Description of the queen from the fairy tale 12 months. Lesson summary on literary reading “Twelve Months” by S.Ya. Marshak. Magical meeting by the fire

The queen in the fairy tale-play “Twelve Months” is a spoiled fourteen-year-old girl. She is very proud of herself. So, in one of her remarks there is a phrase: “Give me a pen - I will inscribe my highest name!” The heroine's parents died, leaving her not only a large fortune, but also royal powers. Although, after reading the work, we understand that it is too early for her to sign orders.

In the first scene of the first act, we meet the Queen in absentia. The old soldier tells his Stepdaughter about her. It is from his words that we learn that the girl was left an orphan, “a complete mistress of both herself and others.” The servant notices that there is no one to teach the mistress some sense. Why does he think so? In fact, the Professor gives knowledge to the Queen. However, this knowledge is bookish. They remain unnecessary trinkets, because no one taught the Queen the most important thing - to be a Human.

In the second picture we move to the royal palace. Here in the classroom the Queen is doing science. The remark says nothing about the heroine’s appearance; the portrait emerges in the reader’s imagination while reading the fairy tale.

After reading the episode describing the royal lesson, the first impression of the girl is formed. She's spoiled. Knowing that no one dares to contradict her, the Queen does only what she wants. She considers studying a boring task, so she is not good at penmanship or arithmetic. The professor has difficulty forcing the heroine to write a couple of lines. During the lesson, the Queen is given an order on which she must write “execute” or “pardon.” A stupid, frivolous girl chooses “execute” only because it has fewer letters. She doesn’t even think about the fact that with one stroke of her pen she will take a person’s life.

Execution for the Queen is not a serious decision, but a way to intimidate the courtiers, to show who is the mistress of the palace. The heroine threatens her at every opportunity. There are no laws of nature for a girl. There are only her own whims, so she orders snowdrops to be delivered to the palace. She doesn’t care at all that it’s December outside the window. And this is not surprising, because the Queen lived her entire life among the artificial luxury of palace interiors and, apparently, rarely went out into nature, especially in winter.

The Young Queen firmly believes that everything in this world can be bought. I think she doesn't know how hard it is to get money. But the girl understands perfectly well how many people there are who are ready to do anything for the sake of wealth. She likes to repeat: “I will reward you like a king.” It is very interesting to watch the heroine when she meets those who do not need a reward: her stepdaughter and old man January. When her gold and silver are refused, the Queen simply does not know what to do. She doesn't know how to ask differently.

In the forest, the heroine finds herself on an equal footing with others. Here she is not a queen, but a simple guest, so she cannot “buy” others or execute others. She cannot order, only ask. She asks clumsily, but the wise Soldier comes to the rescue. This is how the girl takes the first steps towards internal changes. But whether she managed to break herself, one can only guess. Perhaps she had returned to her old habits at the palace. But I still hope that the memories of the twelve-month fire did not allow her to become the same narcissistic, stupid young lady.

One of the bright secondary characters of the fairy-tale play for young spectators is the Queen, presented by the writer in the image of a fourteen-year-old girl, distinguished by her eccentric character, spoiledness, narcissism, capriciousness, as well as laziness and impatience.

The Queen is portrayed in the work as a negative character, but at the end of the play the author gives the heroine the opportunity to begin making internal changes in her own character, which should subsequently become positive personality traits of the Queen.

An acquaintance with the Queen occurs already at the beginning of the narrative content of the play in the form of a story about her by an old soldier, who presents the girl as a complete orphan, who remained the mistress of not only her own fate, but also that of the courtiers around her. The soldier evaluates the Queen as an unfortunate child who has no one to explain the basic truths of life, give the necessary knowledge and teach him how to treat people as a human being.

The young lady is characterized by her arrogant and ignorant actions, dictated by her unlimited position of power, as well as by the unquestioning obedience of those around her, who ingratiatingly bow to her majesty.

Perfectly aware of her power and being deprived of proper upbringing, the girl acts solely of her own free will, finding study a boring activity, treating people as she pleases. A striking example is the case of the Queen signing an order in which she must decide the fate of a person, choosing either pardon or execution. At the same time, the girl, without thinking about the consequences, is going to choose execution, since the word is short and does not require much effort to write it.

The opinion of her omnipotence, permissiveness and impunity, even in relation to natural laws, is firmly rooted in the Queen's mind. For those who do not exist only their own whims and desires. That is why the lady easily threatens her own courtiers, as well as the months she meets in the forest clearing, demanding that they provide her with snowdrops. At the same time, the Queen does not even suspect that there is another life in this world, different from her own, and there are people for whom wealth is not a priority.

Having found herself in a difficult situation in the winter forest, the Queen is forced to learn to have a benevolent attitude towards people, in this she is supported by a wise servant, advising the girl to learn to pronounce good, kind, polite words and abandon the commanding, commanding tone.

The image of the Queen in the play is an additional illustration for the characteristics of the main character of the fairy tale, the Stepdaughter.

