Lesson summary on art "Russian heroes". Project task "Bogatyrs of the Russian Land."

Teacher: But what does our stone show?

shows: if you go straight, you will end up in an art studio, if you go to the left, you will end up in a music room, if you go right, you will end up in an art gallery.

Which arrow is blinking and where is it pointing? (Picture gallery). What do you think we can see in the art gallery?

And what kind of paintings will we look at today?

Slide 3 (Painting by Vasnetsov V. “Three Heroes”)

This is one of the best paintings of Russian painting. Viktor Mikhailovich Vasnetsov wrote it for 27 years. In order to write it, the artist studied many epics and legends, listened to the works of musicians, and wrote many sketches.

Who is depicted in the painting by Viktor Mikhailovich Vasnetsov?

Teacher: What do heroes do in an open field?

What are the names of the heroes?

What words can describe each hero?

Which of the heroes is depicted in the center of the picture?

Why did you decide this?

Alyosha Grigoriev prepared for us a short story about Ilya Muromets.

What else do you know about the hero?

In the center of the picture, on a black horse, sits Ilya Muromets, the peasant son, a glorious hero. The eldest of the heroes. There is a sense of strength in his appearance. He has a stern face and a gray beard. Ilya Muromets is dressed in iron chain mail and has a helmet on his head. The hero is armed with a club, a spear and a sword. The hero peers vigilantly into the distance.

Who is depicted on the right hand of Ilya Muromets?

Let's listen to Kolya Shcherbakov's story about this hero.

Describe how he is dressed, what is his face like? Why is he dressed richly?

Dobrynya Nikitich is dexterous and brave. He has brown hair and a beard. Dressed richly and elegantly. Because he has a red shield and a white horse. He is already taking out a sharp sword from its sheath, as if he is about to rush into battle.

Who did Dobrynyushka defeat?

Teacher: And who is on the left hand of Dobrynyushka?

What family was Alyosha born into?

What is he famous for?

How did Alyosha defeat his enemies?

Alyosha Popovich is brave and courageous, but not as strong as Ilya Muromets and Dobrynya Nikitich... And his horse looks in the other direction, but notices everything. A harp and a bow and arrows are attached to the horse.

And I also want to add. Draw your attention to the landscape. The heroes are surrounded by the steppe, hills behind them, and lead clouds all around. And above the heroes there are bright clouds.

Why do you think the artist depicted it this way?

Think about how this picture makes us feel?

An ancient legend, through the mouth of one of the conquerors, warns: “and I tell my children and grandchildren not to go to war against Great Rus', it has stood for centuries without shaking and will stand for centuries without moving.” Where do Russian warriors get their inexhaustible strength from? They say that they inherited it from distant ancestors, about whom songs and legends were composed - from epic heroes. From time immemorial there were people whom the people loved, whose names they kept in their hearts. These are those who defended the poor, who protected the Russian land, who did not give offense to the weak.

Project task

"Bogatyrs of the Russian land..."

Name of the project task

Bogatyrs of the Russian land...


Integrated (fine arts, history)


Task type

Subject-based, same-age

Goals and pedagogical objectives (pedagogical intent)

Create conditions for organizing interaction (cooperation) between children when solving a project problem, to create a wall newspaper “Heroes of the Russian Land...”.

Knowledge, skills and methods of action on which the task is based


    ability to work with text, extract the necessary information in explicit and implicit form.

    learn to build a poster composition using means of expression

    gaining experience working with various art materials in the process of creating a creative product;


    develop a willingness to openly express and defend one’s position;


    be able to collaborate in joint problem solving

    analyze, draw conclusions;


    discuss and analyze the work of classmates from the perspective of creative tasks.

Planned pedagogical result

Student demonstration:

    Mastering subject material and the ability to apply it in non-standard conditions;

    Ability, working in a small group of the same age, to create the final “product” of the wall newspaper “Bogatyrs of the Russian Land...”

Method and format of performance evaluation

When summing up the work, the teacher evaluates:

    mastery of subject material, the ability to apply it in a non-standard situation;

    correctness of the task;

    the ability to maintain its specificity throughout the entire solution of a problem;

    the ability to plan one’s own actions, distribute tasks in accordance with age capabilities;

    transfer of methods of action mastered in one academic subject or topic to other subjects or topics;

    the ability to work with the proposed text material, highlight the main thing from it, weed out unnecessary things that are not related to the intended goal;

    communication skills when working in a small group and their impact on the final result;

    the ability to conduct mutual assessment based on collectively developed criteria.

