Modern health-saving technologies in dow. Self-education plan "health-saving technologies in primary school" Self-education plan on health-saving technologies in preschool



Relevance of the topic: Children's health is the main and fundamental topic for all humanity. Healthy children mean a healthy future. Health is defined as a component of complete physical, psychological and social well-being. A person, starting from early childhood, needs to lead a healthy lifestyle. A teacher can do a lot for the health of schoolchildren. This is compliance with hygienic standards in the general educational process, carrying out preventive measures for maintaining a healthy lifestyle, systematically carrying out preventive measures for maintaining a healthy lifestyle, systematically holding dynamic pauses, physical education minutes, conversations about the correct attitude towards one’s health. School and family should help the child to love his health, himself and evaluate his own health problems.

Target: creating conditions for preserving and strengthening the health of students, instilling personal responsibility for one’s own health and well-being, acquiring healthy lifestyle skills, and preventing bad habits.


Study health-saving technologies and ways of their implementation in elementary school;

Increasing the interest of children and their parents in promoting health;

Stages of work:

Stage 1 2011 -2012 academic year

Stage 2 2012-2013 academic year

Stage 3 2013 – 2014 academic year

Main directions

Actions and events


1 Study the literature on health-saving technologies.

2 Advanced training courses for primary school teachers organized at NIRO.

3 Take an active part in the work of the creative group “Health-Saving Technologies”

4 Attend lessons using health-saving technologies from colleagues and participate in the exchange of experience.

5 Conduct open lessons using health-saving technologies for analysis by colleagues and school administration.

6 Preventive and informational work with parents on this topic.

Psychological - pedagogical

1 Systematic viewing of certain TV programs.

2Reading pedagogical periodicals.

3 Introduction of health-saving technologies and teaching methods in the classroom.

4 Creation of a package of physical exercises, relaxations, eye exercises, finger and breathing exercises.


1 Reading methodological, pedagogical and subject literature.

2 Studying the experience of colleagues in school, district, and the Internet in organizing a healthy lifestyle.

3 Develop different forms of lessons, extracurricular activities, using health-saving technologies.


1 Review of information on health-saving technologies on the Internet.

Expected results:

1 Improving the health status of students.

2 Increasing the attention of schoolchildren and their parents to healthy lifestyle issues.

Expected result:

1 Conducting open lessons, master classes for teachers using health-saving technologies.

2 Reports, speeches.

A way to demonstrate the results of the work done:

1 Presentation of work results to the teaching staff, at the teaching council.

2 Speech on sharing work experience at meetings of the regional creative group.

“Ecological and hygienic technologies in primary school”

Speech at a meeting of the regional creative group “Health-saving technologies”

Koltsina O.P.

primary school teacher

Strelskoy secondary school

The word “health”, like the words “love”, “beauty”, “joy”, belongs to those few concepts whose meaning everyone knows, but understands differently. The classic definition given by the World Health Organization in 1949 is: “health is a state of complete mental, physical and social well-being.” In my understanding health- this is a great benefit that makes a person free, focused on the future and ready to implement the most daring plans. A healthy and spiritually developed person is happy - he feels great, strives for self-improvement, achieving inner beauty. The desire to be healthy is a natural human desire. Consequently, in order to create, a person needs health, so the health of modern schoolchildren is a serious national problem. The country is experiencing a general decrease in human resources against the backdrop of environmental pollution, deterioration in the quality of nutrition, the growth of alcoholism, drug addiction, personality degradation, and the destruction of the family institution.

In my work, I attach great importance to the formation of valeological and hygienic skills in children, an attitude towards a healthy lifestyle, and environmental citizenship. One of the main goals, what we and our children must achieve is to learn to be healthy both in soul and body, to strive to create our own health, applying knowledge and skills in accordance with the laws of nature, the laws of existence.

Based on the main goal, I set myself tasks:

Learn methods of emotional perception and assessment of yourself and the world around you;

Learn practical methods for making independent decisions focused on your own health;

Foster a responsible attitude towards the environment. The implementation of these tasks continues throughout the entire primary school education.

In natural science lessons, students get acquainted with the basic structure of the human body, valeological and hygienic knowledge. To achieve my goals and objectives, I use a variety of forms, methods, techniques and teaching aids.

Forms: lesson - excursion, lesson - presentation, lesson - environmental game, lesson - travel through natural areas, lesson - quiz.

Methods: heuristic conversation, story (both by the teacher and a speech prepared by the student), experiments, environmental stories - riddles, correspondence excursion, environmental fairy tale, didactic game.

