Airlines are in favor of maintaining the free baggage allowance. Blue wars and eternal secrets Ivan Batanov and Mikhail Dvoretsky

Sergey Lazarev is known to many since the days of the popular duet “Smash!!”. Now he has a solo career. In addition, he often becomes the winner of various competitions and projects, and also works in theater and cinema. In this article we will tell you who Lazarev is and the most interesting facts from his life.


Biography of Sergei Lazarev

1. Born on April 1, 1983 in Moscow. The boy's parents divorced and Sergei grew up without a father. Until the age of 9, he was involved in gymnastics, after which he decided to devote his free time to theater and music. The boy often performed in small productions and was a member of a children's ensemble. From the age of 12 he participated in the famous “Fidgets” and attended music festivals. The school where Sergei studied has now organized a museum dedicated to the star. In high school, the guy devoted a lot of time to the school KVN team and was its captain. After school, Sergei studied in the workshop of Roman Kozak and often acted in plays.

Career of Sergei Lazarev

2. In 2000, Sergei’s best friend Vlad Topalov suggested recording a ballad in French, which became very popular in Russia and abroad. At this moment, it was decided to form a duet and sign a contract with a recording studio. In 2002, the guys participated in the “New Wave” competition and became winners. From this moment on, they began active touring, filming videos and recording new albums, which immediately became platinum. It’s interesting that the guys have become popular not only in Russia, but also abroad, as well as in Asian countries.

3. In 2004, to the incredible disappointment of fans, Sergei announced his departure from the group and began a solo career. He records a record with 12 English-language compositions, many of which remain on the Russian and foreign charts for a long time. Afterwards he participates in festivals and competitions, where he receives high marks and first places.

10. In 2017, it became known that Lazarev has a son, whom he has been diligently hiding from the press for 2 years. The boy's name is Nikita. In his honor, Sergei got a tattoo on his neck. The child was born from a surrogate mother.


11. For a long time it was believed that the singer was in a romantic relationship with director Mikhail Dvoretsky and dancer Evgeny Gorenyatenko. This information was confirmed by a famous TV presenter and a popular music manager. Sergei called the rumors ordinary revenge for the fact that he once spoke negatively about the work of the channel.

12. In 2012, Sergei threatened to sue the creator of the social network VKontakte, Pavel Durov, for illegal distribution of audio recordings. In response, Durov actually deleted all audio recordings of Sergei Lazarev. Instead of the traditional pop-up sign stating that this was done at the request of the artist, a pop-up window appeared stating that the song was removed due to lack of cultural value, as well as poor quality of the recording.

At the regular meeting of the State Duma Committee on Regional Policy and Problems of the North and the Far East on February 8, the topic of increasing the availability of air travel and expanding the airport network in the Far East was again discussed, reports.

The work of the committee was attended by the director of the network and revenue management department of Aeroflot - Russian Airlines PJSC Ivan Batanov and the head of the regulatory support department of the Department of State Policy in the Field of Civil Aviation of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation Andrey Ivanov.

Deputies of the Committee on the North proposed to the government of the country to increase the volume of subsidies for the transportation of passengers from the Far East to the European part of the country and back. The annual need for budgetary funds over the past three years significantly exceeds the amount of budgetary allocations allocated for the implementation of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 29, 2009.

In addition, to provide measures to support domestic aircraft manufacturers for small aviation in order to solve transport problems for the transportation of passengers and cargo on local and regional air routes in the Far Eastern Federal District.

“The Ministry of Transport, together with the Ministry of Eastern Development of Russia, as representatives of these ministries informed us, are currently working on issues of expanding the list of beneficiaries who have the right to purchase air tickets for air transportation at subsidized rates from the Far East to the European part of the country and back,” comments Oksana Bondar .

As the deputy noted, Aeroflot representative Ivan Batanov said that this measure also requires an increase in funding, as well as an increase in the subsidy period. And in total, according to the calculations of the main air carrier for Kolyma, all such proposals require an increase in the allocation of funds at least twice.

In addition to those that are already being developed, Oksana Bondar made a number of new proposals to representatives of the Russian Ministry of Transport and Aeroflot PJSC, which she received from her Kolyma voters.

