Ancient conspiracies of the Old Believers. Slavic rituals and spell prayers. Types of conspiracies and rules for reading them

Conspiracies came to us from our Ancestors. In the dark times they were preserved in many Slavic clans. Many conspiracies that are now published by popular publishing houses were taken from the Slavs and redone two thousand years ago with the replacement of many words. It was possible to find out the conspiracies in their old form by studying ethnography and clarifying them in the clans of some Old Believers and Rodnovers.

Conspiracy for health

Perun! Heed those who call on You! Glorious and Trislaven be you! Give health, bread and family to my children (names...), show thunder! Rule over everyone! Still from Rodno! Now and forever and from circle to circle! So be it, so be it, so be it!

Conspiracies for diseases

* Semargl-Svarozhich! Great Ognebozhich! Sleep away the sickness, cleanse the womb of the child (name), of every creature, old and young, You are God’s Delight! Cleansing with fire, opening the power of souls, save the child of God, may the sickness disappear. We glorify you, we call you to us. Now and forever and from circle to circle! So be it, so be it, so be it!

* Father, you, Semargl-Ognebog, you are God to all Gods, you are fire to all fires! Just as you burn and scorch grass-ants, thickets and slums in a field, underground roots of a damp oak tree, seventy-seven roots, seventy-seven branches, so you slept with (the name is spoken) sorrow and illness. Now and forever and from circle to circle! So be it, so be it, so be it!

* Zarya-Zaryanitsa, the red maiden, mother and queen herself. The month is bright, the stars are clear - take from me insomnia, sleeplessness, sleeplessness. Zarya-Zarenitsa, in the middle of the night, come to me, even as a red maiden, even as a queen mother, and take away from me (the name is spoken) and take away from me the cursed power, all the ailments of adversity. Now and forever, and from circle to circle! So be it, so be it, so be it!

* I will become blessed and go to the blue sea, on the blue sea is the white-flammable Alatyr stone, on the Alatyr stone the Goddess Jiva sits, holds a white swan in her white hands, plucks the swan’s white wing. As the white wing jumped back, jump back, jump back from (name) birthmarks, fevers and fevers - Hoarseness, Lomeya, Decrepit, Dozing. Vetreya. Troublesome, Chilly, Shaking, Lightning, Puffy, Yellowing, Numb, Deaf, Karkusha, Looking, Snoring. From a wild little head, from clear eyes, from black eyebrows, from a white body, from a zealous heart, From the wind came, go to the wind, from the water, go to the water, from the forest, go to the forest.
From century to century.

* A mermaid walked along a forest path, scratched her tender leg, and from that wound came not blood but ore, but from that wound came clear water. Yes, the water was pure, it flowed like a stream, and that water passed all over the earth. Yes, to that island and to that Buyan, to that Buyan and high mound. On that mound, the alatyr stone lies in its entire width. You cannot lift it, you cannot roll it up, as long as the human race lives on earth. Like water flowed under a stone, and behind it the disease forever. Now and forever and from circle to circle! So be it, so be it, so be it!

Healing ritual to get rid of illnesses

Since ancient times, the Goddess Mother of Cheese Earth was considered the best helper for man, the best healer. A protective circle with a diameter of 1.5 m was laid out from the pebbles of Salting (clockwise), a small Altar was installed inside it, the conductor of the ritual entered the protective circle and greeted the Goddess with his hands raised upward. Two candles and incense were placed on the altar and ignited using fire produced by friction (you can use matches); two bowls with spring water were placed near the altar on the left and right. And they began a conversation with the Goddess about their health. Then the cup on the left was taken, brought to the forehead, and the person conducting the ritual asked Mother Cheese Earth to bless it. Then the same thing was repeated with the right bowl. Next, it was necessary to thank the Goddess, and at the end of the ritual, pour the water charged with the energy of the earth into other containers and drink when feeling unwell. Water can also be rubbed in for eczema, burns and joint pain.

Healing ritual with wondrous stones

Mothers take a ladle of water from a stream, river or lake and pour it over the stone. And then they collect the water in a separate container. This water is revered as holy, and is then poured over it - consecrated by the ancient Vedic knowledge of infants. After which the children are changed into new clothes, and the old ones are left by the stone. During the ritual, the following conspiracy is pronounced:

I, (name), blessed, will go to the blue river. On the blue river, on a steep mountain, lies the white-flammable stone Alatyr. As the icy water rolled off the white body, so recoil, jump away from (the name is spoken), birthmarks, fevers and fevers - Hoarse, Lomea, Decrepit, Dozing, Windy, Smutnitsa, Zyabuha, Shaking, Fire, Plump, Yellowing, Numb, Deaf , Karkusha, Looking, Snoring. From a wild little head, from clear eyes, from black eyebrows, from a white body, from a zealous heart. She came from the wind - go to the wind, she came from the water - go to the water, she came from the forest - go to the forest. From now until forever.

Cover the wound with your hand and read spell to stop bleeding:

On the sea on Okiyan, on the island of Buyan, lies a white, flammable stone called alatyr. On that Alatyr stone sits a beautiful maiden, a seamstress - a craftswoman, holding a damask needle, yellow ore, sewing up bloody wounds. I speak to (name) because of the cut. Bulat, leave me alone, and you, blood, stop flowing. Now and forever, and from circle to circle! So be it, so be it, so be it!

Appeal to call upon the Guardian Leg for help:

Wanderer Lay down, my Bright Guardian, given to me by the Patron Family for protection, I earnestly ask you: Enlighten me today and save me from all evil, guide me to good deeds and direct me to the righteous path, may all my deeds be for the Glory of Svarog and Kind of Heavenly. Now and forever and from circle to circle! So be it, so be it, so be it!

Conspiracy for warriors:

In the name of the Light, in the name of the Family, in the name of its power! Perun sends goodness to those who call upon her. Strength and glory, firmness and fury, give us Perun in battle. Revealed by thunder, be inspired, show your will. In the name of God Gray Svarog, give strength to the warrior. To your son and brother, to your friend and howl, show your will. Now and forever and from circle to circle! So be it, so be it, so be it!

Conspiracy before collecting medicinal herbs:

You are the raw earth, you are our dear mother! You gave birth to everyone, raised them, nourished them, and provided them with land. For our sake, you gave birth to your children Zeliy. Use polga to drive away demons and cure illnesses. They took off themselves to grab various supplies, land for the sake of the hollow on the stomach. Now and forever and from circle to circle! So be it, so be it, so be it!

For your health:

Empress, Makosh Mother, heavenly mother, Mother of God. You, mother Rozhanitsa, sister of Svarog! Grant us good luck, no troubles and no crying! Give health to the children (names) great and small. Now and forever and from circle to circle! So be it, so be it, so be it!

For healthy offspring:

Mother Rozhanitsa, Sister Rhoda, hear our words, accept our bloodless, necessary gifts, grant healthy offspring to all our families. So that our eternal family thread will never be interrupted. We sing great glory for you and call you into our mansions. Now and forever and from circle to circle! So be it, so be it, so be it!

Plot for happiness:

Oh, mother Lada, most pure mother of Sva! Don't leave us without love and happiness! Send your grace upon us, as we honor and glorify you, Now and ever, and from circle to circle! So be it, so be it, so be it! Until the end of time, while the sun shines on us.

