Cervical ectopia: causes, diagnosis and treatment. Features of cervical ectopia, risks and modern methods of treatment Treatment methods for cervical ectopia

Ectopia is a harmless condition in which the tissue of the cervical canal is shifted towards the vaginal part of the uterus. The displacement of various types of epithelial tissue leads to a characteristic clinical picture, which is immediately visible during a gynecological examination. Synonyms for the disease are pseudo-erosion, endocervicosis, ectopia of the cervical epithelium.

Now let's look at this in more detail.

What is “cervical ectopia”?

The cervical canal of the cervix and its surface, which faces the vagina, are lined with different types of epithelial tissue. In some cases, the anatomical structure is disrupted and the epithelial layer in the canal moves closer to the vagina. This condition is found in 40% of women. If the patient's age is less than 30 years, ectopia is not considered a pathology. Ectopia itself is harmless and does not cause cervical cancer, but against the background of it, the likelihood of other pathologies, including malignant tumors, increases.

Ectopia is classified by:

  • Origin – congenital and acquired.
  • The course – complicated and uncomplicated.
  • Histologies – glandular, papillary, metaplastic.

Treatment of ectopia is not always necessary. If it is carried out, then healing of the cervix occurs due to the formation of a transformation zone - the replacement of columnar epithelium with flat epithelium.

During a gynecological examination using a mirror or colposcope, the boundaries of the two types of tissue are clearly visible. The cervical epithelium is like a red spot that is located in the center of the cervix. Its size depends on the severity of ectopia and the area of ​​tissue displacement.

Doctors consider most cases of ectopia to be the normal physiological state of a woman. Treatment is carried out in complicated forms, when tissue displacement is accompanied by infection or inflammatory processes (colpitis, cervicitis).

The exact causes of ectopia are unknown. In some cases, it occurs due to hormonal imbalance, but can also occur in healthy women.

Types of cervical ectopia

It is very important to correctly determine the type of anatomical disorder in order to predict possible consequences and understand whether there is a threat to the woman’s health. Doctors distinguish the following types of ectopia:

  1. Congenital ectopia. Diagnosed in young girls, it is a congenital physiological condition. Such ectopia does not pose a health risk and may disappear on its own over time.
  2. True erosion. The shift of epithelium occurs as a result of the inflammatory process, which appears when the integrity of tissues is violated. True erosion on examination also looks like a red spot, but it has areas of damage and bleeding.
  3. Pseudo-erosion or ectopia itself. Ectopia, in contrast to true erosion, is only a displacement of the epithelial layers and is not accompanied by tissue damage. The absence of inflammation and bleeding causes the latent course of ectopia and the absence of complaints in the woman.

Ectopic cervix during pregnancy

In many pregnant women, the doctor diagnoses ectopia, which usually frightens the expectant mother. In fact, ectopia, unlike erosion, is not dangerous for a pregnant woman and can be considered a variant of the physiological norm. One of the reasons that leads to displacement of the columnar epithelium is a change in hormonal levels. This is exactly what happens during pregnancy, leading to characteristic changes in the cervix. In most cases, after childbirth, the cervical tissue is restored and returns to its place.

Ectopia during pregnancy does not cause uncomfortable symptoms in a woman if it is uncomplicated. If there are minor injuries, inflammation or degenerative changes, treatment will be required to ensure a normal birth process and protect the health of the unborn child. Erosion, unlike ectopia, can adversely affect the formation of the fetus, as it has an increased likelihood of infection.

If a pregnant woman is diagnosed with true ectopia without tissue damage, treatment is not carried out. However, after giving birth, during a routine examination, the doctor assesses the condition of the cervix and if the process turns into erosion, then treatment will be required.

There are no definitive ways to prevent the disease. The likelihood of developing ectopia depends on the individual characteristics of the woman. However, in order to avoid more serious pathologies with an inflammatory process, it is recommended to prepare for pregnancy in advance and treat existing diseases before conception.

The first signs of cervical ectopia

True ectopia without an inflammatory process is asymptomatic. During a routine examination with a gynecologist, a woman can find out about the displacement of cervical tissue. Ectopia is often diagnosed in nulliparous women under 25 years of age. This condition does not require treatment and can go away on its own after childbirth.

Under the influence of unfavorable factors, the cervical epithelium can be injured, which will lead to the development of erosion or complicated ectopia. In this case, the woman will experience unpleasant symptoms from the genital organs, and there will be a need to visit a gynecologist.