Equipment and materials

A set of text tasks in several versions, A4 sheets, cardboard, pencils, markers, scissors, glue, voting stickers

Design problem intent

Students are invited to participate in the design of a history event as part of the subject week.

Students will have the opportunity to independently select material, arrange it in the form of a wall newspaper, analyzing the content of the presented texts.

The educational meaning of the presented project task lies in the independent search for information devoted to love for the native fatherland, the popularization of Russian heroes, their dedication, loyalty and courage towards the Motherland.

The project task is designed for the participation of 4 people in each group with mutual control of the implementation of actions. At the last stage of the work, the presentation of the poster should be completed. In the process of completing a project task, students provide mutual assistance to each other and learn cooperation.

This approach expands the capabilities of children, gives them scope for their imagination and fantasy, makes the presentation stage more interesting for students, and makes the assessment process less formal.

Target, what students should achieve: create the final product - a wall newspaper.

Plot of the project problem

Dear seventh graders! History subject week is approaching. The teacher asked us for help: it is necessary to make posters about Russian heroes in order to organize an event on the history of the Fatherland as part of the subject week.

So, get to work! Good luck to you!

Start your work by reading the instructions for work.

Select your material carefully. At the end of the work, it is proposed to compare the resulting “product” with the standard, check whether the illustrations and text were chosen correctly. When defending, each group must justify the choice of material.

Stage 1. Leading dialogue

Guys, today I invite you to take a short trip back in time, into the past of our country. We will learn about those who long, long ago guarded and defended the borders of our Motherland. You all probably watched cartoons about Alyosha Popovich and Tugarin the Snake, Dobrynya Niktich and the Snake Gorynych, Ilya Muromets and the Nightingale the Robber? (students' answers). They tell about mighty warriors who once existed on our land.

A hero is a warrior who is distinguished by unusual strength, courage, daring and intelligence. In ancient times, even in Ancient Rus', heroes stood guard over our Motherland at the outpost (border). They rode tirelessly on mighty horses, vigilantly peering into the distance to see if they could see enemy fires or hear the tramp of other people's horses.

A bogatyr is a person of very great strength and endurance of courage. In Rus', heroes appeared at a time when foreign invaders robbed and killed ordinary people.

Strong, courageous people who passionately loved their homeland came to their defense. And epics were written about them. Guys, what is an epic? An epic from the word “was”. Of course, the events in the epic may be embellished, but nevertheless all the events are genuine.

Some epics were passed down from mouth to mouth, so they do not have a specific author whose name we could name.

The teacher demonstrates the painting “Bogatyrs”

- Guys, the famous painting “Bogatyrs” was created in the village of Abramtsevo near Moscow. This painting is often called “Three Heroes” today. Vasnetsov gave a description of the picture in a short but succinct remark: “The heroes Dobrynya, Ilya and Alyosha Popovich are on a heroic outing - they are noticing in the field whether there is an enemy somewhere, whether they are offending anyone.” Work on the great canvas took the artist almost seventeen years, and it began with a pencil sketch in distant Paris. The artist had barely made the final touch when Pavel Mikhailovich Tretyakov (he was a very rich man, a merchant, buying all the works of art that he met, traveling and communicating with various talented people of his time, in order to combine them in one place and thus preserve them for future generations , for you and me, so that we have the opportunity to study history, improve our culture and enjoy these works of art) bought a canvas for my collection. This is how this painting by Vasnetsov found its place in the Tretyakov Gallery. The three heroes still look at us from the wall of the famous gallery to this day.

Guys, I’ll tell you a secret: the fact is that Ilya Muromets, Alyosha Popovich and Dobrynya Nikitich could not meet, since they lived in different centuries! We have to find out detailed information about each of them, and find out at what time each of them lived.

I suggest that each group develop a wall newspaper about one of the heroes. One group should produce a wall newspaper about Ilya Muromets, another about Alyosha Popovich, and a third about Dobrynya Nikitich.

But in order to evaluate the results of our work, we need criteria. Let's develop them (criteria are being developed).

