Insurance payments to depositors of a military industrial bank. The DIA begins paying insurance compensation to depositors of Centercombank and Bank VPB (JSC). In what cases is inheritance not carried out under the law of representation?

As of September 26, the Bank of Russia revoked the license of Moscow-based JSC Military-Industrial Bank (VPB). According to reporting data, as of September 1, VPB ranked 89th in terms of assets in the country’s banking system. It attracted 30.6 billion rubles. funds of the population, as of August 1. The bank’s beneficiaries include 28 individuals, as follows from the materials of the Military Industrial Bank; in fact, it is controlled by the chairman of the board of directors, Yuri Koltok, the bank’s counterparty told Vedomosti. Koltok himself denied this.

Given the unsatisfactory quality of assets, the bank did not adequately assess the risks taken in connection with this, explains the regulator’s press service. “Proper assessment of credit risk and an objective reflection of the value of assets in the reporting of a credit institution led to the complete loss of its own funds (capital),” says a message on the Central Bank website. VPB did not comply with the requirements of laws in the field of combating money laundering and the financing of terrorism in terms of timely submission of information to the authorized body.

On September 16, the Central Bank published an order to introduce a temporary administration in the VSB due to the threat to the interests of creditors and depositors. These functions were assigned to the Deposit Insurance Agency (DIA) for six months. The administration's main task was to study the bank's financial position. The provisional administration, represented by the DIA, “faced significant difficulties in its work due to the actions of the bank’s management, which did not ensure the transfer of title documents to the assets of the credit institution,” explained September 26. also a regulator. Taking into account all of the above, it was not possible to rehabilitate the bank with the involvement of the DIA, the Central Bank added.

At the end of August, after the last inspection, the Central Bank ordered VPB to create additional reserves of 6 billion rubles, mainly loans to technical companies, two VPB counterparties told Vedomosti. According to them, this seriously undermined the bank's financial position. Part of the reserves came from loans to tech companies, they pointed out. Koltok confirmed to Vedomosti that the bank received an order to add more than 6 billion rubles in provisions. These are reserves for loans issued for investment projects: factories in Cheboksary and the Kaluga region, construction of economy-class housing for military personnel, Koltok said. From his words it follows that the bank had to create a 50% reserve for almost half of the loan portfolio. The bank increased its capital in August to 12 billion rubles. due to the restoration of reserves and an additional issue, but due to the Central Bank’s instructions, by September the capital was reduced to 5.8 billion rubles: “At the same time, we have not violated a single standard; in order to violate the standards, our capital must amount to 5.3 billion.”

It became known in early September. that VPB asked the Prosecutor General’s Office to check the legality of the regulator’s order to create additional reserves, and to suspend prohibitions and restrictions on operations during the check. Vedomosti's source also said that the Military Industrial Bank has problems with liquidity, as it is faced with an outflow of client funds. In addition, by August, the Central Bank and interbank counterparties took all the funds from it, although at the beginning of the year they kept almost 10 billion rubles there, it follows from the reports.



For depositors of Bank VPB (JSC)

The State Corporation "Deposit Insurance Agency" (DIA) reports the occurrence of an insured event on September 26, 2016 in relation to the credit organization Joint Stock Company "Military-Industrial Bank" (hereinafter - Bank "VPB" (JSC), Moscow, registration number according to State Registration Book of Credit Institutions 3065, in connection with the revocation of its license to carry out banking operations on the basis of Bank of Russia Order No. OD-3258 dated September 26, 2016.

In accordance with the Federal Law of December 23, 2003 N 177-FZ “On insurance of deposits of individuals in banks of the Russian Federation” (hereinafter referred to as the Federal Law), depositors of Bank VPB (JSC), including those who opened deposits (accounts) with the bank to carry out business activities, have the right to receive compensation for deposits (hereinafter referred to as compensation). The obligation to pay compensation is assigned by the specified Federal Law to the DIA, which performs the functions of the insurer.

Compensation is paid to the depositor in the amount of 100 percent of the amount of all his deposits (accounts) with the bank, including those opened for business activities, but not more than 1.4 million rubles. In total. For a bank deposit (account) in foreign currency, compensation is calculated in rubles at the Bank of Russia exchange rate as of September 26, 2016. If there are counterclaims from the bank to the depositor, then when calculating compensation, their amount is deducted from the amount of deposits (accounts), while the repayment of these claims does not occur.

