Salaries of directors of cultural institutions. The monthly salaries of cultural figures have been published - you will be surprised! The main thing is the museum's income

Clause 1 of the Regulations on the establishment of remuneration systems for employees of federal budgetary and government institutions, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 05.08.2008 N 583 (hereinafter - Regulation N 583), it is established that remuneration of employees of federal budgetary and government institutions includes salary amounts ( official salaries), wage rates, compensation and incentive payments, which are established by collective agreements, agreements, local regulations in accordance with labor legislation, other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation containing labor law norms, as well as this Regulation. In this article, we will consider in detail the formation of wages for the head of a cultural institution.

In accordance with clause 6 of Regulation No. 583, the salaries of heads of institutions, their deputies and chief accountants consist of official salaries, compensation and incentive payments. In this case, the official salary of the head of the institution, determined by the employment contract, is set as a multiple of the average salary of employees who belong to the main staff of the institution he heads, and amounts to up to five times the specified average salary.

For your information. The official salaries of deputy heads and chief accountants of institutions are set at 10 - 30% lower than the official salaries of the heads of these institutions.

So, let's consider the components of the salary of the head of a cultural institution, namely the official salary, compensation and incentive payments.

Official salary

As mentioned above, the official salary of a manager is set as a multiple of the average salary of employees who belong to the main staff of the institution he heads, and amounts to up to five times the specified average salary. According to clause 7 of Regulation No. 583, the main personnel of an institution include employees who directly ensure the performance of the main functions for which the institution was created.
Lists of positions and professions of employees of institutions that are classified as core personnel by type of economic activity are established by federal government bodies and institutions - the main managers of federal budget funds in agreement with the Ministry of Health and Social Development. Currently, the Lists of positions of employees classified as core personnel by type of economic activity for calculating average wages and determining the size of official salaries of heads of subordinate federal budgetary institutions are approved by Order of the Ministry of Culture of Russia dated August 15, 2008 N 41 (hereinafter referred to as Order N 41).
As for the procedure for calculating the average salary to determine the size of the official salary of the head of an institution, it is established by the Ministry of Health and Social Development. To date, this Procedure has been approved by Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated 04/08/2008 N 167n (hereinafter referred to as Order N 167n).
Let us consider in more detail the list of positions and the procedure for calculating average wages.
List of positions. So, according to Appendix 1 to Order No. 41 in the List of positions of employees classified as the main personnel of cultural institutions, the type of economic activity of which is called:
- “Other activities in the field of culture” include: scientific secretary, chief researcher, leading researcher, senior researcher, researcher, chief custodian of funds, chief bibliographer, chief librarian, chief conductor, chief choirmaster, chief choreographer, bibliographer, librarian, director, conductor, choirmaster, choreographer, custodian of funds, restoration artist, excursion organizer, methodologist, editor;
- “Activities in the field of art” include: chief conductor, chief choirmaster, chief choreographer, chief artist, stage director, choreographer, production designer, director, conductor, choirmaster, choreographer, artists of all specialties, ballet tutor ( vocals), speech technique tutor, editor, drama artist, puppet theater artist (puppeteer), vocalist (soloist), circus artist (all genres), ballet artist, choir artist, orchestra artist, symphony, chamber, pop artist symphony, brass orchestras, folk instrument orchestra, artist of the orchestra of song and dance ensembles, artist of the pop orchestra (ensemble), ballet artist of the song and dance ensemble, dance group, artist of the choir of the song and dance ensemble, choral group, concert performers (all genres) ), lecturer-art critic (musicologist), reader - master of artistic expression;
- “Activities of museums and protection of historical sites and buildings”, includes: economist, engineer, architect.
In addition, we draw your attention to Letter of the Ministry of Culture of Russia dated September 15, 2008 N 04-64-1336, which notes that in order to determine the size of official salaries of heads of federal budgetary institutions, such as:
- museums, libraries and club-type institutions, Appendix 1 to Order No. 41, section “Other activities in the field of culture” should be applied;
- theaters, performing arts institutions, circuses - Appendix 1 to Order No. 41, section “Activities in the field of art”;
- agencies for the management and use of historical and cultural monuments - Appendix 1 to Order No. 41, section “Activities of museums and protection of historical sites and buildings”;
- scientific institutions - Appendix 2 to Order No. 41, in which the main personnel include: scientific secretary, chief researcher, leading researcher, senior researcher, researcher, editor;
- institutions of higher and additional professional education and institutions of secondary specialized education - Appendix 3 to Order No. 41, in which the main personnel include: professor, associate professor, academic secretary, chief researcher, leading researcher, senior researcher, researcher, senior teacher, lecturer.
Thus, in accordance with paragraph 6 of Regulation No. 583, when determining the official salary of the heads of the above institutions, the average salary of these categories of employees is taken.
The procedure for calculating the average salary of the main personnel of the institution. According to paragraph 2 of Order No. 167n, when calculating the average salary, salaries (official salaries), wage rates and incentive payments for employees of the main personnel of the institution are taken into account. It does not matter from what sources incentive payments are made (budget funds or funds received from income-generating activities).

