Christina is the name of what nationality. Female name Christina - meaning: name description. Girl's name Christina: secret, meaning of the name in Orthodoxy, decoding, characteristics, fate, origin, compatibility with male names, nationality. Approach

The meaning of a name not only affects character, but also often predetermines fate. Having learned the secret of the name Christina, you will also learn how the owner of this name can become happy.

Meaning and origin of the name Christina

The name Christina comes from a Latin root meaning “Christian.” Therefore, before it could sound like both Christina and Christina (or even Christiana and Christiana).

In the old days in Rus' this was the name given mainly to girls in commoner families. Then the name went out of use for a long time, but returned differently, bringing with it a connotation of a foreign or even aristocratic sound. Today it is quite popular, and a girl named Christina is no longer uncommon.

From the same root the masculine name Christian (or Christian) was formed, but it, unlike its feminine counterpart, did not become widespread in Russia.

The fate and character of Christina

The owner of the name Christina is characterized by firmness in her convictions and the desire to defend her positions to the end. It is important for her to remain herself and be true, first of all, to her ideals. This position in life often backfires on her: for example, she can become known as a debater, successfully making a sarcastic response to an attack by an ill-wisher. At the same time, Christina does not like to engage in empty conversations. She is characterized by a desire to behave with dignity, a craving for an aristocratic ability to control herself. In this art, Christina can achieve success - however, at the same time acquiring the image of an arrogant person, although in reality she simply takes control of her violent emotions and feelings.

Christina rarely has serious problems finding a social circle or in a work team, since she knows how to advantageously emphasize her strengths. She understands people well enough to use their weaknesses to her advantage. Christina herself is very, very difficult to manipulate. True, she really loves compliments and praise, and has a very negative attitude towards criticism, so this weakness of hers can become the cause of mistakes and incorrect judgments about people.

Most often, Christina casts her lot in a profession that she herself considers prestigious. She strives for high status and recognition, knows how to make useful contacts and conclude profitable deals. All this makes Christina a good entrepreneur, but her passionate nature can also come in handy in the creative field. In this case, Christina can simply become both a writer and a literary agent for herself - that is, combine business with pleasure.

In marriage, Christina is happy with a man on whom she can completely rely. At the same time, Christina herself does not lose her ambitions and is ready to have a business together with her husband, help him in his projects, or have her own business. It is very difficult for her to exchange a well-paid job for family happiness: finding herself in such a situation, Christina will try to get out and not make such a difficult and unprofitable choice for her. Christina is rarely a convinced housewife, but if life turns out this way, she will either dream day and night about another, social and brilliant life, or sooner or later she will use her talents differently: for example, she will open a photo workshop or a manicure salon at home.

Christina is not on her way with a jealous man, and it’s not even that she loves freedom of action. Suspicions will offend her, and she will not be able to value such a marriage.

The meaning of the name Christina for a child

From an early age, Christina is smart and resourceful. As a rule, she loves puzzles and riddles, and problems are easy for her. She has a penchant for natural sciences and wants to know everything about the world around her.

Little Christina is also shy, although she can hide her shyness behind bravado. Children's complexes stay with her for a long time, so when choosing the name Christina for a girl, parents need to be careful with her vulnerable self-esteem, without criticizing or over-praising her.

Growing up, Christina becomes independent, and this quality helps her not to do anything stupid by listening to the advice of her friends. Christina does not allow her friends to interfere in her life. As she gets older, she looks more and more like her mother.

Diminutive names play a special role. Christina is often called only this way and nothing else, which makes her more mature and reasonable. However, you can shorten this name - Tina, Nana or Chris, in the English manner.

Characteristics of the name

Name energy: hot-tempered, flashy and bright, but impulsive - this can do harm if you don’t get it under control in time. Often Christina is balanced by the energy of her husband or father - thanks to her last name or patronymic.

Surname: this name goes well with the patronymics Arturovna, Stanislavovna, Artemovna, Anatolyevna, Viktorovna, Vladimirovna, Glebovna, Sergeevna, Denisovna, Georgievna.

Name days: February 19, March 26, June 13, August 6 and 18. It is interesting that in Europe Christina the Wonderful, the patroness of medicine and doctors, is especially revered. It is believed to help with mental disorders.

Zodiac sign: The name Christina is well suited for a girl born under the sign of Virgo, Scorpio or Aries.

Lucky number: 6.

Name element: Earth, which will balance its energy. Fire is suitable for the opposite purpose.

Stones-amulets: amber and jasper, and among precious minerals - diamond.

Metal: aluminum.

Color: gray-silver, the color of silver or metal.

Heavenly patron: giant planet Saturn.

Totem animal: bird of peace - dove; talismans with a similar image give Christina harmony.

Amulet plant: graceful cypress.

Famous representatives: Christina Maria Aguilera (American singer, actress, producer, also involved in charity), Kristina Smigun-Vähi (Estonian, skier, two-time world champion), Kristen Stewart (actress, known for the popular vampire saga “Twilight”), Kristina Karhelska (Polish, ethnographer, poetess who participated in the Resistance), Cristina de Kirchner (55th President of Argentina, the first female president to become such following the election results).

