Astro forecast Libra for September. Seasonal allergies and its treatment. Health of Libra men

What does September 2016 have in store for the Libra man?

September will be an extraordinary month for Libra men. You will be held in high regard by your colleagues, and your family will need you and your support more than ever. But despite such a strong desire of people to be with you, you will want to relax and be alone. But in general, September will be a very positive month for Libra men. Don't be afraid to look ahead and plan for your future. After all, if you do everything right, the subsequent months will bear fruit in the form of success.

Love horoscope for Libra

For single Libra men, September will be the most wonderful month to find your soulmate. Your inner beauty and harmony will attract women like a magnet. Also, do not be afraid to show your feelings to the chosen one to whom you feel great attraction.

Love horoscope for September 2016: Libra The man will feel that you absolutely need to get closer to your family. Your peace of mind will give unity and harmony in the family. The main thing is to delight them with your interesting ideas. And in order for your children to dote on you, give them an unforgettable holiday on the first of September.

For Libra men who want to legitimize their relationship, September will not be a suitable month. Think twice before getting married in September.

Work and finance

Libra men's finances will not be at a very good level. But there is a high probability that they will improve a little later, in the following months.

A small blockage awaits you at work, the main thing is not to panic. Also refrain from concluding new contracts. Unpleasant consequences may emerge in the future.

For Libra men who work in offices or large companies, September will be a good time to establish relationships with the team, as well as improve their punctuality. Try not to get noticed by your superiors if you know that you are not held in special esteem. There is a high probability of a severe reprimand or dismissal.

Health of Libra men

Try to be nervous and succumb to stressful situations as little as possible. Better spend more time in nature and around interesting people. Also pay attention to electrical appliances, there is a chance that you will not make friends with them and get an electric shock.

! This month is difficult, restless and even dangerous in some ways. But this is the last burst of troubles that you accidentally found yourself in. Jupiter, the planet of luck, moves into your sign, which means everything will work out for you!

Love, Libra family in September 2016

The life line is unstable, but this is not about you at all. The main headache this month for Libra will be difficult relationships with relatives, and in one case they may be sick or going through hard times, and in another - a serious quarrel is real. But in all options, you will need intervention or serious support, both moral and financial.

This month, unwanted information may appear about you, some secrets will be revealed, and this may worsen relationships with loved ones. To a greater extent, this applies to those who are not averse to “sitting on two chairs,” as well as lovers. And it is very possible that the information that appears will be exaggerated or unreliable.

If you find yourself in such a difficult situation, immediately explain your position to your loved ones, this will save you from many problems.

The situation for Libra will improve significantly in the third ten days of September - many painful issues will be successfully resolved and October will be quite successful.

To look charming in September 2016 horoscope Libra recommends cutting and coloring hair according to Lunar calendar of haircuts for September 2016.

Career, finance Libra in September 2016

Two eclipses that will occur in the most difficult sectors of your horoscope call on Libra to control everything that happens around and especially behind your back. Hostility, secret and overt intrigues on the part of unfriendly partners and opponents are possible. You expect especially many conflicts and claims from partners from other cities or countries.

Once again you will be accused of all mortal sins, but towards the end of the month the situation will change. It is difficult to predict what will happen in each specific case, but your position will become noticeably stronger, and you will be able to offer peace to your opponents, but only on terms that are favorable to you. They will be adopted, and if not this month, then a little later. But you won’t have to wait long - everything will happen this fall or winter.

In September, Libra’s financial situation is not particularly stable, which is not surprising given the current course of professional affairs. However, there is hope for a better future and over time they will become a reality.

Health Libra in September 2016

Libra, who in difficult times manages to escape from worries, may fail in health. The first and second ten days of the month are not only conflict-prone, but also traumatic. Be careful when traveling and driving - the likelihood of accidents and difficult road situations is very high. And if you have malicious enemies or cruel competitors, then they can strike at this time.

What does September 2016 have in store for the Woman under the sign of Libra?