Essay Image of the Queen

The fairy tale “Twelve Months” is a good New Year’s story. One of the minor heroines of this work is a fourteen-year-old princess who rules the kingdom as she pleases. She is narcissistic, capricious, lazy, has an eccentric character and is completely impatient.

The young queen is presented in the fairy tale as a negative character, but at the end of the work the author allows for internal changes in the character of the heroine.

Initially, an old soldier's story about her helps you get to know the queen. In his story, she appears as an orphan who at an early age became the mistress of not only her own destiny, but also that of her courtiers. The soldier sees her as an unhappy child who has no one to teach her to be kind to others.

Understanding and appreciating her omnipotence with the formed child’s gaze, the queen is guided only by her own desires. Studying is boring for her, and her selfishness and whims drive those around her into dead-end situations. The queen decides the fate of her subjects based on the principle of which word is shorter and easier to write, without thinking about the fact that a person’s life depends on this word.

One day, during one of her lessons, the queen heard that such beautiful flowers exist - snowdrops. However, she was not interested in the fact that they only grow in the spring. The Queen wanted to have them at the New Year's ball. At the same time, Her Majesty promised a reward commensurate with the number of flowers to the one who delivered the coveted flowers to the court. But even when the queen received the snowdrops, she did not calm down. The Queen personally wanted to go to the forest in winter to pick snowdrops, berries and mushrooms.

All her life the queen lived among the palace decorations and rarely went out into nature. Therefore, she did not even suspect that there was another life, that her royal laws did not apply in the forest. There she loses the ability to command. The queen can only ask, having equal status with other people. How surprised she was when they refused her gold and silver. She just had to ask. But the queen never asked anyone for anything, she simply did not know how to do it.

In this work, the author tried to show that one cannot be as selfish as the young queen. You need to be able to listen to other people, take into account their opinions and desires. In addition, there are many people in the world for whom wealth is not the main thing in life.

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In the play “12 Months” by S.Ya. Marshak, the Queen and Stepdaughter are the main characters. The rest of the characters in the fairy tale serve as their background. Do they both have common traits? Yes, I have. The only thing they have in common is that they are both the same age and orphans. Everything else is completely different, from social status to character traits.

Queen character

The Queen is a typical fairy-tale princess, with a complex, if not quarrelsome, character.

  1. She is capricious and spoiled.
  2. Selfish and selfish.
  3. Eccentric - what is her order worth to find snowdrops in winter! My royal word is law. I don't care about the rest, do as you wish.
  4. Callous, not to say cruel. It’s easier for her to sign the death warrant because there’s less to write. Although this is more likely not conscious cruelty, but simply childish thoughtlessness and misunderstanding. She was not taught mercy and compassion, but only to order and command.
  5. Lazy. She is too lazy to make even a small effort. And you won’t be forced to study at all.
  6. Despite what appears to be a royal education, the Queen is a very limited, ill-mannered and illiterate girl. She demonstrated the full depth of her ignorance and lack of knowledge of people and life when she found herself in a difficult situation in the forest.

Stepdaughter character

The stepdaughter is also a completely recognizable fairy-tale character. Like Cinderella and other similar heroines.

  1. Very hardworking. I am ready to do any work, even meaningless ones, like going to the winter forest to pick snowdrops.
  2. Unrequited and humble, ready to endure any bullying from relatives.
  3. Obedient, ready to carry out her stepmother’s orders, even stupid and cruel ones. At least in relation to herself. She will not carry out a cruel order towards others, because the Stepdaughter is fully characterized by compassion and mercy.
  4. It is the Stepdaughter who is always ready to help those in need.

Conclusion: The Queen and Stepdaughter in the play are antipodes. The Queen has everything in material terms, but no normal human feelings. For the Stepdaughter it’s exactly the opposite.

help me please. I need a description of the queen from the fairy tale 12 months and got the best answer

Answer from Natalia[guru]


Answer from 2 answers[guru]

Hello! Here is a selection of topics with answers to your question: please help. I need characteristics of the queen from the fairy tale 12 months

Answer from Danila Sushkin[newbie]
Capricious, stupid, spoiled. Insists only on his own
She is 14 years old. She was capricious, did whatever she wanted. She even wanted December to turn into April. She had never seen snowdrops, but said that she really liked them and wanted them right now. She was also lazy and did not like to write. She imagined herself to be a queen, even though she was just a princess. She did not want the professor to command her, but quite the contrary, she commanded him. She didn’t want to study at all, she was illiterate.

Answer from Mikhail Krivoshein[newbie]
stupid capricious wayward cold-blooded to kill

Answer from ZLOBNYI XOXOL[newbie]
She is 14 years old. She was capricious, did whatever she wanted. She even wanted December to turn into April. She had never seen snowdrops, but said that she really liked them and wanted them right now. She was also lazy and did not like to write. She imagined herself to be a queen, even though she was just a princess. She did not want the professor to command her, but quite the contrary, she commanded him. She didn’t want to study at all, she was illiterate.

