Runa Isa: meaning, description and interpretation. Isa rune meaning


One of the most mysterious, and at the same time very powerful symbols of the Elder Futhark is the Isa rune, the meaning of which makes us remember the fairy tale about the ice kingdom of the Snow Queen. Are you interested? Then let's disassemble this sign in more detail.

Runa Isa - the main meaning and interpretation

Let's start, as usual, with the name of the symbol. Isa literally means "ice". What comes to your mind when you imagine ice? Maybe it's ice blocks-icebergs floating in the ocean, thin ice that appears in puddles in the fall, ice cubes in a glass with a cocktail, or rivers and lakes covered with an ice crust, the flow of which has stopped for the winter? In fact, the meaning of the Isa rune includes all these associations at the same time. Now let's take a closer look.

Isa freezes any processes that a person asks about, both internal and external. But what exactly is freezing? This is a stop of movement, but the stop is not eternal, but only temporary. Spring will come, the sun will come out, the ice will be melted, and the movement will resume. If a person asks the runes a question about the expediency of any action, Isa will always say that it is better to stop right now, press the pause button, since the time for activity is not the most suitable.

When fortune-telling about the situation, Isa reports that there will be a stop in the case in which the person is interested, but how long it will last, and how exactly it will affect the questioner, you can find out by the surrounding symbols.

  • Inverted - Isa: When fortune-telling about the situation, they can mean something like the following: development will be suspended due to the fact that the person himself behaves too selfishly, but does not notice this, and stubbornly looks for the guilty among his environment

Isa does not have an inverted position, therefore, it can be perceived in a positive or negative way only by those symbols that fall nearby. The positive runes surrounding Isu in the layout often indicate that the stop will not last long, and very soon the ice will be melted.

Runes Isa and that appeared next to each other. In general, any auspicious symbol in the vicinity of the "ice" rune, especially one that does not have an inverted position, gives the questioner hope for an early end to stagnation in business

You need to use the current situation for your own good: do not worry about the fact that everything has stalled, but take a break for rest, ponder, reflect, analyze, weigh all the pros and cons of this situation. Isa often comes when a person is simply confused in what is happening, and the forced stop is just necessary for him to move on. It's like a friendly advice: "Stop, rest, think, gain strength and patience to continue your journey with renewed vigor!"

Isa is always interesting to analyze in the context of the runes that surround her. Imagine that the runes Eyvaz, Algiz, Isa fell out in the layout. Even these three symbols, combined together, can be interpreted in different ways, and a lot depends on the skill of the fortuneteller.

So, for example, one fortuneteller can read them as freezing of movement (Isa) due to insurmountable obstacles (Eyvaz) created by higher powers for your protection (Algiz). Those. a certain power from above protects a person from trouble, deliberately exposing obstacles in front of him so that he calms down, takes a break, rests and collects his thoughts. At the same time, this combination can be read in a completely different way: obstacles and difficulties arise on the way of a person (), which he will successfully overcome thanks to the support of higher forces (), after which he will have a temporary period of stagnation (Isa).

Many of you will probably ask the question: is it possible to somehow overcome the action of Isa, "melt" the ice, and resume movement in an artificial way? In fact, it will not lead to anything good.

Firstly, it requires colossal energy costs, and secondly, it is very easy to fall under the melted ice. Imagine a situation when a huge block of ice hangs over a person, which prevents him from moving on: he collects branches, kindles a fire, makes a torch, sets it on fire and starts to melt this ice floe: some part of it melts, water cavities form inside the block and as a result, a piece of ice just picks up and falls on his head.

Another analogy: a person stands on the bank of a river and wants to swim, but the water is hidden under the ice, and nothing works for him. Then he begins to get angry, jump on the ice, pound him with a stick, and as a result he simply falls into the icy water: and there is nowhere to swim, since there is ice everywhere, and it is insanely cold, so it is impossible to move. It's much safer to sit on the sidelines and wait for the ice to melt naturally.

If you understand what the Isa rune means, you should realize that it never comes just like that - its arrival is as natural as the onset of winter after the end of autumn. You are not angry with nature and you are not trying to swap the places of spring and summer just because you wanted to?

What does the rune of Isa mean in divination for work and business?

Isa in career matters will always mean the suspension of the current project, getting stuck in one place, a decline in activity. However, sometimes she can talk about bad relations in the team - relations with colleagues seem to be in a "frozen" state, coolness reigns between people, no warmth and participation in each other's fate.

