A woman loves with her ears - what a man should say. Why do women love with their ears? It's true that women love with their ears

How many men step on the same rake, being in search of a thrifty, faithful and fertile woman, but invariably choose sexy, bitchy and wayward people! What about women? They complain that men today have gone something wrong - irresponsible and lazy, but as soon as they hear words of love from them, they are ready to decide everything for them and work three jobs. There is a completely reasonable explanation why women love with their ears, and men with their eyes.

Scientific point of view

As you know, women have a more developed left hemisphere of the brain, while men have a more developed right hemisphere. The left is responsible for speech, and the right is for perception. Moreover, in women, the area responsible for sexuality is located in close proximity to the area of ​​the brain responsible for hearing. As a result, the nerve impulses that come from the sensory organs along the nerve channels involve neighboring zones, and the woman is excited by hearing the man’s voice, the technique capturing not only the intonation, but also the message itself. In addition, a woman’s brain weighs 100 g less (!) than a man’s, which means that the neurons in it are closer to each other, information is exchanged faster, which means thinking processes occur faster.

This is why the notorious expression “female logic” appeared. Representatives of the fair sex can do several things at the same time, they are thrown from side to side. They can think one thing, say another, and do another. Now it’s clear why women love with their ears, and men with their eyes, because nature itself has programmed their body to inseminate as many women as possible, because they are responsible for reproduction. If a woman were aroused by the mere sight of a man, there would be a catastrophe and overpopulation of the planet. A man, aroused by the sight of a beautiful woman, is automatically ready to become a father, but the woman still needs to understand what kind of father he will be - good or bad, and then make a decision about the advisability of intercourse.

Psychological side of the issue

From a psychological point of view, a woman loves with her ears because she wants to feel desired and herself. She needs daily compliments and heart-to-heart conversations like air. She regards her partner’s silence as indifference and, not finding a response in his soul, will look for him somewhere else. For those who are interested in why women love with their ears, the answer can be that she falls in love precisely with words, with the romance and fairy tale that her partner gives her through intimate conversations. Women love with their ears and for one phrase: “I love you,” they are ready to move mountains and bear all the burdens of family life, managing to look after the house, raise children, work, and please their husband.

Representatives of the stronger half of humanity are freedom-loving, and even if they are in a permanent relationship, they are not averse to having an affair on the side, justifying themselves by saying that nature is to blame for everything. They are simply unable to ignore the call of some young and very sexy “female” who is of reproductive age. But here a lot will depend on the upbringing, the views of each individual man on marriage and the fidelity of partners, because people differ from animals in that they know how to think and calculate the consequences of their actions. Having managed to refuse the temptation, he understands why he is doing this, but he is unable to suppress the desire within himself, looking at half-dressed women on the street, in public transport or in the cinema.

So they build with each other like a blind man with a dumb man, studying the characteristics of the sexes and learning to negotiate. A man will never leave a woman if he understands that she is so good that she will never be left alone, and his partner, in turn, will take another noodle from her ears and love her husband without memory.

There is such a common and not entirely true myth that women love with their ears. Men think that a woman of any age, hearing compliments and promises, will fall into his arms. But women are not so easily deceived by sweet speeches.

There is an outdated opinion that women love with their ears. Modern men and women willingly believe in it, but not specialists. They have their own opinion about women's ears. They believe that the fair sex simply likes to listen to pleasant speeches from the lips of fans. But it is not so easy to deceive them with sweet speeches.

A man thinks that a passion of any age, hearing compliments and promises, will fall into his open arms. Perhaps this will happen, but after she carefully analyzes the words spoken to her and evaluates the applicant for her hand and heart.

Question from a scientific point of view

Doctors and psychologists assure that due to anatomical features, representatives of the fair sex perceive the world differently than men. Anatomical features greatly influence how women perceive reality. Because their left hemisphere is more developed.

The peculiarity of the hemisphere is that it is responsible for speech. It is for this reason that women simply need conversations on frank topics. In areas of the female brain, namely near the hearing center, there is a certain program - sexual arousal.

Praise for me

Women love compliments just as much as men. Both are pleased to hear words about how attractive, charming, and sweet they are.

