DIY lily of the valley flowers. How are lilies of the valley made from plastic bottles? Advantages and disadvantages of the product

Master class on step-by-step making of crafts "Basket with lilies of the valley"

Olga Ivanovna Kalashnikova, teacher of the Topkinsky Social Rehabilitation Center for Minors, Topki, Kemerovo Region
This master class will be useful for teachers involved in applied creativity, for technology teachers and for anyone who is looking for interesting solutions in gift design.

Target: introduce children to folklore, traditions and customs.

Tasks: develop creative skills;
teach techniques for performing decorative work in different directions;
cultivate a caring attitude towards nature;
contribute to the instillation of aesthetic taste.

Purpose: interior decoration.

Spring is a wonderful, poetic and joyful time. This is a general revival and awakening.
“Spring” translated from ancient Indian means “early”, and among our ancestors it was consonant with the word “cheerful”. And this is true, because how many fun, noisy and joyful holidays we celebrate in the spring, shrouded in their own traditions: Maslenitsa with pancakes, Easter with Easter cakes, Brownie Awakening Day or, as it is now called, April Fool’s Day (April 1) and many other wonderful dates .
After all, only in the spring, when the sun shines in a special way, the first thawed patches appear, streams ring, the vibrant trills of birds are heard, the buds on the trees burst, from which emerald leaves cheerfully peek out. And all this makes you want to live, enjoy every moment, forgetting all the sorrows and hardships.
But the most beautiful and bewitching event that takes place in spring, from which you cannot take your eyes off, is the blooming of the first flowers. Primroses amaze with their species diversity.
But the most magical and mysterious spring flower remains the fragile, modest lily of the valley. From time immemorial, lily of the valley has been associated with purity, tenderness, fidelity and the most sublime feelings.

Basket with lilies of the valley

The forest turns black, awakened by the warmth,
Surrounded by spring dampness.
And on strings of pearls
Everyone is shaking from the wind.
Buds round bells
Still closed and dense,
But the sun opens its corollas
The bells of spring.
Nature carefully swaddled,
Wrapped in a wide sheet
A flower grows in the untouched wilderness,
Cool, fragile and fragrant.
The forest languishes in early spring,
And all the happy melancholy,
And all your fragrance
He gave it to the bitter flower.

Lily of the valley, what does this name mean? There are several versions of the origin of this unusual flower name. According to one of them, lily of the valley received this name among the people because it resembles doe ears. According to another version, “lily of the valley” comes from the word “smooth”, it was called “lily of the valley”, but over time the letter “g” was lost, and the flower began to be called lily of the valley. There is a third version: lily of the valley got its name from the word “incense” for its delicate and enchanting aroma.
Translated from Latin, the word “lily of the valley” means “lily of the valleys, blooming in May.”
Yes, what can I say, the myths and legends associated with this small, graceful flower are no less interesting.