Techniques: presentation, commenting, reasoning, analysis of fairy tales.

The latest generation of textbooks implements a research approach to teaching: search, problem situations are introduced into the apparatus of organizing and assimilating the text. Children with great pleasure “make discoveries” and solve problems assigned to them. In this activity, thinking and independent cognitive activity develop.

For example, during a lesson in the first grade on the topic “How water gets into the house,” I asked the children to compare river water with tap water. The children smelled the water, determined the color (they placed white paper behind a transparent vessel) and came to the conclusion: they should not drink water from the river, as it could be harmful to health. We then filtered the river water and again compared it with tap water. After this, the children came to the following conclusion: before water enters our house, it undergoes purification. To the question posed after the experiments: “How can a person help the river stay clean?”, the children answered: “A person should not litter the banks with garbage, not pollute the water with waste from factories, install filters and treatment facilities on sewers.”

Colorful visual material is a kind of bright spot and is deposited in the child’s memory.

A great help in achieving this goal are the health lessons I teach during class hours. They help children learn self-knowledge and self-esteem.

Classes conducted under the section “School of Proper Nutrition” have the following objectives: to form in students an understanding of the impact of nutrition on health; teach to observe hygiene rules in the process of storing, preparing and consuming food. The main characters are the heroes of the television program “Sesame Street” Zeliboba, Businka, Kubik. These characters help you think about issues important to a child’s health. In a playful way, they help you find answers to questions:

What foods are healthy?

How to eat?

How to make porridge tasty?

What is the menu?

What should you eat if you want to become strong?

How to grow up strong, beautiful, healthy?

In the “Let's Talk About Nutrition” classes, children will learn: why we eat; how to properly store food; where and how food is prepared; how to eat; where to find vitamins in spring; how nutrition affects mood.

* The most natural way to influence a child is through play. She teaches, educates, socializes, entertains.

Conducted monitoring showed:

    If the question: “Are you afraid of being examined by a dentist?” in 3rd grade, 70% of children gave a positive answer, then 45% of children answered positively to the same question in 4th grade.

    If the question: “Do you brush your teeth 2 times a day?” in 3rd grade, 40% of children gave an affirmative answer, then in 4th grade 78% of children answered positively to the same question.

    If you answer the question: “Where do you put the trash left after a walk in nature?” in 3rd grade, 62% of children answered: “I’ll leave it where it is,” then to the same question in 4th grade, all children answered, “I’ll take the garbage with me and throw it in a garbage container.”

In my work, I strive to instill in every child a responsible attitude towards himself and the world around him.

Municipal educational institution

"Strelskaya basic secondary school"

Master class on the topic:

« Using health-saving technologies in elementary school lessons"

Prepared by:

primary school teacher

Koltsina Olga Pavlovna

Master class summary

“Use of health-saving technologies in primary school lessons”

Target: Introduction and dissemination of work experience


    reveal the importance of health-saving technologies;

    introduce the methodology for conducting wellness minutes;

Equipment: electronic presentation, A4 sheets, pens, cards with written concepts.

Methods of working with the audience: conversation, brainstorming, group work, workshop.

1. Introduction:


My work motto: “Help your child learn easily and with pleasure.”( Slide 2)

And we will start with the game. Game “Give warmth to a friend” (Slide 3)

Content: participants turn to face each other. The presenter says: “Look so tenderly into each other’s eyes. And now everyone will take turns saying a few words to each other, wish each other something..."

What did you wish for each other? (listener responses). -Has your mood improved?

2. Main part.(Immersion in the topic).

2.1. Justification of the problem.

Question. Have you ever wondered why we greet people with the word “hello?”

Answers from teachers.

Probably because health is the most important value for a person. But, unfortunately, we start talking about health when we lose it.

I offer you work in groups..

Slide 4

2.2 “Work in groups»

It will help us evaluate the role of health for humans.

(Groups work simultaneously for 3 minutes, then present their work)

1 group. I propose to you to refute the commutative law of addition. Do you remember him? Try to create a formula where changing the places of the terms will change everything dramatically and justify your decision.

(Formula of life:Life = health + family + work, study + friends.)

If we put health in some other place, then not only the amount of “life” will change, its quality will also change. This amount can be equal to 30, 75, or maybe 167 years (the lifespan of one of the Tibetan monks).

2nd group. Exercise "Balloon""(about the value of health for humans). Draw a hot air balloon that flies above the ground. Draw the little man in the balloon basket. It's you. The sun is shining brightly around you, the sky is blue. Write which 9 values ​​are so important to you that you would take them with you on a trip (for example, money, health, family, work, love, etc.). Now imagine that your balloon has begun to descend and is threatening to fall soon. You need to get rid of ballast to go up. Dump the ballast, that is, cross out 3 (and then 3 more) words from the list. What did you leave on the list? For example, 1st place – health, 2nd place – family, etc.