Answer from Viktor averin[newbie]

Answer from Ekaterina Demina[newbie]
She is 14 years old. She was capricious, did whatever she wanted. She even wanted December to turn into April. She had never seen snowdrops, but said that she really liked them and wanted them right now. She was also lazy and did not like to write. She imagined herself to be a queen, even though she was just a princess. She did not want the professor to command her, but quite the contrary, she commanded him. She didn’t want to study at all, she was illiterate.

Answer from Bortnikova Elena[newbie]
She is 14 years old. She was capricious, did whatever she wanted. She even wanted December to turn into April. She had never seen snowdrops, but said that she really liked them and wanted them right now. She was also lazy and did not like to write. She imagined herself to be a queen, even though she was just a princess. She did not want the professor to command her, but quite the contrary, she commanded him. She didn’t want to study at all, she was illiterate.

Answer from Dasha Gileva[newbie]
The point is you write the same thing

Answer from Alina Berezina[newbie]
The princess is 14 years old. She was capricious, did whatever she wanted. She even wanted December to turn into April. She was also lazy and did not like to write. She imagined herself to be a queen, even though she was just a princess. She did not want the professor to command her, but quite the contrary, she commanded him. She didn’t want to study at all, she was illiterate.

Answer from Masha Dmitrieva[newbie]
Capricious, stupid, spoiled. Insists only on his own
She is 14 years old. She was capricious, did whatever she wanted. She even wanted December to turn into April. She had never seen snowdrops, but said that she really liked them and wanted them right now. She was also lazy and did not like to write. She imagined herself to be a queen, even though she was just a princess. She did not want the professor to command her, but quite the contrary, she commanded him. She didn’t want to study at all, she was illiterate.

Answer from Yonezhana Zaboburina[newbie]
She was capricious, did whatever she wanted. She even wanted December to turn into April. She had never seen snowdrops, but said that she really liked them and wanted them right now. She was also lazy and did not like to write. She did not want the professor to command her, but quite the contrary, she commanded him. She didn’t want to study at all, she was illiterate.
The hero is negative.

Answer from Ivan Cherbunov[newbie]
Capricious, stupid, spoiled. Insists only on his own
She is 14 years old. She was capricious, did whatever she wanted. She even wanted December to turn into April. She had never seen snowdrops, but said that she really liked them and wanted them right now. She was also lazy and did not like to write. She imagined herself to be a queen, even though she was just a princess. She did not want the professor to command her, but quite the contrary, she commanded him. She didn’t want to study at all, she was illiterate.

Answer from Luiza Sahakyan[newbie]

Answer from Alexander Rudenko[newbie]
Capricious, stupid, spoiled. Insists only on his own
She is 14 years old. She was capricious, did whatever she wanted. She even wanted December to turn into April. She had never seen snowdrops, but said that she really liked them and wanted them right now. She was also lazy and did not like to write. She imagined herself to be a queen, even though she was just a princess. She did not want the professor to command her, but quite the contrary, she commanded him. She didn’t want to study at all, she was illiterate.

Answer from Nastya Zhukova[newbie]
She is 14 years old. She was capricious, did whatever she wanted. She even wanted December to turn into April. She had never seen snowdrops, but said that she really liked them and wanted them right now. She was also lazy and did not like to write. She imagined herself to be a queen, even though she was just a princess. She did not want the professor to command her, but quite the contrary, she commanded him. She didn’t want to study at all, she was illiterate.

Answer from Larisa Naumova[newbie]
She is 14 years old. She was capricious, did whatever she wanted. She even wanted December to turn into April. She had never seen snowdrops, but said that she really liked them and wanted them right now. She was also lazy and did not like to write. She imagined herself to be a queen, even though she was just a princess. She did not want the professor to command her, but quite the contrary, she commanded him. She didn’t want to study at all, she was illiterate.

Answer from IAFONOV MIKHAIL[newbie]

Essay on Literature on the topic “About the Queen” from the fairy tale 12 months by Samuil Yakovlevich Marshak, grade 6
Essay on Literature on the topic “About the Queen” from the fairy tale 12 months by Samuil Yakovlevich Marshak
In the work of S. Ya. Marshak 12 months there are many positive and negative characters. I will talk about one heroine who occupies a negative position. But you can’t blindly say that it’s bad. This is the queen. From birth she lived in silk and knew no other life. She said: “And I can execute you at any moment.” But at the same time, she did not know the other side of life.
She didn't care about anyone. She was so lazy that she could execute a person just because the word execute is shorter than the word pardon. She said: “I’ll write to execute it in short.” She treated the teacher harshly. She scared me and forced her to do whatever she wanted. He had to pretend that all her incorrect answers were correct. The queen and daughter were similar in morals, but the queen was richer and more spoiled. The queen believed that all people have a good life, but when she saw the life of her stepdaughter, her heart trembled. She realized that she was too arrogant.
This hero at first did not occupy the best position, but then he realized that he was wrong and admitted the mistake. At the end of the work, the queen became a positive hero
Vasya. K. 6th grade 2014