Ensuring the safety of transportation of passengers and cargo under special conditions. Rules for ensuring the safety of transportation of passengers and cargo Rules for the safe transportation of passengers

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Appendix No. 1 to the order of the Ministry of Transport of Russia dated January 15, 2014 No. 7

Rules for ensuring the safety of transportation of passengers and cargo by road transport and urban ground electric transport

I. General provisions

1. The rules for ensuring the safety of transportation of passengers and cargo by road and urban ground electric transport (hereinafter referred to as the Rules) were developed in pursuance of Article 20 of the Federal Law of December 10, 1995 N 196-FZ “On Road Traffic Safety”.

2. These Rules define the main tasks and requirements for ensuring safety when organizing and carrying out the transportation of passengers and cargo by road transport and urban ground electric transport, imposed on legal entities and individual entrepreneurs carrying out activities on the territory of the Russian Federation related to the operation of vehicles intended for the transportation of passengers and cargo (hereinafter referred to as subjects of transport activities).

3. Subjects of transport activities are obliged to ensure the organization and implementation of measures to ensure the safety of transportation of passengers and cargo.

II. Requirements for organizing support activities

safety of transportation of passengers and cargo

4. The requirements for ensuring the safety of transportation of passengers and cargo by subjects of transport activities include:

1) ensuring professional competence and professional suitability of employees of the subject of transport activities;

2) ensuring compliance of vehicles used during operation with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation on technical regulation;

3) ensuring safe conditions for the transportation of passengers and cargo, including transportation under special conditions.

5. When organizing work aimed at ensuring the safety of transportation of passengers and cargo, the subject of transport activity carries out implementation and monitoring of compliance with the requirements established by paragraph 5 of these Rules, as well as measures for training employees of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs carrying out transportation by road and urban land electric transport, for safe operation and vehicles for safe operation, the list of which is specified in Appendix No. 2 to this order (hereinafter referred to as the List).

The subject of transport activity or a person authorized by him carries out checks of compliance with the measures specified in subparagraphs 1.3, 1.4, 1.5, 1.6, 2.3, 2.4, 2.5, 2.6 of the List in relation to the official responsible for ensuring road safety, as necessary, but not less than once a quarter.

The subject of transport activities or a person authorized by him carries out checks of compliance with the measures specified in subparagraphs 1.1, 1.2, 1.7 in relation to the official responsible for ensuring road safety, as necessary, at least once every six months.

The results of the checks specified in paragraphs two and three of this paragraph are documented.

6. In order to prevent road traffic accidents (hereinafter referred to as RTA), the subject of transport activities carries out annual planning of the activities specified in the List.

In the case of an accident involving vehicles belonging to a subject of transport activity, the subject of transport activity carries out an analysis of the causes and conditions that contributed to the occurrence of the accident, the results of which are documented and stored for at least three years.

When carrying out this analysis, the following are established:

1) in relation to the employee of the subject of transport activity who drove the vehicle (hereinafter referred to as the driver):

  • last name, first name, patronymic (if any), total driving experience of this category of vehicle, length of service with the subject of transport activity, length of service on this vehicle, as well as, if possible, the same information about other drivers involved in an accident;
  • the driver undergoes a medical examination for intoxication. In relation to the driver who was under the influence of alcohol, drugs or other toxic substances during the accident - the circumstances under which he found himself driving while intoxicated;
  • compliance by the driver with the work and rest regime during the period preceding the accident;
  • compliance by the driver with the legislation of the Russian Federation on road safety and these Rules;
  • the driver had administrative offenses in the field of traffic and labor discipline during the year preceding the incident, the presence of penalties against this driver during the year;
  • organization of advanced training and professional skills of the driver, compliance with the conditions of the driver’s internship;

2) in relation to a vehicle:

  • vehicle model;
  • state registration plate (for urban ground electric transport - side number), location of the steering control on the vehicle;
  • presence of vehicle malfunctions at the time of the accident;
  • availability of a diagnostic card confirming the completion of a technical inspection of the vehicle;
  • organization of vehicle maintenance and repair, including:
  • the frequency of vehicle maintenance and the timing of the last vehicle maintenance, as well as the person responsible for its implementation;
  • compliance with service mileage;
  • presence and list of faults detected during vehicle maintenance;
  • the presence of written requests from the driver to the subject of transport activity about malfunctions identified during the operation of the vehicle;

3) in relation to officials of the subject of transport activities:

  • last name, first name, patronymic (if any) of the person who carried out pre-trip control of the technical condition of the vehicle, compliance of the said person with qualification and professional requirements, compliance with the conditions and procedure for conducting pre-trip control of the technical condition of the vehicle;
  • last name, first name, patronymic (if any) of the person who instructed drivers (in the cases provided for by these Rules), compliance of the said person with qualification and professional requirements, compliance with the requirements for conducting briefing in accordance with these Rules;
  • last name, first name, patronymic (if any) of the person who carried out the pre-trip medical examination, compliance of the said person with qualification and professional requirements, compliance with the conditions and procedure for conducting the pre-trip medical examination;
  • compliance with the provisions of the legislation of the Russian Federation on road safety and these Rules;
  • measures taken by the subject of transport activities towards drivers with administrative offenses in the field of road traffic.

III. Ensuring professional competence

and professional suitability of the subject’s employees

transport activities

7. Ensuring professional competence and professional suitability of drivers is achieved:

  • conducting professional selection and training of drivers;
  • monitoring the health status of drivers, observing the work and rest regime during their work;
  • undergoing transportation safety training.

8. Ensuring the professional competence of workers directly related to the movement of vehicles (except for drivers) is achieved:

1) conducting professional selection and training of workers directly related to the movement of vehicles (with the exception of drivers);

2) the presence of the subject of transport activity of an official responsible for ensuring road safety and who has passed certification in the prescribed manner for the right to occupy the corresponding position (Paragraph two of paragraph 4 of Article 20 of the Federal Law of December 10, 1995 N 196-FZ "On Road Safety" movement").

9. Professional selection and training of workers directly related to the movement of vehicles are carried out in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

10. The subject of transport activity is obliged to ensure control of the health status of vehicle drivers, and not to allow persons in a state of intoxication (alcohol, narcotic or other toxic) to drive vehicles.

11. The subject of transport activity is obliged, in accordance with Article 20 of the Federal Law of December 10, 1995 No. 196-FZ “On Road Safety,” to organize mandatory medical examinations of drivers.

12. The subject of transport activity is obliged to monitor compliance with the deadlines for mandatory preliminary and periodic medical examinations of drivers, as well as to send them for the next medical examination in accordance with the order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated April 12, 2011 No. 302n “On approval of lists of harmful and (or) hazardous production factors and work, during which mandatory medical examinations (examinations) are carried out, and the Procedure for conducting mandatory preliminary and periodic medical examinations (examinations) of workers engaged in heavy work and work with harmful and (or) dangerous working conditions" (registered Ministry of Justice of Russia on October 21, 2011, registration No. 22111) as amended by order of the Ministry of Health of Russia dated May 15, 2013 No. 296n “On amendments to Appendix No. 2 to the order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation dated April 12, 2011. No. 302n "On approval of lists of harmful and (or) dangerous production factors and work, during which mandatory preliminary and periodic medical examinations (examinations) are carried out, and the Procedure for conducting mandatory preliminary and periodic medical examinations (examinations) of workers engaged in heavy work and at work with harmful and (or) dangerous working conditions" (registered by the Ministry of Justice of Russia on July 3, 2013, registration No. 28970).

13. The subject of transport activity has the right, if signs of deterioration in the driver’s health that threaten traffic safety are detected, to send him for an extraordinary compulsory medical examination.

14. The subject of transport activities ensures documentary recording and analysis of the results of all types of mandatory medical examinations of drivers in order to identify employees prone to alcohol abuse, use of drugs or other drugs, suffering from chronic diseases that affect the performance of work functions.

15. The subject of transport activities ensures control of compliance with the working hours and rest periods of drivers established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

16. The subject of transport activity is obliged to provide drivers with the following information:

1) about weather conditions on the route;

2) on places for organizing recreation and eating, placement of sanitary facilities;

3) about parking places for vehicles;

4) about the telephone numbers of the duty units of the State Traffic Inspectorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia along the route;

5) about the features of ensuring traffic safety and operation of vehicles during seasonal changes in weather and road conditions;

6) about the causes and circumstances of the occurrence of an accident, violations of the Traffic Rules, rules of technical operation of vehicles and other requirements and standards of road safety that occurred with the participation of drivers of the subject of transport activity;

7) on the location of medical and technical assistance points, traffic control centers for vehicles and on the procedure for communication with these points;

8) about the actions of the driver in situations related to non-compliance with the vehicle schedule for reasons beyond his control;

9) about the route of movement of a vehicle carrying passengers, conditions and traffic modes on the route, places where road accidents are concentrated on routes of regular transportation of passengers;

10) on the procedure for determining the total and axial mass of a vehicle, on the rules for loading vehicles and carrying out weight and dimensional control when transporting goods.

17. The information specified in paragraph 16 of these Rules must be communicated to drivers through introductory, pre-trip, seasonal, and special briefings.

18. Introductory training is carried out with all drivers upon hiring, regardless of their level of qualifications and work experience. The topics of the introductory briefing include the following questions:

  • general information about the subject of transport activity (size and structure of the vehicle fleet, types of transportation performed);
  • requirements for the organization and safe operation of vehicles imposed on the driver operating for a given transport entity;
  • internal labor regulations;
  • the procedure for undergoing pre-trip and post-trip medical examinations;
  • the procedure for passing pre-trip inspection of the technical condition of a vehicle;
  • vehicle loading standards (for passenger transportation - passenger capacity);
  • features of servicing persons with disabilities or people with disabilities with impaired functions of the musculoskeletal system, vision, hearing (for passenger transportation);
  • basic data on accident rates on the route network, circumstances and causes of the prevailing types of accidents;
  • documents necessary for the transportation of passengers and (or) cargo.

19. Pre-trip briefing is carried out:

  • when the driver departs along the route for the first time;
  • when transporting children;
  • when transporting dangerous, large and heavy cargo.

The topics of the pre-trip briefing include the following questions:

  • length of the route, road conditions, the presence of dangerous areas and places where accidents are concentrated, features of the organization of road traffic;
  • final, intermediate points of the route, places of rest, eating, changing drivers (if necessary), parking for vehicles;
  • location along the route of medical and technical assistance points, posts of the State Traffic Inspectorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, control centers, bus stations and bus stations;
  • driver's working conditions when the intensity of traffic and pedestrian flows increases;
  • traffic safety during school holidays;
  • information about changes in the organization of transportation, about the features of passage of railway crossings, overpasses and other artificial structures, the use of ferries and floating bridges;
  • precautions when overcoming long descents and ascents;
  • actions of the driver in situations related to non-compliance with the vehicle schedule for reasons beyond his control (when transporting passengers on regular routes);
  • features of boarding, disembarking and transportation of persons with disabilities or people with disabilities with impaired functions of the musculoskeletal system, vision, hearing, in relation to a specific route (when transporting passengers);
  • features of the bus delivery to the passenger boarding area (when transporting children);
  • features of boarding and disembarking children, their transportation, interaction of the driver with persons accompanying children (when transporting children).

20. Seasonal briefings are carried out with all drivers twice a year - in the spring-summer and autumn-winter periods.

The topics of seasonal briefings include issues that determine the features of operating and driving vehicles in the spring-summer and autumn-winter periods, as well as those related to ensuring road safety in difficult weather and road conditions.

21. Special briefing is carried out with all drivers if it is necessary to urgently communicate information to them in the following cases:

  • the entry into force of regulatory legal acts, the provisions of which affect the professional activities of drivers;
  • changes in the route and traffic conditions affecting road safety;
  • obtaining information about road accidents with human casualties, significant material and environmental damage;
  • committing and (or) threatening to commit terrorist acts.

During the briefing, an assessment of the current situation and the procedure for the necessary actions of the driver are given.

22. The subject of transport activities is prohibited from allowing drivers to work related to driving vehicles without undergoing appropriate instructions.

23. The subject of transport activities maintains documentary records of information about the persons (last name, first name, patronymic, position held) who underwent and conducted the briefing, the type of briefing and the date of its conduct. The results of this accounting are stored by the subject of transport activities for at least three years.

IV. Ensuring the safety of operated


24. The subject of transport activity is obliged to ensure the safety of vehicles used to transport passengers and goods during operation.

25. To carry out the transportation of passengers and cargo, it is necessary to use vehicles approved for operation in the prescribed manner.

26. The subject of transport activity is obliged to ensure the protection of vehicles from acts of illegal interference in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation on transport security.

27. The subject of transport activity is obliged to ensure the organization of maintenance and repair of used vehicles in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions.

A vehicle whose technical condition does not meet the safety requirements established by the Basic Regulations for the admission of vehicles to operation and the responsibilities of officials to ensure road safety, approved by Resolution of the Council of Ministers - Government of the Russian Federation dated October 23, 1993 No. 1090, cannot be allowed to carry out transportation of passengers and cargo without eliminating identified inconsistencies and re-monitoring technical condition.

28. The subject of transport activity is obliged to ensure pre-trip control of the technical condition of the vehicle.

It is prohibited to release vehicles onto the line that have not passed pre-trip inspection of technical condition.

29. Information about the inspection of the technical condition of the vehicle and the place where it was carried out is recorded in waybills. Control of the technical condition of vehicles when released onto the line (returned from the line) is ensured by an employee of the subject of transport activity who authorizes the vehicles for operation.

30. For the transportation of large-sized and (or) heavy cargo, vehicles (including combinations of vehicles) equipped with an automatic (emergency) braking system that comply with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation on technical regulation are used.

31. When transporting large cargo, the established visibility conditions in the rear-view mirrors on both sides must be observed, which provide the driver with sufficient visibility both in straight and curved motion, taking into account the dimensions of the vehicle and the cargo being transported.

V. Ensuring safe transportation conditions

passengers and cargo

32. Ensuring safe conditions for the transportation of passengers and cargo is achieved:

  • ensuring safe conditions for cargo transportation;
  • ensuring safe conditions for organizing regular passenger transportation;
  • ensuring safe conditions for organizing and carrying out passenger transportation according to orders;
  • ensuring safe conditions for organizing and carrying out passenger transportation by passenger taxi;
  • ensuring safe transportation of passengers and cargo under special conditions.

Ensuring safe conditions for cargo transportation

33. The permissible maximum weight of the vehicle and axle load must not exceed the limit values ​​​​specified in the vehicle passport.

34. When placing cargo on a vehicle, the values ​​of the weight and dimensional parameters established by the Rules for the carriage of goods by road, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 15, 2011 No. 272, must be observed, and conditions must be ensured for uniform distribution of the mass of the cargo over the entire area of ​​the platform or vehicle body, container.

35. When placing cargo on vehicles and containers, it is necessary to avoid damage to the cargo, containers and packaging, vehicles and containers.

36. When placing cargo, the following requirements are taken into account:

  • larger and heavier loads are placed in the lower part and closer to the longitudinal axis of symmetry of the platform or vehicle body, container, taking into account the establishment of the center of gravity as low as possible above the platform (body) flooring and in the middle of the platform (body) length;
  • homogeneous piece goods in the body of a vehicle or in a container must be stacked in compliance with the same number of tiers and ensuring reliable fastening of the top tier of the stack;
  • Cargoes with a smaller volumetric mass are placed on cargoes with a large volumetric mass;
  • free space, gaps between cargo stacks and body walls are filled using gaskets, inflatable containers and other devices.

37. When loading and placing long cargoes of different sizes, lengths and thicknesses on vehicles, their identical dimensions should be selected in each individual row; longer cargo should be placed in the lower rows.

38. When placing cargo in the body of a vehicle or in a container, gaps of up to 15 cm are allowed between parts of the cargo, between the cargo and the side walls or side walls of the body (container), between the cargo and the rear side or door of the body of the vehicle or container.

39. Cargo in standard transport packages (containers, packages) are placed in the body of a vehicle, in a container in accordance with the established placement scheme for a given type (model) of vehicle or container, taking into account the technical conditions of the manufacturer of the relevant products presented for transportation.

40. When transporting cargo in bulk (soil, clay, gravel, sand and gravel mixture, etc.), the shipper, when loading, must place them evenly in the body of the car so that the cargo does not protrude beyond the upper edges of the open body. In order to avoid the load falling out of the body while the vehicle is moving, the subject of transport activity must retrofit the body with a means of covering.

41. When transporting liquid cargo in tank trucks or tank containers, the subject of transport activity is obliged to comply with the requirements of the tank manufacturers regarding their filling.

42. It is not allowed to use bodies for transportation of goods that have:

  • damage to the flooring and sides;
  • faulty racks, hinges and handles of locking devices;
  • external and internal damage, ruptures, distortions of the body, as well as the awning of the onboard platform.

43. When determining methods of securing cargo, the following forces acting on the cargo while the vehicle is moving are taken into account:

  • longitudinal horizontal inertial forces arising during vehicle braking;
  • transverse horizontal forces that arise when a vehicle moves around turns and curves of the road;
  • vertical forces arising from vibrations of a moving vehicle;
  • friction force (force acting due to friction between the load and adjacent surfaces when the load moves);
  • gravity (load weight).

The magnitude of the forces acting on the load must compensate for:

  • a force equal to 0.8 of the weight of the load in the forward direction (longitudinal horizontal along the direction of travel of the vehicle);
  • a force equal to 0.5 of the weight of the load in the opposite direction of movement and to the sides (left, right) in the direction of movement of the vehicle.

The friction force is determined taking into account the coefficient of friction, and the force of gravity is determined taking into account the acceleration of gravity.

44. Onboard platforms, cargo platforms for placing cargo, bodies are equipped with devices for tying and securing cargo.

The securing means that prevent the movement of the load must be as close as possible to the floor of the vehicle body, and the angle between the securing means and the surface of the body (platform) floor must be no more than 60°.

To ensure stability of the load, it is necessary to use at least two fastening straps when fastening to the platform and two pairs of fastening straps when fastening with guy wires in the longitudinal and transverse directions relative to the vehicle platform.

45. The following are not used for securing cargo:

  • together various means of fastening (belt with cable, belt with chain and others);
  • mechanical aids (bars, levers, mounts and other means not intended for securing loads);
  • knotted fastening straps, chains, cables.

46. ​​Fastening belts, chains, cables must be protected from protruding surfaces of the load in order to prevent mechanical damage by means of protective devices - corners, pads and other devices.

Labels with markings for fastening straps, cables and chains must not be damaged and must be clearly marked.

47. Fastening belts must not be used in the following cases:

  • in the event of the formation of ruptures, transverse cracks or cuts, delaminations, significant areas of corrosion of metal parts, damage to clamping or connecting elements;
  • if load-bearing seams are damaged;
  • if there is no marking on the fastening belt.

48. Fastening cables must not be used in the following cases:

  • when the cable wears out, when its nominal diameter is reduced by more than 10%;
  • when flattened, when the cable is compressed by more than 15% or it has a sharp edge.

49. Fastening chains are prohibited from being used in the following cases:

  • when the thickness of the links in any place is reduced by more than 10% of the nominal thickness;
  • when the link is lengthened by any deformation by more than 5%;
  • with cuts.

50. The driver is obliged to check the serviceability of fastening devices on the vehicle after bringing them into working condition, as well as during the transportation of cargo.

51. Transportation of large and (or) heavy cargo is possible in cases where the cargo cannot be divided into parts without the risk of damage.

The movement of vehicles transporting large cargo in organized columns is not allowed.

52. To ensure safety when transporting large and (or) heavy cargo and informing other road users about its dimensions listed in the table “Mandatory conditions for the use of cover vehicles” (appendix to these Rules), the use of cover vehicles is necessary.

53. The cover vehicle must move:

1) in front of the vehicle:

at a safe distance for driving (taking into account the established speed), with a ledge on the left side in relation to the vehicle transporting large-sized and (or) heavy cargo, so that its width dimensions protrude beyond the dimensions of the accompanying vehicle with information reflective or the light display specified in paragraph 56 of these Rules, facing forward;

with a deployed device for determining the height of artificial structures and other utilities when the height of the vehicle with or without cargo is over 4.5 meters;

2) behind a vehicle with a reflective or internally illuminated information board specified in paragraph 54 of these Rules, facing rearward.

