Fortune telling for a guy on sticks online. Fortune telling with sticks - the secrets of love divination and the meaning of combinations

Many people believe in signs of fate and like to look into the future. There are many ways to do this. Some turn to astrologers or horoscopes, but the easiest way to tell fortunes about a guy is with sticks. There are several methods of such fortune telling. The simplest is fortune telling with sticks on paper. Mostly young girls wonder about the guy. The following tips will be useful to them.

The meaning of fortune telling for girls

Find out about your future lover - ancient occupation young beauties. Representatives of the fair sex began to engage in divination even when their parents chose their chosen one. But they really wanted to marry for love, so they managed to resort to divination. There are so many grandma's ways to find out the future. Fortune telling on a splinter, with salt, on cards, and on coffee is widely known. Love fortune telling on sticks is gaining popularity among young girls. The meaning of this fortune telling will be described below.

Is it worth believing in fortune telling?

Whether a person believes in magic or not, it is still present in his life. Some also call it fate or destiny. Nowadays, it is common to turn to witches, sorcerers, healers, of whom there are a lot. Astrology is also part of esotericism and magic, because many turn to horoscopes. You don't have to be a psychic or a skilled magician to perform fortune telling. The most important thing in this matter is the correct sequence of actions. Each magic has its own rules. The easiest personal way to tell fortunes for a guy is with sticks. All you need is a pen and paper.

The simplest fortune telling for a guy on sticks

If a girl likes a guy and wants to find out whether they will have a relationship in the future or not, you can use an elementary method. Fortune telling about a boy using sticks in this case will only show the option “yes” or “no”. To do this, the girl needs to draw a certain number of sticks with a pen on a sheet of paper, at her discretion, until she gets bored. Then, starting from the first line, she should cross them out three at a time. At the end there may be one uncrossed stick left, two or none. One stick means that her lover will be with her, her dream will come true. Two sticks indicate a negative result. If there are no uncrossed sticks left, then the chances of being with your loved one are 50 to 50.

Fortune telling with sticks for a loved one with meanings

There is a more complex test of fate with lines on paper, only with meanings. For this procedure you will need a pen, a piece of notebook paper and a friend (can be anyone who wants to help). Many girls believe that this is true fortune telling with sticks. Before the ceremony, it is advisable for the girl to imagine what information worries her most. After this, she needs to start putting the sticks in a row until the assistant gives the command “stop”. After this, starting from a new line, the exact same procedure is repeated three more times. In each line, all the sticks must be crossed out three at a time. In each line there will be a certain number of uncrossed sticks - 0, 1 or 2, from which a four-digit number will be formed, according to which the meaning of fortune telling is interpreted.

Decoding the results

So, fortune telling for a guy on sticks will ultimately consist of ones, twos and zeros. There are interpretations for any result. What can fortune telling for a guy on sticks portend? Its meanings are as follows:

Magic with real wooden sticks

Fortune telling for a boy using sticks is possible not only on paper. Less known is the English fortune-telling "Queen" on small real sticks. You need to take seven of them. Three sticks should be the length of the little finger, the rest should be equal to the index finger. One stick should be thicker than the others, and it will be called the “queen”. The main stick is placed on the floor in front of you, the rest are held in front of you. With their eyes closed, they imagine what they want to know. Then the sticks are transferred to right hand, from it they are lowered onto the floor to the “queen”, holding one in the hand. The interpretation will be as follows:

The method of divination with Druid sticks

The ancient Druids attributed their own character to each tree. For fortune telling according to Druid traditions, you need to find 10 sticks from different types of trees, or even better - 19. The sticks are put into a bag, and the one who casts a spell must pull out one of them. Each type of wood has its own meaning. Here is the basic breakdown of known breeds:

  • Oak - no need to doubt your capabilities.
  • Birch - it’s worth pausing so as not to make a mistake.
  • Rowan - listen only to your intuition.
  • Alder - be assertive, don’t back down.
  • Willow - only good changes are ahead.
  • Ash - you need to beware of enemies.
  • Poplar - defend your opinion.
  • Apple tree - accept circumstances as they are.
  • Nut - don’t focus on problems, pay attention to your family.
  • Linden - give in to passion and love.

