Actor Dzhigarkhanyan biography personal life. Artist Dzhigarkhanyan Armen: Biography and personal life. The artist's double tragedy

This actor is called one of the most popular in Russian film production. Dzhigarkhanyan’s filmography includes more than three hundred roles, and this is only in films, but Armen Borisovich also participated in theatrical productions until 2012. His resume also includes more than three dozen radio plays, the first of which date back to 1970, and the latest to the late 2000s.

Armen Dzhigarkhanyan is known not only as an actor, but also as an acting teacher (from 1991 to 1996 at VGIK) and the founder of the Moscow Drama Theater (under the original name “Theater “D”). Several years ago, the artist talked about leaving the stage, but eventually returned, explaining the change of decision as follows: acting is his passion and life. Now Armen Borisovich does not act himself, but closely follows the theatrical life of Moscow.

Childhood and youth

Armen Dzhigarkhanyan was born in Yerevan on October 3, 1935. The boy was the second child in a single-parent family: when Armen was less than six months old, his father left his mother, leaving a daughter and son. The children were raised by their stepfather, whom Armen Borisovich remembers with constant warmth. The actor’s childhood was sad: the Great Patriotic War was raging, and gloomy news from the front blocked out joyful events. As the man admitted, he has not liked holidays and gifts ever since - the associations are too gloomy.

Armen Borisovich dreamed of becoming an actor since childhood - this is the merit of his mother Elena Vasilievna, who, adoring the theater, took her son to performances. Thus, the boy fell in love with the stage and already in adolescence clearly realized which direction of life attracted him most.

After graduating from school, the young man went to Moscow to enroll in acting at GITIS. However, Armen was denied admission: despite the fact that the Armenian grew up in a Russian-speaking environment and knew this language perfectly, the accent was still too strong. The saddened young man returned home, but did not give up and at the age of 17 he began working at the Armenfilm film company as an assistant cameraman.

For 2 years, Dzhigarkhanyan carefully prepared for admission. The young man decided not to take risks again, and therefore remained in Yerevan. Now he tried to enter the local art and theater institute, where he passed the entrance exams. Dzhigarkhanyan’s acting biography began immediately after admission.


While still at the institute, while studying in his first year, the guy began to appear on the stage of the Yerevan Russian Drama Theater. In 1955, Armen Dzhigarkhanyan first appeared on the professional stage, appearing in the play “Ivan Rybakov” in a cameo role. The young actor instantly fell in love with the public, so he became a member of the troupe for 12 years, during which time he played more than 30 roles in the theater.

Actor Armen Dzhigarkhanyan

The young actor was not trusted with the main characters, but Armen often had the opportunity to get used to extraordinary and ambiguous characters. This was also facilitated by the young man’s unusual appearance: rather short height (175 cm with a weight of up to 80 kg), expressive facial features, and interesting facial expressions.

Armen Dzhigarkhanyan graduated from the theater institute in 1958, having by that time managed to make his mark on the theater stage and get a job in his specialty and a number of permanent roles.

The most important event in the actor’s life was his acquaintance with, who in 1967 was the director of the Lenkom Theater. Noting the young man’s talent, the director invited Dzhigarkhanyan to join his theater troupe in Moscow. In the 60s, the fame of Lenkom spread throughout the Soviet Union, so the chance could not be missed, and the actor decided to move.

During his collaboration with the Lenkom Theater, Armen Dzhigarkhanyan managed to take part in a number of performances, including the well-known productions of “Smoke of the Fatherland” and “Molière” at that time, after which an event occurred that ultimately became an indirect reason for the actor’s departure from the theater - Efros was suspended from work. Despite the fact that the new director treated the young Armen quite favorably, working without Anatoly Efros no longer brought such pleasure to Dzhigarkhanyan.

