How points are scored in football. An alternative way of scoring in football. Biggest draw in football history

Any betting shop offers its customers to place bets on cards in a football match. Warnings and sending offs are an integral part of professional football. Not a single match is complete without them. It’s another matter to guess at least the approximate number of cards presented by the judge, be they yellow or red.

The forecaster can bet on a specific number of warnings or deletions, on their total, on the team whose player will be shown the card first, and on many other likely outcomes regarding gross violations.

Many betting shops not only provide their customers with a list of standard bets on cards, they turn warnings and removals into points. Western bookmakers initially began to use such alternative outcomes. Gradually, the fashion for points for cards was adopted by Russian and Asian betting shops.

The essence of such bets is that each card is assigned a certain number of points. A yellow card can be worth 1 point, and a red card – 2. Sometimes bookmakers give 2 points for a yellow card, and 5 for a deletion. Less often, a yellow card is equivalent to 10 points, and a red card – to 25. The number of points for one or another The card is always determined by the betting rules. That is why, before betting on such outcomes, you need to familiarize yourself with the intricacies of forecasts for football events of this office. Otherwise, the capper may get into trouble.

For example, you can take the lines of two different companies. Let American bookmakers give 2 points for a yellow card, and 5 for a red card. An Asian bookmaker offers clients 5 and 10 points, respectively. The forecaster played for some time on the American betting, often winning bets on points. Then I decided to try my luck in an Asian office, as it gives more favorable odds.

The forecaster chose a match with principle rivals. I assumed that it would show 6-8 cards, and that it would be possible to remove them. As a result, he made a bet on points, choosing the outcome of TM(15). Only 5 yellow cards were presented in the match. As a result, the meeting “scored” 25 points, that is, the bet conditions were not met. Capper lost money.

His mistake was that he did not bother to read the football prediction rules of the new bookmaker. In an American office, 5 yellow cards would be worth only 10 points. Thus, the bet TM(15) played. However, the capper did not take into account that Asian bookmakers gave 5 points for a “mustard plaster”.

In any football championship there are situations when the probability of winning a bet is too high. This is exactly the “gift” that a fight for six points gives.

Let's turn to reason and think a little. Let's try to answer some questions.

Why should every young bettor constantly study championships, analyze this or that situation, and analyze the strategies of successful forecasters? Why is it necessary to do all this, even periodically losing your money to smithereens? To gain experience.

But what is this experience? In knowing those moments, those situations in football, when they occur, you can place a bet with a high probability of winning. Such situations include a match for six points. Why? Let's try to figure it out together.

It is worth paying attention to this picture.

Here you can see that the famous English football team is slightly behind the equally popular capital Tottenham. The London team is three points ahead of Manchester City. And now these rivals met each other in the 22nd round.

As you can see, this confrontation ended in a fighting draw, but in any case, the lagging team did not lose.

But sometimes the gap of one team can be a little larger, reaching 4-5, or even 7-8 points. One can only imagine what the intensity of the struggle will be when these two rivals meet.

And although here Roma lags behind Juventus by as much as 7 points, in any case, this match will have exactly the same character as in the match for six points, only here the emotions will be off the charts with incredible force among the players of the team that is in the position of lagging behind . Nevertheless, there are neighbors in the standings, and if the team that is in a higher place wins, its advantage will increase even more. Therefore, this situation can also be called a battle for six points.

And now the most important thing. As part of the 36th round, Roma hosted Juventus at home. This is how that meeting ended.

With a score of 3:1, the Romans celebrated Victoria. The most powerful, overwhelming motivation of Roma, which was pinned down by its tournament position, played an important role in this battle between the leaders. By the way, these are the odds the bookmakers set for that match.

In general, it is worth noting that when analyzing football matches, it is precisely this situation when the gap between direct neighbors exceeds 3 points (as between Roma and Juventus) that will be the most common situation.

A powerful motivating factor

The fight for six points is between neighbors in the standings. This means that at the time of the head-to-head meeting, such teams have approximately equal game potential. But only when such teams meet in person, one of them is in a significantly worse tournament position, which leaves its mark on the nature of the upcoming match. The closest attention is drawn to the club that is located below its opponent and is 3 or more points behind it.

And here we should make a small division. Still, you need to understand that teams play not only at home, but also away. This means that we should consider those matches when the lagging team is playing at home, and those matches when the team is fighting on the road.

The lagging team hosts the superior opponent at home

When the lagging team plays at home, special attention should be paid to the level of play of the opponents. Still, for a number of reasons, there are situations where teams can be located next to each other, but their level of play varies greatly. This applies more to the upper part of the standings, when not far from the championship leaders there may be just strong middle peasants. It’s worth looking closely at this picture.