How to use Chinese chopsticks

In order to learn how to cast spells with Chinese sticks, you need to go to an oriental store and buy them there. For this process, 10 pieces will be enough. They need to be folded in a small container, then turned over and poured onto a white or red cloth. If the main number of sticks are located on the right, then a successful outcome awaits the person; if on the left, then one of the relatives will intervene in the matter. Crossed sticks mean a happy event. A chaotic position indicates trouble.

There is no person on Earth who would not be interested in learning about his future and the fate prepared for him. Since ancient times BC, there have been many ways of fortune telling and reading omens; magic surrounded every person in those years. Anyone could touch the unknown by turning to predictions and find out what awaits him in life. Even now, many girls dream of finding out the answer to a question that interests them, and the long-tried method of fortune telling using lines helps them in this.

Among young girls, predicting the future using random lines on paper is especially popular and effective. This method of fortune telling is completely uncomplicated, does not take much time and always gives a clear answer to any question posed. With the help of dashes, you can also tell fortunes about the young man you like. If you concentrate on a specific person, the lines will definitely give an answer about what he feels for you, what he is doing now, and much more.

This fortune-telling has absolutely no age restrictions, like any other, and all you need is a sheet of clean white paper (not only a landscape sheet, but also a piece of paper from a notebook may be suitable, the main thing is that it is clean, that is, so that haven’t written on it yet) and a pen.

We will look at three options for fortune telling using lines on paper, one of them is simple, the other two are a little more complicated, but you can handle them.

The first (simple) way of fortune telling by lines

This is an easy version of predicting the future, all you need is paper and pen, and you have to focus on whatever question you want to ask the dashes. You can guess in this way (ask questions) many times until you run out of questions.

Dashes can be drawn in two ways: “– – –” or “/ / /”.

Focusing on one specific issue that is most important to you now, or making one single wish, start drawing lines without counting them and without trying to draw too many. Just draw until you want to stop. Do not forget that for each new fortune-telling it is necessary to draw new lines, and it is advisable to use a new sheet of clean white paper. White more suitable for predictions, because it is a neutral color, and it does not interfere in any way during fortune telling, does not affect its process, therefore it helps to achieve the most correct result.

Having drawn as many lines as you could or wanted, count their total number by crossing out two lines at a time. Be very careful when counting, because the answer to your question depends on it.

If, after crossing out all the lines, you have an even number of sticks, then the answer to your question is negative, and if you made a specific wish, it means that it cannot yet come true. If, after crossing out all the lines, there is only one left, that is, you have an odd number of sticks, then the answer to your asked question positive, and if you made a specific wish, then it is destined to come true.

The second method of fortune telling by lines

This method is a little more complicated, because there should be more lines, and you will have to cross out not two at a time, but three. The principle of fortune telling is the same: always a clean sheet of white paper, not marked with a pen, a pen and the question you asked or the wish you made. There is also a limitation: you can only draw lines in six rows, no more. You can draw them close together or far apart, you can draw them small or large, just don't draw more than six rows on one sheet of paper.

After you draw all the lines, you need to count them. Crossing out three lines at a time, go to the end of the first row. Now, focusing on the last features, count how many of them are left. If there are 2 lines left uncrossed, write down the number “2”, if one line is “1”, and if there are no lines left, write down “0”. Do the same with the other five rows. Then add up the resulting six numbers. If you get a number greater than nine, then you also need to add it together. Here is an example to help you: if you get the number 12, then add “1” + “2”, getting “3”, therefore, your answer to fortune telling is exactly the number “3”. Now pay attention to the meaning of the numbers you need, which are located just below.

