Professional standards for management organizations. The Ministry of Construction of Russia will oblige management companies to comply with the service quality standard Tasks for professional standards of housing and communal services at the federal level has at its disposal a document that many utility workers would dream of looking at. This is a draft resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation “On amendments to certain acts of the Government of the Russian Federation on the implementation of activities for the management of apartment buildings and the maintenance of common property of owners of premises in apartment buildings.”

Screenshot of the draft Government resolution. Photo: AiF

Behind the long name lie new work standards for management organizations: management companies, housing cooperatives and homeowners' associations. On 32 pages of typewritten text, it is described in detail what and how they should do for our comfortable life in apartment buildings. Grass in the yard - no higher than 10 cm, cleaning the porch - at least 2 times a day, dialing the emergency dispatch service - no more than 5 minutes, etc. Customer service centers in management organizations must be equipped with ventilation and toilet rooms, have terminal for paying for services and stands with access to the GIS housing and communal services and to the management company website. According to representatives of the Ministry of Construction, compliance with these quality standards will become subject to licensing. If the management company complies with them, it works; if it does not comply, it loses its license.

What's new?

Here are just some of the operating rules of the Criminal Code listed in the new bill.

At the entrance

- At least 2 times a week dry and at least 1 time a week wet, and for the first two floors - daily wet cleaning of vestibules, halls, corridors, galleries, elevator landings, elevator halls and cabins, landings and flights, ramps.

— Wet wiping of window sills, window grilles, stair railings, cabinets for electric meters of low-current devices, mailboxes, door frames, door panels, closers, door handles at a frequency that ensures timely removal of dust, but at least 2 times a week.

— Washing windows at a frequency that ensures their normal light transmission, but at least 3 times a year.

— Cleaning dirt protection systems (metal gratings, cellular coverings, pits, textile mats) at intervals that ensure their proper maintenance, but at least 2 times a day.

In the yard

— Sweeping and cleaning the local area at least once a day. Watering sidewalks on hot days as needed, but at least 2 times a day.

— Clearing garbage and washing bins installed near entrances, and cleaning container sites located on the territory of the common property of an apartment building, at a frequency that ensures their proper sanitary maintenance, but at least once a day.

— Daily cleaning of lawns and their mowing when the grass height is more than 10 cm.

— Cleaning storm drains at least 2 times a month.

— Cleaning the porch and area in front of the entrance, cleaning the metal grate and pit at least 2 times a day, one of which is before 7 o’clock in the morning, another one in the evening.

— Daily cleaning of playgrounds and recreation areas.

— Cleaning manhole covers of wells and fire hydrants from snow and ice with a layer thickness of more than 5 cm.

— Shifting freshly fallen snow and clearing the local area of ​​snow and ice in the presence of rutting over 5 cm.

— Cleaning the local area in the absence of snowfall from snow of alluvial origin (or sweeping such an area free of snow cover) at least 3 times a week.

— Cleaning the local area from ice and ice, treating it with de-icing substances and mixtures to prevent slippery footpaths and sidewalks.

Emergency dispatch service

— The emergency dispatch service operates around the clock.

— The time it takes for the owner or user of a premises in an apartment building to call the emergency dispatch service should be no more than 5 minutes, otherwise - the emergency dispatch service will call back the calling owner or user of the premises within 10 minutes or provide the technological opportunity to leave a voice message and (or) other electronic message that must be reviewed by the emergency dispatch service within 10 minutes of receipt.

— Localization of emergency damage to in-house engineering systems of cold and hot water supply, sewerage and in-house heating and power supply systems no more than within 30 minutes from the moment of registration of the application.

— Elimination of blockages in the in-house utility drainage system and garbage chutes inside apartment buildings within 2 hours from the moment of registration of the application.

— Elimination of emergency damage to in-house engineering systems of cold and hot water supply, drainage and in-house heating systems, other common property within a period not exceeding 3 days.

— In this case, the owner or user of the premises in an apartment building must be informed within half an hour about the planned deadlines for executing the application, etc.

And who will pay for comfort?

It would seem that tightening the requirements for management companies is a good thing. Our editorial office receives many complaints about the inaction of the management company: in winter the snow is not removed from the yards, in the summer the grass is not mowed, the light bulbs in the entrance do not light, the stairs are not washed, the garbage is not taken out, it is impossible to get through to utility workers... There are really a lot of complaints. People will only be happy if the authorities force the Criminal Code to work better. However, experts in the field of housing and communal services were not too optimistic about the new law and say that if it is adopted in its current form, the cost of maintenance and routine repairs of the house will jump sharply.

“Let's create Swiss lawns in the courtyards with grass no higher than 10 cm, we'll wash the porch twice a day... And at least we'll put fountains at every house. The question is, who will pay for this increased comfort of service? — says Vera Moskvina, executive director of the Management Guild. — Management companies are not volunteer organizations. Owners (and today 90% of our housing is owned) order management services and pay for them. This is a contractual relationship. More work means higher pay. Are residents ready to pay more?! And with the new standards that we are asked to fulfill for the same money, not a single management company will survive. In addition, this is an excellent reason for penalties. That is, a state housing inspector will come to the yard, measure the grass and, if it is higher than 10 cm, issue a fine of 250 thousand rubles. Why mock business like that?”

“Our prices for housing services today are very different. There are houses that pay only 10-12 rubles. per square meter, and there are those who pay more than 100 rubles. Some owners, in order to reduce the cost of maintaining the house, for example, refuse the service of washing floors in the entrance and instead of the management company, they themselves take turns doing this. This is their right and their choice,” says Svetlana Razvorotneva, executive director of the NP Housing and Communal Services Control. — I think that the new bill still requires revision and broad discussion among public activists and utility workers. In my opinion, it has a lot of redundant requirements. However, some important points were not included in the document. I would like there to be more rules regarding the principles of interaction between owners and management companies, so that they become more transparent. But our owners often cannot get information from the management company about how much certain house maintenance services actually cost. And this is done deliberately! Because often old houses are subsidized at the expense of new ones. That is, people in new houses pay money, part of which goes not to maintain their housing, but to maintain the neighboring dilapidated house, which is also maintained by their management company.”

10. The emergency dispatch service carries out daily (current) control over the operation of in-house engineering systems of apartment buildings, quality control of utility resources at the interface between elements of in-house engineering systems and centralized networks of engineering support, round-the-clock registration and monitoring of implementation within the time limits established by paragraph 13 of these Rules, applications from owners and users of premises in apartment buildings on issues related to the provision of utilities, the maintenance of common property in an apartment building, the provision of services and the performance of work on the maintenance and repair of common property in an apartment building, as well as the elimination of faults and damage to internal engineering systems and the fulfillment of other obligations of the management organization provided for in the management agreement for an apartment building, other obligations of a partnership or cooperative for the management of an apartment building, and takes prompt measures to ensure the safety of citizens in the event of emergency situations or the threat of their occurrence.

11. The emergency dispatch service, using the dispatch system, provides:

control of gas contamination of technical underground areas and collectors;

loudspeaker (two-way) communication with elevator passengers.

12. The emergency dispatch service operates around the clock. Information obtained as a result of continuous monitoring of the operation of engineering equipment is reflected by the emergency dispatch service in the appropriate logs, which are also maintained in the form of electronic documents.

