Ways to remove a tattoo at home. Is it possible to reduce the study of many solutions to a polynomial equation to the study of simpler objects? Why are tattoos so difficult to reduce?

How to remove a fresh tattoo? and got the best answer

Reply from [guru]
At home, the only thing you can do from a tattoo is a skin burn, which will be even worse. Now only skin plastic surgery, laser removal is better.

Reply from 2 answers[guru]

Hello! Here is a selection of topics with answers to your question: How to remove a fresh tattoo?

Reply from ANASTASIA SIMANENKA[active]
I don't think this is possible. After all, the coloring pigment is injected directly into the skin.
The only thing I think can be done is laser removal. (not completely removed, but the fact that it will lighten is 100%). And put the best one on top.

Reply from ILYA ZAITSEV[newbie]

Reply from Vladislav Bukovsky[newbie]
Laser in a special clinic!

Reply from Ilya Gorbachev[newbie]
With epidermis

Reply from Bam bam[newbie]
What nonsense, it’s easy to remove, go to any tattoo parlor and ask how it can be removed, the best option is to paint it over with white paint and everything will be fine, luck will be almost unnoticeable

Reply from Andrey Degtyarev[guru]
Skin polishing. This is for the doctors.

Reply from Alexey Kourov[guru]
We take iodine, 5%, 10% will not work too well
concentrated. If the tattoo is small, lubricate it
completely 3 times a day with iodine. We break the big one into
several sections and remove them one by one.

Reply from Mistress of the still waters![guru]
Only with the help of a specialist!

Reply from Andrey Gavrilov[guru]
So far only laser is known.

Reply from Ivan Degdyannikov[newbie]

Reply from MS[guru]
the best way is with a laser, I’ve done it myself more than once) inexpensive and not painful

Reply from Oliya Krupina[active]
Why get a tattoo if you later take it off...?

Reply from Gimpel.[guru]
Grinding or laser, definitely, while it’s fresh, I removed a very old one with a laser and then grinding, expensive, but what can you do, but now I have a clean hand without scars.

Reply from Sergius[guru]
Rub hydrogen peroxide on a cotton swab.

Reply from Inga[guru]

But what methods are acceptable, and in general, is it possible to remove a tattoo at home? ..“If you don’t like the tattoo, it’s better to get it removed than to remove it. Or don’t stuff it at all, if you’re in doubt.” ...For the wound to heal normally, you need to leave it open and clean.

Reply from Liliya Garifullina[guru]
Only in the salon. Otherwise, you can ruin your skin and get some kind of infection.

Reply from Tatis[guru]
The first tip looks promising. But in fact, the result is extremely doubtful for any method.

Reply from Elenk@[active]
Under no circumstances should you delete it yourself! It's dangerous. The scars will remain. Go to the salon and a couple of laser treatments will completely remove your hair! !!I myself suffer from the same crap, but I don’t have time to get it removed. My friend removed it and it looks like it never happened

Reply from ***Scarlet Flower***[guru]
There is a very good, and perhaps the only effective method for removing tattoos at home that I know. It is unlikely that using it you will be able to remove the tattoo completely, but with each procedure it will fade, and eventually it may disappear. However, the skin at the tattoo site will subsequently change color slightly and become rough to the touch.
Wash the tattoo area thoroughly with unscented soap and then dry it with a clean, dry towel. If there is hair in the tattoo area, it should be shaved to make the process less painful. Get some salt from the kitchen. You can use any, but if you take a large marine one, it will be quite painful. Take about 2 tablespoons of salt and pour it into a separate cup. Pour a small amount of water over the salt until some of the salt dissolves in it. At the same time, stir it constantly. Then take a clean sponge, wet it and roll it in this cup. After this, begin rubbing the sponge over the tattoo in vigorous, circular motions for 30 minutes. Yes, it takes a long time, but there is no other way out. After the salt has dried on your skin, rinse it off with water. You will see some of the ink wash off with the water. Now all you have to do is cover the tattoo with a bandage to protect the skin from infection. Repeat the procedure daily until the tattoo is significantly reduced. This may take more than one month.
You can also remove a tattoo using a special tattoo removal ointment or cream. This is the cheapest and least painful method, however, its effectiveness depends on regular use. In any case, it is possible to remove a tattoo, it all depends on your intentions.