The meanings of the resulting numbers:

0 – everything is fine and no changes, nothing good will happen, but nothing bad will happen either, you can try asking the fortune-telling question later;

1 – changes await you ahead, unfortunately, these changes may not be positive, gain strength;

3 – a pleasant event or unexpected good news awaits you ahead;

4 – the future will require sacrifice from you, this could be friendship, changes in worldview or views on something;

5 – you are facing serious changes related to work or your place of residence; you may be moving soon;

6 is a symbol of good changes associated with travel and a short trip for the purpose of relaxation;

7 is a sign of a serious change, a meeting with someone very significant who can change your whole life;

8 – important news or news is rushing to you;

9 – a serious, high feeling awaits you or has already overtaken you – love.

The third (most difficult) method of fortune telling by lines

This fortune telling is used by young girls if they want to find out something about a guy they like or a guy they are already dating. Also, having concentrated and asked a specific question (or made a wish), on a clean and white sheet of paper, begin to draw lines in just four rows with a pen. They can be any size, you don’t need to specifically count them while you’re drawing, just relax and put lines until you finish the fourth row.

Now it's time to count the traits. Crossing out three sticks at a time, go to the end of the first row and count how many are left. If there are two left, write the number “2”, if there is one – “1”, if there are none left – “0”. Repeat the same with the remaining three rows. In this version of fortune telling, you don’t need to add them up, just write down all four numbers in order. For example, if in the first row you got the number “1”, in the second - “0”, in the third - again “1”, and in the fourth - “2”, then the entry will represent the following sequence - “1012”. Then look at the table of values ​​of the numbers drawn and find the one that suits you.

The meanings of the resulting numbers:

0000 - secretly in love and cannot confess;

0001 – the answer is already obvious;

0002 – expect a gift in the form of a bouquet of flowers;

0010 – the person reciprocates your feelings;

0011 – don’t be afraid to be the first to confess, because your lover is too proud and afraid of his feelings;

0012 - your feelings are tender, so you should not tell strangers about them, this way you will save them and your relationship;

0020 - the young man who is in your thoughts also has feelings for you that can develop into something more;

0021 - the young man you were wondering about dreams of meeting you;

0022 - this person has the strongest and most sincere feelings for you;

0100 - most likely, your feelings are not so strong or you remember little about this young man;

0101 - this person has loved you for a long time;

0102 - if fate is in a good position, you can be with this young man;

0110 - you somehow offended this person;

0111 – deceives you: offers a relationship without love on his part;

0120 - trouble awaits you;

0121 – knows how to keep secrets;

0122 – romance is expected;

0200 – appreciates your temperament;

0201 – fascinated by your hairstyle;

0202 – show him signs of attention;

0210 - kisses expected;

0211 – guess again;

0212 – appreciates you;

0220 – there is a spark between you;

0221 – does not love your loved ones;

0222 – discord in relationships is expected;

1000 – eternal love;

1001 – go to the cinema soon;

1002 – friendship;

1010 – can’t get you out of his head;

1011 - will hug you when you meet;

1012 – he wants a relationship;

1020 – you will be friends;

1021 – he is scared away by your bullies;

1022 – you will get married in the future;

1100 – in love with your friend;

1101 – madly in love with you;

1102 – constantly thinks about your smile;

1110 – dreams of kisses;

1111 – cannot write;

1112 – be more affectionate to him;

1120 - a quick meeting awaits you;

1121 – in love with someone else;

1121 – true and pure love;

1200 – be honest with him;

1201 – bored;

1202 – considers your face to be perfect;

1210 – calls your hands perfection;

1211 – charmed with his temperament;

1212 – may forget about your birthday;

1220 – will come to see you soon;

1221 – you give him joy;

1222 – you have little in common;

2000 - he looks cute when he's sad;

2101 – doesn’t remember you;

2002 – no feelings;

2010 – soon recognized;

2011 - madly in love;

2012 - loves without memory;

2020 – crazy about you;

2021 – you will meet again;

2022 – will write soon;

2100 – dreams of your lips;

2101 – he likes your waist;

2102 – something important will happen soon;

2110 – separation;

2111 – betrayal;

2112 – confesses his feelings;

2120 – indifference;

2121 – interested in making friends;

2122 – worries about you;

2200 – feels sympathy;

2221 – very jealous;

2202 – loves modest girls;

2210 – a quick date;

2211 – thinks about breaking up;

2212 – afraid of separation;

2220 – doesn’t want to remember you;

2221 – values ​​your friendship;

2222 – constantly in your thoughts.