You noticed that the groups were working on the same topic, although the tasks were completely different.

What conclusion have we reached? ( Slide 5 “Health”)

2.3. Working on cards.

Try to guess by what percentage our health depends on what factor. ( use Application1)

(Slide 6) Let's compare with data from the World Health Organization.

(Scientists claim that the health of the people is determined by 17–20% by environmental factors, by 8–10% by biological (hereditary) factors, by 8–10% by the state of medicine, and by 45–55% way of life.)

2.4. Brainstorming.

Question: If half of our health depends on ourselves, then a lot can be done. What can a teacher do to maintain and improve health during a lesson?

Answers from teachers: use health-saving technologies

Question: What are health-saving technologies?

Teachers' answers:

    Health-saving technologies are technologies aimed at preserving health.

    We must strive to ensure that the teacher’s influence does not harm the health of children.

    If health-saving technologies are used in lessons, an important result is achieved - students receive an education without compromising their health.

    A systematically organized set of programs, techniques, methods of organizing the educational process that does not harm the health of its participants;

    Qualitative characteristics of educational technologies based on the criterion of their impact on the health of students and teachers;

    Technological basis of health-saving pedagogy.

Question: What health-saving technologies do you know?

Teachers' answers:

    developmental education technologies;

    technologies for the development of critical thinking;

    interactive teaching methods;

    training technologies.

2.5. Work in pairs. Creating a cluster.

Question. What has a positive impact on a child’s health during a lesson? ( see Appendix 2)(Slide 7)

Working in this direction, I came to the conclusion that positively The following factors influence children's health:

- motor activity

- psychological health of the student

- creative nature of the learning process

- use of the healing power of nature

- use of technologies that have a health-saving resource

2. 6. Workshop

Now we will try, as far as possible, to understand in practice the work in these areas.

    Motor activity. (Slide 8)

Within the lesson this could be elementary movements, physical exercises, physical education minutes and outdoor games, “minutes of rest”, various types of gymnastics (health-improving, finger, breathing, preventive), self-massage.

Physical exercises as an effective method in the classroom are of great importance not only for switching and maintaining the attention of students, but also for the proper development of children’s bodies and strengthening their health.

All these healing minutes are quite short in time and effective in their results.

    Psychological health of schoolchildren (Slide 9)

We must try to teach the child to be healthy not only in body, but also in soul, to strive to create his health in accordance with the laws of nature and existence, therefore the lesson includes not only physical exercises, but also “studies for the soul.”

Wellness minute “Sun”

Close your eyes, stretch out your arms. Imagine that you have little suns on your palms. Through the fingers, like rays of the sun, warmth flows throughout the hand. The hands have calmed down and are resting. Let's turn our attention to the legs. The sun's rays warm your feet and toes. Fatigue goes away, muscles relax. (Pay attention to breathing.) Imagine your stomach as a ball or ball. As you inhale, the ball rises slightly, and as you exhale, it lowers. Breathing calms down, becomes smooth and even. Smile at each other.

    The creative nature of the learning process (Slide 10)

Every teacher knows how important it is to move away from formal cramming, introduce playful, entertaining moments into the educational process, and activate cognitive motives for learning. In this regard, I use a gaming technique, entertaining lessons or entertaining elements are introduced into lessons, non-standard lessons: lessons-games, lessons-competitions, lessons-competitions, lessons-excursions, which avoids student fatigue, minimizes learning stress, helps to achieve good results in teaching.

    Harnessing the healing power of nature.

Walking in the fresh air (dynamic changes);


Outdoor games, etc.

5.Use of technologies that have health-saving resources

(Slide 11)

Not all students find it easy to study, so it is necessary to carry out work to prevent stress. Good results are obtained by working in pairs, in groups, both on the spot and at the board, where the led, “weaker” student feels the support of a friend.

Multi-level assignments also help keep students healthy. In practice I use multi-level explanatory instructions.

A task to group words according to one common feature.

Sleep, son, mouth, house, garden, ox, cancer, smoke, howled, dug, shaft, gave.

1. Divide the words into three equal groups. Write it down.

2 . Divide the words into three groups according to the letters representing different vowel sounds. Write each group of words in a separate column.

3 . Write down all the words with the letter O in one column, with the letter Y in another, and with the letter A in the third.