Numerology of the female name Christina

Six is ​​an ambiguous number for the name Christina. And it so happened that it is precisely this that determines the life of this person, guides, gives strength and sets new goals. Christina can achieve anything she wants. There is one “but” – if you are not lazy. Laziness for her is like a stop for a shark - no movement, which means no life. And not only self-development is important to her, but also the desire to win... A more detailed numerological analysis of the name is available.

All names in alphabetical order:

The transition from autumn to winter is a crucial time. There is very little left, and 2019 will go away...


Meaning: The name Christina is of Latin origin. According to the main version, it comes from the word “Christianus”, which translates as “Christian”. It is believed that the name Christina is a Russian variation of the pronunciation of the name Christina. Although there is an opinion that it is closely related to Byzantine culture.

The female name Christina is in demand today in virtually most countries of the former USSR. Moreover, recently it has become popular in the West, albeit in a slightly modified form. And this name also has one big plus - it has very strong energy...

Popularity: The name Christina is one of the thirty most popular female names, listed in 23-25 ​​positions and, according to statistics, accounts for 9-11 girls out of 1000 births.

Conversational options: Kristinka, Kristya

Modern English analogues: Christiana, Christiana, Kristen

Meaning and interpretation of the name

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It is believed that the meaning of the name Christina promises only the girl so named such character traits as impulsiveness, energy, intelligence, unpredictability, love of life, practicality, determination and shyness. Women who received this name at birth know how to listen and understand, are easily immersed in the experiences of loved ones, but are often too vulnerable.

Determination and communication skills give Christine success and respect, but often other above-mentioned traits, such as shyness and impulsiveness, become causes of loneliness.

Advantages and positive features: The most important advantage of Christine, without exception, is their ability to achieve their goals even in conditions not intended for this. Even in conditions of hatred and lack of outside support, the bearer of the female name Christina will never give up.

Christina has a bad attitude towards people who are rude, conflictual and angry, she avoids communicating with rude men, tries to surround herself only with decent and kind individuals, and never gets involved with selfish people.

The name Christina is in demand mainly in Ukraine and Russia, and has been for quite a long period of time.

Character of the name Christina

The character of the name Christina is such that it promises the bearer of this name form many good qualities that go well with each other, but at the same time it rewards her character with a bunch of shortcomings, which was actually already mentioned earlier. Among the list of these shortcomings are self-doubt, indecisiveness, distrust, timidity, suspiciousness, and fear of responsibility. The character of this girl is very unpredictable and gives her a mysterious nature - it is very difficult to predict the subsequent actions of the one named Christina, you never know what cockroaches will stir in her head next time. But she is kind, generous, respectable, and will never resort to betrayal or deception for the sake of self-interest or gain, and there are very, very few such people in modern times. And it would also be worth saying that the character, thanks to the protection of such a factor as meaning, is very diligent in terms of obedience...

On the other hand, it should be noted that this parameter itself is very theoretical. And in general, the character of this girl largely depends on a bunch of additional factors, including parental upbringing, and even the time of year of birth...

Early childhood

The early childhood of a girl who received the beautiful female name Christina at birth is a period of peace and tranquility, which is in no way typical of modern children. But it just so happens that the meaning of the name Christina promises exactly this - usually, the baby named by this name is the owner of a calm nature. Calmness, tranquility, orderliness, cheerfulness, obedience, unprincipledness, mobility, energy, sensitivity and receptivity - these are the main features that can characterize the baby, over whom the significance of this name protects. In appearance, she may seem timid and suspicious, but this is not so - she is self-confident and can do things that many simply would not do, she easily makes contact, knows how to interest children in her, and is always surrounded by children.

But there are also several disadvantages and shortcomings - one of them is the reluctance to be in the spotlight, because of which Christina herself often experiences a clear lack of popularity in society. In addition, he does not have an organizational gift or any leadership ambitions, and she doesn’t need it - Christina by nature is an ordinary girl who loves entertainment and fun, but only in moderation, without pampering, which leads to problems and troubles. By the way, Kristinochka usually has quite a lot of like-minded people, even despite the fact that she sometimes behaves strangely and looks boring...


The teenage period of the girl, for whom her parents decided to choose the female name Christina, proceeds mostly calmly and without any teenage problems. It can be characterized by such characteristics as tact, politeness, attentiveness, obedience, determination, lack of conflict, unprincipledness, calmness, responsibility, diligence, and sentimentality. The only thing she really lacks is hard work - perseverance and hard work are of minimal importance, she has difficulty concentrating on business, does not like the boring daily routine that she considers schoolwork, and is also a little lazy.

As for laziness, laziness manifests itself especially strongly during the study of school subjects, in which the teacher simply cannot interest students, and especially during the study of the exact sciences. Christina is not created for such subjects; the significance endows her with a craving for the humanities, and at most for the creative ones. But Christina easily makes contact and is often a very sociable person - this girl has many friends, many comrades and like-minded people, she is not an outcast, not a loner. True, there is one huge “BUT”. The fact is that she herself will never take the first step towards a person, she is not a lover of acquaintances, a person who does not want to become a leader, she has not started a relationship - she is a passive person, but not at all active...

Adult woman

Adult Christina, who is protected by the meaning of this little name, is a woman with excellent character, calm, balanced, kind, fair, good-natured, benevolent, cheerful, eloquent, sociable, unprincipled and conflict-free. In other words, the meaning endows the bearer of this name with a huge number of well-combined qualities, but in addition to all of the above, there are also disadvantages that bring problems to the girl herself.

