Technical task. Terms of reference for dismantling existing reinforced concrete structures at the site

Appendix to the notice of conduct

open request for proposals No. 4

Technical task

for dismantling existing reinforced concrete structures at the site:

"Multi-storey residential buildings with public premises and

2. Name of the object. Multi-storey residential buildings with public premises and parking lots on the street. Tank in the Kalininsky district of Novosibirsk.

3. Location and boundaries of the object.Tankovaya Street in the Kalininsky district of Novosibirsk, located within the right bank Priobsky plateau, cut through the valley of the river. Eltsovka 1st, on the right slope of the valley (bounded from the north by Tankovaya Street, from the west by existing brick garages, from the east by Ippodromskaya Street, from the south by the Eltsovka 1st River).

4. Main goals. It is required to dismantle existing reinforced concrete structures in the area of ​​underground parking lots No. 7, No. 8 and residential buildings No. 3, No. 4.

General requirements for the work:

Before starting work, the Contractor must agree with the Customer on the work schedule. Work must be performed by trained and certified specialists.

If the Customer is unable to provide an electrical connection point, the Contractor must take into account the possibility of using a diesel electrical installation to carry out dismantling work before the deadline for providing the connection point.

Dismantling of reinforced concrete structures in the area of ​​parking lot No. 7 and residential buildings No. 3/1, 3/2 should be carried out with a concrete breaker, followed by removal to solid waste storage areas.

The method and method for dismantling wall and ceiling structures in the area of ​​parking lot No. 8 and residential buildings No. 4/1, 4/2 The Contractor must first agree with the Customer, with the mandatory development of a work plan for the dismantling of reinforced concrete structures.

All disassembled structures must be removed from the construction site to solid waste storage areas. Cleaning and removal of dismantled reinforced concrete structures and construction waste from the work site should be carried out daily, at the end of the working day. If there is a small amount of waste, it is allowed to store it at the construction site for temporary storage. The storage location and removal schedule are agreed upon with the Customer.

Requirements for quality of work:

The quality of the work performed must comply with the requirements of the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation; SNiP 3.01.01-85* “Organization of construction production”; SNiP “Construction Organization”; SNiP “Labor safety in construction”. Fire safety rules in the Russian Federation (PPB 01-03); SNiP “Fire safety of buildings and structures”, etc.

Work safety requirements

When performing work, the Contractor must be guided by current building codes and regulations, fire safety rules and safe operation of construction machinery and mechanisms, environmental, sanitary and hygienic and other standards in force in the Russian Federation and ensuring the safe operation of facilities for the life and health of people.

The contractor is responsible for compliance with fire safety rules, safety rules during work, for high-quality and timely completion of work. Identified comments are eliminated at the Contractor's expense. At the work sites, the Contractor is required to have fire extinguishers and use hydrants for fire-fighting purposes.

Responsibility for compliance with fire safety rules and labor protection at the site rests with the Contractor, who by his order must appoint a person responsible for carrying out the work and compliance with the above rules. A copy of the order for the responsible representative of the Contractor must be presented to the Customer before the start of work.

When performing work, the Contractor is obliged to comply with the requirements of the current legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of environmental protection. The contractor is responsible for violation of these requirements.

During the execution of work, the Contractor is obliged to carry out the necessary fire prevention, safety and environmental protection measures at the site.

Bill of quantities


Dismantling of reinforced concrete structures in the area of ​​parking lot No. 7 and residential buildings No. 3/1, 3/2 using a concrete breaker

Dismantling of reinforced concrete structures of walls and ceilings in the area of ​​parking lot No. 8 and residential buildings No. 4/1, 4/2

(method of dismantling structures is at the discretion of the Contractor)

Loading and removal of dismantled reinforced concrete structures from the construction site

Loading and removal of construction waste from the construction site (destroyed houses, uprooted stumps, bushes, etc.)

* the volume of construction waste is indicated approximately, the exact volumes will be determined upon completion during loading and removal from the construction site

M methodological organizational and technological
documentation in construction



MDS 12-64.2013

Moscow 2013

This standard work organization project contains provisions, instructions and measures necessary to obtain permission to carry out work on dismantling (demolition) of buildings and structures.

The work organization project is standard and can be applied either directly or adjusted taking into account the object, local conditions, with changes and additions made to it.

The project was developed in pursuance of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 16, 2008 No. 87, taking into account the recommendations of the MDS 12-46.2008.

The project is intended for design and construction organizations developing work organization projects, as well as for organizations performing dismantling (demolition) work on buildings and structures.

The project is approved in the manner established in this organization.

The project was compiled by the staff of TsNIIOMTP (principal executor, Ph.D. Korytov Yu.A.) .


A building or structure (hereinafter referred to as the object) with an expired service life due to wear and tear and disrepair is subject to liquidation. The object is also liquidated to prepare the land plot it occupies for new construction or other purposes.

Liquidation is carried out by dismantling (demolition) of the object. In terms of complexity, dismantling (demolition) objects can be simple, for example, such as a complex of one-story garages or capital construction projects (residential, civil, industrial). Demolition work is carried out by destruction, and dismantling work is carried out mainly using the disassembly of the object, followed by the removal of waste (building structures, parts, garbage).