The use of a cover vehicle behind the vehicle is also necessary in cases where the overhang of the cargo over the rear clearance of the vehicle is more than four meters, regardless of other parameters of the vehicle with the cargo.

54. The cover vehicle must:

1) have reflective yellow-orange stripes;

2) be equipped with:

  • two flashing beacons of yellow or orange color (the use of flashing beacons structurally combined in one housing is allowed);
  • a yellow reflective or illuminated information board measuring one meter by 0.5 meters with the text “LARGE WIDTH”, “LONG LENGTH”, made of blue reflective film with a font height of 14 cm;
  • a device for determining the height of artificial structures and other utilities.

The flashing light is installed on or above the roof of the vehicle. Methods for installing flashing beacons must ensure the reliability of their fastening in all modes of movement and braking of the vehicle.

55. A reflective or internally illuminated information board must be installed on or above the roof of the cover vehicle behind the flashing light in the direction of travel.

and be used for the purpose of additional informing road users about the overall parameters of the vehicle:

  • when the width of a vehicle with large cargo is over 3.5 meters - “BIG WIDTH”;
  • if the length of a vehicle with large cargo is more than 25 meters and at the same time the width is not more than 3.5 meters - “LONG LENGTH”;
  • when the width of a vehicle with a large cargo is over 3.5 meters and the simultaneous length is more than 25 meters, on the cover vehicle next in front - “LARGE WIDTH”, and on the cover vehicle following behind - “LONG LENGTH”.

56. In cases where the width of the vehicle exceeds five meters or the length of the vehicle exceeds 35 meters, or when on two-lane roads when a large vehicle is moving, the width of the roadway for oncoming traffic is less than three meters, it is necessary to develop a project for organizing traffic along the route or section route.

The specified project must contain the following information:

  • diagram and description of the route;
  • characteristics and parameters of vehicles involved in traffic;
  • diagram(s) of cargo placement and securing;
  • route schedule taking into account traffic intensity;
  • traffic management and cover schemes in areas with limited visibility, and places specified in the “Special conditions” column of the special permit approved by Order of the Ministry of Transport of Russia dated July 24, 2012 No. 258 “On approval of the Procedure for issuing a special permit for traffic on motor roads a vehicle transporting heavy and (or) large-sized cargo,” indicating the location of cover vehicles, and the scheme for changing the organization of traffic;
  • the procedure for driving through the most difficult sections of the route (turns, intersections, railway crossings, narrowing of the roadway, sections with access to the lane of oncoming traffic and with limited visibility) with the movement trajectory plotted on the diagram;
  • places where control measurements of the dimensions of artificial structures and communications are carried out during transportation;
  • information about the need to completely or partially block traffic on sections of the road;
  • stopping and parking places for rest and passage of passing (oncoming) vehicles.

The information contained in the project must be confirmed by photographic materials reflecting the actual state of the road infrastructure.

The road traffic organization project is submitted by the subject of transport activity to the authorized body for issuing a special permit in the manner determined by Order of the Ministry of Transport of Russia dated July 24, 2012 No. 258 “On approval of the Procedure for issuing a special permit for the movement of a vehicle transporting heavy and ( or) large cargo." If it is necessary to carry out a special project for the transportation of large and (or) heavy cargo, the road traffic management project is included as an integral part of the special project. The authorized body for issuing a special permit submits this project to the division of the State Traffic Inspectorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, which carries out the approval of the special permit.

57. The placement and securing of large and (or) heavy cargo on a vehicle must comply with the cargo securing scheme developed by its manufacturer.

The extreme points of cargo dimensions (length, width) and (or) vehicle must be indicated by the identification sign “Large cargo” and flashing yellow or orange lights (signals).

58. The speed of movement of large and (or) heavy vehicles, vehicles carrying large and (or) heavy loads is established taking into account road conditions in the manner determined by Order of the Ministry of Transport of Russia dated July 24, 2012 No. 258 “On approval of the Issuance Procedure a special permit for the movement of a vehicle transporting heavy and (or) large-sized cargo on roads.”

59. During the transportation of large and (or) heavy cargo, it is prohibited:

  • deviate from the route established in the special permit;
  • exceed the speed specified in the permit;
  • drive during ice, snowfall, and also when meteorological visibility is less than 100 meters;
  • drive along the side of the road, if such an order is not determined by the conditions of transportation;
  • stop outside specially designated parking areas located outside the roadway;
  • continue transportation if a technical malfunction of the vehicle occurs that threatens traffic safety, as well as if the cargo is displaced or its fastening is weakened.

60. If, during movement, circumstances arise that require a change in the route of movement, the subject of transport activity is obliged to obtain special permission for a new route in the prescribed manner.

Ensuring safe conditions for organizing regularpassenger transportation

61. Routes for regular transportation of passengers by buses are organized on highways of I-IV categories, and by trolleybuses on highways of I-III categories.

Regular bus traffic on sections of category V roads can be organized for the purpose of carrying out bus transportation at the entrances to rural settlements by buses belonging to the M2 category of vehicles, if there is a hard road surface on sections of such roads in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation on highways and on road activities, as well as local widening of the roadway, sufficient for vehicles to pass in the visibility zone with vehicles in the opposite direction of traffic in compliance with the Traffic Rules and safety requirements for vehicles providing these transportations.

62. A transport entity engaged in regular passenger transportation is obliged to:

1) provide each driver with the following documents:


schedule (schedule) of movement along the route of regular transportation;

route diagram indicating dangerous areas;

2) when carrying out transportation, monitor compliance with the schedule (schedule) of movement and the maximum capacity of vehicles, compliance with the path of movement of vehicles with the established routes of regular transportation.

63. The organization of a bus route for regular passenger transportation passing through an unregulated railway crossing is carried out in agreement with the owner of this crossing.

64. It is prohibited to organize a route for regular transportation of urban ground electric transport passing through railway crossings of the main highways of the general network, electrified external and internal access roads.

65. When transporting passengers in intercity traffic on regular transportation routes, luggage must be placed only in the luggage compartments of buses or transported separately in luggage cars or in special trailers.

66. It is prohibited to deviate from the route established by the route diagram or make stops in places not provided for by the route diagram (except when this is caused by the need to ensure transportation and road safety).

67. Subjects of transport activities must monitor the implementation of all flights provided for by the vehicle schedule on the regular passenger transportation routes they serve, analyze the reasons for the driver’s non-compliance with the schedule (schedule) and, if necessary, adjust the schedule (schedule).

transportation of passengers according to orders

68. The route for transporting passengers on order is determined by agreement between the charterer and the charterer in compliance with road safety requirements.

69. When transporting passengers in intercity traffic on orders, luggage must be placed only in the luggage compartments of buses or transported separately in luggage cars or in special trailers.

Ensuring safe conditions for organization and implementationtransportation of passengers by passenger taxi

70. The subject of transport activity is obliged to provide the driver of a passenger taxi with the information listed in subparagraphs 1 - 7 of paragraph 16 of these Rules.

71. When transporting passengers and luggage in intercity traffic by passenger taxi, luggage must be placed only in luggage compartments and (or) in a trailer.

or equivalent slopes over the specified length, determined by the formula given in subclause 4 of this clause;

more than 30% o for a continuous length of more than 150 meters in the presence of curves (turns) with a radius of less than 30 meters on the slopes or immediately after them.

73. Transportation of passengers and cargo along routes running along winter roads, in off-road conditions, crossing water barriers (non-permanent crossing structures: ferry crossings and floating bridges; natural objects equipped for crossing vehicles and pedestrians: ice crossings, ford crossings) , are carried out only subject to notification of organizations operating winter roads and crossings along which transportation is supposed to be carried out.

74. Drivers crossing water obstacles and driving on winter roads are required to follow the instructions of the employees responsible for the operation of these crossings and winter roads, made within the limits of their competence.

75. The crossing of vehicles through water barriers must be carried out in accordance with the requirements of regulatory legal and regulatory technical acts establishing the procedure and safety rules for the operation of water barriers.

76. The transportation of passengers across ice crossings is prohibited, with the exception of areas located in the 1st road climate zone, provided that the gross weight of the vehicle is three times less than the permissible load on ice and the air temperature is below minus 20° Celsius. Decisions on the passage of vehicles along the ice crossing and the moment of opening (closing) traffic are made by the organization operating it. The decision to allow (or refuse to allow) buses is made by the head of the operating organization.

77. Technical requirements for floating bridges, including those operated during freeze-ups, are determined in accordance with the legislation on technical regulation.

78. The decision on the movement of vehicles carrying groups of people across a floating bridge is made by executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local government bodies in charge of the highway and which made the decision to open the floating bridge.

79. During the dark time of the day (the period of time from the end of evening twilight to the beginning of morning twilight), entrances (exits) at crossings over water obstacles, borders of the crossing route, places for boarding and disembarking passengers must have artificial lighting (for ice crossings, it is allowed to install poles with reflective marking). In the absence of proper lighting of the crossings, the movement of vehicles at night along the crossing is prohibited.

80. Crossings over water barriers must be equipped with areas for disembarkation and pick-up of passengers with drive-in local widening of the roadway for vehicles, barriers, and technical means of organizing traffic in accordance with the current rules for the operation of these crossings.

81. Before each entrance to a crossing over a water barrier, information materials must be posted for viewing, indicating the rules for using the crossing, its technical characteristics and operating mode, the name, address and telephone number of the organization operating the crossing.

82. Vehicles carrying passengers along regular transportation routes move across a water barrier without a queue in accordance with their schedule.

83. The traffic schedule on regular transportation routes using water crossings must be linked to the operating hours of these crossings and provide sufficient time for the crossing, including the disembarkation and embarkation of passengers.

84. Movement along water crossings is carried out in accordance with the rules for using the crossing established by the operating organization.

85. Transportation of passengers and cargo on sections of the route with special traffic conditions is permitted provided that the parameters of geometric elements and transport and operational indicators of sections of highways, their structural elements, protective road structures, artificial road structures and equipment elements, parameters for their repair comply with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation Federation on technical regulation and legislation of the Russian Federation on road safety.

86. The operation of articulated vehicles is prohibited on routes in mountainous areas.

87. Trams and trolleybuses approved for operation on routes with special traffic conditions established by subparagraphs 4 and 5 of paragraph 72 of these Rules must undergo initial operation on a route not related to the route with special traffic conditions.

88. Regular transportation of passengers on routes with special traffic conditions is carried out under the following conditions:

1) the width of the carriageway of sections of highways is sufficient for the safe passage of vehicles in the oncoming direction;

2) sections of highways with horizontal radii of less than 2000 meters are equipped with turns and transition curves;

3) horizontal and vertical road markings on the roadway and road construction elements are clearly visible at any time of the day;

4) sections of highways are marked with signal posts and reflectors. Retroreflectors used for optical orientation of drivers are installed on curves with a radius of less than 60 meters in combination with horizontal marking lines;

5) on serpentines, sections of highways with a small radius, sections, intersections and junctions with poor visibility, spherical mirrors of increased size (with a diameter of 1,000 mm and above) are installed;

6) speed limits are limited by installing appropriate road signs on sections of highways in accordance with the traffic management project approved in the prescribed manner;

7) there is additional information support for drivers through the use of road signs and indicators about the magnitude of the slope, the length of descents and ascents, the profile of the road, the recommended minimum distance for vehicles, and the presence of dangerous sections on the route.

Appendix to the Rules

Mandatory conditions for the use of cover vehicles


Measures to ensure road safety Dimensional parameters of the vehicle or vehicle with cargo
Height over 4.5 m Width
Less than 3 m From 3 to 3.5 m From 3.5 to 4 m From 4 to 4.5 m From 4.5 to 5 m From 5 or more m
From 25 to 40 m More than 40 m From 25 to 40 m More than 40 m Less than 25 m From 25 to 40 m More than 40 m Less than 25 m From 25 to 40 m More than 40 m Less than 25 m From 25 to 40 m More than 40 m All lengths
Front cover car 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 2 2 2 2 Determined by the traffic management project (clause 56 of these Rules)
Cover car from behind 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

TO category:

Car maintenance

Organization of transportation of goods and passengers

Transportation of goods by motor transport enterprises is carried out in accordance with the national economic plan under agreements between cargo owners and the motor transport enterprise.

In this case, the motor transport enterprise is entrusted with ensuring the supply of technically sound vehicles corresponding to the type of goods being transported, in quantities and within the time limits stipulated by the contract or preliminary application.

By the nature of transportation, motor transport enterprises can be freight, passenger and mixed, and by affiliation and purpose - general use, serving clientele regardless of departmental affiliation, and departmental, performing transportation only for the organizations of which these enterprises are a part.

The main tasks of a motor transport enterprise are: organization and execution of transportation in accordance with the plan; storage, maintenance and repair of rolling stock; selection, placement and advanced training of personnel, labor organization; planning and accounting of production and financial activities; logistics; maintenance and repair of buildings, structures and equipment.

To perform these tasks, motor transport enterprises have operational, technical and management services.

Key performance indicators of rolling stock. The operation of vehicles is characterized by the following main technical and economic indicators (measurements): coefficient of technical readiness of the fleet, coefficient of output per line (utilization of the fleet), coefficient of working time utilization, speed of movement, utilization coefficient of mileage and load capacity.

When a vehicle is operating on a line, mileage is distinguished: total, loaded, empty and zero.

Total mileage is the distance in kilometers traveled by a vehicle during a working day.

A run with cargo (passengers) is a productive run.

Empty mileage is the mileage of a vehicle without cargo (passengers) between unloading and loading points (drop-off and pick-up).

Zero mileage is the mileage of the vehicle from the depot to the loading (pick-up) point and from the last unloading (drop-off) point to the depot, as well as trips to refuel.

Features of transportation of various cargoes. Loading and unloading operations consist of basic and additional operations. The main operations include: moving cargo from its storage location, loading onto rolling stock, unloading, moving cargo to the place of its delivery and stacking. Additional operations include packaging and labeling, weighing or measuring cargo, lashing and covering cargo, processing documents for acceptance and delivery of cargo.

In order to reduce vehicle downtime during loading and unloading, various devices and mechanisms, stationary (conveyors, bins, cranes, hoists) or mobile, are used. Mobile vehicles include various self-propelled loaders and cranes installed directly on vehicles.

Transportation of agricultural goods can be carried out on conventional trucks, as well as on specialized rolling stock. For example, when transporting grain, grain-carrying road trains are effectively used, consisting of a tractor-trailer and a semi-trailer-dump truck, which has a roof to protect it from precipitation. To transport mixed feed, feed trucks are used, equipped with a special body based on a dump truck. Transportation of vegetables, hay, straw, cotton and other lightweight agricultural cargo is carried out on dump trucks with an increased body height.

In order to carry out the transportation of goods in the shortest possible time, loading and unloading operations are mechanized by using special loaders (beet loaders, grain loaders, conveyors, elevators, mechanical shovels, car dumpers, etc.).

Transportation of construction goods includes transportation of soil, quarry materials, construction trusses and panels, bricks, mortars, etc. To transport the above goods, as a rule, specialized rolling stock is used. Dump trucks transport sand, crushed stone, gravel, rubble stone, asphalt, mortars, and soil from pits. On construction sites and in quarries, when a truck crew constantly works with the same set of loading equipment, the integrated team method gives good results. For example, when transporting from a pit, a complex team of several drivers and excavator operators is created, while the driver-foreman receives an order indicating the volume and duration of work, as well as the amount of salary for the drivers. When a work order is completed, wages are distributed among the brigade drivers in accordance with the actual number of trips with cargo. This method creates personal interest in each team member and helps increase productivity.

Transportation of cement is carried out by cement trucks, on which cement is unloaded using compressed air supplied from a compressor installed on the vehicle. Cement supply range up to 50 m via hose, to a height of up to 25 m.

Construction panels and trusses are transported on special panel carriers and farm trucks towed by tractors. A farm transport train consists of a tractor vehicle and a dismantling semi-trailer. When transporting mortars and asphalt, dump trucks are used, the bodies of which are insulated with mats or heated with exhaust gases in winter. In addition, special mortar trucks are used.

Transportation of food and industrial goods in many cases requires specially equipped rolling stock.

To transport bakery products, special vans and van trailers are used. The van is equipped with special guides for installing trays with bread and forced ventilation. Transportation of perishable products in a chilled or frozen state is carried out in an isothermal body. The outer skin of the body is made of sheet steel, the inner skin is galvanized, the space between them is filled with foam plastic or mipore. Meat carcasses are hung in the truck on special hooks.

Milk is transported in milk tankers. To fill the sections of the tank with milk, a vacuum is created in them from the running engine of the tractor, and the milk is drained by gravity.

Flour is transported in bags on trucks, the bodies of which are equipped with lids, and in special tanks on semi-trailers. The tank is loaded with flour through hatches and unloaded using air pressure of up to 0.2 MPa (2 kgf/cm2) created by the compressor of the tractor vehicle.

Finished clothes are transported in vans equipped with hangers.

Rice. 135. Tankers for transporting milk (a) and flour (b).

Centralized transportation of goods is currently widespread both within a populated area (city) and between cities. They are characterized by the fact that a motor transport company, in addition to representing vehicles, also assumes forwarding functions, relieving shippers and consignees from these responsibilities.

During centralized transportation, the recipient of the cargo does not participate in the transport process and is responsible only for unloading work. Receipt of the cargo at the loading point, its registration and forwarding is carried out by the transport organization, and the role of the forwarder is usually performed by the driver.

Centralized transportation of goods is a progressive form of organizing road transport, which has a number of significant advantages. With centralized transportation, downtime of rolling stock during loading and unloading is reduced, since conditions are created for the mechanization of these works, and downtime while waiting for cargo to be received is reduced. With centralized transportation, a large number of loaders, forwarders and agents are released, which contributes to more efficient use of specialized rolling stock, better routing of transportation, increases the productivity of vehicles and the culture of customer service.

Transportation of passengers. Passengers are transported by buses and taxi cars.

Bus transportation can be urban, suburban, intercity and tourist excursion. Urban, suburban and intercity transportation is carried out by public bus transport according to a schedule.

Taxi transportation is distinguished into two types - according to individual routes assigned by passengers, and route transportation, which carries out transportation according to established routes and schedules. For individual transportation, passenger cars are used, and for route transportation, especially small capacity buses are used.

Business trips in taxi cars by employees of enterprises and institutions are paid for with travel coupons of various denominations according to the kilometer traveled, which are purchased at motor transport enterprises with advance payment by bank transfer at the expense and within the limits established by higher organizations. The customer puts his stamp and the name of the person to whom the coupon was issued on the back of each coupon. At the end of the trip, coupons are given to the driver for the total distance corresponding to the taxi's indication. If there are a shortage of coupons, additional payment is made in cash.

TO Category: - Car maintenance



from 08.11.2007 No. 259-FZ

Charter of motor transport and urban
ground electric transport

Chapter 1. General provisions

Article 1. Subject of regulation

1. This Federal Law regulates the relations arising in the provision of services by road transport and urban ground electric transport, which are part of the transport system of the Russian Federation. Relations related to the provision of services by road transport and urban ground electric transport and not regulated by this Federal Law are regulated by other federal laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation.

2. This Federal Law determines the general conditions for the transportation of passengers and luggage, cargo, respectively, by buses, trams, trolleybuses, cars, trucks, including using car trailers, car semi-trailers (hereinafter also referred to as vehicles), as well as the general conditions for the provision services to passengers, charterers, shippers, consignees, carriers, charterers at transport infrastructure facilities.

3. Transportation of passengers, baggage, and cargo by road in international traffic is regulated by international treaties of the Russian Federation.

4. The provisions of the legislation of the Russian Federation on the protection of consumer rights also apply to relations related to the transportation of passengers and baggage, cargo for personal, family, household or other needs not related to business activities.

