Death in New York: why Russian diplomat Vitaly Churkin died. Churkin Vitaly Ivanovich. Circumstances of death Churkin diplomat what happened to him

A New York City spokesman declined to give his name because he was “not authorized to speak publicly on this topic.”

But this is really interesting.

The reasons for the death of Vitaly Churkin, the permanent representative to the UN, who died in New York, were decided not to be made public to the public. This was reported in an official statement dated March 10 by the representative of the Office of the Medical Examiner of New York, Julie Bolser.

“In order to comply with international law and protocol, the New York City Law Department has directed the Office of the Chief Medical Examiner not to publicly report the cause and manner of death of Ambassador Vitaly Churkin,” the statement said.

The refusal to provide information about the cause and nature of the death of the Russian diplomat is motivated by the diplomatic immunity of the Russian ambassador, which continues even after his death. ​* The message from the Russian diplomatic mission that “We regard the statement of the New York City Law Department as being fully consistent with the principles of privacy and diplomatic immunity” adds further dimension to the issue of an unexpected and very untimely death. Times have certainly changed since “she drowned.” In a way.

A report from the Associated Press said: "Russia's envoy to the United Nations, whose condition rapidly deteriorated in his office last month, has died of a heart attack and no foul play is suspected." The agency cites an unnamed senior New York City mayor's official.

The day before, the medical examiner's office officially stated that it would not make public the cause of Churkin's death "in order to comply with international law and protocol," which also complies with US law and the principles of diplomatic immunity.

The leak was made, of course, deliberately in order to exclude all sorts of speculation and insinuations about the death of Churkin, who in many social networks was already “with a guarantee killed,” because “he knew too much.” And who killed? Well, don’t be naive - these, as always, were the ubiquitous “Kremlin agents”.

The authors of the insinuations simply hit Mr. on the fan, and online trolls, as usual, spread the fakes further. This kind of propaganda, although cheap, is quite effective. Not everyone will read information from the world's largest American news agency, the Associated Press.

And one can always say that pro-Putin forces have also entrenched themselves in the New York City Hall. After all, these “Putinists”, “Russian hackers” and “polite people” are already everywhere, even under the mattresses of unsuspecting burghers.

Meanwhile, unaware of the scale of the “contagion,” the Associated Press writes that the New York medical examiner’s office, citing diplomatic protocol, said on Friday that it was instructed not to make public the cause and nature of the death of Ambassador Vitaly Churkin, who suddenly felt ill in the morning February 20 in his office and died in the hospital.

Earlier, Russian Foreign Ministry representative Maria Zakharova appealed to the American side with an urgent request to provide all information on the issue of the death of the permanent representative through official channels in order to avoid speculation in the media.

A few hours later, Archimandrite Kirill (Pavlov), who in recent years took the schema with the name Adam, departed. He was appointed confessor to Patriarch Alexy II.

He is the same Sergeant Pavlov, defender of access to the Volga River in Stalingrad in the winter of 1943. Near the house in which he made a powerful defense center, the Germans lost more of their soldiers (!) than during the entire French campaign.

Kirill (Pavlov) predicted several years ago: “After my death, Patriarch Kirill will die, and hostilities against Russia will begin.”

So today’s sudden death - more precisely, the murder of Churkin - is a link in one chain in the Zionist conspiracy against Russia.

One of the generals of one of the Russian special services recently explained: it was precisely the articles about saving the family of Nicholas II and his share in the Federal Reserve System that became the main reason for the Rothschilds’ defeat in the fight for the presidency of the United States, whose candidate was Clinton.

More details:

A hundred years ago, Russia and China created the US Federal Reserve

The Royal Family: real life after an imaginary execution

Why did the Patriarch and Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation give the icon with the SS man and friend of Hitler to the New Jerusalem Museum?

"The Tsar's Kidneys" - a film investigating the alleged execution of the family of Emperor Nicholas II

Nicholas II was in the military service of Great Britain. From the British monarchs, Nicholas II had the ranks of admiral of the fleet (1908) and field marshal of the British army (1915).

