Interesting facts, riddles and even jokes from the history of letters that we didn’t even know about. A short story about the letter "e" Funny poems about the letter E for children

A story about the letter E.
Agree - this letter is important. What would you do if you accidentally nailed your finger with a hammer in the presence of a kid, if not for this great letter. What would replace Yo-moe? - although... even if you went deeper in your literary research, regardless of the moral censorship to which the public may have been obliged, then again you wouldn’t be able to do without the letter E... without clarifications, right? How many important words of joy and disappointment began with this letter! We would never have experienced our first New Year without her, and our first drunken New Year too - what kind of winter would it be without fir trees. We wouldn't know about the psychedelic friends who drowned the horse: well, these animals are just like the couple from Dogma, don't you think? How would we wash Soviet milk bottles without this letter? And what would our poor heart do at the sight of the most beautiful sissy of the school? What would you do before the first most important exam in the most uncomfortable chair in the world? So that we end up drinking after passing this very exam with a “3” and this is with student money?! Imagine at least a dozen words that are so dear and necessary to you without her, without our native and familiar one. They evicted it to the far left corner of the keyboard and abolished it from the press. It is possible that such abolition is a new mafia method of money laundering - oh, I hope I didn’t guess right... - that is, the top two dots above the letter are supplied, and the middle dots are held back, accordingly paint is saved, matrices wear out less, and maybe the workforce isn’t so tired. Here it is - a conspiracy - and the money, through back channels, smeared by us - legitimate fans of Russian literature, money, literally, licked such important points from the pages of the Russian press, goes into the pocket of some loser. Now what do you order to put on at the most crucial moment? After all, they will soon get to “Y”. And then what will schoolchildren all over Russia always confuse with a vowel sound, huh?! I'm asking you? Where then will there be the great variability of the Russian genius, expressed in language and consolidated by such linguistic lovers as Lomonosov, Tolstoy. So what if he wrote a lot, but he didn’t neglect letters! Don't read War and Peace if anyone forces you to. Watch the film adaptation - you can't cut out the sounds. How can we manage without this charmer with a cute dot on top? After all, there are only three of them in the alphabet, so how can you leave her alone without help? So you go to bed in the evening and all you can think about is, Yo yes Y. Why would this be?
In general, what I want to say. We are, of course, international. And everyone is only in favor. Yes, and alphabetical discrimination is most likely carried out by our dear Russians. Well, at least the Russians. And at whose orders they dance and what motive they compose for themselves, flavoring it with Americanized words like a nasty hamburger with ketchup, I personally don’t care. But don’t you think, dear citizens, comrades and gentlemen (about gender discrimination in words - next time), that every self-respecting book publisher and periodical should think and imagine the world in a couple of hundred years, their great-grandchildren, explaining themselves with emoticons, gestures (I suspect - mostly indecent) and interjections, proudly calling themselves civilization. Don't be ashamed, good gentlemen. Well, everyone will get theirs.
And yet I will not rest until I say:
Manifesto to her, Let's protect her life! Let's create a flag with the letter E - but without folklore liberties! Let's support the real Russian letter.
All for Yo.
Maria Karachentseva.

And on the floor below the letter “D” there lived two sisters - the letter “E” and the letter “Y”. They were exactly the same, only the letter “Y” had magic dots and circles, which, due to her absent-mindedness, she constantly lost.

The letter "E" is a magical letter because it could turn into other letters. How? And like this:

For example, if the letter “E” stood on its arms and legs, it turned into the letter “t”. And if she stood on her head, she turned into the letter “E”. And if she lay on her back, she turned into the letter “W”! This is such a magical letter “E”!

She was also like a ladder, and if someone needed her help, she never refused.

One day the letter “E” went for a walk in the forest, where spruce trees grew and hedgehogs ran. There she met one hedgehog. At first the letter “E” thought: “Oh, what a big thorn lies in the grass!” She touched the hedgehog and immediately pricked her finger and cried: “Oh-oh-oh!”