Health preservation methods are increasingly used by teachers in the educational process. Teachers began to conduct physical exercises more often, monitor the sanitary and hygienic conditions of the educational process, the correct posture of students, pay attention to changes in educational activities, the volume and complexity of material assigned at home, and pay attention to health issues in education.

With such training, each child receives only positive emotions from the lesson, feels comfort, security and is interested in learning.

Much remains to be done: to change the psychology of the teacher, to overcome the authoritarianism and monotony of the traditional lesson, to gradually move from informational teaching models to models of personal improvement, to create an atmosphere of goodwill and faith in the strength and success of the child in the classroom.

3. Summing up. Reflection:

Today in class we will:

1. We found out how acute the problem of schoolchildren’s health is at the present stage.

2. Working in groups helped to determine the value of health for each of you.

I want to end my master class with a legend.

Listen to the old legend: “Long ago, on Mount Olympus there lived gods. They became bored, and they decided to create man and populate planet Earth. They began to decide.... What kind of person should be. One of the gods said: “A person must be strong,” another said: “A person must be healthy,” the third said: “A person must be smart.” But one of the gods said this: “If a person has all this, he will be like us.” And they decided to hide the main thing a person has - his health. They began to think and decide - where to hide it? Some suggested hiding health deep in the blue sea, others - behind high mountains. And one of the gods said: “Health must be hidden in man himself.” This is how man has lived since ancient times, trying to find his health. But not everyone can find and preserve the priceless gift of the gods!”

Municipal Preschool Educational Institution

Kindergarten of compensatory type No. 000

Leninsky district of Saratov

Self-education plan

Topic: “Use of health-saving technologies in working with preschool children”

2013 – 2016 academic year G.


Goal: to continue to improve professional skills on the issue of modern health-saving technologies.

1. Continue to study educational, reference, scientific and methodological literature on the issue of health conservation.

2. Learn to model work based on the studied types, techniques and methods of health preservation (breathing exercises, awakening exercises, outdoor games, physical education exercises)

3. Direct the life activities of children in preschool institutions to preserve and improve health.

4. Develop walks for the middle group according to the seasons.

5. Systematize the studied literature.

Expected results:

Creation of an educational environment that forms a healthy, physically developed, socially adapted personality; consciously using knowledge about a healthy lifestyle;

Decrease in morbidity rates;

Positive dynamics of physical indicators;

To form in children and parents a conscious attitude towards their health.

Long-term plan for the period 2013-2016 academic year. G.

Plan section

Implementation deadlines

Practical solutions


Studying methodological literature, Internet resources on health-saving technologies.

Registration and replenishment of folders on healthy lifestyle.

Production of manuals for awakening gymnastics (tracks).

Making a file of walks according to the seasons in the middle, senior, preparatory groups, finger gymnastics.

Selection of music for performing relaxation exercises.

Creating a subject-developing environment in the group.

Pedagogical experience: “The importance of psychohygienic measures in organizing routine moments for preschool children”

Report at the teachers' council "Use of health-saving technologies in educating preschoolers for a healthy lifestyle"

September 2013 -2015

October 2013-2016

January 2014

Selection and study of literature on this topic

Design and replenishment of folders on health-saving technologies

Manufacturing of orthopedic tracks

A catalog of walks has been compiled for children of the middle, senior and preparatory groups

A selection of musical works has been made

Design of a sports and recreation center in a group.

Report at the teachers' meeting

Publication on the website: MAAM. RU

Working with children

Carrying out diagnostics, analyzing morbidity indicators for children.

Carrying out hardening activities, morning exercises, awakening, finger exercises, dynamic pauses, elements of relaxation.

Project "Young Olympians"

Holding “Health” weeks

Conversations with children about healthy lifestyle

Conducting competitions and sports entertainment.

Participation in competitions and contests at the kindergarten and district level

Organized activities: learning proverbs, riddles about sports, healthy lifestyle with children

2013 -2014 academic year G.

according to the work plan for the year

according to the work plan for the year

Carrying out diagnostics, analyzing morbidity indicators, the level of physical development of children.

All activities are supervised by the head of the preschool educational institution, a doctor.

Project, photo report

Long-term plan for health week

Notes of conversations.

Entertainment summaries, photo report

Photo report, availability of certificates.

Working with parents

Consultations with an orthopedist and educators on the topics: “It’s great to be healthy”;

“Formation of correct posture”;

“The role of the family in the physical education of the child”;

"Let's relax in the summer!"

Design of the travel folder “Organization of active recreation for the family”

Seminars: “Children’s health is in your hands”

Release of the wall newspaper Zdorovichok.”