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Advisor to the President of the Russian Federation: the damage from the policies of the Central Bank exceeded 10 trillion rubles.

Vitaly Churkin was preparing for a report on the Fed at the UN Security Council. Whether it’s near or not is not known, but this issue has definitely been worked out.

Russia's permanent representative to the UN, Vitaly Churkin, died of a “heart attack.” He was urgently hospitalized. But, despite the efforts of doctors, he died. He was 64 years old. The UN General Assembly will soon hold a special meeting in memory of Vitaly Churkin.

There is also evidence that the losing side is preparing to purge its contacts, including in Russia. Therefore, in the near future, many of Maria Vladimirovna Hohenzollern’s comrades will have to follow to another world.

The amazing metamorphoses of diplomat Vitaly Churkin: he is compared with Vyshinsky, who also died in the UN while serving...

Vitaly Churkin worked for Israel for many years against the interests of Russia! He was part of the Bible Project. Evgeniy Satanovsky announced this to the whole world at the beginning of this year, bow to him for that! They just write “heroic” things about the dead, that’s how it is. Here is a quote from the material:

“At the same time, the representative of the Russian Federation in the UN Security Council, Vitaly Churkin, was the only one who called on the world community not to rush to adopt an anti-Israeli resolution and tried to delay the voting date.”...

Although the United States, Barack Obama, himself a Jew by mother, ordered a UN vote against Israel at the end of 2016. There is a big split in world Jewry, but our media carefully disguise it.

This study is based on determining the state of a person’s chakras before, at the time of and after death. The interpretation of this information is based on the thesis that a person’s death occurs when the potential of at least one chakra is reset to zero (Sahasrara is calculated differently). After death, the chakras are reset to zero after some time and is associated with the decomposition of a person’s subtle bodies. Since the energy-informational image of a person exists regardless of the presence of a person on the physical or his soul on the subtle planes and is “archival” information, preserving most of a person’s parameters as of almost any moment of his life, they can be read accordingly. Which is used for research purposes.
Purpose of the study: to establish the nature of death - violent or natural causes. If death occurs due to natural causes, then Muladhara is the first to be reset (the body stops fighting), while any others may have a reduced value, depending on the damaged organ. The potential of the chakra decreases due to a critical illness of the organ associated with it to a certain threshold value, at which the functioning of the body and the passage of natural energy flow through it become impossible. The energy flow is interrupted, Muladhara is reset, and physical death of the body occurs. From this moment on, a chain reaction of reducing the potential of all other chakras occurs, albeit at different speeds, but gradually.
If the death is violent, as a result of critical damage to internal organs, then the potential of the chakra associated with the corresponding internal organs is first reset, and then the Muladhara potential is reset very quickly.

Based on these statements, obtained empirically and statistically, I will try to conduct my own investigation into the possible causes of V.I. Churkin’s death and get an answer to the questions:
- whether his death was violent or caused by natural causes, diseases
- in what time interval the reasons for the deterioration of his health condition arose?

First, let's determine the potential of the chakras after death

Measurement time Muladhara Svadhisthana Manipura Anahata Vishuddha Ajna Sahasrara
1 hour after death 0 3 0 0 7 6 1
22.02.17 0 1 0 0 7 6 10

Three zeros and a decrease in Svadhisthana do not answer questions, but give directions for searching.

Now let’s determine the potential of the chakras a day before death. It will show whether there were he had earlier health problems

Measurement time Muladhara Svadhisthana Manipura Anahata Vishuddha Ajna Sahasrara
One day before death 7 7 8 7 7 6 1

As you can see, he had very good energy characteristics, in which there was no hint of the presence of serious systemic problems with certain internal organs. Vishuddha - 7 - speaks of the presence of outstanding oratorical abilities and the ability to control an audience of listeners. 8 in Manipur speaks of high managerial qualities and the ability to manipulate and manage people. Means one day before death, there were no signs indicating the presence of certain reasons for its imminent onset.