The top group of teams is fighting for championship medals and the right to compete in the Champions League; they can be considered among the championship leaders. The group below are strong middle peasants who are trying to force a fight on the leaders and are trying to grab at least the opportunity to take part in the Europa League. The lower part of the teams are simply fighting for registration in the major league. It happens that the outer team from the group of leaders is not much ahead of the top team from the group of strong middle peasants.

And here you should be extremely careful. We are interested in a match for six points between those teams that are part of the same group (leaders, middle peasants or fighting for a place in the tower). If representatives of different groups meet, the outcome of such a meeting can be highly unpredictable. It turns out that within the framework of the issue under consideration, the whole difficulty lies in one point: to find out whether the rivals are in the same group or not.

These teams are part of the same group, they are simply fighting to maintain their registration in the major league.

After, during the analysis of a football championship, a match for six points was discovered, and it was also found out that the teams are in the same group, we move on to the next stage: studying the match itself.

Here it is important to understand the motivation of the players of the team that is lower in the standings. One must imagine the feelings of football players who host at home an opponent of equal strength, but ahead of them by three or more points. In this situation, with equal forces, a strong bias in motivation in favor of the home team plays a decisive role. There is a double bias here: the worse tournament position should be added to the home field factor. It is on the basis of strong emotions that the hosts outplay a guest of equal strength or simply do not lose to him.

Let's look at the match for six points of each selected group (leaders, middle peasants and outsiders).

Battle for six points in the group of leaders and strong middle peasants

It’s worth mentioning right away that the most emotional matches for six points take place among the leaders and outsiders. The former are fighting for championship gold and the right to play in the Champions League, the latter for the opportunity to maintain their registration in the tower. The strong middle peasants won't get gold and the Champions League (at best, the Europa League), and they won't face relegation either. All this somewhat diminishes the emotions. Therefore, when considering a group of leaders, it is worth remembering the highly emotional background of their meetings.

Pay attention to this picture here.

It is immediately clear that by the end of the season Arsenal was 5 points behind their nearest neighbor above. In terms of game potential, the teams were equal, but only the home team had off-the-scale motivation, since they needed points to bleed through their noses. And this was the result of the meeting.

Arsenal celebrated the victory with a score of 2:0. The odds for this match were as follows.

Here it was possible to play well with a safety net on the home team's zero handicap.

Above, we looked at two more examples (Manchester City - Tottenham, Roma - Juventus), when the leaders met each other, and one of them was three points or more behind. And here you can find one interesting trend that helps you make really winning bets. The greater the difference in points between two equal opponents exceeds the “3” mark, the more likely the lagging team to win at home is extremely high. Examples with Roma and Arsenal clearly prove the correctness of this judgment.

But it is worth recalling one most important condition again: the opponents must be equal in terms of game potential, and the bettor’s main task is to determine this equality. This task is not entirely simple, but in most cases it is doable.

Battle for six points in the group of outsiders

In the group of outsiders, exactly the same passions are boiling as in the leaders, but we are still talking about maintaining a residence permit in the league. Here you can observe exactly the same situation: when one of the outsiders is strongly pushed against the wall by the tournament position, he enters the field to literally die, but achieve a positive result. Pay attention to this picture here.

In the Italian Championship of the 2016-2017 season, after the 21st round, this tournament situation was observed. The last three teams, clearly in the relegation zone, are far behind their closest rivals from above. And now football fortune has given FC Crotone the opportunity to compete with their closest rival from above in the 22nd round. And this is what came out of it.

Crotone simply destroyed the visiting opponent with a score of 4:1. But before this match, this team played like this.

The only victory over FC Pescara attracts attention, but this team is in last place in the championship.

This example clearly shows how a battle for “six points” can put a great weapon in the hands of a bettor so that he can take away a certain amount of money from the bookmaker into his own account. And this actually works in reality. But now it remains to find out how this rule works in cases where an opponent of equal strength, but lagging behind by 3 or more points, on the contrary, comes to visit an opponent who is ahead of him. Let's figure it out together.

The lagging team visiting the leading opponent

It’s quite an interesting question, so let’s begin to consider it within the group of leaders and strong middle peasants.

It's worth looking at this picture.

This is the 33rd round of the Spanish season 2016-2017. Before this match, the Catalans were three points behind the royal club. If the guests had lost, Real M would have been able to increase their lead to 6 points. But thanks to their victory, Barcelona caught up on points with their main rival from Madrid.

