when the smallest one looked out the window, she said that a man was carrying their father with his right eye knocked out on a horse. The sons-in-law went out to fight Ilya Muromets in an open field, but the Nightingale the Robber ordered them to throw their weapons to the ground and invite the hero to his nest,

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And at home they will feed and drink and give gifts. But Ilya Muromets did not want to go on a visit, but went to the city of Kyiv. Ilya stopped his horse in the yard and entered a room made of white stone. He crossed himself and bowed to Prince Vladimir and his relatives. And the prince began to ask the young man where he was from and what his name was, and who his parents were.

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And Ilya answered that in the morning he was still in church in the city of Murom, and by lunchtime he planned to be in Kyiv. I took the shortest route, past the Smorodina River, near the crooked birch tree and the Levonid cross. The prince did not believe him, he said that he was lying to him and laughing in his face. That there is an enemy army near the Chernigov Bridge, a bird cannot fly there, and an animal cannot run, and a horse cannot pass there. And further along the direct road to Kyiv the Nightingale the Robber sits on a tree.


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Then Ilya told the prince about his victories, and he hurried to the Nightingale the Robber; when he saw him, the prince ordered him to whistle. But Ilya Muromets had already fed him, and the villain said that he who feeds gives orders. Then Ilya Muromets ordered him to amuse the prince. He asked for one and a half buckets of wine so that his wounds could be healed. The wine was brought, the Nightingale the Robber drank it and whistled like a nightingale and roared like an animal. From his whistle, the roofs of the towers tilted, some of the people fell dead, and the prince was frightened and covered himself with a sable fur coat.


Last presentation slide: Epic Ilya Muromets and the Nightingale the Robber

Ilya Muromets rode out on horseback into an open field and took with him the Nightingale the Robber. He cut off his head, ordering him not to mock ordinary people anymore. And after that everyone began to consider Ilya Muromets the first Russian hero.

Zaonezhsky poetess - Irina Andreevna Fedosova. Near the lake, a plank fence has rotted. On the mountain there is a variety of wooden crosses. Sing, Irina Andreevna, light of Fedosova! Sing about the peasants of the Olonets province. R. Rozhdestvensky

Born in Zaonezhye, in the village of Garnitsy, Sennogubsky churchyard, he lost his parents early. He was raised by the peasant world. He adopted the epics from his old fellow villager Ivan Agapitov and kept them in his memory all his life. I learned a lot of epics from Ilya Elustafyev. In 1860, the famous collector P.N. Rybnikov recorded the first epics from the storyteller. In total, he recorded 23 texts. In 1871, another scientist, A.F. Hilferding, recorded 19 stories (21 texts). Ryabinin was invited to perform in St. Petersburg and was awarded a silver medal.

Features of the epic What is an epic? Give a definition. Find words with the same root for the word “epic.” What is fictional in the epic, and what information is reliable? What epic heroes do you know? What parts does the epic consist of? What is the name of the verse in which the epic was written? What is the peculiarity of the epic verse? What figurative and expressive means are used in epics? Give examples.

Epics tell about invincible Russian heroes - and this is also true. Glorifying the heroes, the defenders of the Motherland, the epics called for feats for the glory of the fatherland, raising the spirit of the people in difficult times of testing. The epics also tell about the defeats of Russian heroes in battles with enemies.

Some characters in epics bear the names of historical figures. In most epics, the Kyiv prince “red sun” is called one of the Stolnokiev princes: Vladimir Svyatoslavovich (died in 1015) and Vladimir Vsevolodovich Monomakh ().