Useful articles

Fortune telling with sticks- a simple method of divination, probably tried by every teenage girl or young girl. The popularity of this method is deserved by its ease and accessibility, because in the process the fortune teller will only need an ordinary ballpoint pen and a piece of paper.

What worries a schoolgirl or young student the most? Many will answer that studying and academic performance, and this is not even discussed. However, another important feature of this age is the first sympathy for opposite sex, first love.

Every girl, of course, wants to know how this or that cute boy treats her, what feelings and emotions she evokes in him, and whether she has hope for some kind of future together with him. Fortune telling on the lines helps to find out this.

The principle of fortune telling with sticks comes down to the fact that with a pen (felt-tip pen, pencil, etc.) an arbitrary number of vertical lines are drawn in a row on paper and at some point the drawing is paused with the word “Stop”. There may be several such rows, depending on the conditions specified in the divination instructions. When the required number of rows is reached, 2 or 3 sticks are crossed out in each of them. Then they count the number of remaining lines and get a certain result - some final number.

Fortune telling on sticks ends with the following interpretation: deciphering the meaning of the final number and receiving a prediction for your near future or an answer to the question posed at the beginning of the fortune telling.

Fortune telling with sticks: the most famous varieties

Fortune telling on the lines “Yes-No” (fortune telling by desire)

A very simple type of fortune telling that allows you to get an answer to a question of interest about events in your immediate future. One condition:The question must be posed in such a way that it can be answered either only affirmatively – “Yes”, or only negatively – “No”. In addition, fortune telling helps you find out whether one or another of your wishes is destined to come true.

  1. Preparation. Have a pen and a piece of paper ready. Formulate a question if you want to know about something specifically, or make your wish.
  2. The process of fortune telling. Take a pen, close your eyes and start drawing vertical lines on a piece of paper. When it seems to you that there are already enough of them (listen to your sixth sense), say “Stop”. Next, cross out 2 sticks in the resulting row and see how many sticks are left.
  3. Interpretation of the result. If there are no uncrossed lines left, i.e. you dreweventheir number, the answer to your question or the fate of your desire -no, it won't come true. If at the very end there is only one stick left, and their total number turns out to beodd,your result isyes, it will come true.
  4. A good example. It should look something like this (see photo):

Fortune telling on sticks - for the future

The purpose of this fortune telling with sticks is to get a forecast regarding your immediate future.

  1. Preparation. Prepare a sheet of paper with a pen.
  2. The process of fortune telling. Take a pen and start drawing random numbers of sticks on paper. At some point, say “Stop.” Then move on to the next row of lines and do the same manipulations. In total you will have to draw 6 lines with sticks. When the rows are ready, start crossing out lines in all of them, but here you need to do this in 3 units, and not 2, as in the above fortune telling. At the end of each line, write how many sticks are left - 0, 1 or 2. As a result, you should get 6 numbers - you need to add them up and calculate the total amount. For example: 2+0+2+1+2+1=8. If the total sum exceeds 9 and is a two-digit number, reduce it to a prime number by adding the components, for example: 11: 1+1=2.
  3. Interpretation of the result. The final sum of numbers is your prediction.The meaning of each number:
  • 0 – your next life will be calm and measured, no changes are expected.
  • 1 – prepare for negative changes;
  • 2 – problems await you, the source of which will be your partner (in relationships, business, etc.) – be prepared;
  • 3 - unexpected joy will happen in your life;
  • 4 – you will be forced to step over some rule;
  • 5 – perhaps you will move or change jobs;
  • 6 – a road awaits you (travel, business trip, trip);
  • 7 – soon there will be some significant meeting that will completely change your life;
  • 8 – important news awaits you;
  • 9 – love will take over your life.

A good example.