In total, the actor served in Lenkom for 2 years, and then began to participate in performances of the theater named after. Dzhigarkhanyan worked with this institution until the mid-90s. He was involved in the most successful performances “A Streetcar Named Desire”, “Running”, etc. In total, the collaboration with “Mayakovka” lasted 27 years, after which the actor founded his own “Theater “D”” and left the permanent staff of the Mayakovsky Theater.


In his youth, Armen Dzhigarkhanyan wanted to act in films, and therefore actively went to screen tests. However, they did not notice him right away. The young man’s debut was a small role in the film “Collapse” in 1959, and this appearance on the screen went almost unnoticed by the world of the film industry.

Armen Dzhigarkhanyan and Natalya Fateeva in the film “Hello, it’s me!”

From 1960 to 1965, Armen starred in several films, including one of the main roles in the film “The Waters Rise.” These works allowed the young man to attract the attention of Frunze Dovlatyan, and in 1966 a film was released that brought Dzhigarkhanyan all-Union fame: “Hello, it’s me!”, a dramatic story about a young scientist, war, love and misunderstanding. The film also starred:

The following year, 2 projects appeared at once with the participation of Armen Dzhigarkhanyan: the film “Triangle”, for the performance in which the actor received the State Prize of Armenia (and Armen Borisovich is still proud of this work), and the multi-part film “Operation “Trust””, where the man embodied the image of the stern and charismatic security officer Artuzov. In the drama “There Lived a Man,” the artist transforms into a principled village doctor who, in his youth, survived the war and the loss of his beloved woman.

Armen Dzhigarkhanyan in the film “Crane”

The actor’s popularity grew day by day; every year he participated in several projects in various directions. Among the films of the late 60s, in which Armen Borisovich appeared, are the war film “White Explosion” about the heroes of the Patriotic War, mountaineering soldiers, and the production drama “Echo of Distant Snows” about the construction of a railway in the Far East.

In the next 10 years, several films were released, the names of which are known to any resident of the former Union to this day: “”, “Dog in the Manger”, “”. The actor played the main role in the sequels of the cult Soviet film “New Adventures of the Elusive” and “The Crown of the Russian Empire, or the Elusive Again.”

Armen Dzhigarkhanyan in the series “The meeting place cannot be changed”

Armen Borisovich looks equally convincing in various roles. Viewers remembered his melodrama heroes (“Tell Me About Yourself”), dramatic characters (“The Fourth”), and characteristic characters (“Men,” “An Hour Before Dawn”). He appears in war films ("High Rank"), dramas ("Autumn") and even children's musical fairy tales ("Taste of Halva").

In 1975, the film “Olga Sergeevna” was released, in which Armen Dzhigarkhanyan appeared along with the stars of the Soviet screen -,.

In cinema, the actor has already established himself as an excellent performer of unusual roles. Among his characters are a Spanish football coach (“Eleven Hopes”), a taxi driver (“Arevik”), Metropolitan Theopempt (“Yaroslavna, Queen of France”), and a gangster (“Rafferty”).

Also, an image was gradually formed in which they preferred to see the Armenian artist in the main roles: the embodiment of calm intellectual masculinity, various investigators or scientists. There are, of course, exceptions - for example, the adventurer Billy Keogh in the 2-part film based on the story “Kings and Cabbages”.

Armen Dzhigarkhanyan and Valentin Gaft in the film “Kings and Cabbage”

In the 80s, Dzhigarkhanyan’s fame and demand in cinema only increased. In the period from 1980 to 1989, the actor starred in 50 films, among which the most popular were “Tehran-43”, “Tales of the Old Wizard”, “The Life of Klim Samgin”, “Two Arrows. Stone Age Detective."

Even the collapse of the Soviet Union could not harm the actor’s popularity. In the 90s, Armen Borisovich acted as often as in the 80s, even despite his employment at VGIK, where he taught and supervised one of the groups of students. During this period, such well-known projects with his participation appeared as “Fine Weather on Deribasovskaya”, “The Inspector General”, “Don Quixote Returns” and the TV series “Queen Margot”.

