All about the holy dunyasha. About blessed Evdokia - an enchanted soul - livejournal. Miraculous rescues on highways

Pilgrimage trip to the village of Chudinovo, Oktyabrsky district. The old name of the village is Yachmenka. It was renamed in honor of Evdokia Makhankova (Dunyasha Chudinovskaya), who possessed God's power and could perform inexplicable miracles. She had the gift of divination and healing.
To date, Dunyasha Chudinovskaya has not been canonized, but many have long considered her a Saint for her miraculous healings.

Excursion program:
08:00 - Departure from Chelyabinsk;
10:00 - Arrival in the village of Chudinovo, visit to the Holy Ascension Church;
11:00 - Visit to the grave of Evdokia Chudinovskaya, free time;
14:00 - Departure to Chelyabinsk;
16:00 - Return to Chelyabinsk.


Chudinovo, village, Oktyabrsky district, Chelyabinsk region

An ancient village, known since the 18th century. among the settlements belonging to the Kocherdyk settlement. It is named after the first settler Chudinov. It was first mentioned in documents in 1799.

For Over the past 20 years, this small village has become one of the most revered places in the Urals, along with Verkhoturye and Ganina Yama.There are no large beautiful monasteries or high domed churches here, but hundreds of South Urals residents and residents of other regions flock here. Many go to Chudinovo for healing, others just want to venerate the grave of the local righteous woman Evdokia Makhankova.

Village Chudinovo is located approximately 100 kilometers from Chelyabinsk in the Oktyabrsky district. Today it is an ordinary village located in the Oktyabrsky district of the Chelyabinsk region. It is no different from thousands of other villages. And only the righteousEvdokia Chudinovskayaincreases interest in this place. The name of the village is very symbolic. There are many legends about how it appeared.

They say that new people who came to this place admired the beauty of our region and said: “what a wonderful place!” This rumor spread throughout the surrounding area, because Yachmenka quickly developed as a merchant village with handicraft production of goods and food. So it came to the village new name - Chudinovo.

Even on the way to the village you can distinguish the outlinelight blue church - Holy Ascension. It is located in the center of the village. Lately there have always been people around the church, and not just local people. Today, a lot of pilgrims and simply believers come to the village. They come to the grave of Evdokia Chudinovskaya.

About Evdokia, or Dunyushka, as it is affectionately called by believers, the people's memory stores many memories, traditions and legends. Some witnesses to her righteous life are still alive, although they are becoming fewer and fewer.

Some points can be noted from her unusual life: Evdokia was born in 1870 in the Chelyabinsk district of the village of Mogilnaya into a peasant family. From a very early age, the girl began to pray unusually deeply and forcefully, which testified to her as God’s chosen one. From childhood, the Lord led Evdokia to the pinnacle of spiritual perfection through terrible trials, covering her with His grace. At the age of seven, Dunyushka lost her mother, and with her, her childhood. Her father's new wife did not like her. Soon she was sent as a nanny to a neighboring village. One day, when she was walking home, a robber-hermit attacked her and dragged her into a remote forest hut so that the girl would help him with the housework. During the day, the robber tied the captive to a birch tree. One of the nights spent in the house of the robber, she imagined a voice calling on Dunya to make a vow that she would serve God all her life. A few days later she managed to escape. A couple of years later, Dunya strangely found an icon of the Mother of God, which is now kept in Trinity in the Church of Dmitry of Thessaloniki.

Evdokia spent her entire life in solitude and prayer. She worked for people, prayed in the Chudinovsky Church of the Ascension of the Lord. According to legend, the blessed one traveled a lot, visiting Jerusalem and Italy. In 1922, for exposing the authorities in the closure and destruction of churches, Dunyushka was arrested and imprisoned in Perm prison. Then she was transferred to a mental hospital, where she was recognized as mentally ill and released with the appropriate documents. According to some recollections, she visited prison again, in 1939. Having returned, she lived in Chudinov, in her old age she moved to Troitsk for several years, and before her death she returned to the village. Evdokia Chudinova died on March 5, 1948.

Although popular rumor calls her blessed, judging by her life it is difficult to assign any kind of holiness to her. It is characterized by ascetic universalism, i.e. she was so spiritually gifted that her nature did not fit into traditional ideas of holiness. In this way she is similar to our other patron - Simeon of Verkhoturye. Like Seraphim of Sarov, Dunyushka, before her death, told her admirers to come to her grave and talk, as if alive, about their needs and sorrows. And just as in her earthly life restless people came to her with their sorrows and sorrows, so now they come with the same problems and receive amazing help from God through the intercession of the Great Righteous Evdokia Tikhonovna Makhankova with Him.

