Character of a person born in the year of the tiger. Year of the Tiger according to the Chinese horoscope: who are they - Tiger people? Character Weaknesses

> Year of the Tiger

Many people believe that all people born in year of the tiger, endowed with the same character traits, have similar habits. You should not adhere to this opinion, since there are no 100% coincidences, especially if you compare people according to spiritual principles and beliefs. As a rule, they are divided into individuals with negative qualities and directly with positive ones. The former are distinguished by an inflated sense of dignity, self-confidence, and arrogance. For them, the only correct opinion is exclusively their opinion, therefore such representatives of the year very often enter into conflict situations and brawls. At the same time, they are not stopped by the status of the opponent, his age, position. They are ready to win in any way. Negative qualities include excessive pettiness, hot temper, irritability, rudeness, and harshness.

The opposite type of Tigers are people who adhere to the principles of honor and justice. These are quite kind, courageous, energetic, conscientious, brave individuals who will never abandon their loved ones in trouble. They also have a well-developed sense of responsibility and care, so they always protect weak, infirm people. These are true fighters, ready to overcome any obstacles on the way to their goal, to sacrifice themselves in the name of love. Such people are always respected, have a good reputation, and are in the center of attention.

The tiger, as a rule, acts as a leader, revolutionary, and military leader. At the same time, his demands on his subordinates do not always bear common sense. Therefore, it is advisable to first analyze and comprehend the task assigned to him, and only then begin to implement it. After all, Tigers have no fear, they are ready to take any risk, even madness for the sake of an idea, which can lead to the most global consequences.

People born this year crave power; they are not inclined to fall under the influence of others. In addition, they never compromise, because they are overly selfish and proud. At the same time, they very often take part in significant matters, completely disinterestedly. Tigers always look forward, strive for perfection, and are not stopped by any official ranks. They stubbornly oppose bureaucracy, conservatism, and political dogmatism.

The openness, sociability, and cheerfulness of Tigers attracts attention to them from childhood. They are able to defuse any situation and bring a drop of goodness into the atmosphere. This unique ability is inherent in them at all stages of life, so such people adapt well to a new team and quickly find like-minded people. They also quickly look for worthy rivals with whom they can measure their strength. Friends with Tigers, as a rule, are people who are not afraid of them, who share their life principles and beliefs.

The Tiger always has something to strive for, since he is not used to stopping there. He is characterized by a constant feeling of anxiety, an uninterrupted search for new ways for self-development. For complete self-realization, the Tiger also needs attention and public recognition. The appearance of such a person in the company will definitely change the course of events. At the same time, not everyone will appreciate his behavior, which will entail the emergence of new enemies.

The life path of Tigers does not always go the way they would like it to. As a rule, the first third of their life passes directly calmly, the second is characterized by the emergence of problems related directly to the financial, family, and love spheres. The last third of life is aimed exclusively at achieving well-being, tranquility, peace, balance.

The Tiger's luck directly depends on what half of the day he was born. If this happened before sunrise, then fate will be more favorable to him: it will save him from many traps and ensure a calmer life. As for people born after sunrise, many trials and adventures await them. These representatives of the year of the Tiger are distinguished by sharpness and passion.

People born in year of the tiger, are divided into two types: sociable, closed. The first type includes individuals who need an audience and applause. They also have a strong need for praise, love to brag, and are characterized by arrogance. The complete opposite is the closed type. People belonging to this type are not endowed with excessive self-confidence or selfishness. Nevertheless, they like mass events, competitions, and public spectacles.

In the East, it is generally accepted that the birth of a child in the year of the Tiger is a good sign that promises good things. In addition, the Tiger in the house represents some kind of protection from enemies, thieves, fire, and misfortune. If two Tigers live in a house at once, then the second one must definitely leave the house.

Compatibility of the Tiger with other signs

Tiger and Rat

These two signs have the opportunity to create a family, for this they need to make certain sacrifices. So, the Rat should come to terms with the Tiger’s excessive disposition to learn something new, and let him go into the world of adventure. She will also have to give up cunning, guile, and lies. As for the Tiger, he must learn to give in and compromise. This is the only way to live a long, happy life. Otherwise, their attitude will only bring disappointment and dissatisfaction. The Tiger does not succeed in making friends with the Rat, because he considers her a materialist. As for business relationships, they can be quite productive if both signs clearly fulfill the assigned tasks.