Only after the advent of the new millennium, when the actor crossed the 65-year mark, the number of films began to gradually decrease - but not at all due to a decline in popularity, the years simply began to take their toll. Despite health problems, Armen Borisovich continued to act in films.

In 2008, the famous artist tried his hand at directing, working on a play based on the play “The Thousand and One Nights of Shahrazade.” In the same year, 8 films with Dzhigarkhanyan’s participation were released. In 2 of them, the films “Parents' Day” and “The Smile of God,” the actor played the main roles. Subsequently, Armen Borisovich continued to appear on screens in 2-3 projects a year.

Armen Dzhigarkhanyan in the film “Unexpected Joy”

During this period, films about Dzhigarkhanyan himself began to appear. In 2008, the film “300 Faces of Armen Dzhigarkhanyan” was released; in 2010, 2 projects appeared at once: “The Thousand and One Roles of Armen Dzhigarkhanyan” and “Armen Dzhigarkhanyan” as part of the “Islands” project of the “Culture” channel.

In 2014, the directors shifted the focus from the actor’s professional activities and told the audience about his personal life in the film “Dzhigarkhanyan’s Fatal Blonde.”

In the same 2014, Armen Borisovich appeared in 4 projects at once: “Reckoning”, “Soul of a Spy”, “Boatswain Seagull” and “House in the Heart”. At this moment, the last cinematic work with his participation is the role of mentor Batur in the Ukrainian and Russian series “The Last Janissary”. In the same year, the actor voiced the characters of 2 Russian cartoons: Shaman Shi-Sha from the animated film “Savva” speaks in the voice of Dzhigarkhanyan. Heart of a Warrior" and Grandfather Pikhto from "Bogatyrsha".

Despite the fact that the actor celebrated his 80th birthday in 2015, he stated in an interview that he was not going to end his film and theater career.

However, the next year did not bring Dzhigarkhanyan new roles. In 2016, he took a break from work due to health reasons. On March 5, the actor was hospitalized with suspected myocardial infarction at the Research Institute named after. N.V. Sklifosovsky.

However, already at the beginning of 2017, Dzhigarkhanyan returned to filming. The artist played the episodic role of a village resident nicknamed Pythagoras in the melodrama “The First Guy in the Village,” where we were talking about the new village police officer Mikhail (Valentin Tomusyak). The young man looks like a black sheep because of his indifference to alcoholic beverages. In the village he develops a relationship with the first beauty Nastya ().

Personal life

Little is known about the actor’s first wife. Armen Borisovich's wife's name was Alla Vannovskaya, they served together at the Yerevan Russian Drama Theater. The actress was 14 years older than Dzhigarkhanyan; for the sake of her beloved, she left her first family. The couple was married for less than a decade; they had a daughter, Elena. After giving birth, it turned out that Alla had a serious mental disorder. She became jealous and aggressive. The actor was forced to take his daughter and file for divorce.

Dzhigarkhanyan met his second wife shortly before moving to Moscow - Tatyana Vlasova had just moved to Yerevan from Russia.

In the theater she worked as a filler. If the woman had not revealed her feelings to the actor, the relationship might not have existed at all. The couple got married in Moscow. Tatyana adopted her daughter Lena, and the actor became a stepfather to Stepan, Vlasova’s son from his first marriage.

Armen Dzhigarkhanyan and Tatyana Vlasova

By the end of the 90s, there were changes in Armen’s personal life; the actor bought his wife a house in the USA, where she moved. The artist visited Tatiana 2 times a year, but soon these visits stopped.

At the age of 23, Dzhigarkhanyan’s daughter, Elena, died from carbon monoxide poisoning in her own car.

In 2014, it became known that the actor had a new love - a 35-year-old woman, formerly a music director, and since June 2015 the director of Theater D.

Dzhigarkhanyan lived with his young wife in a civil marriage for several years. Officially married on February 25, 2016.