The fact is that Christina is too insecure and indecisive a lady; it is difficult for her to go ahead towards her goal, and it is just as difficult to achieve what she wants in conditions when something interferes with it. She does not know how to overcome obstacles, she does not know how to be callous when necessary. And just as important, she needs help and support and cannot live without compliments that add to her self-confidence. But she is proud and freedom-loving - not only does she treat herself with extreme care, but she also loves freedom so much that for her sake she is ready to sacrifice anything, at any time. By the way, self-doubt, indecisiveness, timidity and suspiciousness also interfere with the personal life of a girl named Christina...

Interaction of Christina's character with the seasons

Winter - born under the power of the meaning of Winter, the bearer of the name Christina is most often a calm, serious, silent and balanced person. At any moment, this girl is ready to become a predator, possessed of temper, stubbornness and vindictiveness. She is independent and values ​​​​independence - it is difficult to get along with such a person, and therefore it would not hurt the chosen one to acquire great patience.

Summer - and this little girl is already too simple and easy, good-natured, sympathetic, romantic person, whose gentleness of character will not allow her to get to the top of the career ladder. But she is romantic and sensitive - men adore, appreciate, love and honor her, for them she is an example of femininity. Stealth also plays into its hands - men are attracted to riddles...

Spring - here a girl with an incredible imagination is born. By nature, she is emotional, impetuous, impulsive, persistent and has a creative nature. Her problem is that she is guided solely by emotions and heart, but not by common sense, and her character leaves much to be desired. Having fallen in love, she can change to the edge - she cannot be recognized, she can become a fierce jealous person, or an accommodating and obedient slave of love.

Autumn - and in this season we are already talking about an emotional, principled, and disobedient lady, whose high morality repels people, and has a complex character. She is strict and demanding, but patient and courteous, ready to surround her family with care and affection, but will demand the same in return. Always acts according to plan and never obeys rules.

The fate of the name Christina

The fate of a name is one of the most mysterious factors; at one time many researchers were engaged in solving it, and all of them were confident that the fate of a name, in some way, affects the fate of all bearers of one or another name form. The same is true in our case - the fate of the name Christina in relationships with the opposite sex, in love and marriage, has an extremely strong influence on the bearers of this name as a whole - although, again, this is only a theory...

But this theory reveals several interesting points. So, there is an opinion that the fate of a girl named Christina suggests the presence of many different problems in her personal life, and all through the fault of Christie herself. Her distrust, promiscuity in people, inability to make contact with unfamiliar people, and demandingness do not allow her to find a potential partner until adulthood.

But having reached maturity, Christina will change. Fate suggests that she become a real, exemplary wife, a wife one can only envy, an excellent mother and a good homemaker. But again, this is a theory, which means it’s not a fact that everything will be as written above...

Love and marriage

Christina's amorous nature makes her break many men's hearts. Having reassured a man, she can quickly become disappointed in him and lose interest. The strength of her feelings largely depends on the behavior of her chosen one. It is important for her that he constantly brings novelty to the relationship and never tires of pampering her with his advances and compliments. Her chosen one must be not only a skilled suitor, but also an ideal man with high moral values, strong and reliable, with whom Christina will feel calm and comfortable.

Temperamental Christina marries either very early for great love, or quite late. Marriage affects her quite positively. She becomes a little calmer, softer and more compliant, of course, if her husband takes on the role of a strong and decisive defender and patron of the family, who has managed to deal with any problems. However, her love of freedom and vanity can interfere with her family happiness, so she should decisively fight them.

Christina values ​​the atmosphere of her family nest very much and does not like it when uninvited guests disturb it. She is an excellent housewife with a perfectly clean house and cooked dinner. At the same time, she manages to build a successful career. Christina is extremely demanding of her husband, which sometimes leads to conflicts, but ultimately she will be able to find a compromise to restore peace and harmony in the family. In addition, trust and stability in family relationships are very important to her, which is why she will never cheat on her husband, but she will not forgive his infidelity either. Surrounded by care, love and affection, Christina will in return surround her beloved husband with warmth and tenderness.

Christina as Mother

Christina accepts motherhood as an integral part of the lives of most women. It cannot be said that children become the meaning of life for her, but she certainly loves them and takes care of them. Her children always look perfect: clean, neat, tidy and tasty and on time fed. Yes, she doesn’t spend too much time with them, because she’s unlikely to give up work even with the birth of her children. There are women who are simply not created to be homebodies, and Christina is one of them.

In the educational process, Christina often shows strictness and teaches her children to be independent from an early age. Very often, her children begin their personal growth when they are still in kindergarten; long maternity leave is not for her either. She tries to raise her children to be strong and strong-willed individuals.

Very often, her children’s leisure time is taken care of by either her husband or grandparents. However, she, of course, devotes her weekends to her children and husband. A family dinner in a small circle or a trip to nature, where you can relax and have fun with your children, can be considered the best ideas for the weekend.

Horoscope named after Christina


Aries - a girl named Christina, born under the influence of the meaning of this zodiac sign, is naive and curious, annoying and irritable, depressed and sometimes even angry. She demands attention to herself, longs to remain in its center, but rarely gets what she wants - people are careful with her and avoid her.


