Is treating cervical erosion at home effective? Cervical erosion treatment Methods for treating cervical erosion

Cervical erosion is a pathology of the cervix caused by an active inflammatory process. The erosive area is externally represented by a defect in the wall of the mucous membrane of the uterine cervix at the place of its transition into the vagina.

This defect can be characterized as a wound surface devoid of epithelial cells.

Erosion can become an entry point for infection to the higher reproductive organs and cause the development of infectious and inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs.

What cervical erosion is, how this pathology manifests itself, and how to deal with it will be discussed in more depth below.

Causes of cervical erosion

The causes of cervical erosion are quite varied. The following come to the fore:

  • acute and chronic infectious diseases of the reproductive system. The causative agents of these diseases can be: staphylococci, enterococci , streptococci, Escherichia coli, . Fungal infections (candidiasis), especially in chronic form, can also cause the development of an erosive process;
  • previous exposure to certain chemicals: intimate hygiene products, lubricants;
  • traumatic injury to the uterine cervix due to:
    • performing gynecological diagnostic, therapeutic and other manipulations - curettage, abortion, childbirth;
    • aggressive sexual intercourse.

Provoking factors for the development of the disease

Factors that are not direct etiological causes, but significantly increase the risk of developing pathology, are:

  • early intimacy, when the full formation of all cellular structures has not occurred (incomplete maturation of the mucous membrane), and hormonal balance has not been established;
  • primary and secondary immunodeficiencies;
  • diseases accompanied by hormonal imbalance;
  • poor genital hygiene.

Cervical erosion, the causes of which can be both external (trauma) and internal (infections), is most common in those women who are most susceptible to the above predisposing factors.

Symptoms of cervical erosion

Signs of cervical erosion can have varying degrees of severity. Some women, regardless of age, do not even suspect that they have this pathology, since clinical symptoms are absent or completely scarce.

Others highlight vivid symptoms characteristic of diseases of the reproductive system.

The clinical symptoms of the disease are based on the following phenomena:

  • discharge from the genital tract with impurities of a characteristic brown or yellowish tint, not associated with a specific phase of the cycle (see photo above);
  • discomfort, varying degrees of intensity, itching, burning, accompanying the process of urination;
  • vaginal dryness;
  • pain and discomfort during sexual intercourse;
  • liquid, fairly abundant discharge of a green, yellow color with a sharp, rather unpleasant odor, as well as pain over the womb of a pulling nature appear when the cause of erosion is an acute inflammatory process;
  • spotting brown discharge outside of menstruation itself, which was not there before, is observed when inflammation spreads to the area of ​​the uterine wall and appendages.

Even if the patient has no symptoms of cervical erosion, but upon examination the doctor discovers a brightly colored spot that is significantly distinguished from the surrounding tissues, then the need for a detailed examination increases significantly.


Having an idea of ​​what an erosive lesion is, attention should be paid to the types of pathological process. So, depending on the reasons for the appearance and nature, all damage to the mucous membrane of the uterine cervix can be divided into 2 large groups:

  • true erosion– violation of the integrity of normal epithelium;
  • pseudo-erosion or ectopia– characterized by abnormal (not necessarily pathological) development of the mucosal epithelium. That is, there is some shift in the border zone between the cells of the epithelium lining the uterine canal (here it is single-layered) and the epithelium that is located on the surface of the vaginal part of the cervix (multilayered). In many cases, ectopia is not dangerous, but is a normal physiological state of women at different age periods of life.

Sometimes you can come across the concept of congenital erosion of the cervix. In this case, we are also talking about ectopia, which does not have a negative effect on a woman’s health.

Among all true erosions, several groups of pathological processes can also be distinguished, the causes of which can also vary from hormonal imbalances to mechanical damage. These include:

  • endometriosis– displacement with overlapping of cells of the uterus and cervical canal of different cytological structures;
  • ectropion– displacement of the epithelial zone that lines the mucous membrane of the cervical canal into the vaginal cavity. It is a consequence of intense mechanical impact (late abortions, severely complicated labor);
  • leukoplakia– hardening of the epithelium in any area of ​​the mucosa;
  • polyps and condylomas of viral origin, localized in the area of ​​the cervical canal.

As for pseudo-erosions, they are classified by appearance depending on the type of growth:

  • glandular;
  • papillary;
  • cystic;
  • papillary;
  • combined.

Signs of cervical erosion may vary depending on its specific subtype and the nature of its location.


Erosion of the vagina or that part of the cervix that is closest to it - diagnoses that a doctor can first make after a manual examination in the mirrors.

However, in order to make a final diagnosis, the gynecologist should not rely only on external signs of cervical erosion and complaints made by the patient.