13. The emergency dispatch service provides:

answering a telephone call from the owner or user of a premises in an apartment building to the emergency dispatch service within no more than 5 minutes, and if a response is not provided within the specified period, interacting with the owner or user of the premises in an apartment building who called the emergency dispatch service via telephone communication within 10 minutes after receiving his telephone call to the emergency dispatch service or providing the technological opportunity to leave a voice message and (or) electronic message, which must be considered by the emergency dispatch service within 10 minutes after receipt;

localization of emergency damage to in-house engineering systems of cold and hot water supply, drainage and in-house heating and power supply systems no more than half an hour from the moment of registration of the application;

elimination of blockages in the in-house sewerage system within two hours from the moment of registration of the application;

elimination of blockages in garbage chutes inside apartment buildings within 2 hours from the moment of registration of the application, but no earlier than 8 hours and no later than 23 hours when applications are accepted around the clock;

supply of utilities in case of emergency damage to the in-house engineering systems of cold and hot water supply, sewerage and in-house heating and power supply systems within a time frame that does not violate the duration of interruptions in the provision of utility services established by the housing legislation of the Russian Federation;

elimination of emergency damage to in-house engineering systems of cold and hot water supply, sewerage and in-house heating and power supply systems within no more than 3 days from the date of emergency damage.

In this case, the owner or user of premises in an apartment building must be informed within half an hour from the moment of registration of the application about the planned deadlines for the execution of the application.

In the event of emergency damage to the in-house engineering systems of cold and hot water supply, drainage and in-house heating systems, the emergency dispatch service also informs the local government body of the municipality on the territory of which the apartment building is located about the nature of the emergency damage and the planned time frame for its elimination.

Fulfillment of requests for the elimination of minor faults and damages is carried out around the clock in accordance with the deadline and list of necessary works and services agreed with the owner or user of the premises in the apartment building who sent the application.

The work of the emergency dispatch service must be carried out in accordance with the requirements of regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, aimed at ensuring peace and quiet of citizens. The management organization, partnership or cooperative is obliged to ensure the implementation of emergency dispatch services in accordance with the requirements of these Rules.

14. When receiving signals about an accident or damage to the internal engineering systems of cold and hot water supply, drainage and internal heating and electrical supply systems, information and telecommunication networks, gas supply systems and internal gas equipment that are part of the common property of the owners of premises in an apartment building, emergency The dispatch service reports this to the emergency services of the relevant resource-supplying organizations and eliminates such accidents and damages independently or with the involvement of these services, and in cases where the legislation of the Russian Federation provides for special requirements for the implementation of emergency dispatch service activities by resource-supplying organizations, the emergency dispatch service reports this to the emergency services of the relevant resource supply organizations and monitors their elimination of such accidents and damage.

15. A management organization, a developer - a management organization, a partnership or a cooperative, owners of premises in the direct method of managing an apartment building in the case of organizing emergency dispatch service by concluding a contract for the provision of services with an organization carrying out the relevant activities, submit a set of technical equipment to the emergency dispatch service documentation for all objects, networks and structures, diagrams of all disconnecting and locking nodes of in-house engineering systems, plans for underground communications and other documentation necessary for emergency dispatch service.

16. The management organization, developer - management organization, partnership or cooperative, owners of premises in the direct method of managing an apartment building provide free access for emergency dispatch service employees to premises in an apartment building that are not parts of apartments and are intended to serve more than one residential and (or ) non-residential premises in this apartment building, and other objects intended for the maintenance, operation and improvement of the apartment building.

17. The emergency dispatch service receives and fulfills applications from owners and users of premises in apartment buildings. Applications are accepted by direct contact with the emergency dispatch service, including by telephone, as well as by direct communication via intercoms installed in the entrances of apartment buildings and elevator cabins, or other possible means of communication.

Registration of applications is carried out in the register of applications of owners and users of premises in apartment buildings or in an automated system for recording such applications (if available) and using a telephone conversation recording in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

The application log must be laced, numbered and sealed with the seal of the emergency dispatch service.

The emergency dispatch service is obliged to ensure that the specified log is stored in the premises occupied by this service and that, at the request of the owners and users of premises in apartment buildings in respect of which this service provides emergency dispatch services, familiarization with the entries made in the application log.

Information about changes:

The rules were supplemented with clause 17.1 from March 1, 2019 - Resolution

17.1. Upon receipt of an application, the emergency dispatch service finds out the reasons, the nature of the request and makes prompt decisions on interaction with other emergency repair services. Information about the decision made is recorded in the application logbook or the state information system of housing and communal services in the case of maintaining an application logbook in this system. The emergency dispatch service organizes the execution of the received application within the time limits established by paragraph 13 of these Rules.

Information about changes:

The rules were supplemented by clause 17.2 from March 1, 2019 - Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of March 27, 2018 N 331

17.2. When registering an application, the emergency dispatch service informs the owner or user of the premises in an apartment building who submitted the application, its registration number and information about the regulatory deadlines and measures for executing the application.

Information about changes:

The rules were supplemented by clause 17.3 from March 1, 2019 - Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of March 27, 2018 N 331

17.3. When carrying out emergency dispatch services, the safety of life and health of people and animals, the environment, and the safety of the property of the owners of premises in an apartment building must be ensured.

Emergency dispatch service employees who travel to execute requests must be provided with the necessary means, including equipment and materials, to execute the request. If the execution of an application requires access by an emergency dispatch service employee to a premises in an apartment building, the emergency dispatch service informs the owner or user of such premises about the planned date and time of the start of the execution of the application, the reasons for the need to provide access to the premises, as well as the last name, first name , patronymic (if any) of the emergency dispatch service employee(s) who will carry out the execution of the application. An employee of the emergency dispatch service must have with him a service ID, an identification mark (badge, patch on clothing, etc.) indicating the name of the organization, surname, first name, patronymic (if any) and professional specialization, as well as disposable shoe covers.

Information about changes:

The rules were supplemented by clause 17.4 from March 1, 2019 - Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of March 27, 2018 N 331

17.4. The emergency dispatch service carries out operational control of the timing and quality of execution of received applications using photo recording tools, prompt and periodic surveys of owners and users of premises in an apartment building regarding the quality of execution of received applications. The control results are entered into the application logbook or the state information system of housing and communal services in the case of maintaining an application logbook in this system.

V. The procedure for transferring technical documentation for an apartment building and other documents, technical means and equipment related to the management of such an apartment building

18. If the meeting makes a decision to change the method of managing an apartment building, the expiration of the term of the management agreement for the apartment building or early termination of such an agreement, the person authorized by the meeting, the management body of the partnership or cooperative, within 5 working days sends to the organization that previously managed such a house, as well as executive body of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation authorized to carry out regional state housing supervision, local government body authorized to carry out municipal housing control (hereinafter referred to as the state housing supervision body (municipal housing control body), notice of the decision adopted at the meeting with a copy of this decision attached .

The specified notice must contain the name of the organization chosen by the owners of premises in an apartment building to manage this building, its address, and in the case of direct management by the owners of premises in such a building - information about one of the owners specified in the decision of the meeting on choosing a method of managing the apartment building. Such notification may be sent using the state information system for housing and communal services.

19. An organization that previously managed an apartment building and has received the notification provided for in paragraph 18 of these Rules, transfers, in the manner prescribed by paragraph 22 of these Rules, technical documentation for the apartment building and other documents, technical means and equipment related to the management of such an apartment building, as well as information , specified in subparagraph "b" of paragraph 4 of these Rules, the organization chosen by the owners of premises in an apartment building to manage this house, the governing body of a partnership or cooperative, or in the case of direct management of an apartment building by the owners of premises in such a building, one of the owners specified in the decision of the meeting on the choice of method of managing an apartment building, or, if such an owner is not indicated, to any owner of the premises in this building under the acceptance certificate no later than the period established by Part 10 of Article 162 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation.