Taurus - and this bearer of the name Christina is silent and responsible by origin of the soul, serious and unconventional, thinks outside the box and has her own view and opinion on everything. She takes everything seriously, and therefore is often touchy. But she is purposeful - obstacles only add excitement to her. Compatibility with men is not encouraging - it’s difficult with them.


Gemini is an open, sympathetic, kind and easy-going girl with a huge amount of positive energy. She has many fans among the male half of humanity, and life is overflowing with fun - you won’t get bored with her, but her inconstancy clearly does not play in favor of her personal life.


Cancer - under this zodiac sign, the name Christina combines many contradictory qualities. For example, this is tenderness and severity, defenselessness and independence, the desire to be a leader and not take responsibility. No one should offend someone like that - she is touchy and overly vindictive.


Leo is a lioness and is completely temperamental and bright by nature, always in the center of attention, tough, and unable to sensibly endure criticism or teachings. She has no luck with her friends - she is ready to take revenge for any insult, and this pushes people away and also with potential suitors.


And under the sign of Virgo, a future vamp woman is born, serious and pragmatic. Calculating, eloquent and restrained, patient and purposeful. For her, only one thing is important - how people perceive her, everyone should admire her, admire her. The choice of a spouse will be scrupulous.


Libra promises intelligence and good manners, a love of luxury and wealth, a thirst for pleasure and material wealth. Even in choosing a chosen one, he will rely on the material component. However, spiritual harmony is also important - it needs someone who understands and is sensitive.


But a newborn girl named Christina under the influence of Scorpio will most likely become a leader, a person with a capital letter, a competent and purposeful person, thirsting for fame and respect. She can only be compatible with someone who is ready to listen, love, and obey her.


Christina, patronized by the sign of Sagittarius, is energetic and positive. Values ​​freedom and independence, needs constant communication. She tries to assert herself every time she feels not ideal enough. He will give his heart to the strong and invincible, morally stable.


Capricorn is a straightforward and demanding lady, strict, but with her eloquence she wins people over. Its goal is to constantly improve, improve skills, and learn something new. For this he will even sacrifice personal happiness, which he cannot boast of anyway.


Aquarius - this zodiac promises the named Christina secrecy and politeness, assertiveness and good manners, calmness and a certain irony. Her interests come first, and she wants to live according to her own rules, following a clear plan. He will choose as his wife an obedient and patient person who knows how to obey and sacrifice.


Pisces - as in most cases, here we are also talking about a huge fantasy. This is a creative nature, absorbed in an illusory ideal world that actually does not exist. She will have a lot of fans, but she will push everyone away from her, and will give preference to someone who is cheerful and optimistic.

Compatibility with male names

Christina has the worst compatibility with such male names as Ignat, Luka, Maxim, Vilen, Vladimir, Yan, Yuliy, Demyan.

But with Azary, Venedikt, Svyatoslav, Semyon, Ernest, Trofim, Kuzma and Yegor, it will be possible to build a strong and happy marriage.

Well, with people like Akim, Fedor, Andrey, Boris and Gordey, there will be real, sincere feelings, passion, love.

The name Christina is a Russian version of the name Christina, which is Latin for “Christian.” Previously, the meaning of the name Christina did not allow aristocrats to name their children with this name; it was mainly the name of the poor. But after some time, the attitude towards the name changed. It became popular among noble people and acquired a connotation of aristocracy. Now the name Christina is still very common in Russia. Let's find out in more detail what the name Christina means?

A girl named Christina has a difficult character. As a child she is an active and cheerful girl. She is very neat, never throws things and toys around the house, and very early begins to help her mother with housework. Despite this, she has a masculine character, she is a strong and strong-willed personality.

  • Such a child will defend his point of view from an early age.
  • A girl named Christina knows how to control herself, even in an argument she shows cold restraint and will not allow rudeness or rudeness towards her.
  • Prefers to resolve any conflict in a civilized way.

A girl named Christina has high self-esteem, so she does not have problems communicating with peers, and often becomes a leader.

At school the girl studies well, has an excellent memory, and besides, she is always confident in her knowledge, so it is very difficult to take her by surprise. She can be called an addicted person, she is constantly in creative search, quickly gets carried away by some activity and just as quickly loses interest in it.

Young woman with the name Christina always tries to look fashionable and well-groomed, she has impeccable taste. When you first meet her, she gives the impression of a modest and shy girl, but if she encounters any injustice, she can quickly transform into a real fighter.

As a rule, such a girl has few friends, but if she maintains a relationship with someone, this means that she will definitely help this person in a difficult period.

The characteristics of the name Christina are ambiguous; it has both its pros and cons. In general, this is a purposeful and strong personality who can always find a way out of a difficult situation.

As a rule, a girl named Christina can be called an optimist; she is cheerful and cheerful, and gets along with people easily.

But sometimes she can be quick-tempered and arrogant; in some cases, these shortcomings are smoothed out by good upbringing. Such a girl always confidently moves towards her goal, not paying attention to various difficulties.

Love and family

A girl named Christina has a strong character, so she will not tolerate a weak man next to her. Her chosen one must be successful and financially secure. She can immediately assess the potential of a young man and will not connect her life with a loser.

Very often, such a girl’s arrogance and excessive restraint prevent her from establishing relationships with the opposite sex. A girl named Christina hides her tenderness and femininity, which is why she repels many gentlemen.