Tiger and Bull

The compatibility of these signs is quite low, so marriage between them is unlikely. This is due to the attitude of the Tiger: he, as a rule, is afraid of the Ox, envies him, but does not oppose him, because he considers himself weaker. Friendship between them is also impossible, which is explained by a complete divergence of views on life. The same applies to building business relationships. Their joint work will not bear any fruit, everything will end in complete collapse.

Tiger and Tiger

It is not recommended to enter into such marriages, since the agreement between them is short-term. They will constantly compete, prove that they are right, and try to dominate. As a result, disagreements, quarrels, and conflicts will begin. In doing so, they can become best friends. Together they will accomplish any business, travel all over the world, and achieve tremendous success.

Tiger and Rabbit

This is not the most successful union, since the mutual understanding between them will not last long. The Rabbit will not succumb to constant pressure from the Tiger, which will lead to conflict situations. As for friendships, they also will not last long. After all, the Rabbit does not take the Tiger seriously, which the latter really does not like. They can achieve success only in work, using the caution of the Rabbit and the direct audacity of the Tiger.

Tiger and Dragon

An excellent union with prospects for a happy future. The Dragon attracts the Tiger primarily with its prudence and caution. They get along well because they have similar interests and principles. Also, these two signs can strike up a strong friendship that will last until old age. Joint work will also bear fruit: the Dragon will think directly for two, and the Tiger will work hard.

Tiger and Snake

It is advisable to avoid a union of this kind. This is due to their misunderstanding of each other. The Tiger simply cannot stand the excessive, in his opinion, wisdom of the Snake. Friendship and the establishment of business relations between them will end in complete discord, since they are not used to listening to other people’s opinions, therefore, they will never come to a common agreement.

Tiger and Horse

A wonderful union, promising. As a rule, the Horse manages to completely satisfy the Tiger’s immediate preferences, while remaining completely independent. The friendship between them also has prospects, which proceeds rather strangely: when they are together, they constantly compete, and when apart they are madly sad. Business relationships are also possible. Together they will overcome many obstacles.

Tiger and Goat

This is a rather fragile marriage, since the Tiger can simply absorb the Goat with its power. As for friendship, it is possible. The Tiger has self-control, so he treats the Goat’s antics quite calmly, without much aggression. You can get the effect of business cooperation if you clearly and correctly distribute responsibilities: the Goat plans, and the Tiger makes it reality.

Tiger and Monkey

A marriage with no prospects. The constant tricks of the Monkey will not help to save him, since the Tiger will react to seduction and charm until he loses his thirst for adventure. A friendship may develop between them. But this kind of relationship will continue until it goes beyond the bounds of decency. Business cooperation will bring them a colossal effect if the Tiger learns to respond correctly to the various tricks of the Monkey, and the latter begins to respect the Tiger’s capabilities.

Tiger and Rooster

The compatibility between them is quite low. This is due to the excessive pride of the Rooster and the vanity of the Tiger. They constantly compete with each other, pulling the reins of power. These two signs will never become friends or business partners. Otherwise, they are guaranteed to fail.

Tiger and Dog

An excellent union with a future. Together they will overcome all obstacles and achieve their desired goal. The Dog shares the principles of the Tiger, supports ideas, and helps find a way out of any situation. Friendly relations between them are unlikely. They can become good business partners and achieve prosperity in all areas except financial and commercial activities.

The tiger is a strong animal by nature, so the characteristics of these people are generally the same. In the future, they become leaders and rebels. Animals are accustomed to living according to their own laws, and therefore they do not intend to obey anyone. Their distinctive characteristic is that they do not look for simple ways, and constantly come up with something new, without relying on the life experience of other people.

It is possible to identify this animal from a mass of people, since it is a noticeable personality that reveals itself through its behavior. The distinctive features of tigers include the following:

Impetuous movements.




Interesting ideas.

As mentioned above, tigers are leaders, so very often people use his ideas. They often have to act as organizers of some events.

The character of the tiger sends him to various risky endeavors, from which he can lose a lot. But this is a trait of his that he cannot do anything about. Adrenaline is present in the blood of people born according to the eastern horoscope this year, and therefore tigers engage in dangerous sports and connect their lives with it.

In general, the character is impetuous and rebellious - this is why the animal often has to suffer. This sign cannot be called ideal, since it has other negative traits.

Horoscope for Tiger

From an early age, tigers begin to show their character, showing their dissatisfaction and achieving their goals. From a sweet and kind person, he can suddenly turn into an angry and jealous one. The stars have aligned in such a way that the tiger simply needs respect, otherwise people will see his worst enemy. All representatives of this sign have great demands, which are sometimes simply impossible to fulfill. But in order to complete them all, you need to work long and fruitfully - which is what many people born under a similar sign do, since they are hard-working individuals. But it is worth noting that tigers obey practically no one and therefore should only occupy leadership positions.

