Why do you dream about the gate being stolen? Why do you dream about gates according to the dream book? Different dream options

A dream about a large gate promises the onset of peace and prosperity. If the gate was high, success in business and harmony in the family await you. Circumstances will be exclusively in your favor.

Take advantage of the favorable period, deal with important matters, and determine development plans for the future. Don't miss your chance to improve your life.

Dream about garage doors

Garage doors in a dream indicate that they are trying to use your ideas for selfish purposes. The efforts you expended and the funds you invested in the development of your business are not taken into account at all.

Fight such circumstances, do not allow yourself to be used. The wise advice of someone close to you will help you get out of the situation.

Why do you dream about wooden gates?

The Orakul dream book considers wooden gates as an indication of your conservative views regarding certain things or concepts. You stubbornly do not want to develop, learn new things. An old carved gate portends failure; circumstances will not be in your favor.

The world does not stand still, think about this the next time your ossified views interfere with the development of your next business. The time for change has long come, there is no need to resist it so stubbornly.

Dreaming of iron gates

I dreamed of iron gates - a reflection of your strength, an indication of emerging opportunities and prospects. If you saw an iron gate, those around you are trying to hide important information from you, to hide valuable information.

Take the chance to improve things and start a new profitable project. Consider all possible options for further development; among them there will definitely be ones worthy of your attention.

Closing the gate in a dream

Dreaming that the gates were closed means a successful completion of affairs. You will be able to bring to its logical conclusion an important project that you have been working on for a long time.

Don't stop there, you still have many opportunities ahead that will allow you to realize your wildest ideas. Having rejoiced at your success, take on new things while luck is on your side.

I dreamed about closed gates

Why do you dream about closed gates? The vision foreshadows the onset of a dark streak in life. Success and luck will leave you. If you saw someone closing the gate in front of you, the difficulties that arise will turn into insurmountable obstacles.

Continue to fight the circumstances and look for ways out of the current situation. Seek support from your loved ones, they are always ready to give you a helping hand.

Dreaming of gates to a cemetery

A dream about a cemetery gate foreshadows the disruption of a wedding ceremony. Due to unavoidable circumstances, the event will have to be postponed indefinitely.

Don't despair and give up. What happened can be corrected, you just need to be patient and wait for the end of the unfavorable period.

Why do you dream about painting gates?

Painting a gate in a dream means adding to the family. Soon you will have an heir who will become a worthy successor to the family. A bright future and happiness awaits him.

Get in a positive mood and prepare for a joyful event. Everything will work out well for you in the future if you continue to adhere to moral principles.

Breaking gates in a dream

According to the Oracle's dream book, breaking a gate means a warning about future serious trials. An unfavorable period is coming, full of failures and adversity.

Gather your strength, drive away despair. Your focus and determination will help you overcome impending troubles. Believe in your own abilities.

Dreaming of new gates

If you dreamed of a new gate, you will receive disturbing news about absent people. There will be a decline in current affairs, you will no longer be able to control the situation. Events will not develop the way you wanted.

Focus on the main thing, try to regain control of the situation. To do this, first learn to control your emotions, and then get down to business.

Why do you dream of opening a gate?

If you dream that the gate was opened, but nothing worked for you - the dream indicates a waste of effort. Current affairs do not bring the desired results; you are wasting your time and money on them.

Reconsider your business strategy; you may be able to find a different way of doing things that will be more effective.

Collection of dream books

Why do you dream about Gates in a dream according to 31 dream books?

Below you can find out for free the interpretation of the “Gate” symbol from 31 online dream books. If you do not find the desired interpretation on this page, use the search form in all dream books on our site. You can also order a personal interpretation of your dream by an expert.

Large gate with a beautiful arch- agreement, success.

Eastern dream book

Why do you dream of a Gate in a dream according to the dream book?

If you pass through any gate- you will receive disturbing news about people who are now far away.