The diagnostic algorithm for this disease consists of conducting such laboratory and instrumental research methods as:

  • examination of a smear taken from the vagina to determine its qualitative and quantitative composition. Not only the type of pathogenic microflora (if present) is determined, but also the approximate quantitative value. In addition, this method allows you to count the number of leukocytes in a smear and approximately determine the degree of inflammation and neglect of the pathological process;
  • cytological analysis of material taken from the vagina - analysis of cells taken by scraping from different parts of the mucous membrane. With this study, altered cells can be identified;
  • full (extensive) colposcopy - used to identify cells changed by the erosive process, as well as the boundaries of the pathological focus. This method uses special dyes that change color depending on what medium they come into contact with. This is what prompts the doctor to assume a particular diagnosis. During colposcopy, iodine solution and 3% acetic acid are widely used. Discomfort and a burning sensation are brought by these solutions only if they get into areas with a wound surface or ulcers. Colposcopy is a mandatory diagnostic test when determining tumor or inflammatory processes. Uterine erosion is determined using hysteroscopy;
  • inoculation of the collected material to identify the causative agent of infection and determine its antibiotic resistance. It is carried out with the aim of prescribing the most rational therapy with a narrow-spectrum antibacterial drug;
  • , ELISA and RIF to identify the infectious agent;
  • biopsy - taking a biopsy sample (a section of affected tissue) to determine its cellular composition and identify atypical (cancerous) cells;
  • histology - allows you to evaluate the structure of cells, and if it changes, determine the possible causes of their degeneration, as well as predict the further development of the pathological process.

Additional examination is mandatory, since symptoms of cervical erosion cannot be the basis for making a final diagnosis.

Treatment of cervical erosion

Treatment of cervical erosion is determined exclusively by a qualified specialist. Methods of influence are individual for each specific patient.

Before prescribing one or another method of exposure, the doctor finds out the causes of the disease. And only after this he decides whether surgical intervention is required in this case or whether conservative methods can be used.

In addition, in most cases, the defective area, the appearance of which is provoked by traumatic damage to the mucous membrane, has a small depth of penetration, goes away on its own and does not require aggressive medication.

Symptoms and treatment of erosion are 2 interrelated concepts. After all, the clinical picture often determines the direction of pathogenetic and symptomatic therapy.

Drug therapy

Conservative treatment of true erosion is based on the use of antibacterial drugs that have a detrimental effect on the isolated microorganism in the presence of infection.

Parallel use of drugs that restore the natural microflora is considered mandatory. These include products containing lacto- and bifidobacteria.


Surgical treatment of the erosive process is prescribed within a period of time corresponding to the first week after the end of menstruation. This is because any operation must be carried out in the cleanest conditions possible.

Before carrying out any surgical intervention on the cervix (as on any other organ of the reproductive system), it is necessary to clarify the following: the good quality of the changed area, the presence of concomitant diseases.

The main methods of radical treatment of the disease are:

  • diathermocoagulation- the most effective method that guarantees complete removal of erosion (sometimes after repeated procedures). Its essence is to cauterize the affected area of ​​the mucous membrane with an electric current. The disadvantages of diathermocoagulation are considered to be an aggressive effect on the mucous membrane, leaving behind scar changes, which can subsequently prevent pregnancy and complicate childbirth. The uterine cervix loses physiological elasticity, the risk of rupture increases;
  • chemical coagulation– with this method, the eroded area is cauterized with a chemically aggressive substance. Solkovagin is most often used. This type of coagulation is used for small erosions and mainly in nulliparous young women. The disadvantages of the technique are: the lack of a 100% guarantee of complete recovery, as well as a long course of treatment, consisting of several procedures;
  • laser therapy is one of the most popular treatment methods, which is a priority for young women who are planning a pregnancy in the future. The big advantage is the absence of changes (scarring or adhesions) at the site of exposure;
  • cryotherapy– removal of erosion by cauterizing it with liquid nitrogen. The manipulation is virtually painless and may cause only mild discomfort. The rehabilitation period lasts 1 month. At this time, the patient should completely avoid sexual contact and physical activity;
  • radio wave radiation– the most gentle method of exposure, which does not require direct contact with the organ. In this case, a radio wave is sent to the changed area, which completely evaporates the damaged layer of epithelial cells. The rehabilitation period lasts about 1 month;
  • electroexcision– complete excision of the neck with a special electric knife. It is used only if the disease becomes malignant.

Surgical treatment of cervical erosion in nulliparous women of reproductive age should, if possible, be delayed until pregnancy and childbirth.

This is due to the fact that after a radical method of influencing the defect, the risk of developing secondary tubal dysfunction, functional inferiority of the cervix and, as a consequence, infertility increases.

