Why husband and wife stop kissing, how to bring kissing back into a relationship. Over the past few months, my husband has stopped kissing me during intimacy. What happened to your husband? Wife wants to kiss the head

A woman becomes confused when a man she is dating or has not been together for a long time kisses her on the lips. Thoughts fly through my head: I’ve offended you in some way, I’ve stopped loving you, he doesn’t need me. A woman is tormented in search of an answer to a question. What could be the reasons for this behavior?

The meaning of a kiss for women and men

A kiss is an instrument of love. The souls of lovers meet at the tips of their lips. A kiss is a way of expressing your emotions and feelings. You can ask for forgiveness, give tenderness, rekindle passion. Women attach more importance to a kiss than men. For them, a kiss on the lips is a more intimate thing. The fair sex is inspired, feels desired, and gains self-confidence. A kiss on the lips is a manifestation of love for your other half. American researchers conducted a survey that showed that men can initiate intimacy without a kiss. At the same time, 80% of women without kisses are not ready for intimacy.

Why doesn't a man kiss you on the lips?

Psychological reasons:
  • A man does not want to open up emotionally.
    A representative of the stronger sex is ready to open up and trust only a close person towards whom he has serious intentions. A man perceives a kiss as a loss of his boundaries.
  • The partner is a callous and cold person.
    This behavior is inherent in a man if he does not value his relationship with his partner, he is indifferent to her, or he has lost interest.
  • A man considers a kiss a sign of weakness.
    The roots of this idea and perception go far back to childhood. This may be a result of the cultural environment in which the boy grew up. Perhaps his parents did not show each other tender feelings. The child himself was little hugged, kissed, or told how much he was loved. It’s even worse if the parents used physical methods of education (spanking with a belt). Psychologists say that it is really difficult for such people to express their feelings. They behave constrained and do not give vent to their emotions.
  • You and him are just friends.
    A man does not kiss a woman on the lips if he perceives her as a friend, comrade.
Physiological reasons:
  • I don’t like the “smell” of my partner.
    The sense of smell plays an important role in the perception of each other. On a subconscious level, a person may not like the smell of his partner.
  • Oral hygiene.
    Bad breath, dental caries, tonsillitis, all this can discourage you from kissing. It is not easy to discuss such sensitive issues with your loved one, but sometimes it is necessary to do so.

What to do if a man stops kissing you on the lips?

Before making decisions, you need to try to understand your partner and find the real reason. Analyze your relationship, talk frankly. Only after penetrating into the inner world of your loved one, understanding it, should you decide what to do longer. Should I hold on to this relationship? Often people lose interest in each other after some time. The husband does not kiss his wife on the lips when the relationship becomes like friendship. Husband and wife are moving away.

How to renew your husband's desire to kiss.

Psychologists give the following recommendations:
  1. Change your surroundings. A trip together, going to the cinema or to a cafe will benefit the relationship.
  2. Talk to him about him more often, ask questions, be interested.
  3. Let him be the initiator of your communication.
  4. Sometimes separation is useful, allowing you to get bored.
  5. Take time for yourself, sometimes going about your business.
  6. Don't hide your feelings. Men prefer clarity in relationships.
  7. Tell him how dear he is to you. Share your feelings.
  8. Tell him about the benefits of a kiss.
  9. Show flexibility and wisdom.
  10. Let the man be who he is and stop blaming.
Look for compromises, talk, build your relationships. Interaction in a couple changes over time, but you have the power to create a beautiful, harmonious relationship.
A kiss... heavenly pleasure on earth. And it’s also a beneficial effect, because during a kiss a lot of muscles work, ensuring the health of our body. Okay, good for you, how delightful it is to soar in the fluffy clouds, bathing in the gentle rays of the sun! Ready...stop! Is he not going to kiss? What a nuisance. We'll figure out.

Photo: DepositPhotos.com

There is a category of people who do not like to kiss, this is a fact that is hard to believe. Voluntarily abandon such a fairy tale?! And how can you imagine love without kisses? However, there are cases when girls complain that they met an amazing guy (he doesn’t drink/smoke, and is handsome like Apollo and also gives flowers), but he never kissed her during several meetings together. And among married ladies there are often spouses who have not known a pleasant “smack-smack” for years. How so?

Each person is an individual, he chooses his soul mate, expresses feelings individually, and reacts to the attention of representatives of the opposite sex. Let's try to find what causes such a “no-kiss” situation.