Let's remember the stages of working on a design task

    Discuss the purpose and purpose of the result

    Making an action plan

    We carry out tasks

    We control the execution

    We present the result

    Fill out the self-assessment sheet

Stage 2. Solution of the design problem

Task No. 1 (1 group)

A) Find a portrait of Ilya Muromets in Appendix No. 1 (or a photo with his image)

B) Read the texts and choose the one that contains the facts of the biography of Ilya Muromets (Appendix No. 2)

C) Read the texts and choose the one that provides the facts of the feat of Ilya Muromets (Appendix No. 3)

D) Find the name of the prince whom Ilya Muromets served (Appendix No. 4)

Task No. 1 (group 2)

F.I. student doing the work ______________________________

A) Find a portrait of Alyosha Popovich in Appendix No. 1 (or a photo with his image)

B) Read the texts and choose the one that provides the facts of the biography of Alyosha Popovich (Appendix No. 2)

C) Read the texts and choose the one that provides the facts of Alyosha Popovich’s feat (Appendix No. 3)

D) Find the name of the prince whom Alyosha Popovich served (Appendix No. 4)

D) Justify your answers. Prepare this material for the design of the “final product”

Task No. 1 (group 3)

F.I. student doing the work ______________________________

A) Find a portrait of Dobrynya Nikitich in Appendix No. 1 (or a photo with his image)

B) Read the texts and choose the one that contains the facts of the biography of Dobrynya Nikitich (Appendix No. 2)

C) Read the texts and choose the one that provides the facts of the feat of Dobrynya Nikitich (Appendix No. 3)

D) Find the name of the prince whom Dobrynya Nikitich served (Appendix No. 4)

D) Justify your answers. Prepare this material for the design of the “final product”

Appendix No. 1 (to task No. 1)

Appendix No. 2 (to task No. 1)

It is assumed that hero hero hero



According to various sources, hero hero hero

hero. It is generally accepted that the image hero



Bogatyr refers to the oldest and most popular epic heroes. His very name indicates a connection with nature. He is tall and powerful; the earth can hardly bear him. Possessor of enormous power, he is unable to control it. The epic tells of the death of Svyatogor, who meets on the road a coffin with the inscription: “Whoever is destined to lie in a coffin will lie in it,” and decides to try his luck. As soon as Svyatogor lies down, the coffin lid jumps up on its own and the hero cannot move it. Before his death, Svyatogor transfers his strength to Ilya Muromets, thus the hero of antiquity passes the baton to the new hero of the epic who comes to the fore.

Appendix No. 3 (to task No. 1)

His most famous feat is the victory over the Nightingale the Robber.

Researchers believe that the Nightingale the Robber is not a fairy-tale monster, but also a real historical figure, a robber who hunted in the forests on the way to Kyiv. And this robber was nicknamed Nightingale because he announced his attack by whistling (or, perhaps, by whistling he gave a signal to his gang to attack

The most famous feat hero is a battle hero

To accomplish the main feat, he goes to the Puchai River, the habitat of the Serpent Gorynych. Gorynych flies in, rains rain and showers fiery sparks on the hero, who remains unarmed. But hero Bogatyr hero

Appendix No. 4 (to task No. 1)

Served the prince Svyatoslav

Served the prince Mstislav the Old

Served the prince Vladimir Yasnoe Sunshine

Task No. 2 (1 group)

F.I. student doing the work ______________________________

Select the required illustration:

A) Select the necessary illustrations for the feat of Ilya Muromets (Appendix No. 1)

B) Choose a portrait of the prince whom Ilya Muromets served (Appendix No. 2)

B) Select a photo of the monument to Ilya Muromets (Appendix No. 3)

Task No. 2 (group 2)

F.I. student doing the work ______________________________

Select the required illustration:

A) Select the necessary illustrations for the feat of Alyosha Popovich

(Appendix No. 1)

B) Choose a portrait of the prince whom Alyosha Popovich served (Appendix No. 2)

B) Select a photo of the monument to Alyosha Popovich (Appendix No. 3)

D) Justify your choice. Prepare for decoration.

Task No. 2 (group 3)

F.I. student doing the work ______________________________

Select the required illustration:

A) Select the necessary illustrations for the feat of Dobrynya Nikitich (Appendix No. 1)

B) Choose a portrait of the prince whom Dobrynya Nikitich served (Appendix No. 2)

B) Select a photo of the monument to Dobrynya Nikitich (Appendix No. 3)

D) Justify your choice. Prepare for decoration.

Appendix No. 1 (to task No. 2)

Appendix No. 2 (to task No. 2)

Appendix No. 3 (to task No. 2)

Task No. 3 (1 group)

F.I. student, performing work __________________________

B) Choose a slogan about Ilya Muromets (Appendix No. 2)

Task No. 3 (group 2)

F.I. student doing the work __________________________

A) Choose a title for your product (Appendix No. 1)

B) Choose a slogan about Alyosha Popovich (Appendix No. 2)

B) Justify your choice. Prepare for decoration.

Task No. 3 (group 3)

F.I. student doing the work __________________________

A) Choose a title for your product (Appendix No. 1)

B) Choose a slogan about Dobrynya Nikitich (Appendix No. 2)

B) Justify your choice. Prepare for decoration.