The hedgehog immediately removed his thorns, straightened up, before that he was curled up in a ball, and said to the letter “E”:

- Forgive me, please, I didn’t see you, I thought someone dangerous was coming. Now I’ll put a plantain leaf on your finger, and everything will heal right away.

He found a plantain leaf, applied the letter “E” to her finger, which she pricked, and the finger immediately stopped hurting. And then they suddenly heard someone crying.

- A-A-A! - someone walked and cried.

The letter “E” and the hedgehog went towards them and saw...

They were very surprised because they saw the letter "E".

- Oh! - said the hedgehog, - it seems to me that I’m seeing double and I see two letters “E”!

- No! – the stranger answered him, sobbing. - I’m not the letter “E”, I’m her sister, the letter “E”, but I’ve lost my dots again! A-A-A! – she cried again.

“Don’t cry,” the hedgehog told her, “I’ll call all my friends, and they will definitely find them.”

The hedgehog called all the other hedgehogs and asked for help. For a long, long time the hedgehogs looked for the dots from the letter “Y”, but they still couldn’t find them.

And then in the evening a joyful hedgehog came running and shouted:

- Hooray! Hooray! We found your dots, the letter “E”! They were on the shore of the lake!

- Oh yes! - said the letter “Yo”, “I went swimming this afternoon, and probably forgot them there.”

And she took and quickly attached the dots to herself.

- Hooray! - the hedgehogs shouted, now they were very happy, because they began with the letter “Y”. And they would not be hedgehogs, but hedgehogs, if they had not found these dots.

And the joyful sisters, letters “E” and “Y”, thanked the hedgehogs and ran to their home before it got dark.

At home, the letter “Y” very carefully removed its dots and put them in the cabinet.

– Now I will be very careful and attentive, and I will always watch my dots! - she said to the letter “E”.

And then they washed, brushed their teeth and went to bed to rest.

And they dreamed of a forest with fir trees, where hedgehogs ran, blackberries grew, and the hedgehogs ate these blackberries. The blackberries were very tasty. So delicious that even our sisters smacked their lips with pleasure in their sleep.

Purpose of the lesson: we study the letter E, the formation of reading skills, the development of speech skills, the improvement of phonemic awareness, the basics of elementary graphic skills.

  • introduce the preschooler to the letter E and the correct pronunciation of the sound;
  • teach how to write the printed letter E in squares;
  • to generate interest in learning poems and riddles.

Name what is shown in the pictures below:

Ruff Christmas tree Hedgehog Christmas tree toys

  1. What letter does the letter E resemble? What is the difference between the letters E and E?
  2. Repeat: HEDGEHOG.
  3. Say the word HEDGEHOG, clap your hands and count the syllables.
  4. How many syllables are in this word? What is the first syllable in the word HEDGEHOG?

The letter E is a vowel letter. Remember this please.

Examine the letter E. Sew the letter E in the air and once in the notebook, carefully in the cells with a simple pencil or ballpoint pen.

In cases where the child is asked to write a whole line of a letter, syllable or word, the adult gives a writing sample at the beginning of the line.
If a preschooler has difficulties, then an adult can draw two approximate lines, or put reference points that the child will connect with lines, or write the entire letters, and the child will simply circle them in a different color. Calligraphy should not be required at this stage of training.

Continue the sentence

Good-natured, businesslike.
All covered with needles.
Can you hear the patter of nimble feet?
This is our friend... (Hedgehog).

They grew up across the river,
They brought them to the holiday
There are needles on the branches.
What is this? ... (Christmas trees.)

The whole family goes for a walk
At night along the paths
Hedgehog father, hedgehog mother
And the child... (Hedgehog).

Fur coat - needles.
It will curl up - prickly.
You can't take it with your hand.
Who is this? ... (Hedgehog)

Well, the dress:
All needles.
They wear it forever... (Yolki).

Prickly, but not a hedgehog.
Who is this? ... (Ruff.)

The gray hedgehog was very quiet
And the hedgehog too.
And they had a child -
Very quiet... (Hedgehog).

Tale about the letter E

Hedgehog and brush

All the animals went to bed for the winter, and the hedgehogs lay down in a hole under the tree. But the little hedgehog can’t sleep.