Symptoms of cervical ectopia

With physiological non-infectious ectopia, symptoms may be absent. If microtraumas, inflammation or infection appear on the cervix, characteristic symptoms occur. Possible manifestations of ectopia or signs that require contacting a doctor for a more detailed examination:

  • increased amount of daily discharge;
  • itching and burning sensation;
  • bleeding after sexual intercourse;
  • traces of blood on underwear during the intermenstrual period;
  • unpleasant odor or change in color of vaginal discharge;
  • menstrual cycle disorders.

During a gynecological examination, a characteristic clinical picture appears - a red spot in the center of the cervix, which is a cylindrical cervical epithelium.

The difference between ectopia and erosion

Many women believe that ectopia and erosion are the same thing. These are two completely different conditions that require different treatment approaches, so determining which one you are diagnosed with is very important.

With ectopia, the tissue of the cervical canal shifts closer to the vagina, which leads to eversion of the inner layer and its visualization during a gynecological examination. In itself, the mechanical shift of the epithelium is not dangerous and may not interfere with the quality of a woman’s daily life.

With erosive lesions, injury to the mucosa and disruption of its integrity are observed. This is accompanied by an inflammatory process, and often infection. Simultaneously with erosion, a woman may be diagnosed with colpitis. Erosion requires treatment and during pregnancy can pose a danger to the health of the fetus; an infection develops at the site of inflammation.

Causes and prevention of cervical ectopia

The exact reasons for the development of ectopia are unknown. The most likely factors that lead to displacement of the columnar epithelium are:

  • Hormonal disorders. The period of puberty, pregnancy or pathological hormonal imbalances lead to various diseases of the cervix. In such conditions, the symptoms may not be clearly expressed, which is why the woman consults a doctor in the later stages. To detect changes in a timely manner, it is recommended to undergo preventive examinations once a year. Physiological ectopia can be observed even in young girls who are not sexually active. In some cases, hormonal disorders may occur due to the incorrect selection of oral contraceptives.
  • Early or multiple sexual contacts. Frequent sexual intercourse or sex at a young age with an immature cervix leads to injury and abrasions. Mechanical damage causes an inflammatory process, then erosion and ectopia. A pathogenic pathogen can enter the wound surface, and with reduced immunity, the own bacterial flora of the genital tract can become active, which will lead to infection and the need for treatment.
  • Inflammatory processes in other areas of a woman’s genital area can spread to the cervix and eventually lead to ectopia.
  • Mechanical damage. These include abortions, diagnostic measures, experiments during sex, and childbirth.

Preventive measures that will help avoid the appearance of ectopia or identify it in the early stages include:

  • annual visit to the gynecologist;
  • maintaining personal hygiene;
  • protected sexual intercourse (condoms are the method of protection);
  • absence of abortions;
  • no sexual intercourse under 18 years of age;
  • intimate relationships with a regular partner.

The general prognosis for cervical ectopia is favorable. The disease does not threaten the patient’s life, but should not be ignored in order to prevent complications.


If the ectopia is congenital, the patient will learn about it at her first visit to the gynecologist. In the future, she only needs to undergo annual examinations to monitor the dynamics of the condition.

During a gynecological examination, a bright red focus of ectopia is discovered on the woman’s cervix. The area may bleed slightly when touched. The diameter of the redness can vary, up to completely covering the surface of the cervix.

A mandatory test is colposcopy. This is a visual gynecological examination using a special device that has multiple magnification. It allows you to examine in detail the condition of the cervical tissue, determine the affected area and structural changes. It is colposcopy that makes it possible to distinguish columnar epithelium from squamous epithelium, and, accordingly, to distinguish erosion from ectopia.

The doctor always asks the patient about the presence of complaints and prescribes several studies in order to understand the full clinical picture. The duration of the onset of symptoms or its absence also has important diagnostic significance.

In addition to a visual examination, the doctor prescribes the following studies:

  • A smear to check for infection. This will allow you to find out whether the ectopia is complicated, and what line of therapy should be the main one. The smear determines the amount of opportunistic flora, as well as pathogens that cause sexually transmitted diseases.
  • Smear for cytology. It is used to examine columnar and squamous epithelial cells and identify signs of inflammation.
  • Biopsy. If pathological structural changes in the tissue are suspected, for example, destructive or malignant formations, the doctor submits a piece of cervical tissue for analysis.
  • Scraping from the surface of the cervix for oncocytology.