Since people of this sign are purposeful individuals, it is preferable for them to work for themselves, without subordinating to anyone. They often show their optimism. The animal is able to quickly get used to people without having time to understand them. People born according to the Chinese horoscope this year are not afraid to express their feelings and emotions. Despite their persistent character, they can adapt to other people - if this is really necessary.

Such people like everything connected with entertainment and delight. They also engage in those activities that can lead them to abundance and power. That is, they are looking for profit in all matters. The tiger's career will be successful if he himself wants it.

Tiger and compatibility

The Rooster and the Dragon are best suited for this sign, as they have something in common. The relationship will be successful with a horse that will help you change and make new friends. Compatibility of this sign is observed by astrologers with the dog and the wild boar.

It is better not to mess with a snake and a bull - as these are completely opposite people.

The tiger behaves somewhat arrogantly in relationships with women. Since this is a strong sign, in order to gain the trust of his beloved, he can simply scare the man, his opponent. Such a person is used to saying everything directly, so he often offends people.

This sign can become a good and caring family man. The union he builds can become long-lasting and sensual.

The characteristics of the tiger say that he has more negative traits, thanks to which he feels like a winner. Tigers are not accustomed to being controlled by someone, since they consider themselves to be in charge in all matters.

People born in the year of the Tiger are very different from each other, especially in spiritual terms. Some are distinguished by their exceptional positive qualities of character and disposition, others by their negative ones. The former are guided in life by classical concepts of honor and decency. These are brave and courageous people, brave and kind, always ready to take risks for the sake of justice and the protection of the weak and infirm. They are principled in their intentions, decisions, actions, even if this contradicts common sense. These are real fighters, always ready to sacrifice for the sake of their idea, cause, for the sake of a loved one. The outside world and the public almost always appreciate them. They always attract attention to themselves, it is difficult for them to object, to resist their pressure. Their personality traits and behavior, natural power over others create for them natural authority, prestige, and reputation.

Another type of Tiger is just as bright, but with opposite qualities. Their sense of self-esteem rather resembles excessive vanity. These people are overly self-confident, stubborn to the point of obstinacy, sensitive to the point of pain, very hot-tempered and irritable, harsh, rude and petty. They often come into conflict with colleagues, higher officials, even with government agencies and departments. Often in this state they make very rash decisions and come to the right conclusions too late. They do not like to ask, they only demand and are ready to fight for their rights until complete victory.

The tiger, as a rule, is either a revolutionary, or a military leader, or an excellent leader. But, like many bosses, he does not always deserve blind obedience. First you need to look around, reflect, before obeying and acting on his instructions. The fact is that his taste for risk is very great, to the point of recklessness, to unconscious actions, and this can lead to disaster.

Tigers cannot obey, but with great pleasure they try to keep others under their power. As a rule, they do not compromise. They may be selfish in small things, but selfless in big things. Tigers always strive only forward; they are not stopped by official ranks or hierarchy of power. They oppose conservative forces and bureaucratic officials, against political dogmatism and the philistine mentality.

In general, these are people of extraordinary actions and very exceptional fates, people of unexpected situations. Already from childhood, their presence, their cheerfulness and good mood have a beneficial effect on the environment - at home and in the yard, at school and college, and then in the work team. True, just as early they begin to look for their first victims in order to sharpen their claws and measure their strength. Those who are not afraid of them make friends with them, paying tribute to their attractive and powerful nature.

The tiger strives for everything it has not achieved. He is in eternal search, in constant worry. He also needs to be the center of attention, the ringleader in any society. Where the Tiger appears, something is already starting to happen, there is a smell of risk and danger. Recklessness and imprudence, and often tactless behavior give rise to many enemies for him.

In the life of Tigers, everything may not happen as they initially imagined. If the first third of their life in many cases passes relatively calmly, then the second is more stormy, since they have to solve problems at all levels - labor, financial, love, family. He will not be spared anything. The last third of life can already bring peace and tranquility.

Much depends on when the Tiger was born: at night or during the day. Born at night, especially around midnight, the Tiger will be free from any traps, and his life will be less stormy compared to the Tiger who was born after sunrise, especially at noon. This Tiger will be passionate, harsh, exposed to many dangers. In any case, he will never know melancholy or boredom, and will never regret it.