Mom! Why are we just sleeping and sleeping... Can I go to my friend the brush?
- What are you talking about? You'll still freeze. Sleep!

The hedgehog lay there, fidgeted, fidgeted, waited until his mother fell asleep, and crawled out of the hole. He got out and was surprised. Everything is white and white, and the snow on the Christmas trees sometimes looks like a chicken, sometimes like a hedgehog, and even like a brush!

Oh, how great! But the brush sits in the river and doesn’t see any of this!

He ran to the river, and instead of the river there was only ice, and a hole in the middle.

Ruff, ah ruff! What did I see! Well, ruff!

The hedgehog called for a long time, he was completely frozen. Finally a sleepy ruff emerged:

Well, why are you screaming, won’t you let me sleep?
-Are you also sleeping?
- And how. Until spring. You should go too, huh?

The hedgehog trotted home into a warm hole. I froze all over, ate honey so as not to get sick, and went to bed until spring.

Riddles for children starting with the letter E

Here are the needles and pins
They crawl out from under the bench.
They are looking at me.
They want milk.

On the back of a needle
Long and stinging
And he will curl up into a ball.
There is no head or legs.

A ball is rolling through the forest,
He has a prickly side.
He hunts at night
For bugs and mice.

Walking along the path.
The forest is carried on the back.

Touchy, covered in needles,
I live in a hole, under a Christmas tree.
Even though the doors are wide open,
But no animals come to me.

The master sewed himself a fur coat,
I forgot to take out the needles.
I come with gifts.
I shine with bright lights.
Elegant, funny.
I'm in charge for the New Year.
(Christmas tree)

What a beauty -
Stands, sparkling brightly,
How magnificently decorated...
Tell me, who is she?
(Christmas tree)

Prickly, but not a hedgehog.

Proverbs and sayings starting with the letter E

If you don't work, you won't eat honey.
If you don't crack the nut, you won't eat the kernel.

Funny poems about the letter E for children

Tell me, Letter E,
How is your life?
Letter E
- It’s okay to live
It's flowing.
I am always the drummer!
- Oh-Yo-Yoy,
(A. Shibaev)

Sea urchin at the bottom of the sea
Sang about the forest hedgehog:
Oh, you hedgehog, brother hedgehog.
How do you live without the sea?
The hedgehog lives in the wilderness of the forest,
Yolka is his home...
(B. Timofeev)

Why are you, hedgehog, so prickly?
- This is me just in case:
Do you know who my neighbors are?
Foxes, wolves and bears!
(B. Zakhoder)

Once I had a dream.
Like a squadron of cavalry
Walking down the alley.
So he knocked and stomped loudly.
That everything around woke up.
I myself woke up suddenly.
The light is on...
I see a hedgehog
Under the bed - knock and knock!
From his short legs
This tramp
This knock.
(A. Volsky)

And the hedgehog ran away at night.
Nobody offended him.
He was sad already in the morning,
He was sad yesterday.
What was he, stupid, yearning for?
Nobody pestered him.
We loved him so much
And they ironed and washed.
But he was curled up and trembling.
And then he took it and ran away...
We searched all the bushes.
Until the darkest darkness
And I screamed
And the brother screamed.
And the hedgehog hid and was silent.
Spiders scurried in the grass,
Crickets chirped softly.
With native nature in the world.
The hedgehog was in his apartment.
(Yu. Mogutin)

Troubled neighbors
Look, look:
Five neighbors in the alphabet -
Letters g, d, e, e, g -
Everyone is grieving for the hedgehog.
Always thinking:
“Where is the hedgehog?”
You won't console me
You won’t stop...
(A. Shibaev)

The hedgehog has a Christmas tree
Very sharp needles.
Otherwise, the hedgehog is on the Christmas tree
Not at all similar.
(G. Satir)