Note! When calculating the average salary, compensation payments to the main personnel of the institution are not taken into account (clause 2 of Order No. 167n).

This paragraph also states that the calculation of the average salary of employees of the main personnel of the institution is carried out for the calendar year preceding the year in which the official salary of the head of the institution was established.
Clause 3 of Order No. 167n establishes that the average salary is determined by dividing the sum of salaries (official salaries), wage rates and incentive payments of employees of the main personnel of the institution for the time worked in the previous calendar year by the sum of the average monthly number of such employees for all months of the calendar year , preceding the year of establishing the official salary of the head of the institution.
According to paragraph 4 of Order No. 167n, when determining the average monthly number of employees of the main personnel of an institution, employees who:
- work full time;
- work part-time;
- are external part-time workers.
Please note that each category of employee has its own calculation of the average monthly number. Let's take a closer look at the calculation of the average monthly headcount for each category. So, for the employees of the main staff of the institution:
1) full-time workers, the average monthly number is calculated by summing the number of such workers for each calendar day of the month, that is, from the 1st to the 30th or 31st (for February - to the 28th or 29th number), including weekends and non-working holidays, and the resulting amount is divided by the number of calendar days of the month. In this case, the number of employees on a day off or a non-working holiday is taken to be equal to the number of employees on the working day preceding it. Note that the calculation involves employees who actually work on the basis of a time sheet. If an employee is employed in an institution at more than one rate (for example, he is registered as an internal part-time worker), he is counted as one person (clause 5 of Procedure No. 167n);
2) working part-time, the average monthly number of such workers is determined in proportion to the time worked (clause 6 of Order No. 167n). The same paragraph states that the calculation of the average number of this category of workers is carried out in the following order:
a) firstly, the total number of man-hours worked by these employees is calculated by dividing the total number of man-hours worked in the reporting month by the length of the working day based on the length of the working week, namely:
- 40 hours - by 8 hours (with a five-day working week) or by 6.67 hours (with a six-day working week);
- 39 hours - by 7.8 hours (with a five-day working week) or by 6.5 hours (with a six-day working week);
- 36 hours - by 7.2 hours (with a five-day working week) or by 6 hours (with a six-day working week);
- 33 hours - by 6.6 hours (with a five-day working week) or by 5.5 hours (with a six-day working week);
- 30 hours - for 6 hours (with a five-day working week) or for 5 hours (with a six-day working week);
- 24 hours - by 4.8 hours (with a five-day working week) or by 4 hours (with a six-day working week);
b) secondly, the average number of part-time workers for the reporting month is determined in terms of full employment by dividing the man-days worked by the number of working days in the month according to the calendar in the reporting month;
3) who are external part-time workers, the average monthly number is calculated similarly to the procedure for determining the average monthly number of employees working part-time (clause 7 of Procedure No. 167n).
We also draw your attention to Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated April 2, 2008 N 158n, which approved Clarifications on certain issues of establishing the official salary of the head of a federal budgetary institution. These clarifications state that when creating new federal budgetary institutions and in other cases when it is impossible to calculate the average salary of employees of the main personnel of a federal budgetary institution to determine the official salary of the head of a federal budgetary institution for the calendar year preceding the year in which the official salary of the head is established, the amount The official salary of the head of a federal budgetary institution is determined by the federal executive body, which is the main manager of federal budget funds, which is in charge of the federal budgetary institution.