If, during diagnosis, abnormalities are detected in the patient (unstained areas, mosaic, leukoplakia), further detailed studies are required to exclude oncology.

Treatment of cervical ectopia

For uncomplicated ectopia, treatment is not carried out. The patient needs to visit a gynecologist 1 or 2 times a year to monitor the dynamics of changes in the cervix. If tests for atypia are negative, you can visit the doctor less often - once every two years.

If ectopia is accompanied by inflammation or infection, treatment is necessary. Therapy in this case will be aimed at eliminating inflammation, restoring immune defense and regenerating cervical tissue.

Treatment can be conservative or surgical. In nulliparous women, preference is given to the first methods. Medications that can be used include:

  • Antibiotics. The drug is selected depending on the isolated pathogen and its sensitivity.
  • Immunostimulants. They increase the body’s overall resistance to infection and prevent relapse after treatment.
  • Vitamins. Accelerate tissue restoration, normalize trophic processes.
  • Hormones. Hormonal therapy allows you to correct the female background and improve the functioning of the genital organs and the body as a whole.
  • Local remedies. One of the most widely used is Solkovagin. This is a solution that leads to the destruction of the affected tissue area and initiates regeneration processes to produce new healthy epithelium of the correct type. For mild lesions, other drugs that promote cell renewal may be prescribed.

If conservative treatment is ineffective or complicated ectopia is severe, the doctor may prescribe surgical intervention. It is based on the necrosis of the pathological area, which will lead to the removal of the affected cells and the appearance of a new healthy layer of tissue. Surgical techniques are carried out after eliminating the main cause of ectopia - infection, hormonal imbalance or another. First, the woman is prescribed antiviral therapy, hormonal contraception, antibiotics, and then one of the following methods can be used:

  • Electrocoagulation. A method that is now practically not used. It is based on cauterization of the cervix with electric current, which leads to deep burns and necrosis of the affected area of ​​ectopia. The disadvantage of the method is that the effect of the current is quite strong and affects not only superficial tissues, but also deeper ones, which may be healthy. The degree of tissue heating under the action of current is almost impossible to control, which makes electrocoagulation an inaccurate and unpromising method. After charring of the epithelium, a rough scar is formed, which takes a long time to heal. This method is not recommended for women who are still planning a pregnancy.
  • Cryotherapy. The essence of the method is the same - the affected tissues are killed for subsequent natural restoration. Here they are exposed to liquid nitrogen. Cold injury affects several layers of the epithelium, and the degree of exposure cannot be controlled. The method is gradually becoming a thing of the past and is now used quite rarely. Not recommended for women who are still planning pregnancy.
  • Argon plasma coagulation. Using high-frequency current, the doctor acts on the affected tissue using a non-contact method. This makes it safer and also allows it to be used by nulliparous women. In this case, tissue charring does not occur, and the depth of the lesion is no more than 3 mm. The crust that remains after treatment is very thin and elastic, so healing and tissue restoration occurs quickly.
  • Radiofrequency electrosurgery. Excision of tissue also occurs under the influence of electric current, but the principle of operation is slightly different. With this method, the cellular fluid evaporates, rather than the cells themselves being destroyed. Thermal destruction of surrounding tissue does not occur, due to which the area heals without scar formation and quite quickly. This is the method used by the well-known Surgitron device, which is offered for treatment in many medical clinics.


Advanced ectopia can lead to erosion and inflammation. They, in turn, will spread to neighboring areas, causing other diseases of the woman’s genital area. Complications include:

  • the appearance of condylomas in the presence of human papillomavirus infection;
  • leukoplakia;
  • tissue atrophy;
  • development of the epithelium into a malignant formation;

Quite often, women turn to a gynecologist with complaints about the diseases described above. This occurs due to inattention to one’s health, lack of regular medical examinations and neglect of ectopia.

The cervical canal leads into the uterine cavity; it is covered with a layer of columnar epithelium. If this layer extends beyond the channel, it enters an unusual acidic environment, and cells grow that should not be on the outside.
Types of ectopia

The disease should not be confused with ordinary erosion. It occurs as a result of infectious pathogens that lead to the destruction of the mucous structure and its inflammation. The inflammatory process is observed for no more than 1-3 weeks.

In cases of disorders not associated with erosion, the mucous membrane is more severely affected, and the stratified epithelium of the cervix is ​​deformed and replaced by cervical cells. Normally, these two layers have a smooth transition. When a disorder appears, the boundaries of their junction are clearly visible, outwardly it is very similar to erosion.