Spell for a good life:

Veles Patron God! Swargm is the guardian of the yard! And we all glorify you dearly, for you are our shovel and support. And do not leave us without care and protect our fat herds from pestilence, and fill our barns with goodness, so that we may be one with you. Now and forever and from circle to circle! So be it, so be it, so be it!

Ritual for getting rid of grievances and sorrows:

E If your life is filled with sorrows and resentments, then go into the deep forest, find a lonely place there in the thicket. Dig a hole in the ground (30 cm in diameter), bend over it and shout out all your grievances, fears, despairs into it, scream about them until tears flow from your eyes and you feel empty, drained. Then dig a hole and immediately leave without looking back at home. Remember, you should never return here under any circumstances.

It is also useful to speak all your sorrows and pains into water. Only it must be running water: a river, a stream, you can even open the water from a tap and talk about it.

Ritual for a good life:

They put grain into a pre-plowed furrow in the ground and poured beer, saying, facing the east: “Mother of Cheese Earth! Quiet all unclean reptiles from love spells, trafficking and dashing deeds.”

Turning to the west: “Mother of Cheese Earth! Absorb the evil spirit into the abyss boiling into flammable resin."

Turning to the south: “Mother of Cheese Earth, quench the midday winds with bad weather, calm the loose sands with blizzards.”

The north was addressed as follows: “Mother of cheese Earth! Calm the midnight winds from the clouds, hold back the frosts and blizzards."

After each appeal, beer was poured into the furrow. Then the sorcerer covered the earth with his hands and whispered: “Mother of the Cheese Earth, tell me, tell me the whole truth, show it to (name)” and predicted the future for the person. Having said goodbye to the Goddess of the Earth, they collected a small handful of it in a bag and kept it as a talisman.

Water and fire spells to remove damage, the evil eye from a child or adult

The spells and prayers are very old, they were preserved in the clans of the Old Believers and have come down to us in the form in which I place them.

1. Take water from the spring, scoop it up along the river and return back from the spring without talking to anyone. Then at home read on the water. Drink half a glass, pour the rest on your head.

On the sea-ocean, on the island of Buyan, stands the Yar tower,

In this mansion stands the Mother of the Blessed Virgin Mary,

She reads a pigeon book and says:

From the sorcerer, from the sorceress, from the witchtail, from the witchtail,

From the envious, from the hater, from the envious, from the hater,

From a bad hour, from a bad eye, from a girl’s, from a young man’s, from a night, midnight, from a day, noon, from an hour, half an hour, from a gray eye, from a yellow eye, from a black eye, which this person at tit and s at sewn

He did not flatter you, he did not do evil to you, take all ailments out of the whole white body and from the violent head.

And if you don’t stop joking and drying out this man, I’ll go and pray to my family, I’ll bow to the Sun, let God, I’ll turn to Perun, I’ll turn to Kryshen, they will send threatening clouds on you, they’ll beat you with thunder, they’ll burn you with lightning, they’ll pierce the earth through the ashes of Mother Cheese. .

Oh, Mother Most Holy Theotokos, could you have saved God, help us to dissuade us from every unclean spirit, from a dashing eye, from a bad hour.

2. Conditions for water are the same as in paragraph 1.

Mother, the water is clean, your springs are swift, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Mother, you are the dawn-Zaryanitsa, the dawn of the Red Maiden, the dawn of Maremyana, from a gray eye, from a white eye, from a brown eye, from a black eye, from a sorcerer man, from grandmothers of a sorceress, from a simple-haired girl, from an unclean spirit, from a strong whirlwind, from a bathhouse, from a water one, from a forest one. GO!

3. On the water too. Take a sip of the charmed water, then wet your hair 3 times and sprinkle the chest and back of the person being charmed.

I will become (the name of the one who speaks the water), blessing myself, praying to the family, I will go out of the hut through the doors, out of the gate into an open field, into a green oak grove. In a green oak grove there is a white birch tree with 12 roots, don’t hold any lessons, no prizes, no sorrows, illnesses, fears, commotions, or wind breaks on me, from my relative, from fair-haired, from blond, from black, cherry , from two-toothed, from three-toothed, from bigamous, from three-toothed. May my words be strong and moldable, stronger and more moldable than sturgeon glue. GO! GLORY!

4. Purification by fire.

Father, you are the king of fire. You are the king of all kings. Be merciful, how hot and ardent you are, how you burn and scorch the grass, ants, thickets and oak groves of raw oak roots in the open field, I pray the same way, I reproach you.

Father Tsar, the fire burned from the son of God, all sorts of sorrows and illnesses, fears and turmoil fell around, cleansed And illness! GO!

Plot-amulet from damage:

If there is damage, then first we remove it, and then we read the amulet.

1 version of the amulet. The ocean-sea cannot be bypassed, the white Alatyr-stone cannot be turned aside, the child of God, (name), cannot be condemned, neither the sorcerer nor the sorceress can be disgraced.

Option 2.You can also read it every morning to have protection for the whole day. You can read the same spell on your protective belt, necklace.

The morning came clear.The red sun is coming down

Lights up the light gold wheel

The morning is clear, the sun is red

Illuminate, protect and preserve with happiness for a long time

Young water

Pure sister

In the wonderful lake I washed myself with a beating key and locked it

She commanded to live healthy, to forget the illness of the disease

Water is young, icy sister

Illuminate, protect and preserve with strong health

The wind is a daring fellow, well done

By the will of the Soul, illuminate and protect

Fire is the bright king,

you burn and remove what you find in the past,

Evil, black bad,

Fall around, don't let the disease

Everything is worthless and unkind

Fire father, fire light king

From a crooked glance, from fierce anger,

Protect and save from black envy. The forest is dense,

ber forest,

give me peace too,

Unlock your memory, open your heart,

Let in the great power, the immeasurable power,

Protect and preserve, become a guiding star.

Conspiracy for women in labor:

Three-light Rozhana mother! Do not let our Family become impoverished, sanctify the womb of all our wives and brides with your grace-filled power. Now and forever and from circle to circle! So be it, so be it, so be it!

For insomnia:

You need to put a treat for your brownie in the owner’s corner (the right one opposite the door), cookies, candies and say: “Knock-knock, chok-chok, brownie, brownie, turn to the other side” - in a couple of minutes the body will relax and you will sleep well .

If there is no item in the house:

Give a treat to the brownie and say, “Brownie, play with it and give it back.” If after three times it is not found, it means that this thing is not in the house.

For the protection of the house:

“Hey grandpa, don’t fall asleep, deal with the thief in your own way, go on patrol around the yard, keep everything properly.” And provide a treat for the brownie. You can calmly go about your business.

Treatment of infantile hernia:

Stroke the sore spot in a circular motion clockwise and say “The hernia is gnawing (name), you are one - I am two, you are two - I am three, you are 3 - I am 4, you are 4 - I am 5, you are 5 - I am 6, you are 6 - I’m 7, you’re 7 and I’ll eat you completely.” And so three times. Spend 5 days on the full moon. Two days before and two days after the full moon.

To open or clear a path:

“Buy - Tur Ariy, I think about the hara, I lament about the hara. I’ll put Zhinev’s bench press on that path.”

Spell for water:

The pain of the disease from someone else's box, where it came from, went there. Whoever sent you missed you. I conjure you and send you back, beyond the blue rivers, beyond the high mountains, to a place where conspiracies will not find you. Return to the one who sent, who knew no grief. Stay with him and don’t come back.” Drink 1/3 glass of charmed water 3 times a day. Take live water, not boiled or stagnant.