Preparing material for a corner for parents.

Selection and production of reminders about a healthy lifestyle.

Questioning of parents, interview.

Participation of parents in competitions and competitions.

A folder for parents “Consultations for Parents” has been created

Photo report

Availability of travel folders.

Distributing reminders about a healthy lifestyle

Analysis of questionnaires

photo report


Methods of physical education for preschool children/,

Health-improving gymnastics. Sets of exercises for children 3-7 years old / - M.: Mozaika-sintez, 2013.

Physical education and health work with children 2-7 years old. Detailed long-term planning. Lesson notes./ . – V.: Teacher, 2011.

Scenarios of recreational activities for children 6-7 years old/, 2004.

Fairytale theater of physical culture (physical education classes with preschoolers in the musical rhythm of fairy tales)/, 2003.

Formation of motor activity of children 5-7 years old./. 2012.

, “Health-preserving system of a preschool educational institution.”

“We want to be healthy” institutions

Tatiana Filatova
Report on the topic of self-education “Application of health-saving technologies in preschool educational institutions”

A long time ago, at the dawn of pedagogy, Janusz Korczak shared his observations: “Adults think that children don’t care about their own health... No. Children, just like adults, want to be healthy, strong, only children do not know what to do for this. Explain to them and they will be careful.”

According to the Law "About Education" health children is one of the priority areas of state policy in the field of education.

In the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education, the main task is is: protection and strengthening of physical and mental children's health, including their emotional well-being.

The task of early culture formation health is relevant, timely and quite complex. How to strengthen and maintain the health of our children? How to instill skills healthy lifestyle and develop cognitive activity? When should this start?

Preschool age is decisive in the formation of the foundation of the physical and mental health. After all, it is up to the age of seven that intensive development of organs and the formation of functional systems of the body occurs, the main personality traits are laid, and character is formed.

Recently, a catastrophic deterioration has become increasingly obvious children's health. Based on the results of annual monitoring of the condition health of preschool children by city. Lipetsk for 2008 Absolutely healthy only every third child. In 1st place are diseases of the respiratory system, in 2nd place are chronic diseases of the digestive system, and in 3rd place are diseases of the genitourinary system.

That's why my topic self-educational work sounds like this: « Application in preschool educational institutions in order to form the foundations for students healthy lifestyle and development of cognitive activity.”

Organization health I organize my work taking into account the requirements of the basic general education program of preschool education MBDOU d/s "Berezka" With. Kalikino, developed on the basis of " Approximate basic general education program of preschool education "From birth to school" edited by N. E. Veraksa, T. S. Komarova, M. A. Vasilyeva.

The main goal of my work with children is to preserve and strengthen them health.

To achieve this goal, I decide the following tasks:

Security and strengthening children's health, improving their physical development, increasing the resistance of the body’s protective properties;

Formation in children and parents of a conscious attitude towards their health;

Increasing efficiency in the learning process through funds health-saving technologies.

To the system health works include the following health-saving technologies:

Morning exercises are one of the important components of the motor regime; its organization is aimed at raising the emotional and muscle tone of children. Daily physical exercise promotes the manifestation of certain volitional efforts, developing a useful habit in children of starting the day with morning exercises.

Physical exercise. Every day, during the children’s educational activities and as needed, I conduct physical education sessions, mainly when signs of children’s fatigue appear. I use different types in my work. physical education minutes: with text, with musical accompaniment, in the form of an outdoor game.

Finger gymnastics, which is an effective way to increase the child’s body’s resistance to colds. It belongs to the famous teacher V. A. Sukhomlinsky statement: "A child's mind is at his fingertips".

Breathing exercises, carried out in various forms of physical education health work. Breathing largely depends on human health, his physical and mental activity. Even the ancient eastern sages attached great importance to breathing exercises. It was believed that in addition to oxygen supply, breathing also provided energy to the body.

Gymnastics for the eyes. The strain on the eyes of a modern child is enormous, and they only rest during sleep. This is why performing eye exercises is useful for hygiene and prevention of visual impairment.

Invigorating gymnastics after sleep helps improve children's mood, raise muscle tone, and also helps prevent postural and foot problems. The form of its implementation is different (gymnastics of waking up in bed and self-massage, gymnastics of a game nature).

I widely use barefoot walking on massage paths. Massage paths are made up of aids and items that promote foot massage (ribbed track, rubber mats, footprints).

Relaxation – carried out depending on the condition of the children and the goals set, for all age groups (during the final part of classes, before bedtime). To do this, I use calm classical music and sounds of nature.