Close the gate- to successful endeavors and loyal friends.

You will see a gate closed by someone- it means you are unable to overcome the difficulties that have arisen.

broken gate- usually portend failure and dubious acquaintances.

Idiomatic dream book

“Doesn’t fit into any gates”- unacceptable, unsolvable situation; "turn from the gate"- refusal ; “like a ram at a new gate”- bewilderment, stupidity; "play at your own goal"- help the enemy; “the gates of hell, heaven” -.

Maly Velesov dream book

A gate is an obstacle; collapsed - end up in prison; broken - misfortune in the house; burning - death; close - you will avoid trouble.

Newest dream book

Why do you dream of a Gate in a dream?

Family dream book

If you dreamed that you were passing through a gate- disturbing news awaits you. In the business sphere, misunderstandings and missteps are possible.

Seeing closed gates- to difficulties.

Close the gate - to true friends and successful endeavors.

I dreamed that you were swinging on the gate- you will be involved in useless vain adventures.

Dream Interpreter

To see gates collapsed in a dream- portends to the one who saw this dream that he will be taken into custody and imprisoned; see the gates burning- foretells the death of someone in the family and rarely the death of the one who dreams about it.

Modern dream book

Find out what it means if you dream about a Gate?

A dream in which you pass through a gate- predicts that very soon disturbing news about absent people will reach your ears. Your business will not develop the way you wanted.

Closed ones are a sign that you will not be able to overcome existing difficulties.

Close it yourself- means successful endeavors and loyal friends.

broken gate- usually portend failure and a dubious environment.

If you are unable to get through or open the gate- in real life, the work of your whole life will be in vain.

The passage to the palace city is blocked, blocked- portends a quarrel, a verbal altercation.

Gates, doors are closed or blocked- things are not going well.

They break down and become unusable- portends great misfortune.

The gate leaf breaks by itself- a servant or subordinate will leave.

You see that there is no one behind them- portends big troubles.

Repair or change- portends great happiness.

The gate is made of stone- portends longevity.

Grass grows in front of the gate- You will be appointed head of the district, governor.

Do you see that there is a hole or ditch in front of the gate?- things won't work out.

Heavenly fire burns the gates- foreshadows mourning.

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

Why see the Gate in a dream?

Seeing gates in a dream if they are closed- a sign that you should be more energetic in everything related to making money; if the gate is open- this means that by the end of your life you will find happiness. Gates that are difficult to open- luck will visit you much earlier.

Passing through a gate in a dream- receive disturbing news. In the sphere of business interests, some overlaps and failures are possible.

Trying to open a locked gate to get through- your efforts will be in vain.

Swing while hanging on the gate- the adventures that await you will not bring anything worthwhile.

Sleeping at the church gate- calmness.

Open the gate- eliminate the offender. Close the gate- escape from creditors with the help of friends.

Dream interpretation of a modern woman

Dreaming that you are passing through a gate- predicts disturbing news, possible misunderstandings and missteps in the business sphere.

Closed means that you will not be able to overcome the difficulties that have arisen.

Broken old gate- predict failure and contradictory circumstances.

Trying to get through or open a gate- means that your efforts will be in vain.

Swing on the gate- a prediction that you will be involved in the bustle of life and empty chores. The only positive sign is if you close the gate in a dream. Such a dream symbolizes successful enterprises and good friends.

Dream Interpretation Tarot

Dream Interpretation of Fedorovskaya

We saw a gate in a dream- you will soon receive disturbing news about distant relatives.

If you dreamed that you were knocking on a gate and they didn’t let you in- your affairs will not develop the way you would like.

You dreamed that you were closing the gate- know: all your endeavors will be successful if you trust your friends.

broken gate- to failure in business and a dubious environment.

In the dream you were swinging on the gate- there is an idle pastime ahead, and then you will greatly regret the lost time.

Freud's Dream Book

The gate is a symbol of the female genital organs.