20. Technical documentation for an apartment building and other documents related to the management of an apartment building are subject to transfer in the composition provided for by the Rules for the maintenance of common property in an apartment building, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 13, 2006 N 491.

The documents to be transferred must contain information that is current at the time of transfer about the composition and condition of the common property of the owners of premises in an apartment building.

21. If the organization that previously managed the apartment building does not have one or more documents included in the technical documentation for the apartment building, and other documents, technical means and equipment related to the management of such an apartment building, such organization is obliged to do so within 3 months from the date of receipt of the notification provided for in paragraph 18 of these Rules, take measures to restore them and, in the manner provided for in paragraph 22 of these Rules, transfer them under a separate acceptance certificate to the organization chosen by the owners of premises in an apartment building to manage this house, to the governing body of the partnership or cooperative, or to in the case of direct management of such a house by the owners of the premises in this house to one of the owners indicated in the decision of the meeting on choosing the method of managing this house.

22. The organization that previously managed the apartment building, in any way that allows one to reliably establish that the message comes from the specified organization, as well as confirm its receipt, notifies of the date (no earlier than 7 days from the date of sending the message), time and place of transfer of technical documentation for an apartment building and other documents, technical means and equipment related to the management of this house, the organization chosen by the owners of premises in an apartment building to manage this house, the governing body of a partnership or cooperative, or in the case of direct management of such a house by the owners of premises in this building of one of the owners , specified in the decision of the meeting on the choice of method of managing this house.

The transfer of technical documentation for an apartment building and other documents, technical means and equipment related to the management of this building is carried out according to an acceptance certificate, which must contain information about the date and place of its preparation and a list of transferred documents.

23. Any disagreements regarding the quantitative and (or) qualitative composition of technical documentation for an apartment building and other documents, technical means and equipment to be transferred related to the management of this building are reflected in the acceptance certificate. A copy of the act must be sent to the state housing supervision body (municipal housing control body) within 3 days from the date of its signing by the transferring and receiving parties.

Information about changes:

By Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 25, 2015 N 1434, the Rules were supplemented with Section VI

VI. The procedure for terminating the activity of managing an apartment building in connection with the exclusion of information about the apartment building from the register of licenses of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, termination of the license to carry out business activities for the management of apartment buildings or its cancellation

24. In the event that information about an apartment building is excluded from the register of licenses of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, as well as in the event that the license to carry out business activities for the management of apartment buildings (hereinafter referred to as the license) is terminated or cancelled, the date of termination of the management agreement is determined by the day preceding the day of the start of management of an apartment building by a management organization selected by a general meeting of owners of premises in an apartment building or based on the results of an open competition provided for by Part 5 of Article 200 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, or in the case provided for by Part 6 of Article 200 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, chosen without an open competition. If the method of managing an apartment building has been changed, the date of termination of the management contract is determined by the day preceding the day the implementation of the new management method begins.

25. The management organization, in the event of exclusion of information about an apartment building from the register of licenses of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, as well as in the event that the license is terminated or the license is cancelled, transfers to the person who has assumed the obligations to manage the apartment building, under a separate acceptance and transfer certificate, the technical documentation for an apartment building and other documents, technical means and equipment related to the management of such a house, as well as documents and information specified in subparagraphs “e” and “e.1” of paragraph 18 of the Rules, mandatory when concluded by a management organization or a homeowners’ association or housing cooperative or other specialized consumer cooperative contracts with resource supply organizations, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 14, 2012 N 124, paragraph 56.1 and subparagraph “b” of paragraph 57 of the Rules for the provision of utility services to owners and users of premises in apartment buildings and residential buildings, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 6, 2011 N 354.

The documents to be transferred must contain information that was current on the day of transfer.

26. Agreements of the management organization with organizations providing services and (or) performing work on the maintenance and repair of common property of the owners of premises in an apartment building, and organizations carrying out major repairs of common property in an apartment building, are terminated simultaneously with the termination of the management agreement for the apartment building in case of exclusion of information about an apartment building from the register of licenses of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, as well as in the event that the license is terminated or cancelled.

Information about changes:

The rules were supplemented by Section VII from March 1, 2019 - Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of March 27, 2018 N 331 (as amended by Decree of the Government of Russia of September 13, 2018 N 1090)

VII. Organization of interaction between the management organization and the owners and users of premises in an apartment building when managing the apartment building

27. The management organization is obliged to ensure interaction with the owners and users of premises in an apartment building, including by providing these persons with the opportunity to personally contact the operating office of the management organization or to a multifunctional center for the provision of state and municipal services if the management organization concludes an agreement with the specified center, providing for the possibility of ensuring such interaction (hereinafter referred to as the representation of the management organization). The representative office of the management organization must be located within the municipality, including within an intra-city district in a city district with an intra-city division or the intra-city territory of a federal city, on the territory of which there are apartment buildings managed by such a management organization, within walking distance of these apartment buildings houses. Moreover, for the purposes of these Rules, walking distance means a distance of no more than 3 kilometers covered on foot.

28. The representative office of the management organization is intended to receive owners and users of premises in apartment buildings, provide prompt answers to incoming questions, as well as provide any other assistance to the owner or user of premises in an apartment building on any issue that arises related to the management of an apartment building, the owner, user of the premises in which he is.

29. The management organization discloses, in accordance with Section VIII of these Rules, information about the days and hours of reception of owners and users of premises in an apartment building by authorized persons of the management organization (hereinafter referred to as reception), which must be carried out at least once a month. Reception is carried out at the representative office of the management organization by a person performing the functions of the sole executive body of the management organization, as well as other authorized persons.

30. An appointment is made directly at the representative office of the management organization, by calling the management organization or using the state information system for housing and communal services. Reception without an appointment is carried out after the reception of owners and users of premises in an apartment building who have made an appointment.

When making an appointment, an employee of the representative office of the management organization finds out the presence of existing applications to the emergency dispatch service from the owner or user of the premises in an apartment building, the status of consideration and the result of the implementation of these applications and enters this information, the date of reception, the position of the person performing the reception, in personal reception journal. A copy of the entry in the personal reception log is given to the applicant owner or user of the premises in an apartment building.

The result of the appointment is recorded in the personal appointment log.

Information about changes:

The rules were supplemented by Section VIII from April 11, 2018 - Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of March 27, 2018 N 331

VIII. The procedure for disclosing information by a management organization, partnership or cooperative

31. If the management of an apartment building is carried out by a management organization, it is obliged to disclose the following information by posting on an ongoing basis:

a) on signs located at the entrance to the representative office of the management organization:

name (company name) of the management organization;

address of the location of the management organization;

contact numbers of the management organization, email address;

operating mode of the management organization.