In October 2017, a scandal broke out in the artist’s family. Armen Dzhigarkhanyan with Vitalina Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya. On October 23, the artist turned to the courts to break off relations with his wife. He said that his wife had committed theft, which the woman denied.

The actor said on TV that all real estate documents are in the name of his young wife, so in the event of a divorce, he will have nowhere to live.

“In the event of a divorce, he will end up in a hospice,” said a representative of Dzhigarkhanyan’s wife.

Armen Dzhigarkhanyan now

In 2018, the media began to receive information that Armen Borisovich’s health condition had worsened. During the year, the actor received emergency medical care 5 times; after suffering a heart attack at the end of April, Dzhigarkhanyan fell into a coma, from which he emerged some time later.

In October he was hospitalized in moderate condition. The latest diagnosis is not disclosed to the public, although previously it was said about the star’s problems with the cardiovascular system and the presence of a viral infection.

In 2018, Armen Dzhigarkhyanyan visited the hospital 5 times

Now all the news about the life and work of Armen Borisovich is posted in the artist’s fan group on Facebook. There, fans publish photos of the star from different years.

Despite his health problems, Armen continues to appear on screen. In 2018, the actor worked on the main role in the drama “From Love Is Born”, a joint production of filmmakers from 3 countries - Georgia, the USA and Russia.

Armen Dzhigarkhanyan in the film “Angels Die Twice” in 2019

The film was about the young Dzhigarkhanyan, who visited Los Angeles back in 1960. The young artist was presented on screen by Shamkhal Khachaturyan. The premiere of the drama “Angels Die Twice” is planned for 2019, where the man will again appear in the foreground.


  • 1965 – “Hello, it’s me!”
  • 1968 – “New Adventures of the Elusive”
  • 1975 – “Hello, I’m your aunt!”
  • 1975 – “Olga Sergeevna”
  • 1977 – “Dog in the Manger”
  • 1979 – “The meeting place cannot be changed”
  • 1980 – “Dulcinea Toboso”
  • 1980 – “Tehran-43”
  • 1984 – “Tales of the Old Wizard”
  • 1989 – “Two arrows. Stone Age Detective"
  • 1992 - “The weather is good on Deribasovskaya, or It’s raining again on Brighton Beach”
  • 1995 – “Shirley Myrli”
  • 1996 – “Queen Margot”
  • 2018 – “The first guy in the village”
  • 2019 – “Angels Die Twice”

Armen Dzhigarkhanyan voiced about a dozen famous cartoons, from Funtik to Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.

Personal life

Like most celebrities, love didn't work out the first time. I’ll also be at the Yerevan Theater; the actor married Alla Vannovskaya, but after the wedding he learned about his wife’s mental illness, who constantly attacked him in fits of jealousy. He happened to get a divorce, taking his daughter Elena. When she was twenty-three years old, she died after falling asleep at the wheel.

The second marriage happened immediately after breaking up with Tatyana Vlasova. They had no children together, but Dzhigarkhanyan adopted Tatyana’s son from his first marriage. Due to constant work, the couple grew apart, and soon divorced in 2015.

The third marriage was with Vitalina Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya, which was formalized in 2016. The age difference was 47 years. But a year later, Armen kicked her out, accusing her of theft and wanting to kill him. The relationship ended with a police report being filed. At the end of 20117, they were officially divorced.

The last love, as the artist admitted, died in 2006 - the cat Philosopher, who lived with his second wife Tatyana in America. Despite various everyday failures, Armen Dzhigarkhanyan demonstrated a remarkable career as a film and theater artist. Now he has almost every possible award in this art, and even at the age of 82, the actor continues to act in plays and films, without giving up for a minute.

In this article we will talk about the actor who was included in the Guinness Book of Records as a person who embodied and played more than 400 different characters and images on screen and stage.