So who is he, the epic hero Ilya Muromets - a mythical creature or a real historical figure? Our ancestors had no doubt that there was such a warrior who served the Kyiv prince. His name was first mentioned in a documentary source in 1574. The envoy of the Roman Emperor Erich Lassota, who visited Kyiv in 1594, left a description of the tomb of Ilya Muromets, located in the heroic chapel of the St. Sophia Cathedral, that is, he was given the same honor as the great princes. The remains of the hero were transferred to the Anthony Cave of the Kiev Pechersk Monastery and described. According to eyewitnesses, the relics belonged to a rather tall man (180 cm). The well-preserved mummy was missing both feet, had a deep wound on the left arm, and damage to the left chest area. Maybe during the battle the hero covered his chest with his hand, and with a blow from a spear it was nailed to his heart? In 1988, an examination of the relics was carried out using modern techniques and ultra-precise Japanese equipment. The results amazed the researchers. The age was determined - years, spinal defects were identified. Scientists have concluded that the hero suffered paralysis of his limbs in his youth. The cause of death was a large wound to the heart around the eleventh or twelfth century. Thus, we can say that the epic hero Ilya Muromets had a prototype - a real historical person. Another proof of this is the following fact: Ilya Muromets has been revered by the Russian Orthodox Church as a saint since the seventeenth century. So he is not a mythical creature.

Fight between Ilya Muromets and Nightingale the Robber. And here is the old Cossack and Ilya Muromets, Yes, he takes his tight, explosive bow, He takes his white hands in his whites, He pulled the silken bowstring, And he shot at that Nightingale the robber, He knocked out his right eye with a braid.

The glorious defender of Mother Rus', who sat motionless in a hut for 33 years. Kaliki passers-by helped him gain heroic strength. 2. Villain. He whistled like a nightingale, screamed like an animal, hissed like a snake. 3. Brother of Ilya Muromets, who freed Zabava Putyatishna, the niece of Prince Vladimir. 4. The monster that lived on Mount Sorochinskaya. 5. The famous guslar, who visited the bottom of the sea-ocean with the king of the sea. 6. Bogatyr, priest's son. Defeated Tugarin Zmeevich. 7. A hero who could transform into various animals. Quiz

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Any tribe on earth owned in childhood a poetic mirror, where the world was reflected in a whimsical way, each in its own way; Thus, the first impressions of existence were formed into an epic, an invaluable aid to the knowledge of national biography, along with the remains of material culture. L. Andreev

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East Slavic era - the period of the emergence of epics

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Epics are heroic songs telling about the great deeds of extraordinary people.

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Ilya Muromets - the most favorite epic image

Like one red sun in the sky, And one in Rus' Ilya Muromets!

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Tell us about the fight between Ilya Muromets and Nightingale the Robber. How did the opponents behave in battle? What helped the hero defeat the Nightingale the Robber? What character traits of the hero appeared during the battle?

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Ilya Muromets

Thanks to modern scientific methods, a reconstruction of Ilya’s appearance was carried out. Its results confirmed many information about the hero of the epics: he had a heroic physique, tall stature and until the age of 33 could not move due to spinal paralysis.

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“I have always lived only in Russia.” V.M. Vasnetsov

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Melodiousness, melody, rhythm

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Why is this station the last?

Yes, because the melodies of history, literature, and painting merge for you and me into the beautiful music of Ancient Russia. It reminds us of the life of our great ancestors. You must remember that from them we inherited a great history, rich literature, and the finest national music.

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1.Work on textbook questions. 2. Independent reading of epics. 3.Write an essay - an argument “Why are epic heroes interesting to you?”

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Objectives: to form ideas about the epic genre; consider the title images of the epic, identify the means and techniques for their creation; determine the national character traits of Ilya Muromets

Vera Nikolaevna Kharuzina (1866-1931) - Russian scientist-ethnographer, the first woman to become Professor of Ethnography in 1907.

“It was Sunday, and there were a lot of people in the village. The upper room quickly filled with people. Duck came in, a short old man, stocky and broad-shouldered. Gray hair, short and curly, framed a high, beautiful forehead; a sparse beard like a wedge ended a wrinkled face with good-natured, slightly sly lips and large blue eyes. There was something simple-minded, childishly helpless about his whole face. The duck threw his head far back, then looked around with a smile at those present and, noticing the impatient expectation in them, quickly cleared his throat again and began to sing. The old singer's face changed little by little; everything crafty, childish and naive disappeared. Something inspired appeared in him: his blue eyes widened and flared up, two small tears shone brightly in them; a blush broke through the darkness of her cheeks, and occasionally she twitched unevenly

He lived with his favorite heroes, pitied the weak Ilya of Muromets to tears when he sat for 30 years, celebrated with him his victory over the Nightingale the Robber. Sometimes he interrupted himself, inserting remarks of his own. Everyone present lived with the hero of the epic. At times, an exclamation of surprise would involuntarily escape from one of them; at times, friendly laughter would thunder in the room. Another was overcome by a tear, which he quietly wiped from his eyelashes. Everyone sat, not taking their eyes off the singer; They caught every sound of his monotonous, but wonderful, calm motive. The duck finished and looked around the entire meeting with a triumphant look. Silence lasted for a second, but then chatter arose from all sides.