The central concept that predetermines the structure of the vast majority of research in algebraic geometry is the concept of invariant. The idea of ​​invariants is easy to understand. Let's assume that there are two objects (in this case, two sets of solutions to certain equations), and we need to find out whether they are equal. It is very difficult, if not impossible, to do this - how to compare? But it is possible to establish some properties of objects, and if these properties turn out to be not identical, then the original objects are obviously not equal. For example, you can check whether two texts match by comparing their volume. If the size of the texts is different, you don’t have to look at them. In algebraic geometry, one of the simplest invariants is the dimension or connectedness of the desired set. The converse, of course, is not true: from the equality of two invariants one cannot conclude anything about the equality of the original objects. But even such partial knowledge is already good. And complete happiness will come if it is possible to prove the opposite statement (in other words, if the selected set of invariants uniquely defines the original object). The Hodge hypothesis is just one such tempting statement. If it turns out to be true, the study of a large and complex class of algebraic varieties (the so-called sets made up of pieces, each of which is a set of solutions to some polynomial equations) will actually be reduced to the study of much simpler objects.

4. Yang-Mills theory.

Preface. The equations of quantum physics describe the world of elementary particles. Physicists Young and Mills, having discovered the connection between geometry and particle physics, wrote their equations. Thus, they found a way to unify the theories of electromagnetic, weak and strong interactions. The Yang-Mills equations implied the existence of particles that were actually observed in laboratories all over the world, so the Yang-Mills theory is accepted by most physicists despite the fact that within the framework of this theory it is still not possible to predict the masses of elementary particles.

Problems with quantum Yang-Mills theory are like a ball that has hit the mathematical field. Physics requires from mathematics a theory that would describe the ideas and relationships accumulated by physicists, and mathematics cannot yet provide a suitable apparatus.

Interactions between any natural objects (bodies, particles, waves) are divided into four types: gravitational, electromagnetic, strong and weak. In physics, attempts have not stopped to create a theory that would explain all these interactions, the so-called general field theory. Yang-Mills theory is a mathematical language that has allowed physicists to describe three of the four fundamental forces of nature (gravity is not yet amenable, so it is too early to talk about a general field theory). Chen Ning Yang and Robert Mills published a short paper in 1954 that still serves as the basis for quantum field theory. What distinguishes quantum theories from classical ones? In the classics, the main object of study is a particle or body. Bodies interact with each other. Interaction (as has been generally accepted since the time of Newton) is carried out through fields that are created by particles and affect other particles. For example, a charged particle creates an electromagnetic field, a particle with non-zero mass creates a gravitational field. Let us also note one of the key ideas of physics, both classical and quantum: a particle is equivalent to a set of fields that it creates, because any interaction with other particles is carried out through these fields; from the point of view of physics, considering the fields generated by a particle is the same as considering the particle itself.

In the quantum approach, the same particle can be described in two different ways: as a particle with a certain mass and as a wave with a certain length. A single particle-wave is described not by its position in space, but by a wave function (usually denoted as y), and its location is probabilistic in nature - the probability of finding a particle at a given point x at a given time t is |Y(x,t)| 2.

How to describe the movement of particles? What laws predict the evolution of the wave function over time? In classical mechanics, motion is carried out according to the principle of least action. For a given mechanical system, it is possible to construct a function (called the Lagrangian), minimizing the integral of which predicts the behavior of the system - the trajectory of moving bodies. In quantum mechanics, the concept of “trajectory” loses its meaning, but the concept of the Lagrangian is retained, and with its help it is possible to predict the behavior of the wave functions of interacting particles.

The question arises: how to take into account the fields of a quantum system when constructing this very Lagrangian? The answer to this question is provided by the so-called quantum field theories. The plural is not accidental: the Lagrangian can be constructed in different ways, the only question is which one describes reality better. Let's return to wave functions. When measuring, the probability of finding a particle at a given point is equal to the square of the modulus of the wave function. This means that the function can be multiplied by any complex number with unit modulus (phase shifted), and nothing will change: the probability of finding a particle at each specific point will remain exactly the same. In fact, we will never know the specific form of the wave function, and it does not interest us; but it is very interesting what operations can be performed on the wave function so that the properties of the system do not change.

