Methods of learning a foreign language in 2 weeks. Spoken English in two weeks. Pre-travel training

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English in two weeks...

- Is it possible?

- I'll explain now:

On the Internet you can often see such advertisements from teachers: “English in 2 weeks.”

Here I want to immediately clarify that situations with learning English are different. There are people who have never studied English before; there are those who once studied, but forgot or did not finish studying; there are students with insufficient knowledge to pass the exam; There are people who simply want to take a short course in English before traveling to an English-speaking country.

Let's look at all these categories and understand what can be done for each of these categories in 2 weeks. Let me note that I am only talking about what, specifically, I can do (I can’t vouch for other teachers: some may be able to do it, but some may not).

Category 1
Never studied English before
(mainly tourists and businessmen)

If you have zero knowledge, and in a couple of weeks you are going to travel to an English-speaking country, in principle, of course, everything is possible, but as for the English language, in 2 weeks, on an emergency basis, subject to daily classes, it is possible to give a person a certain minimum a language base, a certain foundation on which he will then, while abroad, use a dictionary to string new words and expressions.

In two weeks it is really possible to teach a person how to construct simple phrases in English, teach him to read, write and express his thoughts in simple language. Of course, in any case, he will need two things abroad: a Russian-English and English-Russian phrasebook and a similar dictionary, preferably electronic.

Having completed such an emergency course of study, a person, of course, will not be lost abroad, since he will be able to express his thoughts and wishes, although it will be extremely difficult for him to understand native speakers, but here you can resort to the help of electronic dictionaries-translators, then the problem will be resolved, although it will be very difficult for him at first.

Category 2
Schoolchildren and students

Everything is much simpler here, because everything is possible here. At least, I didn’t have a single case of failing an exam or failing a test during my entire internship. Before an exam, as a rule, everything unreal becomes real for a student and he is ready to study for days.

If we are talking about a semester, then the preparation is real, of course, provided that he completes all the tasks in class and at home. I would like to note that those who missed 2 semesters and have zero knowledge have not yet contacted me 2 weeks before the exams (after 20 years of practice).

If you have to take an exam for one course of study and you have vocabulary and or the ability to construct forms of verbs in different tenses, but there is no understanding of the use of tenses, I will prepare without problems, perhaps even ahead of schedule. In the same situation, but without the ability to construct forms of verbs in different tenses, it will be difficult, but we will manage, although the student will have a very hard time. What to do, it’s my own fault, I should have attended lectures, not skipped.

But, if there is a semester test to be taken, and the student does not know a single word of English and has no idea, simple future tense... Here, depending on the situation, it depends on what exactly is to be taken. In this case, I don’t guarantee a 100% “A” and, in general, if everything is really neglected, I’ll honestly say that he can fail the test, unless, of course, he is a freshman with a pass for the first semester (with them, everything is simpler - a small amount knowledge and, accordingly, requirements).

Category 3
Those who have previously studied English need to improve their knowledge

Well, this is the easiest thing - in 2 weeks here you can not only update the forgotten, but also move on by leaps and bounds.

Category 4
Short English course required

It is not hard. You can give an idea of ​​the construction of sentences and consider the system of English tenses. We will also have time to analyze the main subtleties of English grammar and its differences, for example, from Spanish. We will have time to figure out what “Coordination of tenses” is and understand its meaning in English. In a word, we will have time to go through the theoretical grammar of the English language with a brief practice of its application and the basics of translation, provided that the student has good knowledge of at least one foreign language. If such knowledge is absent, the result will certainly be significantly worse.

Category 4
It is required to conduct a comparative typology of the English language with the Spanish language

A couple of lessons will be enough for this. If you need to show everything in practice, then in 2 weeks we’ll just do it.

Study independently using the textbook “Theoretical and practical grammar of the English language with exercises on all standard grammar and tests.”

Recently, in Russia and the countries of the former Soviet Union, people began to receive dubious messages on their phones. The whole phone is already full of these offers, they clog up the memory, but in fact, they are all trying to deceive people. Now I can’t remember exactly which site, I still need to look.