Incentive payments to managers

According to clause 9 of Regulation No. 583, federal state bodies - the main managers of federal budget funds, which are in charge of institutions, can establish incentive payments to the heads of these institutions. Currently, the procedure for establishing and making incentive payments to the heads of federal budgetary institutions subordinate to the Ministry of Culture is established by Order of the Ministry of Culture of Russia dated March 23, 2009 N 130 “On incentives for the heads of federal government institutions under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation” (hereinafter referred to as Regulation N 130 ).
Let us note that incentive payments are made at the expense of budgetary allocations centralized by the Ministry of Culture for these purposes in the amount of 5% of the limits of budgetary obligations provided for the remuneration of employees of relevant institutions for the current financial year (with the exception of funds allocated for the payment of grants) (clause 4 Regulations No. 130). In accordance with clause 2 of the said Regulations, such payments are made on the basis of an assessment of the institution’s activities for the reporting period in accordance with established performance targets.
Currently, the List of criteria for assessing the activities of a federal budgetary institution subordinate to the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation has been approved by Order of the Ministry of Culture of Russia dated November 27, 2008 N 208. This List includes the following assessment criteria:
- the degree to which the institution fulfills the state task;
- lack of comments from the Ministry of Culture on the targeted and effective use of the institution’s budget funds;
- absence of comments from the Ministry of Culture on the use of federal property managed by the institution;
- absence of delays in payment of wages in the institution;
- participation of the institution in the implementation of federal target and departmental programs;
- absence of comments from inspection bodies based on the results of inspections of the institution’s activities.
As for target performance indicators, the following are currently approved by Order of the Ministry of Culture of Russia dated December 27, 2010 N 814:
- Criteria and target performance indicators for the activities of institutions of higher professional education, subordinate to the Ministry of Culture, and the work of their leaders for 2011 (Appendix 1);
- Criteria and target performance indicators for the activities of secondary vocational education institutions subordinate to the Ministry of Culture, and the work of their managers for 2011 (Appendix 2);
- Criteria and target performance indicators for the activities of the institution of additional and postgraduate professional education "Academy for Retraining of Workers in Art, Culture and Tourism", subordinate to the Ministry of Culture, and the work of its director for 2011 (Appendix 3);
- Criteria and performance targets for research institutions and scientific institutions subordinate to the Ministry of Culture and their managers for 2011 (Appendix 4).
So, according to Appendix 1, the target indicators include:
- fulfillment of the state assignment for the training of students (fulfillment of admission targets for secondary, higher and postgraduate professional education programs);
- fulfillment of licensing requirements;
- the proportion of students in an educational institution who have passed intermediate certification (at least 85%);
- the share of students in an educational institution who passed exams and differentiated tests as “good” and “excellent” during the interim certification period (at least 40%);
- the ratio of persons expelled in the reporting year for unexcused reasons to the total number of students in the academic year (no more than 10%);
- fulfillment of the requirements of federal state educational standards;
- availability of educational and methodological complexes for each department or subject-cycle commission (at least 70%);
- presence of violations of the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of education;
- providing reports to managers on time;
- compliance with the deadlines and procedure for submitting budget requests to the Ministry of Culture (in the terms and manner determined by the Ministry of Culture);
- absence of budget balances in the institution’s personal account at the end of the year (with the exception of funds from leasing property);
- absence of overdue accounts payable and receivable;
- absence of debts on taxes and fees;
- existence of facts of misuse of federal budget funds reflected in the notice of the Ministry of Finance;
- availability of documents on registration of property and land plots of the institution, executed in the prescribed manner;
- lack of comments regarding the provision of reliable information according to strictly approved forms in compliance with deadlines at the request of departments of the Ministry of Culture;
- uniform utilization of federal budget allocations: I quarter - 18%, II quarter - 40%, III quarter - 70%, IV quarter - 95%.
Similar targets are set in Annexes 2, 3 and 4.
Incentive payments to heads of institutions are made quarterly in the form of bonuses within the limits of the annual volume of centralized budgetary allocations (clause 6 of Regulation No. 130).
In order for incentive payments to be made, the following must be done:
1) the head of the institution, before the 10th day of the month following the reporting quarter, must submit a report on the implementation of established targets to the supervising departments (clause 7 of Regulation No. 130);
2) the supervising departments send, by the 20th day of the month following the reporting quarter, the information provided on the fulfillment (non-fulfillment) of indicators, as well as proposals on the amount of bonuses for each manager to the commission for incentives for managers (clause 8 of Regulation No. 130);
3) the commission for incentives for managers makes a decision on the amount of appropriate payments, which is documented in a protocol and approved by order of the minister (clause 9 of Regulation No. 130). This commission performs the following functions:
- considers materials submitted by departments that characterize the effectiveness of the institution’s activities, namely, an analysis of the institutions’ implementation of target indicators and specific proposals for stimulating managers;
- hears reports from directors of departments of the Ministry of Culture supervising the activities of institutions on the fulfillment or non-fulfillment of target indicators by their heads;
- may involve in participation in commission meetings the heads of institutions, heads of their structural divisions, other responsible employees of institutions, representatives of relevant trade unions or other elected bodies, as well as independent experts, whose participation is necessary to conduct an examination of the effectiveness of the institutions;
- decides on the amount of the bonus in relation to each head of the institution.
Let us note that the commission consists of a chairman, his deputy, secretaries and commission members. All its decisions are made by a simple majority of votes. In case of equality of votes, the vote of the person presiding at the meeting is decisive;
4) on the basis of the bonus order, the relevant departments, in the prescribed manner, send allocations to cultural institutions in accordance with the established procedure (clause 11 of Regulations No. 130).