Similarly, the Lagrangian in general is best characterized by those transformations that it “withstands,” that is, under which the properties of the system do not change. For example, the phase shift is subject to the Lagrangian, which describes the behavior of a single electron.

A set of such transformations in mathematics is called a group. Groups play a fundamental role in various fields of knowledge - this is the language in which the concept of symmetry is formulated in modern science. The group of transformations that appeared in the electron example is called the gauge group. In mathematics it is denoted U(1), and it is very simple - an ordinary circle on a plane (the set of all rotations around the origin). Similar theories for the strong and weak interactions lead to more complex gauge groups SU(2) and SU(3) (the latter is equivalent to a three-dimensional sphere lying in four-dimensional space).

To get to Yang-Mills quantum theories, there are two important steps left to take. The first step is to supplement the requirements of global invariance with the requirements of local invariance. In the previous example, the entire function had to be multiplied by a number with a unit module at once. But nothing would change if this multiplication occurred not in the entire space, but in some part of it. In mathematics, this is called the transition from groups of global transformations to groups of local transformations.

The second fundamental point is that in Yang-Mills theories one has to use so-called non-Abelian transformation groups. Because of this, the principle of superposition is violated: if several fields act on a particle at once, their combined effect can no longer be decomposed into the action of each of them individually. This happens because in this theory not only particles of matter are attracted to each other, but also the field lines themselves! Because of this, the equations become nonlinear and the entire arsenal of mathematical techniques for solving linear equations cannot be applied to them. Finding solutions and even proving their existence becomes an incomparably more difficult task.

Young and Mills proposed a general form of Lagrangians that were supposed to lead to success. Based on the Yang-Mills theory, the electric and weak theories were first combined, and then Murray Gell-Mann built the theory of the strong interaction. In this theory, which brought Gell-Mann the Nobel Prize, quarks appeared to explain the observed effects - particles with a fractional electric charge that make up protons, neutrons and other not at all elementary particles. The theory of strong interaction is called quantum chromodynamics

In order for a theory to describe the strong interaction, it must have three properties that are completely unusual for classical theories:

mass gap (“gap in the mass spectrum”, lower limit on  “energy spectrum”)

quark confinement: quarks cannot “get out” beyond the limits of elementary particles;

certain symmetry violations.

Numerous experiments have shown that quantum chromodynamics has these properties. However, this has not been proven mathematically. The task is to construct for each compact simple gauge group a quantum Yang-Mills theory in the four-dimensional space-time continuum that has the mass gap property - in other words, a theory whose Hamiltonian spectrum H (in the quantum case, the analogue of the classical Lagrangian is called the Hamiltonian ) would be separated from zero.

5. Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer hypothesis.

The Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer conjecture is related to the description of the set of solutions to certain algebraic equations in several variables with integer coefficients. An example of such an equation is the expression x 2 + y 2 = z 2. Euclid gave a complete description of the solutions to this equation, but for more complex equations, finding solutions becomes extremely difficult.

You may regret a stupid tattoo in the future, today we’ll talk about how to save yourself from the consequences of the mistakes of your youth.

Regardless of the statute of limitations, any tattoo can be removed. To do this, there are various ways that allow you to get rid of patterns on the skin. The painful sensations that you experienced when applying a tattoo cannot be compared with the pain when removing it; it is this fact that makes many people put off the question of removing the tattoo.

  • The dye, injected under the skin with a needle, will break down into tiny particles in isolated capsules that provide a stable structure.
  • Skin cells, like all other cells in our body, are constantly renewed, but the tattoo always remains in place.
  • To remove a tattoo, you need to contact a specialized institution, which will tell you exactly how to correct your problem.

What tattoos are usually removed?

Tattoos have not lost their relevance for several millennia; since ancient times, people have decorated their bodies by applying symbols, words and drawings that are important to them. Unfortunately, it does not always happen that a tattoo once made continues to please just as much. Seeing himself in the mirror every time, a person becomes more and more upset due to the discrepancy between what he wants and what he actually wants.