The work organization project (WOP) is the main organizational document for the dismantling (demolition) of buildings and structures. The POR contains requirements and measures to ensure the safety of workers, the population and the environment, establishes the method of dismantling (demolition), the general sequence and order of work.

The ERP also contains measures for the most efficient organization of work, using modern technology and information. The ERP includes the most progressive methods and methods of work, using high-performance machines, helping to reduce the time and cost of work.

The POR confirms the organization’s readiness to carry out work and serves as the basis for obtaining permission to carry out work. The composition, content and design of the POR for a capital construction project comply with the requirements of Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated February 16, 2008 No. 87 “On the composition of sections of project documentation and requirements for their content.”

For a capital construction project, on the basis and in development of the ERP, a work execution project (WPP) is developed, which defines technological processes and operations, resources and safety measures. For a complex capital construction project, on the basis of PPR, technological maps can be developed for the implementation of a separate technological process (operation).

The source materials (data) for compiling the ERP are:

Customer's assignment; a brief description of the object being demolished (dismantled), design of the building (structure) (if preserved), structural diagram;

List of dismantled technological equipment of the industrial building, overall dimensions and weights, conditions for dismantling and transportation;

Plan of the site allocated for the work;

A plan of the area where the work site is located, indicating the location of the waste disposal point and landfill;

District transport infrastructure plan;

Urban development plan with the location of underground utilities, power lines and communications;

Modern solutions for the organization, use of technologies and means of mechanization of demolition (dismantling) work;

Information on the possibility of providing work with residential and utility premises; data on the availability of mechanization and technological equipment to perform the work;

Requirements for labor safety and environmental protection;

Occupational safety in construction. Part 1. General requirements

Occupational safety in construction. Part 2. Construction production

SSBT. Fire safety. General requirements

SSBT. Electrical safety. General requirements and nomenclature of types of protection

SSBT. Signal colors and danger signs

SSBT. Construction. Lighting standards for construction sites

SSBT. Construction machines. General safety requirements for operation

SSBT. Construction. Inventory protective fences. General technical conditions

SSBT. Construction. Safety belts. General technical conditions

Interindustry rules on labor protection when working at height

Interindustry rules for labor protection during electric and gas welding work

Construction organization project, demolition (dismantling) work organization project, work execution project. Development and design

Mounting equipment for temporary fastening of prefabricated elements of erected and dismantled buildings


3.1. Description of the building (structure) to be dismantled (demolished)

Picture 1- Danger zones when dismantling an object

3.5. Assessment of the probability of damage during demolition (dismantling) of engineering infrastructure

To assess the likelihood of infrastructure damage, a plan for the placement of infrastructure facilities on the site, including existing utility networks, is drawn up and used. A description of the networks, their technical characteristics, and installation depth are provided. The probability of damage is assessed depending on the adopted method of dismantling (demolition) of the object. The distances from infrastructure facilities to the collapse zone and the danger zone are determined. With the explosive demolition method, the probability of damage from fragments, from a shock wave, and from seismic impact is assessed. In mechanical demolition methods using an excavator (crane), the probability of damage from an impact from a working tool or machine boom is also assessed.

The existing engineering infrastructure is located outside the area of ​​dismantling (demolition) of the facility, so the likelihood of its damage is excluded.

3.6. Justification of protection methods and protective devices of engineering support networks

The justification of protection methods is carried out taking into account the calculated loads on infrastructure facilities, including existing underground networks, from an explosion, from mechanical soil pressure, for example, from the operation of an excavator (crane).

Protection of underground networks can be ensured by temporary relocation or disconnection, marking and fencing them on the site with the installation of appropriate warning and danger signs, and the construction of protective decks and ceilings.

The scattering of fragments during the explosive method is prevented by covering the structure (destructible layer) with double wooden shields. The section provides information about the availability of agreement on accepted protection methods with network owners. Copies of agreement letters are placed in the appendix to the work organization project.

Below is the content of this section for this ERP.

Damage to infrastructure - underground utilities for water supply, heat supply, gas supply, etc. may take place at the intersection of these communications with the transport routes of construction vehicles. In order to eliminate this possibility, in places where communications intersect with transport routes of construction vehicles, it is necessary to lay floorings that reduce the specific load from construction vehicles.

3.7. Solutions for safe methods of dismantling (demolition) work

The ERP provides general decisions on safe work practices. Private, more detailed decisions (requirements and measures) for conducting certain types of work are provided for in work projects (technological maps). Indicate methods, signaling procedures and preventive measures: sound and light signals, loud warnings, temporary fences and danger signs, barrier posts, etc.

Before starting particularly dangerous demolition work, workers must be issued a permit defining safe working conditions, indicating hazardous areas and safety measures. Establishing the degree of danger is usually assigned to the chief engineer of the organization. Particularly dangerous work includes, for example, the work of construction machines in cramped conditions, during the demolition of objects in disrepair, near existing industries or residential buildings, with polluted and enclosed spaces, with explosive and fire-hazardous containers that require supply and exhaust ventilation and additional lighting, when demolishing objects below ground level, etc.

During demolition by explosive method follows:

Indicate the main sources of danger (the effect of shock and seismic waves, scattering of fragments, unexploded charges, etc.), the location of warning and security duty posts on the borders of the danger zone;

Provide for the implementation of work according to special work projects and technological maps with mandatory sections on work safety.

