Quest for a wedding dress. Quest for a wedding dress Make Formal Wear Quest for a formal dress

The quest for a wedding dress is needed only in order to then sell the dress to someone at exorbitant prices :) I don’t understand who is getting married in the game, but oh well, we read the quest for a wedding dress L2 in pictures and complete it in half an hour. The quest can be taken if you are lvl 60 or higher.

Advice: Collect the required amount of resources immediately so as not to stumble at each stage.

You need: 15 Oriharukon, 10 Artisan Frame, 500 Silver Nuggets, 150 Thons, 5600 Thread, 3000 Suede. 200 Leather, 500k Adena.

The wedding dress quest is called Formal Wear

1. The quest begins at Adene at the NPC Alexis V Accessory shop.

2. Near the weapons store in Adene we find Leikar, we talk to her.

3. She will send us to Jeremy, which in Hot Springs, we're flying to Godart, then to Jeremiah etc.

4. He sends us to Mist, who hovers his feet in one of the sources in Hot Springs.

5. Talk to Mist, back to Jeremy, and then soy, etc. Aden and go to Leikar.

The wedding dress quest L2 is called Make a Sewing Kit

7. The gnome needs spare parts for crafting; he needs to go “disassemble” a couple of golems. Let's port Oren, from there to Ivory Tower, we go down into the crater and look there Iron Golem 43 lvl.

8. When we collect 5 Enchanted Iron, return to Feris, he cunning beetle will ask again 10 Artisan Frame + 10 Oriharukon(damn not cheap res). We either buy them on the market or craft them. As soon as we collect resources, we give them away Feris and we get Sewing Kit- sewing kit.

9. Teleport to Giran, let's run to Accessory Shop, we find there Elli, take the quest.

The quest for a wedding dress L2 is called Find Glittering Jewelry

10. She will tell you that they want to scam her with supplies, you need to visit the suppliers, take them for a ride through the forest. Let's go to Giran Harbor we find there Felton, the old drunk did not deliver the pearls on time, which is why the jewelry store Ellie bends over.

11. Felton asks us to understand and forgive, because they are evil Alligator They don’t let him collect pearls. We are moving to Hein, from there etc. Aligator Island Don’t forget to take a couple of guys with you, because it won’t all end with just communication.

12. We begin to kill large lizards, receiving precious ore in return. How to collect 10 pieces, so let's fly back to Felton.

13. Felton thanks us for our help, we explain that the crocodiles realized that they were wrong and will not bother us anymore. Back to Elli, this bitch is asking us 5 oriharukon + 500 silver Nuggets + 150 Thons, in return we get Box with Gems.

Dress quest l2 In Search of Cloth

14. In Giran we run to Armor store, we find there Radia, she still has the same problems as Elli, let's go visit the suppliers.

15. We're flying to Gludio To Varan, we talk to him.

16. He promises that he will fix everything, we return back to Radia, she sends us to Ivory Tower, jump in Oren and in Ivory Tower. In the basement we find Ralford.

17. She asks to get some silk from the butts of spiders, we make soybeans, etc. Sea of ​​Spores. We go down into the pit, Orphen lives there carefully, don't aggro him. Farm Trislam Tarantula until you get it 10 cobwebs.

18. Let's return first to Ralford, then to Radia, she asks 5000 Thread 3000 Suede.

19. If you have collected Jewel box + Mysterious Cloth + Sewing Kit then we run to Aden To Leikar

As in life, in the game Lineage 2 people have the opportunity to go beyond friendship and move their relationships to a higher level, that is, to get married. To do this, you need two male and female characters (same-sex marriage is prohibited in this case).

And so you decided to have a wedding with your other half in the game Lineage 2. What is needed for this:

    First, add each other to your friends list using the command /friendinvite character nickname

    After this, you need to get the consent of the opposite half to the marriage, to do this, select the character in the list of friends and enter the command /engage, the character must confirm his desire

    In order to quickly fly to your other half, you can register the command /gotolove. If for some reason you want to dissolve your marriage, you need to register the command /divorce, in this case, your partner will receive some compensation from you in the form of game money - adena.

The most important thing that is required of you before starting the procedure is to find out whether there are weddings on your server at all - alas, on many servers they simply do not take place. If there is and you have already found your soul mate, then go ahead :-).

For your wedding you will need 2 (bride and groom) sets Wedding Dress (Formal Wear). You can get outfits at the market (but they are very inexpensive), or by completing a chain of quests. You need to start the chain with a quest Make Formal Wear , then there are 3 more quests, they can be done in any order:

After them - the last, 5th quest - Shoes for a wedding (Make a Pair of Dress Shoes) .