If a person asks whether he should continue some business or stay at the same job where he is working now, Isa, surrounded by exclusively negative runes, will report that this activity should be left, as nothing good will come of it. Moreover, in case of a negative "neighborhood", it will not mean a temporary stop, but leaving this company or leaving the project for good.

  • Turisaz - Isa: In matters of business and work, he hints to the questioner that business will be suspended due to the intervention of some influential person
  • - Isa: The combination may hint that "sticks in the wheels" are inserted by a person trying to settle personal scores with the questioner

What does the rune of Isa mean in divination for love and relationships?

The value of the Isa rune in divination for relationships and love is, first of all, "cooling". Cooling of feelings, misunderstanding, quarrels, betrayals, conflicts, crisis of family life - all this can contain this rune. To understand what exactly we are talking about, it is imperative to evaluate adjacent characters.

  • Inverted - Isa: This is a sign that the partner simply stopped perceiving his chosen one or chosen one as a representative of the opposite sex, this is a clear decrease in attraction and sexual interest
  • Inverted Laguz - Isa: This combination may indicate treason
  • Teyvaz - Isa: If a man asks about a woman, and such a combination falls out, then the thoughts of his partner are occupied by another man
  • / - Isa: To a woman's question about her beloved, such a combination of runes falls out, then the heart of her chosen one is occupied by another lady, and in the latter case, most likely, a married lady

Positive symbols near the "cold" rune will indicate that the outcome can be favorable and harmony can still be returned to the couple, but negative ones in most situations indicate a final break in relations.

What does Isa mean when fortune-telling for health?

The value of the Isa rune in health can be understood if you think about what "cooling" and "freezing" are. When our hands or feet freeze, we simply stop feeling them. Isa signals the same when we ask questions about well-being: a person has some kind of sensitivity problems. It can be a violation of the sensitivity of the fingers, immunity to colors, smells, sounds - in a word, any nuisance that does not allow him to fully "feel" the world around him.

In some cases, Isa can talk about an illness due to hypothermia, for example, a cold or pneumonia, but still more often it is a violation of sensitivity. Sometimes the rune also indicates anemia, because one of the symptoms of this disease is the feeling of freezing of the limbs.

How is Isa used in magic?

Isa, like a real Snow Queen, is capable of freezing absolutely any process - that is why it is often used by practicing magicians in their work. Another question is that the meaning of the Isa rune in magic can be used for both good and dark deeds. So, when we "freeze" a human disease, for example, we stop the growth of cancerous tumors with the help of the rune - this is undoubtedly a positive magical effect.

But the forcible cooling of the feelings of one person to another (the so-called lapel) is already a double-edged sword. On the one hand, a lapel can be useful if a person is really tired of the persistent attention of a person, and on the other hand, if it is about breaking a pair, when the magician or the one who asks him for help has personal benefit from this, this is already interference in someone else's fate. Such an act always has its consequences, which should be remembered by those who are engaged in runic love spells-lapels.

The "ice" rune also gives useful tips when analyzing magical effects. So, for example, the main meaning of the Isa rune in diagnosis is a rollback protection on the person being asked about.

  • and - Isa: Such a bundle symbolizes very powerful shields that protect this person from outside influences

What is the Isa rune amulet for?

In principle, Isa does not belong to the category of universal runes suitable for any person, so it is worth using it to create an amulet with caution. So, for example, a photo of the Isa rune on a talisman can be worn by someone who always takes everything that happens too close to his heart - the symbol will help a person to cultivate composure in himself, and other people's troubles will not cause him severe mental pain.

Is it possible to get a tattoo with Isa rune?

Despite the fact that this sign does not have a reverse position, it is still not recommended to do it as a tattoo, unless, of course, you want to live your whole life in a state of complete "freeze".

Isa Rune

If you pulled out this symbol during fortune-telling for a day, be sure that it will pass calmly like never before. You should not expect any movement, anxiety, excitement and unexpected situations. This is calmness, freezing, a kind of suspended animation. You can just relax, do your hobby, take your time and not try to deal with some important issues and matters.

The "ice" rune advises: do not rush, calm down, do not rush things, pause. Remember, as a child, we played the game "The sea is worried once", in which there were such words: "sea figure, freeze in place"? It is on the command "freeze" that the advice of this rune is similar. You should not make unnecessary body movements and be active: the less you "twitch" now, the more successful the outcome of the case will be after this forced pause.

What questions should you ask yourself when meditating on the Isa rune?