Fresh breath

Before you confront your partner about ignoring a kiss, pay attention to the state of your gastrointestinal tract and oral hygiene. The source of the aroma that discourages kissing may be tooth decay or stomach problems. In general, cleanliness of the whole body will not hurt. Yes, nowadays there are more girls who smoke than men who smoke. In principle, in any case, whether your partner smokes or not, you should not smell of tobacco; this rule also applies to the smell of alcohol. Therefore, after taking a drag from a cigarette or sipping a glass or two, do not forget to chew refreshing chewing gum or brush your teeth with toothpaste.

He's too serious

Some men put the girl they like on a pedestal, looking at her like a goddess who can be offended by any trifle, and then all that remains is to say goodbye to a wonderful future.

If after several dates the couple has not reached the point of kissing (when she is in favor with both hands), then, for sure, the guy is serious and does not want simple fun with another steal. In his understanding, a kiss on the lips is the first step of intimate frankness, the consequence of which is passion and the desire to retire for the night with his beloved. He takes his time with kisses because he doesn’t want to tarnish his reputation and not seem like the type who only wants that one thing. You shouldn’t be upset here, but you should be happy - what a guy you managed to grab! And kisses, hugs, Mendelssohn's waltz and a family with “seven on benches” will all happen a little later.

He is very timid

Men can also be timid, especially when it comes to showing feelings for their significant other. In fairy tales, they are all cool macho men on horseback, but in life, as soon as it touches them personally, they immediately back off. And he seems to groan at night from incredible love for you, but he still can’t muster up the courage to come up and kiss you first. It turned out that you got an indecisive and timid suitor. The way out of this situation is in your hands. However, a subtle approach is needed here, otherwise you will scare away your cowardly “bunny”. What are the places for kissing? Go ahead to the next movie show (in extreme cases, you can replace it with a bench in the park or just get down to business in the subway), sit shoulder to shoulder and tilt your head towards his in such a way as to shower him with your hot and thirsty breath, in theory his instinct for intimacy should work - the culmination: a kiss! If you can’t overcome his timidity, then maybe you should look for someone else who is more relaxed?

Just friends

Whether you cry or laugh, his coldness towards a kiss is explained by your status - you are just a friend. It is not difficult to determine, you just need to look a little closer at it. A hundred pounds, he constantly casts admiring glances at the trail of every skirt. He talks to you like he would a friend. By the way, there are kisses in your relationship, goodbye, on the cheek. He is at a crossroads, choosing a life partner for himself, but he wants female companionship, which you make up for him. Does love “shine” after friendship? In 70% of cases, such males find females on the side. The most reasonable thing is to treat him as a friend, and turn to someone else for passionate kisses; perhaps he has been pining for you for a long time, and you don’t notice - look around!

Iceberg in the ocean

What to do if the last kiss in marriage was accompanied by shouts of “Bitter!” at the wedding? Look for the reason for your spouse's coldness. Often a wife thinks that she provokes her husband’s coldness, but her behavior and complexes have nothing to do with it. According to sexologists, a kiss is an emotional revelation. Reluctance to kiss your spouse on the lips is evidence of a man’s selfishness, his demonstration that he does not know how to love, give compliments and give tenderness. As a rule, this type thinks only about himself and his interests, which is interesting, with other women they can be nice and then they can easily shower them with compliments. There is little chance that it will be possible to re-educate this type, the only hope is that it will dawn on him how valuable you are to him. As a rule, such relationships end again in the registry office, only for a sad reason - divorce.

Let's kiss! Even scientists advise this!

Kisses exist not simply because people invented them for their own pleasure: a kiss is a kind of sample, a test that determines the natural compatibility of potential partners.

If from the very beginning the two were not very pleased to kiss, it is possible that their choice was dictated not so much by mutual attraction as by conscious ideas about what kind of partner they want to see next to them. Unfortunately, humans, unlike nature, tend to make mistakes. And here only you can assess the situation. Based on the knowledge of system-vector psychology, you will be able to understand the intricacies of your and your partner’s desires and draw the most accurate conclusion.

In an already established couple, the loss of the desire to kiss may be a signal of weakening attraction to the partner, depletion of emotional or other connections that are necessary to maintain interest and craving for each other.

It is so arranged that the natural attraction between two people does not last indefinitely; it gradually decreases as the period necessary for the birth and feeding of children expires. If you notice that there is a cooling between you, it means that you need to fill the gap, find opportunities to strengthen the emotional connection with your partner, try to have a heart-to-heart talk, listen to each other without claims or demands in order to understand and feel more deeply the state and needs of your partner, and get closer to him .