True, FC Real M still has one game left. But in that match there were these odds.

Many placed their bets in favor of the hosts, but in the match for six points, the victory was won by the team that was in a significantly worse tournament position, and yet Barcelona had to play away.

How are things going in the middle group?

The following picture will show the standings of the German Championship for the 2016-2017 season.

You can see how Ingolstadt is 7 points behind Augsburg. And in the 27th round these teams faced each other.

Ingolstadt celebrated the victory with a score of 2:3.

It’s just important to remember one important point: if the odds allow it, then it’s better to play with a safety net. For example, not on a clear victory, but on a zero handicap or a simple non-loss. This is especially true for away matches of lagging teams. For example, in the Augsburg-Ingolstadt match, the odds for a zero handicap made it possible to make a very good bet.

And now at the end of the article we should talk about the most important thing.

There is no one-size-fits-all strategy

The most important thing to remember is that there is no strategy in the world that would guarantee 100% winning of all bets placed over a long distance. A winning strategy is such only because it provides a plus over a long period of time. This means that the amount of money won outweighs the amount lost. Even with the most super winning strategy there will be losses, without this you can’t go anywhere.

The same goes for six-point games. We have looked at exactly the situation in which you can place a bet with a high probability of winning. But this does not mean that she will definitely win. It’s just that matches for six points provide an opportunity to be in the black over a long distance, with proper analysis.

Now pay attention to this picture.

This is the standings of the Russian Championship for the 2016-2017 season, which remains in the memory of Russian fans due to the fact that Spartak, after a 16-year break, managed to win the championship title. And many clearly remember how in the 26th round this same Spartak played away at CSKA. But before this match, the army team was 7 points behind the leader. And how did that match end? Like this.

Our rule would not have worked at all, we would have been defeated, the lagging club would have lost even at home. This example shows that there are no perfect strategies. And the most important thing is that the bettor is able to calmly survive this defeat and maintain psychological confidence in his abilities.


The battle for six points opens up great opportunities for bettors, providing an excellent way to beat bookmakers. But success largely depends on the quality of the analysis of the fight and on the psychological stability of the bettor; this is the only way to ensure a plus over a long distance.

Almost all boys dream of becoming professional football players from early childhood. They try to spend every minute of their free time with the guys, playing football. They give all their strength, honing every movement and becoming more experienced and skillful every day. Everyone tries to give their all to achieve the best result. After all, winning in football means a lot. However, the result may not always be what you expect. A team can not only win, but also lose. Or the result of the game may be a draw. What does a draw mean in sports and in football in particular? How are points awarded for such a game? More about this.

A draw... In the language of Wikipedia, this is the result of a competition in which none of the players or teams showed their superiority over another player or team. A draw happens in football, chess, checkers. In a football competition that ends in a draw, there are no winners or losers. At the end of such a competition, both sides will have the same numbers on the scoreboard.

How many points are given for a draw in football?

A draw is the least expected, both by the fans and the players themselves. However, in football this result occurs quite often. How many points do teams get for finishing the match this way?

One each. And it's better than getting nothing.

However, not all players are satisfied with this result and therefore each of the participants in football competitions takes risks in order to achieve victory and get the full three points for it.

There can be no talk of a draw if the game is a knockout game. In such a match, in any case, there must be both losers and winners. To do this, teams are given two additional halves of 1/4 hour each. If the winner is still undecided, the judge will award a penalty shootout.

In football, as well as in other team sports, a draw can be zero (i.e. without a result) and productive. A goalless draw is when the players of a football team do not score a single goal against each other. If each team has an equal number of points on the scoreboard, then such a draw is called a scoring one.

Spectators don't really like it when the game ends up being a scoreless draw. They find such matches boring and even tedious. A draw in which teams score more than two goals against each other generates much more interest among fans. This result is called a combat draw. And if the game ends with a score of 3:3 or 4:4, then this is generally beyond all expectations. It is unlikely that anyone could call a game with such a result boring, even though in the end there will be neither winners nor losers.

For organizers of sports competitions, draws are very undesirable. The thing is that they complicate the technique of counting points scored by participants in the competition, and also increase the likelihood of several players receiving the same number of points. In addition, opponents have the opportunity to play “for a draw” by agreement. This happens when it is more profitable for both parties to play with an equal score than to lose or win. And from a technical point of view, additional time for holding a game is financially expensive for the stadium, and it is not always beneficial for the spectator to linger unnecessarily at the stadium and then rush home by transport in the evening.