Reasons for tattoo removal can be different:

  • As you get older, you want to forget about the mistakes of your youth
  • due to changes in the figure (excess weight or, on the contrary, weight loss), the tattoo began to look different
  • unsuccessful tattoo of eyebrows or eyelids, which was performed unprofessionally
  • initially unsuccessful tattoo, uneven edges, mistakes, crooked lines
  • the meaning of this picture has lost all meaning
  • for medical purposes, if the tattoo is located at the site of the intended puncture
  • a tattoo interferes with work, for example, this is strictly prohibited by the company’s charter
  • inconsistency with the changed image and internal state
  • need space for new ideas

How to remove a tattoo?

To remove a tattoo, one of the most common methods is usually used:

  • Disguise, that is, a new one is applied on top of the existing pattern. This method is suitable for those who do not like the image itself, and not the existence of the tattoo as such, for example, you need to cover the name of the person you fell out of love with or the phrase you put on the body has lost all meaning for you. This option will be less painful than tattoo removal.
  • Mechanical grinding, the top layer of skin containing the pigment is removed with rough brushes. This method will allow you to get rid of the tattoo in one session, but this method is very painful, anesthesia is required, and a scar will remain as a souvenir at the site of polishing.
  • Surgical excision using a device called a dermatome, which removes the thin top layer of skin. As a result, scars still remain, but they can be removed with subsequent procedures.
  • Chemical peeling can also solve the problem of removing superficial tattoos, but there is also a high probability of negative consequences for the skin.
  • Ozone burning, due to cryoburn, epidermal cells die and are rejected along with the pigment in the tattoo, wound healing will take a long time and a scar will remain at the tattoo site.
  • Laser method, the least painful and destructive to the skin, allows you to remove a small tattoo in 3-5 sessions. Due to the correctly selected wavelength, the pigment is destroyed and removed with the lymph flow.

Why are tattoos so difficult to remove?

Weighing all the pros and cons when deciding to apply a permanent design on the body, it is worth carefully studying the question of how to get rid of such “beauty” later, because the life ahead is long and it is impossible to predict everything in advance. One of the arguments against getting a tattoo is, of course, the complexity of the tattoo removal process.

  • During the application process, the master uses a thin needle to introduce pigment into the upper layer of the skin, each puncture activates immune cells that begin to fight the inflammatory process.
  • To stop inflammation, special cells - macrophages, absorb a foreign body in the form of small particles of paint, the pigment shines through them, these cells remain in the dermis.
  • As a result, the pattern and the skin become unified. Therefore, it is very difficult and painful to remove the drawing, because you need to remove a whole layer of skin.

Of course, over the course of life, the color of the tattoo changes and it fades. Gradually, the body still removes the pigment, but the tattoo will not completely disappear on its own.

Remote tattoo, expectations and reality

It is worth mentioning right away that even after laser removal, the tattoo may be slightly visible and noticeable, let alone the scars that remain from surgery.

Particularly good results when removing a tattoo can be achieved on light skin if the tattoo is located on the back, thigh, or arm. It is most difficult to remove tattoos from dark or dark skin, especially from places such as eyelids and fingers, where the skin is very thin.

How to remove a tattoo?

To reduce an unnecessary image, first of all you need to contact a professional who will evaluate:

  • image area, for example, large images cannot be reduced by surgical excision due to too large a wound surface
  • the depth of the pigment, for example, chemical peeling will not cope with the paint located in the dermis
  • tattoo quality
  • age of the tattoo, the older it is, the more difficult it is to remove it
  • dye properties, professional paint or homemade paint
  • individual intolerance to various components

Based on all the factors, you will be offered several options for action, their disadvantages and advantages will be described, so that you can choose what is right for you.

Where to get a tattoo?

This issue should be taken seriously; choose those institutions that have quality certificates and those craftsmen who have been trained. Today, tattoo removal services are offered by laser cosmetology centers, private medical centers and tattoo parlors. In clinics, the condition of the skin and tattoo will be assessed by a dermatologist, and in the salon by a specialist. To make the right choice, visit several places, read reviews and complaint books.