During mechanical demolition follows:

Indicate the main sources of danger (spontaneous collapse of overhanging beams and blocks, scattering of fragments, operation of construction machines), the location of warning and security posts on the borders of the danger zone;

Provide for the implementation of work according to work projects and technological maps with sections on safety during the operation of destructive machines, including, for example, using a “destroying excavator” and replaceable working parts mounted on an excavator.

When dismantling an object ensure compliance with the rules for the safe use of a jib (truck-mounted, pneumatic-wheeled or crawler-mounted) or tower crane. When using universal and special hand-held electric and pneumatic machines (hammers, cutting discs, drilling machines, etc.) and thermal means (gas cutters, plasma cutting machines, etc.), comply with the safety requirements set out in the factory instructions.

When tearing off and moving blocks, panels and other building structures using mechanical, hydraulic (wedge) jacks and other devices, indicate appropriate safety measures. To ensure the safety of dismantling work, special technological equipment is selected, for example, according to MDS 12-41.2008 and used: struts with adjustable length complete with clamps and anchors, braces (rods), racks, corner braces, scaffolding means. To prevent workers from falling from height, individual and collective means are used. Universal (used during installation work in construction) and special safety equipment can be justified and applied - inventory fences, which are reinforced in various ways to load-bearing structures or installed on standard inventory reinforced concrete (foundation) blocks.

Below is the content of this section for this ERP.

For the safe dismantling of the facility, organizational and technological solutions, as well as decisions on the safe conduct of work, have been adopted.

The following organizational decisions were made:

- the management of the organization carrying out the dismantling appoints by order the composition of the team, headed by a foreman responsible for the safe conduct of gas-electric cutting, dismantling and loading and unloading operations using load-lifting cranes;

- team members must be instructed and tested on safety precautions when performing this work;

- team members must be provided with special clothing, safety footwear, individual and collective protective equipment. The brigade must be equipped with fire fighting equipment and first aid equipment.

As part of organizational decisions, the following preparatory work must be performed:

The dismantling work site is being arranged according to the attached plan (Figure). In general, the site is set up in the same way as during installation and construction work.

Figure 2- Arrangement of the dismantling work site

The site has a temporary (from inventory sections) fencing with entrance gates and signs limiting the speed of vehicles and indicating the direction of movement. At the entrance to the site there is a stand with a transport traffic diagram.

Primary fire extinguishing means and fire-fighting equipment are provided at the work site. The plan shows the crane track with the extreme parking places of the tower crane - St. 1 and Art. 2; locations for installing containers with dismantling products, bins for collecting small waste, and lighting floodlight towers have been determined; places are provided for preparatory work (for the preparation of mechanization and equipment), for containers for storing tools, dismantling equipment; a foreman's room, rooms for workers' rest and other premises may be provided if they are not located in other places.

The work site is provided with temporary power supply, a source of compressed air for the operation of hand-held machines, and dust suppression equipment. The work site must be cleared of foreign structures, materials and debris.

Technological solutions are as follows:

- dismantling work should be carried out taking into account the assessment of the technical condition of load-bearing reinforced concrete structures contained in the technical inspection report of the facility;

- dismantling of the object should be carried out in the reverse order of its construction, that is, from top to bottom, by floors, by sections, in a “pull-on” manner;

- dismantling of utilities should be carried out before dismantling the enclosing and supporting structures.

Execute in the following sequence:

- dismantling of internal engineering networks (heat, water, gas, electricity, sewerage);

- removal of window frames and doors with frames, built-in wardrobes and other wooden elements;

- removal of floor coverings (boards, linoleum, parquet, etc.).

Work should be carried out in risers (sections), starting from the top floor. Before dismantling the roof and walls of the building, perform the following work:

- temporary fastening of the disassembled elements of the object using special technological equipment;

- opening of cemented joints and seams using jackhammers with a set of impact nozzles;

- cutting of embedded parts - gas or cutting wheels;

- drilling (punching) in panels and slabs of sling holes with a diameter of 40 - 50 mm with hand drills, 40 - 60 mm with hammer drills, 85 - 160 mm with a drilling machine. Roof dismantling consists of dismantling the roof covering, slabs (flooring), frieze panels and floor slabs.

Roofing covering (soft rolls, metal sheets) should be cut into strips 1000´ 500 (slabs 1000 ´ 1000 mm), convenient for carrying and storing. Concrete joints, seams, and metal connections of roofing slabs (flooring) must be freed from mortar. Slinging of roofing slabs is carried out using a four-leg sling (4SK) and four anchors installed in specially drilled (punched) holes. Then use a crane to loosely tighten the slings and cut the metal connections. Tear off the roofing slab with a hydraulic wedge (metal wedges), lift it a few centimeters with a crane at the lowest speed to make sure that it is not pinched. Before lifting, move the roofing slab to a height of 200 - 300 mm to ensure the reliability of the sling.

In the same way, dismantle frieze panels, cornice blocks and floor slabs.

Dismantling the enclosing and load-bearing structures of a building consists of dismantling internal and external wall panels, slabs and blocks. External and internal wall panels must be secured before dismantling. To do this, holes are drilled in the panels at a height of 1.8 - 2.0 m from the floor level; Anchors are inserted into the holes.