If in a dream a gate slams in front of you, or you slam it- this indicates that your sexual partner or you yourself are abusing interrupted sexual intercourse.

Enter - strive for sexual intercourse.

Going out means being subject to possible sexual harassment.

If a woman sees an open gate- her sexual aspirations will be met with a favorable reception.

If a man sees an open gate- he cannot forgive his partner for the fact that he is not her first.

Seeing closed gates- your intended or actual sexual partner is cold towards you, you are indifferent to him.

If you cannot open in a dream- this indicates that you have problems in your personal life; you cannot realize your sexual desires.

Seeing old or broken ones in a dream- you doubt your physical and sexual attractiveness.

Seeing new and beautiful in a dream- you overestimate your attractiveness and sexuality.

If you make gates in a dream or watch others make them- you are not satisfied with your sex life or lack thereof, and are striving to change the situation; the emergence of a new partner is possible.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

A gate is an obstacle; broke - there is misfortune in the family.

Ukrainian dream book

Close the gate- escape from trouble.

Gypsy dream book

Seeing yourself trapped by closed gates- you will be deceived in your hopes.

If the gate is open and you can enter it- your plans will easily come true, with only a slight delay. Possibly changed in life.

Esoteric dream book

Meaning of the dream: Gate according to the dream book?

The gates are open - a free road to what is planned.

I only remember that I wanted to drive the car out of the yard, and there were new gates: huge and very high, that you couldn’t even reach the lock with your hand. And then I start running to the top of the gate through the long boards that lead from the ground to the very top of the gate. When I got up I started opening the locks and one of the gate doors!

Hello! I quite often have strange dreams and not rarely prophetic ones! Today I dreamed that I was bathing in a bathhouse, then I started to leave it and saw that the street gates were open. I go up to them and want to close them and see that there is some kind of photograph on the door, and it depicts some moment from my life. I took this photo and I wanted to look back, I stuck my head out of the yard, it was so quiet there, not a single soul. Afterwards, I closed the gate and went into the house. Everything was somehow gloomy and dull.

hello, in my dream I found the gate of our house fallen, lying on the ground, and people seemed to say that they were broken by drunks, and I saw two drunk men in the yard, people called the police. This is what a dream is like

I approach the house and see there are new gates, but they are closed, I don’t remember how I ended up in the yard, I see the gates that were standing edge-on, I went back with disappointment because I don’t like the gates. that's all

Good afternoon. Glass (glass thickness 7 centimeters) large high gates behind a metal openwork grille. On two opposite sides there are archers who shoot at each other, and the glass is strong and does not break through, but there are cracks in places. I know that in this glass there is hidden(?) a certain substance (in the dream I knew what it was called, but in the morning I didn’t remember), very important for everyone, but I don’t remember what exactly it was for. It can be seen that where it appears, the glass is restored. I'm trying to catch her, but I can't because... she moves all the time.

sunny day. Large openwork made of forged double black gates (palace) closed, attached to stone columns, around there is a white and beige stone, high fence, in the distance a tall white and beige building similar to a mansion or palace of the 17th-18th centuries. The area has the shape of a circle. .The black (metallic) C-class car makes circles around the yard and cannot drive away or leave the territory because the gate is closed.

I dreamed that my child was stolen from me and I stood at night near the open gate, cried a lot, screamed on the phone so that my child would be returned to me, it was night on the street and then I woke up with tears in my eyes

hello, first I dreamed of lizards, snakes where they were biting and suddenly I looked at the sky at the stars and there was a gate to heaven, they were beautiful and there near the gate there was a silhouette of a man, and after a while I saw God’s big face and said what do you want I tell him I said a wish and then I woke up.