September will be quite a busy month for Libra women. In the first half of September you will have to sharpen your restraint and discretion. There is a possibility of minor and non-long-term troubles. But even in such moments, you can find new allies and true friends. There is also a high probability of starting a new stage in your career or personal life. The main thing is not to miss your chance.

Love horoscope for Libra

In September you will glow from within. Libra women will be so attractive and charming that men will be crazy about you. You will be surprised at the number of fans who will be very active in showing their interest. The main thing is not to hold back your feelings, especially towards the man who interested you. Perhaps this is your soul mate.

Love horoscope for September 2016: Libra The woman will feel that if you give in to your feelings, then there is a high probability of betrayal and destruction of the marriage. Perhaps you will be much more comfortable there. But if Libra women devote as much time as possible to their husband and children, then your family will become stronger and will live in love and harmony.

September also warns of eclipses, during which you should not get married and ask tricky questions to your loved ones. You may not hear the answer that satisfies you.

Work and finance

The finances of representatives of this sign will not be at the highest level. They can fall badly if you are not careful and sign various business papers without reading them many times. As a result of such rash steps, you can get into big trouble. Also, September eclipses can affect your communication with your superiors, so try to catch his eye as little as possible.

Troubles can await Libra women in a team. You may be set up or drawn into a conflict that is very unfavorable for you. To avoid such situations, get a good friend-ally or focus on work.

Libra Women's Health

Try to avoid various surgical interventions. Your body will not be ready for the post-operative period. Try to spend September in peace and harmony. Take a yoga class.

In the first month of autumn, the stars are favorable to representatives of the sign Libra. For love, this is one of the best periods of the year when all dreams can come true. The planet of love, Venus, is in Libra until September 23, 2016, making your personal life brighter and more joyful, giving you attractiveness and charm. It will not be easy to resist your charms.

This time may be successful for single representatives of your sign. The relationship of Venus with Mars and Uranus hints at the possibility of unexpected romantic interest or love at first sight. If a new love affair begins, its prospects are difficult to predict, but one thing is certain - you will get unusual impressions.

On September 9, 2016, the planet of luck, Jupiter, moves into the sign of Libra, where it will remain until October 2017. Lady luck will smile at you more often, this applies to various areas of life: love and family, career, money. Bright and passionate love may come, there will be interesting love stories. If you are looking for your soulmate, there is a high chance of meeting a worthy person, and those who already have a lover will experience the blossoming of feelings.

Career and financial horoscope for Libra for September 2016

The month promises Libra a noticeable improvement in work and career matters. Not everything will go according to plan, but successes and achievements will not keep you waiting. With Jupiter on your side, you will become more cheerful and have a bold and expansive vision of the world. Your positive and optimistic attitude will attract people to you. Many will be eager to travel, expand their horizons, and gain new knowledge.

Venus and Jupiter being in Libra gives you more self-confidence. You will be able to improve your relationships with colleagues and business partners. Perhaps new bold ideas will come, but it is better not to rush into their implementation, because until September 22, 2016, the cycle of retrograde (reverse) Mercury continues. The time is more suitable for working on existing projects and those that were not completed in the past.

Be careful in the first days of the month. The solar eclipse on September 1, 2016 occurs in the twelfth house of Libra, associated with the hidden and mysterious. Perhaps you will do some of the work in secret from others, or you will have secrets. Secret enemies may also become active, or some confusing circumstances may arise. But your unshakable self-confidence will help you resist shadow influences. This is a good time for creative individuals, artists, musicians, poets - their creative impulses can give birth to a masterpiece.

On September 23, the Sun enters Libra and the situation becomes more certain. You will have more energy, your work will become more efficient, and you will begin to perform your work responsibilities with renewed vigor. The presence of the Sun in Libra will help you stand out and demonstrate your best professional qualities. You may have to make important decisions, resolve complex issues, take initiative, and even fight for your interests. There is no need to be afraid of difficulties, because the stars are on your side. Success will follow you.