Opposite these holes, holes are drilled in the floor slabs (in the floor), anchors are inserted and connected to each other, securing each panel.

Then the gypsum concrete partitions and walls of sanitary cabins are dismantled. Before dismantling the outer wall panels, balconies are supported with telescopic racks from the lower floor. Dismantling of external and internal wall panels and blocks is carried out in the manner described above. Slinging of a flight of stairs is carried out using a fork.

Before removing the floor slabs (flooring) above the technical underground, it is necessary to dig up the soil, for example, with an excavator (with an offset digging axis) along the outer perimeter of the building to the depth of the foundation. After removing the floor slabs (flooring), destroy the concrete preparation with jackhammers and free the foundation from the soil from the inside. Then dismantle, using the techniques described above, the basement panels (wall blocks) of the underground and foundation blocks.

Safety solutions for conducting work are as follows.

During dismantling work, it is necessary to ensure compliance with the requirements of the following regulatory documents: .

When dismantling the facility, the possible impact of the following hazardous factors should be taken into account (according to SNiP 12.04-2002):

- spontaneous collapse of the structure;

- location of workplaces near elevation differences;

- falling objects (waste, tools) from a height.

In addition to these, the following potentially dangerous factors should also be taken into account:

- moving parts of hand-held machines;

- sharp edges and corners of concrete, protruding pins, broken steel sheets and reinforcement;

- increased content of dust in the air of the working area and noise during the destruction of structures.

When destroying reinforced concrete structures and when removing waste, water dust suppression measures should be used. Workers must work in protective helmets and safety glasses (shields), with respirators to protect the respiratory system from dust.

Work should be carried out, as a rule, during daylight hours. Workplaces and approaches to them must be illuminated in accordance with the requirements of GOST 12.1.046-85. The illumination of the workplace, measured with a Yu-16 luxmeter, must be at least 50 lux. The dust content of the air in the non-working area, measured by an IZV-5 type device, must comply with sanitary standards and be no more than 0.3 mg/m3.

When using a tower (jib) crane, the requirements and rules adopted for the safe operation of load-lifting cranes must be met.

Work performed by cranes is carried out under the supervision of a person responsible for the safe performance of work by cranes. The interaction between the crane operator, slinger, signalmen and foreman must be ensured by radio communication. The dismantled parts must be moved using safety devices (guy ropes) 6 m long and 12 mm in diameter, which prevent rotation of the load.

3.8. Measures to ensure public safety

This section generally includes:

Names, brief description and characteristics of residential buildings and courtyards, playgrounds, schools, nurseries, squares, pedestrian roads, sidewalks, etc., the location of which falls in the danger zone or is in close proximity to the hazardous work zone;

Indication of sources of danger (collapse of building structures, shock waves, scattering of fragments, release of gases and dust, etc.) and assessment of the likelihood of their impact on the population;

Implementation of activities under sections of this ERP related to ensuring public safety;

Description of methods of notifying the population (local radio and television, visiting apartments and courtyards, posting advertisements, loud-speaking media, etc.);

Description and location of warning and security posts on the borders of the danger zone.

If necessary, this section justifies the evacuation of the population as a last resort safety measure. In this case, an evacuation plan is drawn up, which indicates evacuation objects, temporary relocation points, timing and order, responsible persons - organizers, etc. Below is the content of this section for this ERP.

Residential buildings are located at a distance of at least 30 m from the dismantled object. Dismantling is carried out with the above organizational, technological and safety measures. In this regard, it is not necessary to design and implement any additional measures to ensure public safety.

3.9. Solutions for waste removal and disposal

When demolishing an object, indicate; descriptions of waste (large, oversized - more than 4 m high and more than 2.25 m wide, small block, dusty, construction waste, etc.), directions (routes) to waste disposal sites and methods of their transportation (type of transport, in the open form or in containers, etc.).

When dismantling a facility, decisions are made on the nomenclature and methods of processing dismantled building structures: reinforced concrete blocks, panels, slabs, etc. and their removal to processing plants, as well as the disposal of disassembled materials (wood, metal, earthenware, glass, bitumen, etc.). Reinforced concrete building structures (panels, slabs) that meet technical specifications are used in construction (access roads, sites, warehouses, etc.).

Metal structures and parts are processed (cut, pressed, etc.) to be sold as scrap metal for remelting. Waste insulation, glass and ceramics are processed into raw materials (filler) for the production of building materials and products (wall boards, blocks, etc.).

Below is the content of this section for this ERP.

This POR provides for the disposal of waste (structures and materials). Decisions on disposal are made subject to the compliance of structures and materials with the technical conditions given in the table.


Dismantled structures, materials, waste


Recycling decisions

Panels, slabs, blocks

Dimensions of external cracks- no more than half their size. Dimensions of chipped edges and corners - no more than 12% of their dimensions

Intended use or processing into crushed stone and sand

The volume of exposed reinforcement is no more than 7% volume of panels, slabs, blocks

Soft roof cuts

The volume of foreign inclusions is no more than 5% by weight

Processing for bitumen

Waste insulation, glass, ceramics

The volume of foreign inclusions is no more than 5% by weight

Processing into aggregates for recycled building materials and products

Waste that is not subject to disposal is to be transported, in accordance with an agreement with the local environmental protection and natural resource management authority, to a landfill.