The amounts of deposits for which compensation was not paid will be repaid during bankruptcy proceedings (liquidation) against the bank as part of the first priority of creditors (for deposits (accounts) opened for business activities - as part of the third priority).

Acceptance of applications for payment of compensation for deposits and for inclusion of the bank’s obligations in the register of creditors’ claims (hereinafter referred to as applications for payment of compensation) and other necessary documents, as well as payment of compensation will be carried out with October 10, 2016 By October 10, 2017 through VTB 24 (PJSC), JSC Rosselkhozbank And RNKB Bank (PJSC), acting on behalf of the DIA and at its expense as agent banks. After October 10, 2017 acceptance of applications for payment of compensation, other necessary documents and payment of compensation will be carried out either through agent banks or the DIA independently, which will be announced additionally.

The list of divisions of VTB 24 (PJSC), JSC "Rosselkhozbank" and RNKB Bank (PJSC) and their operating hours are posted on the official website of the DIA on the information and telecommunications network "Internet" (hereinafter referred to as the "Internet") ( ru, section "Deposit insurance/Insured events"). In addition, depositors of Bank VPB (JSC) can obtain information about the list of divisions of agent banks that pay compensation and their operating modes by calling the following hotline numbers: VTB 24 (PJSC) - 8-800-505-24-24, JSC "Rosselkhozbank" - 8-800-200-02-90, RNKB Bank (PJSC) - 8-800-234-27-27, DIA- 8-800-200-08-05 (calls to all hotline numbers in Russia are free).

In accordance with the Federal Law, payment of compensation is carried out until the day of completion of bankruptcy proceedings (liquidation) in relation to the bank. If the depositor (his heir) misses the deadline for applying for payment of compensation, the deadline at the request of the depositor (his heir) may be restored in the presence of circumstances specified in Part 2 of Article 10 of the Federal Law.

Attention to depositors: each of the agent banks is authorized to pay compensation only to a certain group of depositors of Bank VPB (JSC), depending on the initial letter of the depositor's last name and his place of residence (registration address). The distribution of depositors of Bank VPB (JSC) was carried out taking into account information about their place of residence (registration address) available at the bank. To determine the agent bank, you can use the "Find your agent bank" service on the official DIA website on the Internet (section "Insured events/Bank "VPB" (JSC).

Region of residence

Initial letter of the depositor's last name

Agent bank

All regions except the Republic of Crimea and


federal city of Sevastopol

JSC "Rosselkhozbank"

Republic of Crimea and the federal city of Sevastopol

All letters


The depositor has the right to apply for payment of compensation to any division of his agent bank listed on the official website of the DIA on the Internet.

Depositors of Bank VPB (JSC) can receive compensation for deposits (accounts) opened not for business activities, both in cash and by transferring funds to an account in a bank participating in the compulsory deposit insurance system specified by the depositor.

Payment of compensation for deposits (accounts) opened for business activities is made only by transferring the amount of compensation to the account specified by the depositor in a bank participating in the compulsory deposit insurance system, opened for business activities. If at the time of payment of compensation an individual entrepreneur is declared insolvent (bankrupt), such payment is made by transferring the amount of compensation to the account of the debtor used during bankruptcy proceedings. In this case, the application for payment of compensation must be accompanied by a certificate (or other document) issued by the bankruptcy trustee or the court that made the decision to declare the depositor bankrupt (if a bankruptcy trustee has not been appointed), stating that the specified account is the debtor’s account (the debtor’s main account) used in the course of bankruptcy proceedings opened against the depositor, or the debtor’s current account opened on his behalf by the bankruptcy trustee, or a court deposit account. If at the time of payment of compensation an individual entrepreneur has lost his status, payment of compensation is made both in cash and by transferring funds to an account in a bank participating in the compulsory deposit insurance system specified by the depositor. In this case, the application for payment of compensation must be accompanied by a document confirming state registration of the fact of loss of the status of an individual entrepreneur.

To receive compensation, the depositor must provide an identification document and also fill out an application for payment of compensation in the prescribed form. Application forms can be obtained and filled out at the departments of agent banks or copied from the official DIA website on the Internet (, section “Deposit Insurance/Document Forms”).