Each person has his own homeland. For one it is a capital city, for another it is a small village, which is a grain of sand on the map of Russia. In the Chelyabinsk region, such a grain of sand is the village of Chudinovo in the Oktyabrsky district. It is located approximately 100 kilometers from Chelyabinsk. Today it is an ordinary village located in the Oktyabrsky district of the Chelyabinsk region. It is no different from thousands of other villages. And only the righteous Evdokia Chudinova increases interest in this place. The name of the village is very symbolic. There are many legends about how it appeared.

They say that new people who came to this place admired the beauty of our region and said: “what a wonderful place!” This rumor spread throughout the surrounding area, because Yachmenka quickly developed as a merchant village with handicraft production of goods and food. So a new name stuck to the village - Chudinovo. It was famous for its bazaars and fairs. Previously, many merchants and wealthy peasants lived here.

Today about 800 people live in Chudinovo. Previously, before the 1930s. the population was larger, since the village of Chudinovo was a regional center. On the way to the village you can make out the outline of a light blue church. It is located in the center of the village. Lately there have always been people around the church, and not just local people. Today, a lot of pilgrims and simply believers come to the village. They come to the grave of Evdokia Chudinova.

Evdokia Makhankova was born in 1870 in the village of Mogilnaya, Orenburg province, now Chelyabinsk region. Her mother died early. The father married another woman. The relationship between the stepmother and Dunya did not work out. At the age of seven, her father sent Evdokia to the neighboring village of Yachmenka to work as a nanny. One day, when she was walking home, a robber-hermit attacked her and dragged her into a remote forest hut so that the girl would help him with the housework. During the day, the robber tied the captive to a birch tree. One of the nights spent in the house of the robber, she imagined a voice calling on Dunya to make a vow that she would serve God all her life. A few days later she managed to escape. A couple of years later, Dunya strangely found an icon of the Mother of God, which is now kept in Trinity in the Church of Dmitry of Thessaloniki.

Evdokia spent her entire life in solitude and prayer. She worked for people, prayed in the Chudinovsky Church of the Ascension of the Lord. According to legend, the blessed one traveled a lot, visiting Jerusalem and Italy. In 1922, for exposing the authorities in the closure and destruction of churches, Dunyushka was arrested and imprisoned in Perm prison. Then she was transferred to a mental hospital, where she was recognized as mentally ill and released with the appropriate documents. According to some recollections, she visited prison again, in 1939. Having returned, she lived in Chudinov, in her old age she moved to Troitsk for several years, and before her death she returned to the village. Evdokia Chudinova died on March 5, 1948.

This is an unusual place that enjoys special attention among the population (and not only the locals). A place that heals.

Being near Dunyasha’s burial place, many feel lighter; someone understands that problems are starting to go away. More often, families who ask for health for their child and women who cannot have children come to the martyr. The path to such places will never be overgrown.

Evdokia Chudinova has not been on earth for 55 years, but the legends about her are one more incredible than the other. Archpriest John, rector of the Holy Ascension Church in the village of Chudinovo, explains that to this day she gives peace to the suffering, heals the sick and crippled.

Tour program:

08-00 Departure from Chelyabinsk from the Rus-Travel office, Kirova St. 7a (departure from the roadway of Kirova St.)
10-00 Arrival in the village of Chudinovo, visit to the Holy Ascension Church
12-00 Visit to the grave of Evdokia Chudinova, free time
14-00 Departure to Chelyabinsk
16-00 Return to Chelyabinsk.

Discounts for pensioners, children under 11 years old, ready-made groups of 5 people - 5%.- for a tour without promotion

Children from 5 years old are accepted on the trip

The price includes: - The tour operator reserves the right, depending on objective circumstances, while maintaining the volume and quality of services provided, to change the order of excursions, catering facilities and accommodation!
- When a group consists of less than 19 people, a tourist class minibus will be provided.
- The times in the program are approximate and depend on traffic conditions.

Over the past 20 years, the village of Chudinovo, Oktyabrsky district, has become a place of pilgrimage. This small village has become one of the most revered places in the Urals, along with Verkhoturye and Ganina Yama.

There are no large beautiful monasteries or high domed churches here, but hundreds of South Urals residents and residents of other regions flock here. Many go to Chudinovo for healing, others just want to venerate the grave of a local righteous woman.