Treatment of Meningitis (even at the last stage): An oak barrel is taken, hay (hay) is steamed there and the patient is bathed in this steam.

Treatment of gangrene: They take fresh pork liver and apply it to the sore spot, and the gangrene is gone.

Live Help Belt It’s done like this: on a white cloth they write the words of the spell “Where I came from, I went there” Or“Semargl-Svarozhich! Great Fire-bozhich! Sleep away the pain-illness, cleanse the womb of the child of the people (name), of every creature, old and young, You are God’s Delight! Cleansing with fire, opening the power of souls, save the child of God, may he perish sickness. We glorify you, we call you to us, now and forever and from circle to circle! "The written one is applied to the naked body and worn. After 28-29 days, it is torn and removed (do not cut). The belt is better made of linen.

Food spell for health and strength

The plot is intended to ensure that the food is tasty, goes to good use and fills you with health and strength. Read in the morning while preparing food so that no one hears:

Father Svarog and Mother Lada created heaven and earth and the entire universe: water, dry land, mountains, wilderness, grain, and bread. Dear Gods, let me create and feed your grandchildren. Give them health and strength so that they can eat and drink and glorify the Gods. Let me, Father, also become famous for my righteous deeds. Glory to the Gods and Ancestors!

Conspiracy from fear

Veles, help, Mother Lada, the Guardian Gods will protect us, help me and my child to drive out the evil spirit, give joy to me and my child, keep the whole world, all the light, joy and glory! Come out scared! Come out scared! Come out, come out, evil spirit! Whether they add fuel or slander, don’t allow it, Svarozhe. Svarozhichi, flog, chop, drive away from the world, from Dazhbozh’s grandson (name), from granddaughters, from great-granddaughters, from my child, from my herd, from the whole world around the world! I drive out evil: from my head, from under my head. There is no rabies in the head, no deafness, no muteness, no blindness, no hearing, no knowing. I expel from the womb, from the heart, from under the heart, from the lungs, from under the lungs, from the livers, from under the livers, from the stomach, from under the stomach, from the intestines, from under the intestines, from the spleen, from under spleen, from the kidneys, from under the kidneys, from time, from under time, from every disease I drive out trash: from the arms, from the shoulders, from under the shoulders, from the elbows, from under the elbows, from the palms, from under the palms , from fingers, from under fingers, from nails, from under nails. You don’t know paralysis, you get bread and salt with your own hands. From the sides, from under the sides, from the knees, from under the knees, from the thighs, from under the thighs, from the shoulders, from under the shoulders, from the bones, from under the bones, from the heels, from under the heels, from the soles , from under the soles, from the neck, from under the neck, from the lower back, from under the lower back, to drive away tetanus, to not know seventy-seven diseases, not to hear twenty-four winds with deadly twists, to have fame and health, a clean bed, like God’s Svarog, Lada's mother. Lying down - don't lie down, don't know illness!

Universal conspiracy for all diseases

Come out, dark spirits and all sorts of diseases from man: from the bones, from the veins, from the joints, from the blood, from the neck. Go where the wind does not blow, where the sun does not warm, where the voice of God does not set, where the temples of the Family do not stand, where the fires of Svarozh do not burn. There you will hold the will, sprinkle sand, wave reeds, not occupy the world, twist stumps, break them, sprinkle leaves, make hollows, pull out roots, but the world will not have or know grief. Disappear, disappear, move away from the World, and take my conspiracy to the Holy Rule! Week with Monday, Tuesday with Wednesday, Thursday with Friday, and Saturday itself - evil spirits and illness disappear. Every week the Sun rises - evil spirits and all diseases recede! Holy Ancestors, God's Warriors, Perun's children, come to my aid, pour evil spirits, all sorts of diseases, evil foreign beliefs into wax (fire)! Come out, evil eye, fright, whirlwind, whirlwind, draft, draught, navei, naveinitsa, sleepwalker, paralysis. From scrap, from chips, from glue. Come down, dark spirits and all sorts of diseases, all diseases enter into the wax (fire). From fire, from the sword, from the invasion of the Holy Fiery Spirit. Descend from dark spirits and all sorts of diseases. From the head, from the ears, from the spreading of the ears. From the spine, from the neck, from the brain, from the blood, from the uterus, from the bladder! Come out, dark spirits, evil faiths and all sorts of diseases. Come out: conceived, enchanted, sleepy, done, sent. Come out of the hunt, out of work, come out as a cat, as a dog, as an ox, as a chicken, as a sheep, as a girl, as a fellow. Come down, dark spirits and all sorts of diseases. All dark spirits and all kinds of diseases enter the wax (fire). And stay there forever! Glory to Svarog!

Since time immemorial, the Slavs have used conspiracies and rituals, some of which we will never be able to reproduce. But, there are known Old Slavonic conspiracies that were passed down from mouth to mouth, from generation to generation. They are strong, effective and in harmony with the forces of nature, because it is from there that our ancestors drew energy. To bewitch love, attract wealth, expose a liar, find something lost - all this, and much more, is possible if you use the magic of the ancient Slavs correctly.

This kind of magic was practiced by the Magi, who devoted themselves to working with the forces of nature and interacting with spirits. Strong conspiracies from time immemorial must be pronounced wisely - they have enormous power that you can curb. Use the magical experience of your ancestors and the truth will be revealed to you.

Sources of power of Slavic magicians of antiquity

History is often silent about the fact that the Slavs possessed powerful magic. There were no magicians or sorcerers, but there were strong magicians - predictors of the future. They knew how to handle the forces of nature, prayed to their own gods, and made bloody sacrifices. Their magic was based on secret rituals. The Magi lived separately from human settlements so that worldly vanity would not disturb them. Where did the sorcerer get his strength?

  • The energy of the Sun is the most powerful of nature. Prayers were offered to the sun, sacrifices were made. When the sky was clear and the celestial body was clearly visible, the Magi received direct energy that could be used.
  • Thunder and lightning are a natural phenomenon that carries a formidable destructive force. Only an old, experienced sorcerer knew how to curb such a storm.
  • Earth. This is the beginning and the end of everything. They walked barefoot in order to constantly feel their family connection with the Mother of all things. All sincere prayers to the earth will be heard.
  • Wind. Today we often use wind energy, but the modern world has become more complex - there are fewer and fewer open spaces, which means that the wind is squeezed into the grip of the city, buildings, and structures. In the days of the ancient Slavs, winds walked across the earth without barriers, this energy could deliver spells anywhere in an instant.
  • Water. Her soft power is capable of curing illnesses, carrying messages, taking away unhappy love, washing away curses, evil eyes, and damage.

The Magi kept their rituals in the strictest confidence; a person could pay with his life to see the rituals with one eye.

Who can repeat these rituals

Records of rituals and manuscripts telling about the secrets of ancient magicians have been preserved. There are few of them, they are still kept in the strictest confidence. Some details, texts, words of power leaked into the modern world and became available on the Internet.