How is a Christmas tree different from a wolf?
Wolves live in the spruce thicket.
Christmas trees grow in the spruce thicket.
They seem similar to us
And we can easily confuse them.
And the wolves walk in a pack,
And the trees grow in heaps.
A wolf can scratch with its paw,
And they scratch the trees with their paws.
Wolves walk quietly, silently,
This is the habit of a wolf.
And the tree, if it doesn’t squeak.
He stands silent, as if sleeping.
(G. Kopylov)

The little Christmas tree is cold in winter.
We took the Christmas tree home from the forest.
They hung the beads and began to dance in a circle.
Let's have a fun, fun New Year.
(3. Alexandrova)

Christmas tree covered in icy sparkles,
In warm resin tears.
Fresh, green, illuminated by the sun.
(E. Blaginina)

What grows on the Christmas tree?
Cones and needles.
Multi-colored balls
They don't grow on a Christmas tree.
They don't grow on the tree
Gingerbread cookies and flags,
Nuts don't grow
In gold paper.
(S. Marshak) 

Christmas tree
If only the Christmas tree had legs,
She would run along the path.
She would dance with us,
She would have clicked her heels.
The toys would spin on the Christmas tree -
Multi-colored lanterns, firecrackers.
The flags would spin on the Christmas tree
Made from crimson and silver paper.
The nesting dolls on the Christmas tree would laugh
And they would clap their hands with joy.
Because tonight at the gate
New Year has come knocking!
New, new,
With a golden beard!
(K. Chukovsky)

Ira and the hedgehog
Ira asks: “Hedgehog, hedgehog!
Will you sew me a dress?”
The hedgehog answered from under the tree:
“There are no threads - just needles.”
(F. Bobylev)

Raccoon and hedgehog
The hedgehog washed his ears in the bathhouse,
Neck, skin on belly.
And the hedgehog said to the raccoon:
- Won't you rub my back?
(G. Vieru)

Lesson summary:

  1. Pronunciation of new words increases the preschooler’s vocabulary, develops speech and memory.
  2. Cell exercises develop fine motor skills of the hands.
  3. Riddles develop children's intelligence, ability to analyze and prove. Teachers use riddles when teaching children to increase interest during complex tasks.
  4. Poems influence not only the development of memory. It has been proven that if you learn a few lines every day, new neural connections appear in the brain and your overall learning ability increases.

For a long time, the Russian language did not have the famous letter “ё”. But this letter can boast that the date of its birth is known - namely, November 29, 1783. The “mother” of the letter is Ekaterina Romanovna Dashkova, an enlightened princess.

Let's remember the details of this event...

In the house of Princess Ekaterina Romanovna Dashkova, who was at that time the director of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences, a meeting of the Academy of Literature, created shortly before this date, was held. Present then were G. R. Derzhavin, D. I. Fonvizin, Ya. B. Knyazhnin, Metropolitan Gabriel and others.

And once during one of the meetings she asked Derzhavin to write the word “Christmas tree”. Those present took the proposal as a joke. After all, it was clear to everyone that it was necessary to write “iolka”. Then Dashkova asked a simple question. Its meaning made academicians think. Indeed, is it reasonable to designate one sound when writing with two letters? The princess's proposal to introduce a new letter “e” into the alphabet with two dots on top to indicate the sound “io” was appreciated by literature experts. This story happened in 1783. And then off we went. Derzhavin began to use the letter “ё” in personal correspondence, then Dmitriev published the book “My Trinkets” with this letter, and then Karamzin joined the “e-movement”.

The image of the new letter was probably borrowed from the French alphabet. A similar letter is used, for example, in the spelling of the Citroën car brand, although it sounds completely different in this word. Cultural figures supported Dashkova’s idea, and the letter took root. Derzhavin began to use the letter e in personal correspondence and used it for the first time when writing his last name - Potemkin. However, in print - among typographical letters - the letter е appeared only in 1795. Even the first book with this letter is known - this is the book of the poet Ivan Dmitriev “My trinkets”. The first word, over which two dots were blackened, was the word “everything”, followed by the words: light, stump, etc.