One of these is about the possibility of returning air tickets at their full cost, without a fine, if the passenger was unable to get to the airport due to extreme weather conditions (this fact must be confirmed by a certificate from the territorial administration).

Another is the need to introduce at least one flight on the Magadan-Moscow route to Domodedovo airport and, accordingly, back. Residents of the territory have repeatedly approached their deputy in the State Duma with such a proposal, citing as an example the fact that planes fly from Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky to Domodedovo. For many Kolyma residents, arriving at this airport is more convenient for further travel than from Vnukovo and Sheremetyevo, where the Aeroflot subsidiary Rossiya delivers.

Oksana Bondar adopted the third proposal after a recent meeting with airline cashiers in Magadan. They have to listen to a lot of complaints from transit passengers who buy tickets at “flat” fares from the Kolyma capital to the capital in order to proceed further. Instead of one ticket, they are issued two, and in Moscow they have to collect their luggage and then check it in again before boarding the onward flight. Passengers traveling at the regular transit fare cost one ticket and make the transfer lightly.

“The head of the relevant Aeroflot department, Ivan Batanov, assured that all these proposals made in the interests of passengers in our remote region will be studied by the company in order to develop a constructive solution,” summed up the deputy chairman of the State Duma Committee on Regional Policy and Problems of the North and Far East.

Oksana Bondar also made a proposal to tighten control over the sale of subsidized tickets, taking into account the fact that last year on June 1, their sale had already been stopped. Regular publication (at least on airline websites) of information on ticket sales broken down by flight is necessary, the parliamentarian believes. At the same time, the representative of the Ministry of Transport, Andrei Ivanov, assured that the contract that Rosaviation concludes with the airline when providing a subsidy provides for reporting documentation that is very carefully checked. He added that 7.1 billion rubles were allocated for the program for subsidizing passenger transportation in 2018, designed for 1.5 million passengers, which is 200 million more than last year.

At the end of the committee’s work, Oksana Bondar supported her proposals made at the meeting with parliamentary requests addressed to the heads of the Ministry of Transport and PJSC Aeroflot.

Sergei Lazarev continues to hide
The personal life of 32-year-old singer Sergei Lazarev has always been a secret, shrouded in darkness. The exception is a 4-year demonstrative “romance” with TV presenter Lera Kudryavtseva, which lasted from 2008 to 2012. In his numerous interviews, Lazarev tirelessly talks about the female sex, that he is only interested in the strong and purposeful, and that he does not accept nannies and capricious young ladies, and talks about his dizzying novels and love triangles, but never names names, because personal life, in his opinion, should be kept secret. “Otherwise, a bunch of questions, speculations, rumors immediately begin, and then quarrels ensue. After all, when people are happy, it infuriates everyone,” says the singer. And some suspected that the truth lay somewhere else, namely, that Sergei Lazarev was simply not interested in not only capricious women, but any women in general. They started talking about this on the sidelines almost from the very beginning of his career, when Lazarev was still part of the Smash!! duo. Such rumors became even more significant after he began his solo career - near the singer all the time there was a man named Mikhail Dvoretsky (at the moment he is in a completely open relationship with Aeroflot airline representative Ivan Batanov), who presented himself to the public as a concert director of Sergei, but in fact they were connected by something more. It was rumored that the men met in a nightclub, and then began to live in Sergei’s apartment. They hung out together at the New Wave competition, where they even swapped wardrobe items. In parallel with this, society watched Lazarev’s stormy “romance” with Kudryavtseva, but when the sweet couple shared photos from a vacation somewhere in the Maldives on their pages on social networks, the third hero of these trips always remained behind the scenes - Mikhail, whom Sergei called best friend, assistant, advisor, right hand, director and part of the brain. His presence was indicated either by a shadow in the photograph or by a reflection in glasses or a shop window.
Unambiguous statements
The scandalous journalist Otar Kushanashvili, who always knew how to cut the truth straight from the shoulder, did not believe in the great love of Lera and Sergei. “The aggressively created myth of “Kudryavtsev and Lazarev” would not be so funny if I had not known Lera from the moment I arrived in Moscow. Since fire and water, ice and flame will never meet, there will never be an alliance between those who belong to the same caste. Sparks cannot flare up between Lazarev and Lera, because they are interested in the same objects of desire. Therefore, I would like to say in a lapidary, concise, succinct and catchy way: both need guys!” There was no doubt that Otar was telling the truth after Lera unexpectedly married hockey player Igor Makarov in the summer of 2013 - and this was just a few months after the “breakup” with Sergei!