Remove a tattoo at home

Due to the high cost of procedures, many prefer to solve the problem at home and using home methods. Their effectiveness compared to the methods described above is much lower, but perhaps they will allow you to at least change the color of the pigment and make the tattoo less noticeable.

Option 1

  1. At the pharmacy, purchase about 5-10 jars of iodine and streptocide.
  2. Prepare your skin, shave your hair, and wash the area with soap and water before each procedure.
  3. During the first month, wipe the tattoo three times a day with a swab soaked in iodine; when the skin at the tattoo site comes off, use streptocide, it will avoid inflammation and the wound will gradually heal.
  4. In total, it will take from 1 to 5-6 months to get rid of a tattoo, depending on the depth of pigment penetration.

Option 2:

  1. Mix 2 tbsp. spoons of salt (large crystals) and 2 tbsp. spoons of water, apply the resulting mixture to a hard sponge and wash the tattoo for 10 minutes every day.
  2. Gradually the skin will become thinner and you will get to the pigment; this is a kind of deep peeling.

Remove tattoo with laser

The least painful and most gentle way to remove a tattoo is laser removal. This method allows you to get rid of tattoos of any size, color, age and depth. The master will select the wavelength, taking into account all the characteristics of the tattoo, and the device will begin the mixing procedure step by step.

In this case, the laser is used not only for complete information, but also for correcting tattoos, changing the shade or contrast.

  • To get rid of the image it will take a long time; between the first sessions you need to take a break of a month, then repeat the procedure until the desired result is obtained.
  • Between procedures, it is imperative to take care of the tattoo area, protect it from overheating and sunlight, especially the first 10 days after the procedure.
  • The skin will peel, so use moisturizing sprays and creams to relieve the itching.
  • Until the treated area heals, it is better to refrain from swimming in pools or bodies of water to avoid infection.

Despite all its advantages, the laser method has only one significant drawback, which is its high price. Also, people suffering from diabetes, pregnant and lactating women, epilepsy or blood diseases will have to refuse such a procedure due to contraindications.

Remove tattoo without scar

To remove a tattoo without leaving a scar on the body, the artist usually uses a laser or chemical peel. If the first option does not injure the skin in any way, affecting only the paint particles, then the second can have a number of consequences in the form of heterogeneous pigmentation.

All other methods involve removing the top layer of skin; the resulting wound surface forms scars during healing. The younger the skin, the better its ability to regenerate and heal, which means that over time the scar will become less noticeable.

Scar from a flattened tattoo

If, as a result of the reduction, the scar still remains, then there are various options for action:

  • at home you can use creams that speed up the resorption of scars and scars
  • in beauty salons you can undergo the procedure of subcutaneous injection of cortisone, which resolves the thickened scar
  • Using peeling, smooth out the skin area
  • smooth by grinding, dermablasion method

Do henna tattoos fade?

Henna allows you to fix the image on the skin for 1-2 weeks, then the pattern is gradually washed off. This method is very convenient for “trying on” a tattoo to suit your image or for decorating the body for a specific event.

If you need to get rid of such a tattoo ahead of schedule, then you can simply erase it with hydrogen peroxide and a thick cloth.

Today, advances in laser cosmetology make it possible to correct any defects on the skin effectively and almost painlessly. You can get rid of tattoos, but it is much easier not to get them.

Video: How to remove a tattoo?

"Don't spoil your body!" - Mom said, but you, despite the prohibitions, still got a wonderful tattoo - a flower on your shoulder. Years have passed, the picture has faded and blurred, and you have become an office lady who is unable to wear a short-sleeved top on a hot day. And now, looking at the once beautiful drawing, you increasingly catch yourself thinking: “Why didn’t I listen to my mother then?” Fortunately, everything can be fixed.

You are lucky that you live in the 21st century: at your service are mobile phones, digital television, air travel that can take you from a stuffy city to a gentle sea in a few hours, and laser tattoo removal. This is the only way today to eliminate a boring or unsuccessful picture. But keep in mind that Operation “Farewell to Tattoo!” went well, you will have to choose the right salon. Otherwise, you risk paying money and being left with a scar on your shoulder or a barely visible, but still visible tattoo.