The investor can apply for payment of compensation either personally or through his representative, whose authority must be confirmed by a notarized power of attorney (an example text of the power of attorney is posted on the official DIA website on the Internet:, section " Deposit insurance/Document forms").

Depositors of Bank "VPB" (JSC) living outside the populated areas where divisions of agent banks that pay compensation are located can also send an application for payment of compensation by mail to the DIA at the address: 109240, Moscow, Vysotskogo St., 4 In this case, payment of compensation will be made by bank transfer by transfer to an account in a bank participating in the compulsory deposit insurance system specified by the depositor in the application for payment of compensation, or in cash by postal transfer at the place of residence of the depositor (except for compensation on deposits (accounts). ), open for business activities). The signature on the application sent by mail (if the compensation amount is more than 3,000 rubles) must be notarized. If there is no notary in the locality, the authenticity of the depositor’s signature on the application can be certified by the head of the local administration or a specially authorized official of the local government body. When sending it by mail, you must also attach a copy of the investor’s identity document to the application.

Depositors who, after payment of compensation, have an outstanding part of the bank's obligations on bank deposits (accounts), can receive it during bankruptcy proceedings (liquidation) in relation to the bank, subject to presenting their claims to Bank VPB (JSC). To do this, the depositor must fill out the appropriate section in the application for payment of compensation when contacting the agent bank department for payment of compensation. The registration of such claims is carried out by the divisions of agent banks that pay compensation starting October 10, 2016.

To the attention of depositors of Bank "VPB" (JSC) who opened accounts (deposits) or replenished accounts (deposits) after August 29, 2016, with the exception of depositors of the St. Petersburg, Novosibirsk and Rostov branches: due to the failure of the bank management to transfer the automated banking system to the temporary administration as of September 26, 2016, information about such transactions may not be included in the register of the bank’s obligations to depositors. In addition, the temporary administration identified signs of fraudulent activities with deposits and accounts, expressed in unauthorized debits of client funds. In this regard, depositors of Bank VPB (JSC) are recommended, when contacting the agent bank for payment of compensation, to have with them originals or duly certified copies of documents confirming the deposit of funds.

In case of disagreements related to the amount of compensation for deposits, or the absence of information about the depositor in the register of insurance payments, the depositor may submit a statement of disagreement with the amount of compensation (hereinafter referred to as the statement of disagreement) to the agent bank for transferring it to the DIA with the attachment of originals or duly certified copies of documents confirming the validity of the depositor’s requirements: bank deposit (account) agreement, cash receipts and expenditures, etc. (hereinafter referred to as additional documents), as well as copies of an identity document.

If the depositor submits the originals of additional documents to the agent bank, then the agent bank copies them, certifies that the copy is true to the original, and attaches copies of the documents to the statement of disagreement, which is submitted to the DIA. The agent bank returns the original documents to the applicant. If the depositor submits duly certified copies of additional documents to the agent bank, then the agent bank attaches them to the statement of disagreement, which is submitted to the DIA.

The depositor can independently send a statement of disagreement by mail to the DIA, attaching originals or duly certified copies of additional documents, as well as a copy of an identification document.

Information about registration of a statement of disagreement with the DIA, the beginning of its consideration and the possibility of receiving an additional amount of insurance compensation will be available to depositors of Bank VPB (JSC) through the special service “Find out the status of a statement of disagreement” on the official website of the DIA (section “Insurance” deposits/Insured events"/Bank "VPB" (JSC).

Additional information on the procedure for paying compensation can be obtained by calling the DIA hotline (8-800-200-08-05) (calls within Russia are free), as well as on the official DIA website on the Internet ( , section "Deposit Insurance/Insured Events").

Electronic document text
prepared by Kodeks JSC and verified against:
Bulletin of the Bank of Russia,
N 90, 10/14/2016

Date: 10/07/2016

The Department of Public Relations of the state corporation “Deposit Insurance Agency” (DIA) reports that October 10, 2016 payments of insurance compensation to depositors of the credit organization Bank VPB (JSC) (Moscow) begin.