The meaning of the Isa rune is revealed when meditating on this symbol, which looks like the Latin letter I. When you work with this "cold" sign, ask yourself the following:

  • Can I afford to take a break, not act, not rush things?
  • What prevents me from stopping for a while, what haunts me, makes me fuss and rush?
  • What causes coldness, alienation in my soul, what do I resist?
  • Am I able to calm down and wait for a more favorable period?
  • Am I trying to "artificially" bring the desired approach closer?

For those who delve into the meaning of this rune, it will very soon become clear that there is nothing wrong with it, and it is natural, like the change of seasons. Its action does not freeze the movement forever, because even when the Snow Queen forced Kai to add the word "eternity" from ice cubes, he could not do it, because the kingdom of ice does not last forever - remember this!

Isa is a rune sign that occupies a separate position in the senior house of Futhark and symbolizes temporary difficulties, loss of energy or stagnation in business. Translated from Norwegian, Isa means ice, which fetters all life in nature and immerses you in winter sleep. According to legend, the rune Isa resists the hot flame and the World arises from a difficult struggle.

The sacred meaning of the Isa rune

In a sacred sense, a magnetic rune symbol means the freezing of human life processes for an indefinite period. Bright days await the fortuneteller, but fate prepares various obstacles on the way to happiness and prosperity. You need to spend a lot of moral and physical strength to get out of a delicate situation with dignity.

Ymir (Scand. Ymir) - in German-Scandinavian mythology, the first living creature, a frost giant, from which the world was created

The ancient people believed that the Isa rune was associated with Ymir, the legendary giant from the Scandinavian epic. He became the forefather of the Khrimturs - mythical creatures, because icy blood flowed in his veins and fiery impulses pulsed. The bisexual giant gave birth to several children, and the supreme deities became angry and, in a fit of anger, killed the giant.

Mortally wounded Ymir shed a sea of \u200b\u200bscarlet blood, in which all Khrimturs drowned, except one - the brave and fearless Bergelmir. The giant died heroically, leaving behind devastation and wasteland. But the gods took his body and put it in the abyss of cosmic matter. This is how Nilfheim came into being - the first underworld ruled by dark forces.

In this kingdom is the north pole of the universe, which appeared as a result of chaos around the world. There is also a magical source of Hvergelmir, formed from Elivagar - twelve deep and fast rivers. Groundwater flows into a large font, symbolizing a black hole and a deep abyss.

The huge magnetic attraction creates a negative field and serves as a symbol of deceiving illusions. A devastated person does not know how to independently replenish his vitality due to an imbalance with external reality. Therefore, his energy is replenished at the expense of others - such people are popularly called "energy vampires".

If you communicate with such a person for some time, you can feel a breakdown and general weakness, while the "vampire" will experience a surge of other people's emotions and "blossom". Often the energy balance of these people is replenished due to scandals, intrigues and gossip - psychologists recommend not to go to their provocations and avoid close contacts.

The magical meaning of the rune Isa

Runa Isa makes you look into yourself in order to understand the world around you

The appearance of the runic sign of Isa in the magic layout indicates the inner orderliness of the fortuneteller and his composure. Another extreme meaning of the Isa rune is the expectation of imminent changes in fate, since the symbol indicates disorganization and discord with oneself. Therefore, the Isa rune calls for spiritual activity that helps to establish communication with the outside world.

Many esotericists ascribe several interpretations to the meaning of the Isa rune, perceiving it literally or figuratively as follows:

  • Suspension of life processes or negative events: the rune is able to stop the course of the disease or cool the ardor of a person in love.
  • The ability to "freeze" the situation until all the circumstances of the case are clarified.
  • Renewal and transformation after a long stagnation: the rune sign of Isa in this case symbolizes the beginning of a new life or the renewal of an interrupted relationship.
  • Unfavorable circumstances for resolving the issue: the fulfillment of the desire is postponed indefinitely, unexpected problems may arise.
  • Ability to "extinguish" a dangerous outburst of anger or build relationships with people around.
  • Tells about a socially significant event in the fate of the questioner and gives time to think about the current situation.
  • It symbolizes a temporary respite necessary to restore mental and physical strength.
  • Protects from damage, evil eye and bad intentions of other people. An experienced magician can put a strong blockage against evil thoughts. Here ice and fire come into play - two elements constantly change our reality and are aimed at developing the creative abilities of the questioning person.

Interpretation of the Isa rune in divination

This rune sign signals in a magical scenario about the "freezing" of an exciting problem. During this period, the fortuneteller needs to abandon active actions and direct all energy to the development of internal potential. Do not panic right away if it seems that nothing is happening - this is just a temporary pause before a new stage in life.