Keepers of ancient secrets warn that it is dangerous to use the most ancient Slavic spells for the unprepared. In order to prepare, you need to:

  • Firm faith in the powers you call upon.
  • Unshakable will. White forces will definitely test you - there may be difficult, realistic dreams.
  • All texts must be known by heart. Reading from a piece of paper during the ceremony is not allowed.
  • Offer prayers to the forces of nature.
  • Meditate often. When your mind is at peace, you can discover hidden powers within yourself.
  • Awaken your visualization - this is very important.
  • Perform the rituals exactly as written, without deviations. If you need an oak leaf to carry it out, you need to use it. Replacing a magic item can be fraught with unpredictable consequences.

If you follow all these rules, be prepared to unleash powerful powers within yourself.

Ancient Slavic love spell

The Slavs revered love and offered prayers to it. In their pagan pantheon there was the goddess Lada, personifying beauty, love, and family. She was the best assistant in love affairs. She could bring back her beloved, bring a good husband to the girl, give passion, strengthen her feelings. It was Lada who was approached by young girls who dreamed of conjuring love.

A very strong spell, which can even be considered a love spell, is done in the summer. You will need:

  • Bouquet of cornflowers.
  • Three oak leaves.
  • White candle.

If there is a man whom you want to fall in love with, bind, bewitch with love - collect a bouquet of cornflowers in the field and bring home. You will need to boil water and brew three oak leaves in it, but first they are charmed. Text:

“On the eastern side there is the Okiyan-Sea, on that Okiyan-Sea lies an oak log, and on that oak log sits Fear-Rakh. I will submit to that Fear - Rahu and pray. Create for me the Fear-Rakh, seventy-seven winds, seventy-seven whirlwinds, the midday wind, the midnight wind, the dry wind, which dried up the forests, crumbled dark forests, green grasses, fast rivers, and so the child of God (the name is spoken) would dry out, crash over me. . Now and forever and from circle to circle! So be it, so be it, so be it!”

You will end up with water that you need to wash yourself with without wiping yourself, and what’s left is to pour out on the street under a tree. Goddess Lada will literally mark you for the man you need. He won’t be able to pass by, he won’t look away.

An ancient Russian plot to find a missing thing

If something is missing or lost in the house, the thing needs to be called. She will answer the right call.

  • Go out into the field in windy weather.
  • Read into the wind in a loud voice:

“Lost thing, come back to me, get off the floor, come to me. If someone took it, they lost it a hundred times later. If I lost it, I called for the item back. At home, all the bins and barns are full, what belongs to me cannot leave me. Amen".

  • You need to leave without looking back.

The thing will soon be found in the place where you least expect to see it. Perhaps your Domovoy did his best here, another echo of the beliefs of the Slavs. He guards the house, protects peace and comfort in it, but sometimes he likes to play with you.

The best way to appease him is to put a gingerbread on the floor at night. The brownie can play very cruel jokes on you, remember this, do not disturb your home comfort. Everything negative that happens in the house can make the Brownie very angry.

Conspiracy to return stolen property, the death of a thief

If the item was stolen, you will need another ancient Slavic conspiracy, which is read at midnight on a red candle. Light it and hold it at arm's length. Read out loud three times:

“The red candle burns like my pain boils, like my bitter grief, like irrepressible sadness. It burns and jars, smokes and torments, the one who stole the thing will return it, otherwise he will regret it. He won’t sleep at night anymore, he won’t live and won’t know the world. My thing will return to me, to its owner. Amen".

If you really want to not only return what was stolen, but also punish the thief, it’s worth reading during a thunderstorm. As soon as lightning flashes, say loudly:

“Let the one who took (the name of the item) from me lose a hundred times more. There will be no rest and peace for the thief until my item is returned to me. The thief will be a beggar and will be hungry. So be it. Amen. Amen. Amen".

This is a very powerful spell that calls on Justice. Punishment will come to the thief in the form of financial losses. Be careful, the thief will be severely punished.

Slavic ritual of expelling disease

In the old days, it was believed that a disease that settled in the body was the leprosy of demons. They can steal health, penetrate the body, and spread disease. The weaker the spirit, the easier it is for demons to take over the body and destroy it from the inside.

The pagan god Semargl-Svarozhich could protect here. He occupies one of the most honorable places in the Pantheon - the Lord of Fire, bringing fertility, protection, expelling dark forces. It is he who is called upon to heal diseases, to burn them out.

  • Take the red candle.
  • Light and say prayers:

“Semargl-Svarozhich! Great Ognebozhich! Sleep away the sickness, cleanse the womb of the child of the people (name..), of every creature, old and young, You are God’s Delight! Cleansing with fire, opening the power of souls, save the child of God, may the sickness disappear. We glorify you, we call you to us. Now and forever and from circle to circle! So be it, so be it, so be it!”

Pass the candle over the patient's body; the light of the candle will drive away all negativity and illuminate the path for healing energy.

  • You will need to carve the patient's name on the candle with a knife.
  • Cast spells while continuing to move the candle over the patient:

“I will stand blessed, go to the blue sea, on the blue sea is the white-flammable Alatyr stone, on the Alatyr stone the Goddess Jiva sits, holds a white swan in her white hands, plucks the swan’s white wing. As the white wing jumped back, jump back, jump away from (the name is spoken) birthmarks, fevers and fevers - Hoarse, Lomea, Decrepit, Dozing, Windy, Smutnitsa, Zyabuha, Shaking, Fire, Puffy, Yellowing, Dumb, Deaf, Karkusha, Looking, Snoring. From a wild little head, from clear eyes, from black eyebrows, from a white body, from a zealous heart. It came from the wind - go to the wind, came from the water - go to the water, came from the forest - go to the forest. From century to century."

Ancient ritual of changing fate

Strong rituals that can radically change one’s fate can be dangerous to perform. You never know exactly how a spell will turn out. This ritual was performed by an experienced sorcerer who knew how to predict destinies and look beyond what was permitted. It is impossible to tell how to see the future - this knowledge has remained secret.

If life torments you with its blows, everything falls out of your hands, relationships and careers collapse, illnesses do not give you peace - the person is firmly possessed by demons and evil spirits. This gloomy evil deity Chernobog - Navi marked his soul, which means that after death the soul will be obliged to serve him. To change such a fate, prayers will no longer help. The ritual is carried out at night, for this you will need the help of a second magician. Need to:

  • Collect the soil near the sufferer's house in a black bag.
  • Take soil from the lucky person's house and put it in a white bag.
  • Pay the beggar three coins before the ritual.
  • Light 10 wax candles.
  • Let the one whose fate will be changed kneel, and the Magi (magicians) should stand on both sides of him.
  • Place the candles in a circle and light them.

The words of the spell are read onto the ground from a black bag:

“To free the soul, you need to kill the past. All the troubles are behind us, a different life lies ahead. The gloomy ruler Chernobog did not save this soul, will not receive it, will not take it, will not take it into the gloomy world. We conjure and call, burn us with light-fire.”

You cannot go beyond the circle; now the passage is open for both light energy and dark energy. There is a struggle for the soul. The Magi clearly felt whether they could win, take away the soul of the sufferer and return him to the possibility of a quiet life.

  • Take the soil from the yard of the lucky man's house, read over it:

“Veles is the patron god! Svargi is the guardian of the yard! And we all glorify you dearly, for you are our shovel and support. And do not leave us without care, and protect our fat herds from pestilence, and fill our barns with goodness, so that we may be one with you. Now and forever and from circle to circle! So be it, so be it, so be it!”

  • After this, the ritual is completed. It will be possible to leave the circle of candles only when they burn out completely.
  • The earth from the red bag should be poured out at the door of the sufferer.