But people are promised to improve their skills very quickly, for example, to learn English in two weeks; it certainly cannot be learned in such a short period of time, but they offer it for money. In fact, a person can accept this offer and pay the money. But in the end, a person receives neither knowledge nor money. All his money goes into the hands of scammers who are trying to profit from gullible people, and have launched sending such messages throughout the country. They have been in the phone of my mother and friends for a long time, they from time to time, but often talk about the offers that they receive. The most popular is to learn English in two weeks, in second place, I’m sixty years old and I mastered the computer in two days, and the third is a secret miracle technique for SMS. Just imagine what kind of secret methods we can talk about: a person receives an SMS, he reads it and is intrigued, and pays money to the scammer’s wallet, but in the end he receives nothing valuable. And many people who need to be told about it can fall for such a scam. So that they know in advance what they can and cannot get involved with, and they will not gain any skills from the money spent. And if people want to master a computer in two days, then such messages come to older people who do not understand computers at all. Then imagine an old man was offered to master a computer in a couple of days, but he didn’t understand it at all, he decided to pay and get this course. But in fact, he didn’t learn anything; the old man was handed a note from which not only can one learn a computer, but nothing is clear at all. He can sit down and figure it out on his own and learn what he needs. And you don't need to pay for it at all. Under no circumstances should you accept such offers. It’s not clear why people send SMS, I can’t even call them people. They think that there are people so naive who will believe, and there are even such people. When the phone is already full of these offers, and you can’t indicate the website, the scammers constantly change it, just to extract money. If such offers are received, then under no circumstances should you pay; it is better to contact a trusted company.

When a dubious SMS arrives, it is better to delete it immediately, or at the end of cleaning in a week, deleting all SMS together is also a good idea. The main thing is not to click on the links, do not call the scammers’ numbers indicated in the SMS, and the owner of the message also does not need to write or call anything. The most important thing is not to mess with them. You come across messages with sugary offers that can be mistaken for real offers, very profitable deals that are a scam. There may be many more offers that came out of the blue, when you haven’t even met the person and don’t know where it comes from, this is also a scam. Connect with people only in real life, and then only with those you know well. And if you don’t know how to take action, read what they write, or contact the police to detect the number from which the offers were received. And whoever has a blocker on their phone, then immediately block the owners of the number from which the SMS was received, so that you are not disturbed and you live in peace. Know everything is in your hands, and you can learn the same English through your own efforts, or go to a training school. The computer is the same, you can learn it yourself, or take courses only in real life.

A set of interactive features for learning foreign languages, based 100% on natural mental processes.

Phenomenal multilinguist, prof. Andrzej Gawronski, who has mastered at least 60 languages, and polyglot linguist Giuseppe Gasparo Mezzofanti, who speaks 38 languages, are just examples of the geniuses who helped create the foundation of this 30-day method. It allows you to master vocabulary in a shockingly fast time, even from a year-long language course! Be convinced that the Phenomenal Multilinguist Formula can lead to the disappearance of language schools.

Why is learning z Ling Fluent so fast?
Because it increases the productivity of your brain by 5 times. Don't think that it is too late for you to start speaking a foreign language. It's always the right time! You will be able to verify this within 30 days. You will see such changes in your life:

you will begin to speak a foreign language fluently without stress within only 30 days of training,
reading notes on foreign sites will not be a problem for you,
gain admiration among loved ones and recognition at work
You will always learn several times faster.
What is the secret of the fast method of learning foreign languages ​​in accordance with the Formula of Phenomenal Multilinguists?
All standard methods of teaching foreign languages ​​partially activate your ability to memorize and make associations. They typically cannot support these cognitive processes effectively because they only recruit a small portion of the brain's structures. The formula for Phenomenal Multilinguists contained in the Ling Fluent system of interactive features is accompanied by the fact that the system works differently. Opens up 100% of your capabilities that are hidden in your subconscious.