In case of change, the specified information is subject to disclosure within 3 working days from the date of change;

b) on notice boards located in all entrances of an apartment building or within the land plot on which the apartment building is located:

name (company name) of the management organization, license number, validity period of the license, information about the body that issued the said license, location address, including representative offices of the management organization, operating hours, information about days and hours of reception, address of the official website of the management organization (if availability) on the information and telecommunications network "Internet" (hereinafter referred to as the "Internet" network), the address of the official website of the state information system of housing and communal services on the Internet;

notifications of upcoming work, equipment inspections, restoration work, and other events that may cause inconvenience for owners and users of premises in an apartment building or require the presence of such owners and users or their representatives in the premises of an apartment building at a certain time, indicating the time of such events;

paragraphs two and three

Information specified in paragraph four

Information specified in paragraph five

c) on information stands (stands) in the representative office of the management organization:

name (company name) of the management organization, license number, license validity period, information about the body that issued the said license, location address, including representative offices of the management organization, operating hours, information about days and hours of reception, address of the official website of the management organization on the Internet “Internet” (if available), address of the official website of the state information system of housing and communal services on the Internet;

contact numbers of the management organization, representative office of the management organization, emergency dispatch service and emergency services of resource supply organizations;

step-by-step instructions on the procedure for installing an individual metering device;

information on the timing of payment for residential premises and (or) utilities, the consequences of late and (or) incomplete payment of such payment, on the mandatory and (or) recommended deadlines for transmitting meter readings to the utility service provider in accordance with the procedure and conditions for receiving such readings , which are established by the agreement containing provisions on the provision of public services;

information about the state housing supervision body (functions, name, address, contact phone number, last name, first name and patronymic (if any) of the head);

information on the sizes of prices (tariffs) to be applied when determining the amount of payment for residential premises and (or) utilities, and on the details of regulatory legal acts, decisions of the general meeting of owners of premises in an apartment building (if any), by which they are established;

information on standards for the consumption of utility services and standards for the consumption of utility resources for the purpose of maintaining common property in an apartment building, as well as in the event of a decision to establish a social norm for the consumption of electrical energy (power) in a constituent entity of the Russian Federation - information about the value of the established social norm for the consumption of electrical energy (capacity) for groups of households and types of residential premises;

information leaflet on the rules for the safe use of gas at home, information on the consumer’s obligation to enter into an agreement on the maintenance and repair of indoor gas equipment;

information memo containing information on the composition of the monthly payment for residential premises and (or) utilities, contact numbers of persons responsible for calculating payments for residential premises and utilities;

samples for filling out applications, complaints and other requests from citizens and organizations;

a stand with a list of works and services offered by the management organization;

information about places of waste accumulation, collection (including separate collection) of waste of I - IV hazard classes;

information on the rules for handling waste of I - IV hazard classes, the procedure for separate waste collection;

information leaflet on the rules for the safe use of mercury-containing lamps and devices;

notifications about changes in the amount of payment for residential premises and (or) utilities.

If the information specified in paragraphs two through fifteen of this subclause changes, such information is subject to disclosure within 3 business days from the date of the change.

The information specified in paragraph sixteen of this subclause is subject to disclosure no later than 30 calendar days before the date of submission of payment documents to the owners and users of premises in an apartment building, on the basis of which payment for residential premises and (or) utilities will be paid in a different amount, unless a different period for informing the owners of premises in an apartment building is established by the apartment building management agreement;

d) on the official website of the state information system of housing and communal services on the Internet of information provided for by law

32. If an apartment building is managed by a partnership or cooperative, they are required to disclose the following information by posting on an ongoing basis:

a) on notice boards located in all entrances of an apartment building or within the land plot on which the apartment building is located:

name of the partnership or cooperative, operating hours, address of the official website on the Internet (if available), address of the official website of the state information system of housing and communal services on the Internet;

contact numbers of the partnership or cooperative, emergency dispatch services and emergency services of resource supply organizations;

notifications of upcoming work, equipment inspections, restoration work, and other events that may cause inconvenience for owners and users of premises in an apartment building or require the presence of such owners and users or their representatives in the premises at a certain time, indicating the time of such events;

notifications about changes in the amount of payment for residential premises and (or) utilities.

If the information specified in paragraphs two and three of this subclause changes, such information is subject to disclosure within 3 business days from the date of the change.

The information specified in paragraph four of this subclause must be disclosed no later than 3 business days before the date of implementation of the relevant activities.

The information specified in paragraph five of this subclause is subject to disclosure no later than 30 calendar days before the date of submission of payment documents to the owners and users of premises in an apartment building, on the basis of which payment for residential premises and (or) utilities will be paid in a different amount;

b) on the official website of the state information system of housing and communal services on the Internet, information provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation on the state information system of housing and communal services.

The chairman of the board of a partnership or cooperative or an employee who is assigned responsibilities by the internal documents of the partnership or cooperative for organizing interaction with the owners and users of premises in an apartment building, assists them in finding the necessary information.

33. The management organization, partnership, cooperative does not have the right to restrict access to disclosed information to the owners and users of premises in an apartment building, and are also obliged to ensure the safety of disclosed information in the places where it is located, provided for by these Rules.

Media containing information that has lost its relevance cannot be stored.

34. The management organization, partnership or cooperative provides, upon request (application) of the owners and users of premises in an apartment building:

no later than the day following the day of receipt of the request (appeal) - any information from the list of information subject to disclosure in accordance with paragraphs 31 and these Rules. If the requested information affects the interests of an indefinite number of persons and, in the opinion of the management organization, partnership or cooperative, is disclosed to the required extent in the manner specified in paragraphs 31 and 32 of these Rules, and is relevant at the time of consideration of the request (application), the management organization, a partnership or cooperative has the right, without providing the requested information, to indicate the location of the requested information. The specified message is sent no later than the day following the day of receipt of the request (application), and through the communication channels provided for in paragraph 35 of these Rules;

within no later than 3 working days from the date of receipt of the request (application) - written information for the periods requested by the consumer on the monthly volumes (quantity) of consumed utility resources according to the readings of collective (common house) metering devices (if any), the total volume (quantity) of the corresponding utilities consumed in residential and non-residential premises in an apartment building, volumes (quantity) of utilities calculated using utility consumption standards, volumes (quantity) of utility resources consumed for the maintenance of common property in an apartment building;

within no later than 3 working days from the date of receipt of the request (appeal) - information about the readings of collective (common house) metering devices for a period of no more than 3 years from the date of taking the readings;

within no later than 3 working days from the date of receipt of the request (appeal) - a copy of the act of causing damage to the life, health and property of the owner or user of premises in an apartment building, the common property of the owners of premises in an apartment building, containing a description of the damage caused and the circumstances in which such damage was caused as provided for by the Rules by resolution

within no later than 3 working days from the date of receipt of the request (appeal) - a copy of the act of violation of quality or exceeding the established duration of the break in the provision of services or performance of work, provided for by the Rules for changing the amount of payment for the maintenance of residential premises in the case of the provision of services and performance of management work, maintenance and repair of common property in an apartment building of inadequate quality and (or) with interruptions exceeding the established duration, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 13, 2006 N 491;

within no later than 3 working days from the date of receipt of the request (appeal) - a copy of the inspection report on the provision of utility services of inadequate quality and (or) with interruptions exceeding the established duration, provided for by the Rules for the provision of utility services to owners and users of premises in apartment buildings and residential buildings, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 6, 2011 N 354;

other information - within the period established by the relevant regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, the obligation to provide which by the management organization, partnership or cooperative to the owners and users of premises in apartment buildings is provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

35. A request (appeal) can be sent by mail, electronic message to the email address of the management organization, partnership or cooperative, the state information system of housing and communal services, as well as with the owner or user of the premises in an apartment building, or through the concierge of the apartment building at home, if the concierge service is provided for in the apartment building management agreement, and is also expressed orally, including at the reception. The official response is sent through the same communication channels through which the request (appeal) was received, unless otherwise indicated by the applicant.