A widely known new letter e became thanks to the historian N.M. Karamzin. In 1797, Nikolai Mikhailovich decided to replace two letters in the word “sl” when preparing to print one of his poems io zy" with one letter e. So, with Karamzin’s light hand, the letter “е” took its place in the sun and became entrenched in the Russian alphabet. Due to N.M. Karamzin was the first to use the letter ё in a printed publication, which was published in a fairly large circulation; some sources, in particular, the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, erroneously indicate him as the author of the letter ё.

In the first book of the poetic almanac “Aonids” (1796) he published, he printed the words “dawn”, “eagle”, “moth”, “tears” and the first verb with the letter e - “flowed”. But, oddly enough, in the famous “History of the Russian State” Karamzin did not use the letter “e”.

The letter came into place in the alphabet in the 1860s. IN AND. Dahl placed е along with the letter “e” in the first edition of the Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language. In 1875, L.N. Tolstoy in his “New ABC” sent it to 31st place, between yat and the letter e. But the use of this symbol in typography and publishing was associated with some difficulties due to its non-standard height. Therefore, the letter e officially entered the alphabet and received the serial number 7 only in Soviet times - December 24, 1942. However, for many decades, publishers continued to use it only in cases of extreme necessity, and even then mainly in encyclopedias. As a result, the letter “е” disappeared from the spelling (and then pronunciation) of many surnames: Cardinal Richelieu, philosopher Montesquieu, poet Robert Burns, microbiologist and chemist Louis Pasteur, mathematician Pafnuty Chebyshev (in the latter case, the place of emphasis even changed: CHEBYSHEV; exactly the same the beets became beets). We speak and write Depardieu instead of Depardieu, Roerich (who is pure Roerich), Roentgen instead of the correct Roentgen. By the way, Leo Tolstoy is actually Leo (like his hero - the Russian nobleman Levin, and not the Jew Levin).

The letter е also disappeared from the spellings of many geographical names - Pearl Harbor, Königsberg, Cologne, etc. See, for example, the epigram on Lev Pushkin (the authorship is not exactly clear):
Our friend Pushkin Lev
Not without reason
But with champagne fatty pilaf
And a duck with milk mushrooms
They will prove to us better than words,
That he is healthier
By the strength of the stomach.

When the Bolsheviks came to power, they “combed through” the alphabet, removed “yat” and fita and izhitsa, but did not touch the letter E. It was under Soviet rule that the points above e In order to simplify typing, most words were missing. Although no one formally banned or abolished it.

The situation changed dramatically in 1942. Supreme Commander-in-Chief Stalin received German maps on his desk, in which German cartographers wrote down the names of our settlements down to the dots. If the village was called “Demino”, then in both Russian and German it was written Demino (and not Demino). The Supreme Commander appreciated the enemy's meticulousness. As a result, on December 24, 1942, a decree was issued requiring the mandatory use of the letter Yoyo everywhere, from school textbooks to the Pravda newspaper. Well, of course, on the maps. By the way, no one has ever canceled this order!

Often the letter “е”, on the contrary, is inserted into words in which it is not needed. For example, “scam” instead of “scam”, “being” instead of “being”, “guardianship” instead of “guardianship”. The first Russian world chess champion was actually called Alexander Alekhine and was very indignant when his noble surname was spelled incorrectly, “commonly” - Alekhine. In general, the letter “е” is contained in more than 12 thousand words, in approximately 2.5 thousand surnames of citizens of Russia and the former USSR, in thousands of geographical names.

A categorical opponent of using this letter when writing is designer Artemy Lebedev. For some reason he didn't like her. It must be said that it is indeed inconveniently located on a computer keyboard. Of course, you can do without it, as, for example, the text will be understandable even if zngo sklcht vs glsn bkv. But is it worth it?

In recent years, a number of authors, in particular Alexander Solzhenitsyn, Yuri Polyakov and others, some periodicals, as well as the scientific publishing house "Big Russian Encyclopedia" publish their texts with the obligatory use of the discriminated letter. Well, the creators of the new Russian electric car gave the name to their brainchild from this one letter.

Some statistics

In 2013, the letter Yoyo turns 230 years old!

She is in 7th (lucky!) place in the alphabet.

There are about 12,500 words in the Russian language with the letter Ё, of which about 150 words begin with е and about 300 words end with е!