Based on research from the EOC Institute, it can be argued that the source of the non-standard skills of Andrzej Gawronski and Giuseppe Mezzofanti was, among other things, the principle of Whole Brain Synchronization. It relies on the simultaneous use of the right and left hemispheres of the brain. As you memorize new words, Ling Fluent's automatic 30-day Phenomenal Multilingual Learning Formula simultaneously activates the right and left hemispheres of the brain. The brain works 5 times faster than usual. This results in increased cognitive abilities, the ability to remember new words and associate with their Hungarian counterparts. Thanks to this, the associations that arise penetrate stronger and deeper into memory, and your brain almost automatically remembers new words.

Who is this technique for?
For all. Are you starting from scratch? After just 2 weeks, the internal blockade before speaking a foreign language disappears, and you gain self-confidence and freedom to use new expressions. Do you know the basics of the language? Improve your pronunciation, and after 2 days of using Ling Fluent chips, you will learn more than 270 new phrases! Regardless of where you start, because after 9 days you will notice a significant difference in your vocabulary. He will be much richer than before. After a month, you will know English, German or any other language as well as having completed a month-long language course. If this does not happen, you have the right to take advantage of a special guarantee. Without further clarification

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Year: 2016
Language: Russian
Format: mp4

Today, knowledge of the English language opens up enormous prospects for any person, regardless of his education and goals. Needless to say, approximately 1/7 of the Earth’s population speaks this language, and over time this number will increase significantly. Thanks to your knowledge of English, you can easily communicate with native speakers, make business contacts, undergo free training using materials from the best universities in the world, work in promising international companies, and you can get a significant advantage when emigrating to another country. You can greatly diversify your leisure time by reading in English, watching movies, playing video games. Today it is difficult to imagine a profession where knowledge of English will not provide significant advantages.

However, you may need knowledge of English urgently. For example, if you are planning to visit a country with an English-speaking population, or plan to take tests, or maybe you have a business meeting with a partner who speaks English, or you need to prepare a presentation. In all these cases, learning needs to be accelerated as much as possible, and if you don’t know this language at all, then do everything in your power to squeeze everything out of the remaining time and learn at least the minimum.

If you are wondering about how to learn English in two weeks and at the same time your knowledge leaves much to be desired, you should turn to specialists. The fact is that good English language learning centers already have prepared programs for such a case. Experienced specialists will first assess your knowledge and then offer you the most promising program, thanks to which you will be able to master the English language to the required level in a short time. This method has many advantages over self-study, and the most important thing is that it saves time, since you will need to work according to an already prepared program that has proven its effectiveness over many years. However, even if you study with experienced teachers, you can achieve better results if you additionally engage in self-study.

The first step, of course, is to learn the alphabet. You will not have any difficulty finding it on the Internet with a transcription of each letter, and you can also find out how each letter is pronounced. All you need to do is learn it by heart, without this you are unlikely to be able to move on to the next stage.

In these countries, more than 80% of people communicate in English.

If you are planning to learn a language for a specific purpose, then you should not focus on all sorts of school rules. For example, if you are planning a trip to Britain, it is better to find a simple phrasebook online and memorize the most popular types of phrases. Also, take the trouble to install a translator application on your laptop, tablet or phone; this will save a lot of time when learning the language, and will also come in handy in the future. If you have a report coming up, then you need to practice pronunciation of the entire text, for this you need to re-read it several times. You can even record your speech on a voice recorder, and then listen to it and work on your mistakes.

If there is no specific topic to study, then it is better to choose the one that is closest to you. It will be much easier to study if it concerns your favorite topic. It’s quite possible that you have your favorite songs in English, so why don’t you translate them into Russian? You can also learn them, this will speed up your language learning.

You need to understand that if you want to learn at least the basics of the language, then during these 2 weeks you will have to put aside all other things and focus on your goal. Exercise every day, even if you fail, this is the only way you can achieve your goal.

Guys, those who do not yet understand that it is impossible to learn a language in 2 weeks, understand, YOU must learn the language. No one will teach it for YOU. No invited native speakers (as in advertising), no money, no deadlines will help you if you don’t want it yourself.