36. The period for responding to a request (application) from the owner or user of premises in an apartment building on issues not listed in paragraphs 31 and these Rules is no more than 10 working days from the date the management organization, partnership or cooperative receives the corresponding request (application) .

37. A response to an individual or collective request (application) of persons who are not owners or users of premises in an apartment building (hereinafter referred to as the applicant) is sent to the applicant within 30 calendar days from the date of registration of the request (application). The management organization, partnership or cooperative may extend the period for consideration of a request (application) by no more than 30 calendar days if preparing a response requires obtaining information from other persons, notifying the applicant of the extension of the period for consideration. A notice of extension of the period for consideration of a request (application), indicating the reasons for such an extension, is sent to the applicant before the expiration of the 30-day period for consideration of the request (application) using the state information system of housing and communal services or in writing using a sending method that allows you to set the date sending or confirming the fact of delivery (receipt).

38. The managing organization, partnership or cooperative is required to store the request (application) and a copy of the response to it for 3 years from the date of its registration.

“On approval of a directory of new and promising professions in demand on the labor market, including those requiring secondary vocational education” The Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation approved specialties for which employers are advised to take into account special requirements when implementing personnel policies and training employees.

What are professional standards

The directory consists of the names of professions with their brief descriptions and requirements for education and work experience. To develop these professional standards you should be guided by Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia No. 831 of November 2, 2015 “On approval of the list of the 50 most in demand in the labor market, new and promising professions requiring secondary vocational education.”

Professional standards were developed in accordance with Article 195.1 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. This directory contains characteristics and qualification requirements for workers in the housing and communal services sector. The directory contains a list of job titles for workers in the housing and communal services sector and management of apartment buildings with reference to the legal acts regulating them.

On July 1, 2016, Federal Law No. 122 of May 2, 2015 “On Amendments to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and Articles 11 and 73 of the Federal Law “On Education in the Russian Federation” comes into force.

This Federal Law establishes the obligation for employers to apply these professional standards to the employee’s qualifications necessary to perform their duties, if this is established by the legislation of the Russian Federation. Otherwise the data professional standards will be of a advisory nature only.

The document clarifies the concept of professional standards. The term is understood as “characteristics of the qualifications necessary for an employee to carry out a certain type of professional activity, including the performance of a certain labor function.”

Also, the Government of the Russian Federation has the right to oblige the application of the requirements of professional standards for state extra-budgetary funds, state (municipal) institutions and unitary enterprises, state corporations and companies, as well as business entities with a state (municipal) share of over 50%.

Explanations from the Ministry of Labor

The Ministry of Labor on issues of mandatory application of professional standards refers to clause 3 of Article 1 of Federal Law No. 122 of 02.05. 2015, according to which the Labor Code of the Russian Federation will be supplemented with Article 195.3 “Procedure for the application of professional standards.”

This article states that the qualification characteristics contained in professional standards and the mandatory application of which are not established by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, other Federal Laws or regulations, should be taken by employers as the basis for determining the requirements for employee qualifications. At the same time, it is necessary to take into account the characteristics of the duties performed by employees in the workplace.

You can familiarize yourself with the contents of professional standards in the corresponding Register maintained by the Ministry of Labor. The register is posted on the Ministry of Labor website, as is other information about professional standards.

The professional standards approved by the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation are regulations. The mandatory application of the requirements of professional standards is established for cases provided for in Articles 57 and 195.1 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, regardless of the form of ownership of the organization and the status of the employer. In other words, only in terms of the requirements established in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, other Federal Laws, and other legal acts, the requirements of the professional standard are mandatory.

The entry into force of professional standards does not serve as a basis for the dismissal of workers. But the employer can conduct certification of employees. For example, when applying qualification reference books and professional standards, employees without special training or the required work experience, but with sufficient practical experience, who conscientiously carry out the full range of work assigned to them, on the recommendation of the certification commission, are appointed to the appropriate positions equal to employees with special training and work experience .

For non-application or incorrect application of professional standards, the employer may be issued an order to eliminate identified violations of labor legislation. In case of gross violations, the employer may be subject to administrative responsibility according to Article 5.27 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation in the form of a fine:

  • for officials - from 1 to 5 thousand rubles;
  • for persons carrying out entrepreneurial activities without forming a legal entity - from 1 to 5 thousand rubles;
  • for legal entities - from 30 to 50 thousand rubles.

Professional standards in the housing and communal services sector

In the field housing and communal services Professional standards have also been approved for the following professions and specialties:

  • Specialist in assessing compliance of elevators with safety requirements (Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia No. 756n dated December 20, 2013)
  • Expert in assessing the compliance of elevators with safety requirements (Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia No. 753n dated December 20, 2013)
  • Electromechanic for elevators (Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia No. 754n dated December 20, 2013)
  • Specialist in the operation of elevator equipment (Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia No. 18n dated January 17, 2014)
  • Specialist in the operation of solid fuel boilers (Order of the Russian Ministry of Labor No. 192n dated 04/07/2014)
  • Specialist in the field of waste management (Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia No. 203n dated 04/07/2014)
  • Specialist in operation of water treatment stations (Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia No. 227n dated April 11, 2014)
  • Specialist in the operation of external low-pressure gas pipelines (Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia No. 224n dated April 11, 2014)
  • Housing management specialist (Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia N 233n dated 04/11/2014)
  • Specialist in the operation of equipment elements of home gas supply systems (Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia No. 242n dated April 11, 2014)
  • Specialist in operation and maintenance of MKD (Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia No. 238n dated April 11, 2014)
  • Specialist in the operation of boilers using gaseous, liquid fuel and electric heating (Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia No. 237n dated 04/11/2014)
  • Specialist in the operation of water supply pumping stations (Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia No. 247n dated April 11, 2014)
  • Specialist in the operation of pipelines and equipment of heating networks (Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia No. 246n dated April 11, 2014)
  • Specialist in the operation of water intake structures (Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia No. 245n dated April 11, 2014)
  • Specialist in operation of wastewater treatment facilities (Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia No. 232n dated April 11, 2014)
  • Subscriber service specialist (Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia No. 243n dated April 11, 2014)
  • MKD management specialist (Order of the Russian Ministry of Labor No. 236n dated April 11, 2014)
  • Specialist in the operation of transformer substations and distribution points (Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia No. 266n dated April 17, 2014)
  • Specialist in the operation of overhead and cable municipal power lines (Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia No. 620n dated 09/08/2014)
  • Organizer of construction production (Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia No. 930n dated November 21, 2014)
  • Installer of ventilation and air conditioning systems (Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia No. 959n dated November 28, 2014)
  • Installer of boiler room equipment (Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia No. 929n dated November 21, 2014)
  • Lift operator for maintenance of elevators and lifting platforms (Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia No. 1082n dated December 22, 2014)
  • Head of a construction organization (Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia No. 1182n dated December 26, 2014)
  • Dispatcher of emergency dispatch service (Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia No. 1120n dated December 25, 2014)
  • Specialist in dispatch control equipment (Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia No. 1123n dated December 25, 2014)
  • Installer of elevators, lifting platforms for the disabled, floor escalators (Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia No. 1144n dated December 24, 2015 Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia No. 1076n dated December 21, 2015)
  • Mechanic for repairing boiler room equipment (Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia No. 1042n dated December 21, 2015)

All of the above professional standards must be applied in the housing and communal services sector and MKD management when building the personnel policy of the management organization, hiring qualified specialists and certifying employees. They contain the characteristics and qualification requirements of a particular specialty. We will tell you more about professional standards in the field of management of apartment buildings in the following articles.