The formation of scars and deformations on the uterine cervix at the site of removal of erosion can also significantly interfere with pregnancy.

In addition, operated erosion of the vagina and cervix can cause premature birth even during pregnancy.

Non-traditional (folk remedies)

Regardless of the cause of cervical erosion, each patient should be prescribed comprehensive treatment. The use of traditional medicine recipes is also possible after prior consultation with a qualified specialist.

Currently, the most widely used means are:

  • sea ​​buckthorn oil, which is moistened with gauze swabs and inserted deep into the vagina before bed. Sea buckthorn oil has a pronounced anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effect, and also prevents further growth of the damaged area. Use the product for 1-1.5 weeks;
  • mumiyo, which is also used to soak tampons and insert them into the genital tract. The course of treatment is 7-10 days;
  • mixture of herbs - mix oak bark, Chernobyl grass, birch leaves, chamomile flowers, eucalyptus leaves in equal proportions. 2 tbsp. Pour 500 ml of boiling water over spoons of the crushed mixture, let it brew for 2 hours under the lid, strain thoroughly. Use the resulting infusion twice a day. The course of treatment is 1-2 weeks.


As for dietary nutrition for erosion, it is recommended to exclude sweets, flour products, gluten-containing foods, marinades and citrus fruits.

You should enrich your daily diet with foods containing fiber, biokefir, and yoghurts with live lactic acid cultures.


All preventive measures aimed at preventing diseases of the genital area are based on:

  • regular examination by a gynecologist - at least once a year;
  • having a regular sexual partner;
  • treatment of acute and chronic diseases not only of the reproductive system;
  • carrying out immunoprophylaxis in the autumn-spring periods;
  • use of protective contraception.

Cervical erosion is not a death sentence, but, like any other disease, it is better to prevent than to treat.

Prognosis for patients

The prognosis for identifying erosion is favorable if it is diagnosed in the early stages of its development and treated in a timely manner.

Erosion is dangerous in women of any age because it is a favorable (provoking) factor for the development of malignancy in this place.

In addition, cystic cavities, scars, and polyps very quickly form at the site of damage, which in the future significantly complicate the possibility of achieving the desired pregnancy.

Specialty: Cardiologist, Therapist, Functional diagnostics doctor.

Cervical erosion is a defect of the ulcerative type on the mucosa. During the pathological process, normal epithelium, under the influence of any factors, is replaced by cylindrical epithelium from the cervical canal. Usually such a diagnosis does not portend anything serious. It should be said that erosion is a benign process. In extremely rare cases, it can lead to the development of cancer.


There are several types of erosion:

Signs of the disease

How can cervical erosion manifest itself? Symptoms of pathology are usually absent. In most cases, the disease is detected suddenly during an examination by a gynecologist. However, it also happens that patients turn to a specialist with complaints of bleeding. With cervical erosion, women may experience pain during sex. In some cases, inflammatory processes may join the pathology. In this case, purulent mucous discharge may be observed. Inflammation significantly worsens the course of the disease. Many women are unaware that they are developing cervical erosion. They confuse the symptoms that accompany the pathology with signs of thrush, menstruation, the threat of miscarriage, and so on. For any of the manifestations mentioned above, a woman should immediately contact a gynecologist so that cervical erosion can be detected or excluded in time. The consequences of pathology can be prevented by adequately prescribed treatment or timely prevention. Among the main complications are the progression of the infectious process, the occurrence of problems with the reproductive system, as well as the possible degeneration of a benign tumor into a malignant one.


The disease can be detected by visual examination by a gynecologist. However, as a rule, this is not enough. To understand how to treat cervical erosion, the doctor must evaluate the entire clinical picture. To do this, the specialist prescribes some additional tests. Among them:

Therapeutic measures

Today there are many options for treating cervical erosion. Therapeutic tactics will depend on the type of pathology, the size of the lesion and concomitant infections or inflammations. Before talking about how to treat cervical erosion, it should be recalled that therapeutic measures should be carried out under dynamic supervision. Congenital erosion, as mentioned above, can be eliminated on its own. Experts recommend getting rid of other types of pathology in a timely manner. Today there are two main methods for treating cervical erosion. Therapy can be conservative. In difficult cases, various surgical interventions are prescribed.

Conservative therapy

If ectopia is accompanied by an infectious or inflammatory process, treatment begins with its elimination. First of all, the specialist identifies the cause of the development of the pathology. Taking into account the identified diseases, the patient is prescribed a course of antibiotics. The drugs prescribed by the doctor usually have a wide range of therapeutic activity. In addition, anti-inflammatory drugs and immunomodulators are prescribed. It is also recommended to locally treat the cervix with drugs that can cause chemical coagulation in the affected area. Such products contain organic acids: nitric, acetic. These medications are intended only for the elimination of benign formations and are recommended to a greater extent for nulliparous patients, since after their use no scars remain. Among the disadvantages of conservative therapy, the likelihood of re-development of the pathology should be noted.