About the idol of millions of viewers of Russian cinema - the charming and unpredictable people's favorite of the USSR and Russia - Armen Borisovich Dzhigarkhanyan.

During his long career as a film actor, he was able to train many famous actors and found the Moscow Drama Theater, which he has headed for decades.

Height, weight, age. How old is Armen Dzhigarkhanyan

How many movie fans are there now who can say exactly what their height, weight, and age are? How old is Armen Dzhigarkhanyan? But he was born in 1935 and he is already 81 years old, but this is not an age for a person originally from Armenia, since this nation is distinguished by excellent health and longevity. He still acts in films and plays on stage, and devotes a lot of time to management. Armen Borisovich's height is 175 cm, and his weight is 80 kg, which is not enough for his age, because he has to run and fuss, because he needs to lead and teach.

Biography and personal life of Armen Dzhigarkhanyan

The biography and personal life of Armen Dzhigarkhanyan begins in the fall of 1935 in the city of Yerevan. When the son was not yet a year old, the father left the family. His mother remarried and was raised by his stepfather, of whom he has fond memories.

As a child, Armen was often a spectator of the Yerevan Theater, and looking into the hall, the boy realized that this was his future.

After graduating from school, Armen went to Moscow to enter GITIS to study acting. Imagine his disappointment when he was refused, citing a clear Armenian accent. I had to return to my hometown, where after 2 years of training I entered the Yerevan Theater Institute. He passed the exams and audition the first time, and it was from this moment that his creative career began.

While still in his first year, he gets a job in a drama theater, as an actor in the wings. Thanks to his brilliant performance, even in episodic roles, he gets a place in the main cast of the troupe.

While working in the temple of art, he attended various screen tests and starred in the film “Collapse” (1959), in which he remained unnoticed.

A year later, the film “Triangle” was released, for which the actor still thanks fate for his participation and is very proud that he was able to appear in it. This film made directors pay attention to him.

Filmography: films starring Armen Dzhigarkhanyan

Offers to play leading roles in films come in every day; over the course of several years he has starred in “Operation Trust”, “Hello, I’m your Aunt!”, “Dog in the Manger”, “The Meeting Place Cannot Be Changed”.

At one of the premieres he met director Efros, who invited him to move to Moscow and become an actor at Lenkom. The artist could not miss such a chance.

After working at Lenkom for several years and continuing filming, he moved to the Mayakovsky Theater, where he played dozens of roles and received prizes and awards.

After 27 years of work on stage and cinema, in 1996 he decided to open “Theater “D””, where he began to stage his own productions and raise a new galaxy of stage artists.

Despite the fact that Armen Borisovich is over 80 years old, he continues to direct and voice cartoon characters on the screen. And in 2017 he again began filming in the film “Angels Die Twice.”

Family and children of Armen Dzhigarkhanyan

The family and children of Armen Dzhigarkhanyan are a sore subject that he tries not to talk about.

While still working in Yerevan, he married actress Alla Vannovskaya, whose marriage ended after the birth of her daughter Elena. Having taken the child, the artist leaves home and almost immediately meets Tatyana Vlasova, who becomes his wife and his daughter’s mother. The family moves to the USA, and the actor lives in two countries: Russia and the USA.

In 1987, his 23-year-old daughter died as a result of an accident, and in 2014, Armen Borisovich divorced Vlasova, as she was not satisfied with the constant absence of her husband.

In 2014, he amazed the public with the news about his relationship with Vitalina Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya, with whom he legalized his marriage in 2016.

Son of Armen Dzhigarkhanyan - Stepan

Armen Dzhigarkhanyan’s son is Stepan, a child from Tatyana Vlasova’s first marriage, who was born in 1966 and rightfully bears the name of his adoptive father. From an early age, he was brought up in a creative acting environment, which in the future influenced his choice of profession.

He moved with his parents to the USA, where, after graduating from school, he entered the Faculty of International Journalism and worked in the USA. He tried his hand at acting, playing several roles in little-known films, but today he cannot grab high-profile roles, both in films and on stage.