Judging by the latest data, young girls like to hear compliments. And older women like action, and only then pleasure.

Older ladies willingly listen to compliments even when they really want to hear them. But adult ladies consider declarations of love from the lips of men in most cases to be empty chatter. Because they are sure that men will do anything to get a woman.

How to attract a girl

Attracting a girl is very easy. To do this, you need to sincerely praise her. She will first analyze the compliment and, if it is sincere, then most likely she will go on a date and vice versa.

But even on a date, a girl will behave as she pleases. Many men, instead of compliments, begin to confess their love to the opposite sex, and with incredible ease. However, true love is usually confirmed by deeds and actions.

I trust my eyes

Anthropologists are sure that women love less with their ears than with their eyes. They trust their eyes more and this is not surprising. It turns out that they choose men based on their appearance, which is completely opposite to their own. Previously, women most often chose men with facial features similar to those of women to start a family.

This preference was confirmed through experiments and surveys by foreign scientist D. Perret. Today ladies choose brutal men less often. They reject guys with square faces and thick necks.

The scientist interviewed 18,000 English women. He showed them photographs of men. The participants rated how reliable this or that man was, in their opinion, and who was not. Most women chose potential partners with non-masculine features.

No matter how the beloved man looks, he should pay more attention to his actions, and not to compliments and frequent declarations of love. It's very easy to show your love to each other. To do this, it is enough to go to the pharmacy for medicine or to the store for groceries if the other half is sick or does not have time to make purchases. You can carefully cover your loved one with a blanket if he suddenly opens up in his sleep. There are many simple options.

It is important for a woman to prove that there is a connection between your actions and the implementation of promises. If the connection between word and deed weakens or, God forbid, disappears, then trust will disappear at the same time. It is much more difficult to return it.

This statement causes bewilderment among inexperienced men: what exactly does a woman love with her ears, and how does ear sex physically occur? They even try to imagine visually what it looks like in practice, but as a result they end up with completely fantastic and implausible pictures.

However, there is no mystery in this matter. A woman loves exclusively some men with her ears, and she loves other objects of nature with other organs. Physically, ear sexual intercourse occurs in full accordance with female anatomy, by the penetration of sound waves through the ear canals to the eardrum and then through the hammer, incus, stapes and other things directly into the brain.

Of course, women love men not only with their ears, but also with other parts of the body. However, purely verbal love is almost in first place for them! Oh how! And I must say that verbal love is not such a simple thing. And not every man can do it. There are quite a few “dumb cauldrons” who love a woman tactilely and visually several times a day, but at the same time do not say a single word! Or, on the contrary, they constantly spice up the process with greasy jokes and dirty anecdotes. These are completely insignificant lovers, who for women are not much different from a vibrator.

A woman is not metal furniture; she is a flower. She doesn't want to be businesslike. She needs sunny, sweet words. It’s better to say something nice to her every day than to work for her all your life with gloomy frenzy. (Remarque, “Three Comrades”)

Oh how! Learn, reader, from Remarque. You know it yourself: chatting is not moving bags. Experienced womanizers necessarily practice verbal foreplay, and the entire subsequent process of mastering female charms is accompanied by flattery. Flattery is the surest way to achieve success in any business.

You have such feathers, you have such eyes, very slender hooves and a kind soul! (From the cartoon “Plasticine Crow”)

Or, for example, a classic of the genre.

Tell a woman that she is a goddess, and the devil will repeat it to her ten times. (Italian proverb)

Tell her that she is a “lady”, a queen, a beautiful maiden - and she will remember this until she has complete amnesia.

Therefore, every prince, knight, gentleman, and even those who did not get a baghini, must master the art of praise, compliment, flattery and other things that put noodles on their ears. During such foreplay, a woman’s heart melts like chocolate in a frying pan, her self-esteem rises, and she even forgets about her bitchiness! 😎


Reader, master the secrets of verbal, tantric sex, but never forget that

Women love with their ears, but hate with everything they have.

Literary and artistic application.

Medical scientists have determined what the ear should look like to be suitable for the ear Kama Sutra.