Now you can finish the first quest you took and get your reward :-).

How to get married in Lineage 2?

You can conduct the ceremony with the help of a GM ( Game master r - “game manager”, server administrator). In this case, check with him about the process.

If on your server you can do without it:
The wedding NPC is located in Giran near the palace.

Add your bride/groom to your friend list: /friendinvite name

Next step: talk to the wedding NPC and click on marrige (to marry). The second charm should be nearby, also talk to the wedding priest and accept your proposal.

That's all.

When you are married, you can write /gotolove(according to other sources, this is the team ~teleport- I didn’t check) and you will be transported to your spouse

If you want a divorce, write /divorce and your partner will receive some money from you.

On your wedding day, you will enjoy lots of fireworks, your wedding will be announced and you will have a lot of fun. They say that the most beautiful and spectacular weddings are held in the church. Town of Giran :-).

Wedding clothes on characters of different races (sorry for the quality/size):

In Search of Cloth - Find Glittering Jewelry - Make a Sewing Kit - Make a Pair of Dress Shoes

We run around in the game, we run, then suddenly bam! And a strange thought comes to mind about why we are running alone. And developing this very thought, after it comes the second one - isn’t it time for us to get married? No sooner said than done, the game quickly introduces an equally strange character of the opposite sex, everything seems to be in order, guests are invited, the date and place of the wedding are set, but after shaking out our entire numerous wardrobe, we find out that we have nothing to wear. Then it’s time to do a quest for a wedding dress.

I’ll say right away that when I went through this quest for the first time, everyone told me that it was terribly boring and long, and that’s exactly what it seemed to me then, but that’s because I didn’t know anything at the time, and I didn’t even have the resources. There were no hands on everyone. Today I completed it once again, and if all the resources are available, the quest can be completed slowly in one hour. Just before going into the oven, I put the chicken, exactly an hour later the chicken was cooked, and the wedding turned out.

The main inconvenience of the quest is that it is one-time only, and you cannot complete it more than once with the same spell. But everything can be decided - either we gather a crowd and run around with this whole crowd, which is much more fun, or we just run through two windows to get two outfits at once, because the men are all stupid, and making them run with you on the fic quest will work, but the chosen one You guys also need to dress up.

The point of the quest is to bring the NPC, which will make you a wedding dress, all the spare parts for it. One quest is the main one, but inside it there are four more quests, during which you get these very spare parts for your outfit. That is, you will take the main quest, go to the NPC who will sew the dress, and she will tell you where and from whom to take three additional quests. You do these three quests, turn in the items received from them, and then the NPC tells you who to take the fourth quest from. Having gone through this too, we hand over the last item, and finally get our wedding dress.

As you complete quests, NPCs will demand a bunch of different resources from you, so it is advisable to prepare them all at once and carry them with you, but the resources are not at all rare, they are just a lot in quantity. There is practically no need to beat any mobs, only three times during the entire passage, the mobs are small 40-46 lvl, so this will not cause problems for anyone.

Name and amount of resources needed to complete quests:

Silver Nugget - 500

And half a million adena, but this is not a problem at all, considering that a wedding outfit is sold for half a billion adena.

Well, now you can start the quest itself, or rather the chain of quests.

Quest Make Formal Wear
Starting level - 60
Starting NPC - Trader Alexis

Reward - wedding outfit (Formal Wear)

We go to take the quest to Trader Alexis, which is located in the accessories store in the city of Aden (this is where the colors are painted).

The aunt immediately says that well, nafik, she won’t sew anything, but she has one seamstress friend who earns money from time to time with such orders, and it would be better for us to turn to her. Her name is Maid Leikar, essentially a maid, she also looks like it’s not clear where such sewing abilities come from. But there’s nothing to do, let’s go, fortunately, walking nearby, across the square, Leikar is standing at the entrance to the armor/weapon shop.

And then it begins. Before discussing anything at all, this not at all skinny aunt will want to eat a cookie (what about her figure?) that Chef Jeremy will prepare for her. Well, we all know where Jeremy stands, since not a single third professional can do without him, and they take them from him, but if you have not yet reached this level, then he is located in the location, you can reach him at any level, There are only non-aggressive mobs around, from the teleport point we run to the middle of the clearing, where he stands near the tents.

But the old huckster will never give you a cookie until you take a bottle of wine to the old alcoholic Information Broker Mist, and this NPC is already among the aggressive mobs of level 75+. There are several options here: if you are of a sufficient level to kill these mobs, buff yourself and go ahead, but if you are very small, or try to somehow run around these mobs, or ask the database to buff the dance of shads, or ask for some kind of PPP, so that she aggravates all the mobs on the way and takes them aside (and she herself goes on a return), and at that time you have time to run to the NPC and back. Mist is standing in a green pool, see screenshot.