It was the case that even Alla Pugacheva herself unequivocally hinted that Lazarev should not rush into marriage, because he needed a friend, a life partner. “Because all these sex shmex, they come and go. Well, to give birth to a child, you can try once, even two or three times. But, in principle, this is not why a person is needed in life. I know that you have a friend and assistant Misha. And I just congratulate you on the fact that he loves you very much and helps you,” the Diva said on the radio.

Gay magazine and gay clubs
There are still some details hidden in Sergei's past. For example, at the beginning of his career, he posed for the cover of the British gay magazine ZONE, but when the editors of the weekly asked Sergei to take a photo with the magazine in his hands, the singer cheated and, as if by accident, blocked the word GAY with two fingers of his left hand. Thus, “the most popular regional gay magazine” became “the most popular regional magazine.” Lazarev has also performed more than once and continues to perform in gay clubs, which, naturally, he justifies with the words that gays are a large audience that cannot be deprived. “I don’t divide people by nationality or orientation. For me, as an artist, people are spectators, very different, but spectators, and it doesn’t matter to me at all who they come home with and sleep with. The main thing is that they like my music and like me." At the same time, Lazarev has always been against the ban on gay propaganda, noting that homosexuals are an important part of society, which all normal people have known for a long time. “Among them there are inventors, composers, politicians. Tchaikovsky's music was played at the opening of the Universiade in Kazan. Maybe we should ban it too? Incredible stupidity. Let's say that by the age of 16 a young man begins to realize his sexual identity. Can't I ask him about this? It turns out that he is forbidden to make a choice. I feel sorry for the people who find themselves hostages in this situation. Both gay boys and girls. Same-sex marriage is legal throughout the world. Among my friends and fans there are also gays. Glad to see them at my concerts. I have performed in gay clubs more than once, and not only in our country. This is a bright, responsive audience. But for those who have not traveled outside their village, it is difficult to understand this.”
New love
Returning to Mikhail Dvoretsky, it must be said that a couple of years ago he and Sergei brought their relationship to naught (but Mikhail is still his concert director), but now none of them while away the time alone. According to rumors, Dmitry Kuznetsov (32), general director of the aviation company Sky Jet, became Lazarev’s new support approximately 2.5 years ago, who, during his communication with the singer, became like two peas in a pod like Lazarev himself. Together, the men created the Poodle Strudel confectionery, which makes delicious and healthy desserts for dogs and cats. At the beginning of this relationship, Kuznetsov even shared photos of them together from their vacation, but even without them, nimble journalists could easily expose their time together - on their blogs they often posted photos from the same events or resorts: for example, this winter they both shared almost identical photographs taken on Miami Beach, on airplanes and at lunch. And although most of Lazarev’s fans still believe in office romances with his colleagues Ani Lorak, Polina Gagarina, Ekaterina Varnava (each of whom has their own men), there are those who urge Sergei not to be afraid of anything and to live a full life, because this they will not love him any less.

Our hero today is the producer of Sergei Lazarev - Mikhail Dvoretsky. You will find a photo of this man, as well as his detailed biography, below. When watching television and meeting famous people there, viewers often do not think about who creates the image for these celebrities. It is worth asking the question about who made it possible for actors and singers to gain universal recognition and realize their talent. Most often, the audience takes everything literally and credits the speaker with all the credit. However, this is not always true. Often someone directs certain celebrity opportunities in the right direction, supervises creativity, and helps them gain popularity. The director of Sergei Lazarev, Mikhail Dvoretsky, is one of these people. At the same time, for many he remains a dark horse, since he avoids publicity, does not like to be photographed and is extremely reluctant to give interviews. But something is still known about him.

Pages from life

Mikhail Dvoretsky is a producer about whom very little is known. The biography of this person is not covered in too much detail in the media, in particular, this concerns the early years of his life. Mikhail Dvoretsky was born in 1978, on June 14. Our hero lost his father as a child, so his grandmother and mother took care of his upbringing. Our hero does not have a higher education. He graduated from high school and began working as a bartender. It was necessary to feed the family, because he became the only man for his grandmother and mother. In 2002, our hero’s life changed dramatically.