Appendix No. 1(to task No. 3)

Appendix No. 2(to task No. 3)

Stage 3 . Presentation of work, mutual assessment and self-esteem



    The newspaper has a name.

    Each of the materials placed in the newspaper is placed separately and has its own name.

    All newspaper materials are placed on one sheet of poster.

    The newspaper indicates the names and surnames of its authors.

    The artistic design of a newspaper depends only on the imagination and skills of its authors.

    The prepared newspaper must be presented to readers.


    Know how to listen to your comrade;

    Everyone should express their opinion;

    When you finish the job, help a friend;

    Work quietly so as not to disturb others;

    Distribute tasks among pairs in a group to save time on the overall task.

    Keep your work place in order.

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"Standard No. 1"

Standard No. 1

“You will recognize a hero on the battlefield”

For a long time the mighty power matured in him,

And she woke up from grief.

The hero stood up for the Fatherland

And he fought bravely - not sparing himself or the enemy.

It is assumed that hero was born around 1143 in the village of Karacharovo near Murom in the Vladimir region in the family of the peasant Ivan, the son of Timofeev and his wife Euphrosyne. Experts determine the time period of life hero from 1148 to 1203. From a modern point of view, growth hero was slightly taller than average - 177 cm, but in the 12th century such a man was considered a giant.

In childhood and adolescence he suffered from paralysis. All attempts to cure him were unsuccessful. One day, strangers entered the house and imperiously said to him: “Go and bring us something to drink!” Sincerely wanting to fulfill their will, he stood up and was thus healed. From these same wanderers hero receives the blessing to fight the enemies of his native land.

Bogatyr was officially canonized in 1643. The Russian army considers the holy hero their patron.

Served the prince Svyatoslav

WITH His most famous feat is the victory over the Nightingale the Robber.

Researchers believe that the Nightingale the Robber is not a fairy-tale monster, but also a real historical figure, a robber who hunted in the forests on the way to Kyiv. And this robber was nicknamed Nightingale because he announced his attack by whistling (or, perhaps, by whistling he gave a signal to his gang to attack.


Ilya Muromets

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"Standard No. 2"

Standard No. 2

“The Russian land is glorious for its heroes”

Brave and courageous - a brave daredevil.

Our merry fellow is of the popovsky kind.

The youngest of the three is a hero,

He defended Rus', he defeated his enemies.

According to various sources, hero was the son of Rostov priest Leonty. One thing is certain, father hero was a pop. But here are the versions of the place of birth hero do not converge. According to one version, he was from the town of Piryatin, which is located in the Poltava region. Another option considers the village of Selishche (now abandoned), which is located in the Rostov district of the Yaroslavl region.

But there is another version of the origin hero. It is generally accepted that the image hero taken from a real person. Its prototype was a boyar from Rostov, whose name was Alexander. Alexander Popovich was a famous warrior of his time.

Bogatyr is not particularly strong (of course, in comparison with other heroes), but he has courage, daring, dexterity, perseverance, resourcefulness, but at the same time he is boastful, crafty, and evasive.

Served the prince Mstislav the Old

The most famous feat hero is a battle with Tugarin - the serpent. He makes caustic remarks about him and compares him to a dog. In battle hero wins thanks to his cunning. He uses a distraction and defeats Tugarin. This is his main difference from his “brothers” - the heroes.


Alyosha Popovich

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"Standard No. 3"

Standard No. 3

“There is no better thing than defending your native land from enemies”

The hero bore a good name -

He did not spare his enemies, he loved his Fatherland.

He served with Muromets,

He crushed his adversaries.

The hero is often depicted as a serving hero under Prince Vladimir. Wife – Nastasya. The hero is the closest hero to the prince.Bogatyr sometimes he is called the prince, and sometimes the nephew of Vladimir the Red Sun. The voivode is considered the historical prototype of the hero. The hero is smart, educated and has a variety of talents: he is dexterous, an excellent shooter, sings and plays the harp.

Served the prince Vladimir Yasnoe Sunshine

D To accomplish the main feat, he goes to the Puchai River, the habitat of the Serpent Gorynych. Gorynych flies in, rains rain and showers fiery sparks on the hero, who remains unarmed. But hero dives into the depths of the river several times before he finds himself on the shore, and, having entered into a duel, crushes the Serpent with the “cap of the Greek land.” He fell on the damp ground. Bogatyr wants to cut off the “snake’s” head. The snake begs for mercy, but, flying over Kiev, kidnaps Prince Vladimir’s beloved niece Zabava Putyatishna. The prince instructs hero free her: he reaches the “snake holes”, descends into them, frees Zabava and “the Russians are full.”