Explosion under the skin

The laser method of tattoo removal has been practiced since 1960, but machines of the past produced rays that “burned off” the paint, but at the same time left behind raised scars and scars. Everything changed in 2004. It was then that a new device was created in the USA, working with the latest generation laser - neodymium. It differs from its predecessors in its highest speed: it reaches its target in 7 billionths of a second! During this time, the beam passes through the skin without having time to injure it, but at the same time it destroys the tattoo, or rather, it affects the paint: it instantly lightens some of it, and breaks down the rest into microparticles that are easily removed from the body naturally. Basically, there's a little explosion happening under your skin.

It sounds scary, but in reality the procedure, although not painless, is quite tolerable. It must be said that removing a tattoo is more unpleasant than applying it. Don’t be in a hurry to get scared: the master has been pinning the picture for you for at least an hour and a half, but it will only take a couple of seconds to reduce it. In addition, for particularly sensitive young ladies, there is anesthesia, however, experts do not recommend resorting to it unless absolutely necessary: ​​anesthesia slightly worsens the result.

The worse the paint, the faster

Don’t think that after the first session you will get rid of the tattoo. To ensure that not a trace remains of the image, you will need from three to five procedures with an interval of thirty days (each will cost about 3,500 rubles). The number of sessions that the master will prescribe for you depends primarily on the paint driven under the skin. If you got a tattoo in a good salon, be prepared to spend a long time with the laser. Your guy, who impaled himself on a tiger in artisanal conditions with ink, was luckier in this case. It is much easier and faster to remove than professional paint.

The color of your drawing is also important: black and blue paint are the easiest to destroy, red and orange are worse, and green paint is almost impossible to completely remove. For the future, take this into account and the next time you are planning to get a tattoo, avoid emerald and marsh shades.

Don’t expect the final result to appear immediately after the last “laser” session ends. The skin needs at least six months to fully recover. After this, be sure that no one will guess that your shoulder was once decorated with a tattoo.

Avoid the Chinese

Remember that the result depends not only on the color of your tattoo, but also on the device that will be used to remove it. The one made in the USA costs about one hundred thousand dollars. It is not surprising that many salons and medical centers do not buy expensive “Americans,” but their Chinese counterparts, whose price does not exceed four thousand bucks. But, unfortunately, budget “Asians” cope with the task much worse - after their exposure, the tattoo is “readable” on the skin: and even if it is barely noticeable, there can be no talk of ideal cleanliness and smoothness in this case. Therefore, before you give yourself into the hands of the first master you come across, be sure to ask him to show the documents for the device, where you can find out about the country of origin.

Expert opinion

Alexander Tsypkin, director of the Dragon tattoo salon, leading specialist in tattoo removal:

Using a laser device, you can remove not only a tattoo, but also unsuccessful permanent makeup. The technology will be the same as when removing tattoos. However, there is one nuance associated with the elimination of lip contour tattooing: burgundy and pink tones will most likely turn gray after the first procedure. This inevitable effect that occurs after the paint interacts with the laser will subside within a couple of weeks. And do not forget that if you want to achieve the best results in removing tattoos or permanent makeup, you must comply with the main requirement - do not expose the laser-treated area to the sun. Otherwise, delicate, unprotected skin may burn or become covered with pigment spots.

There will be a scar!

Surgical method. The surgeon cuts out the skin where the tattoo is located and then stitches it. Due to the fact that the required cutting depth depends on many factors and is very difficult to determine, there is always a risk of incomplete removal of the pattern. This method leaves scars.

Coagulation. The coagulation method is the burning of a tattoo with cold plasma (a special electric discharge). After the procedure, a scar remains, but not in the form of scars or dents, but repeating the shape of the removed image.

Dermabrasion. Dermabrasion is a mechanical method of removing a tattoo along with the top layer of skin, which is ground and crushed with a milling cutter. A very bloody method, fraught with the largest and most unaesthetic scars.

Cryosurgical. In this case, the tattoo is frozen using liquid nitrogen. Some time after treatment, the skin becomes covered with a crust, which peels off within one to two weeks. The tattoo also “falls off” along with it, leaving behind an inevitable scar.

In my opinion, the modern definition of the subject of economic theory is more accurate.