Photo of the runes of Isa

In the photo, the Isa rune is depicted as a straight vertical line, symbolizing the duality of processes in nature: birth and death, flowering and extinction, youth and old age, life and nothingness. The Latin letter "I" has a laconic form and clearly defines the boundaries of what is happening - it is not for nothing that Isa is considered one of the quietest runes in the Futhark family.

To interpret the dropped results, you need to look at the nearby runic symbols. It is important to know that the "ice" sign is irreversible: it only warns of some fateful event, but is unable to prevent it. But there is an opportunity to look at the actions being taken with the eyes of an outside observer.

What can the rune Isa say about the current situation?

The Isa rune that fell out in the layout warns that the course of life will slow down. It will seem to the questioner that he is at a dead end and that there is no development of the situation: the person begins to get nervous and make mistakes. But the rune sign suggests that sometimes it is useful not to do anything, but to calmly think about the current state of affairs.

The fortuneteller plunges into an apathetic state when nothing needs to be done and does not want to go anywhere. The goals set for ourselves have long-term prospects - their implementation is postponed indefinitely. The main problem is the unwillingness to communicate with the people around, which can lead to an information vacuum.

Full immersion in your inner world seems like a deceptive protection from the vicissitudes of fate. It resembles a smooth ride on a train: it slowly rolls along the rails, slowly changing the landscape outside the window. The passenger humbly awaits his destination and gradually gets used to the constant sound of wheels.

A person is alone in a compartment and is not at all ready to meet other people. If we draw an analogy with real life, the train stops indicate short periods of enlightenment, after which darkness falls again. Silence helps to delve into your own thoughts and understand your purpose in the world.

What opportunities does the rune of Isa open

If the questioner feels like a “hunted beast”, then the runic symbol gives an excellent opportunity to sort out his own feelings and disconnect from real reality for a while. A calm environment promotes the development of personal resources and the appearance of self-confidence: other people do not appreciate the actions of a fortuneteller.

The Scandinavian gods give a little time to know their own "I": do not pretend that their help is absolutely unnecessary. The path of fate has already been paved and you need to walk along it with your head held high. Now is a good time to draw a map of goals, put everything in your head "on the shelves" and outline plans for the future.

Accurate adherence to the call of the heart helps to quickly achieve what you want and not turn on a path that is fatal for the soul. Another important task is to try to understand how to build communications with people around you: productive and mutual communication is the key to success in many activities.

What the Isa rune warns about

Runa Isa allows you to concentrate forces to achieve important goals

You should not plunge into a state of rest and complete inaction for a long time. Ice rune Isa "freezes" the activity of the fortuneteller to complete an important mission. There is no need to resist the slow course of events, but at the same time, you cannot "sit upright" and be like an invertebrate amoeba.

The smooth flow of life is productive only if it does not contradict the temperament of the questioner and serves as a catalyst for further action. But when a rather energetic person closes in a "shell" and does not want to change something in fate, then it is already necessary to sound the alarm. The icy essence of the Isa rune hinders movement, but then a hot sun appears in the sky and tons of water can absorb the hulk.

From the outside it is clearly seen that the situation is developing quite quickly and intensively: the train turned out to be "fast" and after a while will arrive at the terminal station. What exactly it will be depends solely on the actions of the fortuneteller. Also, the meaning of the Isa rune warns against self-adjustment of the predicted "scenario" - there is a danger of getting seriously ill or getting into big trouble.

In the current circumstances, the rune symbol gives only one piece of advice - you should temporarily limit contacts with the outside world and immerse yourself in your own thoughts. To achieve this without resistance from others, you can take a vacation for a few days and go to a distant wilderness or where no one knows the questioner at all.

It is important to turn off all modern means of communication - a mobile phone with constantly pop-up messages and disturbing calls is actually very unnerving and only contributes to the deterioration of the state of mind. Another effective method is yoga and meditation practices.

Knowing yourself is an important task in the life of every person. Sifting out unnecessary information, cutting off unnecessary connections and critical introspection help to re-look at the current picture of events and expand the boundaries of consciousness. If a vacation in the near future is not expected, then you can make repairs in the apartment, or go in for sports.

What problems can the meaning of the rune of Isa tell?

Forced loneliness often puts a lot of pressure on any person and slowly "strangles". Yes, initially, it seems that events froze in place, but ice is a shell from ill-considered actions and impulsive decisions. When the fortuneteller is spiritually developed and self-sufficient, the Isa rune helps to find the sunbeam in the darkness and look at the exciting situation in a new way.