3.10. Measures for reclamation and landscaping of land

The section on land reclamation measures includes a list of construction works and operations that negatively impact the land plot (fertile soil layer, trees and shrubs, water) and a description of site reclamation measures. These measures include:

Prevention of contamination of the soil layer with oils and fuels during the operation of construction machines;

Determination, in accordance with current standards, of the thickness and volume of the cut fertile soil layer, methods and places of its temporary storage (outside or on the work site) for the purpose of further use during land reclamation;

Methods of protecting trees and shrubs that are not subject to cutting or replanting from damage during the operation of construction machines.

If there are water bodies (ponds, lakes, etc.) and sources (streams, springs, etc.) located on the land plot, indicate methods for their protection and restoration (if necessary).

The contents of this section for this ERP are as follows.

Vegetable soil is removed from the work area, piled in a designated place and stored until the dismantling work is completed (see figure). After the dismantling and construction work on the site of the dismantled building of the children's sports ground (see section), the necessary work on reclamation and improvement of the land plot will be carried out: waste and contaminated soil will be removed, new soil will be brought in, suitable plant soil, removed and collected in the period of preparatory work for the dismantling of this facility, the existing ones were restored and new shrubs and trees were planted.

3.11. Information about communications, structures and structures remaining after demolition (dismantling) in the ground and in water bodies, permission to preserve them

The section must contain a list of communications, structures and structures remaining in the ground and in water bodies after demolition (dismantling), a diagram (plan) and data on the depth of location of these objects, a description and main characteristics of the objects.

The section provides the motivation (justification) for decisions to preserve these objects, indicates which objects from this list require, according to the legislation of the Russian Federation, permission from state supervisory authorities for conservation in land and water bodies, and provides information about the availability of such permissions. Copies of permits are placed in the appendix to the ERP.

After the dismantling of the facility under this PRP, no communications, structures, structures or their parts remain on the territory of the former building, in the ground or in water bodies, so “permission to preserve them” is not required.

3.12. Information on the approval of technical solutions for demolition (dismantling) by explosion, burning or other potentially dangerous method

The section should provide a description of the potentially dangerous method (explosion, burning or other) in terms of coordination with the relevant authorities, including government supervisory authorities. The section provides information about the availability of agreement on this method with the relevant authorities. Copies of agreement letters are placed in the appendix to the ERP.

The section provides a list of additional safety measures specific to this demolition method. In this list, during demolition by explosion, they indicate, for example, the use of charges of lower power, methods for identifying and eliminating unexploded charges, special shelters and protective devices, means of suppressing dust and gases, and others. The list for demolition by burning includes additional fire-fighting means, flame control methods, heat-resistant screens, etc.

Demolition (dismantling) of an object by explosion, burning or other potentially dangerous method is not provided for in this POR, therefore approval of the mentioned technical solutions is not required.