Article 2. Basic concepts used
in this Federal Law

For the purposes of this Federal Law, the following basic concepts are used:

1) luggage - the passenger’s belongings accepted for transportation in the prescribed manner;

2) ticket - a transportation document certifying the conclusion of a contract for the carriage of a passenger;

3) cargo - a material object accepted for transportation in the prescribed manner;

4) shipper - an individual or legal entity who, under a contract for the carriage of goods, acts on his own behalf or on behalf of the owner of the goods and is indicated in the waybill;

5) consignee - an individual or legal entity authorized to receive the cargo;

6) purchase order - form of a charter agreement;

7) container - equipment with a volume of at least one cubic meter, suitable for repeated use and adapted for loading, unloading cargo, reloading it from one vehicle to another vehicle without intermediate reloading of the cargo;

8) route - the route of a vehicle between points of departure and destination;

9) route of regular transportation - intended for the transportation of passengers and baggage according to schedules, the route of vehicles from the initial stopping point through intermediate stopping points to the final stopping point, which are determined in the prescribed manner;

10) transport infrastructure facilities - structures, production and technological complexes designed to serve passengers, charterers, shippers, consignees, carriers and charterers, as well as to ensure the operation of vehicles;

11) stopping point - a place where vehicles stop along the route of regular transportation, equipped for boarding, disembarking passengers and waiting for vehicles;

12) passenger - an individual whose transportation by vehicle is carried out on the basis of an agreement for the carriage of a passenger or an agreement for chartering a vehicle for the carriage of a passenger;

13) carrier - a legal entity, individual entrepreneur who, under a contract for the carriage of a passenger, a contract for the carriage of cargo, has assumed the obligation to transport a passenger and deliver baggage, as well as to transport the cargo entrusted by the shipper to the destination and hand over the baggage and cargo to the person authorized to receive them;

14) waybill - a document used to record and control the operation of a vehicle or driver;

15) schedule - a schedule establishing the time or intervals of arrival of vehicles at a stopping point or departure of vehicles from a stopping point;

16) hand luggage - the passenger’s belongings that the passenger carries with him in the vehicle and the safety of which during transportation is ensured by the passenger;

17) perishable cargo - cargo, the safety of which during transportation by vehicle is ensured by observing a certain temperature regime;

18) specialized vehicle - a vehicle designed and equipped for the transportation of certain types of cargo;

19) terminal - a production and technological complex designed to carry out operations related to the transportation of goods;

20) waybill - a transportation document confirming the conclusion of a contract for the carriage of goods;

21) charterer - an individual or legal entity who, under a charter agreement, undertakes to pay the cost of using all or part of the capacity of one or more vehicles provided for one or more flights for the transportation of passengers and luggage, cargo;

22) charterer - a legal entity, individual entrepreneur who, under a charter agreement, has assumed the obligation to provide the charterer with all or part of the capacity of one or more vehicles for one or more flights for the transportation of passengers, luggage, and cargo.

4. In order to carry out the smooth transportation of cargo, the shipper is obliged to attach to the waybill the documents provided for by sanitary, customs, quarantine, and other rules in accordance with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation, as well as certificates, quality passports, certificates, and other documents, the availability of which is established by federal laws , other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation.

5. A contract for the carriage of goods can be concluded through the carrier’s acceptance of an order for execution, and if there is an agreement on the organization of cargo transportation, an application from the shipper.

6. Mandatory order details, applications and the procedure for their execution are established by the rules of cargo transportation.

Article 9. Provision of vehicles and containers for the transportation of goods

1. The carrier is obliged to provide, within the time limits established by the contract for the carriage of goods, vehicles and containers suitable for transporting the relevant cargo.

2. If the carrier provides vehicles, containers that are unsuitable for transporting the corresponding cargo, or delivers vehicles or containers to the loading point late, the shipper has the right to refuse to fulfill the contract for the carriage of goods and collect from the carrier a fine for non-removal of the cargo provided for.

Article 10. Presentation and acceptance of cargo for transportation

1. When accepting cargo for transportation, the driver of the vehicle presents the consignor with an identification document and a waybill.

2. The shipper is obliged to prepare the cargo for transportation in such a way as to ensure the safety of its transportation and the safety of the cargo, as well as to prevent damage to the vehicle or container.

3. When presenting cargo in containers or packaging for transportation, the shipper is obliged to mark each piece of cargo in accordance with the rules of cargo transportation.

4. The cargo is considered not presented for transportation by the shipper in the following cases:

1) presentation of cargo for transportation late;

2) presentation for transportation of cargo sent to a destination other than that established by the contract for the carriage of goods;

3) presentation for transportation of cargo not provided for in the contract for the carriage of cargo;

4) non-compliance of the condition of the cargo presented for transportation with the requirements established by the rules for the carriage of goods, and the failure of the shipper to bring the cargo into compliance with the specified requirements within the period established by the contract for the carriage of goods.

5. If the shipper fails to present the cargo for transportation, the carrier has the right to refuse to fulfill the contract for the carriage of goods and collect from the shipper the fine provided for.

6. When presenting cargo for transportation, the shipper has the right to declare its value. Acceptance for transportation of cargo with declared value is carried out in the manner established by the rules of cargo transportation.

Article 11. Loading of goods into vehicles, containers and unloading of goods from them

1. Loading of goods into vehicles, containers and unloading of goods from them must be carried out within the time limits established by the contract for the carriage of goods, and if the specified periods are not established in the contract for the carriage of goods, within the time limits provided for by the rules for the carriage of goods.

2. The time for supplying a vehicle or container for loading is calculated from the moment the driver of the vehicle presents an identity document and a waybill to the consignor at the loading point, and the time for supplying a vehicle or container for unloading is calculated from the moment the driver of the vehicle presents the consignee to the consignee at unloading point, except for the cases provided for in parts 3 and 4 of this article.

3. If loading of cargo into a container, unloading of cargo from it is carried out by removing the container from the vehicle, the delivery of an empty container to the shipper or a loaded container to the consignee is documented in an accompanying statement drawn up by the carrier. The form and procedure for filling out the accompanying statement are established by the rules of cargo transportation.

4. The time for delivering the container in the case specified in part 3 of this article to the loading and unloading points is calculated from the moment the driver presents the accompanying sheet to the shipper at the loading point and to the consignee at the unloading point.

5. The shipper and consignee are required to note in the waybill, waybill, and accompanying statement the time of delivery of the vehicle or container to the loading and unloading points and the time of departure from them.

6. The devices necessary for loading, unloading and transportation of cargo must be provided and installed on the vehicle by the consignor and removed from the vehicle by the consignee, unless otherwise provided by the contract for the carriage of goods.

7. All equipment belonging to the consignor is returned by the carrier to the consignor in accordance with his instructions in the bill of lading and at the expense of the consignor, and in the absence of such instructions, they are issued to the consignee along with the cargo at the destination.

8. Loading of cargo into a vehicle or container is carried out by the shipper, and unloading of cargo from a vehicle or container is carried out by the consignee, unless otherwise provided by the contract for the carriage of goods.

9. Loading of goods into a vehicle or container is carried out in such a way as to ensure the safety of cargo transportation and their safety, as well as to prevent damage to the vehicle or container.

10. The list and procedure for carrying out work on loading cargo into a vehicle, container and unloading cargo from them are established by the rules of cargo transportation.

11. The shipper, at the request of the carrier, is obliged to eliminate violations of the established procedure for loading cargo into a vehicle or container, unless the cargo is loaded by the carrier. If the shipper fails to comply with the requirements to eliminate deficiencies in cargo loading, the carrier has the right to refuse transportation.

Article 12. Determination of cargo mass

1. When presented by the shipper and accepted by the carrier of goods transported in bulk, in bulk, in bulk or in containers, their weight must be determined and indicated in the relevant waybills.

2. Cargo in containers or packaging, as well as piece cargo, are accepted for transportation with the weight of the cargo and the number of cargo pieces indicated in the waybills. The weight of goods in containers or packaging, as well as the weight of piece goods, is determined by the shipper before presenting them for transportation. The procedure for determining the mass of cargo is established by the rules of cargo transportation.

3. An entry in the waybill about the weight of the cargo, indicating the method of determining it, is carried out by the shipper, unless otherwise established by the contract for the carriage of goods.

4. The weight of the cargo is determined by the shipper in the presence of the carrier, and if the point of departure is the carrier’s terminal, by the carrier in the presence of the shipper.

5. When transporting cargo in a covered vehicle or container sealed by the shipper, the weight of the cargo is determined by the shipper.

Article 13. Sealing of vehicles and containers

1. Upon completion of loading, covered vehicles and containers intended for one consignee must be sealed, unless otherwise established by the contract for the carriage of goods.

2. Sealing of vehicles and containers is carried out by the shipper, unless otherwise provided by the contract for the carriage of goods.

3. The procedure for sealing vehicles and containers is established by the rules of cargo transportation.

Article 14. Cargo delivery times

1. Carriers are obliged to deliver goods within the time limits established by the contract for the carriage of goods, and if the specified periods are not established in the contract for the carriage of goods, within the time limits established by the rules for the carriage of goods.

2. The carrier is obliged to inform the shipper and consignee about the delay in delivery of cargo.

3. Unless otherwise established by the contract for the carriage of goods, the consignor and consignee have the right to consider the cargo lost and demand compensation for damages for the lost cargo if it was not released to the consignee at his request:

1) within ten days from the date of acceptance of cargo for transportation during transportation in urban and suburban communications;

2) within thirty days from the day when the cargo was supposed to be delivered to the consignee, when transported in intercity traffic.

Article 15. Delivery of cargo

1. The carrier is obliged to deliver and release the cargo to the consignee at the address indicated by the consignor in the bill of lading, and the consignee is obliged to accept the cargo delivered to him.

2. If, due to damage (deterioration) of the cargo during transportation, the possibility of using the cargo for its intended purpose is excluded, the consignee has the right to refuse to accept the cargo and demand compensation from the carrier in accordance with.

3. If the consignee refuses to accept the cargo for reasons beyond the control of the carrier, the latter has the right to deliver the cargo to the new address specified by the shipper (cargo redirection), and if it is impossible to deliver the cargo to the new address, return the cargo to the shipper with appropriate prior notification to him.

4. Redirection of cargo is carried out in the manner established by the rules of cargo transportation.

5. The costs of transporting cargo when it is returned or re-addressed are reimbursed by the shipper.

6. If perishable cargo transported intercity cannot be released to the consignee for reasons beyond the control of the carrier, the carrier requests the shipper for instructions regarding the cargo. If the shipper does not give instructions within four days from the date of receipt of the request, including on the redirection of the cargo, the carrier, in accordance with the established procedure, has the right to sell the cargo under a sales contract based on the price of the cargo confirmed by documents or, in the absence of such documents, based on the price , which under comparable circumstances would normally be charged for similar goods, or based on expert judgment. Funds received by the carrier for the cargo sold, minus payments due to the carrier for the transportation of cargo, as well as costs associated with the sale of cargo, are transferred to:

1) to the consignee indicated in the consignment note, if he pays the cost of the cargo;

2) to the shipper in all other cases.

7. The procedure for checking the weight of cargo and the number of packages when issuing cargo to the consignee at the point of destination must correspond to the procedure for checking the weight of cargo and the number of packages when accepting cargo from the consignor at the point of departure.

8. The delivery of goods delivered in serviceable covered vehicles or containers with proper seals from the shippers is carried out to consignees without checking the weight, condition of the goods, or the number of packages.

9. The delivery of cargo by the carrier at the point of destination with mandatory verification of the weight, condition of the cargo, and the number of packages is carried out in the following cases:

1) delivery of cargo in a covered vehicle or container accepted for transportation without seals;

2) delivery of cargo in a faulty vehicle body, container or in a serviceable body or container, but with damaged seals of the shipper;

3) delivery of perishable cargo in violation of the delivery time established by the contract for the carriage of goods, or the temperature regime during transportation established by the rules for the carriage of goods.

10. The carrier issues cargo in containers or packaging with checking the weight and condition of the cargo only if the container or packaging is damaged. If damage to the container or packaging is detected, as well as in the presence of other circumstances that may affect the change in the condition of the cargo, the carrier is obliged to check the weight and condition of the cargo located in the damaged container or packaging.

11. The difference between the mass of cargo determined at the point of departure and the mass of cargo determined at the point of destination must not exceed the rate of natural loss of cargo established by regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation.

12. The procedure for determining the size of the natural loss of goods transported in bulk, in bulk, in liquid form using several waybills from one consignor to one consignee is established by the rules of cargo transportation.

13. The shortage of cargo transported in bulk, bulk, liquid with transhipment or reloading en route from one consignor to one consignee and delivered in a technically sound vehicle without signs of cargo shortage, is determined by the results of checking the entire batch of simultaneously issued cargo.

14. If, when checking the weight, condition of the cargo, and the number of packages at the destination, a shortage or damage (spoilage) of the cargo is discovered, the consignee and the carrier are obliged to determine the amount of the actual shortage, damage (spoilage) of the cargo.

15. If it is necessary to conduct an examination to determine the amount of actual shortage, damage (deterioration) of the cargo, the consignee, either at his request or on his own initiative, the carrier invites experts in the relevant field. The results of an examination carried out without notifying the carrier or consignee are invalid. If the carrier evades calling experts in the relevant field or the carrier or consignee evades participation in the examination, the relevant party has the right to conduct the examination without the participation of the evading party, having previously notified it in writing about the examination, unless another form of notification is provided for in the contract for the carriage of goods. The costs associated with the examination are paid by the person who ordered the examination, with the subsequent attribution of costs to the person responsible for the shortage or damage (spoilage) of the cargo.

Article 16. Storage of cargo in the carrier’s terminal

1. Cargo delivered to the carrier’s terminal is stored free of charge for 24 hours from the day the carrier sends a notice to the consignee about the delivered cargo. For storing cargo for more than a day, the carrier charges the consignee or consignor a fee determined by the contract for the carriage of goods.

2. The maximum storage period for cargo in the carrier’s terminal cannot exceed thirty days, unless otherwise established by the contract for the carriage of cargo.

3. Upon expiration of the deadline for storing the cargo in the carrier’s terminal, the latter requests the shipper for instructions regarding the cargo.

4. If the shipper does not give instructions regarding the cargo within four days after receiving the request, the carrier has the right to return such cargo to the shipper at the expense of the latter or, in the prescribed manner, sell the cargo under a sales contract based on the price of the cargo confirmed by documents or, in the absence of such documents, based on the price that would normally be charged for similar goods under comparable circumstances, or based on expert judgment. The funds received by the carrier for the sold cargo, minus the payments due to the carrier for the transportation and storage of the cargo, as well as the costs associated with the sale of the cargo, are returned to the shipper.

Article 17. Cleaning of vehicles, containers

1. After unloading cargo, vehicles and containers must be cleared of the remnants of these goods, and after transporting goods, the list of which is determined by the rules for the transportation of goods, vehicles and containers must be washed and, if necessary, disinfected.

2. The responsibility for cleaning, washing and disinfecting vehicles and containers lies with the consignees. The carrier, in agreement with the consignee, has the right to undertake, for a fee, the work of washing and disinfecting vehicles and containers.

6. The time for delivering a vehicle to the place provided for in the charter agreement specified in Part 1 of this article is calculated from the moment the driver of the vehicle presents to the charterer an identification document and a waybill.

7. Presentation by the charterer of cargo for transportation in violation of the charter agreement specified in part 1 of this article is considered a refusal to use the vehicles provided by the charterer.

8. If the charterer refuses to use the provided vehicle, the charterer has the right to refuse to fulfill the charter agreement specified in part 1 of this article and to collect from the charterer the fine provided for.

Chapter 3. Regular transportation of passengers and luggage

Article 19. Types of regular transportation
passengers and luggage

1. Regular transportation of passengers and luggage is carried out on the basis of a public contract for the carriage of passengers along the regular transportation route.

2. Regular transportation of passengers and luggage refers to transportation by public transport.

3. Regular transportation of passengers and luggage is divided into:

1) transportation with passengers boarding and disembarking only at established stopping points along the regular transportation route;

2) transportation with boarding and disembarking of passengers in any place not prohibited by traffic rules along the route of regular transportation.

4. Transportation with passengers boarding and disembarking only at established stopping points along the regular transportation route is carried out in accordance with the schedules established for each stopping point. Stopping of vehicles for boarding and disembarking passengers is mandatory at each stopping point along the route of regular transportation, except for cases where, according to the schedule, boarding and disembarking of passengers at the stopping point is carried out at the request of passengers.

5. Transportation with pick-up and disembarkation of passengers in any place not prohibited by traffic rules along the regular transport route is carried out in accordance with the schedules established for travel from the starting and final stopping points along the regular transport route. Vehicle stops for boarding and disembarking passengers are carried out at the initial and final stopping points along the route of regular transportation, as well as at the request of passengers.

6. At each stopping point along the route of regular transportation, information about the type of regular transportation of passengers and baggage, the schedule, the start and end time of the movement of vehicles along the corresponding route, the name of the final stopping point of the route, information about the name, address and numbers must be posted contact telephone numbers of the authority exercising control over the regular transportation of passengers and baggage. The content of information included in the schedule is determined by the rules of passenger transportation.

Article 20. Conclusion of a contract for the carriage of passengers

1. The conclusion of an agreement for the carriage of a passenger is certified by a ticket, the handing over of luggage by a passenger - by a baggage receipt, and the carriage of hand luggage by a passenger for a fee - by a receipt for the carriage of hand luggage.

2. Mandatory details of a ticket, baggage receipt, receipt for carriage of hand luggage are established by the rules of passenger transportation.

3. A cash receipt with the details of a ticket, baggage receipt, or hand luggage receipt indicated on it is equivalent to a ticket, baggage receipt, or hand luggage receipt, respectively.

4. It is allowed to use tickets indicating part or all of the details in electronic form, unless otherwise provided by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

5. If it is impossible to transport a passenger and baggage using the provided vehicle due to its malfunction, accident, or other similar reasons, the passenger has the right to use the issued ticket, baggage receipt, receipt for the carriage of hand luggage in another vehicle, the provision of which is required by the carrier.

6. The passenger is obliged to keep the ticket, baggage receipt, receipt for hand luggage during the entire trip and present them at the first request of the persons exercising control. Control over the availability of a ticket, baggage receipt, and hand luggage receipt is carried out in the manner established by the rules for the carriage of passengers.

Article 21. Transportation of children traveling with a passenger

1) carry with you free of charge in urban and suburban traffic children under the age of seven years without the provision of separate seats, except for the cases provided for in part 2 of this article;

2) carry with you free of charge in intercity traffic one child under the age of five years old without being provided with a separate seat, except for the cases provided for in part 2 of this article.

2. In cases where the carriage of children in vehicles without providing them with separate seats is prohibited in accordance with the established procedure, the passenger has the right to transport with him two children under the age of twelve years with the provision of separate seats for them for a fee, the amount of which is not may be more than fifty percent of the freight charge.

3. The passenger is required to have with him a document that confirms the age of the child transported with the benefits of the fare specified in parts 1 and 2 of this article, and which must be presented upon the first request of the persons monitoring the fare.

Article 22. Carriage of luggage, carriage of hand luggage by transport
means of regular transportation
passengers and luggage

1. When traveling in a vehicle carrying out regular transportation of passengers and luggage, the passenger has the right:

1) transport for a fee in the luggage compartment of a vehicle or in a separate vehicle luggage in the amount of no more than two pieces, the length, width and height of each of which in total do not exceed one hundred eighty centimeters;

2) carry with you free hand luggage in the amount of no more than one piece, the length, width and height of which in total do not exceed one hundred and twenty centimeters, one pair of skis in a case, a children's sled, a baby stroller.

2. The carrier has the right:

1) establish standards for the carriage of baggage, carriage of hand luggage, including free of charge, of a larger size or in greater quantities than provided for in Part 1 of this article;

2) refuse to accept luggage for transportation or carry-on luggage to a passenger if the properties or packaging of the items included in the luggage or hand luggage do not meet the requirements established by the rules for the carriage of passengers;

3) refuse to allow a passenger to carry hand luggage if its placement in the vehicle will prevent passengers from entering the vehicle or exiting the vehicle.

3. The carrier is obliged to inform the passenger about the rules and terms of payment for the carriage of baggage and carry-on luggage.

4. Acceptance and delivery of baggage are carried out in the manner established by the rules of passenger transportation.