It is impossible to learn a foreign language in 2 weeks. You can learn, with reservations, a foreign language in six months, a year or a year and a half. This is a realistic time frame, but not in 2 weeks. In the best case, in 2 weeks you will be able to memorize a few phrases in order to say something to someone somewhere. Now I don’t mean polyglots, who, in principle, are able to quickly understand the meaning of someone else’s language, but I mean ordinary people, not polyglots.

There is another very important factor. If there is no communication with people in a foreign language, then the language will be quickly forgotten. You need a constant interest in the language and constant exercise. And all the same, once you find yourself in the country of the language, you will find yourself in a puddle, because native speakers speak quickly, abbreviate a lot and nothing will be understood.

Only under the condition of long-term residence in the country of the language being studied is there a guarantee, unless the person is a complete idiot, of course, that the language will be learned by itself and will be understandable. This happens (many people say this) after about 1-3 years of living in the country of the language being studied.

Therefore, you yourself know what you can call all these courses on “complete language learning in 2 weeks”. It would be better if they didn’t fool people, but directly called their courses “we’ll teach you a few phrases in English” or “how to partially understand your interlocutor on the street or in a cafe” or something similar. I think you understand what I wanted to say.

A particularly gifted (without irony) individual can learn a language in 2 weeks, but a particularly gifted person does not need any courses. He will learn the language without them.

I will say again that no one but YOU needs knowledge of any language. No one. Everyone else only needs YOUR money. Just like that. What am I talking about? You can lay the foundations of the language into yourself, absolutely free of charge. To do this, you just need to take the right course of study and follow the instructions of those who created this course. Yes, I do not deny that live communication with the teacher and fellow students is important and necessary. But this can be done as an addition to the main course (free and chosen by you), and not vice versa.

When I decided to learn English, it only took me 2 months to understand teaching methods, their differences, in order to choose a universal teaching method. It took 2 months to simply understand the techniques and a year of intensive training, which continues to this day. Do you understand? And here you are offered to learn the language to a fluent level in 2 weeks. You can read my thoughts and some secrets gained from my own experience. Therefore, think before you pay 15 or 50 thousand to someone for something you should do yourself.

In 2 weeks, the advertisement promises to teach you how to communicate fluently in English. You know, I’ll step back a little from the topic now and try to express one idea that has been known to me for a long time. There is no freedom. Freedom is declared everywhere, but it is not there. For the simple reason that everything in the world is subject to strict rules.

Planet Earth is tied to its orbit and revolves around the Sun. What is the freedom here? Our planet, perhaps, has long wanted to fly somewhere away from its frying master. But it’s just not possible. The Sun itself is also tied to its place in the Galaxy, and the Galaxy to its place in the Universe. And the Universe, most likely, does not float freely somewhere and exist as it wants, but obeys some laws, the understanding of which is inaccessible to us.

They tell us everywhere, from TV, anywhere, from advertising, that, they say, be free, be fashionable, be something else. And the church claims that human free will is the main characteristic of man. But the whole point is that a person consists of many molecules that do not act freely, but according to strictly established rules. At the molecular level there is no longer any freedom. Both the will of man and he himself are most likely no longer free. They are hostages of the rules that exist and that actually apply. A person cannot be without water, food, or air for a long time. How can an unfree being have free will? Even if, let’s assume that he can, his free will will still run into natural/physical limitations.

Protons, electrons, nuclei - everything is in its place and they are not able to change places. No matter how much a person wants real freedom, it simply doesn’t exist. There's just a set of rules. If this set of rules can be called freedom, then please. But freedom implies absolutely everything. Is not it? But for some reason a person does not fly like a bird, although everyone tells him that he is “free.” He created various aircraft, but he himself cannot fly on his own, although he wants to, if you believe numerous testimonies.

And so in everything and everywhere. If there were freedom (it exists, of course, but is inaccessible to man), then humanity would achieve a comfortable life and universal prosperity. But the economy is subject to its own rules, including those invented by man. Therefore, we cannot talk about any free market.

The same goes for language. It is impossible to be fluent in the language. This is simply impossible. And when some cunning guys say that they will teach you to speak fluently English in 2 weeks, then you should strain yourself and think very carefully before giving them your money.