 “Agreed” “Approved” Director President of the Administrative Department of Medsi Group of Companies CJSC Medsi Group of Companies CJSC __________________ V.A. Kozlov __________________ A. N. Chupin "____" _______________ 2013 "____" ______________ 2013 TERMS OF REFERENCE for the demolition (dismantling) of permanent buildings and removal of utility networks from the construction site at the site of Medsi Group of Companies CJSC General provisions This technical specification is part of the documentation of the ongoing procedure for selecting performers for demolition (dismantling) work. capital buildings and the removal of utility networks from the construction site at the facilities of Medsi Group of Companies CJSC. 1. This technical specification determines the procedure for carrying out work on the demolition (dismantling) of permanent buildings and the removal of utility networks from the construction site at the facilities of Medsi Group of Companies CJSC. 2. The procurement participant submits a commercial proposal, which indicates information about the participant, a proposal for the amount (coefficient, percentage rate) of reduction in the base cost of demolition (dismantling) of permanent buildings and removal of utility networks from the building area, determined on the basis of collections of standards and prices TSN-2001, FER-2001, proposal for the use of conversion factors, correction factors, winter price increase coefficients and coefficients taking into account working conditions at night, working conditions on weekends and holidays. The commercial proposal must be valid for 12 months from the date of acceptance of proposals. 3. Work is carried out in accordance with: - Technical specifications for production. works on demolition (dismantling) of permanent buildings and removal of utility networks from the construction site; - Statement of quantities. 4. Place of work: - Clinical diagnostic center on Krasnaya Presnya located at: Moscow, st. Krasnaya Presnya, 16/2 (block 617). 5. Terms and duration of work: - up to 60 days from the date of signing the Agreement 6. Warranty for work: - 24 months. 7. The procurement participant provides a commercial proposal after visiting the site and assessing the scope of work. General requirements for the Contractor 1. At least 5 years of experience in the subject of procurement; 2. Availability of certified, technical personnel with appropriate qualifications; 3. Availability of a certificate of approval for the types of work on the subject of procurement, valid at the time of work; 4. Availability of a certificate of approval valid at the time of the work for types of work to organize construction, reconstruction and major repairs by the General Contractor; 5. Availability of completed objects similar to the subject of purchase over the past five years; 6. Implementation of regulatory measures regulated by the current legislation of the Russian Federation. Requirements for the Contractor when carrying out work 1. The Contractor, at his own expense and without subsequent compensation for his expenses by the Customer, develops and submits for approval estimate documentation containing a description of the types of work, their volume and cost indicators, formed on the basis of collections of standards and prices TSN-2001, FER -2001, taking into account the coefficients specified in the Contractor’s commercial offer. Materials and equipment proposed for use in the execution of work must comply with the Technical Specifications, design (working) documentation, and have certificates authorizing the use of materials on the territory of the Russian Federation. The participant also provides a system proposal for the proposed materials. The cost of all materials and all expenses associated with the performance of work, transportation costs for the delivery of materials and labor to the place of work, all taxes and mandatory payments are included in the cost of work. 2. The Contractor, at his own expense and without subsequent compensation for his expenses by the Customer, develops and submits for approval a calendar plan (line schedule) for the production of work (annex to the construction contract for the demolition (dismantling) of permanent buildings and the removal of utility networks from the construction site) , compiled from the calculation of labor costs, indicating the rational sequence, order and timing of work, the number of workers per operation. 3. The Contractor, at his own expense and without subsequent compensation for his expenses by the Customer, if necessary, develops a project for the execution of work and submits it to the Customer for approval. 4. The Contractor, at his own risk and expense, without subsequent compensation for his expenses by the Customer, ensures proper storage of materials, tools and other property of the Contractor located on the Customer’s territory. 5. The contractor maintains a general log of work at the site (in the KS-6 form) in accordance with the instructions of the Resolution of the State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation dated November 11, 1999. No. 100, special journals for certain types of work, draws up inspection reports for hidden work (in the form of Appendix No. 3 to RD-11-02-2006), draws up other production and executive documentation provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation. 6. The Contractor is responsible for organizing the work, for strict adherence to the rules of work, safety rules, labor protection rules when carrying out work on the Customer’s territory. In case of damage to third parties during the performance of work, compensation is carried out at the expense of the Contractor. 7. The Contractor is responsible for all actions of its personnel, including for the personnel’s compliance with the legislation of the Russian Federation. Basic conditions for concluding the contract 1. The deadline for completing the work is December 25, 2013. 2. Commencement of work after receipt of acceptance of the offer. 3. For failure to meet deadlines, penalties are 5% of the cost of the volume of work not completed for each day of delay. 4. Advance payment of no more than 30% of the cost of the work performed. 5. Carrying out work on the demolition (dismantling) of permanent buildings and removal of utility networks from the construction site, in full on a turnkey basis, including the work specified in the bill of quantities, in accordance with permitting documents. Contents of work and general requirements 1. Work on the demolition (dismantling) of permanent buildings and the removal of utility networks from the construction site is carried out in full compliance with the terms of the Agreement, the Terms of Reference, the “Bill of Quantities”, which is an appendix to the Terms of Reference and current regulations requirements, in terms of requirements not established by the Terms of Reference. Procedure for execution and acceptance of work 1. Work on the demolition (dismantling) of permanent buildings and the removal of utility networks from the construction site must be carried out in accordance with the requirements and conditions established by the construction contract for the execution of work, this Technical Specification, and the legislation of the Russian Federation . 2. The Customer appoints his representative at the site, who, on behalf of the Customer, carries out technical supervision and quality control of the work performed, and also checks (with entry in the general log of work production in the KS-6 form) the compliance of the materials and equipment used by the Contractor with the conditions construction contract for the demolition (dismantling) of permanent buildings and the removal of utility networks from the construction site and the requirements of the Technical Specifications, building codes and regulations, standards, certificates, technical specifications and other regulatory and methodological documents of the Russian Federation, participates in the inspection of hidden work , draws up acts and other documents within its competence. 3. The contractor keeps a log of the work performed on the demolition (dismantling) of permanent buildings and the removal of utility networks from the construction site (in the KS-6 form) in accordance with the instructions of the Resolution of the State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation dated November 11, 1999. No. 100. Log book for the demolition (dismantling) of permanent buildings and the removal of utility networks from the construction site at the request of the Customer. 4. Completion of work is formalized by an acceptance certificate for completed work in form KS-2 in accordance with the instructions of the Resolution of the State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation dated November 11, 1999. No. 100. 5. The Contractor is obliged to deliver the work to the Customer with high quality and on time, in compliance with design decisions, SNiP requirements, technical regulations, standards, technical conditions and other regulatory documents of the Russian Federation, which is confirmed by the parties signing an acceptance certificate for the work performed. 6. If during the execution of work poor-quality work is discovered, then the Contractor, on his own, without increasing the cost and deadlines for completing the work specified in the contract, within the time period established by the customer’s representative, is obliged to redo this work to ensure proper quality. 7. In the event that the work is performed by the Contractor with deviations from the terms of the construction contract for the demolition (dismantling) of permanent buildings and the removal of utility networks from the construction site, which worsened the result of the work, or with low quality of execution, the use of low-quality materials and equipment, materials and equipment that do not meet the requirements of the Technical Specifications, as well as materials that make the object unsuitable for its intended use or have other deficiencies, the customer has the right to demand that the Contractor eliminate the defects free of charge within a reasonable time or reimburse costs. Requirements for the quality and technical characteristics of materials used in the performance of work. 1. All materials and equipment used in the performance of work must comply with the regulatory requirements for such products by the legislation of the Russian Federation, have all the necessary passports, certificates of conformity certifying their quality, sanitary and epidemiological conclusion, fire safety certificates (if necessary). 2. All materials used must comply with the requirements established in the design (working) documentation. 3. All materials used must be new and not used. Work safety requirements. 1. When carrying out work, the contractor must comply with the requirements of SNiP 12-03 2001 “Occupational Safety in Construction”, labor protection rules, fire and technical safety rules, as well as comply with environmental measures in accordance with the legislative acts of the Russian Federation. Requirements for quality and results of work. 1. All work on the demolition (dismantling) of permanent buildings and the removal of utility networks from the building area must be completed from the moment of concluding a construction contract for the demolition (dismantling) of permanent buildings and the removal of utility networks from the building area in full in accordance with terms of the contract, requirements of the Technical Specifications and relevant project documentation. 2. The quality of work must meet technological requirements when performing all types of work. 3. All work must be performed in full compliance with the terms of the Construction Contract for the performance of work, the requirements of the Technical Specifications, design (working) documentation and with the current regulatory requirements and technical conditions, in terms of requirements not established by the Technical Specifications. 4. Upon completion of the work, the Contractor, using his own resources and means, ensures that the area is cleared of debris, garbage and unused materials are removed before the appointed date for acceptance of the work performed. 5. Equipment, machines, mechanisms of temporary structures used in the performance of work must be removed by the forces and means of the Contractor within 5 (five) days from the date of signing by both parties of the work completion certificate. Head of the Construction Department of the Administrative Department of Medsi Group of Companies CJSC _______________________ M.N. Elkin