Daughter of Armen Dzhigarkhanyan - Elena

Armen Dzhigarkhanyan’s daughter is Elena, a child from his first wife, named after the actor’s mother. Having learned that his wife was mentally ill, Armen divorced her, and his daughter did not communicate with her mother, since Vannovskaya died almost immediately after the separation. The only thing the father was afraid of was that his mother’s disease would be passed on to his daughter. His fears were justified when in 1987, during another attack of the disease, his 23-year-old daughter tragically died in a car, having forgotten to turn off the engine.

Armen Dzhigarkhanyan's ex-wife - Alla Vannovskaya

Armen Dzhigarkhanyan's ex-wife is Alla Vannovskaya, an actress whom the film actor married at the beginning of his creative career. The marriage did not last long, as complications began during childbirth, which revealed an incurable mental illness. Constant bouts of aggression, fits of jealousy, during which his wife attacked him, forced Dzhigarkhanyan, caring for the safety of his daughter, to take Elena and file for divorce. After which she went for treatment to a specialized hospital.

Armen Dzhigarkhanyan's ex-wife - Tatyana Vlasova

Armen Dzhigarkhanyan’s ex-wife is Tatyana Vlasova, the actor’s second wife, whom he met almost immediately after breaking up with Alla. Their wedding was a surprise for both of them; they were in such a hurry that they didn’t even have time to prepare, so they had to come up with everything on the fly.

Their union lasted almost 40 years, and in 2015 they broke up, according to Armen, the reason was the ocean that was between them. The fact is that Tatyana has been living in the USA for a long time, and the film actor has to travel, torn between countries.

Armen Dzhigarkhanyan's wife - Vitalina Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya

Armen Dzhigarkhanyan’s wife, Vitalina Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya, works at Theater “D” as a musical director, and became a sensation in 2015, when Armen Borisovich announced that he was going to marry a girl 47 years younger than him.

In the winter of 2016, everyone could see newspaper articles with the headline: Armen Dzhigarkhanyan and his young wife, photo, wedding. Where you can see the entire painting of the couple, and below under the photo of Vitalina’s interview in which she talks about her feelings for the actor and the promise of support for his creative endeavors.

Wikipedia Armen Dzhigarkhanyan

Armen Dzhigarkhanyan's Wikipedia is a resource maintained by employees of the theater where the People's Artist directs. They do not forget to update information both about the artist himself and about his projects.

On the Instagram pages you can see how the temple of art lives today, what premieres are expected in the near future. And on the Wikipedia page you can see the full biography of this wonderful person and film actor, who devoted more than 60 years to art and contributed to it the most precious thing he had - his soul.

The third wife of Armen Dzhigarkhanyan is Vitalina Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya

Actor Armen Dzhigarkhanyan is known not only for the record number of roles he played, but also for the fact that he had numerous love affairs and was married several times. His wives are intelligent, talented women who have had a significant influence on the development of the culture of our country.

Dzhigarkhanyan's first wife is actress of the Russian Drama Theater Alla Vannovskaya

Alla Vannovskaya was the daughter of People's Artist of the Armenian USSR Yuri Alekseevich Vannovsky. She met Armen when he worked in a theater in Yerevan. Alla was very beautiful, loved Armen, but was jealous of all the women with whom he had to collaborate. After getting married, they lived together for six years. She gave birth to Armen's daughter Lena in 1964.

Unfortunately, it was discovered that Alla was suffering from a mental illness - the dance of St. Vitus. This disease had a negative effect on her mental state; Alla constantly created scandals for Armen. As a result, he could not stand it, took his one-year-old daughter Lena and left for Moscow. In 1966, Alla died in a mental hospital.

Later, having matured, the daughter of Armen and Alla was educated in Moscow and wanted to become an actress. But her life ended suddenly in 1987 when she fell asleep in a car with the engine running. Before this event, the girl had a heated dialogue with her father, who could not forgive her for an affair with one of the theater actors.