The young man must make a lot of effort so that the “snow queen” melts and shows her true face.

The name Christina has endowed its owner with excellent taste, she loves and knows how to take care of herself, so such a girl usually does not experience a shortage of admirers. Her spectacular appearance creates a real sensation in any society.

To choosing a spouse She takes things very seriously and responsibly and is usually in no hurry to get married. As soon as she meets her soulmate, she immediately changes and becomes a gentle and caring wife.

Family For her, she comes first; for the sake of her family, she is ready to sacrifice a lot.

If a woman named Christina trusted her chosen one and married him, then she will steadfastly withstand all the trials and hardships of family life, but she will not forgive her husband’s betrayal - this is a very strong blow for her.

House for such a woman, this is a real fortress, where it is always cozy and calm. She will not live with a man who earns little and cannot provide for his family. Christina will devote herself entirely to running the household only if her husband fully provides for her and the children.

Woman named Christina loves children very much and is ready to do anything for them. She tries to give them a good upbringing and education. It is very important for her that her husband participate in raising children. Such a woman does not like it when strangers interfere in her family, so her mother-in-law’s instructions drive her crazy.

Business and career

A girl named Christina is trying to get a good education in order to take her rightful place in society. She knows her worth, so she will only work in a prestigious job; the size of the salary is of great importance to her. Such a woman certainly won’t work for pennies.

Kristina Igorevna Asmus (Russian theater and film actress)

  • She can succeed in business because she has qualities such as determination and hard work.
  • Such a woman takes her work responsibly and tries to do everything at the highest level. She chooses men as business partners because it is easier for her to find a common language with them.
  • Christina can also express herself in creative activities. She has an innate sense of beauty, so she can become a good designer, artist, decorator, as well as an actress or singer.

Parents should approach the choice of a name for a child with all responsibility. It is very important to know its origin and characteristics. Each name has one or another energy that can affect the character and destiny of a person. When changing your name, you need to take into account the fact that a person’s fate may also change and not always for the better.

Name days: January 6, January 15, February 19, March 13, March 26, May 31, June 13, July 24, August 6, August 18, October 27, December 15

1. Personality: women with secrets

2.Color: yellow

3. Main features: intelligence - activity

4. Totem plant: gentian

5. Totem animal: toad

6. Sign: Virgo

7. Type. They are phlegmatic, they have inhibited excitability and a somewhat slow reaction. They don’t do anything hastily and don’t panic. They stand firmly on the ground and do not waste time on illusory dreams.

8. Psyche. It is not always possible to understand what these women are thinking. When they are silent, they appear to be angry about something, when they are simply watching and listening. They look timid, timid, although they have huge internal reserves, it is possible that they lack self-confidence.

9. Will. Strong, but often not enough to achieve the goal.

10. Excitability. Below average. They need time to understand the problem and make a decision. Very impressionable and reserved.

11. Reaction speed. Weak, as well as excitability. They don’t count on any extraordinary luck. They achieve success through perseverance and diligence, although it comes a little late.

12. Field of activity. They are attracted to scientific activities. They can become scientists, electronics engineers, or exemplary teachers. They should not be disturbed in their choice of profession.

13. Intuition. Not relying on inspiration alone, they carefully plan their affairs and actions.

14. Intelligence. They have a more masculine mentality. They get along well with the team, giving preference to men. An analytical mind gives them the ability to patiently delve into details.

15. Receptivity. These are not the girls who pester their parents with the question: “Do you love me?” They need tenderness and love without any special external manifestations.

It is better to avoid collisions with such women, as they are vindictive and do not know how to forgive.

16. Morality. They adhere to principles that many consider philistine.

17. Health. Average, and it is necessary to monitor it from childhood. They require prolonged exposure to the fresh air, walks, and sports. Prone to osteochondrosis and susceptible to viral diseases.

18. Sexuality. This is a secret area of ​​their nature; they cannot stand it when someone intrudes into it. However, behind the inscrutability lies a violent temperament.

19. Activity. Such women need time to demonstrate their capabilities.

20. Sociability. Prefer a few selected friends. They like their friendships to look beautiful and cannot stand the shameless intrusions of their friends. They value family and make strict but fair mothers.

21. Conclusion. They need someone they can rely on, a person who would help them create a reliable and cozy family home.

In this material you will find information about the meaning of the female name Christina, its origin, history, and learn about the interpretation options for the name.

Full name - Christina

Synonyms for the name - Krista, Kristel, Chrissy, Tina, Christina, Christine

Origin – Greek, “Christian”

Zodiac - Gemini

Planet - Jupiter

Color - Silver

Animal - Elephant

Plant - Cypress

Stone - Amber

This name is a derived form of the Greek Christina, which means "Christian" or "baptized" (translated from the Latin "christianus"). In Rus' it was a common noun used to address peasants; later this word went out of use. After many years, women began to be called this; the name acquired a foreign sound. In many countries there are different forms of it: Christiana, Kristel, Kirstin, Krista and others.

Love named Christina

This girl is extremely selective; she needs a person with a stable financial situation or prospects for the future. She has quite high requirements for her chosen one: he must be attractive, athletic, educated and original. Christina does not tolerate stupid men and does not waste time on those who are not worthy of her, she is capable of strong feelings, but they flare up in her very slowly. First of all, she tries to get to know the gentleman well before giving him her heart. At the first meeting, she may seem arrogant, but once she truly falls in love, dramatic changes immediately occur. She becomes the tender and caring girl one could only dream of.