Many girls suffer from the fact that they do not know how the guy or man she adores treats her. Does he love her or not? Previously, girls would pick a daisy and, tearing off one petal at a time, say “loves” “does not love” and were happy as a result if the last petal coincided with the first word and were upset if it matched the second. I always want to believe that someone will tell me, help me, and through some events will give me the right sign. Today there are many different fortune tellings with which you can find out how your loved one treats you and what he is experiencing. Antique fortune telling for attitude and love on sticks - one of the most popular today, because it is simple, quick to perform and does not require extra effort on yourself. On the Internet you can find fortune telling with sticks for love online and tell your fortune, but such fortune telling will not be entirely accurate, it’s good when you yourself draw these sticks with your own hand, thinking about your lover and at the same time clearly imagining his image. Therefore, tell fortunes at any time at home.

In order to carry out fortune telling with sticks for love at home you will need paper and pen. So, let's start fortune-telling, for this you begin to draw sticks on a piece of paper (||||) in a row mechanically, as many as you can get, without counting them, but on the contrary, thinking about who the fortune-telling for relationships and love is aimed at. Then, just as automatically, you stop at any moment and start drawing sticks on the second row, etc. If you have someone who can help you with fortune telling, you can do so. You draw sticks, and at any moment someone says “Stop!” and you move on to the next row. So you draw four rows. After which you cross out three sticks at a time and at the end of the row you should have one stick left, two or none. And then you will find out everything that your lover experiences about you (see the meaning of the sticks).

Chopsticks meaning:

0000 He's really in love with you

0001 No need to ask him stupid questions

0002 Wait for him to give you flowers in the very near future

0010 Loves, don't worry

0011 In fact, he is proud and very

0012 Don't trust him too much and don't be frank with him

0020 The one you think about loves you

0021 Right now he really wants to see you

0022 Loves and that's it

0100 Think about him more often

0101 He's loved you for a long time already

0102 You will walk with him

0110 Now he's angry with you

0111 Doesn't love you, but wants to be friends with you

0120 Be careful with him, he can embarrass you

0121 You must reveal my first secret

0122 Will invite you on a date soon

0200 He really likes you, you're cheerful when you smile

0201 Your gait drives him crazy, he is delighted with it

0202 When you meet him, be more kind

0210 An unexpected kiss awaits you!

0211 Better guess first

0212 He likes your name

0220 The one who likes you, unfortunately, doesn’t like you

0221 He raises your friends

0222 You will soon have a fight

1000 You will be his friend for life

1001 Soon he will buy tickets to the cinema

1002 You will be just a friend for him

1010 Thinks about you

1011 Will hug you soon, and will do it completely unexpectedly for you

1012 He tries to achieve your love, no matter what the cost.

1020 In fact, he wants one thing - for you and him to just be friends and that’s all

1021 Don’t you dare laugh at him, even as a joke

1022 You will be his wife in the end

1100 He loves someone else, unfortunately for you

1101 He smiles when he sees you

1102 He thinks about you night and day

1110 As soon as you meet he will kiss you

1111 He won't write. Don't expect a letter from him

1112 Try to be more gentle with him the next time you meet

1120 You will definitely meet him, don’t worry, just wait a little bit

1121 In fact, he has been in love with your friend for a long time

1122 He simply fell in love with you at first sight

1200 It is because you are always fair that he appreciates you

1201 In fact, he cannot imagine his life without you and cannot live

1202 He's crazy about your legs, he really likes them a lot

1210 Your face is very attractive to him

1211 What you like about him is that he has such a character

1212 You don’t need to expect a gift from him on your birthday, he won’t give it anyway

1220 He should come to visit you soon

1221 He is sad when you are not with him, but he has fun with you

1222 You are far from each other

2000 You like it when he's sad

2001 He almost forgot you

2002 He is in love with another girl, and you are in love with him

2010 When you meet he will try to explain everything to you

2011 He is yours with all his soul and loves you

2012 He loves you

2021 In the end, life will bring you together

2022 Expect a letter from him

2100 He really likes your lips

2101 He really likes your figure

2102 You will soon receive a letter with news

2110 Parting with him is inevitable

2111 You will be upset because of his gaze

2112 Get ready, he will soon ask you a question related to love

2120 Doesn't like

2121 Wants to be friends with you

2122 There is no need to play on his nerves

2200 He likes you

2201 He's jealous of you

2202 Try not to forget yourself when he's around

2210 Date

2211 Wants to leave

2212 He wants you to stay with him

2220 Wants to forget you

2221 Only wants to be friends

2222 Thinks about you a lot

Fortune telling with sticks for love and relationships photo (click on photo to enlarge):