By Order of the Bank of Russia dated September 26, 2016 No. OD-3258, this credit organization’s license to carry out banking operations was revoked, which is an insured event provided for by the Federal Law “On Insurance of Individuals’ Deposits in Banks of the Russian Federation.” In accordance with it, bank depositors, including individual entrepreneurs (IP), have the right to receive insurance compensation for accounts (deposits) opened with this credit institution. The obligation to pay insurance compensation is assigned to the DIA, which performs the functions of the insurer.

Insurance compensation is paid to the depositor in the amount of 100 percent of the amount of all his accounts (deposits) with the bank, including those opened for business activities, but not more than 1.4 million rubles in total. The amount not compensated by insurance will be repaid during the liquidation of the bank as part of the claims of creditors of the first priority (for accounts (deposits) of individual entrepreneurs opened for business activities - as part of the third priority). For a bank account (deposit) in foreign currency, insurance compensation is calculated in rubles at the Bank of Russia exchange rate on the day of license revocation - September 26, 2016. If there are counterclaims from the bank to the depositor, their amount is deducted from the amount of accounts (deposits) when calculating insurance compensation. In this case, the repayment of counterclaims does not occur.

Acceptance of applications for payment of compensation for deposits and other necessary documents, as well as payment of compensation are carried out with October 10, 2016 By October 10, 2017 through VTB 24 (PJSC),JSC Rosselkhozbank And RNKB Bank (PJSC), acting on behalf of the DIA and at its expense as agent banks. After October 10, 2017, acceptance of applications, other necessary documents and payment of compensation will be carried out either through agent banks or the DIA independently, which will be announced additionally.

In accordance with federal law, payment of compensation for deposits is carried out during the entire period of liquidation of the credit institution.

Attention to depositors: each of the agent banks is authorized to pay compensation only to a certain group of depositors of Bank VPB (JSC), depending on the initial letter of the depositor's last name and his place of residence (registration address). The distribution of depositors of Bank VPB (JSC) was carried out taking into account information about their residence address (registration address) available at the bank.

The depositor has the right to contact any of the divisions of the corresponding agent bank indicated on the official DIA website on the Internet.

Depositors of VPB Bank can receive compensation for open not for business activities accounts (deposits) both in cash and by transferring funds to an account in a bank participating in the deposit insurance system specified by the depositor.

Payment of compensation for open for business activities accounts (deposits) is made only by transferring the amount of compensation to the account specified by the depositor in a bank that is a participant in the deposit insurance system, opened for business activities.

The investor can apply for payment of compensation either personally or through his representative, whose authority must be confirmed by a notarized power of attorney (an example text of the power of attorney is posted on the official website of the DIA on the Internet: www..

If, after payment of compensation, the bank's depositors have an outstanding part of their bank account (deposit), then they will be able to formalize the creditor's claim against the bank by filling out the appropriate section in the application for payment of compensation for deposits when contacting the department of the agent bank for payment of compensation.

Depositors of VPB Bank can obtain information about the list of agent bank departments that make compensation payments and their operating hours by calling the following hotline numbers: VTB 24 (PJSC) - 8-800-505-24-24,JSC Rosselkhozbank - 8-800-200-02-90,RNKB Bank (PJSC) - 8-800-234-27-27.

An information message on the procedure for paying insurance compensation is published on October 10, 2016 in Rossiyskaya Gazeta.

To the attention of depositors of Bank VPB (JSC) who opened accounts (deposits) or replenished accounts (deposits) after August 29, 2016, with the exception of depositors of the St. Petersburg, Novosibirsk and Rostov branches : due to the failure of the bank management to transfer the automated banking system to the temporary administration as of September 26, 2016, information about such operations may not be taken into account in the register of the bank’s obligations to depositors. In addition, the temporary administration identified signs of fraudulent activities with deposits and accounts, expressed in unauthorized debits of client funds.

In this regard, depositors of Bank VPB (JSC) are recommended to have with them the originals or duly certified copies of documents confirming the deposit of funds when contacting the agent bank for payment of compensation.

In case of disagreements related to the amount of compensation for deposits, or the absence of information about the depositor in the register of insurance payments, the depositor may submit a statement of disagreement with the amount of compensation (hereinafter referred to as the statement of disagreement) to the agent bank for transferring it to the DIA with the attachment of originals or duly certified copies of documents confirming the validity of the depositor’s requirements: bank deposit (account) agreement, cash receipts and expenditures, etc. (hereinafter referred to as additional documents), as well as copies of an identity document.