As long as the women around are alive,
We won't let go of luck.
What a blue sky
We are not supporters of robbery.
A woman doesn't need a knife,
You'll lie to her like crazy,
Then show me the copper penny,
Then you'll sing along a little,
Then you pour a little,
Then you will hint at the wedding,
And do whatever you want with her!
(Song of the cat Basilio and the fox Alice about greedy people, braggarts and fools)

- Dad, is it true that women love with their ears?..
- It's not true, son. These are the kind of ears you need to have!

- Uncle Bear! I love only with my ears!
- Yes?? Why then did you tie them with a scarf? Are you protecting yourself?

But is this really true? Let's analyze and delve into the essence of this axiom.

Maybe this is not an axiom at all, but a theorem that we will try to refute?

1. All that glitters is not gold!

When a man meets an attractive girl, he really determines with his eyes all her external advantages, even if she does not behave the way he would like, says inappropriate things and laughs all the time. Natural instinct takes over, and a relationship begins. The man enjoys her beauty, equating her to an unearthly deity. “Swallows” obvious shortcomings, simply not paying attention to them, and enters the stage of falling in love. Over time, he begins to notice unwanted behavioral reactions in her: inappropriate remarks, vulgar habits or loud, ear-splitting laughter. The stage of falling in love ends before it develops into love! It’s just that the girl didn’t attract him with anything more than her beautiful shape or pretty face. She became uninteresting to him, and he left her. The man did not hear from her the words that a potential life partner should utter!

2. Don’t be born beautiful...

It also happens that having met a girl who is not particularly remarkable and far from the Hollywood dream, a man still strikes up an acquaintance. Hormones have not yet begun to play, but during the conversation he hears interesting remarks from her, she is smart, follows the rules of good manners and... listens carefully to what he says! Interest in her as a good conversationalist and a loyal friend awakens. This is not love at first sight, but the gradual building of strong relationships, possibly for life! It’s just that in this case the man heard her before he looked at her! And he can love her with his ears and be happy with her all his life!

3. Love is poison!

There is another relationship option. A man meets an attractive girl, but, as it turns out, she has a difficult character. He still admires her and puts up with her shortcomings in behavior. For now, he prefers to look at her rather than hear what she says (for example, he throws a tantrum near the cinema box office if there are no tickets). Even if everyone around insists that their relationship is doomed and he can’t stand it, the man marries his beloved, preferring for now to enjoy her “uniqueness.” But the first year of marriage puts all the i’s to dot the i’s. He begins to hear her reproaches, constant dissatisfaction, hysterical behavior. The man has seen enough and realized that he cannot love any woman... with her ears! The relationship ends.

4. An idyll for two hearts!

A man meets a girl who is attractive and, as it turns out during the dating process, also smart, interesting, and sincere. They fall in love, the man notices that his chosen one is not only a beautiful girl, but also a good conversationalist. She is responsive, attentive, and even listens to him without taking her eyes off! And he begins to listen to her conversation, not only looking at her pleasant appearance, but, first of all, concluding that he is interested in listening to her!

5. Dear, beloved, only!..

What else do men like to listen to? Praise! If among your friends you praise your husband for what a wonderful father he is, how he tries (!) to pay a lot of attention to the child, and the baby simply adores him, he will certainly try even harder and love you even more for such words! You praise him, which means he is worthy of praise, even if it is exaggerated!

Or if you praise your husband to your mother-in-law for helping you with the cleaning today (for the first time!), he will help you every time now, because your mother-in-law appreciated his work, and you will appreciate such an irreplaceable helper even more!

But praise for professionalism and career achievements is the most worthy reward for male pride! By constantly emphasizing that your man will be able to provide for you, if not now, then in the future, you are programming him for this! He will certainly strive for success so that he can hear your praise again!

A wonderful father, an irreplaceable assistant, and also a successful specialist - this is a trio of magical phrases that every man wants to hear from the woman he loves!

Men love with their ears... the theorem has not been proven!