“Agreed” “I approve”

Director President

Administrative Department of ZAO Medsi Group of Companies

CJSC "Medsi Group of Companies"

V.A. Kozlov __________________ A. N. Chupin

«____» __ ___________ __ 2013 "____"__ __________ __ 2013


for demolition (dismantling) of permanent buildings

and removal of utility networks from the development area

at the facility of ZAO Medsi Group of Companies

General provisions

This technical assignment is part of the documentation of the ongoing procedure for selecting performers for the demolition (dismantling) of permanent buildings and the removal of utility networks from the construction site at the facilities of Medsi Group of Companies CJSC.

    This technical specification determines the procedure for carrying out work on the demolition (dismantling) of permanent buildings and the removal of utility networks from the construction site at the facilities of Medsi Group of Companies CJSC.

    The procurement participant submits a commercial proposal, which indicates information about the participant, a proposal on the amount (coefficient, interest rate) of reducing the base cost of work on the demolition (dismantling) of permanent buildings and the removal of utility networks from the building area, determined on the basis of collections of norms and prices TSN- 2001, FER-2001, proposal for the use of conversion factors, correction factors, winter price increase factors and factors taking into account working conditions at night, working conditions on weekends and holidays. The commercial offer must be valid for 12 months from the date of the end of acceptance of proposals.

    Work is carried out in accordance with:

Technical specifications for the demolition (dismantling) of permanent buildings and the removal of utility networks from the building area;

Bill of quantities.

    Place of work:

Clinical diagnostic center on Krasnaya Presnya located at: Moscow, st. Krasnaya Presnya, 16/2 (block 617).

    Terms and duration of work:

Up to 60 days from the date of signing the Agreement

    Work guarantee:

24 months.

    The procurement participant provides a commercial proposal after visiting the site and assessing the scope of work.

General requirements for the Contractor

    Have at least 5 years of experience in procurement;

    Availability of certified, technical personnel with appropriate qualifications;

    Availability of a certificate of approval for the types of work on the subject of procurement, valid at the time of work;

    Availability of a certificate of approval valid at the time of the work for types of work to organize construction, reconstruction and major repairs by the General Contractor;

    Availability of completed objects similar to the subject of purchase over the past five years;

    Implementation of regulatory measures regulated by the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

Requirements for the Contractor when carrying out work

    The Contractor, at his own expense and without subsequent compensation for his expenses by the Customer, develops and submits for approval estimate documentation containing a description of the types of work, their volume and cost indicators, formed on the basis of collections of standards and prices TSN-2001, FER-2001, taking into account the coefficients indicated in the Contractor's commercial offer.

Materials and equipment proposed for use in the execution of work must comply with the Technical Specifications, design (working) documentation, and have certificates authorizing the use of materials on the territory of the Russian Federation. The participant also provides a system proposal for the proposed materials. The cost of all materials and all expenses associated with the performance of work, transportation costs for the delivery of materials and labor to the place of work, all taxes and mandatory payments are included in the cost of work.

    The Contractor, at his own expense and without subsequent compensation for his expenses by the Customer, develops and submits for approval a calendar plan (line schedule) for the production of work (an appendix to the construction contract for the demolition (dismantling) of permanent buildings and the removal of utility networks from the construction site), drawn up based on labor costs, indicating the rational sequence, order and timing of work, and the number of workers per operation.

    The Contractor, at his own expense and without subsequent compensation for his expenses by the Customer, if necessary, develops a project for the execution of work and submits it to the Customer for approval.

    The Contractor, at his own risk and expense, without subsequent compensation for his expenses by the Customer, ensures proper storage of materials, tools and other property of the Contractor located on the Customer’s territory.