Now consider the potential at the moment of death:

Measurement time Muladhara Svadhisthana Manipura Anahata Vishuddha Ajna Sahasrara
At the moment of death 7 7 0 4 7 6 1
The zeroing of Manipura and the halving of Anahata at the moment are clearly visible. That is, problems arose in the related bodies. These are mainly the digestive organs and endocrine glands. And also the sympathetic nervous system for Manipura. They bore the brunt. And after that, the problems spread to Ajna - the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, which partially continued to function, although they had reached a critical state. How can this happen?
Apparently, through poisoning with a specific poison, which first affected the digestive organs at a subtle level, then through them affected the cardiovascular system. Particularly on the heart. Thus, the diagnosis of “heart failure” reflects the symptoms of death, but not its true cause - poisoning with a specific poison that affected the digestive organs, internal secretion or sympathetic nervous system. Why specific? Because it could consist of some short-lived chemical compounds that decompose into simple and natural components for the body. It follows (given the absence of suicidal reasons) that V.I. Churkin’s death was artificially caused.

Using scientific research, we obtained an approximate period of time during which the poisoning occurred: the last day of life.

In the same way, we will try to select the interval in which the decrease in the potential of the Manipura and Anahata chakras first began.

Measurement time Muladhara Svadhisthana Manipura Anahata Vishuddha Ajna Sahasrara
1 hour before death 7 7 4 5 7 6 1
12 hours before death 7 7 6 7 7 6 1
13 hours before death 7 7 7 7 7 6 1
14 hours before death 7 7 8 7 7 6 1

Here it is! The last natural state of the chakras was 14 hours before death.
As you can see, at first there was a smooth, although quite rapid, decrease in the potential of Manipura, which several hours before death entailed a decrease in the potential of Anahata, and then, having reached a threshold value, fell to zero.
This means that if this poisoning is oral, during food, then, taking into account the time of digestion, it occurred no earlier than 15 and no later than 13 hours before death.

PS. I understand that for an enlightened medical mind these unproven calculations, which do not have the property of repeatability, will have no meaning. But I would prefer that they matter to operas.

Vitaly Ivanovich Churkin died as a result of a heart attack on February 20, 2017 at the Russian consulate in New York. The diplomat's colleagues expressed condolences to his relatives. Churkin was Russia's permanent representative to the UN and the Security Council, and at one time graduated from the Moscow State Institute of Foreign Relations and the Diplomatic Academy. Vitaly Ivanovich is survived by his wife and two adult children.

Vitaly Ivanovich Churkin is one of the most famous diplomats in Russia. During his long career, Vitaly Ivanovich was the country's plenipotentiary representative in Chile, Belgium and Canada, as well as deputy minister of foreign affairs. For the first time in the history of Russian diplomacy, he began to hold open events, where he freely answered questions from journalists in the format of a press conference.

The life of the permanent representative to the UN was tragically cut short on February 20, 2017. The media named the cause of Vitaly Churkin’s death as a heart attack. At the time of the incident, the diplomat was at his usual workplace at the consulate in New York. Soon after the news was published, information began to appear in the press about the United States deliberately keeping silent about the circumstances of the official’s death, and then about the murder of Churkin by order of the special services.

How the famous ambassador died

In fact, rumors about the criminal component of the ambassador's death appeared after the announcement that the autopsy report on the diplomat would not be made public. The understatement gave rise to unfounded suspicions. This is due to the fact that the position of an official implies immunity, which is called diplomatic immunity.

This circumstance provoked the emergence of “fake” news. In particular, an unknown portal published an article claiming that forensic experts had discovered traces of the presence of poison in the official’s body. Allegedly, the attack happened to Vitaly Ivanovich just after breakfast, where poison was added to him.

To stop the spread of speculation, the representative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Maria Zakharova, made a statement that the medical report revealing the cause of the ambassador’s death had been handed over to his family in its entirety. Zakharova called the rumors of poisoning “a hoax.”

What the diplomat was doing in the last hours was clarified by one of the official’s colleagues in a conversation with the press. According to the press service of the Russian Embassy in the United States, Vitaly Ivanovich became ill at his workplace, where he lost consciousness. Paramedics arrived and took the official to Presbyterian Hospital, where he was diagnosed with a heart attack. After carrying out resuscitation measures that did not produce results, Vitaly Churkin died. The permanent representative did not live to see his 65th birthday by just one day.