The sociable Tiger type always needs an audience and applause. He is used to admiring himself, boasting and being arrogant. He loves flattery and praise, showing off and external shine. The closed type does not have this self-confidence; he needs a stronger partner. However, all Tigers love public spectacles, sports stadiums, the world of art, especially the theater stage and cinema, music and the stage, fashionable clothes.

For eastern peoples, birth in the year of the TIGER is a magnificent sign, personifying the power of the earth, a symbol of the protection of human life. A tiger in the house can get rid of such misfortunes as thieves, swindlers and fire. But if there are two Tigers in the house, then one of them must definitely disappear.


TIGER and RAT. An alliance between them is possible if the Rat allows the Tiger to go into the world of adventure. In addition, the Tiger must give up his intransigence, and the Rat must give up his cunning, cunning and deceit. In this case, they will be able to celebrate not only a golden, but even a diamond wedding. Otherwise, marriage is very problematic. Friendship between them will probably not happen, because the Rat is seen as too much of a materialist for the Tiger. Business relationships can take place if both work honestly and conscientiously, relax together and celebrate after good profits.

TIGER and BULL. A marriage union is unlikely. The Tiger, deep down in his soul, will either fear, or despise, or envy the Bull, but he will not openly oppose him, knowing that the Bull can simply destroy him. Friendship between them is impossible due to complete incompatibility. Business relationships are also impossible. They will end in bankruptcy, collapse, or even real disaster.

TIGER and TIGER. Marriage is not recommended. Agreement between them is only a short-term phenomenon. Everyone will try to dominate the family, and this always ends in discord, breakdown of relationships and inevitable separation. The friendship between them can be simply wonderful. Together they can travel around the whole world, make a revolution, a coup d'état.

TIGER and RABBIT. The marriage is not the best. Although they understand each other well, after some time the relationship between them will become strained. The Rabbit can always resist the Tiger, but the latter does not really like this. The friendship between them is also very short. The Rabbit does not take the Tiger seriously, but the Tiger cannot get over this. Business relations between them are possible. Their qualities complement each other well, especially the caution of the Rabbit and the audacity of the Tiger.

TIGER and DRAGON. The union is promising and promising. These are two strong signs, and in addition, the Dragon will be useful to the Tiger with its prudence and caution. The friendship between them is strong and rock solid. They complement each other well in many ways, which brings them both benefit and benefit. Business relationships are great because of the good interaction between two strong personalities. The Dragon will think for two, and the Tiger will work.

TIGER and SNAKE. Here, married life should be avoided. This will lead to a complete and hopeless misunderstanding of each other. The wisdom of the Snake is simply not perceived by the Tiger. Friendship between them is also impossible. They don't hear or understand each other. Business relationships are equally impossible. They will never be able to come to an agreement.

TIGER and HORSE. Marriage is possible. The Horse, as a rule, completely satisfies the Tiger’s excessive passions, while at the same time maintaining independence from him. And since the Tiger is always very busy, he will not suspect anything. The friendship between them is interesting because when they are together, they argue endlessly, but when apart, one cannot live without the other. Business relationships are also possible. Although at times some difficulties may arise, the overall background should still be favorable and prosperous.

TIGER and GOAT. This is a very problematic marriage, because in a moment of an angry outburst, the Tiger can simply “eat” his Goat. There may be friendship between them; the Tiger treats the Goat very tolerantly and condescendingly. Business relationships are possible if they both come to an agreement that the Goat will plan all the affairs, and the Tiger will carry them out.

TIGER and MONKEY. The prospect of marriage is problematic. Despite the fact that the Monkey always tries to charm and seduce the Tiger, for him this union is attractive as long as he is still looking for adventure. Friendship between them is possible, and even not bad, but only as long as it is kept within the bounds of decency, as long as this relationship does not go too far. Business relationships are promising as long as the Tiger is careful and prudent about all the tricks of the Monkey, and the latter respects the Tiger’s strength.

TIGER and ROOSTER. The marriage between them is problematic. The pride of the Rooster does not fit in with the vanity of the Tiger. There is a power struggle between both partners. Friendship as such does not attract them at all. Business relationships are definitely doomed to fail. The Tiger is not a partner for the Rooster.

TIGER and DOG. This is a possible alliance. Both of them, sharing the same ideas, will fight and fight together for their implementation, forgetting even about love. Friendship between them is impossible, especially strong and long-lasting. Business relationships can flourish in all areas and areas of cooperation and co-authorship, with the exception of financial and commercial activities.