This disease happens:

  1. congenital,
  2. acquired.

Congenital ectopia of the cervix occurs in 11% of all women facing this problem. An acquired disease occurs due to various effects on the body and proceeds in different ways:

  • with complications,
  • without complications,
  • progressing.

The uncomplicated form does not manifest itself in any way; most do not even suspect that they have this pathology. The complicated form occurs in parallel with other diseases, posing a threat to the entire body. The progression of the disease leads to various complications.

The following disorders are diagnosed based on the type of tissue proliferation:

  1. Papillary - growth of cylindrical tissue in the form of papillae, each of them has a vascular loop.
    Glandular – the presence of a large number of inflamed glandular structures.
  2. Epidermising - on the cylindrical epithelium there are foci of squamous epithelium. This type does not require medical intervention as healing occurs on its own.

Signs, symptoms

With congenital uncomplicated pathology, no symptoms or visible signs are observed. Only a gynecologist can determine it during an examination of the patient. The localization area of ​​the ectopic focus is marked by a noticeable red spot, which comes in different sizes. Only a special study can determine exactly how badly the tissue structure is damaged. Colcoscopy and cytological examination are usually performed.

Constant monitoring by a doctor will help prevent the transition to a difficult stage. If ectopia of the cervix has developed into a complicated or regressive form, accompanying symptoms appear.

If you have the following signs, you should urgently contact a gynecologist:

  • Itching, burning.
  • Bleeding or bloody mucus after sexual intercourse.
  • Copious discharge, clear or white.
  • Mild nagging pain (pelvic area).
  • Menstrual irregularities.

A complex type of pathology, with the presence of infectious inflammatory processes, leads to purulent vaginal discharge with an unpleasant odor. Often a cycle disruption occurs when bleeding is observed on days other than critical ones. They can be dark brown to red in color.

Cervical ectopia of the cervix in an advanced state causes an exacerbation of other gynecological problems. Patients may experience severe pain in the lower abdomen, constant weakness, and increased body temperature. Sometimes discomfort and pain occur when urinating.

After childbirth, the disease sometimes disguises itself as the usual sore throats and leucorrhoea. These discharges are often confused with symptoms of the disease. But during a routine examination, the doctor should notice violations. Hormonal dysfunction is often present. With this course of the disease, problems with reproductive function are observed.

To confirm the diagnosis of cervical ectopia with the above symptoms, a number of examinations are performed.

In addition to cytological and colcoscopic examination, it is recommended to undergo the following tests:

  1. Diagnosis of vaginal microflora (smear, bacterial culture, PCR).
  2. Study of hormonal status.
  3. Biopsy.

These tests help to accurately determine the type of disease and the presence of concomitant infectious inflammatory processes.


It is difficult to establish a specific cause in each individual case, since there are many of them. The congenital appearance is almost always hereditary in nature and is a physical feature.

In childhood or adolescence, when the female parts of the body are not yet fully formed, the presence of tissue of the cervical canal outside of it is due to a lack of estrogen, when the formation of the female reproductive system occurs. After the ovaries fully mature and the hormonal levels normalize, the boundary of this layer moves into place, and everything quickly returns to normal. Therefore, if the diagnosis is made to a child or teenager, there is no need to panic; the congenital type heals spontaneously.

Acquired disease occurs due to negative factors:
Mechanical impact on the reproductive organ, its trauma (abortion, childbirth, contact with male genitalia).

Hormonal influence

Inflammatory processes of an infectious nature that disrupt normal cell regeneration.

Constant change of sexual partners, promiscuous relationships without protection.
Early onset of sexual activity, early childbirth, which leads to injury to the mucous membrane and immature organs.
Among the main reasons are also reduced immunity, poor environmental conditions, and bad habits (smoking, alcohol affect hormonal levels).

Ectopia with cervicitis

Cervicitis is a lesion of the cervical canal due to inflammation caused by an infection that has gotten inside. The patient’s health is deteriorating, but she can attribute everything to a cold and not seek medical help. As a result, a chronic type appears that can regress. The inflammatory process in the canal leads to hypertrophy of the mucous membrane, the inner layer grows and comes out. Cervical ectopia of the cervix with chronic cervicitis occurs.

The disease with cervicitis is accompanied by the same symptoms as with the usual degree. The discharge intensifies, and during menstruation there is an exacerbation, atypical pain in the abdomen appears, and the general condition deteriorates greatly. Intimate relationships also become painful. Sexual contact can provoke ruptures of the vessels of the cylindrical layer, and mucus and blood appear.