The expression, a woman loves with her ears, and a man with her eyes, is very well known. But why is it under a question mark? That's right, reader. Still, this phrase is only partly true. Therefore, let’s try to figure out in which cases this phrase is relevant and in which it is not. So, let's go.

First of all, let's consider the case when this phrase is one hundred percent relevant. This is the very case when the relationship is established, and the man and woman love each other. A man, looking at his beloved, becomes excited, and this excitement, pushing him towards sexual intercourse, makes him say “words of love.” The woman, hearing his words, also begins to get excited. And, as a result, their attraction to each other becomes even stronger. That is, we can draw the following conclusion: that this phrase, “a man loves with his eyes, and a woman loves with her ears” is relevant in the case of mutual passionate erotic love.

But is this phrase relevant in the case when a man is “actively searching”? Certainly. Many “pale young men with burning eyes” take this phrase literally, and in order to win the favor of the girl who attracted them with her beauty, they begin to learn poetry. Or, moreover, they even begin to write them themselves. All this is done in order to read these poems to her when they are alone under the moon. For some reason, it is generally accepted among such young men that “a woman who loves with her ears” will certainly be inflamed with love for them after such a “walk in the moonlight.” But alas, this happens often, but not always.

With men everything seems to be clear. But is it relevant that a woman who is “actively searching” loves with her ears? With a woman the situation is a little more complicated. The fact is that a woman chooses a man not so much by listening to what he says and how he says it, but psychoenergetically. In other words, a woman evaluates the internal state of this man, and does it unconsciously. This female ability to assess the internal state of people in general and men in particular is often called female intuition, or, to put it scientifically, empathy. But we must understand that women's intuition (empathy) has nothing to do with clairvoyance. Clairvoyance is a super ability that not many people have. Empathy, one way or another, is inherent in all people, but in women it is more developed.

What is psychoenergetic perception? How can you touch it? The fact is that a person functions at different levels.

There are four main levels of human functioning:

  1. Instinct level. At this level, a person behaves according to his animal programs. The main actions here are to survive and reproduce.
  2. Level of emotions. Here the person already begins to show emotions. Typically, a person functions at this level after being greatly impressed by something.
  3. Logic level. Everything is clear here. At this level, a person “gets smart” or tries to understand “abstruse” things.
  4. Level above logic. At this level, transpersonality begins, that is, the mental interaction of people with each other. Functioning at this level, a person, as it were, connects to the “psychic Internet”, and can draw from there both intuitive insights and energy replenishment.

Now let’s consider a woman who “loves with her ears,” but, nevertheless, chooses a man using psychoenergetics. At what levels does a woman “love with her ears”? That's right, at the level of emotions and at the level of logic. Simply put, a woman loves the way a man talks and what he says. But at the level of instincts and the level of above logic, a woman’s psychoenergetic perception is activated. The very word “psychoenergetic” contains a hint: it has a mental and energetic component. What is the essence of these components?

The mental component of a woman’s sympathy manifests itself when her genetic memory is activated. Simply put, when she sees a man whose behavior is somewhat similar to the leader of a monkey troop, her psyche signals to her that she needs to be closer to this man, since he is strong and can conceive strong and healthy offspring. And a woman falls in love with such a man. But the whole problem is that a man, similar in his habits to the leader of a troop of monkeys, is antisocial. He is aggressive and unpredictable, and risks dying in a fight or going to jail. In other words, the “bad guy.” The reason women often fall in love with “bad boys” is genetic memory. And it is she who forces a woman to choose such a “bad guy” psychoenergetically.

And the energetic component of a woman’s sympathy for a man manifests itself if this man functions at a level above logic. After all, it was said above that a person connected to a level above logic can draw intuitive insights and energy recharge from there. To put it simply, such a person is charismatic. And women also fall psychoenergetically for such a charismatic man. But the nature of this sympathy is completely different. If in the case of the “psychic component” a woman is guided by her genetic memory, then in the case of the “energy component” it is the need to join the level above logic. However, the whole humor of the situation lies in the fact that very often women do not understand how exactly they are attracted to a man - “mentally” or “energetically”. And therefore, they can call charismatic both a creator connected to a level above logic and a semi-criminal element awakening their genetic memory...