Three times in a row I dreamed that my gate and gate and part of the fence were stolen (I live in a private house). Like, in the morning I discover all this, I’m very upset and wondering who needed it and why

Good afternoon Please tell me why I have a dream in which I first saw a familiar area in a photograph, then found myself with a man in that same area. And there was a castle nearby and I saw the gates opening towards us. Somewhere in my subconscious I understood that this was an ancient castle, and the gates had never been opened to anyone before... And then suddenly the high wooden gates were opened for me and the young man (with whom I work) by a man about 35-40 years old in very ancient clothes... I know that We were going to go to the gate, but I don’t remember the ending. I woke up... Please tell me what this could mean. Thank you.

There was a man I knew in my bed. To the question “how did you come to me?” replied: “I took the gate off its hinges.” Looking out the window, I saw an empty opening instead of a gate, and a gate lying on the ground.

Good afternoon I remember only the main moment of the dream, I was running away from someone, there was fear, but I don’t remember exactly, there was a gate in front of me, I climbed onto it, it was initially not high, then when I wanted to jump to the other side, the gate turned out to be very high, I held on tightly and the gate swayed stronger and stronger, like a swing, and became higher and higher, then I woke up from fear and heat.

I dreamed that my friend and I were looking for work, we found a clothing store and after some time they took me, she leaves and I walk towards the house, I see water and rocks surrounded on both sides by gates, I go there but don’t walk on the water, but try to cross, but as soon as I reach the gate towards the house for some reason time is running out and they don’t let me in so I can’t get to the house

hello. Please explain my dream to me: I see a crowd of people standing in front of a huge gate, and suddenly the gate opens and the crowd rushes into the gate. And I understand that I need to go there too. With the thought that my daughter is there, I want to see her, I walk into the crowd, cross the gate, turn around, the gate closes. I walk forward, thinking that I’ll come back somehow, the main thing is to see my daughter, who lives at 2-10 Lenin Ave. I’m looking for this address, asking passers-by, we find house No. 56, some woman points to house No. 2, but at the same time she says to me “woman, take it, just in case” and hands me bills of different colors. I don’t know whether it’s euros or Ukrainian money, but not rubles or dollars. I take... And I wake up. I had a dream from Thursday to Friday morning. Thanks in advance.

I dreamed that I was standing in my grandmother’s yard and there was a rearrangement. The summer kitchen is in the place of the barn. The hut has swapped places with the backyard. In the kitchen are my grandmother, my mother’s sister, and my cousin. The kitchen is full of goodies. Then she invited me to play outside my friend Lena. And I noticed that the gate was bright green. I went out. Two small children Kiril and Marusya were playing near it. Then I went into the yard and took some blankets (we always lay them on a bench and then play cards, but I didn’t dream about them). So I went into the yard and Alina’s mother starts screaming like why are you playing with her and not with Alla. I say that Alla doesn’t want to play, let her. But I won’t sit in the yard because of her. I turned around and went outside (grandmothers at that moment there was no light there). I went out and saw that there were a lot of people standing near my yard, but I didn’t pay attention to them. I went to my friend’s bench and saw that my friend’s gate was open and 3 of my friends were making circles around it on bikes and they look at us. It all ended with my friend and I sitting on a bench and I fell out of the blue. Please tell me what this means)

I cleaned my mother's house. she was unhappy We found ourselves on the street in the yard, she opened the gate and gestured for someone to come in, I looked - it was a funeral procession and I closed the gate without letting them in. Because I understand that my mother is not alive - this is for real In fact, I start shaking her by the shoulders - you’re dead

I live in the private sector. I dreamed that when leaving the house I saw that there was no gate and there was a fence. I started looking and found, in another place, someone had removed or stolen it, I wanted to put it back so that the dog wouldn’t jump out into the street and bite anyone (an Alabai dog), but I woke up and didn’t have time to put it back.