Note! The undistributed balance of such appropriations can also be used to stimulate employees of a given institution or to make incentive payments to employees of other institutions (clause 12 of Regulation No. 130).

Executive compensation

Clause 8 of Regulation No. 583 states that compensation payments are established for heads of institutions, their deputies and chief accountants as a percentage of official salaries or in absolute amounts, unless otherwise established by federal laws or decrees of the President of the Russian Federation. Currently, the List of types of compensation payments in federal budgetary, autonomous, government institutions and the Explanation on the procedure for establishing compensation payments in these institutions are approved by Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated December 29, 2007 N 822 (hereinafter referred to as Order N 822, Explanation).
In accordance with Appendix No. 1 to Order No. 822, compensation payments include:
- payments to employees engaged in heavy work, work with harmful and (or) dangerous and other special working conditions. These payments are established in accordance with Art. 147 Labor Code of the Russian Federation;
- payments for work in areas with special climatic conditions (Article 148 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).
- payments for work in conditions deviating from normal (Article 149 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation) (when performing work of various qualifications (Article 150 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation), combining professions (positions) (Article 151 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation), overtime work (Article 152 Labor Code of the Russian Federation), work on weekends and holidays (Article 153 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation), work at night (Article 154 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation));
- allowances for working with information constituting state secrets, their classification and declassification, as well as for working with codes.
According to clause 1 of the Explanations, compensation payments are established in relation to salaries (official salaries), wage rates of employees, unless otherwise established by federal laws and decrees of the President of the Russian Federation. At the same time, employers take measures to carry out certification of workplaces in order to develop and implement an action program to ensure safe conditions and labor protection.
The amounts and conditions for making compensation payments are specified in the employment contracts of employees (clause 7 of the Explanations).

What are the components of the remuneration system for cultural workers? Which museum directors are considered the most highly paid? What is the ratio between the salaries of ordinary employees and heads of cultural institutions. The answers to these questions are in our article.

Information about the income of cultural workers is posted on open Internet sources, so the salaries of museum directors have long been no secret to anyone who is curious.

The main thing in the article:

Remuneration system in culture

The remuneration system in culture is formed from three components: a fixed salary, compensation and incentive payments.

To determine the final salary of employees, it is recommended to apply the provisions of the document approved by the decision of the Russian Tripartite Commission dated December 22, 2017 - “Unified recommendations for remuneration systems for 2018.”

When determining the remuneration system, cultural institutions of the Russian Federation are guided by the rules described in Government Regulation No. 583 of 08/05/2008.

Salaries of heads of cultural institutions

The website of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation recently published information on the income of the management staff of subordinate cultural institutions over the past year. In addition to data on wages for the year, information on the property of managers was also provided.

Valery Gergiev, head of the Mariinsky Theater, became the leader in terms of salary. His monthly income is about 13 million rubles.

The list of the most paid managers in the field of culture includes employees of the Hermitage. The general director of the museum, Mikhail Piotrovsky, receives a salary of up to 1 million rubles, and each of his 5 deputies receives around 500-700 thousand rubles.

Employees of the State Concert have the most modest earnings: the salary of the director, Sergei Bunin, barely exceeds 30 thousand rubles, and his deputy - 20 thousand rubles.

How much do museum directors earn?