What made this village, formerly called Yachmenka, famous? In the village of Chudinovo there is the grave of Evdokia Makhankova. There is a belief that the righteous Evdokia, even after her death, thanks to the prayers of those who turn to her, heals. Many people who come to the grave canonize her, but at present this blessed one has not been canonized. For the canonization process, it is necessary to collect materials relating to her life and miracles, if any, of course, actually took place.

Finding information about the righteous Evdokia is not difficult. There are several stories about the life of the blessed one, but it is sometimes simply impossible to distinguish truth from fiction in them.

One of these stories contains the following information. Evdokia Makhankova was born in 1870 in the village of Mogilnaya, Orenburg province, now Chelyabinsk region. Her mother died early. The father married another woman. The relationship between the stepmother and Dunya did not work out. At the age of seven, her father sent Evdokia to the neighboring village of Yachmenka to work as a nanny. One day, when she was walking home, a robber-hermit attacked her and dragged her into a remote forest hut so that the girl would help him with the housework. During the day, the robber tied the captive to a birch tree. One day a wolf came out of the forest and bit off a phalanx of Evdokia’s finger. One of the nights spent in the house of the robber, she imagined a voice calling on Dunya to make a vow that she would serve God all her life. A few days later she managed to escape. A couple of years later, Dunya strangely found an icon of the Mother of God, which is now kept in Trinity in the Church of Dmitry of Thessaloniki. When Evdokia walked across the field, a cow came out to meet her, with an icon of the Mother of God on her horns. After this, Dunya had no doubt that she would devote herself to God.

When Duna was about 20 years old, a wanderer settled next to Yachmenka and healed people. Dunya volunteered to visit him, and people began to say that she was living with him in sin. They wrote a denunciation, and a police officer came from the city to look into the incident. They began to torture her, poured 40 buckets of water on her in the bitter cold. One of the women standing nearby said: “If Dunya is not guilty, let my daughter freeze.” And so it happened: Evdokia recovered, and the woman’s daughter soon died.

Evdokia spent her entire life in solitude and prayer. She worked for people, prayed in the Chudinovsky Church of the Ascension of the Lord. According to legend, the blessed one traveled a lot, visiting Jerusalem and Italy. In 1922, for exposing the authorities in the closure and destruction of churches, Dunyushka was arrested and imprisoned in Perm prison. Then she was transferred to a mental hospital, where she was recognized as mentally ill and released with the appropriate documents. According to some recollections, she visited prison again, in 1939. Having returned, she lived in Chudinov, in her old age she moved to Troitsk for several years, and before her death she returned to the village. Evdokia Chudinovskaya died on March 5, 1948.

Local residents have heard such stories more than once, but consider them unreliable and do not believe that Blessed Evdokia helps people recover from any diseases.

This is probably why, upon entering the Church of the Ascension of the Lord, Chelyabinsk pilgrims saw only a dozen people present at the morning service. Having finished the service, Archpriest John, rector of the Holy Ascension Church, began his sermon. Father John exhorted pilgrims in case of trouble to always turn to God and visit the temple. Never rely on the help of sorcerers, witches, seers. Such people, according to the archpriest, are very corrupted.

Not only pilgrims come to Dunyushka’s grave, but also people who ask the blessed one for help. Someone's spine is broken, someone's legs are failing. In many cases, recovery is impossible from a medical point of view; one thing remains - to hope for the intercession of Evdokia.

Pilgrims say that strange things often happen while visiting the grave of Evdokia Chudinovskaya. For example, the sun suddenly begins to shine brightly during rain. They also say that Evdokia is very strict. And if someone she dislikes stands at the grave, she can “punish” him. At the cemetery, a woman standing next to me had her hood on fire from a candle, and another pilgrim’s collar caught fire. What is this? Simple carelessness or signs from above?

After serving a memorial service for Dunyushka, Father John continued his sermon. But now he spoke directly about Evdokia. He said that he knew many cases when people, coming to the grave of Blessed Evdokia and asking her for help, received it by faith. So, one girl from Yekaterinburg, who asked Dunyushka to be cured (her spine was broken), began to recover after a week. Later, she came to Chudinovo more than once with words of gratitude.

Another case is about the miraculous healing of a young man. One day, parents brought a possessed boy. During the funeral service, he ran around the grave. And suddenly one of those present screamed: the child found himself between the bars of the fence, rolled his eyes and shouted incomprehensible words. They immediately pulled him out and began to call and ask Evdokia for help. After some time, the boy began to recover.

Candles are constantly burning at Evdokia’s grave. Pilgrims from Saratov, Novgorod, Sverdlovsk, Tyumen, Kurgan, Chelyabinsk and other regions come to the village all year round. “And for each of the pilgrims, after visiting the temple, Dunyushka’s grave will bring love to the heart, peace to the soul and relief from suffering,” Father John promises.