Fate will change, but only a sorcerer could predict what it will be like.

Necessary tools and materials for rituals

In order for these powerful ancient conspiracies to help, it is necessary to respect the pagan gods of the ancient Slavs. They patronize this magic through the forces of nature, the energies of the elements. Know the Pantheon, offer prayers to them in a respectful manner.

  • Perun is the thunderer, the main deity. They ask him for strength and protection not only in magical matters.
  • Stibog is the lord of the winds. He could send the winds or calm them.
  • Semargl is the messenger of fate, the patron saint of fortune tellers.
  • Lada is the goddess of love, patroness of women.

Stibog Idols of Slavic Gods Genus Idols of Slavic Gods

It is necessary to use only natural materials - wood, wax, grass, homespun cloth for the manufacture of ritual clothing. Frequent attributes of conspiracies and rituals remain:

  • Knives;
  • Flowers;
  • River (living) water;
  • Leaves of oak, ash, birch;
  • Earth;
  • Silver.

Everything that carries the charge of nature, does not contain artificial impurities - plastics, metal alloys, synthetics, will serve as an excellent conductor of energy. If you want to develop the ancient Slavic magical tradition and practice it, then you will have to obtain these materials, make them, and purchase them from masters. This pure white magic is more widespread than you think, even today the ancient Slavic magic has many ardent followers.

People have been using rites and magical rituals since ancient times: to fulfill their desires, to get rid of illnesses and illnesses, to attract wealth and a comfortable life, in order to meet eternal love on earth and give birth to children. Ancient spells and spells that have come down to us in manuscripts and books are still used today by professional magicians or in home rituals.

Ancient rituals have partially survived to this day.

Types of conspiracies

Such centuries-tested rituals, ancient charmed prayers and witchcraft acts, for illnesses, for good work, etc. are in demand by both specialists in this field and non-professionals. People show interest in them because they act and have clear and undeniable power. They are carried out using simple attributes, eggs, ribbons, candles, water, etc. are used.

On the territory of Russia, several types of conspiracies and rituals from the Old Believers are widely used, which include:

  • love (sugars, love spells);
  • social orientation (for power, for struggle, for fist fighting);
  • healing spells and prayers (for diseases and ailments);
  • charms (wedding, from thieves, from misfortunes, from damage and the evil eye, etc.);
  • military (from conscription into the army, from injury, from damage to weapons, etc.);
  • commercial (for hunting, for successful fishing, for bees, for mice, etc.);
  • to possess miraculous abilities (to communicate with the other world, to open locks, etc.);
  • black conspiracies (to cause damage and the evil eye);
  • Non-canonical prayers;
  • magical (to find out a secret, to prevent frost, to drive away a snake, etc.).

Among them there are very complex Russian conspiracies, subject only to real specialists, people who know their business. And there are simple ones that are done at home, using improvised means.

To work

One of the popular ancient conspiracies is the conspiracy to work. Employment is important for providing for family and children, for a comfortable existence and financial independence.

To get a job

An old conspiracy will help you get a good job with high earnings. To do this, you should buy a handkerchief for the new moon. Place it on the windowsill so that the night light illuminates it all night and say 7 times:

“I, the servant of God (my name), will have prosperity and good luck along the way. Wherever I go, I’ll find a job and won’t get a refusal.”

Carry it with you constantly and soon you will find a job.

For good earnings

A simple, ancient and very effective ritual for a job with high earnings is done on Friday, after the new moon. You should go into the forest, don’t talk to anyone, don’t look back. Find 2 stumps and sit on one of them. Say the words:

“I’m sitting in this place, looking for a better place for myself. I, the servant of God (my name), will move to another stump (I really need to change seats) and get a good place the next day. Right. So be it. Amen".

Get up and leave the forest, along the same path along which you walked into the forest. Be silent, don't talk to anyone until the next morning. A job with a good salary will appear in 1-2 days.

For the ritual you should go into the forest and find two stumps

For love

The theme of love in conspiracies and rituals is as old as time. Rites and rituals for love are performed by both men and women, Catholics and Christians, Magi and Old Believers, at home and turning to sorcerers and magicians.

The power of the ritual gives power to one person over another, forces a husband who went “to the left” to return to his family, to his children, or a guy to fall in love with a girl he didn’t even think about yesterday.

Slavic love plot on tape

An ancient Slavic conspiracy on a tape, is done if there is a man or guy for whom they have strong feelings, but he does not reciprocate.

For the ritual, you need to go to a birch grove, taking with you 3 red ribbons and running water in a bottle. On the selected birch tree, tie the ribbons in a knot, wet the knots with water and say:

“Oh, birch, beauty! Help me, help me! Send me love and happiness! Just as birds build nests in pairs, so I wish to meet my dear one!”

Words should be memorized in advance and spoken in a firm, confident voice, not loudly. After the conspiracy, tighten the knots again so that they do not come undone, and return home.

On the way, do not talk to anyone, do not turn around. In 5-7 days, your lover will come to your house or write a letter.

Conspiracy with a candle for love

Love moves the world, and this has always been the case. Therefore, she was attracted and invited into their home. Hundreds of ancient active conspiracies have survived to this day. One of them is popular because both men and women can use it. To implement it, you will need to follow these rules:

  • buy new candles in the church (3 pcs.);
  • white tablecloth;
  • new matches;
  • wait for the full moon.

On a full moon, when everyone in the house is asleep, they cover the table with a new white tablecloth, put candles on it, light it and read the words:

“Lord my God, I trust in You and pray to You. Create a high wall, a deep pit, and an insurmountable fence. Create an impenetrable melancholy, three fathoms deep. Create immeasurable height, and immeasurable melancholy depth. Close, Lord, the barriers, block the fences, so that the Servant of God (name) will come to me and not go to another. And if he decides to leave, all the melancholy that was created by God will pass on to him. Close the fence, Lord, and take the keys for yourself, help me, God’s servant (name). Until the castle of the Lord God is opened, until then the servant of God (name) will love me. So be it. Amen".

Extinguish one of the candles and repeat the spell again. Having read to the end, extinguish the second candle and repeat the ritual a third time.

Put the extinguished candles together, tie them and set them on fire, so that not a trace remains of them. The spell should be read in a whisper.

When you see the object of your desire on the street, whisper:

“The Lord God created woman for man. I love this woman, I am attracted to her, I attract her. God's servant (name) will be mine. Amen".

For the ritual you will need three church candles

To attract wealth

Money, treasures, riches have always worried people no less than love. Money was not easy for ordinary Russian men. In their rare moments of rest, they thought about how to feed their large family. Some worked hard and thereby ensured their existence, others wanted to obtain countless treasures through spells. Therefore, rituals appeared that helped attract wealth.

Money spells and rituals have a very different focus:

  • for a good job;
  • to find a treasure;
  • to receive an inheritance;
  • for a good seller;
  • for good luck;
  • etc.

Slavic spell for good luck

The conspiracy is strong and successful. Before performing it, you need to put on your grandmother's dress or shirt. In this robe one should ask for help, so that the ancestors will hear the call more quickly. The one who asks must have all his teeth intact. This way the conspiracy will not lose power, as was believed in the old days.

Take a jug of clean spring water and place it in front of you at midnight. Under these conditions, the words of an ancient conspiracy are read:

“Running water, Give me something to drink in a drought, So that I feel warm in the cold, So that I have enough to eat when I’m hungry, So that it’s not fierce, but nice and comfortable. My word is strong and molded, it is said - it will come true.”