The first steps to overcome disconnection can be difficult, but if there is a mutual desire to improve the relationship, anything is possible. In order to understand exactly how best to act, it is important to understand your partner’s desires, to understand his characteristics, which may be completely opposite to yours, and therefore remain unnoticed and cause great discomfort. Systemic vector psychology will help you deeply understand the characteristics and desires of both your own and your loved one - this is an unprecedented tool for building relationships.

It is worth mentioning that the desire to kiss is determined not only by attraction, but also by a person’s vector set, the state of his vectors. Owners of the oral, visual and skin vectors especially love to kiss. During the training, you will not only learn about different character types, you will get to know yourself and your loved ones in a new way. Suddenly you will begin to notice that all their actions and impulses become understandable to you and therefore justified. After all, understanding the inner essence of a person means getting the opportunity to see everything through his eyes, and this, like nothing else, can create the strongest connection between two people. All you need is the desire to make efforts and, now with full awareness, work to strengthen your love.

Between man and woman. They give kisses to loved ones as a sign of their tender, sincere relationship. A kiss expresses serious feelings and declares love. Along with the positive aspects of this unique action, many men do not want to kiss, especially on the lips. Of course, any woman's response to a cold attitude will be a misunderstanding.

A lot of questions immediately arise in the partner’s head and for some reason they all relate to her person, and not to the one who denies the kiss. Namely - “maybe I’m doing something wrong,” “maybe I have bad breath,” etc. The woman plunges herself into a cloud of complexes. And why? It turns out it's all about who doesn't like to kiss!

From the point of view of psychologists, a kiss is a manifestation of emotions. If a person does not want to kiss, then he avoids complete emotionality in a relationship. There is no need to talk about seriousness and affection here. Remember the movie “Pretty Woman,” in which the main character, while engaged in prostitution, explained to her client that she doesn’t kiss “at work.” Reluctance to kiss can easily be called a sign of selfishness. After all, what does a loving person do? He kisses tenderly, whispers pleasant words in his ear, hugs... Therefore, a man who does not kiss is basically a “womanizer” by nature, endlessly chasing other women. He showers them with compliments, and as soon as the stranger becomes his wife, he doesn’t even look in her direction, not to mention tender words.

It’s better not to wait for the weather from the sea, trying to understand a man with an icy heart. Believe me, he won't change! Experiencing an unpleasant feeling, discomfort next to him, the first thing you need to do is decide to leave him far away and forever. Or, you risk turning from a beautiful, educated woman into an insecure and complex person. Is it nice to be unwanted? And can such a relationship be called serious?

A kiss on the lips for some representatives of the stronger sex serves as a kind of foreplay before sex. And if you notice that a man does not show interest in sexual intimacy with you, then you won’t even get a kiss. Sometimes, men behave the way their parents did and copy their lives. If in the family of such a man, mom and dad did not say kind and tender words to each other, to the children, did not show tender feelings, did not kiss, it is likely that he will not do this either.
In any case, one conclusion can be drawn: everyone who denies kissing in their relationships, in most cases, are bad family men, lovers, and partners. It’s not just that there is an opinion that how close a person is to you can be determined by a kiss.

Back in ancient times, Plato himself put forward a theory regarding kissing. In his opinion, at the beginning of his creation, man resembled a ball with two heads. One was female and the other was male. But the problem with this incomprehensible creature was his arrogance. Zeus, feeling indignant about this, without hesitation, solved the problem by dividing the round creature into two halves - male and female. When these halves kiss, Plato thought, they merge again into a single whole, says Sex-news.

As reported, potential intimate partners. Therefore, during the first kiss, you should carefully listen to your own feelings. By the way, this is a test for both intimate and psychological compatibility.

“We stopped kissing altogether, not like before...” - this phrase can be heard from every second woman who has been married for at least several years. It’s really unclear: why at the beginning of a relationship lovers feel an urgent need for hugs and touches, and then over time they seem to forget to show feelings for their other half. They seem to love each other as before or even more, but they no longer kiss. And, by the way, in vain: kissing is both pleasant and useful. They say that couples who kiss regularly live happier lives.

A woman can really suffer from a lack of kisses. If a husband stops kissing his wife, she perceives this as inattention to himself. And if you also take into account how much more emotional women are than men, then it’s easy to guess that against the backdrop of fading passion in the family, omissions are increasingly arising and scandals are flaring up. Let's try to figure out what is the reason for the coldness of the spouses and why in marriage the husband and wife stop kissing.