If you have any questions, you can always contact us for advice. We also help management companies comply 731 RF PP on the Information Disclosure Standard(filling out the portal Housing and communal services reform, website of the Criminal Code, information stands) and Federal Law No. 209 (). We are always happy to help you!

Housing complex of the Russian Federation Article 161. Choice of method of managing an apartment building. General requirements for the management of an apartment building

1. The management of an apartment building must ensure favorable and safe living conditions for citizens, proper maintenance of common property in an apartment building, resolving issues regarding the use of said property, as well as the provision of utilities to citizens living in such a house, or in the cases provided for in Article 157.2 of this Code, constant readiness of utilities and other equipment that are part of the common property of the owners of premises in an apartment building for the provision of utilities (hereinafter referred to as ensuring the readiness of engineering systems). The Government of the Russian Federation establishes standards and rules for the management of apartment buildings.

(see text in the previous edition)

1.1. Proper maintenance of the common property of the owners of premises in an apartment building must be carried out in accordance with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation, including in the field of ensuring the sanitary and epidemiological well-being of the population, on technical regulation, fire safety, consumer rights protection, and must ensure:

1) compliance with the requirements for the reliability and safety of an apartment building;

2) safety of life and health of citizens, property of individuals, property of legal entities, state and municipal property;

3) availability of use of premises and other property included in the common property of the owners of premises in an apartment building;

4) compliance with the rights and legitimate interests of the owners of premises in an apartment building, as well as other persons;

5) constant readiness of utilities, metering devices and other equipment that are part of the common property of the owners of premises in an apartment building, to supply the resources necessary to provide public services to citizens living in an apartment building, in accordance with the rules of provision, suspension and restriction provision of utility services to owners and users of premises in apartment buildings and residential buildings, established by the Government of the Russian Federation.

1.2. The composition of the minimum list of services and works necessary to ensure proper maintenance of common property in an apartment building, the procedure for their provision and implementation are established by the Government of the Russian Federation.

1.3. Activities related to the management of apartment buildings are carried out on the basis of a license for its implementation, with the exception of the case when such activities are carried out by a homeowners’ association, housing cooperative or other specialized consumer cooperative and the case provided for in Part 3 of Article 200 of this Code.

2. Owners of premises in an apartment building are required to choose one of the methods of managing an apartment building:

1) direct management of the owners of premises in an apartment building, the number of apartments in which is no more than thirty;

(see text in the previous edition)

2) management of a homeowners’ association or a housing cooperative or other specialized consumer cooperative;

3) management of the management organization.

2.1. When exercising direct management of an apartment building by the owners of premises in this building, persons performing work on the maintenance and repair of common property in an apartment building, providing cold and hot water supply and carrying out sewerage, electricity supply, gas supply (including the supply of domestic gas in cylinders), heating ( heat supply, including the supply of solid fuel in the presence of stove heating), management of solid municipal waste, are responsible to the owners of the premises in this house for the fulfillment of their obligations in accordance with concluded agreements, as well as in accordance with the rules established by the Government of the Russian Federation for the maintenance of general property in an apartment building, rules for the provision, suspension and limitation of the provision of utility services to owners and users of premises in apartment buildings and residential buildings.

(see text in the previous edition)

2.2. When managing an apartment building by a homeowners' association or a housing cooperative or other specialized consumer cooperative, the said partnership or cooperative is responsible for the maintenance of common property in this building in accordance with the requirements of technical regulations and the rules established by the Government of the Russian Federation for the maintenance of common property in an apartment building, for the provision of utilities services depending on the level of improvement of a given house, the quality of which must meet the requirements of the rules established by the Government of the Russian Federation for the provision, suspension and limitation of the provision of utility services to owners and users of premises in apartment buildings and residential buildings, or in cases provided for in Article 157.2 of this Code, for providing readiness of engineering systems. The said partnership or cooperative may provide services and (or) carry out work on the maintenance and repair of common property in an apartment building on its own or attract, on the basis of contracts, persons carrying out the relevant types of activities. When concluding an agreement for the management of an apartment building with a management organization, the specified partnership or cooperative exercises control over the management organization’s fulfillment of obligations under such an agreement, including the provision of all services and (or) performance of work ensuring the proper maintenance of the common property in this building, the provision of utilities services depending on the level of improvement of a given house, the quality of which must meet the requirements of the rules established by the Government of the Russian Federation for the provision, suspension and limitation of the provision of public services to owners and users of premises in apartment buildings and residential buildings.

(see text in the previous edition)

2.3. When managing an apartment building by a management organization, it is responsible to the owners of the premises in the apartment building for the provision of all services and (or) performance of work that ensure the proper maintenance of the common property in this building and the quality of which must meet the requirements of technical regulations and maintenance rules established by the Government of the Russian Federation common property in an apartment building, for the provision of utility services depending on the level of improvement of the building, the quality of which must meet the requirements of the rules established by the Government of the Russian Federation for the provision, suspension and limitation of the provision of utility services to owners and users of premises in apartment buildings and residential buildings, or in cases provided for in Article 157.2 of this Code, for ensuring the readiness of engineering systems.

(see text in the previous edition)

ConsultantPlus: note.

If you change the method of managing apartment buildings or select a management organization, you can decide to maintain the previous procedure for the provision of utility services and payments for them (Federal Law of June 29, 2015 N 176-FZ).

3. The method of managing an apartment building is chosen at a general meeting of owners of premises in the apartment building and can be chosen and changed at any time based on its decision. The decision of the general meeting on the choice of management method is mandatory for all owners of premises in an apartment building.

(see text in the previous edition)

3.1. Upon termination of management of an apartment building by a homeowners' association, housing or housing-construction cooperative, or other specialized consumer cooperative, the said partnership or cooperative, within three working days from the date of the decision of the general meeting of owners of premises in the apartment building to change the method of managing such a building, is required to transfer technical documentation for an apartment building and other documents related to the management of such a building, keys to premises that are part of the common property of the owners of premises in an apartment building, electronic access codes for equipment that is part of the common property of owners of premises in an apartment building, and other technical means and equipment , necessary for the operation and management of an apartment building, to the person who has assumed the obligations to manage the apartment building, or in the case of choosing a direct method of managing an apartment building, to the owner of the premises in the apartment building, indicated in the decision of the general meeting of owners of the premises in the apartment building on the choice of the direct method management of an apartment building, or, if such owner is not indicated, to any owner of premises in such an apartment building.

4. The local government body, in the manner established by the Government of the Russian Federation, holds an open competition for the selection of a management organization in the cases specified in part 13 of this article and part 5 of article 200 of this Code, as well as if within six months before the date of the of the specified competition, the owners of premises in an apartment building did not choose a method of managing this building or if the decision made to choose a method of managing this building was not implemented. An open competition is also held if, before the expiration of the management agreement for an apartment building, concluded as a result of an open competition, a method of managing this building has not been chosen or if the decision made to choose a method of managing this building has not been implemented.

(see text in the previous edition)

4.1. Information about an open competition for the selection of a management organization is posted on the official website of the Russian Federation on the Internet information and telecommunications network for posting information about bidding (hereinafter referred to as the official website on the Internet). The Government of the Russian Federation determines the official website on the Internet and the body authorized to maintain it. Before the Government of the Russian Federation determines an official website on the Internet, a notice of an open competition is posted on the official website of the municipality on the Internet information and telecommunications network, and is also published in the official printed publication intended for publishing information on the placement of orders for municipal needs . Information about the said competition must be available for review to all interested parties without charging a fee. Information about the results of an open competition is posted on the website on the Internet information and telecommunications network, on which information about its conduct was posted, no later than three days from the date of determination of such results, and is also published in the official printed publication in which information about it was published its implementation.