They say it 7 times. Then pour from the jug onto your hands and wash your face. Go to bed without saying a word. After this ancient plot, luck will settle in the house and will always walk nearby.

Words and phrases cannot be interchanged in the text. Before the ceremony, learn everything by heart. Read with full confidence of success.

The spell should be recited over a jug of spring water

Money plot

With the help of spells and special rituals, you can find money right on the road or receive an unexpected inheritance.

To cast a money spell, use an old spell and 5 white candles from the church. Place them on the table in candlesticks, cover the table with a new, always light tablecloth, and cross yourself three times.

“My hope and support is Jesus Christ. The Most Holy Theotokos, the Virgin Mary, is my support. They walked across the sky, carrying bags of money, those bags opened, and money fell from heaven. I, the servant of God (name), walked the earth, found the money, collected the money, took it home, lit candles, and distributed the money to the family. As the candles burn out, so will the money flow into my house. Forever and ever, Amen."

Higher powers will hear your prayer and help you gain wealth in one way or another.

To your health

Old Believers used a huge number of rituals, runes, prayers and conspiracies in various cases of life, including regarding health. One of the rituals that has survived to this day is simple, strong and popular. More often used for tendon diseases, severe burns and other severe pain.

Any person in need reads it, grandparents for their grandchildren, mothers for their children, healthy people for the suffering. To do this, place your hand on the patient’s forehead and say:

“I will become blessed, I will go to the blue sea on the blue sea, the white-flammable Alatyr stone, on the Alatyr stone the Goddess Jiva sits, holds a white swan in her white hands, plucks the swan’s white wing. As the white wing jumped back, jump back, jump away from (the name is spoken) birthmarks, fevers and fevers - Hoarse, Lomea, Decrepit, Dozing, Windy, Smutnitsa, Zyabuha, Shaking, Fire, Puffy, Yellowing, Dumb, Deaf, Karkusha, Looking, Snoring. From a wild little head, from clear eyes, from black eyebrows, from a white body, from a zealous heart. She came from the wind - go to the wind, she came from the water - go to the water, she came from the forest - go to the forest. From century to century. A mermaid walked along a forest path, scratched her tender leg, and from that wound came not blood but ore, but from that wound came clear water. Yes, the water was pure, it flowed like a stream, and that water passed all over the earth. Yes, to that island and to that Buyan, to that Buyan and high mound. On that mound, the alatyr stone lies in its entire width. You cannot lift it, you cannot roll it up, as long as the human race lives on earth. Like water flowed under a stone, and behind it the disease forever. Now and forever and from circle to circle! So be it, so be it, so be it! Wanderer Lay down, my Bright Guardian, given to me by the Patron Family for protection, I earnestly ask you: Enlighten me today and save me from all evil, guide me to good deeds and direct me to the righteous path, may all my deeds be for the Glory of Svarog and Kind of Heavenly. Now and forever and from circle to circle! So be it, so be it, so be it! Oh, mother Lada, most pure mother of Sva! Don't leave us without love and happiness! Send your grace upon us, as we honor and glorify you, Now and ever, and from circle to circle! So be it, so be it, so be it! Until the end of time, while the sun shines on us!”

For Old Believers, such healing ceremonies were commonplace and were considered the most reliable remedy for all diseases.

After the ritual, the patient will quickly fall asleep. His sleep will be calm and serene. After some time he will fully recover. The reader will be like a prophet of the Old Believers at his bedside.

If the plot is read for a burn, then the bandage from the wound is removed after a few hours and washed with holy water. The wound will not hurt and will heal quickly.


Conspiracies, spells and rituals that come from antiquity are time-tested and work great if performed correctly. Conspiracy texts are not just a set of sounds, they carry a certain power. Therefore, you cannot use magical rituals, read ancient conspiracies and spells that work for fun. The higher protective forces do not tolerate ridicule and strictly punish it.

Our ancestors, the ancient Slavs, established an amazing magical connection with the forces of nature, and received help from them in order to change the surrounding reality. Ancient spells gave them protection from enemies and witchcraft, healed them from diseases, removed curses, and attracted good luck and love. Slavic conspiracies are known throughout the world for their power and effectiveness. Healing spells were held in special esteem by the ancient Slavs, and therefore were passed on by word of mouth through the Magi.

Most of the rituals used in Rus' have not survived to this day; they were absorbed by centuries of turbulent history, but some Slavic conspiracies were carefully preserved by families of hereditary healers.

Description of Slavic conspiracies and prayers

The Slavs were a pagan people, and the pantheon of deities they revered was quite diverse. The most ancient prayers of the Magi were aimed not only at begging for favorable weather for the harvest, but also for love, for the return of a loved one, for finding happiness, prosperity, for protection from enemies, diseases and damage. The conspiracies of the ancient Slavs and Magi still have amazing power if the conditions are strictly followed.

The magic of the ancient Slavs is the most complex of all existing magical practices. The complexity and difference lies in the technique of execution: the incantations of our ancestors are chanted, their rhythm must coincide with energy fluctuations. It is not for nothing that Slavic masters underwent training for more than 20 years, and not everyone could gain witchcraft power.

We will consider here the simplest rituals of ancient magic, suitable for use by an unprepared person. When using them, you should constantly change the tone of your voice and pronounce the magic words in a chant, focusing on vowel sounds.

Features of Slavic magic

Since Old Slavic spells and amulets require a very high degree of energy concentration, before performing any ritual you should fast for 3 days and say prayers 7 times daily. For the same purpose, it is strictly forbidden to drink alcohol before casting spells, and to have sexual relations.

A very important point is the complete absence of black magic among the Slavs - all rituals were aimed at benefiting people. Therefore, you should remember that when reading a conspiracy from enemies, you need to concentrate on protecting yourself and your family from evil, and not at all on revenge for the insult.

However, among the magical techniques of the magic of our ancestors there are not entirely positive actions:

  • make the enemy sick;
  • to put a crown of celibacy;
  • divorce a couple in love;
  • cause the loss of something.

It should be remembered that if the purpose of using Slavic conspiracies is to cause harm to someone, a backlash will inevitably follow, destroying your life and indicating that the gods are angry with your actions; and in these cases, the “farm-out” does not show effectiveness. Therefore, a creative goal and an internal positive attitude before use are the main conditions for both obtaining the expected result and for your safety.

What is used in Slavic magic

It is also necessary to pay attention to the prohibition of taking money for performing any Slavic rituals, since this will destroy not only the power of this spell, but also take away all the magical abilities of the person who practices magic.

Items used in Slavic rituals:

  • salt;
  • coals;
  • clay from the kiln;
  • eggs (for rolling out the disease with an egg);
  • cereal grains;
  • bread, etc.

Old Slavonic spell prayers aimed at a positive result should be read on light days of the week:

  • Tuesday;
  • Wednesday;
  • Saturday.

Conspiracies of the ancient Slavs that have a negative result should be read on the dark days of the week:

  • Monday;
  • Friday.

Among the ancient Slavs we find the following explanation of the term “conspiracy”: what follows the conspiracy (words and actions, as well as thought forms, images accompanying words). “Speaking” means “to penetrate into the highest.”