Appears for the following reasons:

  • Infections caused by bacteria that are sexually transmitted.
  • Viral infections, the most dangerous of which is papilloma.
  • Inflammation of the vagina or external genital parts of the body.
  • Urinary tract infections.

The combination of these two pathologies can lead to inflammation of the genital organs and subsequent infertility. Therefore, they require timely elimination.

Squamous metaplasia and ectopia

Squamous metaplasia is a harmless process in which multilayered cells replace or cover cylindrical ones. Replacement occurs outside or in the canal itself.

Cervical ectopia with squamous metaplasia is a benign change in the tissue structure in the focal area. The course of this pathology depends on the environment in the vagina, hormonal levels, the presence of infections and other factors affecting the female genital organs. It occurs without symptoms and does not manifest itself until negative factors lead to concomitant inflammatory processes.

What is the danger?

Congenital pathology itself or in an uncomplicated state does not pose a danger, but requires constant medical supervision. An acquired disease is almost always accompanied by other problems and requires intervention.

It has not been precisely proven that this disorder of the reproductive system leads to cancer. There is a risk that the presence of a cell transformation zone will lead to neoplasms that can develop into malignant ones. But this does not mean that the problem is related to a precancerous condition, since its initial benignity has been proven.

At the same time, it provokes a sluggish inflammatory process, which over time will lead to serious damage to the female reproductive system. Later, atypical growths will appear, which easily degenerate into malignant ones. Proper therapy effectively eliminates everything.

Pregnancy period

During gestation, hormonal surges occur, leading to various changes in the body. If the epithelial lesions are significant, there is a risk of fetal infection. The doctor must first identify the causes. If this is a hormonal imbalance, then in most cases observation throughout pregnancy is sufficient.

In the presence of infectious inflammation, certain medications may be prescribed. But they are used only in exceptional cases, when bacteria are detected in the outbreak area. If the zone does not grow and is not accompanied by inflammation, regular examinations in each trimester are sufficient. However, it does not pose any danger to the fetus. After childbirth and lactation, it goes away.


A competent approach quickly eliminates everything and does not lead to relapse. There are many methods for getting rid of pathology. But before eliminating it, it is important to get rid of inflammation and undergo antibacterial therapy. Only in the absence of inflammatory processes can treatment begin.

The most common methods:

  • Laser removal.
  • Radio wave therapy.
  • Diathermocoagulation.
  • Cryodestruction.

Laser therapy is a modern, safe method. It leaves no scars. The lesion is eliminated with a laser beam inserted into the vagina. This method allows you to very accurately remove only atypical cells without damaging healthy tissue. The effectiveness of laser therapy is high.

Manipulation of radio waves is more expensive than other methods and requires the presence of good specialists. With this method, a passive electrode is placed under the patient’s buttocks, and another, with a tip, is inserted into the vagina. Next, the tissue is treated with radio waves, which lead to the evaporation of the top layer. There are no scars after the procedure.

One of the most popular is the method of diathermocoagulation. This is the usual cauterization of the lesion with special electrodes. In place of the destroyed layer, a scab appears, which is later replaced by a normal structure. The method is effective, but is only suitable for those who have given birth. This is due to the fact that after treatment a scar remains, which will interfere with the desire to conceive a child. Another disadvantage is noticeable pain, which can be avoided by administering local anesthesia.

Cryodestruction - freezing using a special probe and nitrogen. Leaves smaller scars and does not require pain relief. Applicable if the lesion area is no larger than the probe tip. It is performed in several stages, alternating between freezing and thawing. Efficiency is 10% less when compared with other methods.

After treatment, sexual intercourse, heavy physical activity, and the use of tampons and douching are prohibited for a month. In almost all cases, with competent and timely intervention, the disease disappears forever.

Video about erosion

Modern doctors often counter with such a term as pseudo-erosion or false erosion, which affects the woman’s reproductive system. This pathological process is diagnosed in 4 out of 10 women, and according to statistics, 11% of pathologies are congenital. We'll talk about it further.

Cervical ectopia is a gynecological pathology, which is characterized by displacement of the layer of cylindrical epithelium lining the cervix into the vaginal lumen itself.

Quite often it is called pseudo-erosion, although it has nothing in common with true erosion, since the integrity of the tissues in this case is not violated. Although, on the other hand, the epithelium lining the cervical canal extends to the very outer part of the cervix, and goes beyond physiological norms.