Surgical intervention

Experts recommend regular examinations by a gynecologist, and if signs of pathology appear, do not delay a visit to the doctor, since cervical erosion in advanced cases can only be treated with surgical methods. There are several ways to eliminate the defect surgically.

Types of surgical intervention

Cauterization of cervical erosion, the price of which varies from 300 to 10,000 rubles, is carried out in various ways using various means. The most common options are:

Suppositories for cervical erosion

Drugs for topical use can be prescribed both during conservative therapy and after surgical procedures. Suppositories are considered the most effective and, therefore, popular. Among the drugs, the following should be noted:

Preparing medications at home

There are quite a lot of means that can help eliminate a disease such as cervical erosion. Traditional treatment is usually used after surgery or in the early stages of pathology. To make suppositories, you should take honey - 5 tablespoons, to which you should add propolis (tincture) - 5 g. Add 150 g of butter to these components. The resulting mass is heated until smooth in a water bath. Once a homogeneous mixture is obtained, turn off the heat. The mass is cooled. After the mixture becomes warm, you need to make candles and place them in the refrigerator. There are 7-8 pieces per course. It is recommended to administer 1 suppository at night every day. Douching is also used at home. Tampons soaked in decoctions and infusions of medicinal herbs are also used. Sea buckthorn oil is also popular. It is hypoallergenic and non-toxic. It is not contraindicated during pregnancy. A cotton swab moistened with sea buckthorn oil is inserted into the vagina at night. The procedure is repeated daily for two weeks. For douching, as a rule, a two percent solution of calendula tincture is used. The procedure is carried out for ten days after visiting the toilet regularly.

Prenatal therapy

It must be said that erosion does not affect the course of pregnancy, just as ovulation does not affect the development of pathology. Surgical intervention is not performed during the prenatal period. This is due to the fact that after cauterization, childbirth will be more difficult - the cervix will stretch and open less easily. Therefore, surgical procedures should be postponed. During the prenatal period, it is allowed to use folk remedies (sea buckthorn oil, for example). But phytotampons, which have recently become increasingly popular, are contraindicated during pregnancy. If an infectious process is detected, the specialist may prescribe a course of antibiotics and local anti-inflammatory drugs. But in most cases, gynecologists simply carry out dynamic monitoring of pregnant patients with this pathology.

How dangerous is the disease?

Experts note that there is no obvious threat to a woman’s health with this pathology. Exceptions, however, are cases of complications. They can be prevented if the disease is not started. Cervical erosion can cause female infertility - damaged tissue can be an obstacle to normal fertilization. In addition, defects in the mucosa during pregnancy can contribute to its termination (miscarriage). Erosion in some cases is the cause of premature birth, colpitis and cervicitis.

Preventive measures

As you know, it is better to prevent pathology than to treat it. To protect yourself, you should follow a number of recommendations:

  1. Visit your doctor regularly (at least twice a year).
  2. Observe hygiene rules. In particular, you should shower at least twice a day, especially during menstruation.
  3. Use condoms when having sex with casual partners to prevent the spread of infections.
  4. Strive for monogamy and regular sex life.
  5. Use protection in cases where pregnancy is not planned. It should be remembered that any abortion complicates the course of the pathology and injures the cervix.

If the gynecologist has identified erosion, it is recommended to lead a healthy lifestyle. You should change pads or tampons regularly during your menstrual period (at least every three or four hours). It must be remembered that erosion contributes to the formation of an ideal environment for the development and subsequent penetration of pathogenic bacteria into the uterine cavity and ovaries.

In conclusion

It should be noted that in almost all cases (99 out of 100) erosion is treatable. The methods of influence existing today for the most part give excellent results. The main thing is to prevent relapse of the pathology. During rehabilitation after surgical procedures, it is recommended to refrain from heavy physical activity and sexual intercourse for two weeks. This will promote better tissue healing after procedures. During the recovery period, spotting may appear. As a rule, they go away on their own.

Quite often diagnosed in women of different age categories, but usually it is found in patients of childbearing age. The peculiarity of this pathology is its asymptomatic course, which complicates its timely diagnosis. This can lead to complications, the addition of secondary infections, but most importantly, the transition of a benign condition to a precancerous one.

We recommend reading:

Cervical erosion is a benign pathology, but when certain conditions are formed (trauma, mechanical damage, infection, etc.) it degenerates into. It ranks second among female cancers after breast cancer.