Types of Slavic conspiracies

Ancient Slavic conspiracies are divided into:

  • whispering - quietly saying a prayer;
  • a slander is a conspiracy that is slandered about any objects, sciences and amulets;
  • spell - loud pronunciation, scream.

The choice of one of these types depends on the task at hand.

A person using Slavic prayers and spells must meet the following requirements:

  • teetotal;
  • non-smoker;
  • have intact teeth.

You cannot exclude a single word from the texts of spells, just as you cannot add from yourself, otherwise there will be no result. And the most important condition for influencing the world and people: it is necessary to develop the ability to revive a thought form (goal) with the help of a conspiracy and internal concentration.

Slavic ritual for wealth

In addition to rituals for specific cases, in Rus' they used general magical techniques, the effect of which was to change life in a certain area, such as attracting happiness and prosperity.

To attract wealth into your life, you need to be determined to achieve this goal. The ritual is performed using a coin, as it has the ability to attract wealth.


  • yellow coin;
  • a small bag made of natural fabric;
  • spatula

The order of the ritual

Having prepared and tuned in internally as described above, proceed to the ritual.

The procedure will be as follows:

  1. At sunrise, go into the forest.
  2. Find a tree with a masculine name (oak or maple).
  3. Place the coin in the prepared bag (they should not be considered someone else’s first, this is important).
  4. Bury a bag of coins at the roots of the tree.
  5. Chant the spell.


“Grow, grow, my tree, bloom, flourish,

Give more fruits to people.

The worms are not touched

The mouse will go around.

My coin will sprout

It will bloom wildly,

The goodness will go into my wallet.

So be it.

My word is tenacious

Like the Alatyr stone.”

Very soon after performing the ritual, your financial situation will change for the better, and money will come from nowhere.

Conspiracy for family well-being

Are you running out of luck? Does your family's well-being leave much to be desired, or do you need to get your loved one back? This simple but very effective ritual, performed during the new month, will solve your problems and help you improve the life of your family in general, and each of your loved ones, as well as find harmony in the house and improve family relationships.


For the ritual you will need the following items:

  • glass of water;
  • incense;
  • yellow candle;
  • 3 coins of 10 kopecks;
  • a small bag, hand-sewn from natural fabric;
  • natural thread;
  • yarrow;
  • juniper;
  • a small broom knitted from feathers.

The order of the ritual

Having collected the necessary items and prepared, proceed to magical actions.

Follow these steps sequentially:

  1. Clean the house. Wash and dress in clean clothes.
  2. Lay out the coins in a triangle shape. The top of the triangle should face east.
  3. Place the candle in the center of the triangle and light it. Say a candle spell.
  4. Go through all the rooms in the house, fumigating them with incense. You need to move around the room slowly, clockwise.
  5. Walking through the rooms with incense, you should read the plot without interruption.
  6. Take a glass of water, a feather broom, and go around all the rooms of the house again, splashing water with a broom on the walls, on the floor, on various objects. In this case, you should continuously repeat the words of the conspiracy. Place the juniper and yarrow in a bag and tie it with thread.
  7. Hang the bag above the front door. While hanging him, read the plot. This bag will protect your home and family from evil, enemies and troubles.
  8. Collect coins from the floor and hide them near the threshold of the front door - they will serve you to attract wealth into your home. The candle should burn out completely.


Lighting a candle:

“Makosh is a mother, the Earth is a mother, let me take happiness and prosperity. May good luck come into my home and make everyone in it happy. Give him consent and love, may the servants of God (the names of all family members) live peacefully in harmony and love, for all time.”

In incense:

“Holy incense, give us peace, lal and a good way of life. Let it be so."

Sprinkling water:

“Mother is water, take away, weave off all the evil from me and my family. May fate be kind and supportive to us.”

Hanging a bag over the door:

“These holy herbs lie in my bag, and they are supposed to guard and protect my house from enemy power and all evil.”

Soon after performing this ancient Slavic ritual, you will notice positive changes in the life of your family and children; it will be filled with harmony, happiness, and there will always be prosperity in your home.

An ancient ritual of removing damage and the evil eye, fire and water

This miraculous ritual of the ancient Slavic sorcerers came to us from our distant ancestors, thanks to hereditary sorcerers and healers - Old Believers, who passed on this time-honored knowledge. Many of the spell words used in the described ritual were corrected centuries ago, but this did not in any way affect their effectiveness.

Every successful person can one day become a target for negative influence caused by someone else's envy and anger - these can be a variety of curses, the evil eye and damage. These influences destroy a person’s energy field, and then his health, happiness, and ultimately life. If a bad streak has begun in your life or in the life of your loved ones - health problems, failures, this indicates the presence of black negative energy, called damage.

Now you will learn how you can remove damage and the evil eye from yourself and your children.


For the ritual you will need the following:

  • water from a spring;
  • matches;
  • 3 aspen splinters;
  • white handkerchief;

The order of the ritual

This ritual can only be performed on the waning moon, like all other Vedic rituals associated with the removal of damage, the evil eye, curses and other negative influences.

You must do the following sequentially:

  1. Collect water from a river or spring (a body of water with running water), scooping in the direction of the water flow.
  2. You must return home from the river in silence, without talking to anyone or answering questions.
  3. At home, read the water prayer 3 times. Drink half a glass.
  4. Moisten your hair or the hair of the person from whom you are removing the damage with some of the water. Moisten a handkerchief with the remaining water.
  5. Place it on the windowsill to dry overnight so that moonlight shines on it. Light aspen splinters.
  6. Holding them in your right hand, make leisurely movements so that the fire does not go out, as if following the contours of your body, and thus purifying your aura with fire. Pay special attention to the heart and head areas until the torches burn out. At the same time, pronounce the spell.
  7. The next day, put the dried handkerchief in your purse and always carry it with you, it will protect you from evil.


“On the sea, on the ocean, on the island of the Buyan there is an ardent tower,

In that chamber the Most Holy Theotokos Mother sits,

She reads the book to the pigeon, and herself says:

From an evil sorcerer, from an evil sorceress,

From the black godwit, from the black godwit,

From an ardent hater, from an ardent hater,

From an envious slanderer, from an envious slanderer.

From a thin, evil, black eye, from a blue eye, from a green eye,

From old, young, middle.

From the hectic hour, as if this man were drying out and twisting.

The man did not do this daring deed, please take away the bodily ailments,

From a wild head, from a zealous heart.

And if you don’t leave this white body to dry, I’ll say a strong prayer

To our family, Let God say a prayer, I will call to Perun,

I’ll call out to Kryshenya to send a great threatening cloud upon you,

They would beat you with thunder, and they would burn you with lightning,

And the ashes will be scattered over the damp earth.

O Holy Mother of God, most pure Virgin, for You gave birth to God,

I will help us, if you please, from all unclean and evil spirits,

Amulets from the dashing evil eye.”

On fire:

“Tsar-father, fire, you are a king over other kings, how ardent you are, how you burn trees, green ants, fields and oak trees. Have mercy on me, I offer you a prayer, I bow and bow to your will. Father Tsar, sleep and take away from me, Grandfather of God, pain and all illness, commotion, fear, I conjure you, take away the illness. Goy!

After reading these prayers and implementing the indicated actions, you will soon feel a significant improvement in your condition (or your loved ones), indicating that the negative impact has been removed.

By turning to the Gods of our people, we will definitely receive their protection and help, you just need to believe in it, and evoke as vivid an image as possible of what you are seeking.