I sat on the couch with my deceased grandmother and complained to her about my aunt and her daughters, that they blamed me for the death of my mother, i.e. her daughters. to which she nodded her head and pointed to the open gate through the adjacent wall

at first I walked around the room, went to the corner, moved the wall and walked then then I saw large iron gates, like in a garage they were closed, but when I came closer the gate turned out to be open, I passed and walked on for some reason, I was without shoes, only in socks, the road was clean

Hello Tatyana! I dreamed that I lived in a big house, I was going down the mountain, and there was a gate. Outside the gates there are people who look like workers. They show me my gate lock, which they opened with their key. I ask you to give me the key, they don’t give it back and leave on the bus. Help me decipher the dream. Thanks in advance.

Hello Tatyana!
it all started when I took my cat to an abandoned house to leave him there, it felt like the house was haunted by evil spirits, then I returned home and they told me that my mother and niece had gone to that house, I returned right there and saw in the house there was a broken cross and the outline of a woton on the gate, I thought that this was a warning from evil spirits so that I should not go there. when I went home I saw several people, and there was a woman who looked like the Mother of God, as if she had been reborn and doesn’t remember who she is…………I don’t remember anymore

I went to the window (we live in a private house) and saw that the gate was half open and it was not like ours, but wooden, like on a ranch. I was scared because our dogs were running in our yard (they are dangerous companions). But there was no one in the yard and it was very quiet, it was morning. There was a road outside the gate and everything was as usual.

I dreamed that we were in a house like during the Vikings. There is winter all around, blizzards, wild polar bears, etc. And I quickly try to latch all the doors. But this is difficult for me. There were 3-4 such doors and I closed myself with all my might from any evil as if...

I dreamed of a deceased neighbor. He came to my house as if alive and opened the gate to the yard and at the same time said it was not ours but the veterinary hospital. We live with his family in the same house. And at the same time I dreamed of men in black.

I dreamed that my mother was taking our daughter-in-law on a trip instead of me, which made me feel rich. with pain in my soul I left there. and when I left there was a gate in front of the house and I kicked it with anger, which made it open and I ended up in a yard where there were many children who were sitting and eating something

There was fainting (collapse), the paramedics brought him out of it, he had a dream in this interval (the large beautiful golden gates were open and someone was calling, it looked like the entrance to some kind of garden, I really wanted to go in, but at that time they brought me to my senses)

2. Why do you dream about iron gates? (interpretation by day)
3. Why do you dream about gates?
4. Why do you dream about broken gates?
5. Why do you dream about forged gates?

1. Why do you dream about iron gates?

The dream in which you saw an iron gate speaks of the strength hidden within you and new prospects.

It could also mean that they are trying to hide something important from you.

If the gate is wide open, it means you will find a way out of even the most difficult situations.

2. Why do you dream about iron gates? (interpretation by day)

  • If you had a dream from Sunday to Monday, a serious event will happen.
  • Dream on Tuesday night - expect new and interesting events.
  • I had a dream on Wednesday - your marriage will bring you happiness.
  • If you dreamed about iron gates on Thursday, you could lose a large sum.
  • To see a dream in your night dreams on Friday means we will overcome your fear.
  • Sleeping on Saturday means a long separation.
  • Dream on Sunday - your enemy will try to offend you.

3. Why do you dream about gates?

  • A gate in a dream characterizes a certain boundary that needs to be crossed for a new stage in your life or for the next level of relationships. They represent change in any area of ​​life. To understand whether they will be good or bad, you need to carefully study the dream.
  • Miller claims that if you dreamed of a closed gate, you will successfully get rid of obstacles. The gate is old and broken - contradictory situations and failures may arise.
  • Medea explains that the new gate represents unique possibilities. They can also characterize the line between Heaven and Hell. If the gate is broken, the chance may be lost. The large size and beautiful arch symbolize success in all endeavors and harmony.
  • Freud compares the gate to the female genital organs. A female representative dreamed of an open gate - soon her innermost intimate desires will be satisfied; a male representative - it is difficult for him to come to terms with the fact that he was not his beloved’s first.
  • If the gate is beautiful, you consider yourself a very sexy person. Isn't this pride? The gate is broken - you need to improve your self-esteem.
  • Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima claim that you will soon change your occupation. Perhaps old things will be put aside in favor of new activities. The gate is beautiful - good luck will accompany you in this; a closed gate hints that you need to weigh everything again. If the gate is broken, you may regret it.
  • Building the gate yourself means achieving happiness through difficult circumstances. Swinging on the gate - you will be drawn into a stupid situation that can take a lot of strength and energy from you, but bring no benefit. Lubricate the hinges - you will be taken care of and surrounded by support in the most difficult life circumstances.
  • Opening the gate with great difficulty means achieving the goal will not be easy. Close the gate - good luck will accompany you, and true friends will always be nearby.