Sexuality of the name Christina

This woman is very attractive in appearance and therefore is always surrounded by the attention of men. Because of this, her self-esteem often skyrockets, but this circumstance plays into her hands: her self-confidence opens many doors. The owner of this name knows well what she wants and always achieves her goal by any means. She is relaxed in intimate matters, it is difficult to embarrass her or make her feel ashamed, because she is well versed in this area of ​​relationships. Christina allows physical intimacy only with the man she really likes. She feels her partner well, has excellent intuition and the makings of a psychologist.

Marriage and family named Christina

Having met a man who satisfies all her requirements, Christina does everything to make their union strong and lasting. The most important thing in life for her is family, she adores children, and is ready to give up a brilliant career for them and take care of the comforts of home. She likes it when the financial situation in the family is such that you don’t have to count expenses and buy everything you want: from expensive delicious food to exclusive interior items. If the husband is not able to provide a comfortable existence for some reason, she will not reproach him, and will do everything to help him with this. This woman’s husband will be incredibly lucky; she will surround him with care and attention, and will take care of his feelings. She will easily find a common language with children, she does not need the “carrot and stick” method, she knows how to achieve her goal simply with a kind word and a good attitude.

Business and career

This woman has all the qualities of a modern businesswoman; she is self-confident, determined and purposeful. She usually chooses fashionable and highly paid professions, if she does not work for herself. With her attractive appearance, she can become a famous model, actress or TV presenter. She will cope well with the role of a leader and will easily gain the authority of her subordinates thanks to her natural charm and broad outlook. Often this girl has vocal or dancing talent; if you develop it, you can make it your main profession or a paid hobby. Since she does not like to limit herself in purchases, she tries to find a stable source of income.

The meaning of the name Christina in character

This optimistic, charming person chooses her friends very carefully. All her life she strives for success: to occupy a high position in society, get into the circles of the elite, provide for herself and her family. At first meeting she may seem arrogant, but she is not. She just doesn’t like to show her real self to strangers. With loved ones she is completely different: soft, sympathetic, empathetic. As soon as someone offends someone dear to Christina, she turns into a dangerous hunter, ready to destroy everything in her path. Usually she is in a good mood, does not allow rudeness, and shows her disdain with her gaze or silence. She is a good friend who you can always rely on; she is usually friends from childhood to old age.

Teen Christina

The girl is well brought up, but has a rather difficult character. She is ready to defend her opinion, even if the interlocutor is much older and more experienced. She manages to combine her studies at school with numerous clubs and sections, and may be interested in sports. From a young age, feeling interest from the opposite sex, he learns to use this for his own purposes. Her parents are her authority, especially her close relationship with her mother; she is often very similar to her. In adolescence, he strives for independence, impressing those around him with his determination and self-confidence. It is very difficult to catch this girl by surprise, she will find a way out of any situation simply by snapping her fingers.

Successful people and stars:

Christina Aguilera - American pop diva

Christina Si - Russian performer r"n"b

Kristina Pimenova is a Russian model, already at the age of 9 she is considered the most beautiful girl in the world

Kristina Goryunova - Russian promising gymnast

Christina Ricci - American film actress

Ideal compatibility: Arseny, Venedikt, German, Efim, Felix

Unsuccessful compatibility: Adam, Korney, Martin

By D. and N. Winter

Meaning and origin of the name: European form of the name Christina, “Dedicated to Christ”

Energy and character of the name Christina

It is easy to notice that the name Christina in Russian sounds with some foreign connotation. Indeed, the times when this very word - peasants - was used to call all ordinary people are long gone, and now there is a huge gap between Christina and the peasant woman, despite the fact that the essence of the name is the same. So, having returned to Russia again, the name Christina began to bear the imprint of some kind of aristocracy and elitism. Now, in recent years, it seems that purely Russian names have again begun to come into fashion, but even now the magic of European names has not completely lost its power, so those parents who give their daughter the name Christina already assume that she will be different from simple girls, emphasizing her certain selectivity and, as they say, stylishness.

Here we should immediately make a reservation that not everywhere a name with an imprint of elitism will be perceived favorably, so if Christina wants to have normal relationships in the team, she needs to justify the stylishness of her name. Christina will need the ability to hold on, to stand up for herself if necessary, because it is possible that a beautiful name will cause envy, and therefore hostility. It happens that Christina simply does not have the courage to live up to her name and from childhood she turns into a timid, complex person. However, this rarely happens, since the general energy of the name has a sufficient charge of strength. Kristya can, if necessary, quite successfully make sarcastic remarks, which often puts the offender in his place.

Most likely, a woman with this name will feel the need to achieve a high position in society, for which she may choose some fashionable profession or will simply strive to establish communication with people from high circles. Even if she doesn’t succeed and fate assigns her the role of an ordinary housewife, such dreams will still not leave Christina. It’s just that in this case she will consider her life unsuccessful and in vain. Alas, such dreams often overlook simple human happiness, which, as will certainly become clear over time, cannot replace even the greatest success and fame.