Monument Dobrynya Nikitich

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Dear guys!

The outcome of our lesson should be "product", let's name the evaluation criteria

1. The material was correctly selected (2 points for each task, 1 point - done correctly, 1 point - defense)

2.Originality of the work

3. Relevance to the topic.

4.Aesthetic design


Select a group leader. Everyone in the group should become familiar with all the tasks. Discuss the assignments. Distribute among yourselves responsibilities. Write down your action plan in TASK PLANNING AND PROMOTION SHEET


Decide how will you present the results– in the form of a presentation wall newspaper, album, brochure, booklet.


Complete the planned stages of work and mark what is completed on the planning and progress sheet. At the bottom of the completed product, be sure to indicate the composition of your group.


Present the results of your work to other groups. Try to organize your message so that you can speak every member of your group. The presentation should take 5-7 minutes.


Listen to reports from other groups.



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“Group and self assessment sheet”


"Bogatyrs of the Russian land..."

City, village (settlement)______________________________

School_______________________________ Class ________

Group number _______ My group number _________

Last name and first name________________________________________________

Evaluate your group's work.

Mark V the answer option with which you agree (agree).

1. Did all group members participate in the project task?

□ A. Yes, everyone worked the same way.

□ B. No, only one worked.

□ Q. Some worked more, some less.

2. Did you work together? Were there any quarrels?

□ A. They worked together, there were no quarrels.

□ B. They worked together, argued, but did not quarrel.

□ V. It was very difficult to negotiate; it didn’t always work out.

3. Do you like the result of the group’s work?

□ A. Yes, everything turned out well.

□ B. I like it, but it could be done better (Write what could have been done better?_________________________________________________)

□ B. No, I don’t like it (Write why you didn’t like the result of your group’s work?________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________)

4. Evaluate your contribution to the group. Mark the desired location on the ruler with an X.

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"Self-assessment sheet"

Individual work evaluation sheet

Last name, first name _____________________________________________________

Mark the rating scales:

1. Rate how interesting this task seemed to you.

2.Assess how difficult the proposed tasks were for you.

3. Assess your contribution to solving the problem (how useful you were to your group in solving the problem).

4. Evaluate how friendly and well-coordinated your group worked

5.Would you like to work again in the same group? Circle.


    Will the knowledge gained be useful in the future?

Elizaveta Baykuzina
Fine art summary “Defenders of the Russian Land. Image of a hero"

Subject: « Defenders of the Russian land. The image of a hero

Type of activity: thematic drawing;

UMK: perspective;

Target: introduce students to image of a Russian hero and teach how to portray him;


Educational: to cultivate a culture of perception of works fine arts;

Developmental: develop imaginative thinking, visually - figurative memory;

Educational: improve skill depict an image of a person;

Planned results:

Subject: ability to describe image of a person;


1. Educational: to create interest in visual arts;

2. Communication: improve dialogic and monologue forms of speech;

3. Regulatory: learn to analyze and evaluate the work of peers;

Personal: introduce students to a reproduction of a painting by V. Vasnetsov « Bogatyrs»

Venue: MBOU Secondary School No. 1, office No. 4.

Time: 9.45 – 10.25

Equipment: board, textbook « fine arts» (T. Ya. Shpikalova, L. V. Ershova, visual material (paintings heroes, armor, military weapons, painting by V. M. Vasnetsov « Bogatyrs» .

Technological map of the lesson.

I. Organizational moment.

The teacher greets children:

Hello children. Today's lesson fine art I will teach art for you, my name is Elizaveta Vladimirovna. Let's turn to the neighbor on the right and smile at him, let's turn to the neighbor on the left and wave to him. I wish you creative success in our lesson, sit down.

Checking the class's readiness for lesson:

For the lesson you will need watercolor paints, brushes, a pencil, an eraser, a jar of water and an album.

II. Targeting.

Teacher asks a question:

Guys, do you like solving riddles?

Great, let me tell you a riddle, and you try to guess it, just listen carefully and don’t shout out from your seat.

The teacher asks a riddle:

I know adults and children

There is no one stronger in the world

I will remind you of one thing -

This is Ilya Muromets.

That's right guys, this is hero.

The teacher introduces the topic of the lesson along with children:

So, who are we going to talk about in class today?

That's right, today we will talk about Russian heroes.

III. Work on a new topic.

Teacher asks a question children:

- Bogatyr - what is he like?, how do you imagine it?