Speaking about the incomes of directors of different museum institutions, they are more or less comparable to each other. There are no such striking contrasts as in the salaries of theater directors.

It is important to note that the declared salaries of heads of cultural institutions slightly exceed annual incomes, or even correspond to them.

Among colleagues in the museum field, only the director of the Kremlin Museum, Elena Gagarina, and the director of the State Hermitage, Mikhail Piotrovsky, whose income is approximately 900 thousand rubles, stand out.

In general, the salaries of museum directors within the country are more modest, ranging from 100 to 500 thousand rubles. By the way, the salary of managers is not always directly proportional to the fame, prestige or location of museums.

For example, according to data for 2016, Alexey Levykin, director of the Historical Museum, received about half a million rubles monthly, and Zelfira Tregulova, director of the Tretyakov Gallery - 436 thousand rubles. The salaries of the directors of the Russian Museum and the KIZHI Museum-Reserve were about 300 thousand rubles.

Marina Loshak, director of the Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts, had a somewhat more modest income. Pushkin. Her salary did not exceed 200 thousand rubles.

Managers of famous museums can set their own salaries

Important changes are expected in the museum industry in the near future. The fact is that on May 10 of this year, Dmitry Medvedev issued an order that will affect the formation of wages for employees of some cultural institutions.

In accordance with this document, directors of famous museums will soon be able to determine their own salaries.

According to information from the Federal News Agency, the salaries of employees of the Russian Museum, the Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts, the Kizhi Museum-Reserve and the Tretyakov Gallery and other cultural institutions have changed.

As of today, the income of managers and employees is determined in a ratio of 1:8. However, after the adoption of the above provision, the heads of museums included in the list will be able to increase wages at their discretion.

For example, consider the ratio of salaries of directors of famous museums and their employees:

  1. The director of the Tretyakov Gallery, Zelfira Tregulova, receives 436 thousand rubles a month, other employees - up to 58 thousand rubles.
  2. Director of the Kizhi Museum-Reserve Elena Bogdanova - 330 thousand rubles, ordinary staff - 43.5 thousand rubles.
  3. The head of the Russian Museum, Vladimir Gusev, earns 272 thousand rubles, and his employees earn just over 40 thousand rubles.
  4. The head of the Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts, Marina Loshak, earns just under 200 thousand rubles, and other museum employees earn 55 thousand rubles.

The list of museums was initially approved in 2012. It included six subordinate institutions of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation.

Material verified by Aktion Culture experts

The Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation on its website published data on the average monthly salaries of heads of subordinate institutions for 2016

The average age of directors of Moscow's leading theaters has already exceeded 80! Why are masters of culture in no hurry to retire, even if their strength is running out?

The answer to this question may lie in the report of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation. On its website it published data on the average monthly salaries of heads of subordinate institutions for 2016.

FOR REFERENCE: Yuri Solomin (Maly Theatre) and Oleg Tabakov (Chekhov Moscow Art Theater) are 81 each. Alexander Shirvindt (Satire Theater) is 82, Tatyana Doronina (Gorky Moscow Art Theater), Galina Volchek (Sovremennik) and Mark Zakharov (Lenkom) - 83 years old. Some of them already have difficulty moving independently, but are ready to come to work even in a wheelchair.

The highest paid was the artistic director and director of the Mariinsky Theater Valery Gergiev. On average, every month of the past year he received 12 million 857 thousand 163 rubles. His colleague from the St. Petersburg Academic Philharmonic, according to the Ministry of Culture, earned 976.2 thousand rubles per month. And to the General Director of the Moscow Kremlin Museum-Reserve Elena Gagarina(daughter of the first cosmonaut) was paid a salary of 964.2 thousand rubles.


A little less - 936 thousand each - fell on the card Oleg Tabakov. But, in addition to the leadership of the Moscow Art Theater, Oleg Pavlovich, as you know, also heads the Tabakerka Theater and the Theater College. These institutions are financed from the Moscow budget, but the capital department has not yet published data on the salaries of its cultural workers. Therefore, at the moment it is not known, for example, about salaries Mark Zakharova, Alexander Shirvindt, Galina Volchek. Their theaters are also financed not from the federal, but from the Moscow budget.


Among the leaders of other famous “centers of culture” stands out Yuri Solomin. His average salary in 2016 was 746.7 thousand. Colleague of Yuri Methodievich from the Moscow Art Theater Tatiana Doronina declared the amount almost half as much - 389.6 thousand.