Secrets of communication: Christina often reacts very painfully to comments addressed to her, but she can completely melt from compliments. It would be useful for her to remember to be careful, otherwise someone will certainly take advantage of her weakness, hiding a cunning calculation behind her flattery.

Famous people named Christina

Kristina Orbakaite

When the daughter of Alla Pugacheva and the Lithuanian Baron von Orbach, Kristina Orbakaite (born 1968), first appeared on the stage, hardly anyone took her seriously, her vocal abilities seemed so modest. However, year after year passed, and numerous prophecies that Christina would not stand it now, would break down and leave the stage, did not come true. Moreover: the singer’s professional level grew noticeably, and, having fully mastered all the abilities inherent in her by nature, Kristina Orbakaite managed to win the sympathy of numerous fans and, as a result, her own place on the Russian stage.

“The girl, who was always considered an outsider in the star family, unexpectedly took such a confident step forward that she almost surpassed some of her closest relatives in terms of the quality of her repertoire,” music critics wrote about Christina after the release of her album “0 hours 0 minutes,” which made talk about her as a completely serious and independent singer. Now Kristina Orbakaite no longer needs such reviews: people of the older generation have long forgotten, and the younger ones do not know that she once had to go “through thorns to the stars,” proving her worth in the singing profession.

However, from childhood, Christina was distinguished by responsibility and hard work: stubbornly, of her own free will, in addition to classes in an English special school, she attended music and dance classes, and at the age of eleven she showed real miracles of her ability to work and acting talent, starring in the leading role in the wonderful film “Scarecrow” .

Currently, Kristina Orbakaite’s performance on stage is not only about the songs themselves, but about an exciting and vibrant show: the image of the stylish, graceful and charming Kristina attracts viewers to her concerts no less than the desire to hear what she sings. And we must admit: this is not at all small.

DOB: 1980-02-12

American film actress

Version 1. What does the name Christina mean?

- Christian, dedicated to Christ (Greek).

Name day: March 26 - Holy Martyr Christina, suffered for Christ
faith (IV century). August 6 - Holy Martyr Christina, broke the idols in the house
her pagan father and died a martyr for the faith of Christ (III century).

Zodiac sign
- Lev.

Planet - Sun.

Color - white.

Auspicious tree
- cypress.

Treasured plant
- myrtle.

Patron name
- pigeon.

Talisman stone
- diamond.


agile, quick-witted, sometimes unpredictable: she has an excellent memory. She
she is cheerful, does not do anything hastily, does not panic. Christina produces
she appears timid and shy, but in reality she observes, listens, and remembers everything.
She has a very strong need for tenderness and love. Christina appreciates
external manifestations of these feelings: behind her external restraint there is often hidden
stormy temperament.

DOB: 1971-05-25

Russian pop singer and actress, Honored Artist of Russia

Version 2. What does the name Christina mean?

1. Personality.
Women with secrets.

2. Character.

3. Radiation.

4. Vibration.
63,000 vibrations/s.

5. Color.

6. Basic
traits. Intelligence is activity.

7. Totemic
plant. Gentian.

8. Totemic
animal. Toad.

9. Sign.

10. Type. Phlegmatic, they have inhibited excitability
and a somewhat slow reaction. They don’t do anything hastily and don’t panic. Firmly
stand on the ground and do not waste time on illusory dreams.

11. Psyche. It's not always possible to understand what people are thinking
these women. When they are silent, it seems that they are angry about something,
whereas they simply watch and listen. They look timid, timid, although they have
huge internal reserves, it is possible that they lack self-confidence.

12. Will. Strong, but often not enough for
achieving the goal.

13. Excitability. Below average. They need
time to delve into the problem and make a decision. Very impressionable and reserved.

14. Reaction speed. Weak, as well as excitability.
Christinas do not count on any extraordinary luck. They achieve success
perseverance and diligence, although he comes a little late.

15. Field of activity. They are attracted to science
activity. Can become scientists, engineers in the field of electronics
or exemplary teachers. They should not be disturbed in their choice of profession.

16. Intuition. Without relying on one inspiration,
Christina carefully plans her affairs and actions.

17. Intelligence. They have a more masculine mentality.
They get along well with the team, giving preference to men. Analytical warehouse
mind gives them the opportunity to patiently delve into the details.

18. Receptivity.
These are not the girls who pester their parents with the question: “Do you love me?”
They need tenderness and love without any special external manifestations. Better to avoid collisions
with such women, because they are vindictive and do not know how to forgive.

19. Morality. Adhere to the principles
which many consider philistine.

20. Health. Average and needs to be monitored
since childhood. They require prolonged exposure to fresh air, walks, and activities.
sports. Prone to osteochondrosis and susceptible to viral diseases.

21. Sexuality. This is the secret area of ​​their nature,
can't stand it when someone invades her. However, behind the impenetrability lies
stormy temperament...

22. Activity. These women need time to
show your capabilities.

23. Sociability. Prefer a select few
friends. They like friendships to look beautiful, they can’t stand shameless
buddy invasions. Christina
values ​​family, they tend to be strict,
but fair mothers.

24. Conclusion. They need someone to rely on
they can rely on a person who would help them create a reliable and cozy family

3 version of the meaning of the name Christina

Christina - “Christian” (Greek)

She has a slow
reaction, some inhibition in movement and emotions, phlegmatic. Nothing
does things quickly and never panics. Stands firmly on his feet and doesn’t waste time
to ghostly dreams.