Today there are many methods for treating cervical erosion, but each of them has its own characteristics, advantages, limitations and differences. Before selecting therapy, it is important to conduct a full diagnosis to confirm the diagnosis and exclude cancer. The most informative method is a biopsy.

Biopsy of cervical erosion

This method is considered highly accurate and informative. It allows you to confirm the diagnosis and exclude malignant changes at the location of the erosion itself. As practice shows, a biopsy of cervical erosion in 9 out of 10 patients confirms the diagnosis. It also helps to identify precancerous conditions in time.

During this procedure, a microscopic piece of cervical tissue is taken from the woman for histological examination. It allows you to accurately determine the state of cells in the pathological area, the presence and type of infectious agent. A biopsy makes it possible to confirm or refute the gynecologist’s suspicions of various diseases, the signs of which he could not recognize during colposcopy.

Please note: A cervical biopsy is not performed for problems with blood clotting and inflammatory processes in the vagina in the acute stage. The procedure itself does not require pain relief because the cervix has no pain receptors. Anesthesia is performed when it is necessary to take a large amount of material and in cases where a woman has a low pain threshold.

Cervical erosion: the most effective treatment methods

The following methods are considered the most effective ways to treat erosion::

  • cauterization;
  • chemical coagulation;
  • radio wave treatment;
  • laser treatment;
  • cryodestruction;
  • local candle therapy.

Cauterization of cervical erosion

This procedure is correctly called diathermocoagulation. It is based on the effect of electric current on the pathological focus on the neck. In this case, a burn forms at the site of exposure, and then a scar.

In advanced cases, they resort to diathermoconization - complete removal of the affected tissue. This procedure is the most popular because the equipment for it is available in almost every antenatal clinic. This also makes it affordable. A significant disadvantage of this treatment for erosion is pain during the procedure and unpleasant cramping contractions of the uterus. After cauterization, for another 4 weeks, discharge of a different nature and pain in the lumbar region may appear.

It is advisable to carry out the procedure only in the case of pseudo-erosion, when there is replacement of stratified columnar epithelium. Therapy for true erosion using the cauterization method will be very painful and can cause complications.

Doctors note a number of advantages of moxibustion, thanks to which it has been popular among women for many years. These include:

  • good effectiveness (in more than 90% of cases, erosion is cured);
  • ease of implementation;
  • affordable cost of the procedure.

Among the disadvantages and complications of the procedurerigiganiIcervix note:

  • scar formation;
  • difficulty dilating the cervix during childbirth;
  • possibility of bleeding;
  • exacerbation of inflammatory diseases;
  • inability to bear a child.

Today, there are a number of alternative modern techniques that are not only less traumatic, but also less painful for women, which allowed them to push cauterization far back. In addition, this method is prohibited for use in nulliparous women due to a number of complications observed after diathermoconization.

Chemical coagulation

This technology has been used for quite a long time in the treatment of cervical erosion, but is already morally and technically outdated. It is performed in the form of applying a special substance to the cervical mucosa, which is a mixture of drugs (acids) Vagotil and Solkovagin. Chemical coagulation is carried out through colposcopy, which ensures precise application of the drug. It destroys the surface layer of cells, which dies and is rejected, and new tissues form in its place.

Indications for treatment using chemical coagulation:

  • cervical erosion;
  • polyps;
  • cervical hyperplasia.

Contraindications to it are:

  • suspicion of cervical cancer;
  • pregnancy;
  • large erosion;
  • intolerance to drugs used for the procedure.

Benefits of acid erosion coagulation:

  • low cost;
  • accessibility;
  • gentle method;
  • no need for anesthesia.

Among its disadvantages it should be noted:

  • minimal efficiency compared to other technologies;
  • the therapeutic effect occurs within 48-72 hours;
  • high risk of relapse;
  • scar formation on the cervix.

Important: This method is not prescribed to nulliparous women.

Radio wave treatment of cervical erosion

This is a new technology that uses a radio wave knife to remove erosion. Its distinctive feature is the non-contact treatment of the pathological area on the cervix. Radio waves stimulate internal cellular energy, resulting in destruction and direct vaporization, that is, evaporation of pathological cells.

The procedure itself lasts no longer than 15 minutes and does not cause any pain. There are no scars after treatment with radio waves, only discharge of ichor may be observed. Complete healing occurs a month after the session. This method is recommended for women who have not given birth.

Indications for radio wave treatment of cervical erosion are as follows::

  • cervical dysplasia;
  • congenital pseudo-erosion;
  • endocervicosis;
  • erosion in combination with infection (staphylococcal, chlamydial, fungal, viral infection, etc.);
  • papillomas, condylomas, polyposis.