5. The local government body, within ten days from the date of the open competition provided for in Part 4 of this article, notifies all owners of premises in an apartment building about the results of the said competition and the terms of the management agreement for this building. The owners of premises in an apartment building are required to enter into a management agreement for this building with a management organization selected based on the results of an open competition provided for in Part 4 of this article, in the manner established by Article 445 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

6. The local government body, no later than a month before the expiration of the term of the apartment building management agreement specified in Part 5 of this article, convenes a meeting of the owners of the premises in this building to decide on the choice of method of managing this house, if such a decision has not previously been made in accordance with part 3 of this article.

(see text in the previous edition)

7. Any owner of premises in an apartment building may apply to the court with a demand to oblige local governments to choose a management organization in accordance with the provisions of Part 4 of this article.

(see text in the previous edition)

8.1. It is not allowed to conclude an agreement for the management of an apartment building based on the results of an open competition or if the said competition is declared invalid, earlier than ten days from the date of posting information about the results of the said competition on the official website on the Internet. This requirement does not apply until the Government of the Russian Federation determines an official website on the Internet.

9. An apartment building can be managed by only one management organization.

(see text in the previous edition)

10. The management organization must provide free access to information about the main indicators of its financial and economic activities, about the services provided and about the work performed for the maintenance and repair of common property in an apartment building, about the procedure and conditions for their provision and implementation, about their cost, on prices (tariffs) for resources necessary for the provision of public services, in accordance with the information disclosure standard approved by the Government of the Russian Federation. The specifics of disclosing information about the activities of managing an apartment building and providing for review of documents provided for by this Code, a homeowners' association or a housing cooperative or other specialized consumer cooperative managing an apartment building (without concluding an agreement with the management organization) are established by this information disclosure standard. Control over compliance with this information disclosure standard by such a partnership, cooperative, or management organization is carried out by the authorized executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, specified in Part 2 of Article 20 of this Code, in the manner established by the federal executive authority authorized by the Government of the Russian Federation.

(see text in the previous edition)

10.1. The management organization is obliged to provide free access to information about the main indicators of its financial and economic activities, about the services provided and about the work performed for the maintenance and repair of common property in an apartment building, about the procedure and conditions for their provision and implementation, about their cost, about prices (tariffs) for the provided utilities through its placement in the system. The procedure, composition, terms and frequency of posting in the system information about the activities of managing an apartment building and providing for review of documents provided for by this Code, a homeowners' association or a housing cooperative or other specialized consumer cooperative managing an apartment building (without concluding an agreement with the management organization ), are established by the federal executive body, which carries out the functions of developing and implementing state policy and legal regulation in the field of information technology, together with the federal executive body, carrying out the functions of developing and implementing state policy and legal regulation in the field of housing utilities, unless a different period for posting the specified information in the system is established by federal law.

(see text in the previous edition)

11. In the case provided for in Article 157.2 of this Code, the management organization, homeowners’ association or housing cooperative or other specialized consumer cooperative that manages an apartment building, in the manner established by the Government of the Russian Federation, is obliged to:

1) provide resource supply organizations, the regional operator for the management of municipal solid waste with information necessary for charging for utility services, including the readings of individual metering devices (when such readings are provided by the owners of premises in an apartment building and tenants of residential premises under social tenancy agreements or lease agreements for residential premises of the state or municipal housing stock in a given building of a management organization, a homeowners' association or a housing cooperative or other specialized consumer cooperative) and collective (community) metering devices installed in an apartment building;

2) monitor the quality of communal resources and the continuity of their supply to the boundaries of the common property in an apartment building;

3) accept from the owners of premises in an apartment building and tenants of residential premises under social tenancy agreements or rental agreements for residential premises of the state or municipal housing stock in a given building about violations of the requirements for the quality of public services and (or) the continuity of provision of such services, violations in the calculation the amount of fees for utility services and interact with resource-supplying organizations and the regional operator for the management of municipal solid waste when considering these applications, checking the facts stated in them, eliminating identified violations and sending information about the results of consideration of applications in the manner established by the Government of the Russian Federation;

4) provide resource-supplying organizations with access to common property in an apartment building in order to suspend or limit the provision of utility services to owners of premises in an apartment building and tenants of residential premises under social tenancy agreements or lease agreements for residential premises of the state or municipal housing stock in a given building or by agreement with resource supply organizations suspend or restrict the provision of utility services to owners of premises in an apartment building and tenants of residential premises under social tenancy agreements or lease agreements for residential premises of the state or municipal housing stock in a given building.

(see text in the previous edition)

11.1. When an apartment building is directly managed by the owners of the premises in the apartment building, the utility service for the management of municipal solid waste is provided to the owners and users of the premises in this building by the regional operator for the management of municipal solid waste.

12. Management organizations, homeowners’ associations or housing cooperatives or other specialized consumer cooperatives that manage apartment buildings do not have the right to refuse to conclude, in accordance with the rules specified in Part 1 of Article 157 of this Code, contracts, including in relation to communal resources , consumed in the maintenance of common property in an apartment building, with resource supply organizations that provide cold and hot water supply, sewerage, electricity supply, gas supply (including the supply of domestic gas in cylinders), heating (heat supply, including the supply of solid fuel in the presence of a stove heating), and the regional operator for the management of municipal solid waste, except for the cases provided for in Part 1 of Article 157.2 of this Code. The validity period and other terms of these agreements, including those concluded in relation to the acquisition of communal resources consumed during the use and maintenance of common property in an apartment building, are established in accordance with the rules specified in part 1 of article 157, part 4 of this article, open tender. Within ten days from the date of the open competition, the local government body notifies all persons who accepted from the developer (the person providing the construction of the apartment building) after issuing permission to put the apartment building into operation of the premises in this building under the transfer deed or other transfer document, on the results of an open competition and on the terms of the management agreement for this house. These persons are required to enter into a management agreement for this house with a management organization selected based on the results of an open competition. If within two months from the date of the open tender the owners have not concluded a management agreement with the management organization, such an agreement is considered concluded on the terms determined by the open tender.

Part 7 of Article 46 of this Code. In the event of the sale or otherwise alienation of the first premises in this apartment building, the owners of the premises in this apartment building, within one year from the date of sale or otherwise alienation of the first premises in this apartment building, must choose at a general meeting of such owners and implement a method for managing this apartment building .

15. The organization that supplies the resources necessary for the provision of public services is responsible for the supply of these resources of appropriate quality to the boundaries of the common property in an apartment building and the boundaries of the external networks of engineering and technical support for this building, unless otherwise established by an agreement with such an organization.

15.1. The regional operator for the management of municipal solid waste is responsible for the provision of public services for the management of municipal solid waste starting from the place of accumulation of municipal solid waste, unless otherwise established by the contract.

(see text in the previous edition)

16. The person who is responsible for the maintenance and repair of common property in an apartment building, within the scope of providing these services, is obliged to ensure the condition of the common property in the apartment building at the level necessary to provide utility services of proper quality.