Head of the Great Moscow Circus Edgar Zapashny every month of the past year I received 499.7 thousand. One of the lowest paid Konstantin Raikin from Satyricon - 247.5 thousand rubles.

Famous musician Yuri Lozu- who, among other things, has an economic education - was not surprised by the size of the salaries of artistic directors.

- Our budget can’t withstand such loads,” Loza sneers. - Where else, if not from the budget, should these cultural figures get their salaries? After all, they essentially produce nothing. It's a shame that among our oligarchs there are no hard workers. They have not created anything themselves; they live on the oil needle. They took advantage of the privatization of people's wealth at one time, but now they don't even care. Our artistic directors have adjusted in exactly the same way: they know where to get the money. Either from the same oligarchs, or from the state, which for them, in essence, is an oligarch. Therefore, culture does nothing for poor, ordinary people, only for the rich! That’s why films are not made for the people, and plays are not staged for the people.

In the theater, the director receives a million rubles, and the stage installer receives thirty to forty times less,” continues Loza. - And the safety of the actors depends on the latter, by the way. Is this fair? We need to reduce this insane difference in earnings. I also earn more than my musicians, but not by the same amount! These are my colleagues, and they work as much as I do, stand behind me on stage, play. So my conscience does not allow me to rip them off.

21:22 — REGNUM The Mariinsky Theater, the Moscow Art Academic Theater named after A.P. Chekhov and the Maly Theater were among the cultural institutions with the highest paid managers. This is evidenced by data published by the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation on the average monthly salaries of managers, deputies and accountants of federal government institutions and enterprises subordinate to the Ministry of Culture for 2016.

Among the heads of cultural institutions, the highest paid, by a large margin from his colleagues, was the artistic director, director of the Mariinsky Theater Valery Gergiev. On average, he received 12 million 857 thousand 163 rubles per month in 2016.

In second place in terms of salary was the General Director of the Federal State Budgetary Institution of Culture "Russian National Library" Anton Likhomanov with a salary of 1 million 220 thousand 171 rubles. Next comes the artistic director of the St. Petersburg Academic Philharmonic. D. D. Shostakovich Yuri Temirkanov, whose average monthly salary, according to the ministry, amounted to more than 976.2 thousand rubles. Behind him is the General Director of the State Historical and Cultural Museum-Reserve "Moscow Kremlin" Elena Gagarina with a salary of 964.2 thousand rubles.

Noteworthy is the average monthly salary of the director of the Moscow Art Academic Theater. A. P. Chekhova Oleg Tabakov. In 2016, he earned almost 936 thousand rubles a month. Among the leaders is the General Director of the State Hermitage Museum Mikhail Piotrovsky from 839 thousand rubles.

Among the heads of other well-known institutions, one can single out the artistic director of the Maly Theater Yuri Solomin, who declared 746.7 thousand rubles per month. In turn, the head of the Great Moscow State Circus Edgar Zapashny earned an average of 499.7 thousand rubles per month in 2016.

Average monthly salaries of famous musicians Yuri Bashmet, director of the state symphony orchestra "New Russia" and Vladimir Spivakov, artistic director of the National Philharmonic Orchestra of Russia, amounted to 330 thousand and 347.5 thousand rubles, respectively.

Accountants of leading theaters also receive very impressive salaries: for example, the chief accountant of the Mariinsky Theater Marina Babushkina declared 632.8 thousand rubles monthly, and the theater’s deputy director for finance, chief accountant of the Moscow Theater. A. P. Chekhova Irina Sokol— 642.2 thousand rubles.

In third place with a noticeable lag is Anna Fuer from the State Theater of Nations with 337 thousand rubles, followed by Larisa Lobanova from the Yekaterinburg State Academic Opera and Ballet Theater with an average salary of 327.2 thousand rubles per month.

Finally, the top five highest paid accountants are Lyubov Stupchikova from the Moscow State Academic Children's Musical Theater named after. N.I. Sats - she earned 238.4 thousand rubles per month. According to calculations by the Ural Meridian news agency, the average salary for accountants of cultural institutions included in the list of the Ministry of Culture is about 226 thousand rubles per month.

Meanwhile, the director of Satyricon was among the lowest paid theater artistic directors. Konstantin Raikin, who received an average of 247.5 thousand rubles monthly. At the same time, the accountant of Satyricon Irina Miroshnikova earned 92.7 thousand rubles per month.