The following conditions are contraindications to the use of this technology::

  • inflammatory processes in the pelvis in the acute stage;
  • presence of an implanted pacemaker.

The main advantage of this technique is the ability to remove erosion without damaging the muscular structure of the cervix, which in the future will prevent cervical ruptures during childbirth. This will also minimize the risk of relapse.

Among the advantages of radio wave treatment of cervical erosion are::

  • high-precision impact;
  • efficiency;
  • a pronounced bactericidal effect, making treatment effective even in advanced cases;
  • speed of treatment;
  • restoration of the cervical structure without scarring in a short time;
  • painless postoperative period.

This technique has only one drawback - the cost, which is comparatively higher than conventional cauterization. But taking into account the almost 0% probability of recurrence of erosion after cauterization using radio waves, and the absence of possible complications, the price is justified.

You will receive more detailed information about the radio wave method of treating cervical erosion by watching this video review:

Laser treatment of cervical erosion

This procedure is called laser vaporization. This is the most modern method for treating cervical erosion today, allowing you to radically get rid of the problem. It is important that the procedure is performed by an experienced and qualified doctor. Laser treatment is harmless and absolutely safe.

The equipment for this procedure is quite expensive, so it is not offered in every clinic. The essence of the manipulation is to evaporate unhealthy cells in the area of ​​erosion on the cervix. A high-frequency laser beam targets the pathological area, and the process itself is controlled by a video colposcope down to a millimeter of the depth of destruction.

General anesthesia is not required; only local anesthesia is performed. The procedure is carried out on days 7-9 of a woman’s menstrual cycle, after which a month is required for healing; There are no scars after laser therapy.

The procedure can be performed on nulliparous women because it does not have negative consequences on the cervix during childbirth. That is why it is most often prescribed to young girls.

Laser treatment applicable for erosion if present:

  • endometriosis localized to the cervix;
  • cervical dysplasia (grade 1.2);
  • leukoplakia;
  • cicatricial changes on the cervix;
  • Nabothian cysts in the plural;
  • polyps located at the bottom 1/3 of the cervicum;
  • cervicitis (chronic and acute stages), with insufficient effectiveness of conservative therapy.

It is not used if the patient has such conditions:

  • bleeding;
  • early and late postpartum period;
  • inflammatory process on the cervix and other organs of the reproductive system;
  • pregnancy;
  • cervical cancer and any other malignant processes of the uterus.

The advantages of laser therapy for cervical erosion are as follows::

  • painlessness of the procedure;
  • high efficiency;
  • minimal risk of complications;
  • absence of scars on the cervix;
  • rapid healing of the eroded surface.

The disadvantages of laser treatment include its cost, as well as the likelihood of relapse, although it is quite low.


This is a technology for treating the erosion site with liquid nitrogen using a special apparatus. The effect of low temperature on pathological cells causes crystallization of water in them, and they die (the effect is similar to cauterization when there is the influence of high temperatures). The treatment occurs precisely, and healthy tissues are not harmed. After the procedure, there is a possibility of swelling of the cervix and the appearance of heavy discharge. Complete healing occurs in 1 – 1.5 months.

This method is used in such cases:

Contraindications to cryodestruction:

  • pregnancy;
  • cervical cancer;
  • colpitis;
  • cervicitis.

Advantages of this method of treating cervical erosion:

  • painlessness;
  • bloodlessness;
  • quick cure;
  • Possibility of use in nulliparous girls and women.

The disadvantages of the method include:

  • possible shortening of the cervix;
  • risk of narrowing of the cervical canal;
  • small impact area;
  • not used for deep tissue damage.

Treatment of cervical erosion with suppositories and tablets

Only the treating gynecologist can prescribe vaginal suppositories and tablets for erosion after determining the cause that provoked the disease. Local impact on the affected area allows you to eliminate the inflammatory process and restore the damaged mucous membrane.

The following pathological conditions are indications for their use::

All these conditions sharply increase the likelihood of developing cancerous degeneration, so erosion therapy should be carried out in any case. The feasibility of treating cervical erosion with suppositories is always determined by the size of the most eroded surface. If it is more than 1-2 cm, then more radical hardware technologies are used.

Please note: Suppositories are most effective in treating erosion after laser therapy, cauterization, radio wave treatment, etc. As an independent method, they cannot be used without consulting a gynecologist.

Contraindications to the use of candles:

  • large erosions;
  • erosion that responds poorly to medications.

Treatment of cervical erosion with suppositories involves a fairly large list of drugs that act locally, providing antifungal, antiviral and bactericidal effects.