From 1978 to 1988, the Soviet Union fought against so-called “match fixing.” The country's Football Federation introduced a draw limit, the essence of which was that for an equal score in the game, the opponents did not receive points in excess of the established limit. This decision was based on the desire of a public sports organization to transform football into a science. In this way, the Football Federation wanted to find methods that would allow players to go to victory without risk, following strict calculations.

In some types of sports, the technique of playing the game excludes the possibility of finishing the competition with an equal score. Let's take volleyball for example. The team that achieves the desired result first wins. And the board game Go. It also excludes a draw. Why? Because even at the very beginning of the competition, in order to avoid a tie, the White side receives 0.5 points.

If there is a draw in football, what happens next?

In cases where a draw is not allowed by the tournament system, special mechanisms are used to eliminate them. This:

  • overtime – extra time of the game (in football – until the first goal is scored);
  • free kicks (shootouts, penalties);
  • lot;
  • replay;
  • tie break – an additional game according to rules that differ from the standard ones (in competitions based on the players’ use of their intelligence or erudition);
  • blitz game (in chess);
  • an additional 5 minutes of play (in basketball), if there is a draw again - another 5 minutes, etc. until one of the teams achieves a result that differs in a larger direction compared to the opponent’s result;
  • continuation of the game until one of the teams has 2 more goals than the opponent;
  • crediting defeat to both opponents in the event of a draw.

What is a draw called in football?

That's what they say - a draw! Or “friendship won” Sometimes it is mutually beneficial for teams in the standings to play in a draw, and sometimes it may seem that the teams are deliberately playing for a draw, even sometimes with a certain score.

A goalless draw is called “Vata” in slang, boring without particularly bright moments at the gate

Biggest draw in football history?

  • Semi-final of the German Cup-83/84 “SCHALKE 04” – “BAVARIA” – 6:6
  • in 2010 Scotland. Premier League. Round 37 Motherwell – Hibernian 6:6

There are even higher scores, but in less official matches. In backyard football the score can often be 9:9, then they often play until the winning goal!

    The scoring system in football is very simple; if a team wins, it gets three points. If the team played in a draw, then each team is given one point, and if the team lost to its opponent, then no points are given to it. This system operates in many countries.

    Football has a very simple reward point scheme that ultimately determines the winner.

    The highest three points are awarded to the team that wins the match.

    Moreover, if at the end of the match the scoreboard shows the same number of points on both sides, then each team will receive one point as an incentive.

    First, let's say what outcomes can happen in football:

    • W1 - victory of the home or first team (at major tournaments this is conditionally the home team). The score can be any: 1-0, 2-0, 3-0, 2-1, etc.;
    • W2 - victory of the guest or second team. Also with any score: 1-2, 0-2, 1-3, etc.;
    • X—draw outcome. 1-1, 2-2, 0-0, etc.

    For a victory in the match, the winning team is awarded three (3) points; for a draw, both teams receive one (1) point; for a loss in the match, no points are given at all.

    For example, the match between Russia and England ended with a score of 1:1 and each team received one point. The Russia-Slovakia match ended with a score of 0:2. Our team did not receive any points, but Slovakia earned three points.

    The same scoring system is used in all major tours and championships.

    Yes, everything is very simple, if you win, you get three points, and if you lose, then you get the steering wheel, that is, zero points. Well, if the match is a draw, then both teams receive one point each, and where does another undivided point go in this case? This is a very interesting question, to which there is no answer.

    Previously, two points were awarded for a victory, and in the event of a draw they were divided equally and from a mathematical point of view everything was clear. But in the 90s, they switched to a three-point scoring system to increase the significance of a victory, thereby making matches more uncompromising, and teams in round-robin tournaments deliberately did not play for a draw.

    The winning team gets 3 points, the losing team gets 0 points, and the teams that tied get 1 point.

    Since the 90s of the 20th century, this system has been adopted - 3 points for a win, 1 point for a draw. And the tables also take into account goals scored and conceded; if the teams have an equal number of points based on the main indicators (win, draw, loss), then they look at the difference in goals scored and conceded. The higher place in the final table of group tournaments is occupied by the team with the larger difference. If this indicator is the same, then, in my opinion, the team with more goals scored takes a higher place.

    If this is a group stage, then for a victory in football in our time they give 3 points, and for a draw 1, previously they gave 2 for a win and one for a draw. Losing points in football is not encouraged.

    Of course, there are also knockout games, and the main thing here is not the points, but who will win in the end, since the loser is automatically eliminated.