This prayer helps with diseases of the musculoskeletal system, allergies, and other chronic ailments.


For the healing ritual you will need:

  • water taken from a river, well, spring or spring, tap water is not suitable;
  • water container;
  • white candle;
  • ember;
  • matches.

The order of the ritual

The ritual must be performed when the month is old, preferably in the evening at sunset.

You must follow these steps sequentially:

  1. In the evening, before sunset, scoop up water from the indicated reservoir.
  2. Staying near the pond, whisper to the water.
  3. Return home silently and light a candle after sunset.
  4. Draw a circle with coal, place a container of water in the circle, and repeat the prayer in a low voice.
  5. The spoken water should be drunk 3 times daily, half a glass on an empty stomach.
  6. Under no circumstances should water be boiled or heated; this will negate all your efforts.


“I will stand up, cross myself and bless myself,

I will approach the stormy sea, the stormy sea

A flammable white stone, called Alatyr, lies.

On that stone the Jiva Goddess stands,

Between her white little hands there is a white swan,

How Jiva plucks off his white wing,

As soon as it bounces off, let it bounce off (name of the patient)

All the dashing illnesses, the fever,

All aches, pinches, shaking, fire, yellowing, deafness, decrepitness.

Get away from your white body, from your clear eyes, from your brave heart.

As if you came from a strong wind, go into the wind, as if from the water, you should go to the water. Forever and ever."

After some time, you will feel the effect of prayer, and your illness will gradually begin to recede.


By turning to our Gods and using the simplest and most accessible Slavic-Aryan prayers and amulets for this, we will definitely receive help from them. When using ancient Slavic magical techniques, do not forget to maintain the purity of your heart and thoughts, be open in your soul, and everything you plan will definitely come true.

Hundreds of years ago, conspiracies were practiced by our Slavic ancestors. Even then, the power and power of the word was known, and ancient Slavic spells and spells were constant companions of man. Many years have passed, but the prayers and spells of our ancestors are still popular today. One can say more, they are considered very strong and effective. After all, centuries of experience and magical knowledge have helped to improve the rituals as much as possible.

The ancient Slavs quite often turned to magical rituals for help. And this applies to both women and men. Various ancient Slavic conspiracies and spells were aimed at success in battle, attracting good luck, mutual love, a good harvest, successful trade, good health and other areas of life.

However, performing any ritual requires following the basic rules:

Before performing the ritual, you need to observe strict fasting for several days.
Before performing a magical ritual, it was assumed that there would be a complete abstinence from alcohol, tobacco and meat dishes;

ancient Slavic spells are read in a whisper.
This is done so that no one can hear the text of the ritual, since this may negatively affect the effectiveness of the ritual;

Ancient rituals could only be performed by an absolutely healthy person.
It is believed that if a person with a cold performs the ritual, his condition may worsen. Naturally, you can forget about the effectiveness of the spell;

The Slavs paid great attention to the condition of the sorcerer’s teeth.
A person with bad teeth, in particular if the front two teeth are missing, cannot make very strong spells and incantations;

If a ritual is performed for someone, then under no circumstances should a monetary reward be taken from that person.
As a rule, the Slavs used food as a form of gratitude, which was given from the heart and after the ritual took effect;

Slavic conspiracies of a positive orientation should be read on Tuesday, Wednesday or Friday.
These days are considered easy;
prayers and conspiracies with a negative message are read on Fridays and Mondays;
a person who performs ancient Slavic rituals must unconditionally believe in the effectiveness of magical effects and in his own strength.

Slavic peoples believed in the power of magic and resorted to witchcraft in a wide variety of situations.

Ancient Slavic conspiracies and spells for the Slavs were an effective method of influencing their own lives, other people and achieving the desired result.

Ritual for health

This magical spell is a very effective remedy for various diseases and poor health in general. For the ancient Slavs, this prayer was used as a means of combating many ailments. The words of the prayer are read in a whisper:

“In a distant direction, on an island beyond the sea, lies a white stone.
Near the fuel stone stands a man, a father to three sons, a sovereign to all.
He takes out his sharp knife, cuts with it all diseases and ailments, aches and dryness.
So let him cut off all the ailments and ailments of (person’s name),
He will put it under a stone and lock it with a key.
He will throw the key into the sea and close all ailments forever.
My words are strong, only the one can overcome them
Who will chew a stone with his teeth?
So be it!”

Slavic prayers for health are read for seven days. You can't miss a single day. As a rule, a person feels better after several magical sessions.

Prayer service for happiness

Happiness and prosperity should accompany every person. However, if the dark streak of life dragged on, the ancient Slavs had spells to improve the situation.

This prayer is considered very effective if its words are said at dawn:

“Oh you, oh you, Mother Lada, Most Pure Mother!
Don’t leave us, don’t leave us without happiness and love!
Send your grace upon us, as we honor and glorify you!
So be it, so be it, so be it, while the sun shines on us!”

The prayer is read seven times in a row. If troubles and misfortunes do not recede, then the ritual can be repeated after fourteen days.

Ritual for a healthy baby

The process of the birth of a new person is considered by both the ancient Slavs and modern people to be an almost magical process. Therefore, for a successful birth and the birth of a healthy baby, a prayer service is read for the woman in labor before giving birth:

“Mother Rozhanitsa, sister sister, hear our words, our prayers.
Accept bloodless gifts and grant healthy offspring to the woman in labor (woman’s name).
So that our family thread will never be broken.
We sing your glory, and invite you into the mansion.
From circle to circle, now and ever!
Let it be so!”

The prayer must be repeated three times. This ritual will help a woman give birth to a healthy baby and make labor quicker.

Prayer for insomnia

Among the ancient Slavs, sleep problems were considered a serious disease, which is why this disease was treated with the help of magic. At midnight, you need to read the spell on a person who suffers from insomnia, placing your hand on his head:

“Knock-knock, sleep will come, and illnesses will go away.
Sleep soundly - dream.
Leave your thoughts, pass by!
Sleep sweetly - be healthy!
Sleep (person’s name)!”

You need to repeat the words of the spell three times, after which the person will be able to fall asleep.

Slavic conspiracies and spells to protect your home

Even among the ancient Slavs, protecting one’s home was considered the main occupation. And even then there were many different conspiracies and prayers to protect the house. However, the most effective were appeals to Domovoy. It was believed that if he was appeased, the protection of the home would be in good hands. The plot is read in the evening:

“Grandfather, Brownie, don’t sleep, watch the house,
To avoid evil people, thieves run far away!
Go on patrol and protect everything!”

Repeat the words of appeal three times, after which be sure to leave a treat for the Brownie to appease him.

Ritual for love

Even in ancient times, girls performed certain rituals to attract love and happiness into their lives. In order for everything to work out in your personal life and finally meet your loved one, you need to read the following prayer at dawn, holding a birch tree:

“Oh birch, beauty!
Help me, help me!
Send me love and happiness!
How birds build nests in pairs,
That’s how I want to meet my sweetheart!”

Construct the words of the prayer seven times, after which you should thank the birch tree for its help and go home. Within a few months, the girl will have to meet her soulmate.

Ancient Slavic conspiracies and spells were considered very effective. Our ancestors paid a lot of attention to protection from negative influences and solved many problems using witchcraft. That is why the conspiracies that have come down to us are considered very effective.