Play massage. Its essence is to perform a set of game exercises with the nose, arms, legs, and ears. It is based on stimulation of biologically active points.

Outdoor games serve as a method of improving motor skills already mastered by children and developing physical qualities.

Active participation in outdoor games enriches children with new experiences.

Extensive washing - as an effective type of hardening, is recommended for middle-aged and older children. I spend it after sleep.

Phytoncides are substances produced by plants. Phytoncides of garlic and onions kill many types of protozoa.

Kinesiological exercises. They stimulate creative activity and help children mobilize before intense mental stress.

In an atmosphere of psychological comfort and emotional elation, the performance of a group of children noticeably increases, which ultimately leads to better learning and, as a consequence, better results.

Complex use technologies gives a positive result in children's health. The incidence rate decreased by 3.5%, and the number of absences due to illness was significantly reduced. The number of children with a high level of physical development increased by 10% and is 45%.

The number of children who have a high level of ideas about healthy lifestyle, increased by 44% and is 82%.

To achieve positive results in this regard topic, naturally there may be obstacles, that is, difficulties in work may arise. First of all, it is not possible to cover all children in a group with each type of health-saving technologies. Since the condition health Some children require only an individual approach. And, of course, an equally important reason is the misunderstanding of some parents about the need to harden the body and application of these technologies. Initially, they are distrustful of advice, so it takes some time for the joint work of the family and the preschool educational institution to improve.

For a positive result, I try to use both traditional and non-traditional forms work: I introduce them to methods and techniques health-saving technologies, through the creation of information stands, folders - moving.

Holidays spent together with parents give a positive emotional mood.

My work system does not aim to achieve high results in a short period of time. The main thing in it is to help children demonstrate their own potential capabilities, so that, growing up, each of them realizes their individuality and is ready to lead healthy lifestyle, valued his health and health of others.

Using the material I studied, I selected and created a card index of outdoor games, a card index of gymnastics complexes after a nap, and a card index of finger games.

In conclusion, following the great humanist and teacher J. - J. Rousseau, I would like say: “To make a child smart and sensible, make him strong and healthy».

The results convince me of the correctness and effectiveness of the measures I have chosen to improve health work. However, I do not stop at the achieved level. My creative search continues.

Author: Emelyanenko Natalia Alexandrovna

Position: teacher

Educational institution: MKDOU No. 25, kindergarten "Rucheek"

Locality: Stavropol Territory, Mineralovodsky District, Sunzha village

Name of material: self-education

Topic: "Use of health-saving technologies in working with preschool children."


Relevance of the chosen topic, long-term work plan.

Link to publication:


Published 01/12/2016

Text part of the publication

Self-education topic:
The use of health-saving technologies in working with preschool children.
: increasing professional competence on the topic “Health-saving technologies”.
1. Continue to study educational, reference, scientific and methodological literature on health-saving technologies. 2. To develop in children the necessary knowledge, skills and abilities for a healthy lifestyle, to cultivate a desire to take care of their health; 3. Creatively apply methods, means and organizational forms in teaching and raising children.
Relevance of the chosen topic:
In the modern world, the comprehensive development of children is impossible without the use of modern educational technologies. The health of the nation is one of the most pressing problems of modern society. The problem of optimizing the health and physical development of children in the conditions of preschool educational institutions in modern socio-economic conditions of the development of society is such that a serious issue is the unsatisfactory state of health and physical development of a significant part of preschool children. Children's health indicators require effective measures to improve their health. The implementation of health-saving technologies in preschool educational institutions becomes an effective means of preserving and strengthening the health of children if: The state of the child’s health and his individual psychophysiological characteristics are taken into account when choosing forms, methods and means of education. Health-saving technologies are a system of measures that include the interrelation and interaction of all factors of the educational environment aimed at preserving the health of the child at all stages of learning and development. Using methods such as: dynamic pauses, active and sports games, relaxation, gymnastics: finger, eye, breathing; physical exercises, self-massage, I thereby increase the effectiveness of the educational process, form value orientations in students aimed at preserving and strengthening health. The introduction of health-saving technologies helps to cultivate a child’s interest in the learning process, increases cognitive activity and, most importantly, improves the psycho-emotional well-being and health of children. Helps reduce morbidity, increase the level of physical fitness, and develop a conscious need to lead a healthy lifestyle.