Show business

Mikhail Dvoretsky proved himself as the director of Sergei Lazarev. This gets very mixed reviews. The reason is the vagueness of their relationship. However, we should first discuss how these two people met. Let's talk about this further.


There are two versions of the circumstances of the meeting. According to the first, Mikhail Dvoretsky very often watched the performances of the Smash group on TV. And the “dark” participant interested him most of all. And so, during the presentation of the Tatu album, our hero approached Lazarev and gave him his phone number. Moreover, there is an opinion that it was because of the producer that the Smash team broke up. Topalov’s father gave the project participants a choice: either the team remains or Dvoretsky remains. Sergey Lazarev made a decision in favor of his new acquaintance. The second version says that the musician and producer met in a Moscow club. According to a number of statements, Mikhail was trying to attract the attention of a Smash member. Which version is true is known only to the musician himself and his producer. It is obvious that the men began to maintain close relationships.


After meeting, Mikhail Dvoretsky devoted a lot of time to the celebrity. According to Leonid Dzyunik, a former producer, a friend brought Sergei to classes and rehearsals, and took him home in the evening. Our hero did not leave the singer at home and was preparing dinner. Due to his departure from the Smash group, Sergey Lazarev ceased to interest anyone. His songs were no longer accepted on radio stations. Nobody invited him to speak. Then a new close friend began to help him, who turned into the main priority in the singer’s life. Our hero received the position of “concert director”. This status gave him responsibilities, and also explained his constant presence next to Sergei. Thanks to the efforts of the director, as well as his connections in show business, the singer began to appear on the radio waves again. The producer did an excellent job. He made monetary contributions to the further development of the performer’s career, and also contributed to the return of popularity and reaching a new level. Our hero became more than a producer, he took care of Lazarev, helped him feel like an accomplished pop singer. But the professional relationship between the two men did not end.

Personal life

The closeness between the producer and his protégé was not limited to work. Some time after the meeting, Mikhail began to live with Sergei. At first this fact was reliably hidden. The singer used to leave the house so that he would not be suspected of having an affair with his lover. He feared gossip and the loss of his fans, especially female ones. But after a while, the men stopped paying attention to the condemnation and began to appear together in public places, boldly holding hands. To emphasize the closeness even more, the young people changed clothes. After 2 years, the musician began a relationship with Lera Kudryavtseva. They traveled abroad together on vacation, went to social events and shops. At the receptions, the young people seemed in love and inseparable. There were even rumors about the girl’s pregnancy. Few people know that this was just a PR stunt, and our hero was the man who accompanied the “lovers” everywhere. After breaking up with Kudryavtseva, Sergei falls in love with a dancer from her stage group. This causes a complete break between the musician and our hero.

Our hero found love in the person of Ivan Batanov, a representative of Aeroflot airline. Young people are not shy about showing their relationships in public, they go on vacation abroad and are not afraid of condemnation.

Our hero is a master of his craft. He helped Sergei Lazarev reach the peak of fame, when everyone turned their backs on the musician. The singer owes a lot to his ex-producer. Our hero noted that he does not agree when he is called pretentious and arrogant, but he knows his worth. Now you know who Mikhail Dvoretsky is. His photo is attached to this material.

Dolce&Gabbana against “synthetic” children

In March, a real scandal broke out between the Dolce&Gabbana company and the British rock singer and composer Elton John (68). It's no secret that both Elton John and the founders of the Italian fashion house, fashion designers Domenico Dolce (56) and Stefano Gabbana (52), are representatives of sexual minorities, but their views on life are very different. Thus, the reason for the past scandal was the statement of Domenico and Stefano that children born through in vitro fertilization (IVF) by female donors are artificial and synthetic. “A child must have a mom and dad, at least that’s always been the case. The seed from which they were born is selected from a catalogue. This is wildness. No chemical offspring or queens for rent, life should go as it goes, and there are things that cannot be changed. Very soon, psychiatrists may face the consequences of these experiments,” the designers said. It is not surprising that these words hurt Sir Elton so much, because his two offspring were born in exactly this way. The first boy, Zachary, was born in December 2010, and the second, Elijah, was born in January 2013.