Well done, all these words, selected by you, can be found in the plot of the picture that we will consider. Open your textbooks, page 93.

Teacher working with textbook:

Here is a reproduction of a painting by V. M. Vasnetsov « Bogatyrs» . Look carefully at her and listen to what I tell you about her.

The teacher presents his story:

There are three at the outpost hero, in the center on a black horse sits Ilya Muromets - glorious hero. He has Russian face, wide beard streaked with gray. The hero is well armed: He is dressed in iron chain mail, and on his head is a helmet. Ilya peers keenly into the steppe distance. On the right hand of Ilya Muromets is Dobrynya Nikitich. He has a long nose, blond hair and beard. He's dressed rich and elegant. Sits on a white, long-maned horse. Third hero – Alyosha Popovich. He is also a brave and courageous warrior, not as strong as Ilya and Dobrynya, but he prevails with his dexterity, speed and resourcefulness. U heroes one goal is not to miss the enemy, to stand firmly guard over the Motherland. Above them is a low sky covered with cold clouds.

Teacher asks questions:

Did you like Vasnetsov's painting?

Which one heroes did you like it better?

The teacher invites the children to draw hero:

I offer you portray your hero, the way you imagine it. He can be drawn in armor with various weapons. The hero must be portrayed on the entire sheet of paper. Can show him in motion, on horseback. Try to draw carefully; when drawing, your back should be straight.

The teacher hangs pictures of tools and clothes on the board hero. And this is what I got hero:

The teacher hangs up a picture of his drawing hero and invites the children to get to work.

IV. Physical education minute.

The teacher conducts a physical education lesson with children:

You were probably tired, and that’s why everyone got up.

Physical education minute:

One - get up, pull yourself up,

Two - quickly touch the sky.

Three white handles,

Reach your head to your shoulders.

Four arms wider -

The best protection in the world.

Look at each other - what we are not heroes?

How do we hear the number? "5"- Let's sit quietly and draw.

V. Continuation of work on a new topic.

Students sit down and continue drawing. hero. They are nearing completion of the work.

VI. Lesson summary.

The teacher summarizes lesson:

Guys, your knights turned out to be very strong and powerful. They are able to stand guard over Rus' and protect it.

VII. Reflection.

The teacher asks the students to finish the phrase.

Guys, help me finish offers:

I found it interesting during the lesson...

It was difficult for me in class...

Now I can...

The teacher ends the lesson:

It was a pleasure working with you, but our time has come to an end. The lesson is over, goodbye.

Publications on the topic:

Summary of the lesson “Bogatyrs of the Russian Land” Fine arts lesson plan dedicated to Defender of the Fatherland Day. Tverdokhlebova Irina Aleksandrovna, teacher. Objectives: introduce children to...

Lesson on the topic “Epic heroes - defenders of the Russian land.” Intellectual game tournament of erudites “Clever and Clever.” Goal: inclusion.

Summary of direct educational activities on speech development in the senior group “Defenders of the Russian Land” Integrated areas: speech development, social and communicative development, artistic and aesthetic development, cognitive development.

Summary of direct educational activities in the preparatory group “Defenders of the Russian Land” Goal: To develop children's interest in the heroic past of their country. Objectives: Educational: introduce children to some events.

Abstract of the NOD “Heroes of the Russian Land” Topic: Bogatyrs of the Russian land. Integration: Cognition, communication, socialization. Purpose: to summarize and systematize children’s knowledge about.

Target: To form an idea of ​​the heroic past of the Russian people of Ancient Rus', the great Russian heroes - defenders of the Russian land.


  • Educational: define the epic; introduce a work of oral folk art - the epic “Ilya Muromets”; teach to characterize heroes and their actions; generalize knowledge about the history of the emergence of Rus', introduce Russian epic heroes, how our ancestors defended their Motherland.
  • Educational: develop interest in reading; the ability to listen carefully and with concentration; visual attention.
  • Educational: to cultivate civic and patriotic feelings through oral folk art; a feeling of pride and admiration for the exploits of Russian heroes.

Equipment: reproduction of the painting by V.M. Vasnetsov “Three Heroes”; cut pictures; illustrations depicting modern types of weapons and weapons of Russian heroes, details of clothing of Russian heroes.

Age of children: preparatory groups.

Direction:“Cognitive and speech development.”

Main educational area: “ Cognition” (formation of a holistic picture of the world).

Integration of educational areas:“Cognition”, “Communication”, “Socialization”.

Form: subgroup.