Long-term work plan.
Month Forms of work with children with teachers on self-education with parents September Carrying out gymnastics for the eyes in all age groups. Consultation “What is health?” 1. Study of modern methods of health conservation. 2.Take part in seminars, webinars, scientific and practical conferences. 3..Take part in the exchange of experience. 4. Periodically conduct self-analysis of your professional activities. 5.Participate in municipal, regional and all-Russian competitions. Consultation “Child’s physical development, where to start?” October Conducting playful self-massage and massage (in all age groups) Consultation “Take care of your eyes” November Conducting morning exercises, hardening activities, finger games, dynamic breaks, physical exercises, etc. Consultation: “Types of health-saving technologies.” Folder - moving “A healthy body, a healthy mind” December Printed consultation “Exercising is fun.” January Conducting exercises and games aimed at preventing flat feet and developing correct posture. Consultation “Stretching is a health-saving technology in preschool educational institutions” Folder “Health-saving technologies”. February Printed consultation “Music therapy” March Conducting rhythmoplasty exercises. Consultation: “Therapeutic fairy tales for preschool children.” Printed consultation “Breathing exercises” April Consultation “About health seriously.” May Consultation Memo “Sun,
Carrying out water hardening procedures. “Breathing exercises according to Strelnikova’s method” air and water are our best friends.” June Printed consultations "Games in nature." July Expand children's knowledge on the topic “Cleanliness is the key to health.” Consultation: “Games-exercises, holidays and entertainment” Printed consultation “Health activities and their effectiveness.” August Carrying out sports games, entertainment, competitions, relay races. Consultation “Safe behavior in nature.”

1. E. I. Podolskaya, Forms of health improvement for children 4-7 years old., Uchitel Publishing House, 2008. 2. N.I. Krylova, Health-saving space in preschool educational institutions., Uchitel Publishing House, 2008. 3. T.G. Karepova, Formation of a healthy lifestyle among preschool children, Uchitel Publishing House, 2009. 4. O.F. Gorbatenko, T.A. Kadrailskaya, G.P. Popova, Physical education and health work, Uchitel Publishing House, 2007. 5. O.N. Arsenevskaya, System of musical and recreational work in kindergarten., Publishing house "Teacher" 2009. 6. T.A. Tarasova, L.S. Vlasova, Me and my health. M., School Press. 2008 7. Belaya K.Yu. Innovative activities in preschool educational institutions: Method. allowance.- M.: T.Ts. Sphere, 2005. 8. Novikova I.M. Formation of ideas about a healthy lifestyle in preschool children. A manual for teachers of preschool institutions. – M.: MOSAIC - SYNTHESIS, 2010. 9. Pavlova M.A., Lysogorskaya M.V. Health-saving system of preschool educational institutions/ - Volgograd: Teacher, 2009.






Pilipenko O.A.

Voronezh 2016


Preserving the health of children is a priority activity of the preschool educational institution, since the kindergarten is attended by children with weakened immune systems. The health of children depends not only on physical characteristics and capabilities. First of all, the health of a child from the first days of life depends on the microclimate that surrounds him. This circumstance imposes special responsibility on family members, and primarily on parents.

Health-saving technology is a system of measures that includes the interrelation and interaction of all factors of the educational environment aimed at preserving the health of a child at all stages of his learning and development. The concept of preschool education provides for not only the preservation, but also the active formation of a healthy lifestyle and the health of pupils


creation of a comprehensive system of physical education and health work with children, aimed at preserving and strengthening the health of children, developing responsibility among parents and students in preserving their own health.


Give children a general idea of ​​health as a value.

Preserve and strengthen the health of children, improve their physical development, increase the properties of the body, improve physical and mental performance;

Develop basic physical abilities (strength, speed, agility, etc.), introduce children to sports;

To promote the assimilation of rules of compliance with hygiene standards and culture of life;

Learn the rules of nutrition and consolidate the idea of ​​​​the benefits of vegetables and fruits;

To consolidate ideas about the influence of natural environmental factors on health.

Expected result:

- mastering healthy lifestyle skills for children;

Decrease in morbidity rates;

Positive dynamics of indicators of physical development of children;

- increasing the interest of kindergarten workers and parents in promoting the health of preschool children

- stimulating increased attention of preschoolers and their parents to issues of health, nutrition, healthy lifestyle, rational physical activity.

Work plan



Practical solutions

Studying methodological literature

September - May

1. Shukshina S.E. Me and my body: a guide for teaching children with practical tasks and games. – M.: School Press, 2004.

2. Kuznetsova M. N. System of comprehensive measures for the improvement of children’s health in preschool educational institutions. M.:ARKTI, 2002.