When people live under the same roof for a long time, mutual interest disappears over time. Feelings do not fade away, but, so to speak, they degrade, and this process is triggered by turmoil and quarrels (even over all sorts of nonsense). Very often, during periods of crisis in a relationship, a husband and wife don’t just want to kiss, they move away from each other. Over time, the negative effect accumulates and as a result we have what we have - the spouses stop kissing. It is quite difficult to regain your former affection and passion, but there are still some ways that will help you interest your soulmate again.

Before finding out the reasons why a man began to increasingly ignore kisses with his wife, she should pay attention to the freshness of her breath. After all, who wants to kiss if your significant other has bad breath? By the way, this is the most common reason for not wanting to kiss a woman. If there is a trusting relationship between the spouses, the husband must tell her about it. There is no need to be shy or afraid of offending - a “aroma” that discourages kissing can be a sign of serious diseases of the gastrointestinal tract or caries. In any case, if there is a problem, it needs to be solved.

In general, the freshness of not only your breath, but also your whole body is important. Tobacco and alcohol are real “killers” of tenderness and femininity, so take this into account, especially if your partner does not smoke and has a negative attitude towards the smell of alcohol. Before the intended intimacy, do not forget to chew gum, and even better, brush your teeth.

If a man was quite timid before marriage, then after marriage the situation is unlikely to change radically. It also happens that at work or with friends he is a tough macho, but when it comes to personal matters, he immediately turns on the reverse and waits for the initiative from his wife. It is impossible to overcome his indecision; nothing can be changed about it. You will have to act yourself. Do you want kisses and caresses? Then take control of the situation. True, here too you need a careful approach so as not to scare your cowardly “bunny”...

No matter how sad it may sound, sometimes the absence of kisses in a marriage can mean that the spark between the spouses has disappeared, and only a warm, trusting relationship remains, more reminiscent of friendship. This is evidenced by the manner of communication with each other: it is built on mutual taunts, jokes, it is not customary to talk about affection and love here, most often only everyday and general issues are discussed. In such a family, husband and wife live like brother and sister, and sex, which they have long regarded as exercise for health, becomes less and less over time. Often a marriage is based on financial calculation or the material dependence of one partner on the other.

But what if the last kiss was accompanied by the clinking of glasses and shouts of “Bitter!”? In most cases, a woman begins to engage in soul-searching and look for the reason within herself. However, sexual psychologists suggest taking a closer look at your husband. His reluctance to kiss his wife may be a demonstrative manifestation of selfishness, a confirmation of his inability to love and give warmth to an already conquered woman. Such guys usually don’t give compliments, don’t give flowers... to their wife, while with other people’s women they can be courteous and sweet, lavish in compliments and lightly shower them with flowers. There are only two options: either come to terms with his selfishness and move on, or get a divorce. It is unlikely that it will be possible to re-educate such a husband, nor will it be possible to accept such a relationship.

If you still love each other, but due to lack of time and worries about your family, you begin to move away from each other, and, as a result, kiss less often, you just need to change the situation. It is not at all necessary to buy expensive trips or go on vacation for this, although if you have such an opportunity, be sure to take advantage of it. Even a joint walk in the evening park, going to the cinema or to the nearest cafe will be beneficial. Touch your loved one more often, smile at him and look him straight in the eyes, don’t be shy to once again flirt with him or intrigue him with something.

To refresh a relationship, you can't do without kissing. They should become more frequent and longer lasting. To restore their former passion:

  • Make your kisses delicious. Food, cocktails, aromatic drinks - anything - will help stimulate the receptors. The main thing is that you both like it - coffee or milkshake, strawberries or lemon, champagne or cake.
  • Update your kisses. A simple “smack” on the lips is not exactly what will help rekindle the flame of love between you. Gentle French with the tongue, passionately or a kiss-pinch - it doesn’t matter how, as long as it’s not by inertia.
  • Be relaxed and calm - this will help you loosen up and again feel the butterflies fluttering in your stomach, like you did at the beginning of your love story.

There remains one more way, if all these do not work - the woman needs to make the man a little jealous. But you can’t overdo it here, otherwise, instead of the expected result, you can get a huge scandal and aggravate an already difficult relationship. Perhaps your husband has stopped appreciating your beauty and femininity over the years. And if he sees that other men are paying attention to you, he will immediately want to prove that you are only his and no one else. And here it can turn into not only a hot kiss, but also passionate hot sex. Cherish your relationships, don’t let things take their course! Kiss as often as possible and don’t let anything interfere with your happiness!