Fortune telling with sticks for love and relationships

In the old days, this fortune telling with sticks was used to understand how your betrothed treats you. Think about the person you like and start guessing. Draw the sticks in the first row. Stop them by pressing the button. They will appear in the next row. There should be a total of 4 rows.

If you want to tell fortunes at home

Draw vertical sticks on a piece of paper in a line, and at any moment someone must say “Stop!” You then move on to drawing the next row of sticks. Having completed 4 rows, you need to cross out 3 sticks in each row several times (in each row there should be 2 or one stick left, or not at all). Next, you count the number of sticks that remain and find out the result.

Fortune telling for relationships and love online on sticks- a special topic. Because a person would rather put up with failures in his profession or a lack of money than with the every-minute presence of someone who is not dear and not loved. Understanding how important the problem of relationships is, we have collected a lot of online fortune telling that would provide answers to all questions regarding love. In this section you will find all the virtual fortune telling for love, betrayal or marriage, and you will be able to choose one of several of your fans. And you also have a unique opportunity to understand online what kind of person your chosen one is and how suitable he is for you, what he thinks about you at the moment and what are your prospects for your relationship.

0000 He loves you
0001 Don't ask him stupid questions
0002 Will give a bouquet of flowers
0010 Don't be upset, he loves you
0011 He is very proud
0012 Don't be so frank with him
0020 The one you think about loves you
0021 He wants to see you now
0022 He just loves and that's all
0100 Think about him more often
0101 He has loved you for a long time
0102 Will you go with him
0110 He's angry with you
0111 Wants to be friends, but doesn't like
0120 He will disgrace you, beware!
0121 Tell him the first secret
0122 Will make a date
0200 He likes your cheerfulness
0201 He likes your walk
0202 When you meet him, be more affectionate with him
0210 Unexpected kiss!
0211 Guess
0212 Your name is dear to him
0220 Who likes you, doesn't like you
0221 Raises your friends
0222 Have a fight
1000 You will be his friend for life
1001 Buy a movie ticket
1002 Will be just a friend
1010 He thinks about you
1011 Unexpectedly hugs
1012 Seeks your love
1020 Wants you to be friends
1021 Don't laugh at him
1022 You will be his wife
1100 Unfortunately, he loves someone else
1101 When he sees you, he smiles
1102 Thinks about you day and night
1110 When we meet, he will kiss
1111 Don't wait for a letter
1112 When meeting, be more gentle
1120 You will meet him
1121 In love with your girlfriend
1122 He loved you at first sight
1200 Appreciates you for your justice
1201 He can't live without you
1202 He likes your legs
1210 He likes your face
1211 Do you like his character
1212 In the DR, don’t expect a gift from him
1220 He will come to visit you
1221 He is happy with you, but sad without you
1222 You are far from each other
2000 You like his sadness
2001 He almost forgot you
2002 You love him, and he loves another
2010 When we meet, he will explain
2011 Loves with all my heart!
2012 He's in love with you
2020 Loves
2021 Life will bring you together
2022 Wait for a letter from him
2100 He likes your lips
2101 He likes your figure
2102 There will be news from a letter
2110 You will break up
2111 His look will sadden you
2112 He will ask a question about love
2120 He doesn't love you
2121 Wants to be friends
2122 Don't play on your nerves
2200 He likes you
2201 He is terribly jealous
2202 Don't forget yourself in front of him
2210 Date
2211 Wants to leave
2212 Wants you to stay with him
2220 The one you think about wants to forget
2221 Only wants to be friends
2222 He thinks about you often