Reason always requires a continuous movement of thoughts, but the soul at certain moments desires peace and concentration. Sometimes the questioner will feel that there are no more emotions left and apathy reigns. But feelings are always colored in various shades of faith, love, hope - without support it is impossible to live in our world.

At first, isolation will give the fortuneteller the feeling that he has been left to fend for himself, and he has broken away from a group of comrades. But then the inner flame begins to flare up stronger and brighter: it turns out that a person is able to cope with a difficult situation on his own - he is original and self-sufficient. In addition, the meaning of the inverted Isa rune is exactly the same as that of the straight line, since the symbol looks exactly the same.

Only a victory over the illusory feeling of constraint and hopelessness helps to understand that real reality is brighter than virtual worlds. A reliable foundation appears in the soul, helping in the future not to fall into the abyss. When a fortuneteller finds this foundation through hardship and suffering, then he does not care about any obstacles on the way!

Are you making enough money?

Check if this applies to you:

  • there is enough money from paycheck to paycheck;
  • the salary is enough only for rent and food;
  • debts and loans take away everything that comes with great difficulty;
  • all promotions go to someone else;
  • you are sure that you are paid too little at work.

Perhaps you have been corrupted by money. This amulet will help to relieve lack of money

The Isa rune is the eleventh in the Germanic runic alphabet and belongs to the elder futarch. It is also considered the third rune of the second etta.

Main characteristics

General information about the rune
Name: Isa, Isaz
Value: Ice, death
Act: Stopping activities, freezing processes, ending growth
Element: Water
Deity: Ymir - Ice Giant
A rock: Rhinestone
Plant: Bamboo, ivan - tea
Character: Magnetic
Essence: Irreversible
  • water freezes into ice;
  • the fog freezes into a snowflake;
  • molten quartz solidifies into glass;
  • steel solidifies into an ingot;
  • the salt solution crystallizes;
  • an athlete builds his body;
  • the scientist organizes the research data;
  • the building is being restored;
  • the old house is being rebuilt.


The rune of Isa is designated by one vertical line. It is interesting because it has a similar meaning in the upright and inverted position, which makes it irreversible.

Isa's image is very symbolic. It is believed that a person's life consists of the intersection of a horizontal line, symbolizing social processes and everyday life, with vertical lines, meaning higher forces, spirit and egregors. At the point of their contact, a rose is formed - a sense of integrity and harmony.

Runa Isa speaks of active inner work, which takes into account the events taking place around. This is an inner search, a return to your essence, to the home of your soul.

Interesting! The Isa rune is one of the most subtle runes with a deep meaning. It is in vain considered sad and negative, since it does not mean the end of the path, but a respite and time given from above to analyze the situation and accumulate strength for future activities.


Runa Isa is translated as "ice" and means a period of stagnation and stop in motion. How long the respite lasts depends on the person and the situation. In any case, plans and actions should be postponed until a favorable moment.

Attention! In case of special persistence and refusal to stop, a person risks losing all previous achievements and significantly harming future success.

Isa recommends people to get away from active actions, relax, go to unity with their Self, feel a new rhythm and wait for a suitable situation for activity. It testifies to the need to create a balance between human aspirations and the capabilities of the existing system.

The meaning of the rune

Rune Isa straight and inverted have identical meanings. They can be interpreted both in a negative and in a positive way, depending on the person's life situation and on the fallen neighboring runes.

First of all, Isa testifies to inhibition, stagnation, regression and cessation of movement. It kind of freezes external events and sends a person to work with the inner world. In this case, you need to relax and slow down.

This often happens when people are too seriously focused on external events and fixated on everyday affairs. They do not see what is really going on around them, and do not understand what goals they are pursuing.

In this position, one should stop and not take active actions, since this indicates the incorrectness of the chosen path and the way of moving towards what was intended. To solve the situation, it is worth restoring harmony with your essence, remembering what you want and understanding whether you are going there. After all, obstacles on the way do not arise for no reason.

Important! You can never resist or break through the situation. It is worth understanding that a long respite is needed. You have to wait to get what you want.

Isa reminds a person of the existence of higher powers, egregors and the laws of the situation. A person mentally cannot and should not understand and give a logical explanation to everything that happens. The rune of humility teaches to respect the Higher powers and calls for unification with the world and the formation of universal harmony.

The course of times and events goes on, you should tune in to your own wave, feel the new rhythm and wait until the world around you will accept it and answer your expectations. After all, in order for the ice to melt, the sun must warm it. There are situations that will take years to resolve. It is not always possible to get what you want here and now. This is why Isa is dangerous, since it contradicts the logic of modern thinking, where the scheme operates: action \u003d result.