A few days after the boycott of Dolce&Gabbana was announced, Elton was spotted with a package from this brand. Couldn't stand it?

Elton is not raising his children alone, but together with his partner, film director David Furnish, with whom he has been together for 20 years. The musician did not ignore the provocation of Dolce and Gabbana and wrote a very harsh message on his page on the social network: “How dare you call my children synthetic! You disgrace yourself by condemning in vitro fertilization - a miracle that has allowed millions of loving people, heterosexuals and homosexuals, to realize their dream of having children. Your archaic way of thinking is as behind the times as your fashion.

Elton John and David Furnish are parents to 4-year-old Zachary and 2-year-old Elijah.

I will never wear Dolce&Gabbana again."

Elton's emotional statement was also joined by singer Ricky Martin, who is not only homosexual, but also a single father. He advised Dolce and Gabbana to stop spreading hatred in the world: “Wake up, it’s 2015!” And actress and singer Courtney Love even intended to burn all the things of this Italian brand! In the end, under the hashtag #BoycottDolceGabbana one could find a thousand photographs of the children of ordinary people who were able to become parents only thanks to IVF.

“Dear #DolceAndGabbana, I'm sorry you think that way. Here are my beloved “synthetic” children,” angry people wrote one after another.

Gabbana acted wisely and did not continue the quarrel, noting only that neither he nor his colleague intended to condemn anyone. “We believe in democracy and the principle of freedom of expression that it implies. We expressed our opinions, but in no way condemned anyone. We are for peace and love,” said the fashion designer.

“Young and hot” designers had to go through a lot on their way - for example, coming to terms with the fact that they would never have children

You yourself dreamed of children

By the way, many years ago Domenico and Stefano themselves thought about children and dreamed of hearing the cherished word “dad”. But due to strict beliefs that children should grow up in a full-fledged family, their desires were never realized. They talked quite a lot about children and managed to describe in all colors life with charming kids, which, alas, never became real. “I would like to have not one child, a son, but five or ten, an entire football team,” Domenico dreamed. - I like big families, I like the chaos at the table, the noise of plates, glasses - this is a family. I had everything in life that I could have, but I have a small drawback: I am gay, I am not given the opportunity to have a son, and this is what I thought. I could take in an adopted son or do it abroad somehow, but I'm afraid the child might feel like he's being used."

Stefano also dreamed of giving his son a home and a family - a mother who could live on the floor above or in another house, as happens with divorced parents... “But my son must have a father and a mother. I'm looking for a cultured and decent person who will go all this way. I know that artificial insemination can be done in many places, including Switzerland. I consulted with specialists from the USA on the issue of transplanting my sperm to a surrogate mother. But this is not the same... After all, a child should be the result of the love of two people.”

Despite the fact that Stefano and Domenico broke up more than ten years ago, they can easily have lunch as colleagues and just friends

They knew this from childhood

The future world icons realized that they were “not like everyone else” in childhood. During his school years, Stefano suffered for a long time from the fact that he could not tell his mother about his love for his classmate. “Since I was a child, I played with Barbie, my mother understands such things. Then someone told her, and I found myself in a terrible situation. She took this turn of events negatively, threw me hysterical, and started crying. Her main problem was: what will the neighbors say?” Domenico had another, funnier story, which he still remembers: “My mother is Sicilian, when she was 50, she was fantastically beautiful. I remember her and my sister at that moment when they were washing the dishes. I came up and said, “You know, I’m gay.” Mom asked: “What does this mean?” I replied: “That I like men.” She laughed and said that I would get over it. She lifted such a burden from me that I returned to Milan with a lighter soul and started dating guys.”

Giorgio is sure that a man, whoever he is, should look like a man

“A homosexual should not dress femininely”

80-year-old Italian designer Giordio Armani has long gone down in the history of world fashion - his opinion is listened to, his advice is remembered, and the designer himself, in turn, is not afraid to express his point of view on any topic. Armani does not like to talk except about his personal life, because for him it is too secret a topic. “And I also don’t want to show off other people who were part of my life,” Giorgio once admitted. But, despite this, he never hid the fact that he belongs to people with a non-traditional sexual orientation.