Gynecologists talk about the following root causes that can trigger the pathological process.

  1. Inflammation caused by infection sexually transmitted - pathogenic or specific microorganisms and bacteria.
  2. Frequent change of sexual partners and ignoring the use of contraception - this creates the preconditions for contracting STDs, pregnancy or infertility.
  3. Mechanical injuries. Frequent abortions and surgical interventions, difficult childbirth and injuries - all this leads to the development of the pathological process.
  4. Hormonal imbalance also negatively affects the general condition of the woman’s reproductive system, provoking a pathological change in the epithelial layer.
  5. Too early sexual activity, as well as early childbirth, can also cause injury to tissue, the epithelium lining the cervix, which has not yet formed and is an immature system.

Often, cervical ectopia can be multifactorial in its manifestation, becoming the cause of the development of pseudo-erosion.


If the gynecologist diagnoses an uncomplicated form of ectopia, there are no manifestations of any symptoms. In this case, women can talk about minor mucus discharge from the vagina, as a result of the functioning of the epithelial glands.

But in 8 out of 10 cases, the pathology is not only acquired, but is complicated by certain diseases. Quite often, an inflammatory process develops simultaneously, accompanied by characteristic symptoms.

The clinical picture may include the following symptoms:

  • copious discharge.
  • itching in the area of ​​the external genitalia.
  • burning sensation when visiting the toilet and urinating.
  • attacks of pain of varying intensity, localized in the lower part of the peritoneum.

If the lesion is large, bloody discharge may appear after sexual intercourse with a partner. If ectopia appears after childbirth, it does not have any specific symptoms and is most often diagnosed during an examination by a gynecologist as part of a routine examination.

How does ectopia affect future pregnancies?

The cervical type of ectopia does not affect future pregnancies and does not lead to menstrual irregularities. If a menstrual cycle disorder occurs due to hormonal imbalance, doctors can diagnose a woman with an acquired type of infertility.

Cervical ectopia: chronic form of the disease

When a chronic form of cervical ectopia occurs, it is diagnosed mostly by chance, during a routine examination by a gynecologist. This form may not manifest itself for a long time and not show characteristic symptoms.

As a result, in the absence of treatment it develops into a chronic course.

During reproductive age, such a disease can cause infertility if it is caused by a hormonal imbalance.


Diagnosis of the pathological condition involves the following methods:

  1. Examination of the patient on a gynecological chair using a system of mirrors, which makes it possible to identify the red focus of the pathological process.
  2. Carrying out cytology- smear collection and laboratory examination of the biopath. This will allow you to determine whether the tumor is malignant or benign.
  3. Colposcopy— using a colposcope, the doctor examines the mucous layer of the uterus and cervical canal.

If the pathological process is complicated by concomitant diseases, or there is a suspicion of oncology, a biopsy is performed.

Additionally, the doctor may refer the woman for the following studies:

  • smear test on microflora.
  • carrying out bacteriological culture.
  • carrying out PCR analysis for the detection of sexually transmitted infections.

If a menstrual cycle disorder or female type of infertility is diagnosed, the patient is referred to determine the level of hormonal status, as well as an ultrasound scan.


If a complicated form of cervical ectopia is diagnosed, one of several treatment options is used, taking into account the nature of the complication. At the very beginning, anti-inflammatory compounds are prescribed, and a contraceptive is selected individually. When hormonal abnormalities are diagnosed, they are treated.

Also, as part of the treatment of ectopia, doctors can use a variety of therapies:

  1. lazarotherapy.
  2. cryotherapy.
  3. radio wave surgery.
  4. diathermocoagulation, which stops the inflammatory process occurring in the cavity and cervix.

If we talk about the treatment of an uncomplicated form of ectopia, the latter does not require treatment, since it can often go away on its own. In this case, the woman is registered with a gynecologist and is constantly monitored by a specialist.


As part of preventive measures for ectopia, the main thing is to promptly diagnose the pathological process and undergo a course of treatment. That’s why it’s so important to regularly undergo gynecological examinations, where correcting hormonal levels and strengthening the immune system is equally important.

For her part, a woman must always respect the culture of sexual relations, not change sexual partners frequently and always use contraception, which will eliminate unwanted pregnancy and subsequent abortions, STDs.

Video: What is cervical ectopia of the cervix?

Cervical ectopia and chronic cervicitis are one of the most common diseases that are localized in the cervix. In most situations, these pathologies are diagnosed simultaneously and can accompany each other’s development.