The rune has an anti-chaotic meaning and calls for the cessation of meaningless activity. It helps to slow down the human rhythm and harmonize it with the surrounding world.

It is worth remembering that the ice will melt sooner or later, and the stream will resume its flow. In the meantime, in the allotted time, all unnecessary will settle to the bottom and disappear like unnecessary ballast.

What does divination mean?

The loss of the Isa rune is always associated with a stop of activity, which is important for the fortuneteller. This suggests that you should not do anything at the moment. You need to narrow your situation, give up for a while from plans for the future and deal with current issues.

In relation to the team, do not expect anything good except cold and misunderstanding. You shouldn't try to find the cause of the disagreement.

In his personal life, the rune promises the destruction of relations, the threat of divorce. It is associated with cooling the feelings of one of the partners and even with a break.

The current business will end in failure or complete stagnation. Your goals and dreams will not come true in the near future. It is worth reconsidering the path of movement and starting to build the inner world.

Don't be afraid to be alone with yourself. People get used to fighting with external obstacles, and when they disappear and complete silence and emptiness arise, it is very difficult to remain yourself and keep the spiritual core.

Advice! It is not worth delaying the period of Isa. The situation develops regardless of whether you notice it or not. Relax, answer your questions, find a solution and complete the stage.

The interpretation of the Isa rune depends on the neighboring runes. Turisaz says that it would not hurt to ask for advice from a knowledgeable person. Jera testifies that the difficulties are temporary and will soon end. A couple with an inverted Algiz alludes to the excessive self-sacrifice of a person and the fact that he is marking time, not noticing personal gain. Soulu shows excessive haste and shortsightedness.

Symbolism in magic

Despite the negative influence of the rune, its properties are widely used in magic. In occultism, Isa is used for various purposes. It helps a person to rehabilitate after a serious illness and get back on his feet.

Protects the wearer from negative energy by performing the functions of an amalgamation.

Helps relieve a difficult situation that worries a person. Relaxes, calms the rhythm of life, relieves stress. Teaches you to control your own emotions and control others.

A strong lapel effect can be achieved by combining the Isa rune with Gebo or Laguz. Isa, Gebo and Algiz will help protect from negative astral attacks. You can start a new life, leaving all the problems in the past, using a talisman from Isa, Turisaz, Tivaz and Fehu.

The rune is also used to freeze circumstances. This allows a person to gain time, rest, gain strength and win.

What is the Slavs?

Ise in the Slavic alphabet corresponds to the Istok rune. They have a similar designation in the form of a single vertical line. It symbolizes ice and the fundamental principle.

For the Slavs, ice was one of the initial elements and meant powerful energy at rest, in immobility. According to the legend of the peoples of the north, the whole world arose from a fragment of an ice crystal.

In divination, the Source means stagnation in business, a crisis in a situation. However, the Slavs perceive peace as a harbinger of movement. The pause for them contains the powerful energy of potential action. Just like the development, indicated by the rune Yes, alternates with stagnation and freezing.

When guessing for a career

Isa means a decline in physical activity, a stop of projects, the inability to get what was planned in the near future. Neighborhood with Fehu speaks of the possibility of getting everything right and achieving good results. To do this, you just have to wait for the right moment.

The rune symbolizes the deterioration of relations with colleagues or partners. Sometimes until they completely disintegrate.

Deterioration of current affairs in a negative way can mean the need to abandon the project completely and switch attention to a new business.

A couple with Turisaz shows that failure in business is due to the influence of some influential person. Soulu hints at problems emanating from a selfish, selfish person who, for his own personal gain, is capable of ruining a project. Dagaz speaks of the difficult nature of the fortuneteller, which is the reason for the deterioration of relations with partners and colleagues.

When divining for love

Chilling relationships between partners can be of varying degrees of difficulty. Quarrels, conflicts and alienation in one or both partners can be temporary and a challenge that can be overcome.

Advice! Take a break and rethink your relationship. Let your feelings ripen and enjoy the reunion.

However, paired with inverted runes, Isa speaks of serious problems. Laguz is a harbinger of treason. Teyvaz indicates that the beautiful half of the couple will become a cheater. Perth testifies to the disappearance of sexual desire and desire. The inverted rune of Mannaz gives hope for the renewal of relations.

Combination with other runes

A detailed interpretation of Isa can be obtained when dealing with other runes. Depending on the task and the questions of concern, pairs can be interpreted in the following way.