5. When checking in luggage for transportation, the passenger has the right to declare its value. Acceptance for transportation of baggage with declared value is carried out in the manner established by the rules of passenger transportation. For transportation of baggage with a declared value, the passenger is charged an additional fee in the amount established by the carrier.

6. Baggage accepted for transportation separately from the passenger must be delivered to the destination and issued to the passenger no later than the day the passenger arrives at this point in accordance with the passenger carriage contract.

7. For storage of baggage that is not claimed at its destination for more than 24 hours from the date of its delivery (partial days are considered full), a fee will be charged in the amount established by the carrier.

8. If baggage is delivered to its destination before the passenger’s arrival, no fee is charged for storing such baggage from the day of its delivery until the day following the day of the passenger’s arrival.

9. Baggage is considered lost and its cost is subject to reimbursement if it is not delivered to its destination ten days after the end of the delivery period established by the passenger carriage contract.

10. The carrier has the right to sell baggage that is not claimed within thirty days from the date of arrival of the vehicle at the baggage destination. The carrier's sale of the said baggage is carried out under a sales contract based on the cost of the baggage confirmed by documents or, in the absence of such documents, based on the price that, under comparable circumstances, is usually charged for similar goods, or on the basis of an expert assessment.

11. During the limitation period, the bearer of the baggage receipt has the right to receive the amount received by the carrier from the sale of baggage, minus payments due to the carrier, as well as costs associated with the sale of unclaimed baggage.

Article 23. Refund to the passenger of the cost of travel and transportation
baggage, carry-on luggage in intercity traffic

1. The passenger has the right:

1) in case of delay in the departure of the vehicle within three hours or due to illness, accident within three days from the moment of departure of the vehicle for which the ticket was purchased, renew the ticket for another vehicle subject to an additional payment of twenty five percent of the cost of travel, transportation of baggage, transportation of hand luggage, or get back the cost of travel, transportation of luggage, transportation of hand luggage minus twenty-five percent of their cost;

2) if the ticket is returned to the ticket office no later than two hours before the departure of the vehicle, receive back the cost of travel, baggage transportation, carry-on luggage minus five percent of their cost, or if the ticket is returned later than this period, but before the departure of the vehicle, receive back the cost of travel, baggage transportation, hand luggage transportation minus fifteen percent of their cost;

3) if it is impossible to continue transporting a passenger to his destination for reasons beyond the carrier’s control, receive back the cost of travel, baggage transportation, and carry-on luggage in proportion to the untraveled distance;

4) return the ticket to the ticket office before the departure of the vehicle and receive back the full cost of travel, baggage transportation, and carry-on luggage in the following cases:

A) cancellation of departure of the vehicle;

B) delay in departure of the vehicle for more than an hour;

C) providing the passenger with a seat in a vehicle with fare paid at a lower price than in the vehicle for which the passenger was sold a ticket;

D) failure to provide the passenger with the seat indicated on the ticket;

5) if you agree to travel in a vehicle with a fare paid at a lower price, receive the difference between the amount paid and the fee due for travel, transportation of baggage, transportation of hand luggage;

6) in the case of providing a vehicle with payment for travel, transportation of baggage, transportation of hand luggage at a higher price than in the vehicle specified in the schedule, carry out travel, transportation of luggage, transportation of hand luggage without additional payment.

2. Refund to the passenger of the cost of travel, transportation of baggage, transportation of hand luggage in the cases provided for by this article is carried out in the manner established by the rules for the transportation of passengers, no later than within ten days from the moment the passenger submits the corresponding request to the carrier.

Article 24. Sale of tickets

1. The procedure for selling tickets is determined by the rules of passenger transportation.

2. A passenger may be refused the sale of a ticket if it is impossible to provide a seat due to exceeding the capacity provided for by the design of the vehicle.

3. Selling a ticket without providing the passenger with a seat is permitted if the possibility of the passenger traveling without providing a seat is provided for by the design of the vehicle.

4. When carrying out regular transportation of passengers and luggage in intercity traffic, the sale of tickets for the passage of passengers is carried out subject to the availability of seats.

Article 25. Return of forgotten items

Items forgotten in vehicles or at transport infrastructure facilities must be returned to their owners in the manner established by the rules for passenger transportation.

Article 26. Passenger rights when using the services provided
at transport infrastructure facilities

The passenger has the right to free use of waiting rooms and toilets located at transport infrastructure facilities. The procedure for such free use is determined by the rules of passenger transportation.

Chapter 4. Transportation of passengers and luggage according to orders

Article 27. Conclusion of a vehicle charter agreement
for transportation of passengers and luggage upon request

1. Transportation of passengers and luggage upon request is carried out by a vehicle provided on the basis of a charter agreement concluded in writing.

2. The charter agreement specified in part 1 of this article must include:

1) information about the charterer and the charterer;

2) the type of vehicle provided (if necessary, the number of vehicles);

3) route and place of delivery of the vehicle;

4) a certain or indefinite circle of persons for whose transportation the vehicle is provided;

5) terms of transportation;

6) the amount of payment for using the vehicle;

7) the procedure for admitting passengers to board a vehicle, established taking into account the requirements provided for by the rules for the transportation of passengers (if the vehicle is provided for the transportation of a certain circle of persons).

3. The charter agreement specified in part 1 of this article may include other conditions not specified in part 2 of this article.

4. If there is no need to carry out systematic transportation of passengers and luggage by order, the charter agreement specified in Part 1 of this article is concluded in the form of an order for the provision of a vehicle for the transportation of passengers and luggage. The details and procedure for filling out such a work order are established by the rules for the carriage of passengers.

5. If the charter agreement specified in Part 1 of this article provides for the provision of vehicles for the transportation of an indefinite number of persons, charging fees from these persons is not permitted.

Article 28. Determination of the route for transportation of passengers and baggage upon request

The route for the transportation of passengers and luggage on order is determined by the charter agreement, unless otherwise provided by law.

Article 29. Refusal to execute a transport charter agreement
means for transporting passengers and luggage upon request or
change of such agreement

1. The provision by the charterer of a vehicle for the transportation of passengers and luggage upon request that does not comply with the terms of the charter agreement, or with a delay is considered a failure to provide the vehicle. In case of failure to provide the vehicle, the charterer has the right to refuse to fulfill the charter agreement and collect a fine from the charterer as provided.

2. If it is impossible to carry out the transportation of passengers and luggage as ordered by the provided vehicle due to its malfunction, accident, or similar reasons, the charterer, in agreement with the charterer, is obliged to provide another vehicle or return the cost of using the vehicle paid by the charterer.

Article 30. Carriage of baggage, carriage of hand luggage by vehicle,
provided for the carriage of passengers upon request

1. Standards for the carriage of baggage and carry-on luggage in a vehicle provided for the carriage of passengers on request are established by the freighter.

2. The charterer has the right to refuse to accept baggage for transportation or carry-on luggage if the properties or packaging of the items included in the baggage or hand luggage do not meet the requirements established by the rules for the carriage of passengers.

3. The charterer has the right to refuse to carry hand luggage if its placement in the vehicle will prevent passengers from entering the vehicle or exiting the vehicle.

Chapter 5. Transportation of passengers and luggage by passenger taxis

Article 31. Conclusion of a contract for chartering a passenger taxi
for transporting passengers and luggage

1. Transportation of passengers and luggage by passenger taxi is carried out on the basis of a public charter agreement concluded orally.

2. The contract for chartering a passenger taxi for the transportation of passengers and luggage is concluded by the charterer with the driver of the passenger taxi, acting on behalf and on behalf of the charterer or, if the driver is an individual entrepreneur, on his own behalf. The rights and obligations under such an agreement arise directly from the charterer.

3. An agreement for chartering a passenger taxi for the transportation of passengers and luggage can be concluded by accepting the charterer’s order for execution by the charterer. The procedure for concluding such an agreement is established by the rules of passenger transportation.

4. The charterer has the right to refuse to provide a passenger taxi for the transportation of passengers and luggage if the route proposed by the charterer or the behavior of the charterer may pose a threat to the safety of the driver.

5. The charterer is obliged to issue the charterer a receipt in the form of a strict reporting form or a cash receipt confirming payment for the cost of using a passenger taxi.

Article 32. Refusal of the charterer to fulfill the charter agreement
passenger taxi for transporting passengers and luggage or changing
such an agreement

1. The charterer has the right to refuse to fulfill the contract for chartering a passenger taxi for the transportation of passengers and luggage in the event of downtime of the passenger taxi associated with waiting for the charterer when stopping along the route at his request in excess of the time agreed upon by the parties or in excess of the time paid by the charterer.

2. If it is impossible for a passenger taxi to travel to the destination for reasons beyond the control of the charterer, the charterer pays the cost of using the passenger taxi until the trip is terminated.

Article 33. Carriage of baggage, carriage of hand luggage by passenger taxi

1. Standards for the carriage of baggage and carry-on luggage by passenger taxi are established by the freighter.

2. The charterer has the right to refuse to accept baggage for transportation or carry-on luggage by passenger taxi if the properties or packaging of the items included in the baggage or hand luggage do not meet the requirements established by the rules for the carriage of passengers.

Chapter 6. Responsibility of carriers, charterers,
shippers, consignees, passengers,

Article 34. Responsibility of the carrier, charterer

1. For failure to remove the cargo provided for in the contract for the carriage of goods through the fault of the carrier, the carrier shall pay the shipper a fine in the amount of twenty percent of the fee established for the carriage of goods, unless otherwise established by the contract for the carriage of goods. The shipper also has the right to demand from the carrier compensation for losses caused by the carrier in the manner established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

2. For failure to provide a vehicle specified in the charter agreement, the charterer shall pay the charterer a fine in the amount of twenty percent of the fee established for the use of the relevant vehicle, unless otherwise established by the charter agreement. The charterer also has the right to demand from the charterer compensation for losses caused by him in the manner established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

3. For untimely provision of a vehicle or container provided for in the contract for the carriage of goods, the carrier shall pay the shipper for each full hour of delay a fine in the amount established by the contract for the carriage of goods, and if the amount of the specified fine is not established in the contract for the carriage of goods, in the amount of:

2) one percent of the average daily freight charge, determined in accordance with the period of transportation established by the contract for the carriage of goods, when transporting intercity traffic.

4. The shipper, charterer, in the case specified in part 3 of this article, also has the right to demand from the carrier, charterer compensation for losses caused by them in the manner established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

5. The carrier is responsible for the safety of the cargo from the moment it is accepted for transportation until the moment it is delivered to the consignee or a person authorized by him, unless he proves that the loss, shortage or damage (spoilage) of the cargo occurred due to circumstances that the carrier could not prevent or eliminate due to reasons beyond his control.

6. The carrier is responsible for the safety of baggage from the moment it is accepted for transportation until the moment it is handed over to the person authorized to receive the baggage, unless he proves that the loss, shortage or damage (spoilage) of baggage occurred due to circumstances that the carrier could not prevent or eliminated for reasons beyond his control.

7. The carrier compensates for damage caused during the transportation of cargo and luggage in the amount of:

1) the cost of lost or missing cargo, luggage in the event of loss or shortage of cargo, luggage;

2) the amount by which the value of cargo, luggage has decreased in the event of damage (damage) to cargo, luggage or the value of cargo, luggage in the event of the impossibility of restoring damaged (damaged) cargo, luggage;

3) the share of the declared value of cargo, luggage, the corresponding missing or damaged (spoiled) part of the cargo, luggage, in case of shortage, damage (spoilage) of cargo, luggage handed over for transportation with the declared value;

4) the declared value in the event of loss of cargo, luggage, as well as the impossibility of restoring cargo, luggage handed over for transportation with a declared value and spoiled or damaged.

8. The cost of cargo, luggage is determined based on the price of cargo, luggage indicated in the seller’s invoice or provided for in the contract for the carriage of goods, the contract for the carriage of passengers, and in the absence of an invoice or price indicated in the contract, based on the price that, under comparable circumstances, is usually charged for similar goods .

9. The carrier, along with compensation for damage caused by loss, shortage, damage (spoilage) of transported cargo, luggage, returns to the consignor or consignee, passenger the carriage charge received for the transportation of lost, missing, damaged (damaged) cargo, luggage, if this carriage charge not included in the cost of the cargo.

10. The carrier is released from liability for the unsafety of hand luggage carried by a passenger unless the passenger proves that the unsafety of hand luggage was due to the fault of the carrier.

11. The carrier pays the consignee a fine for late delivery of cargo in the amount of nine percent of the freight charge for each day of delay, unless otherwise provided by the contract for the carriage of goods. The total amount of the fine for late delivery of cargo cannot exceed the amount of its carriage charge. Delay in delivery of cargo is calculated from twenty-four hours of the day when the cargo should be delivered, unless otherwise established by the contract for the carriage of cargo. The basis for charging a fine for late delivery of cargo is a mark in the waybill indicating the time of arrival of the vehicle at the unloading point.

12. For late delivery of baggage, the carrier pays the recipient of the baggage a fine in the amount of three percent of his carriage charge for each day of delay (incomplete days are considered full), but not more than in the amount of the carriage charge. Delay in baggage delivery is calculated from twenty-four hours of the day when the baggage should be delivered. The fine for late delivery of baggage is paid on the basis of an act drawn up at the request of the recipient of the baggage, no later than within ten days from the date of execution of this act. The running of this period is suspended in case of going to court.

13. For delay in the departure of a vehicle carrying out regular transportation of passengers in intercity traffic, or its arrival late at the destination by more than an hour, the carrier pays the passenger a fine in the amount of three percent of the fare for each hour of delay, but not more than the cost travel and no later than ten days after the day the passenger submits the corresponding request. The specified period is suspended in the event of an appeal to the court. The passenger also has the right to demand from the carrier compensation for losses caused to him in connection with the delay in departure or late arrival of the vehicle at the destination, in the manner established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Article 35. Responsibility of the shipper, consignee,
charterer, passenger

1. For failure to present for transportation the cargo provided for in the contract for the carriage of goods, the shipper shall pay the carrier a fine in the amount of twenty percent of the fee established for the carriage of goods, unless otherwise established by the contract for the carriage of goods. The carrier also has the right to demand compensation from the shipper for losses caused to him in the manner established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

2. For refusal to use a vehicle provided for in the charter agreement, the charterer shall pay the charterer a fine in the amount of twenty percent of the fee established for the use of this vehicle, unless otherwise established by the charter agreement. The charterer also has the right to demand from the charterer compensation for losses caused to him in the manner established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

3. For failure to indicate in the waybill special marks or precautions necessary during the transportation of cargo, or for distortion of information about the properties of the cargo, a fine in the amount of twenty percent of the freight charge is collected from the shipper. Payment of a fine does not relieve the shipper from compensation for damage caused to the carrier by such violations.

4. For delay (downtime) of vehicles submitted for loading, unloading, respectively, the consignor and consignee shall pay for each full hour of delay (downtime) a fine in the amount established by the contract for the carriage of goods, and if the amount of the specified fine is in the contract for the carriage of goods not installed, in size:

1) five percent of the freight charge for transportation in urban or suburban traffic;

2) one percent of the average daily freight charge for intercity transportation, determined in accordance with the deadline established by the contract for the execution of the relevant transportation.

5. In case of delay (idleness) of specialized vehicles, the amount of the fine specified in part 4 of this article is doubled, unless otherwise established by the contract for the carriage of goods. The list of specialized vehicles is determined by the rules of cargo transportation.

6. The fine for delay (downtime) of vehicles is collected regardless of the fine for failure to present goods for transportation as provided for in contracts for the carriage of goods. The basis for charging a fine for delay (idle time) of vehicles are marks in transport invoices or waybills about the time of arrival and departure of vehicles.

7. For delay (downtime) of containers belonging to the carrier and submitted for loading, unloading, in excess of the norms established by the contract for the carriage of goods, respectively, shippers and consignees pay for each full hour of delay (downtime) a fine in the amount established by the contract for the carriage of goods, and in if the amount of the specified fine is not established in the contract for the carriage of goods, in the amount of:

1) five percent of the freight charge for transportation in urban or suburban traffic;

2) one percent of the average daily freight charge for intercity transportation, determined in accordance with the deadline for the relevant transportation established by the contract.

8. The fine for delay (downtime) of containers is collected regardless of the fine for failure to present for transportation goods provided for in the contract for the carriage of goods. The basis for charging a fine for delay (downtime) of containers are marks in the waybills, waybills or accompanying statements about the time of delivery and departure of containers.

9. For sending items, the carriage of which is prohibited as part of baggage, as part of the baggage checked in for transportation, the passenger shall pay the carrier a fine in the amount of ten times the carriage charge for the carriage of baggage.

Article 36. Grounds for the release of the carrier, charterer, shipper,
consignee, charterer from liability

The carrier, charterer, consignor, consignee, charterer are released from liability provided for if their failure to fulfill their obligations occurred as a result of:

1) force majeure;

2) temporary restrictions or prohibitions on the movement of vehicles on highways, introduced in the manner established by the legislation of the Russian Federation, for reasons beyond the control of the carrier, charterer, shipper, consignee, charterer;

3) other reasons beyond the control of the carrier, charterer, consignor, consignee, charterer.

Article 37. Invalidity of agreements

Any agreements of carriers, charterers with shippers, consignees, charterers, passengers, aimed at limiting or eliminating the liability assigned to them, are considered invalid, unless otherwise provided by this Federal Law.

Chapter 7. Acts, claims, lawsuits

Article 38. Acts

1. Circumstances that are the basis for the emergence of liability of carriers, charterers, shippers, consignees, charterers, passengers during the transportation of passengers and luggage, cargo or the provision of vehicles for the transportation of passengers and luggage, cargo, are certified by acts or marks in waybills, waybills, accompanying statements provided for by this Federal Law.

2. The procedure for drawing up acts and putting marks in the documents specified in part 1 of this article is established by the rules for the transportation of goods and the rules for the transportation of passengers.

Article 39. Procedure for filing claims

1. Before claims are brought against carriers and charterers arising from contracts for the carriage of passengers or charter agreements, claims may be brought against such persons.

2. Before claims are brought against carriers arising from contracts for the carriage of goods, claims must be made against such persons.

3. The right to file claims against carriers and charterers in a pre-trial manner are persons who have entered into contracts of carriage, charter agreements, consignees, as well as insurers who have paid insurance compensation in connection with improper fulfillment by carriers, charterers of their obligations for the transportation of passengers and luggage, cargo, provision of vehicles for transporting passengers, luggage and cargo.

4. Claims against carriers and charterers are submitted by insurers in the manner established for the filing of claims by persons who have entered into transportation contracts, charter agreements, and consignees.

5. The procedure for filing claims is established by the rules for the transportation of passengers and the rules for the transportation of goods.

6. Claims against carriers and charterers may be filed within the limitation period.

Article 40. Procedure for consideration of claims
to carriers, freighters

1. Carriers and charterers are obliged to consider the claims presented to them and notify the applicants in writing about the results of their consideration within thirty days from the date of receipt of the relevant claim.

2. If the carrier or charterer partially satisfies or rejects the applicant’s claim, the notification must indicate the basis for their decision in accordance with this Federal Law. In this case, the documents submitted along with the claim are returned to the applicant.

3. If, during consideration of the claim, it is established that the cargo has been redirected or, at the request of the consignor or original consignee, issued to another consignee, the claim is returned to the claimant indicating the place, time of delivery of the cargo, the person to whom the cargo was issued, and the person at whose request the redirection or delivery was carried out cargo, for direct settlement of the applicant with the actual consignee or the person at whose request the redirection or delivery of the cargo was carried out.

Article 41. Procedure for filing claims
to carriers, freighters

When filing claims in the manner established, claims against carriers, charterers arising in connection with the transportation of passengers and luggage, cargo or the provision of vehicles for the transportation of passengers, luggage, cargo may be brought in cases of complete or partial refusal of carriers, charterers to satisfy claims or in cases of failure to receive responses to claims from carriers and charterers within thirty days from the date they received the relevant claims.

Article 42. Limitation period

The limitation period for claims arising from transportation contracts and charter agreements is one year. The specified period is calculated from the date of the occurrence of the event that served as the basis for filing a claim or lawsuit, including in relation to:

1) compensation for damage caused by shortage, damage (spoilage) of baggage, cargo, from the day of delivery of baggage, cargo;

2) compensation for damage caused by the loss of luggage from the day the luggage was recognized as lost;

3) compensation for damage caused by the loss of cargo from the day the cargo was recognized as lost;

4) delays in delivery of baggage and cargo from the day the baggage and cargo were issued.