The inner surface of the cervical region is called the cervical canal. This intermediate section is a kind of bridge between the vagina and the uterine cavity. The inside of the cervical canal is lined with single-layer cylindrical glandular epithelium, and the vaginal area of ​​the cervix is ​​lined with stratified squamous epithelium. It is the zone of change from one cell to another that is the place where ectopia most often occurs - partial deformation of cells.

According to statistics, inflammatory processes quite often occur in the area of ​​the cervical canal, and over time the cervix loses its protective properties. After such changes, infection and the development of inflammatory diseases, in particular cervicitis, most often occur. In most situations, cervicitis develops acutely and is accompanied by a sharp deterioration in health. If at this stage timely diagnosis is carried out and individual treatment is prescribed, the disease will not become chronic.

Depending on the origin, it is customary to distinguish congenital and chronic forms of cervical ectopia. The nature of the disease can be recurrent, and the clinical course can be complicated or uncomplicated.

Uncomplicated cervical ectopia may be a variant of the physiological norm in women of reproductive and postmenopausal age. In most situations, the complication of this disease is associated with the parallel development of colpitis and cervicitis, the cause of which is infection. When the relationship between epithelial cells and building elements in the cervical area is disrupted, the disease is usually called ectropion (a complicated form of ectopia).

When conducting histological examination, it is customary to distinguish the following forms:

Glandular ectopia is characterized by the accumulation of glandular tissue, branching of the network of glandular ducts and the presence of an inflammatory reaction. When the papillary form occurs, the stromal components grow significantly, and papillary elements covered with columnar epithelium are formed.

The repair processes of ectopia are based on the repopulation of the columnar epithelium with squamous epithelial cells (a transformation zone is formed). Reserve cells take part in the progression of this process, which, in the process of maturation, turn from immature into mature metaplastic epithelium.

Through the use of colposcopy, it is possible to identify completed and incomplete transformation zones. When exposed to unfavorable external factors, cellular metaplasia may break off and cervical ectopia may recur.

Etiology of combined pathology

The combination of cervical ectopia and chronic cervicitis can have many etiological reasons for its development, but the most common are:

  • Viral infection. occupies a leading position due to its danger. Its peculiarity is its easy penetration into the epithelial cell and the development of dangerous changes that contribute to the development of precancerous conditions (for example, cervical dysplasia).
  • Bacterial infection. It is often transmitted sexually during unprotected intercourse. Chlamydia is the most common infection that contributes to the development of ectopic epithelial lesions.
  • Inflammatory diseases. Inflammation of the vulva, vagina, STDs are the causes of development, which later turns into ectopia.
  • Failure to maintain intimate hygiene and imbalance of microflora. The proliferation of pathogenic bacteria and a decrease in protective functions can lead to the development of many diseases.
  • Unreasonable use of antibiotics. Due to the effect of these drugs on the vaginal flora, it becomes imbalanced and opportunistic bacteria predominate.
  • The presence of the following diseases: , polyposis, .
  • Hormonal imbalance. Excessive growth of cells in the cervical canal may be due to an increased concentration of estrogen in a woman’s body. The cause of this condition may be the use of oral contraceptives.
  • Presence of concomitant diseases. Due to the excessively close location of the urinary tract organs, the spread of bacteria is possible. The weakening of the epithelium can also be influenced by the presence of diabetes mellitus and other metabolic pathologies.

In the presence of congenital cervical ectopia, chronic endocervicitis can occur against its background. The fact is that columnar epithelium is less resistant to aggressive influences than flat epithelium, and the presence of the first mark in the cervical area increases its vulnerability to all pathogenic and conditionally pathogenic microorganisms.

Features of the course of combined pathologies entirely depend on the stage of their progression and the strain of pathological disorders. The chronic course of cervicitis is characterized by vague symptoms. Specific manifestations, as a rule, develop during exacerbations of the disease and the occurrence of concomitant gynecological pathologies.

Among the manifestations of cervical ectopia and chronic cervicitis, it is customary to distinguish:

Visible manifestations of diseases can be identified during a gynecological examination, since the low intensity of the pathological process contributes to the development of hypertrophy of cervical tissue. The epithelium of the cervical canal gradually extends beyond its limits and spreads to the vaginal part of the cervix. It is the processes described above that lead to the formation of cervical ectopia, the course of which is complicated by chronic cervicitis.