Diplomat's disease

Despite the lack of officially confirmed information, authoritative sources are also inclined to the version pointing to natural causes of the diplomat’s death. According to some reports, Churkin’s health has deteriorated in recent years: he has repeatedly complained of heart pain.

In addition, there is information that a little earlier the official was given a terrible diagnosis - leukemia. Vitaly Ivanovich kept his illness a secret.

It is known that the performance of Churkin’s official duties was associated with constant stress. Nervous tension is one of the main factors provoking a heart attack.

In 1986, Churkin had to speak to the American Congress with a report on the explosion at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. This case can be used as an example of the complexity of the tasks facing a diplomat.

Four days after his death, Vitaly Churkin was buried at the Troekurovskoye cemetery in Moscow.


Colleagues expressed condolences to the relatives of the deceased, calling Vitaly Ivanovich “an outstanding politician and personality.” Many journalists, politicians and ordinary people noted his charisma, oratory skills and ability to defend his opinion. The diplomat's professional qualities were highly appreciated even by his opponents in international disputes.

One of Churkin’s political opponents at UN meetings was Samantha Power, who, after the sudden death of the permanent representative, wrote an article about him. In the publication, Power emphasized how loyal the official was to Russia, and also noted his personal qualities - a sense of humor and the ability to be a good friend.

The memory of Vitaly Churkin was honored with a minute of silence at one of the UN meetings. The presidents of America and Russia also expressed regret over the death of the permanent representative.

According to Churkin’s predecessor as permanent representative, Sergei Lavrov, the official’s contribution to the resolution of international conflicts can hardly be overestimated. The participation of the special representative in the negotiations in the Balkans helped in concluding the Dayton agreements. The diplomat's talent was fully revealed in his last position as permanent representative to the UN. Vitaly Ivanovich was fluent in English.

Churkin's successor at the post was Vasily Nebenzya, a former deputy minister of foreign affairs.

Career of Vitaly Churkin

The diplomat graduated from the Faculty of International Relations of the MGIMO University of the Russian Foreign Ministry with honors. He was one of the most brilliant students at the university, so after graduation he continued his studies at the Diplomatic Academy, where he became a candidate of historical sciences.

Many who watched Churkin’s public speeches recognize the diplomat’s oratorical talent. But few people know that as a child he played in films: he starred in two patriotic films and played the son of an emergency doctor.

The career of the future permanent representative developed rapidly. After graduating from university, Churkin was immediately accepted into the Ministry of Foreign Affairs as an assistant. Having gained the necessary experience, Vitaly Ivanovich was able to work as a secretary, gradually moving up the career ladder. Then the promising employee of the ministry was able to go on his first business trips to the States, and then start working at the Russian embassy in America.

In the early 90s, the diplomat became the secretary of Eduard Shevardnadze, who headed the ministry at that time. After the collapse of the USSR, when the government was reorganized, Churkin managed not only to retain his post, but also to become deputy to the current minister Andrei Kozyrev. The official had a long-term acquaintance with Kozyrev: they were classmates.

Churkin is a talented negotiator who has taken part in resolving many international conflicts. For expressing a principled opinion on recognizing the actions of the Serbs in the Bosnian conflict as genocide, a monument was erected to him in the capital of Bosnia and Herzegovina. The official also served as ambassador to Chile, Belgium and Canada. The diplomat's qualifications were so high that he soon became ambassador-at-large.

In 2006, he was appointed Russia's representative to the UN in America, where he worked until his death - almost 12 years.

Permanent Representative to the UN

In his post as plenipotentiary representative of the Russian Federation, Churkin established himself as a loyal and at the same time witty diplomat who is not afraid to enter into discussions.