If the depositor submits the originals of additional documents to the agent bank, then the agent bank copies them, certifies that the copy is true to the original, and attaches copies of the documents to the statement of disagreement, which is submitted to the DIA. The agent bank returns the original documents to the applicant. If the depositor submits duly certified copies of additional documents to the agent bank, then the agent bank attaches them to the statement of disagreement, which is submitted to the DIA.

The depositor can independently send a statement of disagreement by mail to the DIA, attaching originals or duly certified copies of additional documents, as well as a copy of an identification document.

Information about registration of a statement of disagreement with the DIA, the beginning of its consideration and the possibility of receiving an additional amount of insurance compensation will be available to depositors of Bank VPB (JSC) through the special service “Find out the status of a statement of disagreement” on the official website of the DIA (section “Insurance” deposits/Insured events/"VPB" Bank (JSC)).

For reference:

According to the received register of obligations of Bank VPB (JSC) for the payment of insurance compensation in the amount of about 28.7 billion rubles. About 78 thousand investors can apply, including about 760 investors who have accounts (deposits) for business activities in the amount of about 70 million rubles.

Insurance compensation will be paid in 47 constituent entities of the Russian Federation, including Moscow and the Moscow region for payment of insurance compensation in the amount of about 19 billion rubles. About 53 thousand depositors can apply in St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region in the amount of about 1.7 billion rubles. About 3.3 thousand investors can apply, in the Ryazan region in the amount of about 1.8 billion rubles. About 4 thousand investors can apply in the Rostov region for an amount of about 440 million rubles. About 800 investors can apply, in the Novosibirsk region in the amount of about 680 million rubles. About 1.4 thousand investors can apply.

10/07/2016 \ Financial sector news

The Department of Public Relations of the state corporation “Deposit Insurance Agency” (DIA) announces that on October 10, 2016, insurance compensation payments to depositors of the credit organization Bank VPB (JSC) (Moscow) begin.

By Order of the Bank of Russia dated September 26, 2016 No. OD-3258, this credit organization’s license to carry out banking operations was revoked, which is an insured event provided for by the Federal Law “On Insurance of Individuals’ Deposits in Banks of the Russian Federation.” In accordance with it, bank depositors, including individual entrepreneurs (IP), have the right to receive insurance compensation for accounts (deposits) opened with this credit institution. The obligation to pay insurance compensation is assigned to the DIA, which performs the functions of the insurer.

Insurance compensation is paid to the depositor in the amount of 100 percent of the amount of all his accounts (deposits) with the bank, including those opened for business activities, but not more than 1.4 million rubles in total. The amount not compensated by insurance will be repaid during the liquidation of the bank as part of the claims of creditors of the first priority (for accounts (deposits) of individual entrepreneurs opened for business activities - as part of the third priority). For a bank account (deposit) in foreign currency, insurance compensation is calculated in rubles at the Bank of Russia exchange rate on the day of license revocation - September 26, 2016. If there are counterclaims from the bank to the depositor, their amount is deducted from the amount of accounts (deposits) when calculating insurance compensation. In this case, the repayment of counterclaims does not occur.

Acceptance of applications for payment of compensation for deposits and other necessary documents, as well as payment of compensation, is carried out from October 10, 2016 to October 10, 2017 through VTB 24 (PJSC), Rosselkhozbank JSC and RNKB Bank (PJSC), acting on behalf of DIA and at its expense as agent banks. After October 10, 2017, acceptance of applications, other necessary documents and payment of compensation will be carried out either through agent banks or the DIA independently, which will be announced additionally.

In accordance with federal law, payment of compensation for deposits is carried out during the entire period of liquidation of the credit institution.

Attention to depositors: each of the agent banks is authorized to pay compensation only to a certain group of depositors of Bank "VPB" (JSC), depending on the initial letter of the depositor's last name and his place of residence (registration address). The distribution of depositors of Bank VPB (JSC) was carried out taking into account information about their place of residence (registration address) available at the bank.

The depositor has the right to contact any of the divisions of the corresponding agent bank indicated on the official DIA website on the Internet.