Chapter 8. Final provisions

Article 43. Procedure for applying this
Federal Law

1. This Federal Law applies to relations related to the use of the services of road transport and urban ground electric transport and arising after the date of entry into force of this Federal Law.

2. To relations related to the use of the services of road transport and urban ground electric transport and arising before the day of entry into force of this Federal Law, this Federal Law applies to the extent of rights and obligations that arise after the day of its entry into force.

Article 44. Entry into force of this
Federal Law

This Federal Law comes into force one hundred and eighty days after the day of its official publication.

Russian Federation

Moscow, Kremlin

Order of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation dated January 15, 2014 No. 7
“On approval of the Rules for ensuring the safety of transportation of passengers and cargo by road and urban ground electric transport and the List of measures to prepare employees of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs carrying out transportation by road and urban ground electric transport for safe operation and vehicles for safe operation”

In accordance with Article 20 of the Federal Law of December 10, 1995 No. 196-FZ “On Road Safety” (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 1995, No. 50, Art. 4873; 1999, No. 10, Art. 1158; 2002, No. 18 , Art. 1721; 2004, Art. 3607; 2006, Art. 5498; 6070; 2011, art. 5717; 2010, art. ; No. 29, Art. 4283; Art. 4590; Art. No. 17, article 2032; No. 27, article 3477; article 4029; I order:

1. Approve:

Rules for ensuring the safety of transportation of passengers and goods by road transport and urban ground electric transport (Appendix No. 1 to this order);

List of measures to prepare employees of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs carrying out transportation by road and urban ground electric transport for safe work and vehicles for safe operation (Appendix No. 2 to this order).

2. The following regulatory legal acts of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation shall be declared invalid:

order of March 30, 1994 No. 15 “On approval of the Requirements for ensuring road safety for licensing transportation activities in road transport” (registered by the Ministry of Justice of Russia on May 4, 1994, registration No. 554);

instruction dated May 27, 1996 “Instructions for the transportation of large and heavy cargo by road on the roads of the Russian Federation” (together with the List of authorities issuing permits for the transportation of large and heavy cargo) (registered by the Ministry of Justice of Russia on May 8, 1996, registration No. 1146) ;

order No. 8 of January 22, 2004 “On amending the Instructions for the transportation of large-sized and heavy cargo by road on the roads of the Russian Federation” (registered by the Ministry of Justice of Russia on January 23, 2004, registration No. 5486);

Order No. 191 of July 21, 2011 “On amendments to the Instructions for the transportation of large-sized and heavy cargo by road on the roads of the Russian Federation” (registered by the Ministry of Justice of Russia on August 18, 2011, registration No. 21658);

paragraph 2 of order No. 258 dated July 24, 2012 “On approval of the Procedure for issuing a special permit for the movement of a vehicle transporting heavy and (or) large-sized cargo on roads” (registered by the Ministry of Justice of Russia on October 11, 2012, registration No. 25656).

Minister M. Sokolov

Registration No. 32585

Appendix No. 1

ensuring the safety of transportation of passengers and goods by road transport and urban ground electric transport

I. General provisions

1. The rules for ensuring the safety of transportation of passengers and cargo by road and urban ground electric transport (hereinafter referred to as the Rules) were developed in pursuance of Article 20 of the Federal Law of December 10, 1995 No. 196-FZ “On Road Traffic Safety”.

2. These Rules define the main tasks and requirements for ensuring safety when organizing and carrying out the transportation of passengers and cargo by road transport and urban ground electric transport, presented to legal entities and individual entrepreneurs (hereinafter referred to as subjects of transport activities).

3. Subjects of transport activities are obliged to ensure the organization and implementation of measures to ensure the safety of transportation of passengers and cargo.

II. Requirements for organizing activities to ensure the safety of transportation of passengers and cargo

4. The requirements for ensuring the safety of transportation of passengers and cargo by subjects of transport activities include:

1) ensuring professional competence and professional suitability of employees of the subject of transport activities;

2) ensuring compliance of vehicles used during operation with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation on technical regulation;

3) ensuring safe conditions for the transportation of passengers and cargo, including transportation under special conditions.

5. When organizing work aimed at ensuring the safety of transportation of passengers and cargo, the subject of transport activity carries out implementation and monitoring of compliance with the requirements established by paragraph 5 of these Rules, as well as measures for training employees of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs carrying out transportation by road and urban land electric transport, for safe operation and vehicles for safe operation, the list of which is specified in Appendix No. 2 to this order (hereinafter referred to as the List).

The subject of transport activity or a person authorized by him carries out checks of compliance with the measures specified in subparagraphs 1.3, 1.4, 1.5, 1.6, 2.3, 2.4, 2.5, 2.6 of the List in relation to the official responsible for ensuring road safety, as necessary, but not less than once a quarter.

The subject of transport activities or a person authorized by him carries out checks of compliance with the measures specified in subparagraphs 1.1, 1.2, 1.7 in relation to the official responsible for ensuring road safety, as necessary, at least once every six months.

The results of the checks specified in paragraphs two and three of this paragraph are documented.

6. In order to prevent road traffic accidents (hereinafter referred to as RTA), the subject of transport activities carries out annual planning of the activities specified in the List.

In the case of an accident involving vehicles belonging to a subject of transport activity, the subject of transport activity carries out an analysis of the causes and conditions that contributed to the occurrence of the accident, the results of which are documented and stored for at least three years.

When carrying out this analysis, the following are established:

1) in relation to an employee of a transport entity who drove a vehicle (hereinafter referred to as the driver):

  • last name, first name, patronymic (if any), total driving experience of this category of vehicle, length of service with the subject of transport activity, work experience on this vehicle, as well as, if possible, the same information about other drivers involved in an accident;
  • the driver undergoes a medical examination for intoxication. In relation to the driver who was under the influence of alcohol, drugs or other toxic substances during the accident - the circumstances under which he found himself driving while intoxicated;
  • compliance by the driver with the work and rest regime during the period preceding the accident;
  • compliance by the driver with the legislation of the Russian Federation on road safety and these Rules;
  • the driver had administrative offenses in the field of traffic and labor discipline during the year preceding the incident, the presence of penalties against this driver during the year;
  • organization of advanced training and professional skills of the driver, compliance with the conditions of the driver’s internship;

2) in relation to a vehicle:

  • vehicle model;
  • state registration plate (for urban ground electric transport - side number), location of the steering control on the vehicle;
  • presence of vehicle malfunctions at the time of the accident;
  • availability of a diagnostic card confirming the completion of a technical inspection of the vehicle;

organization of vehicle maintenance and repair, including:

  • the frequency of vehicle maintenance and the timing of the last vehicle maintenance, as well as the person responsible for its implementation;
  • compliance with service mileage;
  • presence and list of faults detected during vehicle maintenance;
  • the presence of written requests from the driver to the subject of transport activity about malfunctions identified during the operation of the vehicle.

3) in relation to officials of the subject of transport activities:

  • last name, first name, patronymic (if any) of the person who carried out pre-trip control of the technical condition of the vehicle, compliance of the said person with qualification and professional requirements, compliance with the conditions and procedure for conducting pre-trip control of the technical condition of the vehicle;
  • last name, first name, patronymic (if any) of the person who instructed drivers (in the cases provided for by these Rules), compliance of the said person with qualification and professional requirements, compliance with the requirements for conducting briefing in accordance with these Rules;
  • last name, first name, patronymic (if any) of the person who carried out the pre-trip medical examination, compliance of the said person with qualification and professional requirements, compliance with the conditions and procedure for conducting the pre-trip medical examination;
  • compliance with the provisions of the legislation of the Russian Federation on road safety and these Rules;
  • measures taken by the subject of transport activities towards drivers with administrative offenses in the field of road traffic.

III. Ensuring professional competence and professional suitability of employees of the subject of transport activities

7. Ensuring professional competence and professional suitability of drivers is achieved:

  • conducting professional selection and training of drivers;
  • monitoring the health status of drivers, observing the work and rest regime during their work;
  • undergoing transportation safety training.

8. Ensuring the professional competence of workers directly related to the movement of vehicles (except for drivers) is achieved:

1) conducting professional selection and training of workers directly related to the movement of vehicles (with the exception of drivers);

2) if the subject of transport activity has an official responsible for ensuring road safety and who has passed certification in the prescribed manner for the right to occupy the corresponding position.

9. Professional selection and training of workers directly related to the movement of vehicles are carried out in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

10. The subject of transport activity is obliged to ensure control of the health status of vehicle drivers, and not to allow persons in a state of intoxication (alcohol, narcotic or other toxic) to drive vehicles.

11. The subject of transport activity is obliged, in accordance with Article 20 of the Federal Law of December 10, 1995 No. 196-FZ “On Road Safety,” to organize mandatory medical examinations of drivers.

12. The subject of transport activity is obliged to monitor compliance with the deadlines for mandatory preliminary and periodic medical examinations of drivers, as well as to send them for the next medical examination in accordance with the order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated April 12, 2011 No. 302n “On approval of lists of harmful and (or) hazardous production factors and work, during which mandatory medical examinations (examinations) are carried out, and the Procedure for conducting mandatory preliminary and periodic medical examinations (examinations) of workers engaged in heavy work and work with harmful and (or) dangerous working conditions" (registered Ministry of Justice of Russia on October 21, 2011, registration No. 22111) as amended by order of the Ministry of Health of Russia dated May 15, 2013 No. 296n “On amendments to Appendix No. 2 to the order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation dated April 12, 2011. No. 302n “On approval of lists of harmful and (or) hazardous production factors and work, during which mandatory preliminary and periodic medical examinations (examinations) are carried out, and the Procedure for conducting mandatory preliminary and periodic medical examinations (examinations) of workers engaged in heavy work and at work with harmful and (or) dangerous working conditions" (registered by the Ministry of Justice of Russia on July 3, 2013, registration No. 28970).

13. The subject of transport activity has the right, if signs of deterioration in the driver’s health that threaten traffic safety are detected, to send him for an extraordinary compulsory medical examination.

14. The subject of transport activities ensures documentary recording and analysis of the results of all types of mandatory medical examinations of drivers in order to identify employees prone to alcohol abuse, use of drugs or other drugs, suffering from chronic diseases that affect the performance of work functions.

15. The subject of transport activities ensures control of compliance with the working hours and rest periods of drivers established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

16. The subject of transport activity is obliged to provide drivers with the following information:

1) about weather conditions on the route;

2) on places for organizing recreation and eating, placement of sanitary facilities;

3) about parking places for vehicles;

4) about the telephone numbers of the duty units of the State Traffic Inspectorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia along the route;

5) about the features of ensuring traffic safety and operation of vehicles during seasonal changes in weather and road conditions;

6) about the causes and circumstances of the occurrence of an accident, violations of the Traffic Rules, rules of technical operation of vehicles and other requirements and standards of road safety that occurred with the participation of drivers of the subject of transport activity;

7) on the location of medical and technical assistance points, traffic control centers for vehicles and on the procedure for communication with these points;

8) about the driver’s actions in situations related to non-compliance with the vehicle’s schedule for reasons beyond his control;

9) about the route of movement of a vehicle carrying passengers, conditions and traffic modes on the route, places where road accidents are concentrated on routes of regular transportation of passengers;

10) on the procedure for determining the total and axial mass of a vehicle, on the rules for loading vehicles and carrying out weight and dimensional control when transporting goods.

17. The information specified in paragraph 16 of these Rules must be communicated to drivers through introductory, pre-trip, seasonal, and special briefings.

18. Introductory training is carried out with all drivers upon hiring, regardless of their level of qualifications and work experience. The topics of the introductory briefing include the following questions:

  • general information about the subject of transport activity (size and structure of the vehicle fleet, types of transportation performed);
  • requirements for the organization and safe operation of vehicles imposed on the driver operating for a given transport entity;
  • internal labor regulations;
  • the procedure for undergoing pre-trip and post-trip medical examinations;
  • the procedure for passing pre-trip inspection of the technical condition of a vehicle;
  • vehicle loading standards (for passenger transportation - passenger capacity);
  • features of servicing persons with disabilities or people with disabilities with impaired functions of the musculoskeletal system, vision, hearing (for passenger transportation);
  • basic data on accident rates on the route network, circumstances and causes of the prevailing types of accidents;
  • documents necessary for the transportation of passengers and (or) cargo.

19. Pre-trip briefing is carried out:

  • when the driver departs along the route for the first time;
  • when transporting children;
  • when transporting dangerous, large and heavy cargo.

The topics of the pre-trip briefing include the following questions:

  • length of the route, road conditions, the presence of dangerous areas and places where accidents are concentrated, features of the organization of road traffic;
  • final, intermediate points of the route, places of rest, eating, changing drivers (if necessary), parking for vehicles;
  • location along the route of medical and technical assistance points, posts of the State Traffic Inspectorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, control centers, bus stations and bus stations;
  • driver's working conditions when the intensity of traffic and pedestrian flows increases;
  • traffic safety during school holidays;
  • information about changes in the organization of transportation, about the features of passage of railway crossings, overpasses and other artificial structures, the use of ferries and floating bridges;
  • precautions when overcoming long descents and ascents;
  • actions of the driver in situations related to non-compliance with the vehicle schedule for reasons beyond his control (when transporting passengers on regular routes);
  • features of boarding, disembarking and transportation of persons with disabilities or people with disabilities with impaired functions of the musculoskeletal system, vision, hearing, in relation to a specific route (when transporting passengers);
  • features of the bus delivery to the passenger boarding area (when transporting children);
  • features of boarding and disembarking children, their transportation, interaction of the driver with persons accompanying children (when transporting children).

20. Seasonal briefings are carried out with all drivers twice a year - in the spring-summer and autumn-winter periods.

The topics of seasonal briefings include issues that determine the features of operating and driving vehicles in the spring-summer and autumn-winter periods, as well as those related to ensuring road safety in difficult weather and road conditions.

21. Special briefing is carried out with all drivers if it is necessary to urgently communicate information to them in the following cases:

  • the entry into force of regulatory legal acts, the provisions of which affect the professional activities of drivers;
  • changes in the route and traffic conditions affecting road safety;
  • obtaining information about road accidents with human casualties, significant material and environmental damage;
  • committing and (or) threatening to commit terrorist acts.

During the briefing, an assessment of the current situation and the procedure for the necessary actions of the driver are given.

22. The subject of transport activities is prohibited from allowing drivers to work related to driving vehicles without undergoing appropriate instructions.

23. The subject of transport activities maintains documentary records of information about the persons (last name, first name, patronymic, position held) who underwent and conducted the briefing, the type of briefing and the date of its conduct. The results of this accounting are stored by the subject of transport activities for at least three years.

IV. Ensuring the safety of operating vehicles

24. The subject of transport activity is obliged to ensure the safety of vehicles used to transport passengers and goods during operation.

25. To carry out the transportation of passengers and cargo, it is necessary to use vehicles approved for operation in the prescribed manner.

26. The subject of transport activity is obliged to ensure the protection of vehicles from acts of illegal interference in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation on transport security.

27. The subject of transport activity is obliged to ensure the organization of maintenance and repair of used vehicles in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions.

A vehicle whose technical condition does not meet the safety requirements established by the Basic Regulations for the admission of vehicles to operation and the responsibilities of officials to ensure road safety, approved by Resolution of the Council of Ministers - Government of the Russian Federation dated October 23, 1993 No. 1090, cannot be allowed to carry out transportation of passengers and cargo without eliminating identified inconsistencies and re-monitoring technical condition.

28. The subject of transport activity is obliged to ensure pre-trip control of the technical condition of the vehicle.

It is prohibited to release vehicles onto the line that have not passed pre-trip inspection of technical condition.

29. Information about the inspection of the technical condition of the vehicle and the place where it was carried out is recorded in waybills. Control of the technical condition of vehicles when released onto the line (returned from the line) is ensured by an employee of the subject of transport activity who authorizes the vehicles for operation.

30. For the transportation of large-sized and (or) heavy cargo, vehicles (including combinations of vehicles) equipped with an automatic (emergency) braking system that comply with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation on technical regulation are used.

31. When transporting large cargo, the established visibility conditions in the rear-view mirrors on both sides must be observed, which provide the driver with sufficient visibility both in straight and curved motion, taking into account the dimensions of the vehicle and the cargo being transported.

V. Ensuring safe conditions for the transportation of passengers and cargo

32. Ensuring safe conditions for the transportation of passengers and cargo is achieved:

  • ensuring safe conditions for cargo transportation;
  • ensuring safe conditions for organizing regular passenger transportation;
  • ensuring safe conditions for organizing and carrying out passenger transportation according to orders;
  • ensuring safe conditions for organizing and carrying out passenger transportation by passenger taxi;
  • ensuring safe transportation of passengers and cargo under special conditions.

Ensuring safe conditions for cargo transportation

33. The permissible maximum weight of the vehicle and axle load must not exceed the limit values ​​​​specified in the vehicle passport.

34. When placing cargo on a vehicle, the values ​​of the weight and dimensional parameters established by the Rules for the carriage of goods by road, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 15, 2011 No. 272, must be observed, and conditions must be ensured for uniform distribution of the mass of the cargo over the entire area of ​​the platform or vehicle body, container.

35. When placing cargo on vehicles and containers, it is necessary to avoid damage to the cargo, containers and packaging, vehicles and containers.

36. When placing cargo, the following requirements are taken into account:

  • larger and heavier loads are placed in the lower part and closer to the longitudinal axis of symmetry of the platform or vehicle body, container, taking into account the establishment of the center of gravity as low as possible above the platform (body) flooring and in the middle of the platform (body) length;
  • homogeneous piece goods in the body of a vehicle or in a container must be stacked in compliance with the same number of tiers and ensuring reliable fastening of the top tier of the stack;
  • Cargoes with a smaller volumetric mass are placed on cargoes with a large volumetric mass;
  • free space, gaps between cargo stacks and body walls are filled using gaskets, inflatable containers and other devices.

37. When loading and placing long cargoes of different sizes, lengths and thicknesses on vehicles, their identical dimensions should be selected in each individual row; longer cargo should be placed in the lower rows.

38. When placing cargo in the body of a vehicle or in a container, gaps of up to 15 cm are allowed between parts of the cargo, between the cargo and the side walls or side walls of the body (container), between the cargo and the rear side or door of the body of the vehicle or container.

39. Placement and securing of cargo in the body of a vehicle or in a container are carried out in accordance with the scheme for placing and securing cargo applied to a specific type (model) of a vehicle or container, taking into account the technical conditions for transporting products included in the cargo presented for transportation (hereinafter - cargo placement and securing scheme), which is approved in accordance with these Rules.

The scheme for placing and securing cargo is approved for each transportation by the subject of transport activities. For groupage cargo, the scheme for placing and securing cargo is approved for each batch containing groupage cargo.

The cargo placement and securing scheme must contain:

  • graphic representation of the position(s) of the cargo(s) placed in the body of the motor vehicle;
  • graphical representation of cargo (cargo) securing points indicating the types of cargo (cargo) securing means and their working loads.

40. Loading of cargo onto a vehicle must be carried out in accordance with the scheme for placing and securing cargo in compliance with the following requirements:

  • before loading, the flooring of the onboard platform and the supporting surfaces of the cargo must be cleared of snow, ice and other contaminants that reduce surface friction;
  • It is not allowed to exceed the maximum load on the axle(s) of the vehicle caused by a change in the distribution of the cargo mass when it is partially unloaded (for groupage cargo).

When transporting cargo in bulk (soil, clay, gravel, sand and gravel mixture, etc.), the shipper, when loading, must place them evenly in the body of the car so that the cargo does not protrude beyond the upper edges of the open body. In order to avoid the load falling out of the body while the vehicle is moving, the subject of transport activity must retrofit the body with a means of covering.

41. When transporting liquid cargo in tank trucks or tank containers, the subject of transport activity is obliged to comply with the requirements of the tank manufacturers regarding their filling.