On average, there is 1 letter e for every hundred characters of text. .

There are words in our language with two letters E: “three-star”, “four-bucket”.

There are several traditional names in the Russian language that contain the letter Ё:

Artyom, Parmen, Peter, Savel, Seliverst, Semyon, Fedor, Yarem; Alena, Matryona, Fyokla and others.

Optional use letters e leads to erroneous readings and the inability to restore the meaning of the word without additional explanations, for example:

Loan-loan; perfect-perfect; tears-tears; palate-palate; chalk-chalk; donkey-donkey; fun-fun...

And, of course, the classic example from “Peter the Great” by A.K. Tolstoy:

Under such a sovereign let's take a break!

It was meant - " let's take a break" Do you feel the difference?

How do you read “Let’s Sing Everything”? Are we all eating? Shall we eat everything?

And the last name of the French actor will be Depardieu, not Depardieu. (see Wikipedia)

And, by the way, A. Dumas’s cardinal’s name is not Richelieu, but Richelieu. (see Wikipedia)

And the correct way to pronounce the surname of the Russian poet is Fet, not Fet.

And on the floor below the letter “D” there lived two sisters - the letter “E” and the letter “Y”. They were exactly the same, only the letter “Y” had magic dots and circles, which, due to her absent-mindedness, she constantly lost.

The letter "E" is a magical letter because it could turn into other letters. How? And like this:

For example, if the letter “E” stood on its arms and legs, it turned into the letter “t”. And if she stood on her head, she turned into the letter “E”. And if she lay on her back, she turned into the letter “W”! This is such a magical letter “E”!

She was also like a ladder, and if someone needed her help, she never refused.

One day the letter “E” went for a walk in the forest, where spruce trees grew and hedgehogs ran. There she met one hedgehog. At first the letter “E” thought: “Oh, what a big thorn lies in the grass!” She touched the hedgehog and immediately pricked her finger and cried: “Oh-oh-oh!”

The hedgehog immediately removed his thorns, straightened up, before that he was curled up in a ball, and said to the letter “E”:

- Forgive me, please, I didn’t see you, I thought someone dangerous was coming. Now I’ll put a plantain leaf on your finger, and everything will heal right away.

He found a plantain leaf, applied the letter “E” to her finger, which she pricked, and the finger immediately stopped hurting. And then they suddenly heard someone crying.

- A-A-A! - someone walked and cried.

The letter “E” and the hedgehog went towards them and saw...

They were very surprised because they saw the letter "E".

- Oh! - said the hedgehog, - it seems to me that I’m seeing double and I see two letters “E”!

- No! – the stranger answered him, sobbing. - I’m not the letter “E”, I’m her sister, the letter “E”, but I’ve lost my dots again! A-A-A! – she cried again.

“Don’t cry,” the hedgehog told her, “I’ll call all my friends, and they will definitely find them.”

The hedgehog called all the other hedgehogs and asked for help. For a long, long time the hedgehogs looked for the dots from the letter “Y”, but they still couldn’t find them.

And then in the evening a joyful hedgehog came running and shouted:

- Hooray! Hooray! We found your dots, the letter “E”! They were on the shore of the lake!

- Oh yes! - said the letter “Yo”, “I went swimming this afternoon, and probably forgot them there.”

And she took and quickly attached the dots to herself.

- Hooray! - the hedgehogs shouted, now they were very happy, because they began with the letter “Y”. And they would not be hedgehogs, but hedgehogs, if they had not found these dots.

And the joyful sisters, letters “E” and “Y”, thanked the hedgehogs and ran to their home before it got dark.

At home, the letter “Y” very carefully removed its dots and put them in the cabinet.

– Now I will be very careful and attentive, and I will always watch my dots! - she said to the letter “E”.

And then they washed, brushed their teeth and went to bed to rest.

And they dreamed of a forest with fir trees, where hedgehogs ran, blackberries grew, and the hedgehogs ate these blackberries. The blackberries were very tasty. So delicious that even our sisters smacked their lips with pleasure in their sleep.