Here are some of them:

  • Terzhinan (have anti-inflammatory effect);
  • Fluconazole (prescribed for candidiasis);
  • Genferon (has a powerful antiviral effect and is an immunomodulator);
  • Hexicon (suppositories with antiseptic effect);
  • Chlorffilipt (the solution with which tampons are made has a pronounced effect against antibiotic-resistant staphylococcus).
Advantages and disadvantages of candle treatment

Benefits of suppository therapy for erosion:

  • contact treatment of erosion;
  • rapid restoration of the surface epithelial layer;
  • surgical healing of small wounds and ulcers on the neck;
  • distribute active substances evenly on the neck, enveloping it;
  • cleanse the vagina of pathogens;
  • do not have a traumatic effect.

The disadvantages of treatment with suppositories are their effectiveness only in the initial stages of erosion and in complex therapy after different types of cauterization. As an independent method, they do not give the expected result.

Treatment of cervical erosion with folk remedies

This approach to the treatment of this disease cannot replace a medical examination, selection of the type of treatment, etc. That is why self-treatment of cervical erosion with folk remedies is not allowed.

Unfortunately, very often such therapy only aggravates the condition of erosion, which will progress until it degenerates into cancer. A woman must understand that it is not humane to treat erosion with lotions and baths on her own. It is not humane, first of all, in relation to one’s own health, because these methods provide neither a guarantee of results nor a real long-term improvement in one’s condition.


Erosion refers to damage to the structure of normal epithelial tissue of the cervix, characterized by the process of replacing healthy squamous epithelium with columnar cells of the cervical canal. Thanks to modern treatment methods, it is possible to get rid of erosion in one procedure. But not in all cases it means the development of pathology. In some situations, erosion is caused by individual structural features of the reproductive organs and does not always require the use of radical treatment methods.

Cervical erosion is detected in representatives of the reproductive group and is quite rare in women during menopause. When pathology occurs, a spot appears near the external os of the cervix, which differs in color from the healthy mucosa.

Cervical erosion requires timely identification and application of treatment methods adequate to the pathology. Modern methods of treating cervical erosion are differentiated depending on the type of defect.

Gynecologists distinguish three main types of cervical erosion:

  • True. This pathology has the appearance of an ulcer that can bleed upon contact with the vaginal speculum. The true form is associated with damage to the epithelial tissue of the cervical region by various infectious agents. The acute form has a short duration: after two weeks, if left untreated, true erosion turns into ectopia.
  • Congenital pseudo-erosion. As a rule, there is no need to treat this defect due to its possible regression. The appearance of a congenital red spot with clear boundaries is associated with intrauterine displacement of the transformation zone. Diagnosis of the congenital form of erosion is possible after the onset of sexual activity. In some cases, the defect may be accompanied by inflammation when an infection is attached, however, the risk of transformation into cancer is minimal.
    The transformation zone is a junction between squamous and columnar epithelium, characterized by increased susceptibility to damaging factors.

  • Pseudo-erosion. This type is also called ectopia. The pathological process develops as a result of disruption of hormonal regulation of the menstrual cycle, tissue trauma and as an outcome of true erosion. As a result, the affected area of ​​squamous epithelium is covered with columnar cells. The gynecologist diagnoses a red spot, which can be characterized by growth, bleeding, the presence of benign formations and pathological discharge.

The most common diagnosed variety is pseudoerosion. This defect is often accompanied by gynecological diseases of an inflammatory nature. In the presence of HPV, the risk of transformation of the formation into a malignant tumor increases significantly.

Forms of cervical erosion affect to choose modern treatment methods.

Etiology of erosion

To prescribe the optimal method of treating the disease, it is necessary to determine and eliminate the cause of its occurrence and progression. Among the causes of cervical erosion, both external and internal are distinguished.

Cervical erosion can occur due to:

  • sexual intercourse at a young age;
  • late onset of intimate relationships;
  • frequent change of sexual partners;
  • ignoring the condom as a method of barrier contraception;
  • excessive use of chemical spermicides;
  • infections of a specific and nonspecific nature and the lack of treatment for them;
  • concomitant gynecological pathologies;
  • regular surgical interventions that cause trauma to the cervical epithelium;
  • hormonal fluctuations;
  • immune and endocrine disorders.
  • intrauterine features of the development of the genital organs.

Often, when choosing a modern treatment method, the doctor takes into account a combination of several factors, which can lead to the formation of cervical erosion.

Clinical picture

The danger of the pathology lies in its asymptomatic course, which distinguishes most cases of erosion. Often, symptoms appear with concomitant sexually transmitted infections.

Among the manifestations of cervical erosion, doctors identify:

  • contact discharge accompanying intimacy and examination with a vaginal speculum. The discharge contains blood;
  • pathological discharge of mucous and purulent consistency;
  • discomfort, pain during sexual intercourse.