We do the job, the old fart is still indignant that the wine is not very strong and chilled, we get a cookie from Jeremy, we return to Aden, we hand-feed Leikar cookies, she becomes completely tame and agrees to sew a dress, but she needs three (so far three) items , which need to be obtained from different NPCs. These are exactly three separate quests, upon completion of which you receive parts of the wedding outfit. When you get all three and complete all three additional quests, turn everything over to Leikar and she will tell you who to take the fourth quest from. The three quests can be done in any order, you can do them all together, but this is precisely what is inconvenient; it was easier for me to do them one after the other. So, about the new quests:

Quest In Search of Cloth
Starting level - 60
Starting NPC - Trader Radia
Quest repeatability - not repeatable
Reward - Mysterious Cloth

Armor Trader Radia is located in the armor shop of Giran.

Everything is simple here: the merchant will send you to Gludio, to the Trader Varan merchant, who is located in the Grossery Shop of the city, well, this is where all sorts of bubbles are sold, next to the forge. Talk to the NPC and return back to Giran. Next, Trader Radia will send you to Ivory Tower, to the underground trading area (in simple terms, to the basement), where we talk with Trader Ralford.

This woman sends us to a location to hunt mobs until we get 10 spinerette items from them. The drop chance is very good, not 100%, but according to my observations, the chance is somewhere around 90%. We knock out all the items, return to Trader Ralford, she will send you back to Giran. There we talk to Armor Trader Radia, she will ask for resources: 5000 thread and 3000 suede, we give the resources and get Mysterious Cloth. This quest ends, we have the first clothes.

Quest Find Glittering Jewelry
Starting level - 60
Starting NPC - Jeweler Ellie
Quest repeatability - not repeatable
Reward - Jewel Box

Jeweler Ellie is located here in Giran, in the building next to the armor shop, where only costume jewelry is sold.

Ellie sends us to Giran Harbor (teleport from Giran) to talk to the NPC Wharf Manager Felton, he stands there next to the gatekeeper. Felton will tell you that you need to knock out 10 items from the mobs in the location. Immediately from the gatekeeper in Giran Harbor we teleport to Heine, and from there to the island of alligators. The mobs are nearby, across the hill. Here the drop of items is worse, offhand 70-75%. As soon as we knock out the items, we return to Giran to Jeweler Ellie. She will ask for resources: 5 Oriharukon, 150 Thons and 500 Silver Nugget. We give what is required, we receive a Jewel Box. This quest is also finished, we already have two clothes in our hands.

Quest Make a Sewing Kit
Starting level - 60
Starting NPC - Head Blacksmith Ferris
Quest repeatability - not repeatable
Reward - Sewing Kit

This quest is even easier than the previous ones. Head Blacksmith Ferris is located in the Aden forge, he is the main one there.

Puzan sends us to the location to hunt mobs (do not confuse the mobs, there are two similar golems there). Here the chance of dropping quest items is even lower, about 50%, but you only need to drop five items. We knock it out, return to the blacksmith, he will also ask for resources: 10 artisan frame and 10 oriharukon. We give, we receive Sewing Kit. This quest is also finished, we have three clothes that Leykar asked for. Let's return to her.

We hand over all our things, Leukar will say that all that remains is to find the slippers, and everything will be ready. This is another separate, fourth quest.

Quest Make a Pair of Dress Shoes
Starting level - 60
Starting NPC - Trader Woodley
Quest repeatability - not repeatable
Reward - Dress Shoe Box

Trader Woodley stands nearby, behind the wall, in the armor and weapon shop. We contact him, but he will answer that he has nothing to make these same slippers from and will send them back to Leikar. She will swear quietly, but efficiently, but probably not quietly enough, and everything will be heard through the wall. We go to Trader Woodley again, and here the banal blackmail begins - he needs 500k adena, 200 leather and 600 thread.

Figli, let's give it back, we're already used to it. But he, such an infection, does not take all 500k adena, but takes only 200k, and asks the remaining 300k to be taken to the Trader Ian NPC in the basement of Ivory Tower. We quickly rush there, we were already there today, we give away the adena and again appear before the honest eyes of Trader Woodley. That's it, we get the slippers, we have the last clothes, and this quest is over.

We return to Leikar, give her the slippers, and hooray, we get the Formal Wear wedding outfit. All quests are completed.

It must be said that this chain of quests is completed not only for the sake of the wedding ceremony. It just looks very beautiful on all races, and many prefer to move around the cities in a wedding dress, with or without an occasion. I remember my first server