His past is fraught with many interesting and even tragic things. The fact is that Armani has been fascinated by the topic of clothing since childhood, but he was helped to create his own brand by the Italian architect Sergio Galeotti, who eventually became not only his business partner, but also his life partner. Their acquaintance took place at the resort of Forte dei Marmi, and at that moment Sergio immediately recognized his new acquaintance as a genius. Who knows how long their relationship would have lasted if something terrible had not happened - in 1984, Galeotti was diagnosed with AIDS, and a year later the man was no longer in this world. The death of a faithful comrade was such a big shock for Armani that he even thought about closing his entire business, but in the end he was able to overcome the loss and start a new life. “After the death of Sergio Galeotti, it was very difficult at first. But then I even liked being an entrepreneur. You know more than you think, and you can do more than you know. Instead of closing the company, I learned to do what he did. Don’t underestimate your own internal strengths,” Armani reasoned.

Armani doesn't like it when men work their muscles too hard, and he himself is quite consistent with his beliefs

Despite the fact that Giorgio is an open homosexual, he adheres to fairly conservative views in almost everything related to the appearance of men and women, and believes that gay people should under no circumstances loudly announce who they are . “A homosexual is also one hundred percent a man, and he should not dress femininely. When a person dresses in such a way as to demonstrate with his entire appearance, “Oh, look, I’m a homosexual,” this is alien to me. A man must remain a man,” said the king of fashion. And that’s not all - Armani believes that recently representatives of the stronger half of humanity have begun to look too sporty - men, they say, have started playing with going to the gym: “I like healthy, strong, those who take care of their body, but not exercises the muscles too hard.”

Sergio Galeotti was Armani's faithful lover and colleague

Against artificial women

If we talk about women and their “cockroaches”, then here too Giorgio does not accept anything unnatural and artificial. Once he even noted that he was unable to adjust dresses to the figure of some ladies from Beverly Hills, since it was impossible to make allowances so that the dress would fit on their silicone breasts. “Small breasts don’t have to get bigger. I prefer to look at women created by nature. A woman should have the courage to grow old, she shouldn’t desperately try to look younger.” Armani is sure that over time a woman’s body becomes better, because she goes to work, gives birth to children, so she has character. The designer advised us to learn from Cate Blanchett, a mother of four children, who has repeatedly stated that she is unlikely to ever decide to undergo plastic surgery.

Sergei Lazarev tried very hard to demonstrate his ardent feelings for Lera Kudryavtseva, but it was not always possible to do this naturally

Sergei Lazarev continues to hide

The personal life of 32-year-old singer Sergei Lazarev has always been a secret, shrouded in darkness. The exception is a 4-year demonstrative “romance” with TV presenter Lera Kudryavtseva, which lasted from 2008 to 2012. In his numerous interviews, Lazarev tirelessly talks about the female sex, that he is only interested in the strong and purposeful, and that he does not accept nannies and capricious young ladies, and talks about his dizzying novels and love triangles, but never names names, because personal life, in his opinion, should be kept secret. “Otherwise, a bunch of questions, speculations, rumors immediately begin, and then quarrels ensue. After all, when people are happy, it infuriates everyone,” says the singer. And some suspected that the truth lay in something else, namely, that Sergei Lazarev was simply not interested in not only capricious women, but any women in general. They started talking about this on the sidelines almost from the very beginning of his career, when Lazarev was still part of the Smash!! duo. Such rumors became even more significant after he began his solo career - near the singer all the time there was a man named Mikhail Dvoretsky (at the moment he is in a completely open relationship with Aeroflot airline representative Ivan Batanov), who presented himself to the public as a concert director of Sergei, but in fact they were connected by something more.

Over time, Vladimir Kuznetsov and Sergei became literally copies of each other!

It was rumored that the men met in a nightclub, and then began to live in Sergei’s apartment. They hung out together at the New Wave competition, where they even swapped wardrobe items. In parallel with this, society watched Lazarev’s stormy “romance” with Kudryavtseva, but when the sweet couple shared photos from a vacation somewhere in the Maldives on their pages on social networks, the third hero of these trips always remained behind the scenes - Mikhail, whom Sergei called best friend, assistant, advisor, right hand, director and part of the brain. His presence was indicated either by a shadow in the photograph or by a reflection in glasses or a shop window.