But some claim that Blessed Evdokia not only healed the sick, but also predicted. They say that Dunyasha prophesied the destruction of the Church of the Ascension of the Lord. Shortly before this, she began to avoid going to church, saying that the time would soon come when everyone would run away from the church. And so it happened. The Ascension Church was destroyed in the 30s of the last century. Now, fortunately, it has been restored.

One of the legends mentions such a case. In 1903, Dunyasha visited the relics of St. Seraphim of Sarov in Sarov. At that time, Tsar Nicholas II and his family came to glorify the Saint as a saint. After the service, a memorial luncheon took place. When the Tsar began to sit down at the table, Dunyushka and Pasha Sarovskaya approached him to present him with embroidered towels and napkins. The king stood up, and the chair under him fell. He joked to those fussing around him: they say, he didn’t lose his throne. And Dunyushka says to him: “Yes, sir. The time is near. Get ready, father, for great torment.”

But these cases of Dunyasha’s providence, like many aspects of her biography, have not been officially confirmed. Therefore, it is unknown whether Dunyasha actually met with Tsar Nicholas II, whether she was in a Perm prison, and much more. The metrics of Evdokia Makhankova were also not found. That is why the church does not yet have grounds for canonization. But for those who visited her grave, this does not matter. They revere the righteous Evdokia and believe in the power of her prayers. After all, sometimes things happen in life that you can only hope for a miracle.

Hundreds of pilgrims from different parts of the world come to Dunyasha for peace here, in the small village of Temporary, where the Tula wonderworker is buried near the St. Nicholas Church - Blessed Mother Evdokia. People call her warmly and affectionately Dunyasha. And everyone comes to her with their misfortune and hope.

My story

I found out about her by accident. Once, in a conversation, a friend complained that she couldn’t find a solution to one of her family problems, she was tormented by misfortunes that happened literally out of nowhere. My son broke his leg, there were frequent checks at work, my health began to fail, and to top it all off, my relationship with my husband began to crack.

- We need to go to Dunyasha. She will help. And he will certainly give an answer to the doubts that torment me, in some unknown way he will improve my shaky, stable life,” the woman sighed.

We went to Dunyasha together. Together it’s more fun, and you can support a person if it becomes really difficult. At the same time, we decided that I should also ask Evdokia for advice on a personal issue.

I've never been here before. Turning from the noisy road onto a country road, a few minutes later we found ourselves at an ancient temple. There are small private houses around. The silence is such that it hurts the ears. And only occasionally it was interrupted by the barking of dogs or the noise of an approaching car. The first thing you feel in these places is a blissful, quiet calm, inner peace. They cover and absorb. It’s as if your problems are no longer there, as if they never happened.

We found the grave of Dunyasha, Evdokia Ivanovna Kudryavtseva, right away - it stands out against the general background. Neat, fenced with a fence, under a high canopy... In Mother Evdokia’s graveyard there are fresh flowers, they are always here. Candles burn unquenchably, a small lamp is lit in a marvelous lantern, they say, made by monks from Mount Athos.

...And pigeons and other birds frolic over the grave, chirping and bringing us back to this life, to our problems.

Dunyasha looked at us from the photo with her kind, insightful gaze. We went into the local temple, prayed, bought candles and left them lit in a special place on Evdokia’s grave.

At first, the friend quietly whispered prayers, then suddenly loudly and excitedly burst into tears, as if all her sorrows and troubles were coming out. Then she completely fell to the ground, hugging the grave mound, like something living, breathing, intelligent. We were here for a long time, sitting on a bench near the temple, looking at its domes, crowned with golden crosses, above the white stone vaults. They talked, discussed, thought. Several hours passed completely unnoticed.

And only then, in the car, in some way unknown to me, I clearly realized: now everything will be fine with my friend! But I need to return here to conduct my sincere spiritual dialogue, so complex and so impossible in some other place. Return alone.

That's what I did. The question that has been tormenting me for the last six months was personal: a relationship with a man was both pleasing and tormenting. He was married, and, as usual, there was a child growing up in the family. My lover promised to make an important decision soon, but I was tormented by a feeling of guilt and at the same time reveled in love. It couldn’t go on like this anymore – it was difficult for me. A choice had to be made. I came to Dunyasha to ask for guidance.

…I left with a feeling of lightness and peace that was already familiar to me. There was no decision yet whether to maintain or break off the relationship. But I knew: it would happen!