42. It is not allowed to use bodies for transportation of goods that have:

  • damage to the flooring and sides;
  • faulty racks, hinges and handles of locking devices;
  • external and internal damage, ruptures, distortions of the body, as well as the awning of the onboard platform.

43. When determining methods of securing cargo, the following forces acting on the cargo while the vehicle is moving are taken into account:

  • longitudinal horizontal inertial forces arising during vehicle braking;
  • transverse horizontal forces that arise when a vehicle moves around turns and curves of the road;
  • vertical forces arising from vibrations of a moving vehicle;
  • friction force (force acting due to friction between the load and adjacent surfaces when the load moves);
  • gravity (load weight).

The magnitude of the forces acting on the load must compensate for:

  • a force equal to 0.8 of the weight of the load in the forward direction (longitudinal horizontal along the direction of travel of the vehicle);
  • a force equal to 0.5 of the weight of the load in the opposite direction of movement and to the sides (left, right) in the direction of movement of the vehicle.

The friction force is determined taking into account the coefficient of friction, and the force of gravity is determined taking into account the acceleration of gravity.

44. Cargo transported by vehicles is secured in the body according to the scheme for placing and securing cargo, regardless of the transportation distance.

Load securing means are divided into:

  • clamping (belts, chains, cables);
  • tensile (belts, cables);
  • spacers (wooden devices, bars, stops);
  • friction (anti-slip mats).

Before loading, the subject of transport activities carries out a visual inspection of the condition of the fastening means.

The choice of means and corresponding methods of securing cargo is carried out on the basis of the scheme of placement and securing of cargo.

The calculation of the number of clamping means for securing cargo and the working load on the fastening means is carried out in accordance with Appendix No. 2 to these Rules.

Onboard platforms, cargo areas for placing cargo, and bodies are equipped with devices for tying and securing cargo.

The securing means that prevent the movement of the load must be as close as possible to the floor of the vehicle body, and the angle between the securing means and the surface of the body (platform) floor must be no more than 60°.

To ensure stability of the load, it is necessary to use at least two fastening straps when fastening to the platform and two pairs of fastening straps when fastening with guy wires in the longitudinal and transverse directions relative to the vehicle platform.

A person authorized by the subject of transport activities exercises control over the placement and securing of cargo in accordance with the scheme of placement and securing of cargo.

45. The following are not used for securing cargo:

  • together various means of fastening (belt with cable, belt with chain and others);
  • mechanical aids (bars, levers, mounts and other means not intended for securing loads);
  • knotted fastening straps, chains, cables.

46. ​​Fastening belts, chains, cables must be protected from protruding surfaces of the load in order to prevent mechanical damage by means of protective devices - corners, pads and other devices.

Labels with markings for fastening straps, cables and chains must not be damaged and must be clearly marked.

47. Fastening belts must not be used in the following cases:

  • in the event of the formation of ruptures, transverse cracks or cuts, delaminations, significant areas of corrosion of metal parts, damage to clamping or connecting elements;
  • if load-bearing seams are damaged;
  • if there is no marking on the fastening belt.

48. Fastening cables must not be used in the following cases:

  • when the cable wears out, when its nominal diameter is reduced by more than 10%;
  • when flattened, when the cable is compressed by more than 15% or it has a sharp edge.

49. Fastening chains are prohibited from being used in the following cases:

  • when the thickness of the links in any place is reduced by more than 10% of the nominal thickness;
  • when the link is lengthened by any deformation by more than 5%;
  • with cuts.

50. The driver is obliged to check the serviceability of fastening devices on the vehicle after bringing them into working condition, as well as during the transportation of cargo.

51. Transportation of large and (or) heavy cargo is possible in cases where the cargo cannot be divided into parts without the risk of damage.

The movement of vehicles transporting large cargo in organized columns is not allowed.

52. To ensure safety when transporting large and (or) heavy cargo and informing other road users about its dimensions listed in the table “Mandatory conditions for the use of cover vehicles” (appendix to these Rules), the use of cover vehicles is necessary.

53. The cover vehicle must move:

1) in front of the vehicle:

  • at a safe distance for driving (taking into account the established speed), with a ledge on the left side in relation to the vehicle transporting large-sized and (or) heavy cargo, so that its width dimensions protrude beyond the dimensions of the accompanying vehicle with information reflective or the light display specified in paragraph 56 of these Rules, facing forward;
  • with a deployed device for determining the height of artificial structures and other utilities when the height of the vehicle with or without cargo is over 4.5 meters;

2) behind a vehicle with a reflective or internally illuminated information board specified in paragraph 54 of these Rules, facing rearward.

The use of a cover vehicle behind the vehicle is also necessary in cases where the overhang of the cargo over the rear clearance of the vehicle is more than four meters, regardless of other parameters of the vehicle with the cargo.

54. The cover vehicle must:

1) have reflective yellow-orange stripes;

2) be equipped with:

  • two flashing beacons of yellow or orange color (the use of flashing beacons structurally combined in one housing is allowed);
  • a yellow reflective or illuminated information board measuring one meter by 0.5 meters with the text “LARGE WIDTH”, “LONG LENGTH”, made of blue reflective film with a font height of 14 cm;
  • a device for determining the height of artificial structures and other utilities.

The flashing light is installed on or above the roof of the vehicle. Methods for installing flashing beacons must ensure the reliability of their fastening in all modes of movement and braking of the vehicle.

55. A reflective or internally illuminated information board must be installed on or above the roof of the cover vehicle behind the flashing light in the direction of travel and used to additionally inform road users about the overall parameters of the vehicle:

  • when the width of a vehicle with large cargo is over 3.5 meters - “BIG WIDTH”;
  • if the length of a vehicle with large cargo is more than 25 meters and at the same time the width is not more than 3.5 meters - “LARGE LENGTH”;
  • when the width of a vehicle with a large cargo is over 3.5 meters and at the same time the length is more than 25 meters, on the cover vehicle next in front - “LARGE WIDTH”, and on the cover vehicle following behind - “LONG LENGTH”.

56. In cases where the width of the vehicle exceeds five meters or the length of the vehicle exceeds 35 meters, or when on two-lane roads when a large vehicle is moving, the width of the roadway for oncoming traffic is less than three meters, it is necessary to develop a project for organizing traffic along the route or section route.

The specified project must contain the following information:

  • diagram and description of the route;
  • characteristics and parameters of vehicles involved in traffic;
  • diagram(s) of cargo placement and securing;
  • route schedule taking into account traffic intensity;
  • traffic management and cover schemes in areas with limited visibility, and places specified in the “Special conditions” column of the special permit approved by Order of the Ministry of Transport of Russia dated July 24, 2012 No. 258 “On approval of the Procedure for issuing a special permit for traffic on motor roads a vehicle transporting heavy and (or) large-sized cargo”, indicating the location of cover vehicles, the scheme for changing the organization of traffic;
  • the procedure for driving through the most difficult sections of the route (turns, intersections, railway crossings, narrowing of the roadway, sections with access to the lane of oncoming traffic and with limited visibility) with the movement trajectory plotted on the diagram;
  • places where control measurements of the dimensions of artificial structures and communications are carried out during transportation;
  • information about the need to completely or partially block traffic on sections of the road;
  • stopping and parking places for rest and passage of passing (oncoming) vehicles.

The information contained in the project must be confirmed by photographic materials reflecting the actual state of the road infrastructure.

The road traffic organization project is submitted by the subject of transport activity to the authorized body for issuing a special permit in the manner determined by Order of the Ministry of Transport of Russia dated July 24, 2012 No. 258 “On approval of the Procedure for issuing a special permit for the movement of a vehicle on roads carrying heavy and (or ) large cargo." If it is necessary to carry out a special project for the transportation of large and (or) heavy cargo, the road traffic management project is included as an integral part of the special project. The authorized body for issuing a special permit submits this project to the division of the State Traffic Inspectorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, which carries out the approval of the special permit.

57. The placement and securing of large and (or) heavy cargo on a vehicle must comply with the cargo securing scheme developed by its manufacturer.

The extreme points of cargo dimensions (length, width) and (or) vehicle must be indicated by the identification sign “Large cargo” and flashing yellow or orange lights (signals).

58. The speed of movement of large and (or) heavy vehicles, vehicles carrying large and (or) heavy loads is established taking into account road conditions in the manner determined by Order of the Ministry of Transport of Russia dated July 24, 2012 No. 258 “On approval of the Issuance Procedure a special permit for the movement of a vehicle transporting heavy and (or) large-sized cargo on roads.”

59. During the transportation of large and (or) heavy cargo, it is prohibited:

  • deviate from the route established in the special permit;
  • exceed the speed specified in the permit;
  • drive during ice, snowfall, and also when meteorological visibility is less than 100 meters;
  • drive along the side of the road, if such an order is not determined by the conditions of transportation;
  • stop outside specially designated parking areas located outside the roadway;
  • continue transportation if a technical malfunction of the vehicle occurs that threatens traffic safety, as well as if the cargo is displaced or its fastening is weakened;

60. If, during movement, circumstances arise that require a change in the route of movement, the subject of transport activity is obliged to obtain special permission for a new route in the prescribed manner.

60.1. The safety of transportation of dangerous goods in urban, suburban and intercity traffic is ensured by compliance with the following special requirements:

  • carrying out the transportation of substances and products that are allowed for transportation only in compliance with the conditions prescribed in Annexes A and B of the European Agreement concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road (hereinafter referred to as ADR). The list of dangerous goods is given in Chapter 3.2 of ADR;
  • transportation by vehicles that meet the requirements of the Technical Regulations of the Customs Union “On the Safety of Wheeled Vehicles” and Section 9 of ADR. In cases provided for by ADR, compliance with the design of vehicles is confirmed by a certificate of approval of the vehicle for the carriage of certain dangerous goods;
  • transportation of dangerous goods in packages, in bulk and in tanks in compliance with the requirements for loading, unloading and transportation conditions provided for in Section 7 of ADR;
  • transportation of dangerous goods using packaging that meets the requirements of section 6 of ADR, and also marked in accordance with section 5 of ADR;
  • transportation is carried out in the presence of equipment and documentation provided for in Section 8 of ADR, as well as in compliance with the conditions of transportation provided for in this section.

60.2. Special requirements for the transport of dangerous goods do not apply in cases and subject to the conditions provided for in section 1.1.3 of ADR.

60.3. When transporting dangerous goods, the subject of transport activities must observe the precautions provided for in Chapter 1.10 of ADR.

Transportation of goods classified as high-risk goods according to ADR is carried out under special permits provided for by the legislation on roads and road activities.

Ensuring safe conditions for organizing regular passenger transportation

61. Routes for regular transportation of passengers by buses are organized on highways of I-IV categories, and by trolleybuses on highways of I-III categories.

Regular bus traffic on sections of roads of category V can be organized for the purpose of carrying out bus transportation at the entrances to rural settlements by buses belonging to the category of vehicles M2, if sections of such roads have hard pavement in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation on highways and road activities, as well as local widening of the roadway sufficient for vehicles to pass in the visibility zone with vehicles in the oncoming direction of traffic in compliance with the Traffic Rules and safety requirements for vehicles providing these transportations.

62. A transport entity engaged in regular passenger transportation is obliged to:

1) provide each driver with the following documents:

  • waybill;
  • schedule (schedule) of movement along the route of regular transportation;
  • route diagram indicating dangerous areas;

2) when carrying out transportation, monitor compliance with the schedule (schedule) of movement and the maximum capacity of vehicles, compliance with the path of movement of vehicles with the established routes of regular transportation.

63. The organization of a bus route for regular passenger transportation passing through an unregulated railway crossing is carried out in agreement with the owner of this crossing.

64. It is prohibited to organize a route for regular transportation of urban ground electric transport passing through railway crossings of the main highways of the general network, electrified external and internal access roads.

65. When transporting passengers in intercity traffic on regular transportation routes, luggage must be placed only in the luggage compartments of buses or transported separately in luggage cars or in special trailers.

66. It is prohibited to deviate from the route established by the route diagram or make stops in places not provided for by the route diagram (except when this is caused by the need to ensure transportation and road safety).

67. Subjects of transport activities must monitor the implementation of all flights provided for by the vehicle schedule on the regular passenger transportation routes they serve, analyze the reasons for the driver’s non-compliance with the schedule (schedule) and, if necessary, adjust the schedule (schedule).

Ensuring safe conditions for organizing and carrying out passenger transportation according to orders

68. The route for transporting passengers on order is determined by agreement between the charterer and the charterer in compliance with road safety requirements.

69. When transporting passengers in intercity traffic on orders, luggage must be placed only in the luggage compartments of buses or transported separately in luggage cars or in special trailers.

Ensuring safe conditions for organizing and carrying out passenger transportation by passenger taxis

70. The subject of transport activity is obliged to provide the driver of a passenger taxi with the information listed in subparagraphs 1-7 of paragraph 16 of these Rules.

71. When transporting passengers and luggage in intercity traffic by passenger taxi, luggage must be placed only in luggage compartments and (or) in a trailer.

Ensuring the safety of transportation of passengers and cargo under special conditions

72. Special conditions for the transportation of passengers and cargo include:

1) transportation on winter roads, in off-road conditions, crossing water barriers;

2) transportation along routes passing in mountainous areas, with sudden changes in plan directions and protracted longitudinal slopes and having in total the following features:

3) routes passing through difficult sections of rough terrain;

4) movement of trams on straight sections with slopes:

(), where is the slope value, ; — length of slope, m;

5) movement of trolleybuses on straight sections with slopes:

73. Transportation of passengers and cargo along routes running along winter roads, in off-road conditions, crossing water barriers (non-permanent crossing structures: ferry crossings and floating bridges; natural objects equipped for crossing vehicles and pedestrians: ice crossings, ford crossings) , are carried out only subject to notification of organizations operating winter roads and crossings along which transportation is supposed to be carried out.

74. Drivers crossing water obstacles and driving on winter roads are required to follow the instructions of the employees responsible for the operation of these crossings and winter roads, made within the limits of their competence.

75. The crossing of vehicles through water barriers must be carried out in accordance with the requirements of regulatory legal and regulatory technical acts establishing the procedure and safety rules for the operation of water barriers.

76. The transportation of passengers across ice crossings is prohibited, with the exception of areas located in the 1st road climate zone, provided the gross weight of the vehicle is three times less than the permissible load on ice and the air temperature is below minus 20° Celsius. Decisions on the passage of vehicles along the ice crossing and the moment of opening (closing) traffic are made by the organization operating it. The decision to allow (or refuse to allow) buses is made by the head of the operating organization.

77. Technical requirements for floating bridges, including those operated during freeze-ups, are determined in accordance with the legislation on technical regulation.

78. The decision on the movement of vehicles carrying groups of people across a floating bridge is made by executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local government bodies in charge of the highway and which made the decision to open the floating bridge.

79. During the dark time of the day (the period of time from the end of evening twilight to the beginning of morning twilight), entrances (exits) at crossings over water obstacles, borders of the crossing route, places for boarding and disembarking passengers must have artificial lighting (for ice crossings, it is allowed to install poles with reflective marking). In the absence of proper lighting of the crossings, the movement of vehicles at night along the crossing is prohibited.

80. Crossings over water barriers must be equipped with areas for disembarkation and pick-up of passengers with drive-in local widening of the roadway for vehicles, barriers, and technical means of organizing traffic in accordance with the current rules for the operation of these crossings.

81. Before each entrance to a crossing over a water barrier, information materials must be posted for viewing, indicating the rules for using the crossing, its technical characteristics and operating mode, the name, address and telephone number of the organization operating the crossing.

82. Vehicles carrying passengers along regular transportation routes move across a water barrier without a queue in accordance with their schedule.

83. The traffic schedule on regular transportation routes using water crossings must be linked to the operating hours of these crossings and provide sufficient time for the crossing, including the disembarkation and embarkation of passengers.

84. Movement along water crossings is carried out in accordance with the rules for using the crossing established by the operating organization.

85. Transportation of passengers and cargo on sections of the route with special traffic conditions is permitted provided that the parameters of geometric elements and transport and operational indicators of sections of highways, their structural elements, protective road structures, artificial road structures and equipment elements, parameters for their repair comply with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation Federation on technical regulation and legislation of the Russian Federation on road safety.

86. The operation of articulated vehicles is prohibited on routes in mountainous areas.

87. Trams and trolleybuses approved for operation on routes with special traffic conditions established by subparagraphs 4 and 5 of paragraph 72 of these Rules must undergo initial operation on a route not related to the route with special traffic conditions.

88. Regular transportation of passengers on routes with special traffic conditions is carried out under the following conditions:

1) the width of the carriageway of sections of highways is sufficient for the safe passage of vehicles in the oncoming direction;

2) sections of highways with horizontal radii of less than 2000 meters are equipped with turns and transition curves;

3) horizontal and vertical road markings on the roadway and road construction elements are clearly visible at any time of the day;

4) sections of highways are marked with signal posts and reflectors. Retroreflectors used for optical orientation of drivers are installed on curves with a radius of less than 60 meters in combination with horizontal marking lines;

5) on serpentines, sections of highways with a small radius, sections, intersections and junctions with poor visibility, spherical mirrors of increased size (with a diameter of 1,000 mm and above) are installed;

6) speed limits are limited by installing appropriate road signs on sections of highways in accordance with the traffic management project approved in the prescribed manner;

7) there is additional information support for drivers through the use of road signs and indicators about the magnitude of the slope, the length of descents and ascents, the profile of the road, the recommended minimum distance for vehicles, and the presence of dangerous sections on the route.

Appendix No. 1

to the Safety Rules

approved by order
Ministry of Transport of Russia dated January 15, 2014 No. 7

Mandatory conditions for the use of cover vehicles

Measures to ensure road safety

Dimensional parameters of the vehicle or vehicle with cargo

Height over 4.5 m

From 3 to 3.5 m

From 3.5 to 4 m

From 4 to 4.5 m

From 4.5 to 5 m

From 5 or more m

From 25 to 40 m

More than 40 m

From 25 to 40 m

More than 40 m

Less than 25 m

From 25 to 40 m

More than 40 m

Less than 25 m

From 25 to 40 m

More than 40 m

Less than 25 m

From 25 to 40 m

More than 40 m

All lengths

Front cover car

Determined by the traffic management project (clause 56 of these Rules)

Cover car from behind

Appendix No. 2
to the Safety Rules
transportation of passengers and cargo
road transport and urban
ground electric transport,
approved by order
Ministry of Transport of Russia dated January 15, 2014 No. 7

Calculation of the number of clamping means of fastening and the working load on fastening means

The number of clamping means for securing loads and the working load on the fastening means are calculated using the following formulas:


n is the number of clamping means for securing loads, units;

m—cargo mass, kg;

k is the transmission coefficient, units (Table 4);

— vertical angle between the platform and the belt, degrees;

— achieved belt tension force, N.

— acceleration coefficient of inertial forces along the x, y and z axes, respectively, units (Table 1);

— kinematic coefficient of friction of loads and materials, units (Tables 2 and 3);

m—cargo mass, kg;

g—gravitational acceleration, ;

— vertical angle between the platform and the belt, degrees.