Methods and techniques:

  • examination;
  • display;
  • surprise moment;
  • guiding questions for children;
  • gymnastics “Miracle Yudo”;
  • Russian folk tale “where there is work, there is food”;
  • quiz;
  • viewing of the film “Ilya Muromets and the Nightingale the Robber” (2nd issue)

Preliminary work: examining a reproduction of the painting by V.M. Vasnetsov “Three Heroes”, folding cut pictures; illustrations of weapons of Russian heroes; proverbs.

Lexical work:

  • Bylina is a Russian epic song about heroes.
  • A hero is a hero of Russian epics who performs military feats.
  • Ancestors are people who lived on earth many, many centuries ago.
  • The club is an ancient weapon - a heavy club with a thickened end.
  • Wanderers - a person who wanders, travels on foot.
  • A blessing is a parting word, words of wishes for someone who sets out on a journey to perform feats of arms.
  • Voivode is the commander of an army.
  • Serve with faith and truth - honestly, without sparing your life.
  • To greet with bread and salt is to show honor and respect.
  • Chainmail, mace, spear, shield, armor, helmet, bow, arrows.

Progress of the lesson

“Morning” by E. Grieg sounds.

Children come in and sit on chairs.

Speech therapist. Hello, good fellows and beautiful girls! We gathered not for an honest feast, but for a kind and orderly conversation, so that we could have peace, harmony, and agreement, and our conversation would be conducted in smooth speech.

And we will talk about the heroes, the defenders of the Russian Land, who lived a thousand years ago, and the glory of their exploits has survived to this day. How did we learn about the Russian heroes who lived in the old days and became famous for their exploits?

Children. We learned about heroes from epics.

Speech therapist. Right. What is an epic? What word does this name come from?

Children. The word "epic" comes from the words "byl", "was". An epic is a work that tells about events that actually happened.

Speech therapist. Right. An epic is a heroic song about heroes.

The creator of the epics was the people, and the storyteller told the epics. This was the name of the person who told Russian folk epics and fairy tales. How did the storyteller tell the epics?

Children. He spoke it like a song and played it on the harp.

Speech therapist. Yes, indeed, the storyteller went from village to village and chanted (similar to a song) about heroic heroes, about their exploits, about how they defeated enemies, defended their native land, showed their bravery, courage, ingenuity, and kindness.

The storyteller said so (harp sounds):

I'll tell you about old things,
Yes, about the old ones, about the experienced ones,
Yes about battles, yes about battles,
Yes, about heroic deeds!

Among the Russian people, epic stories about mighty heroes have been passed down from mouth to mouth for many centuries, from grandfather to grandson.

So who are these heroes?

Children. Defenders of the Motherland, warriors, brave, courageous people.

Speech therapist. You are right, heroes are the defenders of the Russian Land. They were famous for their unprecedented strength and boundless courage.

Who did the heroes fight with? (children's answers)

It is correct both with the enemies of the Russian land and with the dark forces.

And now let’s warm up a little and show off our heroic strength.


To the music "Once upon a time there lived a miracle"

Speech therapist. The exploits of Russian heroes are reflected not only in epics, but also in the works of artists. Please tell me which painting by V.M. Did Vasnetsova appear on our screen?

Children. Painting "Bogatyrs".

Speech therapist. Let's look at it and talk about it. Who is shown in the picture?

Children. Three heroes.

Speech therapist. Who is in the center of the picture?

Children. Ilya Muromets.

Speech therapist. How did you guess that it was Ilya Muromets?

Children. He is the oldest, powerful, wise.

Speech therapist. Who is to the left of Ilya Muromets? Who's to his right?

Children. Dobrynya Nikitich on the left, Alyosha Popovich on the right.

Speech therapist. The heroes look into the distance: are there any enemies somewhere? They defend the Russian Land and its borders. How are the heroes dressed?

Children. The body is wearing chain mail.

Speech therapist. What is chain mail and why is it needed?

Children. This is a shirt made of metal rings. She protected heroes from blows of a spear or sword, from arrows.

Speech therapist. What do the heroes wear on their heads?

Children. Helmet. He protected the hero's head from blows.

Speech therapist. What other armor do heroes have?

Children. Ilya Muromets has a spear and a mace or club, Dobrynya Nikitich has a sword, and Alyosha Popovich has a bow and arrows.

View armor

Speech therapist. Let's take a closer look at the picture. What could Alyosha Popovich play?

Children. Alyosha Popovich played the harp.

Speech therapist. You're right. The heroes not only fought, but also knew how to relax. Now you and I will rest.

Who's looking gloomy here?
The music starts again.
Get ready, kids!
A Russian game is waiting for you!
“Where there is work, there is food.”