The next day, returning from work, I habitually fluttered onto the familiar bus, habitually sank down into the seat - sitting opposite me... was the family of my lover and himself. Dear wife, charming little daughter. Out of confusion, I didn’t know where to put my eyes; it seemed that my awkwardness and embarrassment were visible not only to the man, but also to his loved ones. I tried to look out the window. The lover did not dull his gaze, sometimes, when our gazes met, he even winked at me playfully. We drove like this for several stops - just a few minutes. And this was enough for a difficult decision to come. “Dunyasha, it’s her,” it flashed through my head, “thank you, dear, for the hint!”

Coming out of the bus, my lover quietly patted me on the shoulder, and I shuddered from cold and disgust. I saw him again the next day when I told him about my decision to end our relationship. He didn't want this. He said that I was in a hurry, that this was emotional, feminine. But I clearly knew: what should be secret must be finished and left in the past.

Last year, he sent me an email... He asked for forgiveness for that scene on the bus. I hope that he has matured, has begun to feel life better and more subtly, and that everything is fine with him...


You can get to the grave of Mother Evdokia by minibus No. 114, No. 117, as well as by bus to the stop “Vremenny Village” or to the sign “St. Nicholas Temple”.

Zigzags of fate

It's amazing how sometimes life takes us in zigzags. It is rare whose fate is absolutely serene and happy. And everyone had their ups and downs, had their own “strange story” or had their own skeleton in the closet.

And sometimes she hits backhand. It hits so hard that it seems you will never recover, you will never get up. At such moments, people usually come here, to Dunyasha’s grave. Each with their own despair, with their own misfortune and hope.

She greets with warmth and comfort everyone who turns to her with an open heart and sincere, pure thoughts.

As I later found out, a certain Aunt Tanya from Shchekino looked after my mother’s grave for many years. She was already over 80, but despite her advanced age, the woman came to Temporary almost every day, overcoming a difficult journey to visit the grave, talk with Dunya, and clean up the graveyard.

Then she stopped appearing here. Aunt Tanya's successor was Ivan Stepanovich.

He gives everyone who comes to Duna’s grave a special prayer, printed on a standard A4 sheet. Modern technologies are at the service of miracles, it happens!

He gave me the same prayer. I took it out of gratitude and respect, but I prayed in my own way, in my own words, but from my very soul. I know that my words, spoken from the heart, were heard.

Ivan Stepanovich said that probably more than half a million people visited Mother Evdokia’s grave. They come from different countries, many on purpose, having learned about the miracle worker, for example, from the Internet.

They say that the glow from her grave was somehow captured on film. Some people heard here on Christmas days the majestic singing of a church choir, others - the ringing of bells.

In this holy place, many are healed, find support, answers to questions, and most importantly, gain faith.

"Be afraid of people who praise you"

What is known about her? Evdokia Ivanovna comes from the village of Staraya Kolpna in our region, and was born on March 8, 1883. Her father served in the gendarmerie. But Dunya’s parents, John and Agafya, died when the girl was very young.

There is information that until the age of 18, Dunyasha was no different, she was an ordinary girl, perhaps very beautiful. According to legend, she also had a fiancé. But just on the eve of the wedding, a vision came to her that she did not need to get married. And from the very beginning of the 20th century, for about 80 years in a row, she bore her cross - Christ for the sake of the holy fool.

Evdokia acquired neither a home, nor families, nor wealth. In troubled times of unbelief and fight against God, Evdokia was declared mentally ill and locked in a psychiatric hospital. But her fame as an extraordinary seer, prayer worker and healer spread from mouth to mouth. The doctors themselves came to her with a bow for help. Mother never refused anyone. Many people found faith after being cured. Evdokia could predict the gender of the unborn child - whether it would be a boy or a girl. She told the newlyweds whether their marriage would be happy or not. Many were afraid of her for such directness - they did not want to know or hear the truth. Evdokia did not like flattering people and tried to move away from them. She said: “Be afraid of people who praise you.” On the contrary, she affectionately greeted those who scolded and scolded her.

As the people's memory has preserved: it was revealed to mother that war would begin. Not long before, she put on a bright dress, walked through the streets and shouted: “Fire, fire”!

The events of the beginning of the Great Patriotic War are especially memorable.

There is a well-known story that Evdokia Ivanovna assured the leadership of Tula: “The German will not enter, I hid the keys.” Indeed, the Nazis were unable to break through the city’s defenses - mother prayed while standing on the bridge over the Upa River.

Sometimes the meaning of what the seer said became clear only after some time.