Table 1

Acceleration coefficients, and

Direction of forces

Acceleration factor



vertical from below

only sliding

sliding and tipping



Table 2

Kinematic coefficient of friction of loads and materials

Combination of loads and materials on the contact surface

Friction coefficient


Lumber on lumber/plywood

Lumber on corrugated aluminum

Lumber on sheet steel

Lumber on film with a high degree of shrinkage

Film with a high degree of shrinkage

Film on lumber/plywood

Film on corrugated aluminum

Film on sheet steel

Film on film

Cardboard boxes

Cardboard boxes on cardboard boxes

Cardboard boxes on wooden pallets

Big bags

Large bags on wooden pallets

Steel and metal sheets

Oiled steel sheets on oiled steel sheets

Flat bars of steel on lumber

Corrugated iron on lumber

Corrugated iron without painting on corrugated iron without painting

Corrugated iron with painting on corrugated iron with painting

Steel barrel with painting on steel barrel with painting

Wall on wall without intermediate layer (concrete/concrete)

Prefabricated element with an intermediate layer of wood in wood (concrete/timber/timber)

Wall in wall without intermediate layer (concrete/lattice truss)

Steel frames with wood intermediate layer (steel/wood)

Steel framed wall with wood interlayer (concrete/timber/steel)

Lining made of plywood with synthetic resin, soft - Euro pallet (wood)

Lining made of plywood with synthetic resin, soft - box pallet (steel)

Lining made of plywood with synthetic resin, soft - plastic tray

Lining made of plywood with synthetic resin, soft - flat wooden pallet

Lining made of plywood with synthetic resin, lattice structure - Euro pallet (wood)

Lining made of plywood with synthetic resin, lattice structure - box pallet (steel)

Lining made of plywood with synthetic resin, lattice structure - plastic tray

Lining made of plywood with synthetic resin, lattice structure - flat wooden pallet

Aluminum lining on the surface of the load (stamped bars) - Euro pallet (wood)

Aluminum lining on the surface of the load (stamped bars) - box pallet

Aluminum lining on the surface of the load (stamped bars) - plastic pallet

Aluminum lining on the surface of the load (stamped bars) - flat wooden pallet

Table 3

Kinematic coefficient of friction of materials

Loaded surface/load

Adhesion material






Anti-slip mats

Table 4

Transfer coefficient k

Appendix No. 2

activities to prepare employees of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs carrying out transportation by road and urban ground electric transport for safe work and vehicles for safe operation

1. Measures to prepare workers carrying out transportation by road and urban ground electric transport (hereinafter referred to as employees of the subject of transport activities) for safe work.

1.1. Ensuring the professional selection and training of employees of the subject of transport activities filling positions listed in Section I of the List of works, professions, positions directly related to driving vehicles or controlling the movement of vehicles, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of January 19, 2008 No. 16 “On approval of the list of jobs, professions, positions directly related to driving vehicles or controlling the movement of vehicles” (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2008, No. 4, Art. 268), and other workers directly related to the movement of vehicles.

1.2. Ensuring the training of employees of the subject of transport activities in accordance with the professional and qualification requirements for employees of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs carrying out transportation by road and urban ground electric transport.

1.3. Conducting internships for drivers of motor vehicles and urban ground electric transport when transferring to a new route or when transferring to a new type (model) of vehicle.

1.4. Providing vehicle drivers with up-to-date information on ensuring safe transportation through appropriate briefings.

1.5. Ensuring mandatory medical examinations of drivers.

1.6. Measures to improve drivers’ skills in providing first aid to victims of road accidents.

1.7. Compliance with the working conditions of drivers in accordance with the work and rest regimes established by the legislation of the Russian Federation, as well as monitoring compliance with these conditions.

2. Measures to prepare vehicles for safe operation.

2.1. Checking the compliance of vehicles for their purpose and design with the technical requirements for the transportation of passengers and cargo.

2.2. Checking the availability of valid permits necessary for admission to the participation of a vehicle in road traffic in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation (vehicle registration certificate, insurance policy of compulsory civil liability insurance of vehicle owners, license for passenger transportation, waybill, as well as other documents necessary for carrying out specific types of transportation in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation).

2.3. Maintaining vehicles in technically sound condition in accordance with the vehicle manufacturer's operating instructions.

2.4. Carrying out maintenance and repair work on vehicles in the manner and volumes determined by the technical and operational documentation of vehicle manufacturers.

2.5. Carrying out daily monitoring of the technical condition of vehicles before leaving the line from the parking place and upon returning to the parking place with an appropriate note on the technical serviceability (malfunction) of the vehicles in the waybill.

2.6. Ensuring parking (storage) of vehicles, excluding access to them by unauthorized persons, as well as their unauthorized use by drivers of transport entities.

Order of the Ministry of Transport of Russia dated January 15, 2014 N 7 "On approval of the Rules for ensuring the safety of transportation of passengers and cargo by road and urban ground electric transport and the List of measures to prepare employees of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs carrying out transportation by road and urban ground electric transport for safe work and vehicles for safe operation"












In accordance with Article 20 of the Federal Law of December 10, 1995 N 196-FZ "On Road Safety" I order:

1. Approve:

Rules for ensuring the safety of transportation of passengers and goods by road transport and urban ground electric transport (Appendix No. 1 to this order);

List of measures to prepare employees of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs carrying out transportation by road and urban ground electric transport for safe work and vehicles for safe operation (Appendix No. 2 to this order).

2. The following regulatory legal acts of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation shall be declared invalid:

Order No. 15 of March 30, 1994 “On approval of the Requirements for ensuring road safety for licensing transportation activities in road transport”;

instruction dated May 27, 1996 “Instructions for the transportation of large and heavy cargo by road on the roads of the Russian Federation” (together with the List of authorities issuing permits for the transportation of large and heavy cargo);

Order No. 8 of January 22, 2004 “On amending the Instructions for the transportation of large-sized and heavy cargo by road on the roads of the Russian Federation”;

Order No. 191 dated July 21, 2011 “On amendments to the Instructions for the transportation of large and heavy cargo by road on the roads of the Russian Federation”;

paragraph 2 of order No. 258 dated July 24, 2012 “On approval of the Procedure for issuing a special permit for the movement of a vehicle transporting heavy and (or) large-sized cargo on roads.”


Appendix No. 1 Rules for ensuring the safety of transportation of passengers and goods by road transport and urban ground electric transport


by order of the Ministry of Transport of Russia





I. General provisions

1. The rules for ensuring the safety of transportation of passengers and cargo by road and urban ground electric transport (hereinafter referred to as the Rules) were developed in pursuance of Article 20 of the Federal Law of December 10, 1995 N 196-FZ “On Road Traffic Safety”.

2. These Rules define the main tasks and requirements for ensuring safety when organizing and carrying out the transportation of passengers and cargo by road transport and urban ground electric transport, imposed on legal entities and individual entrepreneurs carrying out activities on the territory of the Russian Federation related to the operation of vehicles intended for the transportation of passengers and cargo (hereinafter referred to as subjects of transport activities).

3. Subjects of transport activities are obliged to ensure the organization and implementation of measures to ensure the safety of transportation of passengers and cargo.

II. Requirements for organizing activities to ensure the safety of transportation of passengers and cargo

4. The requirements for ensuring the safety of transportation of passengers and cargo by subjects of transport activities include:

1) ensuring professional competence and professional suitability of employees of the subject of transport activities;

2) ensuring compliance of vehicles used during operation with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation on technical regulation;

3) ensuring safe conditions for the transportation of passengers and cargo, including transportation under special conditions.

5. When organizing work aimed at ensuring the safety of transportation of passengers and cargo, the subject of transport activity carries out implementation and monitoring of compliance with the requirements established by paragraph 5 of these Rules, as well as measures for training employees of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs carrying out transportation by road and urban land electric transport, for safe operation and vehicles for safe operation, the list of which is specified in Appendix No. 2 to this order (hereinafter referred to as the List).

The subject of transport activity or a person authorized by him carries out checks of compliance with the measures specified in subparagraphs 1.3, 1.4, 1.5, 1.6, 2.3, 2.4, 2.5, 2.6 of the List in relation to the official responsible for ensuring road safety, as necessary, but not less than once a quarter.

The subject of transport activities or a person authorized by him carries out checks of compliance with the measures specified in subparagraphs 1.1, 1.2, 1.7 in relation to the official responsible for ensuring road safety, as necessary, at least once every six months.

The results of the checks specified in paragraphs two and three of this paragraph are documented.

6. In order to prevent road traffic accidents (hereinafter referred to as RTA), the subject of transport activities carries out annual planning of the activities specified in the List.

In the case of an accident involving vehicles belonging to a subject of transport activity, the subject of transport activity carries out an analysis of the causes and conditions that contributed to the occurrence of the accident, the results of which are documented and stored for at least three years.

When carrying out this analysis, the following are established:

1) in relation to the employee of the subject of transport activity who drove the vehicle (hereinafter referred to as the driver):

last name, first name, patronymic (if any), total driving experience of this category of vehicle, length of service with the subject of transport activity, length of service on this vehicle, as well as, if possible, the same information about other drivers involved in an accident;

the driver undergoes a medical examination for intoxication. In relation to the driver who was under the influence of alcohol, drugs or other toxic substances during the accident - the circumstances under which he found himself driving while intoxicated;

compliance by the driver with the work and rest regime during the period preceding the accident;

compliance by the driver with the legislation of the Russian Federation on road safety and these Rules;

the driver had administrative offenses in the field of traffic and labor discipline during the year preceding the incident, the presence of penalties against this driver during the year;

organization of advanced training and professional skills of the driver, compliance with the conditions of the driver’s internship;

2) in relation to a vehicle:

vehicle model;

state registration plate (for urban ground electric transport - side number), location of the steering control on the vehicle;

presence of vehicle malfunctions at the time of the accident;

availability of a diagnostic card confirming the completion of a technical inspection of the vehicle;

organization of vehicle maintenance and repair, including:

the frequency of vehicle maintenance and the timing of the last vehicle maintenance, as well as the person responsible for its implementation;

compliance with service mileage;

presence and list of faults detected during vehicle maintenance;

the presence of written requests from the driver to the subject of transport activity about malfunctions identified during the operation of the vehicle;

3) in relation to officials of the subject of transport activities:

last name, first name, patronymic (if any) of the person who carried out pre-trip control of the technical condition of the vehicle, compliance of the said person with qualification and professional requirements, compliance with the conditions and procedure for conducting pre-trip control of the technical condition of the vehicle;

last name, first name, patronymic (if any) of the person who instructed drivers (in the cases provided for by these Rules), compliance of the said person with qualification and professional requirements, compliance with the requirements for conducting briefing in accordance with these Rules;

last name, first name, patronymic (if any) of the person who carried out the pre-trip medical examination, compliance of the said person with qualification and professional requirements, compliance with the conditions and procedure for conducting the pre-trip medical examination;

compliance with the provisions of the legislation of the Russian Federation on road safety and these Rules;

measures taken by the subject of transport activities towards drivers with administrative offenses in the field of road traffic.

III. Ensuring professional competence and professional suitability of employees of the subject of transport activities

7. Ensuring professional competence and professional suitability of drivers is achieved:

conducting professional selection and training of drivers;

monitoring the health status of drivers, observing the work and rest regime during their work;

undergoing transportation safety training.

8. Ensuring the professional competence of workers directly related to the movement of vehicles (except for drivers) is achieved:

1) conducting professional selection and training of workers directly related to the movement of vehicles (with the exception of drivers);

2) if the subject of transport activity has an official responsible for ensuring road safety and who has passed certification in the prescribed manner for the right to occupy the corresponding position.

9. Professional selection and training of workers directly related to the movement of vehicles are carried out in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

10. The subject of transport activity is obliged to ensure control of the health status of vehicle drivers, and not to allow persons in a state of intoxication (alcohol, narcotic or other toxic) to drive vehicles.

11. The subject of transport activity is obliged, in accordance with Article 20 of the Federal Law of December 10, 1995 N 196-FZ “On Road Safety,” to organize mandatory medical examinations of drivers.

12. The subject of transport activity is obliged to monitor compliance with the deadlines for mandatory preliminary and periodic medical examinations of drivers, as well as to send them for the next medical examination in accordance with the order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated April 12, 2011 N 302n “On approval of lists of harmful and (or) hazardous production factors and work, during which mandatory medical examinations (examinations) are carried out, and the Procedure for conducting mandatory preliminary and periodic medical examinations (examinations) of workers engaged in heavy work and work with harmful and (or) dangerous working conditions" (registered Ministry of Justice of Russia on October 21, 2011, registration N 22111) as amended by order of the Ministry of Health of Russia dated May 15, 2013 N 296n “On amendments to Appendix N 2 to the order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation dated April 12, 2011. N 302n "On approval of lists of harmful and (or) dangerous production factors and work, during which mandatory preliminary and periodic medical examinations (examinations) are carried out, and the Procedure for conducting mandatory preliminary and periodic medical examinations (examinations) of workers engaged in heavy work and at work with harmful and (or) dangerous working conditions" (registered by the Ministry of Justice of Russia on July 3, 2013, registration N 28970).

13. The subject of transport activity has the right, if signs of deterioration in the driver’s health that threaten traffic safety are detected, to send him for an extraordinary compulsory medical examination.

14. The subject of transport activities ensures documentary recording and analysis of the results of all types of mandatory medical examinations of drivers in order to identify employees prone to alcohol abuse, use of drugs or other drugs, suffering from chronic diseases that affect the performance of work functions.

15. The subject of transport activities ensures control of compliance with the working hours and rest periods of drivers established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

16. The subject of transport activity is obliged to provide drivers with the following information:

1) about weather conditions on the route;

2) on places for organizing recreation and eating, placement of sanitary facilities;

3) about parking places for vehicles;

4) about the telephone numbers of the duty units of the State Traffic Inspectorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia along the route;

5) about the features of ensuring traffic safety and operation of vehicles during seasonal changes in weather and road conditions;

6) about the causes and circumstances of the occurrence of an accident, violations of the Traffic Rules, rules of technical operation of vehicles and other requirements and standards of road safety that occurred with the participation of drivers of the subject of transport activity;

7) on the location of medical and technical assistance points, traffic control centers for vehicles and on the procedure for communication with these points;

8) about the actions of the driver in situations related to non-compliance with the vehicle schedule for reasons beyond his control;

9) about the route of movement of a vehicle carrying passengers, conditions and traffic modes on the route, places where road accidents are concentrated on routes of regular transportation of passengers;

10) on the procedure for determining the total and axial mass of a vehicle, on the rules for loading vehicles and carrying out weight and dimensional control when transporting goods.

17. The information specified in paragraph 16 of these Rules must be communicated to drivers through introductory, pre-trip, seasonal, and special briefings.

18. Introductory training is carried out with all drivers upon hiring, regardless of their level of qualifications and work experience. The topics of the introductory briefing include the following questions:

general information about the subject of transport activity (size and structure of the vehicle fleet, types of transportation performed);

requirements for the organization and safe operation of vehicles imposed on the driver operating for a given transport entity;

internal labor regulations;

the procedure for undergoing pre-trip and post-trip medical examinations;

the procedure for passing pre-trip inspection of the technical condition of a vehicle;

vehicle loading standards (for passenger transportation - passenger capacity);

features of servicing persons with disabilities or people with disabilities with impaired functions of the musculoskeletal system, vision, hearing (for passenger transportation);

basic data on accident rates on the route network, circumstances and causes of the prevailing types of accidents;

documents necessary for the transportation of passengers and (or) cargo.

19. Pre-trip briefing is carried out:

when the driver departs along the route for the first time;

when transporting children;

when transporting dangerous, large and heavy cargo.

The topics of the pre-trip briefing include the following questions:

length of the route, road conditions, the presence of dangerous areas and places where accidents are concentrated, features of the organization of road traffic;

final, intermediate points of the route, places of rest, eating, changing drivers (if necessary), parking for vehicles;

location along the route of medical and technical assistance points, posts of the State Traffic Inspectorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, control centers, bus stations and bus stations;

driver's working conditions when the intensity of traffic and pedestrian flows increases;

traffic safety during school holidays;

information about changes in the organization of transportation, about the features of passage of railway crossings, overpasses and other artificial structures, the use of ferries and floating bridges;

precautions when overcoming long descents and ascents;

actions of the driver in situations related to non-compliance with the vehicle schedule for reasons beyond his control (when transporting passengers on regular routes);

features of boarding, disembarking and transportation of persons with disabilities or people with disabilities with impaired functions of the musculoskeletal system, vision, hearing, in relation to a specific route (when transporting passengers);

features of the bus delivery to the passenger boarding area (when transporting children);

features of boarding and disembarking children, their transportation, interaction of the driver with persons accompanying children (when transporting children).

20. Seasonal briefings are carried out with all drivers twice a year - in the spring-summer and autumn-winter periods.

The topics of seasonal briefings include issues that determine the features of operating and driving vehicles in the spring-summer and autumn-winter periods, as well as those related to ensuring road safety in difficult weather and road conditions.

21. Special briefing is carried out with all drivers if it is necessary to urgently communicate information to them in the following cases:

the entry into force of regulatory legal acts, the provisions of which affect the professional activities of drivers;

changes in the route and traffic conditions affecting road safety;

obtaining information about road accidents with human casualties, significant material and environmental damage;

committing and (or) threatening to commit terrorist acts.

During the briefing, an assessment of the current situation and the procedure for the necessary actions of the driver are given.

22. The subject of transport activities is prohibited from allowing drivers to work related to driving vehicles without undergoing appropriate instructions.

23. The subject of transport activities maintains documentary records of information about the persons (last name, first name, patronymic, position held) who underwent and conducted the briefing, the type of briefing and the date of its conduct. The results of this accounting are stored by the subject of transport activities for at least three years.

IV. Ensuring the safety of operating vehicles

24. The subject of transport activity is obliged to ensure the safety of vehicles used to transport passengers and goods during operation.

25. To carry out the transportation of passengers and cargo, it is necessary to use vehicles approved for operation in the prescribed manner.

26. The subject of transport activity is obliged to ensure the protection of vehicles from acts of illegal interference in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation on transport security.

27. The subject of transport activity is obliged to ensure the organization of maintenance and repair of used vehicles in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions.

A vehicle whose technical condition does not meet the safety requirements established by the Basic Regulations for the admission of vehicles to operation and the responsibilities of officials to ensure road safety, approved by Resolution of the Council of Ministers - Government of the Russian Federation of October 23, 1993 N 1090, cannot be allowed to carry out transportation of passengers and cargo without eliminating identified inconsistencies and re-monitoring technical condition.

28. The subject of transport activity is obliged to ensure pre-trip control of the technical condition of the vehicle.

It is prohibited to release vehicles onto the line that have not passed pre-trip inspection of technical condition.

29. Information about the inspection of the technical condition of the vehicle and the place where it was carried out is recorded in waybills. Control of the technical condition of vehicles when released onto the line (returned from the line) is ensured by an employee of the subject of transport activity who authorizes the vehicles for operation.

30. For the transportation of large-sized and (or) heavy cargo, vehicles (including combinations of vehicles) equipped with an automatic (emergency) braking system that comply with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation on technical regulation are used.

31. When transporting large cargo, the established visibility conditions in the rear-view mirrors on both sides must be observed, which provide the driver with sufficient visibility both in straight and curved motion, taking into account the dimensions of the vehicle and the cargo being transported.

V. Ensuring safe conditions for the transportation of passengers and cargo

32. Ensuring safe conditions for the transportation of passengers and cargo is achieved:

ensuring safe conditions for cargo transportation;

ensuring safe conditions for organizing regular passenger transportation;

ensuring safe conditions for organizing and carrying out passenger transportation according to orders;

ensuring safe conditions for organizing and carrying out passenger transportation by passenger taxi;

ensuring safe transportation of passengers and cargo under special conditions.

Ensuring safe conditions for cargo transportation

33. The permissible maximum weight of the vehicle and axle load must not exceed the limit values ​​​​specified in the vehicle passport.

34. When placing cargo on a vehicle, the values ​​of the weight and dimensional parameters established by the Rules for the carriage of goods by road, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 15, 2011 N 272, must be observed, and the conditions for uniform distribution of the mass of the cargo over the entire area of ​​the platform or vehicle body, container.

35. When placing cargo on vehicles and containers, it is necessary to avoid damage to the cargo, containers and packaging, vehicles and containers.

36. When placing cargo, the following requirements are taken into account:

larger and heavier loads are placed in the lower part and closer to the longitudinal axis of symmetry of the platform or vehicle body, container, taking into account the establishment of the center of gravity as low as possible above the platform (body) flooring and in the middle of the platform (body) length;

homogeneous piece goods in the body of a vehicle or in a container must be stacked in compliance with the same number of tiers and ensuring reliable fastening of the top tier of the stack;

Cargoes with a smaller volumetric mass are placed on cargoes with a large volumetric mass;

free space, gaps between cargo stacks and body walls are filled using gaskets, inflatable containers and other devices.

37. When loading and placing long cargoes of different sizes, lengths and thicknesses on vehicles, their identical dimensions should be selected in each individual row; longer cargo should be placed in the lower rows.

38. When placing cargo in the body of a vehicle or in a container, gaps of up to 15 cm are allowed between parts of the cargo, between the cargo and the side walls or side walls of the body (container), between the cargo and the rear side or door of the body of the vehicle or container.