4. Why do you dream about broken gates?

A broken gate promises failure, the collapse of what you thought was stable. The doors fall into pieces - expect a very difficult event. If the door breaks on its own, your best employee may leave you. Be attentive to your staff!

If a gate is broken by a stranger, someone will try to have a bad influence on you. Be aware of your surroundings! Such people can provoke you into actions that you previously very much condemned. The gate is new, but broken - you may not take advantage of new prospects, miss a unique opportunity.

5. Why do you dream about forged gates?

Beautiful forged gates symbolize happiness and success in all endeavors. The long-awaited peace will reign in your home. If the gate swings open suddenly, happiness will be sudden and will cover you and your loved ones completely.

Replace the old gate with a beautiful wrought iron gate - a long-awaited child may soon be born. The gate to heaven symbolizes the transition to another state. They are usually dreamed of by older people before being sent to another world.

according to Loff's dream book

A gate represents a passage, a breach, in a boundary or access to a protected area where entry is usually prohibited. Is the gate open or closed? Did you have to open them or were they already open to you? The answers to these questions will show how accessible the possibilities for resolving certain situations are to you. What did you find behind the gate? Building: sacred and forbidden or safe and tranquil? Perhaps you got through the gate with a person who came to help perform some kind of ritual. To pass through the gate with someone means to move to a qualitatively new stage of a relationship, good or bad. Are you at a loss in the face of new opportunities or feel that something is holding you back on the way to achieving your goal? A gate can represent potential progress, or at least hope for it, depending on where it takes you.

I dreamed about the gate

according to Miller's dream book

To dream that you are passing through a gate predicts disturbing news. In the business sphere, misunderstandings and missteps are possible. Seeing a closed gate means that you will not overcome the difficulties that have arisen. Closing the gate means successful enterprises and good friends. A broken old gate promises bad luck and conflicting circumstances. Trying to go through the gate or open it means that your efforts will fail. Swinging on the gate predicts that you will be involved in useless, vain adventures.

A large and tall door, gate - portends wealth and nobility.

The gates to the palace city are closed, blocked - portends a quarrel, a verbal altercation.

A gate or door made of stone portends longevity.

The gate opens by itself - the wife may have connections on the side.

The gate is burned by heavenly fire - mourning.

The gates swing wide open in the city wall - there will be a quarrel, a squabble.

Gates, doors are tightly closed or blocked - things are not going well.

Coming out of the gate is happiness.

The dragon stands in front of the gate - great happiness, prosperity.

A cow coming out of the gate indicates that something good is about to happen.

Doors and gates break, become unusable - portends a great misfortune.

Heavenly fire burns the gates - foreshadows mourning.

Opening new gates means wealth, nobility.

There is a hole or a ditch in front of the gate - things won’t work out.

A cart entering the gate portends an unpleasant situation.

The veil is taken out of the gate - the death of the wife.

The bedspread is taken out of the gate - the death of the wife.

The gate leaf breaks by itself - a servant or subordinate leaves.

The gate leaves are splitting - great happiness.

The grass grows in front of the gate - you will be appointed head of the district, governor.

Repairing or changing doors or gates portends great happiness.

The gates in the city wall swing wide.

Interpretation of dreams from