Let us note that there is also a case when the chief accountant received more in 2016 than the director of the institution - this situation arose in the Yekaterinburg Opera and Ballet Theater. There's a director there Andrey Shishkin earned an average of 272.5 thousand rubles, while an accountant Larisa Lobanova received 1.2 times more - more than 327.2 thousand rubles per month

The website of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation published information on the income, average monthly salary and property of the heads of cultural institutions subordinate to the Ministry for 2016. Chief of the Mariinsky Theater Valery Gergiev with an average monthly salary of 12 million rubles. significantly ahead of his fellow managers in terms of income.

Valery Gergiev declared an income of 154.45 million rubles in 2016, while he owns three land plots ranging from 1,780 to 29,215 square meters. m, a house and five apartments. The director of the Bolshoi Theater, Vladimir Urin, for comparison, declared an income of 8.368 million rubles, and he personally owns only half of a single apartment. The income of Vladimir Kekhman, the head of the country's third musical theater in the federal "table of ranks" - the Novosibirsk Opera and Ballet Theater - amounted to 13.730 million rubles. In addition to owning an apartment of 226 sq. m, Mr. Kekhman, according to information from the Ministry of Culture, uses a room in a dormitory.

It is worth noting that, in accordance with the data provided by the ministry, Valery Gergiev earns exclusively at the Mariinsky Theater: there his monthly salary is 12.857 million rubles, that is, performing fees simply do not fit into the declared amount of annual income. Vladimir Urin, whose average monthly salary at the Bolshoi is 559 thousand rubles, additionally earns less than 1 million rubles. in year. And Vladimir Kekhman has a more substantial salary (his salary is 470 thousand rubles; apparently, this is added to the salary at the Mikhailovsky Theater, which, due to its status, is not taken into account in the documents of the Ministry of Culture).

In second place in the list of successful managers was the artistic director of the Maly Drama Theater Lev Dodin with an income of 112.77 million rubles. with a monthly salary of 116 thousand rubles. The third place was taken by the artistic director of the National Philharmonic Orchestra Vladimir Spivakov - his income was 76.14 million rubles, and his average monthly salary was 347.5 thousand rubles. The fourth place was taken by the artistic director of the Moscow Art Theater. Chekhov Oleg Tabakov (68.75 million rubles in annual income, 936 thousand rubles in monthly salary), in fifth place is the director of the Arkhangelskoye museum-estate Vadim Zadorozhny (46.76 million rubles and 186 thousand rubles, respectively)

The top ten also included the artistic director of the St. Petersburg Academic Philharmonic. Shostakovich Yuri Temirkanov, who earned 43.882 million rubles in 2016. with a salary of 976 thousand rubles, artistic director of the Theater of Nations Evgeny Mironov (37.402 million rubles, salary 458 thousand rubles), artistic director of the State Symphony Orchestra “New Russia” Yuri Bashmet (35.533 million rubles of income with a salary of 330 thousand rubles .), artistic director of the State Academic Symphony Orchestra Vladimir Yurovsky (annual earnings of 34.041 million rubles and salary of 350 thousand rubles) and rector of VGIK Vladimir Malyshev (33.437 million rubles of income and 482 thousand rubles of salary).

If we turn to the museum industry, the example of director-businessman Vadim Zadorozhny, for obvious reasons, seems to be an exception: in general, heads of museum institutions declare income that slightly exceeds their annual salary (or does not exceed it at all). The salaries of museum managers also do not show such a spread as in the case of musical theaters. The only exceptions that look exceptional against the general museum background are the salaries of the director of the Kremlin museums Elena Gagarina (964 thousand rubles) and the director of the State Hermitage Mikhail Piotrovsky (839 thousand rubles). Otherwise, the salary range for museum directors throughout the country is 100–500 thousand rubles, and in each specific case the salary does not always directly correspond to the importance, central location or prestige of a given museum. Thus, the director of the Historical Museum Alexey Levykin in 2016 received an average of 494 thousand rubles. per month, director of the Tretyakov Gallery Zelfira Tregulova - 436 thousand rubles, but director of the Pushkin Museum named after. Pushkina Marina Loshak - 198 thousand rubles. At the same time, the average monthly salary of the director of the Kizhi Museum-Reserve was 330 thousand rubles, and the director of the Russian Museum Vladimir Gusev was 272 thousand rubles.