Economic theory is the study of finding the best use of scarce economic goods to satisfy human needs.

It seems to me so, because such a definition of the subject is relevant in our time, when people's needs are so high and the number of resources is limited. Modern economic theory shifts the emphasis from the problems of wealth to the patterns of its formation.

I think that the subject of economic theory can be reduced to the study of three fundamental problems of economics, because the search for the optimal answer to the three questions of economics will be the search for the best use of rare economic resources.

B. Trace the relationship between the economic development of society and the features of scientific theories that appeared in the corresponding era:

Marxism > Marginalism > Keynesianism >
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Market economy (pure capitalism) The rapid development of the economy caused by the industrial revolution Great Depression (1929 – 1933)
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The theory of surplus value Connecting economic and historical knowledge Law of Diminishing Utility Self-regulating market that does not require government intervention Market Equilibrium Price Theory The need for state presence in the economy

Discuss how justified such a direct comparison of the level of economic development and the content of economic theories is?

IN. What opportunities do the following methods provide an economist?

Empirical method > Statistical method > Method of scientific abstractions >
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Monitoring economic phenomena and processes Observation of the quantitative side of economic processes Identification of the most important phenomena, analysis of the main relationships in a “pure” form
Cause and effect method > Functional method > Econometric methods
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Identifying patterns in the economy Analysis of the interaction of economic categories with each other Analysis of quantitative relationships between economic objects and processes using mathematical and statistical methods and models


Test Rationale
1. Economic theory: is the science of a) About how to improve personal economic situation b) About state regulation of the national economy c) About the means of satisfying human needs d) About how society decides the questions of “what, how and for whom” to produce e ) On the laws of functioning of a market economy Economic theory is the science that studies the behavior of people and groups in the production, distribution, exchange and consumption of material goods in order to meet the needs of people with limited scarce resources, which generates competition for their use
2. Which pair of concepts reflects the fundamental problem of economic theory? a) Supply and Demand b) Efficiency and Equity c) Entrepreneurship and Profit d) Scarcity and Choice e) Production and Consumption The problem of economic theory is to choose the optimal use of rare (limited) goods.
3. Scarcity (limitedness) of resources is a problem that: a) Exists only in poor countries b) Associated with certain types of civilizations c) Typical of socialism (scarcity economy) d) Never occurs in rich countries e) Exists in all economic conditions systems regardless of the degree of wealth The scarcity of resources is a problem that exists in all economic systems, regardless of the degree of wealth, because resources are scarce in relation to the ever-increasing needs of people.
4. An economic model is designed to solve all the problems listed below, except: a) Explain the laws of functioning of the real economy b) Give a general idea of ​​a particular fragment of economic activity c) Contain information about the properties of the depicted model d) Reflect all the details of the economic development of society e) Confirm or refute hypotheses
5. If the economy is studied as an integral system, then this is an analysis: a) Macroeconomic b) Normative c) Descriptive d) Microeconomic e) Positive Macroeconomics studies the economic system as a whole at the level of the national economy
6. Microeconomics can be defined as a branch of economic theory that studies: a) How society can achieve full employment b) Economic behavior of consumers, firms and resource owners c) Problems of accelerating economic growth d) Issues of economic security e) Organization of the activities of individual firms Microeconomics studies partial equilibria at the level of individual households, firms, and markets.
7. The characteristics of economic goods include everything except: a) Ability to satisfy needs b) Value c) Rarity d) Can be in unlimited quantities e) Can be interchangeable and complementary Economic benefits are rare.
8. Full utilization of all society's resources shows: a) A shift of the production possibilities curve to the right b) A point outside the production possibilities curve c) A point inside the production possibilities curve d) A point on the production possibilities curve e) A shift of the production possibilities curve to the left The production possibilities curve expresses the maximum possible output with full use of resources at a given technological level.
9. The production possibilities curve shows: a) All possible combinations of output of products b) All possible combinations of output of products, provided that the available factors of production are fully loaded c) The optimal combination of output of products d) The fixed volume of output using different combinations of factors of production e) The degree of social inequalities in society The entire set of points on the curve shows a possible technological choice, all potentially possible options for greater or lesser switching of resources from the production of one product to the production of another.