A long time ago, in a forest thicket lived a young man named Lily of the Valley, as the German legend says. And then one day, he fell in love with a beautiful girl whose name was Vesna. Spring was a carefree, happy and cheerful beauty, a favorite of many. She did not deprive anyone of her attention. So she infused love into Lily of the Valley’s heart, rewarding him with happiness and peace, but only for a moment. Soon Spring left and left Lily of the Valley to the hot summer. The poor young man suffered so much from loneliness that he cried bitter tears. But Mother Nature had mercy on the unfortunate Lily of the Valley and turned him into a fragrant and elegant flower, which awakened once a year for a short time and only when spring warmed it with its attention. But the wound in his heart turned out to be so deep that he cries bitter, fiery tears, even as a flower, when spring leaves him. These tears, appearing after the lily of the valley has bloomed, are red berries that have become poisonous from unrequited love.
An equally sad story of the origin of the lily of the valley is found in ancient Slavic and Christian mythologies. The legend of the ancient Slavs says that this flower appeared as a result of the bitter tears of resentment of the mistress of the underwater kingdom of Volkhov, which fell like white pearls from the blue eyes of the Princess when she found her beloved Sadko with the earthly beauty, the favorite of fields and forests, Lyubava.
Christians believe that the lily of the valley grew from the tears that the Blessed Virgin Mary dropped at the foot of the crucified Christ.
But the Ukrainian legend says that lily of the valley flowers are nothing more than pearls rolling through the forest, into which the laughter of the mermaid Mavka turned into, feeling the joy of love for the first time.
Other legends say that lilies of the valley grew from the beads of Snow White's scattered necklace and serve as lanterns to light the way for the dwarves. That little forest people live in lilies of the valley - elves who grant wishes. Or that sunbeams, having played enough during the day, hide in fragrant lilies of the valley at night.
In France, a bouquet of lily of the valley branches with wishes of good luck and revival of hopes is presented annually on May 1st. This national holiday is called Lily of the Valley Day.
And in Finland, the lily of the valley is generally the national flower.
But all these stories, mythical legends have one thing in common: spring, love, modesty, inspiration and happiness.
So let's give each other a bouquet of these modest, fragile and graceful flowers that personify love, sincerity and happiness.

For work we will need the following materials and tools:

To make a basket you will need:
plastic cover;
aluminum wire with a cross section of up to 0.1 mm;
wire cutters;
pieces of brown leather or suede;
master glue.
For lilies of the valley:
plastic cover for strengthening the buds;
flower detail templates;
pieces of poplin for buds, white;
pieces of satin fabric for leaves;
spools of white and green thread;
green yarn for twigs;
soft wire with a cross section of 0.01 mm;
hole puncher;
a candle or lighter for processing the edges of buds and leaves.
1. From a plastic lid, cut out a rectangle of arbitrary sizes with rounded edges. We will make punctures with an awl. The number of holes must be odd

photo 2

2. We insert aluminum wire into the holes, which will serve as ribs for the future basket. In the holes opposite each other and central on opposite sides of the base of the basket, insert a wire that will act as a handle. We bend the ribs to the outside and trim them using wire cutters.

3. Turn the workpiece over and mount the bottom edge, bending the ends of the wire with pliers so that they overlap each other in one direction, carefully holding the ribs

photo 4

4. Let’s put the workpiece aside and work on the “rods”. To do this, cut out strips of arbitrary width and length from leather.

photo 5

5. And we begin to weave, bringing the strips behind the ribs in a checkerboard pattern. When one row of weaving is completed, without cutting the strips, glue it to the beginning of the “rod” using master glue. If during the weaving process the length of the strip is not enough, then it should be superimposed with another strip identical in width, gluing it with the same master glue

photo 6

6. In the same way we weave the second, third and all subsequent rows. Glue the end of the “rod” to the last row on the inside of the basket. We tie the handle of the basket in a spiral, securing the ends of the strip on the inside of the workpiece with master glue

photo 7

7. Turn the basket over again and glue the second bottom to its base using master glue, cut from leather in accordance with the dimensions of the first bottom. This way we will hide the unsightly appearance

photo 8

8. To encircle the upper and lower edges of the basket, we will make braids. To do this, take two strips of leather of different widths and cut them into three parts, without cutting about 0.5 cm to the end

photo 9

9. Let's braid hair

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10. Apply master glue to the finished braid from the wrong side. Let it dry a little

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11. Glue a narrow braid to the top edge of the basket so that the ribs are under the braid

photo 12

12. We perform the same operation with the lower edge of the basket

photo 13

13. This is what you get in the end

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15. Twist the loop

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16. We bend the end of the wire, which is the end of the future flower, and twist it in the same way. We take the free wire to the side, bend it and twist it in the same way. We will get the first stem on which the leaf will be attached

photo 19

17. Bending the free end of the wire around the base of the twig, make a loop and twist it, thus returning again to the base of the twig. We perform the same operation with two other layers. You should get three stems. Moving to the top of the branch, we continue to wrap the free end of the wire around it, up to approximately half its length

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