TIGER and PIG. This marriage union is possible. The Pig understands and appreciates the Tiger well. If only the latter does not tire her too much with his passions, then their life together portends peace and tranquility for both. The friendship between them can be strong and long-lasting. They understand each other well, and the Pig’s prudence and caution helps a lot here. Business relationships will largely depend on the nobility and generosity of the Tiger, otherwise these relationships will pose a constant danger to the Pig.

The meaning of the Year of the Tiger according to the Chinese calendar suggests that this animal is a symbol of power and protection of human life.

Sculptures depicting this animal have been known since ancient times; the figure of a tiger was depicted on tombstones, since, according to legend, the Tiger drives out demons and evil spirits. When wondering what the year of the Tiger means according to the eastern calendar, one can come to the conclusion that it is an emblem of masculinity, willpower and justice.

What year of the Tiger could it be?

People born in the year of the Tiger

The tiger corresponds to the zodiac sign of Aquarius according to the Western calendar. Analyzing the years of birth of the Tiger, one can understand that this sign corresponds to those who were born in 1926, 1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010.

When considering the characteristics of those born in the year of the Tiger, it should be remembered that this year people are born with completely opposite qualities.

Some representatives of the sign are distinguished by decency, courage and a kind heart, while other people born in the year of the Tiger can be overly vain, rude and petty.

The year of the Tiger has a significant influence on the fate and main characteristics of the representative of the sign; what years of birth can produce such purposeful and militant people? Here it is necessary to understand that this person is always guided by his own desire and does not allow either his manager or his subordinates to doubt his abilities.

Chinese horoscope Tiger

The Chinese horoscope of the Tiger says that a representative of this sign is distinguished by willpower, energy, honesty and masculinity.

That is why he prefers to do something that will allow him to demonstrate all these qualities, thereby earning authority in the eyes of others. According to the eastern horoscope of the Tiger, for greater success this person should develop patience as well.

The Tiger's stone is carnelian, which will help you get out of any difficult situation. You can also use ruby, tiger's eye or garnet as an amulet.

Characteristics of the Tiger sign

Considering the characteristics of the year of the Tiger, we can come to the conclusion that a representative of this sign has all the qualities necessary to fight injustice. This is a sign of wise people who, however, can often commit rash actions that they later regret.

The characteristics of the Tiger sign are as follows: a person born this year is very ambitious and proud. Here it is necessary to understand that even in extremely difficult circumstances he prefers look for a way out on your own rather than asking others for help.

If we analyze the love relationships of this person, it should be noted that the Tiger zodiac sign gives a person the desire to find a real and deep spiritual connection.

Video: Year of the Tiger according to the Chinese calendar

The tiger is a respected predator in all world cultures. Chinese horoscopes prescribe the best characteristics of this animal to people born in the year of the Tiger.

Characteristics of those born in the year of the Tiger and compatibility with other signs

In the year of the Tiger, restless, strong-willed and purposeful people are born, who often have a hectic life filled with events. They work hard and usually achieve financial success, which is very useful, since Tigers have high material needs and ambitious desires. Representatives of this sign are born leaders who are respected by colleagues and loved ones.

The Tiger has ideal compatibility with the Rabbit and Sheep, who are happy to allow the “predator” to take care of itself. Tigers absolutely do not get along with Snakes and other Tigers - these alliances are doomed to failure due to constant clashes and division of power. Tigers are quite capable of building harmonious relationships with other signs - it all depends on the people themselves.

Characteristics of men born in the year of the Tiger

Hot-tempered and risk-loving, the Tiger man hates conservatism and established rules. If a representative of this sign sees a significant goal, he goes straight towards it, committing reckless acts. However, in everyday affairs, the Tiger often turns into a petty slow-witted and litigious person. Before making a decision, he will measure and weigh everything not seven, but a hundred and seven times.

The impact of the Tiger man on people is difficult to explain rationally - he is hypnotically attractive, charming and self-confident. Paradoxically, these qualities are more pronounced in difficult life situations than in normal times. In love, the Tiger man is emotional, ardent and passionate, but his feelings are rarely deep.

Characteristics of women born in the year of the Tiger

Women born in the year of the Tiger are the most emancipated and powerful representatives of the fair sex. Very often, these people neglect the duties of the mistress of the house for the sake of a brilliant career, and they are able to achieve resounding success in any field related to science, intellectual or research activity.

Outwardly, Tiger women impress not only with good data, but also with grace, strength, royalty, excellent reaction and confidence, shining through in every gesture. Quite often, these “tigresses” have an outstanding voice - deep and powerful, which has a strong impact on those around them. Loving a Tiger woman is very difficult - they often rush from one extreme to another, neglecting the “golden mean”.