17. Management of an apartment building, in respect of which the owners of the premises in the apartment building have not chosen a method of managing such a house in the manner established by this Code, or the chosen method of management has not been implemented, a management organization has not been identified, including due to the recognition of an open selection competition as invalid management organization, carried out by a local government body in accordance with this Code, is carried out by a management organization that has a license to carry out entrepreneurial activities for the management of apartment buildings, determined by a decision of the local government body in the manner and under the conditions established by the Government of the Russian Federation. Such a management organization carries out activities to manage an apartment building until the owners of the premises in the apartment building choose a method of managing the apartment building or until the conclusion of an agreement for the management of the apartment building with a management organization determined by the owners of the premises in the apartment building or based on the results of an open competition provided for in Part 4 of this article, but no more than one year.

The expert talks about the main reasons for the ineffectiveness of management companies in the housing and communal services sector, the lack of the ability of the population to pay for quality services, the decline of the sector as a whole, as well as ways to solve the problem.

The Ministry of Construction of the Russian Federation proposed to create a list of service standards for management companies in the housing and communal services sector. Officials want to establish such a detailed list of requirements that it is supposed to even include uniform parameters for utility workers. Meanwhile, some time ago, officials already established GOST standards for this industry.

Sergey Krekov, head of the board of trustees of the Association of Real Estate Service Companies.

It is now almost impossible to take away licenses from unscrupulous companies.

- Why is this being done? Are service standards really that bad these days?

— The essence is in the quality of the services provided and the integrity of the one who provides them. This is one of the key elements of the system, which should change the overall balance of power - break the stable trend that has long been taking place in the housing and communal services sector. Now we understand who is present on the market, what they are called and where they are located - before this was not even the case.

Licensing has been in effect in the country for a year and a half; there are 18 thousand legal entities operating, of which 6 thousand are legal entities that exist on paper, but do not manage the housing stock. To date, only two licenses have been revoked. In this case, the revocation of a license can only be achieved through judicial procedure. In the summer, [the professional community] discussed the mechanism for canceling the judicial procedure for revoking licenses from unscrupulous management organizations, while the opinion was voiced that it was proposed to delegate the revocation procedure itself to municipal and regional authorities. And there was a general understanding of possible administrative regulation of the industry, but due to the lack of an acceptable solution to the problem, everything stopped. And now a new version of the same approach is being proposed - these are the service standards. I think that the new initiative will lead to the same solution - to create a simpler mechanism for revoking licenses from unscrupulous management companies.

— Can you give blatant examples of dishonesty of management companies?

- There are a lot of them. I’ll give you the most relevant one: in Krasnoyarsk (if interested, anyone can contact the media) the management company collected money from residents for some time, and then the management disappeared and the organization declared itself bankrupt. And this case is not isolated. This initiative is an attempt to change the market situation through regulatory mechanisms, as well as to simplify the procedure for revoking licenses from managers. In addition, control authorities will have tools and certain tools to clearly prove violations.

The main reasons for the inefficiency of management companies

— According to the Minister of Housing and Communal Services, this list may include the minimum number of works, the deadline for their completion, as well as the response time to consumer requests - what is the point of making these particular changes?

— There are several reasons why management services for apartment buildings (MCD) are provided inappropriately. I would like to focus on the key ones. One of them is, of course, the dishonesty of management companies, which a priori do not set themselves the task of providing services at the proper level, which causes complaints from the owners of apartment buildings. The second objective reason that affects the activities of conscientious management companies is economic. I'm talking about the tariffs at which management companies operate (especially in Moscow, where they have hardly been indexed for more than five years, and for the last two years they have been indexed by only 4%), there are virtually no economic opportunities for high-quality provision of services. Therefore, the introduction of standards and requirements for the quality of work performed may encounter certain difficulties.

Only a small part of the population is willing to pay for quality housing and communal services

— What difficulties are we talking about?

“We will prescribe standards and requirements, give characteristics by which we can measure all these parameters and, perhaps, even include them in the license revocation mechanism, but the question is different. New GOSTs can lead us to the following paradigm: a bona fide management company that provides services to owners, in order to perform all the work prescribed in GOST, needs someone to pay for it. A similar situation may arise in the residential real estate service sector. The question is not whether standards can or cannot be written, the question is different: is the consumer ready to pay for them today?

I am convinced that the implementation of standards will put the economic issue at the forefront, and we will put conscientious management companies in front of a very difficult choice: meet the standards and incur losses, or do not meet the standards and have acceptable economics of managing a house, make a profit, but thereby bear the risk of recall licenses. I am confident that the vast majority of entrepreneurs who are involved in this business will choose the second option. And this suggests that GOST cannot be implemented when implemented, because there will be no economic prerequisites for its implementation in the practical sphere, and it will not be possible to be profitable.

Today the situation is as follows: most apartment buildings are inhabited by people with different income levels. Of course, it will be more difficult for socially vulnerable segments of the population to find money to pay for services that will be provided under the new rules. And for business-class or premium-level houses, all this will be quite acceptable. On the other hand, the wider population may face a problem: people will want quality service at affordable prices, but management companies will ask them to pay for these services at market value.

The best way out of this situation is to select managers on a competitive basis

- In which direction should we look for a way out? What should you do to build optimal relationships?

— Within the AKON Association, a model of the “Institute of Trust Management” has been developed. It allows you to solve a basic fundamental question: how to form legal relations in the process of managing a facility and order services on a competitive basis.

The essence of the concept: powers of attorney are collected from residents to participate in a meeting of home owners (the power of attorney template is approved by Order No. 411 of the Ministry of Construction), a tender is announced, and a management organization is selected on a competitive basis. And now everything is formed not on a competitive basis, but according to the principle of calculation, as it was in the USSR: the tariffs of management companies have nothing to do with the market economy. And you need to understand that when choosing a company on a competitive basis, tariffs will be lower due to competition. The model with trust management and competitive selection of management organizations forms a market system for the provision of services. With such a system, the owner will be able to choose quality or the minimum tariff.

Unfortunately, now there are houses where only people who have very little money live. They do not have the funds for high standards; it is important for them to pay the minimum. Many residents generally want to refuse to invite cleaners, they say: we don’t need to wash the staircase, we will do it ourselves, draw a schedule, give us only the lowest tariff that can be. Taking into account this specificity, it is necessary to formulate the market nature of relations. A customer who has a budget needs some services, another customer needs others.

I would like to remind you that about two years ago GOST standards for the management of apartment buildings were approved. This is a fairly detailed document. When they were accepted, they said that in combination with licensing we will receive quality control mechanisms in the provision of housing and communal services. Everything is spelled out in these documents. GOSTs were developed with the participation of the Ministry of Construction, which is going to formalize new standards for management companies. And here a reasonable question arises: how will these standards be better than GOST? Why will they work better?

The models proposed by the Ministry of Construction do not solve the issue

— It turns out that all accepted GOST standards are not observed?

— Yes, not only GOSTs, nothing works at all! Basic principles don't work. It’s generally not easy for people to come to an agreement: husband and wife often quarrel, but there’s a whole house here. All the models proposed by the Ministry of Construction no longer solve the problem. It is not necessary to deal with quality, but to work on models that change approaches to management. In my opinion, the main problem is the lack of a single customer, and from the moment the residents try to come to an agreement among themselves, a real bacchanalia begins. If a single customer starts working, he will develop a technical specification and determine its cost based on a public competition for a specific house, taking into account the wishes of the residents. There are two ways to solve the problem: the first is where all powers are transferred to the state, the second is collective trust management. In my opinion, the second one is better: entrust all SROs (self-regulatory organizations), which will work for residents by proxy, representing their interests.