Dzhigarkhanyan still blames himself for his daughter’s death. She is buried at the Vagankovskoye cemetery in Moscow.

Dzhigarkhanyan’s second wife - Tatyana Vlasova

Armen Dzhigarkhanyan met Tatyana Vlasova back in Yerevan. She was born in 1943, and since childhood she saw herself as an actress. Her place of work was the Yerevan Russian Drama Theater named after Konstantin Stanislavsky.

She was married to a theater director and gave birth to a son, Stepan. The marriage broke up, Tatyana divorced her husband, but at the same time continued to work as a freelancer in the theater.

The first time Armen saw his future wife was when she stood and smoked near the stage. He immediately noticed her long and graceful fingers. After meeting, Tatyana admitted to Armen that her life was dominated by boredom and depression, and Armen advised her to fall in love. Over time, their conversations became more and more exciting, they talked about everything in the world... and gradually fell in love with each other.

Second wife of Armen Dzhigarkhanyan - Tatyana Vlasova

Soon the couple decided to leave Yerevan for Moscow. The reason for leaving was the fact that the famous director Anatoly Efros invited Dzhigarkhanyan to play a role in the Lenkom Theater. They took Dzhigarkhanyan’s daughter Elena with them, and Tatyana’s little son remained in Krasnoyarsk. As an engagement ring, Tatiana put Armen’s grandmother’s old ring on her hand.

Arriving in Moscow, Tatyana and Armen began to live in a small basement near the theater, and after some time they received an apartment in one of the houses on Arbat. Tatiana's son Stepan moved to Moscow. At first, Dzhigarkhanyan tried to get him into the theater, even bought him a one-room apartment in his house, but Stepan did not work well, and his stepfather fired him. The couple began to avoid meeting each other, and gradually the relationship went wrong.

In 2000, Tatyana left for the United States of America to teach Russian at the University of Dallas. Armen was thinking about going to America himself, since his long-time friend gave him a house there, and the American government gave him a green card for his services to culture. But then the actor realized that his knowledge of the language was not enough to adequately show himself in the American theater.

The third wife of Armen Dzhigarkhanyan is Vitalina Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya

Vitalina Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya is from Kyiv and graduated from the Kyiv Conservatory in piano. I first saw a performance with the participation of Dzhigarkhanyan at the age of 16, when the Moscow theater came on tour to Kyiv. Then the actor captivated her with his performance of the role. Even then, Vitalina dreamed of devoting her life to classical music and at the same time became interested in everything that was connected with Dzhigarkhanyan.

After graduating from school, Vitalina took part in the International Music Competition in Paris, received an award there and entered the Kyiv Conservatory to study. In 2001, Vitalina went to Moscow to meet Dzhigarkhanyan there - at that time it turned out that the actor had health problems. This is how her Moscow life began, studying there at the conservatory. Periodically, she traveled to study music in Israel and Austria.

Dzhigarkhanyan’s third wife - Vitalina Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya

Soon Dzhigarkhanyan invited Vitalina to work as a musical director in his theater. Then she helped him stage a play based on the fairy tale “Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves.” Vitalina changed her citizenship to Russian and began to help Dzhigarkhanyan in everything, making sure that the best doctors supervised his health.

When she managed to help Dzhigarkhanyan overcome his illness, they settled in another area of ​​Moscow. Together with him she went to New York, to a resort in Spain, and visited Las Vegas.

A couple of months before his 80th birthday, Dzhigarkhanyan officially divorced his marriage to Vlasova. There is an assumption that he wants to legitimize his relationship with Vitalina Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya. The age difference between Armen Dzhigarkhanyan and Vitalina Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya is 45 years. Now Vitalina is the musical director of his theater, there are rumors that many actors could not get along with her and left the theater. She was recently promoted to General Director of the theatre.