Wyrd - symbolizes complete chaos.
- indicates clear leadership and leadership.
Uruz - encourages you to listen to your own intuition and act according to it.
Turisaz - is a symbol of fatal passion, which can lead to a deterioration in relations.
Ansuz - means complete failure, destruction of plans, failure in business and degradation of processes.
Raido - indicates falling under the influence of the sect.
Kenaz - speaks of the inability to make the right decision.
Gebo - predicts the loss of a vehicle.
Vunyo - hints at the use of funds obtained in a very dubious way.
Hagalaz - promises failure due to excessive heroism.
Nautiz - symbolizes fraud, forgery and other troubles emanating from them.
Hyera - indicates that these difficulties are temporary and soon everything will be fine.
Eyvaz - indicates that you are trapped.
Perth - indicates the inevitability of change and calls for new activities.
Algiz - a fatal combination, meaning death at the hands of a killer.
Sovulu - is a symbol of a wrong vision of the problem and a false approach.
Teyvaz - indicates an overestimation of one's own strengths and an inability to cope with the situation.
Berkan - speaks of the invulnerability of the fortuneteller.
Evaz - means a loss of optimism, faith in oneself and promises serious problems, including those related to health.
Mannaz - hints at the coming of hard times and difficult trials.
Laguz - indicates helplessness and health problems caused by viral infections.
Inguz - reveals a clear need for change, indicating that the gray days have dragged you out too much.
Dagaz - symbolizes a long wait for happiness and success.
Odal - mostly associated with scandals, quarrels, betrayal and deception.

  • Do not stop in your spiritual development.
  • Remember that your inner strength is much greater than you think.
  • Relax and wait until the situation reveals itself.
  • Do not start new business, wait for a favorable time.
  • Don't knock on a closed door.
  • Reduce your social circle to a minimum, turn off your phone, go on vacation.

Runa Isa, despite the general negative nature, can teach a lot to every person. She points to the need for relaxation and harmonization with the world. The correct interpretation of the rune will help you get answers to long-standing questions.

In contact with

The element of ice plays an important role in the life of the peoples of the North. An icy wind on a frosty night is no less dangerous for an unwary traveler than a sharpened assassin's dagger or an attack from highway robbers. That is why the Isa rune, the meaning of which is ice, stop and freezing, is very revered by the northerners. This sign of the Elder Futhark has a mystical connection with and alder.

Black magicians, whose rituals include rune damage, use the Isa sign to suspend or destroy any process. For example, the combination Isa - - Isa is designed to destroy the enemy's business, ruin the business, etc. However, to use the runes of corruption, you need to have considerable magical abilities. If an unprepared person wants to write a curse to his enemy with runes, then nothing efficient will come of him.

In the Nordic tradition, the Isa rune refers to one of the creative elements, the opposition of which gives rise to our world. This is the so-called "irreversible" rune, the effect of which cannot be canceled. A magician who decides to use the Isa sign in his runescript must know exactly what he wants to achieve.

Isa rune in magic

As mentioned above, you can use a combination of runes to harm your enemy. Consider a few basic stavs related to black magic:

  • Mannaz Dagaz Isa - a curse on death (person \u003e\u003e day \u003e\u003e stop);
  • Isa Isa - blocking cash flow;
  • Berkana Isa - to prevent conception, to interrupt the race of your enemy;
  • Turisaz Hagalaz Isa - unleash an avalanche of troubles on the ill-wisher;
  • In combination with - to interfere with the execution of the plans.

However, the Isa rune can be used not only for negative purposes. In the hands of a skilled magician, it turns into an effective tool for stopping unwanted processes. For example, this sign can put an end to the conflict and cool the ardor of flushed people. In love lapels, the Isa symbol is combined with the Laguz rune or with the Hagalaz sign.

If the situation is unfortunate, and you would like to slow down the development of events for a while, then try to visualize the Isa rune. You should focus on the image of the sign as well as the ice element. Feel the coldness and crystal clearness, allow this sensation to enter your consciousness. The brighter the degree of visualization, the more effective the ritual will work.

Isa Rune Amulet

Such a talisman will be very useful for people who easily lose their temper and wish to cultivate composure in themselves. You need to cut a small square or rectangular block out of alder wood, and then draw the rune sign of Isa on it. The rune can be cut or painted with white paint. Important! The talisman is not varnished, this will make it ineffective!

Many runic amulets can be worn on a chain or on a cord around the neck, but this does not apply to the Isa sign. The talisman should not be in the area of \u200b\u200bthe heart, since the element of the heart anahata chakra is fire, and ice can have a negative effect on it. Wear the Isa amulet as a wristband or just in your pocket.