Oh, the old man, the way he sings... Well, he’s amused me... “Perhaps this is all a fairy tale,” one man said hesitantly. Everyone attacked him. - How's the fairy tale? Do you hear, this is an old man. It was under the affectionate Prince Vladimir. - This is what I think: who can do this - look how he does it. - That’s what a hero is for - what do you think?.. Not like you and me - a hero!.. What does he need? It’s impossible for us, but it’s easy for him,” they explained from all sides” 2 .

1. What genre of folklore are we talking about? 2. What images are typical for this genre? 3. What do you know about the epic? 4. What features of the distribution and existence of epics are revealed in the ethnographer’s memoirs? 5. Remember the names of several epic heroes.

Epics (starinas) are heroic-patriotic songs and tales telling about the exploits of heroes and reflecting the life of Ancient Rus' of the 9th-13th centuries, a type of oral folk art that is characterized by a song-epic way of reflecting reality. The main plot of the epic is some heroic event, or a remarkable episode of Russian history (hence the popular name of the epic - “starina”, “old woman”, implying that the action in question took place in the past). What is an epic?

The term “epics” was first introduced by Ivan Sakharov in the collection “Songs of the Russian People” in 1839. He proposed it based on the expression “according to epics” in “The Tale of Igor’s Campaign,” which meant “according to the facts.” History of the origin of epics

There are several theories to explain the origin and composition of epics: The mythological theory sees in epics stories about natural phenomena, and in heroes - the personification of these phenomena and their identification with the gods of the ancient Slavs. Historical theory explains epics as a trace of historical events, sometimes confused in popular memory. The theory of borrowings points to the literary origin of epics, with some inclined to see borrowings through the influence of the East, others - from the West

As a result, one-sided theories gave way to mixed ones, allowing in epics the presence of elements of folk life, history, literature, and borrowings from Eastern and Western. Initially, it was assumed that the epics, which are grouped according to the place of action into cycles - Kyiv and Novgorod, mainly - were of southern Russian origin and only later transferred to the north; later the opinion was expressed that epics were a local phenomenon. Over the centuries, epics underwent various changes, and were constantly subject to book influence and borrowed a lot from medieval Russian literature.

The main characters of the epic are heroes, endowed with exceptional features that distinguish them from other people. They not only show their strength and bravery, but also strive to protect their native land and its people. Most of the epics are dedicated to the fight against monsters or enemy forces. The hero’s opponents are also exceptional, equal to him in strength.

Working with the textbook Expressive reading of epics Page. 75

Conversation on questions: 1. Why are the images of Ilya Muromets and the Nightingale the Robber included in the title of the epic? 2. What historical features of the life of Russian people are reflected in the epic? 3. Read the description of Ilya Muromets and the Nightingale the Robber. 4. What epithets, repetitions, diminutive suffixes are used in the epic? Think about the purpose. Give examples

6. Read the description of the enemy force near Chernigov, the road to Kyiv-grad. Describe what difficulties and obstacles the epic hero overcomes. 5. How is the exclusivity of the epic hero and the villain-enemy emphasized in the epic? 7. How is the image of the prince shown in the epic?

National character is a set of the most significant defining features of an ethnic group and a nation, by which it is possible to distinguish representatives of one nation from another. “A Chinese proverb says: “As the land and the river, so is the character of a person.”

Painting “Three Heroes” Viktor Mikhailovich Vasnetsov

Thank you for your attention! Homework: 1) draw illustrations for Russian epics; 2) prepare an expressive reading of a fragment of one of the epics. Individual tasks: complete individual tasks 3, 4, 5 (optional).