This is how Vladimir was before meeting Lazarev

Unambiguous statements

The scandalous journalist Otar Kushanashvili, who always knew how to cut the truth straight from the shoulder, did not believe in the great love of Lera and Sergei. “The aggressively created myth of “Kudryavtsev and Lazarev” would not be so funny if I had not known Lera from the moment I arrived in Moscow. Since fire and water, ice and flame will never meet, there will never be an alliance between those who belong to the same caste. Sparks cannot flare up between Lazarev and Lera, because they are interested in the same objects of desire. Therefore, I would like to say in a lapidary, concise, succinct and catchy way: both need guys!” There was no doubt that Otar was telling the truth after Lera unexpectedly married hockey player Igor Makarov in the summer of 2013 - and this was just a few months after the “breakup” with Sergei!

Now Lazarev’s former passion Mikhail Dvoretsky is in a relationship with Aeroflot airline representative Ivan Batanov, and does not hide it at all

It was the case that even Alla Pugacheva herself unequivocally hinted that Lazarev should not rush into marriage, because he needed a friend, a life partner. “Because all these sex shmex, they come and go. Well, to give birth to a child, you can try once, even two or three times. But, in principle, this is not why a person is needed in life. I know that you have a friend and assistant Misha. And I just congratulate you on the fact that he loves you very much and helps you,” the Diva said on the radio.

Some of Lazarev's stage costumes are reminiscent of the images of the openly homosexual American singer Adam Lambert

Gay magazine and gay clubs

There are still some details hidden in Sergei's past. For example, at the beginning of his career, he posed for the cover of the British gay magazine ZONE, but when the editors of the weekly asked Sergei to take a photo with the magazine in his hands, the singer cheated and, as if by accident, blocked the word GAY with two fingers of his left hand. Thus, “the most popular regional gay magazine” became “the most popular regional magazine.” Lazarev also performed and continues to perform in gay clubs more than once, which, naturally, he justifies with the words that gays are a large audience that cannot be deprived. “I don’t divide people by nationality or orientation. For me, as an artist, people are spectators, very different, but spectators, and it doesn’t matter to me at all who they come home with and sleep with. The main thing is that they like my music and like me." At the same time, Lazarev has always been against the ban on gay propaganda, noting that homosexuals are an important part of society, which all normal people have known for a long time. “Among them there are inventors, composers, politicians.

A year ago, Kuznetsov was not afraid to publish joint photographs with Lazarev on his page, but now it is taboo

Tchaikovsky's music was played at the opening of the Universiade in Kazan. Maybe we should ban it too? Incredible stupidity. Let's say that by the age of 16 a young man begins to realize his sexual identity. Can't I ask him about this? It turns out that he is forbidden to make a choice. I feel sorry for the people who find themselves hostages in this situation. Both gay boys and girls. Same-sex marriage is legal throughout the world. Among my friends and fans there are also gays. Glad to see them at my concerts. I have performed in gay clubs more than once, and not only in our country. This is a bright, responsive audience. But for those who have not traveled outside their village, it is difficult to understand this.”

Lazarev’s “stormy romance” with Kudryavtseva boiled down to one thing: where Lera appeared, Misha did not sleep there either!

New love

Returning to Mikhail Dvoretsky, it must be said that a couple of years ago he and Sergei brought their relationship to naught (but Mikhail is still his concert director), but now none of them while away the time alone. According to rumors, Dmitry Kuznetsov (32), general director of the aviation company Sky Jet, became Lazarev’s new support approximately 2.5 years ago, who, during his communication with the singer, became like two peas in a pod like Lazarev himself. Together, the men created the Poodle Strudel confectionery, which makes delicious and healthy desserts for dogs and cats. At the beginning of this relationship, Kuznetsov even shared photos of them together from their vacation, but even without them, nimble journalists could easily expose their time together - on their blogs they often posted photos from the same events or resorts: for example, this winter they both shared almost identical photographs taken on Miami Beach, on airplanes and at lunch. And although most of Lazarev’s fans still believe in office romances with his colleagues Ani Lorak, Polina Gagarina, Ekaterina Varnava (each of whom has their own men), there are those who urge Sergei not to be afraid of anything and to live a full life, because this they will not love him any less.

An oncologist who wrote a farewell letter a few days ago has died