The meaning in divination

Total value... In general, Isa means the suspension of activity, the termination of a process. If this rune falls out in your layout, then you should wait for some time and not take active action. Now very powerful forces have intervened in the situation, with which you cannot cope. Any haste will only make your situation worse.

Career alignment... You will experience a decline in activity caused by objective or subjective reasons. This could be the termination of funding for your project, a lingering illness, or simply apathy and fatigue. Prepare for relationships with partners and colleagues to deteriorate. Sometimes the Isa rune warns that the business you are doing is futile. In this case, you should switch your efforts to something else.

Alignment for love and relationships... Chilling feelings and mutual accusations - this is what can destroy even the most lasting union. If the relationship is dear to you, then try to keep the Nordic calm and composure. In this case, you can go through a difficult time without much shock.

Other runes of the Elder Futhark

Freyr and Freya's first att

Heimdall's second att

Thura third att

Rune Isa (Isa) is the third in a row symbol, the third rune of the second etta. Isa is at the mercy of the elements of Water. Most often it means a moment that comes when the previous stage has not yet been completed, and the next has not yet come. This is a kind of state of "freezing", stopping, a turning point in life. Let's consider the meaning of the symbol in more detail.

Isa rune photo:

Runa Isa literally translates as "ice". Most often, its meaning is perceived negatively, since it indicates that a period of stagnation has begun in life. But this must also be perceived in a favorable context: it is time to reconsider your life, relax, rest and think about the future.

The meaning in divination

The Isa rune looks the same both in a straight and inverted position, so its values \u200b\u200bare always the same.

When divining, it can mean:

  • Divorce is approaching. Your family's happiness is at stake - if you don't try to save your marriage, your relationship will collapse
  • Your colleagues and subordinates treat you badly, are extremely unfriendly. You need to understand what is causing
  • In the near future, you will have to take a break from vigorous activity - the time of stagnation and stagnation will come
  • Love relationships will become colder, parting is likely to happen, because one of the partners has cooled feelings
  • Any business that you do in the near future will fail.
  • Your plans and dreams cannot be realized, and your goals cannot be realized. It may be worth pondering and understanding - are you moving in the right direction?

Isa almost always has an unfavorable meaning. This is stagnation, stagnation, regression, inhibition of life, stopping of some important activity for the fortuneteller. It is especially unpleasant when Isa falls out in fortune-telling about relationships - in this case, she almost always promises a cooling of feelings and even parting.

If in fortune telling you asked the question: "What to do?" and Isa fell out, the answer is "nothing." You need to pause, pay attention to what is happening in life at the moment, and not think about the future and not make plans.

The meaning of the Isa rune can be positive if it falls out in combinations with other, auspicious runes. Then we can talk about a certain stability. But for the time being, one can only dream about development and progress in business.

Isa rune tip in fortune telling: relax and bide your time. The stream of negativity that has come into your life will sooner or later recede and be replaced by positive events. Now it is useless to do anything to improve the situation - you are unable to withstand the elements.

Stop all activity, stop business, stop planning, do nothing. Wait for an opportune moment and a white streak in your life.

Interpretation of the Isa rune in one-run fortune-telling

In one-ore fortune-telling, Isa has the following meanings:

  • A person needs to clearly set goals for his future life, reconsider his attitude to others and the world, strengthen and develop faith in himself and in God
  • You have a well-developed intuition and are well versed in human psychology, therefore you are able to predict the behavior of other people and influence them
  • You are fixated on the impression you make on others. Do not try to please everyone, otherwise it is close to nervous exhaustion.
  • You are a talented person and it is better to realize your talents in the field of show business, fashion, design. You can also achieve success by working as a psychologist, teacher, "salesman"
  • Your physique is not very outstanding. But this is more than offset by the sheer amount of positive energy that you are the source of. You are able not only to fill yourself with this energy, but also to share it with others, so people are attracted to you. But do not allow energy vampires to approach you, otherwise you can seriously undermine your health.
  • You have well-developed, rational thinking. If you learn to feel the emotional state of the people around you and adjust to it, you can achieve great success.
  • You are an excellent speaker, know how to persuade and articulate your point of view. It helps to always find a like-minded person who will be on your side in any situation.

Watch a video about the meaning of the Isa rune:

Application in magic

In occultism, the Isa rune is used to achieve the following goals:

  • Recovery of a person after a serious illness or relief of his condition
  • As a talisman that protects a person from all the negativity coming from outside
  • To learn to control emotions and manage the emotions of others
  • To alleviate the current difficult situation that worries the person at the moment the most
  • To relax, relieve tension, slow down the too hectic pace of life