During the war years, people went to her to find out about the fate of their relatives, if there had been no news from the front for a long time, whether a husband, brother, father, son, daughter was alive... Sometimes she gave hope, sometimes, alas, not. It happened that Evdokia would tear up the funeral in front of everyone, and then news would come from this person, or he himself would return home.

So, in Zarechye, where Dunyasha lived, one mother had not received letters from her tank driver son for a long time. “And you stretch out your hand to the icon,” the seer advised. There was an inkwell hidden behind the icon. The mother wrote a letter to the front and soon received a response from the unit commander, who wrote that her son was alive, but wounded and lying in the hospital.

Evdokia Ivanovna is remembered and known in Tula, in the Spassky Temple, on Puzakov Street. Here, near the path leading to the temple, Agafya, the mother of Blessed Evdokia, is buried. Very often Dunyasha came to the grave and ordered a memorial service in the church.

It happened that Dunya baptized the children herself, the priests did not refuse her, for many she became a godmother.

...Evdokia Ivanovna Kudryavtseva ended her earthly journey in a psychiatric hospital on May 28, 1979 at the age of 96 years. Until her last day, Mother supported those in need and helped those suffering who believed in the power of her prayers.

The main prophecy of blessed Dunya also came true: “Come to me, from there I will help you even more.” They say that the house where there is a photo icon of Dunyasha will not be touched by either evil or an unkind person. Blessed Evdokia will always help in difficult times. It’s as if she gives us an invisible thread of hope, extends a helping hand. And all that remains is for each of us to decide: in which direction to take this most important step in life...

Photo by Andrey TETERIN

Blessed Evdokia was born into a poor peasant family of the Makhankovs in 1870 in the village of Mogilnaya, Orenburg province (Chelyabinsk region).

Tikhon and Daria Makhankov had four children. Dunya's childhood was serene, but only until the death of her mother - until the first earthly sorrow of the seven-year-old girl. At such a tender age, Dunyushka felt orphaned and realized that nothing tied her to the earth anymore. She vowed to keep her virginity for God's sake. The time has come to drink the cup of suffering, and Dunya humbly accepted it from the hands of God.

The father married a second time. The stepmother did not like Evdokia, she often complained to her husband that she was hurting her daughters, and he, without understanding, punished his daughter. Once Dunya was playing with her stepmother’s daughters, and the girls couldn’t share the crackers. One of them cried loudly, and the stepmother said to the father who came in: “Dunyashka is hurting my children again.” The father took a twig, took Dunya out and whipped her until she bled. In addition, a lively heifer attacked her and began to roll her horns around the yard. Without remembering herself, Dunya reached her godmother’s house, and she spent a whole week treating the girl for fear and beatings.

Dunya was forced to collect alms, then her father sent her to the neighboring village of Yachmenka, where she had to work as a nanny. On Sundays the girl came home. Dunya so wanted to bring gifts to her younger brothers, one day she could not resist and took three lumps of sugar from the owners without permission. Later it will be revealed to Blessed Evdokia that even for this small sin they are detained at the ordeal for an hour and a half for theft.

The girl prayed every day with tears, asking St. Nicholas to help her escape. Once, before leaving for a long time, a robber tied her to a tree so that she could not move, and hung a piece of bread in front of her. Mosquitoes and gadflies ate into her body, but she could not drive them away. When a wolf approached the sufferer, it seemed to her that he was trying to gnaw the rope, however, he failed, he gnawed the girl’s finger, and, hearing a loud cry, ran away.

The robber returned only a few days later, untying the captive and bringing her into the hut. To bring Evdokia to her senses, he had to pour milk into her mouth for several days. When Evdokia recovered, she again began to pray fervently, asking St. Nicholas and the holy righteous Simeon of Verkhoturye to help her free herself: “Grandfather Nikolai the Pleasant, help, grandfather Simeon, free her, and then I’ll go to your grave.”

Soon after Evdokia made a vow, she miraculously managed to escape. (She subsequently kept her promise.) In the last years of her life, Elder Evdokia told spiritual children that enemies must be forgiven; she said that she prayed for the robber because he preserved her virginity.

When Dunya returned home, her parents had difficulty recognizing her. A raid was organized on the robber, he was captured and wanted to be executed, but Dunya forgave the offender.

The ascetic had to endure a lot; one day, when she was picking berries, she was kidnapped by two Kyrgyz. Since the girl began to resist, she was tied up and dragged along the ground (one of the riders held the end of the rope in his hand). When one of the locals gave chase, they lowered the end of the rope. Dunya was recognized only by her bitten finger, she was so disfigured. And again Dunya forgives her offenders and asks for them. The wounds received by the girl hurt for many years...