The most significant speeches in office were:

  • He opposed interference in the internal affairs of countries such as Myanmar and Zimbabwe, thereby increasing their loyalty to Russia.
  • He repeatedly defended Russia's policy in international relations, including during the conflict with Georgia in 2008.
  • Six times he vetoed the adoption of resolutions aimed at resolving the situation in Syria, which was in a state of civil war. He insisted on making such amendments to the resolution so that they would be approved by Russian President Vladimir Putin.
  • He has repeatedly expressed the Russian position regarding the situation in Ukraine: he rejected the resolution recognizing the annexation of Crimea to the territory of the Russian Federation as illegal and the resolution recognizing the crash of the Boeing 777 over Donetsk as a crime of international scale.
  • He also called on foreign participants at the UN meeting to influence the cancellation of Alexander Turchynov’s order to suppress protests in the south-eastern part of Ukraine in favor of finding another way to resolve the situation.

Wife and kids

He was married to Irina Churkina, with whom two children were born - son Maxim and daughter Anastasia. His wife is a French translator by profession, and the children followed in their father’s footsteps - both graduated from MGIMO University under the Russian Foreign Ministry. It is known that Anastasia works as a correspondent for one of the TV channels.

ABS-CBN Television claims that medical testing from the United States showed the presence of poison. Allegedly, it became known that Churkin had dinner late, around midnight, and unknown persons added a certain poisonous substance to the food.
But the main official cause of death is still a heart attack. The editor-in-chief of Ekho Moskvy, Alexey Venediktov, in turn, noted that Vitaly Churkin had diplomatic immunity; This means that conducting an autopsy is contrary to the norms of diplomacy. Venediktov, citing the American press, also said that there is information about a certain medical report. It allegedly noted that Churkin was poisoned by the food he took at 00:00.

“As far as I understand, this is the picture today. He felt ill at 9:30 this morning. I know this place on 67th Street. He was evacuated to an American clinic, where he died,” Venediktov noted. He once again emphasized that the autopsy is a violation of the rules of diplomatic immunity. At the same time, Churkin, as noted, was still alive when he was evacuated.

“You can also get poisoned from beer, as you know. But nevertheless, it was an accident that he died in an American hospital, and here the doctors were obliged to help, as I understand it. If he is in the hands of American and not Russian doctors, they are obliged to look... Although, naturally, there is a doctor in the permanent mission. But we will watch this,” the journalist added.

He is confident that the death of Churkin should be investigated by the special services.
“Vitaly Churkin was killed by US intelligence services, a Russian diplomat was poisoned...” Mysteries and versions continue to surround the death of an outstanding person. Pravda.Ru previously turned to forensic expert, Candidate of Medical Sciences Eduard Tumanov for comment.

Why is there still no final diagnosis based on the results of a forensic study conducted by the Americans?

American forensic experts in this case may not rush to formulate a final diagnosis, waiting until the results of additional research methods are ready: histological, forensic toxicological and others. Forensic histological examination (wiring, fixing, filling, painting the material) takes about a week, because there are certain deadlines for processing the material, which is due to the technological features of manufacturing histological preparations. Forensic toxicology testing also takes time.

Forensic toxicology testing is a standard procedure. So, for example, we always take blood and urine to determine alcohol, Americans always, in addition to alcohol, also conduct drug testing. This is the established algorithm for conducting forensic medical research.
Most likely, American forensic experts are very cautious. Taking into account the peculiarities of relations between Russia and the United States, they want to conduct a full study - and only then summarize something specifically. This is understandable: in such a situation, specialists from any country will play it safe ten times before they officially declare anything. And until all studies are completed, the standard wording is used: “The cause of death has not been established.”

There are many rumors about the mass death of Russian diplomats: the murder of Ambassador Karlov in Turkey, the sudden death of Churkin... This cannot but lead to certain thoughts.

This is no longer a question for a forensic expert. But I am sure that our specialists will in any case carefully double-check the results of their American colleagues. In my opinion, this is natural.

Is it always possible to determine that poison was used?

It depends on the poison. Technologies are technologies, but there are also diagnostic features. For example, one of the conditions for detecting a toxic substance is the presence of special characteristics of the toxic substance in the toxicological library used during the examination (toxicologists have a so-called library of poisons, which they use to identify toxic substances). The Americans have very good laboratories, excellent technical capabilities, but a little worse with clinical thinking. Let's see…