39. Cargo in standard transport packages (containers, packages) are placed in the body of a vehicle, in a container in accordance with the established placement scheme for a given type (model) of vehicle or container, taking into account the technical conditions of the manufacturer of the relevant products presented for transportation.

40. When transporting cargo in bulk (soil, clay, gravel, sand and gravel mixture, etc.), the shipper, when loading, must place them evenly in the body of the car so that the cargo does not protrude beyond the upper edges of the open body. In order to avoid the load falling out of the body while the vehicle is moving, the subject of transport activity must retrofit the body with a means of covering.

41. When transporting liquid cargo in tank trucks or tank containers, the subject of transport activity is obliged to comply with the requirements of the tank manufacturers regarding their filling.

42. It is not allowed to use bodies for transportation of goods that have:

damage to the flooring and sides;

faulty racks, hinges and handles of locking devices;

external and internal damage, ruptures, distortions of the body, as well as the awning of the onboard platform.

43. When determining methods of securing cargo, the following forces acting on the cargo while the vehicle is moving are taken into account:

longitudinal horizontal inertial forces arising during vehicle braking;

transverse horizontal forces that arise when a vehicle moves around turns and curves of the road;

vertical forces arising from vibrations of a moving vehicle;

friction force (force acting due to friction between the load and adjacent surfaces when the load moves);

gravity (load weight).

The magnitude of the forces acting on the load must compensate for:

a force equal to 0.8 of the weight of the load in the forward direction (longitudinal horizontal along the direction of travel of the vehicle);

a force equal to 0.5 of the weight of the load in the opposite direction of movement and to the sides (left, right) in the direction of movement of the vehicle.

The friction force is determined taking into account the coefficient of friction, and the force of gravity is determined taking into account the acceleration of gravity.

44. Onboard platforms, cargo platforms for placing cargo, bodies are equipped with devices for tying and securing cargo.

The securing means that prevent the movement of the load must be as close as possible to the floor of the vehicle body, and the angle between the securing means and the surface of the body (platform) floor must be no more than 60°.

To ensure stability of the load, it is necessary to use at least two fastening straps when fastening to the platform and two pairs of fastening straps when fastening with guy wires in the longitudinal and transverse directions relative to the vehicle platform.

45. The following are not used for securing cargo:

together various means of fastening (belt with cable, belt with chain and others);

mechanical aids (bars, levers, mounts and other means not intended for securing loads);

knotted fastening straps, chains, cables.

46. ​​Fastening belts, chains, cables must be protected from protruding surfaces of the load in order to prevent mechanical damage by means of protective devices - corners, pads and other devices.

Labels with markings for fastening straps, cables and chains must not be damaged and must be clearly marked.

47. Fastening belts must not be used in the following cases:

in the event of the formation of ruptures, transverse cracks or cuts, delaminations, significant areas of corrosion of metal parts, damage to clamping or connecting elements;

if load-bearing seams are damaged;

if there is no marking on the fastening belt.

48. Fastening cables must not be used in the following cases:

when the cable wears out, when its nominal diameter is reduced by more than 10%;

when flattened, when the cable is compressed by more than 15% or it has a sharp edge.

49. Fastening chains are prohibited from being used in the following cases:

when the thickness of the links in any place is reduced by more than 10% of the nominal thickness;

when the link is lengthened by any deformation by more than 5%;

with cuts.

50. The driver is obliged to check the serviceability of fastening devices on the vehicle after bringing them into working condition, as well as during the transportation of cargo.

51. Transportation of large and (or) heavy cargo is possible in cases where the cargo cannot be divided into parts without the risk of damage.

The movement of vehicles transporting large cargo in organized columns is not allowed.

52. To ensure safety when transporting large and (or) heavy cargo and informing other road users about its dimensions listed in the table “Mandatory conditions for the use of cover vehicles” (appendix to these Rules), the use of cover vehicles is necessary.

53. The cover vehicle must move:

1) in front of the vehicle:

at a safe distance for driving (taking into account the established speed), with a ledge on the left side in relation to the vehicle transporting large-sized and (or) heavy cargo, so that its width dimensions protrude beyond the dimensions of the accompanying vehicle with information reflective or the light display specified in paragraph 56 of these Rules, facing forward;

with a deployed device for determining the height of artificial structures and other utilities when the height of the vehicle with or without cargo is over 4.5 meters;

2) behind a vehicle with a reflective or internally illuminated information board specified in paragraph 54 of these Rules, facing rearward.

The use of a cover vehicle behind the vehicle is also necessary in cases where the overhang of the cargo over the rear clearance of the vehicle is more than four meters, regardless of other parameters of the vehicle with the cargo.

54. The cover vehicle must:

1) have reflective yellow-orange stripes;

2) be equipped with:

two flashing beacons of yellow or orange color (the use of flashing beacons structurally combined in one housing is allowed);

a yellow reflective or illuminated information board measuring one meter by 0.5 meters with the text “LARGE WIDTH”, “LONG LENGTH”, made of blue reflective film with a font height of 14 cm;

a device for determining the height of artificial structures and other utilities.

The flashing light is installed on or above the roof of the vehicle. Methods for installing flashing beacons must ensure the reliability of their fastening in all modes of movement and braking of the vehicle.

55. A reflective or internally illuminated information board must be installed on or above the roof of the cover vehicle behind the flashing light in the direction of travel and used to additionally inform road users about the overall parameters of the vehicle:

when the width of a vehicle with large cargo is over 3.5 meters - “BIG WIDTH”;

if the length of a vehicle with large cargo is more than 25 meters and at the same time the width is not more than 3.5 meters - “LONG LENGTH”;

when the width of a vehicle with a large cargo is over 3.5 meters and the simultaneous length is more than 25 meters, on the cover vehicle next in front - “LARGE WIDTH”, and on the cover vehicle following behind - “LONG LENGTH”.

56. In cases where the width of the vehicle exceeds five meters or the length of the vehicle exceeds 35 meters, or when on two-lane roads when a large vehicle is moving, the width of the roadway for oncoming traffic is less than three meters, it is necessary to develop a project for organizing traffic along the route or section route.

The specified project must contain the following information:

diagram and description of the route;

characteristics and parameters of vehicles involved in traffic;

diagram(s) of cargo placement and securing;

route schedule taking into account traffic intensity;

traffic management and cover schemes in areas with limited visibility, and places specified in the “Special conditions” column of the special permit approved by Order of the Ministry of Transport of Russia dated July 24, 2012 N 258 “On approval of the Procedure for issuing a special permit for traffic on motor roads a vehicle transporting heavy and (or) large-sized cargo,” indicating the location of cover vehicles, and the scheme for changing the organization of traffic;

the procedure for driving through the most difficult sections of the route (turns, intersections, railway crossings, narrowing of the roadway, sections with access to the lane of oncoming traffic and with limited visibility) with the movement trajectory plotted on the diagram;

places where control measurements of the dimensions of artificial structures and communications are carried out during transportation;

information about the need to completely or partially block traffic on sections of the road;

stopping and parking places for rest and passage of passing (oncoming) vehicles.

The information contained in the project must be confirmed by photographic materials reflecting the actual state of the road infrastructure.

The road traffic organization project is submitted by the subject of transport activity to the authorized body for issuing a special permit in the manner determined by Order of the Ministry of Transport of Russia dated July 24, 2012 N 258 “On approval of the Procedure for issuing a special permit for the movement of a vehicle transporting heavy and ( or) large cargo." If it is necessary to carry out a special project for the transportation of large and (or) heavy cargo, the road traffic management project is included as an integral part of the special project. The authorized body for issuing a special permit submits this project to the division of the State Traffic Inspectorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, which carries out the approval of the special permit.

57. The placement and securing of large and (or) heavy cargo on a vehicle must comply with the cargo securing scheme developed by its manufacturer.

The extreme points of cargo dimensions (length, width) and (or) vehicle must be indicated by the identification sign “Large cargo” and flashing yellow or orange lights (signals).

58. The speed of movement of large and (or) heavy vehicles, vehicles carrying large and (or) heavy loads is established taking into account road conditions in the manner determined by Order of the Ministry of Transport of Russia dated July 24, 2012 N 258 “On approval of the Issuance Procedure a special permit for the movement of a vehicle transporting heavy and (or) large-sized cargo on roads.”

59. During the transportation of large and (or) heavy cargo, it is prohibited:

deviate from the route established in the special permit;

exceed the speed specified in the permit;

drive during ice, snowfall, and also when meteorological visibility is less than 100 meters;

drive along the side of the road, if such an order is not determined by the conditions of transportation;

stop outside specially designated parking areas located outside the roadway;

continue transportation if a technical malfunction of the vehicle occurs that threatens traffic safety, as well as if the cargo is displaced or its fastening is weakened.

60. If, during movement, circumstances arise that require a change in the route of movement, the subject of transport activity is obliged to obtain special permission for a new route in the prescribed manner.

Ensuring safe conditions for organizing regular passenger transportation

61. Routes for regular transportation of passengers by buses are organized on highways of I-IV categories, and by trolleybuses on highways of I-III categories.

Regular bus traffic on sections of category V roads can be organized for the purpose of carrying out bus transportation at the entrances to rural settlements by buses belonging to the M2 category of vehicles, if there is a hard road surface on sections of such roads in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation on highways and on road activities, as well as local widening of the roadway, sufficient for vehicles to pass in the visibility zone with vehicles in the opposite direction of traffic in compliance with the Traffic Rules and safety requirements for vehicles providing these transportations.

62. A transport entity engaged in regular passenger transportation is obliged to:

1) provide each driver with the following documents:


schedule (schedule) of movement along the route of regular transportation;

route diagram indicating dangerous areas;

2) when carrying out transportation, monitor compliance with the schedule (schedule) of movement and the maximum capacity of vehicles, compliance with the path of movement of vehicles with the established routes of regular transportation.

63. The organization of a bus route for regular passenger transportation passing through an unregulated railway crossing is carried out in agreement with the owner of this crossing.

64. It is prohibited to organize a route for regular transportation of urban ground electric transport passing through railway crossings of the main highways of the general network, electrified external and internal access roads.

65. When transporting passengers in intercity traffic on regular transportation routes, luggage must be placed only in the luggage compartments of buses or transported separately in luggage cars or in special trailers.

66. It is prohibited to deviate from the route established by the route diagram or make stops in places not provided for by the route diagram (except when this is caused by the need to ensure transportation and road safety).

67. Subjects of transport activities must monitor the implementation of all flights provided for by the vehicle schedule on the regular passenger transportation routes they serve, analyze the reasons for the driver’s non-compliance with the schedule (schedule) and, if necessary, adjust the schedule (schedule).

Ensuring safe conditions for organizing and carrying out passenger transportation according to orders

68. The route for transporting passengers on order is determined by agreement between the charterer and the charterer in compliance with road safety requirements.

69. When transporting passengers in intercity traffic on orders, luggage must be placed only in the luggage compartments of buses or transported separately in luggage cars or in special trailers.

Ensuring safe conditions for organizing and carrying out passenger transportation by passenger taxis

70. The subject of transport activity is obliged to provide the driver of a passenger taxi with the information listed in subparagraphs 1 - 7 of paragraph 16 of these Rules.

71. When transporting passengers and luggage in intercity traffic by passenger taxi, luggage must be placed only in luggage compartments and (or) in a trailer.

Ensuring the safety of transportation of passengers and cargo under special conditions

72. Special conditions for the transportation of passengers and cargo include:

1) transportation on winter roads, in off-road conditions, crossing water barriers;

2) transportation along routes passing in mountainous areas, with sudden changes in plan directions and protracted longitudinal slopes and having in total the following features:

longitudinal slopes of more than 60 and a length of 2 km or more;

curves with radii in terms of less than 100 meters in the amount of six or more per 1 km;

convex curves of a longitudinal profile with radii less than 1500 meters and concave curves with radii less than 1200 meters;

the visibility distance of the road surface is less than 60 meters and the oncoming car is less than 120 meters;

3) routes passing through difficult sections of rough terrain;

4) movement of trams on straight sections with slopes:

more than 70 with a continuous length of over 200 meters;

more than 60 with a continuous length of over 250 meters;

more than 50 with a continuous length of over 350 meters;

more than 40 with a continuous length of over 500 meters;

more than 30 with a continuous length of over 700 meters;

or equivalent slopes over the specified length, determined by the formula:

where is the magnitude of the slope, ;

Slope length, m;

more than 30 with a continuous length of more than 150 meters if there are curves (turns) with a radius of less than 30 meters on the slopes or immediately after them;

5) movement of trolleybuses on straight sections with slopes:

more than 60 with a continuous length of over 100 meters;

more than 50 with a continuous length of over 150 meters;

more than 40 with a continuous length of over 200 meters;

or equivalent slopes over the specified length, determined by the formula given in subclause 4 of this clause;

more than 30 with a continuous length of more than 150 meters in the presence of curves (turns) with a radius of less than 30 meters on the slopes or immediately after them.

73. Transportation of passengers and cargo along routes running along winter roads, in off-road conditions, crossing water barriers (non-permanent crossing structures: ferry crossings and floating bridges; natural objects equipped for crossing vehicles and pedestrians: ice crossings, ford crossings) , are carried out only subject to notification of organizations operating winter roads and crossings along which transportation is supposed to be carried out.

74. Drivers crossing water obstacles and driving on winter roads are required to follow the instructions of the employees responsible for the operation of these crossings and winter roads, made within the limits of their competence.

75. The crossing of vehicles through water barriers must be carried out in accordance with the requirements of regulatory legal and regulatory technical acts establishing the procedure and safety rules for the operation of water barriers.

76. The transportation of passengers across ice crossings is prohibited, with the exception of areas located in the 1st road climate zone, provided that the gross weight of the vehicle is three times less than the permissible load on ice and the air temperature is below minus 20° Celsius. Decisions on the passage of vehicles along the ice crossing and the moment of opening (closing) traffic are made by the organization operating it. The decision to allow (or refuse to allow) buses is made by the head of the operating organization.

77. Technical requirements for floating bridges, including those operated during freeze-ups, are determined in accordance with the legislation on technical regulation.

78. The decision on the movement of vehicles carrying groups of people across a floating bridge is made by executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local government bodies in charge of the highway and which made the decision to open the floating bridge.

79. During the dark time of the day (the period of time from the end of evening twilight to the beginning of morning twilight), entrances (exits) at crossings over water obstacles, borders of the crossing route, places for boarding and disembarking passengers must have artificial lighting (for ice crossings, it is allowed to install poles with reflective marking). In the absence of proper lighting of the crossings, the movement of vehicles at night along the crossing is prohibited.

80. Crossings over water barriers must be equipped with areas for disembarkation and pick-up of passengers with drive-in local widening of the roadway for vehicles, barriers, and technical means of organizing traffic in accordance with the current rules for the operation of these crossings.

81. Before each entrance to a crossing over a water barrier, information materials must be posted for viewing, indicating the rules for using the crossing, its technical characteristics and operating mode, the name, address and telephone number of the organization operating the crossing.

82. Vehicles carrying passengers along regular transportation routes move across a water barrier without a queue in accordance with their schedule.

83. The traffic schedule on regular transportation routes using water crossings must be linked to the operating hours of these crossings and provide sufficient time for the crossing, including the disembarkation and embarkation of passengers.

84. Movement along water crossings is carried out in accordance with the rules for using the crossing established by the operating organization.

85. Transportation of passengers and cargo on sections of the route with special traffic conditions is permitted provided that the parameters of geometric elements and transport and operational indicators of sections of highways, their structural elements, protective road structures, artificial road structures and equipment elements, parameters for their repair comply with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation Federation on technical regulation and legislation of the Russian Federation on road safety.

86. The operation of articulated vehicles is prohibited on routes in mountainous areas.

87. Trams and trolleybuses approved for operation on routes with special traffic conditions established by subparagraphs 4 and 5 of paragraph 72 of these Rules must undergo initial operation on a route not related to the route with special traffic conditions.

88. Regular transportation of passengers on routes with special traffic conditions is carried out under the following conditions:

1) the width of the carriageway of sections of highways is sufficient for the safe passage of vehicles in the oncoming direction;

2) sections of highways with horizontal radii of less than 2000 meters are equipped with turns and transition curves;

3) horizontal and vertical road markings on the roadway and road construction elements are clearly visible at any time of the day;

4) sections of highways are marked with signal posts and reflectors. Retroreflectors used for optical orientation of drivers are installed on curves with a radius of less than 60 meters in combination with horizontal marking lines;

5) on serpentines, sections of highways with a small radius, sections, intersections and junctions with poor visibility, spherical mirrors of increased size (with a diameter of 1,000 mm and above) are installed;

6) speed limits are limited by installing appropriate road signs on sections of highways in accordance with the traffic management project approved in the prescribed manner;

7) there is additional information support for drivers through the use of road signs and indicators about the magnitude of the slope, the length of descents and ascents, the profile of the road, the recommended minimum distance for vehicles, and the presence of dangerous sections on the route.

Appendix Mandatory conditions for the use of cover vehicles

to the Safety Rules

transportation of passengers and cargo

road transport and urban

ground electric transport

approved by order of the Ministry of Transport of Russia


Measures to ensure road safety

Dimensional parameters of the vehicle or vehicle with cargo

Height over 4.5 m

From 3 to 3.5 m

From 3.5 to 4 m

From 4 to 4.5 m

From 4.5 to 5 m

From 5 or more m

From 25 to 40 m

More than 40 m

From 25 to 40 m

More than 40 m

Less than 25 m

From 25 to 40 m

More than 40 m

Less than 25 m

From 25 to 40 m

More than 40 m

Less than 25 m

From 25 to 40 m

More than 40 m

All lengths

Front cover car

Determined by the traffic management project (clause 56 of these Rules)

Cover car from behind

Appendix No. 2 List of measures to prepare employees of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs carrying out transportation by road and urban ground electric transport for safe work and vehicles for safe operation


by order of the Ministry of Transport of Russia







1. Measures to prepare workers carrying out transportation by road and urban ground electric transport (hereinafter referred to as employees of the subject of transport activities) for safe work.

1.1. Ensuring the professional selection and training of employees of the subject of transport activities filling the positions listed in Section I of the List of works, professions, positions directly related to driving vehicles or controlling the movement of vehicles, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of January 19, 2008 N 16 “On approval of the list of jobs, professions, positions directly related to driving vehicles or controlling the movement of vehicles” (Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2008, No. 4, Art. 268), and other workers directly related to the movement of vehicles.

1.2. Ensuring the training of employees of the subject of transport activities in accordance with the professional and qualification requirements for employees of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs carrying out transportation by road and urban ground electric transport.

1.3. Conducting internships for drivers of motor vehicles and urban ground electric transport when transferring to a new route or when transferring to a new type (model) of vehicle.

1.4. Providing vehicle drivers with up-to-date information on ensuring safe transportation through appropriate briefings.

1.5. Ensuring mandatory medical examinations of drivers.

1.6. Measures to improve drivers’ skills in providing first aid to victims of road accidents.

1.7. Compliance with the working conditions of drivers in accordance with the work and rest regimes established by the legislation of the Russian Federation, as well as monitoring compliance with these conditions.

2. Measures to prepare vehicles for safe operation.

2.1. Checking the compliance of vehicles for their purpose and design with the technical requirements for the transportation of passengers and cargo.

2.2. Checking the availability of valid permits necessary for admission to the participation of a vehicle in road traffic in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation (vehicle registration certificate, insurance policy of compulsory civil liability insurance of vehicle owners, license for passenger transportation, waybill, as well as other documents necessary for carrying out specific types of transportation in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation).

2.3. Maintaining vehicles in technically sound condition in accordance with the vehicle manufacturer's operating instructions.

2.4. Carrying out maintenance and repair work on vehicles in the manner and volumes determined by the technical and operational documentation of vehicle manufacturers.

2.5. Carrying out daily monitoring of the technical condition of vehicles before leaving the line from the parking place and upon returning to the parking place with an appropriate note on the technical serviceability (malfunction) of the vehicles in the waybill.

2.6. Ensuring parking (storage) of vehicles, excluding access to them by unauthorized persons, as well as their unauthorized use by drivers of transport entities.