    The contractor maintains a general log of work at the site (in the KS-6 form) in accordance with the instructions of the Resolution of the State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation dated November 11, 1999. No. 100, special journals for certain types of work, draws up inspection reports for hidden work (in the form of Appendix No. 3 to RD-11-02-2006), draws up other production and executive documentation provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

    The Contractor is responsible for organizing the work, for strict compliance with the rules of work, safety rules, labor protection rules when carrying out work on the Customer’s territory. In case of damage to third parties during the performance of work, compensation is carried out at the expense of the Contractor.

    The Contractor is responsible for all actions of its personnel, including compliance by personnel with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Basic conditions for concluding a contract

    Work begins after acceptance of the offer.

    For failure to meet deadlines, penalties are 5% of the cost of the volume of work not completed for each day of delay.

    Advance payment of no more than 30% of the cost of work performed.

    Carrying out work on the demolition (dismantling) of permanent buildings and removal of utility networks from the construction site, in full on a turnkey basis, including the work specified in the bill of quantities, in accordance with permitting documents.

      Work on the demolition (dismantling) of permanent buildings and the removal of utility networks from the construction site is carried out in full compliance with the terms of the Agreement, the Terms of Reference, the “Bill of Quantities”, which is an appendix to the Terms of Reference and the current regulatory requirements, in terms of requirements not established Technical specifications.

Procedure for execution and acceptance of work

      The demolition (dismantling) of permanent buildings and the removal of utility networks from the construction site must be carried out in accordance with the requirements and conditions established by the construction contract for the execution of work, this Technical Specification, and the legislation of the Russian Federation.

      The Customer appoints his representative at the site, who, on behalf of the Customer, carries out technical supervision and quality control of the work performed, and also checks (with entry into the general log of work in the KS-6 form) the compliance of the materials and equipment used by the Contractor with the terms of the construction contract contract for the demolition (dismantling) of permanent buildings and the removal of utility networks from the construction site and the requirements of the Technical Specifications, building codes and regulations, standards, certificates, technical specifications and other regulatory and methodological documents of the Russian Federation, participates in the examination of hidden work, draws up acts and other documents within its competence.

      The contractor keeps a log of the work performed on the demolition (dismantling) of permanent buildings and the removal of utility networks from the building area (on the KS-6 form) in accordance with the instructions of the Resolution of the State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation dated November 11, 1999. No. 100. Log book for the demolition (dismantling) of permanent buildings and the removal of utility networks from the construction site at the request of the Customer.

      The completion of work is formalized by an acceptance certificate for completed work in form KS-2 in accordance with the instructions of the Resolution of the State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation dated November 11, 1999. No. 100.

      The Contractor is obliged to deliver the work to the Customer with high quality and on time, in compliance with design decisions, SNiP requirements, technical regulations, standards, technical conditions and other regulatory documents of the Russian Federation, which is confirmed by the parties signing an acceptance certificate for the work performed.

      If during the execution of work poor-quality work is discovered, then the Contractor, on his own, without increasing the cost and deadlines for completing the work specified in the contract, within the time period established by the customer’s representative, is obliged to redo this work to ensure proper quality.

      In the event that the work is performed by the Contractor with deviations from the terms of the construction contract for the demolition (dismantling) of permanent buildings and the removal of utility networks from the construction site, which worsened the result of the work, or with low quality of execution, the use of low-quality materials and equipment, materials and equipment that does not meet the requirements of the Technical Specifications, as well as materials that make the object unsuitable for its intended use or have other defects, the customer has the right to demand that the Contractor eliminate the defects free of charge within a reasonable time or reimburse costs.

Requirements for the quality and technical characteristics of materials used in the performance of work.

      All materials and equipment used in the performance of work must comply with the regulatory requirements for such products by the legislation of the Russian Federation, have all the necessary passports, certificates of conformity certifying their quality, sanitary and epidemiological conclusion, fire safety certificates (if necessary).

      All materials used must comply with the requirements established in the design (working) documentation.

      All materials used must be new and not used.

Work safety requirements.

1. When carrying out work, the contractor must comply with the requirements of SNiP 12-03 2001 “Occupational Safety in Construction”, labor protection rules, fire and technical safety rules, as well as comply with environmental measures in accordance with the legislative acts of the Russian Federation.

Requirements for quality and results of work.

      All work on the demolition (dismantling) of permanent buildings and the removal of utility networks from the building area must be completed from the moment of concluding a construction contract for the demolition (dismantling) of permanent buildings and the removal of utility networks from the building area in full in accordance with the terms of the contract , requirements of the Technical Specifications and relevant design documentation.

      The quality of work must meet technological requirements when performing all types of work.

      All work must be performed in full compliance with the terms of the Construction Contract for the performance of work, the requirements of the Technical Specifications, design (working) documentation and with the current regulatory requirements and technical conditions, in terms of requirements not established by the Technical Specifications.

      Upon completion of the work, the Contractor, using his own resources and means, ensures that the area is cleared of debris, garbage and unused materials are removed before the appointed date for acceptance of the work performed.

      Equipment, machines, mechanisms of temporary structures used during the performance of work must be removed by the forces and means of the Contractor within 5 (five) days from the date of signing by both parties of the work completion certificate. and weak mobilization on his part technical workers on performance...

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