3. Karepova T.G. “Formation of a healthy lifestyle in preschool children.” Volgograd: Teacher, 2009.

4. Bryazgunov I.P. “Teach children not to get sick” - Moscow, Humanitarian Publishing Center “Vlados”, 2004.

5. Yakovleva T. S. “Health-saving technologies of education in kindergarten” - M.: School Press, 2006;

6. Kulik G.I. “School of a Healthy Person” - M: Education, 2008

Working with children


"Nutrition and Health"

Introduce healthy foods - vegetables and fruits (onions, cabbage, apples, pears, herbs, etc.).

Tell children about the benefits of vegetables and fruits for humans. Explain that the body requires food rich in vitamins, which are found in fruits, vegetables, green onions, etc.; introduce vitamins and their meaning.

1. Conversation: “Vegetables and fruits are healthy foods.”

2. Games: “What destroys health, what strengthens?”, “Make the right choice”, “Guess it”, “Guess the vitamin”, “Name a healthy product”, Vitamin treat.

3. Reading the poem “About a girl who ate poorly”

4. Riddles about fruits and vegetables

5. Questioning parents


Reinforce the idea of ​​the benefits of eating vegetables and fruits.

Familiarize yourself with the rules of nutrition.

Continue to introduce useful products

1. Collective application “Vitamins for Masha”

2. Discussion with children of the “Laws of Nutrition”.

3. Color foods that are healthy.


"Cleanliness and Health"

Talk about the importance of sanitary and hygienic procedures for health. Talk about microbes.

The importance of dental health for the health of the whole body. Dental and oral care.

Reinforce the importance of sanitary and hygienic procedures for health.

Continue to educate about sanitation procedures.

1. Conversation “How to properly wash your hands and face.”

2. Riddles about eyebrows, eyes, nose, teeth, tongue, hands, fingers.

3. Wellness minute - self-massage of the ears.

4. Games: “Guessing game”, “Find the correct answer”, “Who has the highest foam”.

5. Reading the poems “Like our Lyuba...”, “Moidodyr”, “Dirty Girl”, “About Mimosa”.

6. Conversation “Why does a person need a toothbrush.”


"Health and Illness"

Tell children about human health and illness; reveal the cause of some diseases caused by non-compliance with sanitary and hygienic rules. Remind children about germs and their environment. Talk about microbes as the cause of some diseases.

Reinforce ideas about signs of health and illness.

Strengthen the skills of proper hand washing using game situations

1. Conversations on topics.

2. Didactic games: “Name the objects”, “Doctors of Nature”, “Questions and Answers”

3. Exercise “So that we don’t get sick.”

4. Reading poems: “Flu”, “Tummy”, “Allergy”, “Runny nose”, “Sore throat”, “Throat”, “Aibolit”

5. Project “Health is more valuable than wealth”


"Physical Education and Health"

Talk about the benefits of physical mobility.

To form children's ideas about the possibility of improving health through physical exercise.

Reinforcing exercises familiar to children and elements of sports games.

Continue to exercise and play sports

1. Physical education minutes: “Giraffe”, “Octopus”, “Bird”, “Monkey”, “Horse”, “Stork”, “Cat”.

2. Finger gymnastics: “House”, “Guests”, “Potty”, “Mosquito”, “Cat”, “Orange”.

3. Games: “A few secrets about yourself”, “Health is fine, thanks to exercise”, “Doing exercises”.

4. Sports entertainment. “We are growing strong and brave”, “Winter joys”, “Who is faster?”


"Health and the Environment"

Features of life in a big city.

Talk about health hazards (noise, pollution, heavy traffic flows, many people).

To form children's understanding of environmental factors in a big city that affect human health.

Expand and consolidate the understanding of the importance of plants for human life.

1. Conversations on the topic.

2. Collective children's drawings, which, based on observations, reflect the state of green spaces near roads and parking lots.

3. Conversation “Plants in the city.”

4. Didactic games: “Grouping objects”, “How to grow up healthy?”, “Differences and similarities of objects”, “What has changed?”, “Name them in order”, “Place them in order”, “What’s first, what’s next”, "Health Town"

5. Poems about plants.

6. Exhibition of children's works on visual activities “Healthy lifestyle”.

7. Sports festival “Health Day”

Working with family


Parent survey. Consultation "Healthy lifestyle for your children"


Folder for parents "Healthy eating is the main medicine"


Consultations for parents on disease prevention.


Folder "Tips from a FC instructor"



Consultation on the topic: “The system of health-saving technologies in preschool educational institutions.”

Exhibition of children's works on visual arts "Healthy Lifestyle".



Report on the topic of self-education at the final teachers' meeting.

Making card files: “Gymnastics for the eyes”, “Breathing gymnastics”, “Outdoor games”, “Physical training minutes”