As soon as the girl grew up, they began to send her to do hard work—pulling flax. She worked there all day long, her wounds festered, her back and arms ached, and Dunyushka continued her work and prayed to the Most Pure Virgin. Such patience and humility did not go unrewarded. Dunya sees a bright and meek woman, of unearthly beauty. “God help me, my dear dove, let me pull the flax with you.” "Who are you?" - the girl asked quietly. The woman hugged her tenderly% “I am your heavenly mother. From this day on you will not be an orphan, I will be your intercessor." And with her beautiful hands she began to tug at the flax. Lo and behold, the stripes are gone! Dunyushka knelt down, kissed the woman’s hands and cried, and she bent over to the girl, saying: “Don’t cry, calm down, dear! Pray to God more often. You still have many trials ahead, but believe, endure and love!”

After the incident, Dunya could not eat on her own for a long time, her arms and legs did not obey, her mouth was distorted, and the wounds did not heal for a long time. She was sheltered by a widow, a prosphora maker.

When the widow died, Dunyushka was taken in by her grandparents. One day she brought them food to the field where they were working, and on the way she met a cow, on whose horns were the icon of the Mother of God “The Sign” and a loaf of bread with salt. Suddenly Dunya heard: “I am your heavenly mother.” She found prosphora in the bun. (She kept it all her life; now the icon is in the Church of Demetrius of Thessalonica in Troitsk.)

The legend tells about Dunya’s meeting with the Mother of God, who foreshadowed that churches would soon be destroyed and icons would be used to make lids, countertops, and doors.

Dunyushka had to endure many trials in her life. Once she was slandered that she had led a hermit who settled near their village into sin (near the village lived a hermit who hid from the world in men's clothing, Dunyushka often visited her). They tortured the girl in the cold by pouring 40 buckets of water on her to extract a confession. But she asked to be released, swearing that she was innocent. One of the village residents gloated at this and said: “Here is my daughter standing - let her die on the spot if this is not true!”

Dunyushka was brought into the house, she gradually thawed out and only said: “Thank God! The Mother of God helped me all this time.” After this incident, the village began to be called Chudinovo - from the word “miracle”. The hermit found out about the trouble and came and revealed himself to people. Then it turned out that the hermit was a woman. Almost on the same days, the daughter of that evil woman fell ill, began to freeze and soon died. Her mother then asked Dunyushka for forgiveness all her life, and she answered her: “The Lord sees everything, ask Him.”

Another test awaited Dunyushka - death. On the eve of the spring day of St. Nicholas, she was in a hurry to tidy up her yard and hut and suddenly heard a voice calling her name. A stranger stood at the door. He went into the upper room and lit the lamp. Evdokia, confused, followed him and gave him alms - canvas, the only wealth inherited from her mother. The wanderer took the canvas and spread it on the table: “Come here, servant of the Lord. Pray and lie down, your time has come! Your earthly suffering is over. The Lord sent me for you." With sadness and tears, the girl read a prayer and lay down on the table. And the wanderer shone with an unearthly light, and she realized that it was St. Nicholas himself. The villagers were surprised how the orphan died overnight. On the third day, the funeral service began, and before the end of the funeral service, Evdokia suddenly came to life. Everyone got scared and started running. The priest was the first to come to his senses and said: “always blessing the Lord we sing His Resurrection: behold, you raised us from the gates of mortals, destroying death. Therefore it is said: “Arise, O sleeping one, rise from the dead, and Christ sanctify you, grant us great mercy” (Eph. 5:14) then he ordered Dunyushka’s hands to be untied. In her hands was a bouquet of heavenly flowers, which Dunyushka gave to Mother Irina, who came up to untie her hands. Then the blessed one talked a lot about the other world, about the heavenly abodes, about the torments of hell, about the ordeals.

After this, Evdokia acquired the gift of healing, the gift of prayer for the forgiveness of sinners, the afterlife of man was revealed to her, and she also received the gift of clairvoyance.

The blessed one loved pilgrimage: she visited Jerusalem, at the Holy Sepulcher, and at the relics of St. Nicholas, in Verkhoturye and in many monasteries. Then she lived for many years in the village of Chudinovo. They came to her with their sorrows, sorrows, and grievances. Some with faith, others with cunning and unbelief.

Before the First World War, she visited the relics of St. Seraphim of Sarov in Sarov. Then, Tsar Nicholas II and his family came to celebrate the 70th anniversary of the death of the Monk. After the service, a memorial luncheon took place. When the tsar began to sit down at the table, Dunyushka and Pasha Sarovskaya approached him to present him with an embroidered towel and napkins.