Financially, the last ten days of the month are more favorable, when the good planet Venus moves into your house of money. You can count on additional income, material support, and a valuable gift.


The lunar eclipse on September 16, 2016 occurs in the house of health of Libra, so more attention needs to be paid to health. In the days close to this date, do not expose yourself to unnecessary risks. The impact of the eclipse will help you quit unhealthy habits and maintain a natural lifestyle.

Allow yourself more pleasures. You deserve it!

It is known that if a person wants to be unhappy, then he will become so, regardless of external circumstances, and in September 2016 Libra is direct proof of this. They know how to fall into depression masterfully, and they are capable of weeping bitterly even in a luxury limousine, eating their grief with spoons of black caviar, and the children of Air will talk about their mental pain so heartfelt and pitifully that it is simply impossible not to feel sorry for them. At the beginning of autumn, representatives of this zodiac sign will begin to mope and incessantly complain about life, so the horoscope does not advise talking about personal things with Libra, because they will not tell their interlocutor anything pleasant or optimistic. You will begin to feel sad about any reason: a movie with a sad ending, a neighbor’s canary that died, an upcoming test in a difficult subject, but the undisputed favorite of the coming period will be longing for your former partners. If, God forbid, you broke up with your previous loved one and have not yet met your next one, then September 2016 will be full of bitter memories and tragic lamentations. Your loved one could be as scary as a global crisis, stingy as a purebred Jew, and sexy as an oak log, but you will replay pleasant moments in your head again and again and blow your nose into paper napkins. So He brought home a loaf of bread, can you imagine, a whole loaf of bread! Here He is, cutely throwing his feet up on the coffee table, watching TV, such a sweetheart! So He gave an apron for March 8, and it’s okay that the gift has the logo of a famous company, which apparently distributed this wardrobe item as a promotion! What can our horoscope say? Only one thing: “Stop!” If at one time you let go or kicked out the past, then it was not rosy and promising. Yes, now it’s September outside the window, and sadness reigns in your soul, but soon it will be replaced by October, and you yourself will be surprised that you could miss such a person. Libras are strictly forbidden to call the object of longing and pour out their souls in drunken midnight conversations, because in the morning this act will become painfully ashamed. Instead of mourning a dead love as you mark yet another breakup anniversary, pay attention to the world of the living. If the children of Air stop comparing all their new acquaintances with their former lover, then meeting a worthy person will not be difficult for them. September did not take away from the representatives of this zodiac sign their inherent sense of humor, broad outlook, or delicacy, so the people around them will continue to happily communicate and be friends with Libra if they do not burden them with their tragic experiences. Start enjoying life, and it will definitely find something to please you with.

In September 2016, children of Air should not be afraid of changes and push them away with their hands and feet, thereby closing the doors to a secure future. At the beginning of autumn, your career path will resemble an escalator moving upward, only your behavior will turn out to be a little inadequate. While the rest of the zodiac signs are pushing, fighting and shoving each step of the narrow staircase, Libra persistently runs along the moving tape...down, wringing their hands and shouting that they cannot cope with the new position or do not want to move to another region. Believe me, any of your colleagues will gladly change places with you just for the opportunity to move forward, to show themselves in front of their superiors. Life itself gives you such an opportunity, so don’t miss it. In September, Libra should not only agree to changes, but also attract them into their lives in every possible way, only in this case the horoscope promises to give their wards a successful and memorable month.

At the beginning of autumn, children of Air will delight others with a firmer and more decisive character. If earlier the choice of two options seemed like the end of the world to an employee of this zodiac sign, and with three options he swallowed tons of sedative pills and ran to consult a psychoanalyst, then this month Libra will finally learn to make an independent choice and take responsibility for it. In September 2016, don’t mark time and don’t look back, because all the most wonderful, interesting and exciting things are ahead!

Attention, the Libra monthly horoscope for September 2016 has been published in an abbreviated form. In order to have a complete picture of the coming 2016, the Red Monkey should make a personal forecast for 2016 with an individual astrological chart, unique for each person.