Visual manifestations of erosion are associated with its type. With a congenital defect, a red spot of regular round shape without signs of inflammation is determined on the cervix. True erosion resembles an ulcer with severe hyperemia and signs of bleeding. As ectopia progresses over many months, chronic inflammation typically results in cervical deformation and growth.

Intense coloration of the defect and mucous discharge during erosion are caused by an abundance of cylindrical cells.

Diagnostic methods

Modern diagnostic methods are essential for choosing effective treatment methods. The defect is detected during a gynecological examination. The mirrors visualize the cervix with characteristic signs of damage.

Erosion is often accompanied by other pathologies that affect its progression. Therefore, the doctor prescribes additional examination methods to identify the causes of the disease.

Diagnostic methods for cervical erosion include:

  • smear to determine flora;
  • cytological examination;
  • bacteriological culture;
  • simple colposcopy;
  • extended colposcopy;
  • biopsy;
  • blood tests for syphilis, hepatitis and HIV;
  • detection of sexually transmitted infections using PCR.

Diagnostic methods for identifying gynecological pathology are determined by the doctor, guided by the patient’s medical history and the characteristics of the clinical picture.

Modern treatment

The pathology can be eliminated using modern methods in the treatment of the cervix. Erosion can be treated with surgical and conservative methods. The choice of treatment methods depends on the following factors:

  • patient's age;
  • implementation of reproductive function;
  • size and type of defect;
  • the presence of concomitant gynecological pathologies.

Drug or conservative treatment methods are indicated for young, nulliparous girls. Treatment with medication is also recommended during the preoperative and recovery period.

Conservative methods of treating cervical erosion include:

  • taking antiviral, antifungal drugs and antibiotics depending on the causative agent of the infection;
  • local treatment with antiseptics;
  • the use of suppositories with a healing effect;
  • physiotherapy;
  • use of complex vitamins.

Conservative methods in treatment often lead to relapses of cervical erosion.

Therefore, many doctors advise treating the disease with surgical methods.

Modern methods of surgical treatment for cervical erosion.

1. Cryodestruction. The method involves treatment with liquid nitrogen, which freezes the pathological area.

The method has a number of advantages:

  • short recovery period;
  • painless and bloodless.

The disadvantages of this treatment method include:

  • copious mucous discharge after the procedure;
  • risk of shortening of the cervical canal;
  • Only small formations can be treated;
  • lack of ability to control the depth of impact.

2. Laser vaporization. The formation can be treated using a dosed laser beam. This is the most modern method of treating cervical erosion surgically.

Advantages of the laser treatment method:

  • removal of erosion while stopping bleeding;
  • absence of scars;
  • low risk of complications;
  • contactless and painless method;
  • the ability to treat erosion in nulliparous women;
  • control of the depth of impact;
  • short recovery period.

Disadvantages of the method:

  • high cost of cauterization;
  • lack of opportunity to treat with laser in most medical institutions.

3. Diathermocoagulation. Among modern treatment methods, diathermocoagulation for cervical erosion is considered the most traumatic method. The method involves exposing the pathological area to electric current.

Among the positive aspects of the method, doctors highlight:

  • accessibility and low cost of the method;
  • ease of use;
  • efficiency.

Disadvantages of electrocution include:

  • pain during the procedure;
  • scar formation;
  • risk of infection and bleeding;
  • contraindication for nulliparous women.

4. Radio wave method. The modern method means using the Surgitron device for non-contact exposure.

The method has many advantages:

  • absence of scars and deformations of the cervix in the future;
  • bloodlessness, as well as painlessness;
  • the ability to treat nulliparous women;
  • low risk of relapse;
  • disinfection of the remote pathological area.

The radio wave method has the following disadvantages:

  • bleeding during the recovery period;
  • pelvic pain after the procedure.

5. Chemical coagulation method. Treatment in this way can be done using chemicals that are applied to the cervix.

Doctors highlight the following advantages of the method:

  • simplicity and speed of the method;
  • no risk of scar tissue formation;
  • the possibility of using a colposcope for precise application of the solution.

Disadvantages of the chemical coagulation method:

  • This method can only be used to treat relatively small formations in women who have given birth;
  • low efficiency;
  • possibility of relapse;
  • the need to carry out a series of procedures.

Before treating erosion with surgical methods, it is necessary conduct an examination and eliminate the inflammatory process. Treatment is not carried out on critical days and when a malignant tumor is detected.

After surgical treatment, it is necessary to follow the doctor’s recommendations, including:

  • sexual rest;
  • restriction of physical activity;
  • performing hygiene procedures using a shower.

At the end of the recovery period, the woman must visit a doctor to assess the effectiveness of the treatment. The patient is also recommended to undergo a general smear and colposcopy.