Game “Where there is work, there is food.”

To play you need: 20 peas, 2 spoons, 4 saucers. To the music, one pea needs to be transferred from one saucer (bucket) to another.

Children sit down

Speech therapist. And now I suggest we stretch our minds and hold a competition of ingenuity based on Russian epics and fairy tales. (quiz)

  1. Name the heroes you know
  2. What is the name of the clothes of heroes, woven from metal rings? chain mail
  3. Nightingale the Robber's main weapon? whistling
  4. The main weapon of a hero? Sword, club, spear
  5. Royal headdress? Crown
  6. Hero's headdress? Helmet
  7. Robber's figure? 40
  8. A heroic figure? 3
  9. Serpent after father? Gorynych

Speech therapist. Well done. You did a great job!

Our conversation about Russian heroes has come to an end, and we will remember what covenant (rule) the heroes left us.

Love the Motherland, protect and take care of it.
Protect the weak, the elderly and children.
Be strong, brave, courageous.
And the legends of antiquity
We must not forget.
So that children can know
About the affairs of our native land.
Glory to Russian antiquity! Glory to the Russian side!

And finally, let's look at a cartoon about a hero.

View m/f

Bogatyr. Defender of the Russian Land. Master class with step-by-step photos.

Master class on drawing. Bogatyr. Defender of the Russian Land.

Dyakova Olga Sergeevna teacher of the Fine Arts class MBOUDO "DSHI" Okhansk
Description: This master class will be useful for fine arts teachers, teachers of additional education of artistic and aesthetic orientation; students starting from grade 3 can easily cope with this work.
Step-by-step drawing will help you avoid the most common mistakes and give you confidence in your own abilities.
Purpose: Use in drawing classes, interior decoration or as a gift.
Target: performing the composition - Bogatyr
Tasks: improve your skills in working with gouache
promote the development of creative abilities
develop a sense of composition, the ability to analyze the shape of depicted objects, deepen the sense of perception of color and color harmony
cultivate interest in the history of the Fatherland, respect for its defenders,
develop accuracy in work
Whatman paper, A-3 format.,
nylon brushes numbered 2, 3, 5.

Execution sequence:

Place the sheet of paper vertically. We outline the hills with a thin line. We won't need a pencil anymore.

We make the sky in large rings from the solar disk to the edges (gradually increasing the radius and darkening the color). The colors of the circles are sequentially yellow (sun), yellow-white, pale blue and deep blue.

We blur the boundaries between the “rings”, making the transitions smoother.

We make the hills in two colors - light green and dark green.

We blur the boundaries between colors making the transitions smoother.

We begin work on the main character.
Let's start with the head, since the proportions of the entire figure will depend on it.
We make the head light pink.

Draw the helmet.

Let's start working on the face. Using a thin brush, draw the nose and eyes.

Draw the beard and mustache.

In black we draw shadows on the beard and helmet of the hero.

Using white and yellow colors we draw light on the beard and helmet of the hero.

Use dark pink to draw shadows around the eyes and on the cheeks.

We draw the chain mail attached to the helmet and covering the ears and neck.

Draw the upper part of the body.

We draw the lower part and sleeves of the chain mail as well as the belt.

We outline the shadow and light on the chain mail.

We blur the shadows and light along the inner contour, softening their boundaries.

Draw the edge of the shirt and pants.

Let's draw boots.

Draw the shield and shirt sleeve.

We outline the fist and the pattern on the shield.

We outline the shadows - on the sleeve, pants and boots, the shield and under the shield, as well as folds on the shirt.

We blur the shadows along the inner contour, softening their boundaries.

We outline the light - on the sleeve, shield, pants and boots.

We blur the light along the inner contour, softening its boundaries.

Let's draw a spear.

We mark the flag on the spear.

Fill the checkbox with color.

We draw shadow and light on the spear and flag.

We blur the light and shadows on the spear and the flag, softening their borders along the inner contour.

Draw the fingers on the hand.

We draw the metal plates on the chest, highlight the collar of the chain mail, and refine the pattern on the shield.

Using light wavy lines we create the texture of chain mail.

We draw the forest in the background.

Using rich white color we draw the main volumes of the church.

Draw the dome.

Using a thin line we divide the “body” of the church into parts.

We draw the windows and the patterned belt.

We draw shadows and light on the domes, doors and walls of the church.

Draw the roof and the cross.

Using light strokes we add texture to the hills and draw a path from the church.

Draw the grass in the foreground.

Using a thin brush we outline the ears.

Draw the ears.