The king stood up, and the chair under him fell. He joked: he didn’t lose his throne. And Dunyushka says to him: “Yes, Sovereign. The time is already close. Get ready, father, for great torment.”

In 1922, for exposing the authorities in the closure and destruction of churches, the seer was sent to a Perm prison. Later he was transferred to a psychiatric hospital, declared mentally ill and released with the appropriate documents. She went to prison back in 1939.

After her release, she explained herself only with gestures, and spoke again only after the war. Blessed Evdokia died blessed on March 5 (February 21), 1948.

The book “The Tale of Evdokia Chudinovskaya” contains numerous evidence of the foresight of the blessed old woman, whom believers greatly revered; we will cite just a few testimonies:

The Khoroshilov family knew Dunyushka. At the beginning of 1933, blessed Dunyushka came to visit the Khoroshilov family. Dunyushka asked the owner for a rope, grabbed several people with it and pulled them into the yard, then out the gate. Then she began to throw away the bed, dishes, and other things. Those sitting laughed: “What’s wrong with her?” She replied: “You will soon burst into tears.” She quickly got ready and left, saying: “I have nothing more to do here.” Soon many were dispossessed and thrown out of their homes, including the Khoroshilov family.

Vera Ivanova from Troitsk recalled how the blessed one said: “Write to your brother to stop smoking.” Her brother Veniamin was at the front (before that he did not smoke). In the letter they told him about Dunyushka’s advice, he replied: “How did you know that I smoke?”

V. Shnuryaeva from the Etkul district recalled that during the war she received a funeral service for her husband, and she burst into tears. Suddenly blessed Dunyushka came into the house and consoled her: “Don’t cry, your husband will come alive, only wounded and he will see in one eye.” The husband actually returned from the front alive and without one eye.

Lyubov Balabanova was diagnosed with gallstones, and after an ultrasound, the day of surgery was set. Before going to the hospital, Lyubov went to the village of Chudinovo to the grave of the blessed old woman. When I returned, I did an ultrasound again - “the stones had disappeared”; surgery was not needed.

Pilgrims say that a girl blind from birth began to see, but not with her eyes, but in some other way after she touched the image of Dunyushka. She so accurately described in words the portrait of the blessed one that was given to her that everyone was surprised.

Valentina Konkova from Chelyabinsk said that since 1982 she had severe headaches, nervous and mental breakdowns. I didn’t go to any doctors. But as soon as she visited the grave of Evdokia Chudinovskaya, she could live and work again.

Currently, in the Chelyabinsk diocese there is a commission to collect and prepare materials for the canonization of Evdokia Chudinovskaya as a locally revered saint, and her biography is being clarified.

Blessed Evdokia, pray to God for us!

Based on materials from the book "Orthodox Elders of the 20th Century"


Prepared by R.B. Nadezhda (Verkina)

Prayer to the holy saint of God, blessed Evdokia Chudinovskaya

Oh, holy and praiseworthy saint of God, Evdokie, who pleased God with many works and illnesses, and glorified His Name on earth with prayers and virtues! We pray to you now, your relatives: intercede with the Lord of the long-suffering, all-merciful Lord Jesus Christ for all that is useful for salvation, for the people of our fatherland peace and for the knowledge of the true God, a bright mind, for the lands of Russia from the invasion of the adversary, strong protection, for the ruler wisdom and for his people have love, healing for the sick, liberation for the captives, preservation from famine and earth tremors, but we all have love for each other, so that not only in name, but also in deed we will appear as Christians, and in the world we will live a virtuous life in all piety and purity.

Oh, our warm prayer book, blessed Evdokie! You hated no one on earth, but you were also merciful to your enemies, now in the Kingdom of our Father in heaven and enjoying His ineffable love and grace, do not forget us, the poor and weak, your help and consolation to those who ask! In a little while we will perish to the end, by evil custom, like the strong chains of existence, and by the all-evil enemy, like a fierce guard, by the bitter cold. For this reason, look mercifully and extend a helping hand to those in trouble. Every day, put the thought of doing good in our hearts. Teach us warm heart prayer, patience without grumbling and unhypocritical humility. Moreover, grant us true Christian love, so that if we are guided by it, we can easily fulfill all the commandments of Christ with skill, and in Him we will all be one, and we will reach the uneven day of His Kingdom, in the joy of a purified soul, glorifying the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, the One glorified in the Trinity of Saints God forever and ever. Amen.