    In fact, the scoring system in this sport is very simple. Points are awarded based on the results of the game. For winning a match, the winning team receives three points, but the losing team receives nothing. If the match is a draw, then both teams receive one point.

    The scoring system in football is quite simple. For winning the match, the team receives 3 points. If they draw - 1 point, and if they lose - 0.

    Thus, it is quite possible to calculate and predict the situation, say, of leaving the group.

    Not only at the World Cup, but also in any other football matches, a unified scoring system has long been adopted. The winning team receives three points in the standings, and the losing team receives nothing. If the match result is equal, both teams receive one point. It's simple. Good luck.

    Points are awarded based on the outcome of the match. Victory, defeat and draw give different amounts of tournament points. A draw is better than a defeat, but worse than a victory. For the latter they give 3 points, for an equal score or lack thereof 1, and for a defeat they do not reward in any way.

Football is one of the most popular games of our time. The behavior of your favorite teams and specific players is watched daily by millions of eyes all over the planet. But for the game to be fair, fair, and understandable both for the players themselves and for their many fans, it must have clear rules. More precisely, a set of ratings and points under various conditions of the outcome of the game.

In football, points are not awarded just for a loss. A draw (when the teams scored an equal number of goals during the game) gives the teams an equal number of points, one at a time. Although it is less than what is counted for victory (3). To understand how this happens, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the basic principles of the population of points (ratings) from FIFA and UEFA.

FIFA ratings

  • the final result of the game;
  • what was the original status of the game;
  • the strength level of the opponents before the start of the match;
  • where exactly the match takes place (confederation coefficient);
  • how much time has passed since the end of the meeting.

In this case, if at the end of a particular game a team wins, it gets 3 points; after a drawn game, the teams receive one point each, but the loser remains “in his own interests” and receives nothing.

Regarding the status, a certain coefficient is taken into account here, which is equal to 1.0 if this is a friendly match; 2.5 when the game is played as a qualifying round for a continental or world championship; 3.0 if the team reaches the final part of the continental championship; 4.0 when the team was lucky enough to reach the finals of the world championship.

The strength of the opponent is determined by calculation. In this case, it is necessary to subtract the team’s existing rating at the time of the game from 200 and divide the resulting result by 100.

Regarding the confederation coefficient, it is 0.85 for countries in Africa, Oceania, Asia, North and Central America, 0.98 for South America and 1.0 for Europe. The total coefficient is calculated by summing the coefficients of specific teams from the regions and dividing the result by 2.

Regarding the time that has passed since the end of the previous match, the following factors are taken into account. If no more than a year has passed from the end of the match to the start of another game, 100% of the points are counted; from one to two years – 50% points; more than two years, but less than three – 30% of points; when the time period is three to four years, only 20% of the points will be taken into account. After four years, all points are reset to zero.

UEFA ratings

So, the rating of a particular country is calculated as the sum of all the points that the clubs of this country participating in the qualifying tournaments gain, which are further divided by the number of starting clubs. Here you need to take into account this nuance - if a club subsequently drops out of the race, the points received by the remaining “comrades” continue to be divided by the total number of clubs that started. The rating is calculated based on a five-year performance period. For each win, a team receives 2 points, while a draw is worth 1 point. If the game is played in qualifying rounds, then the points earned here are further divided by 2 (for a win - 1 point, for a draw - 0.5 points).

In addition, teams can count on certain bonuses in the event of:

  • qualifying for the quarter, semi or final part of the championship – an extra point is awarded;
  • transition to the group stage (if participating in the Champions League) – you can get up to 4 points;
  • if a team has passed the 1/8th stage of the Champions League qualifying championships, it receives another 5 points;

Only matches played are counted.

To understand what rating a country will have, you need to add up all the points earned in the Europa League, as well as in the Champions League, and divide the result by the number of starting clubs. It is believed that if a country was able to get more than 10 points in a year, this is a very good indicator. Even the TOP giants, who show “top aerobatics”, which everyone is trying to emulate, barely overcome the 15-20 point line in a year.

Regarding the individual qualification of clubs, here the teams have a little more difficult time. At the qualifying stage, they simply work for the country's rating, and not for their own. The rating is calculated here actually “on a residual basis.” But at the level of the group stage of selection and playoffs, pleasant “buns” begin in the form of additional bonus points. From the first to the fourth round they are 0.5 each (with an accrual total).

Why does a football team start to have a series of draws?

This question is difficult to answer unequivocally; a series of such results can be due to a simple coincidence to the motivation of the players before the game. Ultimately, all points received are summed up in tournament tables that display the positions of each country and individual club.