It's not always clear
What is she thinking about? When she is silent, it may seem that she is upset about something, then
how Christina closely monitors what is happening. She seems timid, as if she
lacks confidence, but she has a strong will and harbors a huge inner
potential. A little lazy. Excitability is below average. She needs time to
be able to get to the bottom of the problem, and have even more time to solve it. Very impressionable
closed. He does not count on an extraordinary miracle in life, he thinks realistically.

She loves order
in everything that brings success, albeit a little late. She likes to study
scientific activity - no matter in what field. You shouldn't interfere with her choice
profession, but it is necessary to discuss its problems. Christina has the gift of intuition,
but is guided only by reason. Carefully thinks through and plans his
actions. An analytical way of thinking allows you to patiently delve into details
affairs. Gets used to the team well, in which he gives preference to men. With them
she finds it easier to communicate. She belongs to a small number of women for whom it is truly
there is friendship with a man.

Will never give
Seemingly in need of parental love, he will not pester you with tenderness. Same relationship
things work out for her and her husband. Parents should pay more attention to her from childhood
and warmth, do not let you withdraw into yourself. Young people should avoid quarrels with this girl.
She is vindictive and does not forgive anything. Strictly respects the rules of morality.

Sex is a secret area
her nature. She does not participate in conversations on this topic. However, behind the external equanimity
a violent temperament lurks. But it must be taken into account that Christina is inactive.
She needs time to show her capabilities.

Christina prefers
have a few loyal friends rather than numerous buddies. She's happy to accept
guests and carefully prepares for this. Uninvited intrusions and surprises of this kind
can't stand it. Loves family. Becomes a strict but fair mother. She needs
a husband she could rely on.

For Christina's health
must be followed from childhood. She needs prolonged exposure to fresh air, exercise
sports. She is susceptible to viral diseases and predisposed to leukemia. U
her lungs are weak. In adulthood, osteochondrosis and dental diseases are possible.

silent, serious, thoughtful.

- in addition to everything, she is strict, patient, careful, and pedantic. Can work as a speech therapist,
teacher, educator, music teacher. Her name matches patronymics: Viktorovna, Alekseevna, Mikhailovna, Glebovna, Sergeevna, Vladimirovna.

“Summer” is mysterious, charming, good-natured.

- romantic, dreamer. This is a graphic artist, musician, fashion designer. The name is good
suitable for patronymics: Grigorievna, Anatolyevna, Efimovna, Petrovna, Lvovna,

Name day named after Christina

February 19, March 26, May 31, June 13, July 6, August 6,

A person has only one name day - these are either the name days that fall on the birthday, or the first after the birthday

Famous people named Christina

Numerology of the name Christina

Name number: 6

People born under the number six strive for altruism and selflessness, help others, and maintain family and friendly ties. They always make loving parents and children, and they also feel confident working in education, healthcare, and social work. Caring, traditional views, and denial of too drastic changes provide sixes with stability and confidence, but at the same time can make them vulnerable and inert.

The meaning of the letters in the name Christina

TO- distinguished by insight, slight nervousness and strong endurance. Regardless of gender, people with the first letter of their name “K” have a strong, strong-willed character. They are distinguished by remarkable stubbornness, which is the cause of the vast majority of conflict situations at home and at work.

R- people with the letter “R” in their name have extraordinary thinking. They are very responsible and you can rely on them in any situation. They have well-developed intuition and have an extremely negative attitude towards lies. They constantly strive for leadership, but in family relationships they rely on their partner.

AND- subtle mental organization, romance, kindness, honesty and peacefulness. Representatives of the fair sex pay a lot of attention to their appearance, while men focus on internal qualities. They manage to achieve great success in science and working with people. Very economical and prudent.

WITH- They are distinguished by stubbornness, unpredictability and leadership qualities. They are accustomed to relying on logic and common sense in their actions. They can be overly emotional, and sometimes even capricious. They constantly want to stand out from the gray mass. Excessive demands may be placed on the partner.

T- people with names that begin with this letter are comprehensively developed. They are vulnerable, sensitive and creative people. They try to be fair in everything. They have good intuition and adapt well to different conditions of the surrounding world. Capable of showing generosity.

N- strong, strong-willed and decisive individuals. Quite hardworking, but cannot stand monotonous and boring work. Smart, attractive, critical thinking present. A person takes a long time to choose a chosen one with whom he can live until the end of his days. Loves to take care of loved ones.

A- the alphabet begins with it, and it symbolizes the beginning, the desire to achieve success. If a person has this letter in his name, then he will constantly strive for physical and spiritual balance. People whose name starts with A are quite hardworking. They like to take initiative in everything and do not like routine.

Name as a phrase

  • TO- Kako
  • R- Rtsy (Rivers, Speak, Sayings)
  • AND- And (Union, Connect, Union, UNITY, One, Together, “Together with”)
  • WITH- Word
  • T- Firmly
  • N- Our (Ours, Yours)
  • A- Az (I, Me, Myself, Myself)

Name Christina in English (Latin)


When filling out a document in English, you should first write your first name, then your patronymic in Latin letters, and then your last name. You may need to write the name Christina in English when applying for a foreign passport, ordering a foreign hotel, when placing an order in an English online store, and so on.

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