Diagnosis of gynecological pathologies

At the moment, absolutely all gynecologists are convinced that timely detection of cervical pathology is the key to successful treatment. Diagnosis of the patient should begin with the collection of complaints and anamnestic data.

A clinical diagnosis is made after a thorough examination of the patient in the mirrors and a series of tests. When conducting research, the specialist should pay attention to the presence of hyperemia, mucous or purulent discharge from the vagina. To confirm the suspected diagnosis and determine the true cause of the disease, additional types of diagnostics may be required:

Each patient needs blood and urine diagnostics.

A biopsy sample is taken when the results of cytological diagnostics and colposcopy are ambiguous. After examining the biopsy, the doctor can evaluate the nature of the epithelial changes and their similarity to dysplasia and cervical cancer.

At the moment, in gynecological practice, the combination of cervical ectopia and chronic cervicitis is a dangerous pathology. In the absence of timely therapy, serious complications may arise, such as the growth of benign and malignant neoplasms, infertility and the impossibility of bearing a fetus.

The organization of prevention of the above diseases is of great importance. To ensure the prevention of the development of the above-described pathology and other gynecological diseases, every woman is recommended to follow the rules of intimate hygiene, avoid constant changes of sexual partners, unwanted pregnancies ending in abortions, and any other surgical interventions. All diseases of the reproductive system require timely diagnosis and treatment. To do this, you need to conduct a systematic annual medical examination.

If uncomplicated congenital ectopia of the cervix is ​​detected, etiological and pathogenetic treatment is not carried out. Patients are subject to systematic monitoring over time, which helps to promptly notice deviations in the course of the identified pathology.

The prescription of therapy for complicated forms of ectopia is selected taking into account the existing disorders. The use of etiotropic antiviral treatment and anti-inflammatory therapy is carried out in parallel with the choice of contraceptives, correction of immune and hormonal changes.

To prevent the development of an infectious process, destruction of ectopic foci is carried out due to cryogenic exposure, laser coagulation or chemical exposure. Borovaya uterus can be used to reduce the inflammatory reaction.

Prevention of gynecological diseases and prognosis

The best option for preventing the development of cervical ectopia is a complete preventive gynecological examination. In parallel with this, correction of disturbances in the functioning of the hormonal and immune systems should be carried out, simultaneous treatment of inflammatory diseases and the prevention of casual sexual relationships.

When diagnosing pseudo-erosion, systematic colpocytological monitoring is indicated to reduce the likelihood of developing pathological precancerous conditions. With cervical ectopia, the prognosis is favorable.

The main thing is to remember that the development of any disease is easier to prevent than to treat it later. Therefore, each patient must independently take care of her well-being and health, so that in the future she will be able to become pregnant and bear a child. A systematic annual gynecological examination is the key to timely detection of precancerous conditions of the female reproductive system.

Video: how to treat cervical ectopia

Video: cervical ectopia

Video: Concept, causes and methods of treatment of ectopia (erosion) of the cervix

Video: signs and treatment of chronic cervicitis

Video: treatment of colpitis, cervicitis and erosions with natural suppositories

    - (from the Greek ektopos displaced) congenital or acquired displacement of an internal organ or tissue, sometimes with access to the surface of the body (for example, ectopia of the bladder) ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    ECTOPY- (ectopia), a term used in pathology to designate certain cases of prolapse, outward displacement of organs and tissues. E. can be either congenital due to developmental defects or acquired. Examples may be: E. bladder... ... Great Medical Encyclopedia

    Noun, number of synonyms: 1 offset (44) ASIS synonym dictionary. V.N. Trishin. 2013… Synonym dictionary

    ectopia- and, f. ectopie f., German Ektopie gr. ektopos moved. honey. Abnormal displacement of what n. organ. Krysin 1998. Lex. SIS 1954: ecto/pia; SIS 1964: ectopic/i... Historical Dictionary of Gallicisms of the Russian Language

    ectopia- Congenital movement of internal organs (or tissues) to an unusual location, often closer to the surface of the body, for example, movement of the heart to the cervical region, etc. [Arefyev V.A., Lisovenko L.A. English-Russian explanatory dictionary of genetic terms 1995 ... Technical Translator's Guide

    - (from the Greek ektopos displaced), congenital or acquired displacement of an internal organ or tissue, sometimes with access to the surface of the body (for example, ectopia of the bladder). * * * ECTOPIA ECTOPIA (from the Greek ektopos displaced), congenital or... ... encyclopedic Dictionary