Practical work number 3 on drawing. Practical and graphic work on drawing. The concept of guests. formats. frame. drawing lines


Practical and graphic work on drawing

The notebook was developed by Anna Aleksandrovna Nesterova, teacher of the highest category of drawing and fine art, teacher of the Municipal Budgetary Educational Institution “Secondary School No. 1 of Lensk”

Introduction to the Subject of Drawing

The history of the emergence of graphic methods of images and drawings

Drawings in Rus' were made by “draftsmen”, a mention of which can be found in the “Pushkar Order” of Ivan IV.

Other images - drawings, were a bird's eye view of the structure.

At the end of the 12th century. In Russia, large-scale images are introduced and dimensions are indicated. In the 18th century, Russian draftsmen and Tsar Peter I himself made drawings using the method of rectangular projections (the founder of the method is the French mathematician and engineer Gaspard Monge). By order of Peter I, the teaching of drawing was introduced in all technical educational institutions.

    The entire history of the development of the drawing is inextricably linked with technical progress. Currently, the drawing has become the main document of business communication in science, technology, production, design, and construction.

    It is impossible to create and check a machine drawing without knowing the basics of the graphic language. Which you will meet while studying the subject"Drawing"

Types of graphic images

Exercise: label the names of the images.

Materials, accessories, drawing tools.

From history

An iron compass was found in France in a Gallic mound from the 1st century AD. In the ashes that covered Pompeii nineteen centuries ago, archaeologists also discovered many bronze compasses.

In Ancient Rus', a circular ornament made of small regular circles was widespread. A steel compass cutter was found during excavations in Novgorod the Great.

Pencil got its name from the merger of two Turkic words:punishment – black and tash - stone. In the 16th century, the British discovered graphite deposits. Fragile pens were placed in an elegant frame made of reed or mahogany, and only at the end of the 18th century, the Czech J. Garmut proposed making writing rods from a mixture of crushed graphite and clay. The writing rods were called “kohinoor” - “having no equal.”

Protractor - a tool for measuring degrees and drawing angles, made of tin or plastic.

Pattern - a thin plate with curved edges, used for drawing curved (pattern) lines that cannot be drawn using a compass.

Word eraser , it turns out, comes from the abbreviated word “gummy elastic”, which translates asrubber.

Ready room – a set of drawing tools and accessories placed in a case.

Fixing the material:

According to the teacher's instructions, students draw vertical, horizontal and inclined lines, as well as circles, in a workbook, using drawing tools.

The concept of GOST standards. Formats. Frame. Drawing lines.

Notebook, textbook “Drawing”, ed. A. D. Botvinnikova, accessories, fA4


Tools, notebook, textbook, ed. A. D. Botvinnikova, format fA4 (without font)


Ideas about GOSTs, ESKD, formats, title block

Be able to:

Determine the thickness, style, type of lines when creating graphic images, design the format.

Task 1

Graphic work No. 1

"Formats. Frame. Drawing lines"

Textbook "Drawing" ed. A. D. Botvinnikova p. 20, accessories, fA4


Tools, notebook, textbook, ed. A. D. Botvinnikova, graph paper.


Rules for drawing up, stages of work on the drawing.

Be able to:

Carefully and rationally work with drawing tools. Follow the rules for drawing up drawings and drawing lines.

Examples of work performed

Test tasks for graphic work No. 1

Option #1.

    What designation according to GOST has a format of size 210x297:

a) A1; b) A2; c) A4?

2. What is the thickness of the dash-dotted line if in the drawing the solid main thick line is 0.8 mm:

a) 1mm: b) 0.8 mm: c) 0.3 mm?


Option #2.

Select and underline the correct answers to the questions.

    Where in the drawing is the main inscription located?

a) in the lower left corner; b) in the lower right corner; c) in the upper right corner?

2. How much should the axial and center lines extend beyond the contour of the image:

a) 3...5 mm; b) 5…10 mm4 c) 10…15 mm?

Option #3.

Select and underline the correct answers to the questions.

    What arrangement of A4 format is allowed by GOST:

A) vertical; b) horizontal; c) vertical and horizontal?

2. . What is the thickness of a solid thin line if in the drawing the solid main thick line is 1 mm:

a) 0.3 mm: b) 0.8 mm: c) 0.5 mm?

Option number 4.

Select and underline the correct answers to the questions.

    At what distance from the edges of the sheet is the drawing frame drawn:

a) left, top, right and bottom – 5 mm each; b) left, top and bottom – 10 mm, right – 25 mm; c) left – 20 mm, top, right and bottom – 5 mm each?

2. What type of line are the axial and center lines made in the drawings:

a) a solid thin line; b) dash-dotted line; c) dashed line?

Option #5.

Select and underline the correct answers to the questions.

    What are the dimensions of the A4 format according to GOST:

a) 297x210 mm; b) 297x420 mm; c) 594x841 mm?

2. Depending on which line the thickness of the drawing lines is selected:

a) dash-dotted line; b) a solid thin line; c) a solid main thick line?

Fonts (GOST 2304-81)

Notebook, textbook “Drawing”, ed. A. D. Botvinnikova, accessories, graph paper.


Notebook, textbook §2.4 pp. 23-24, graph paper.


Drawing font, main inscription of the drawing.

Be able to:

Use a font when designing a drawing

Font types:

Font sizes:

Practical tasks:

Calculations of drawing font parameters



Size in mm



capital letters



lowercase letters

0.7 h



Letter spacing

0.2 h






Minimum distance between line bases

1.7 h






Minimum distance between words

0.6 h






Letter thickness

0.1 h






Test tasks

Option #1.

Select and underline the correct answers to the questions.

What value is taken as the font size:

a) the height of a lowercase letter; b) height of capital letter; c) the height of the spaces between the lines?

Option #2.

Select and underline the correct answers to the questions.

What is the height of the capital letter of rift No. 5:

a) 10 mm; b) 7 mm; c) 5 mm; d) 3.5 mm?

Option #3.

Select and underline the correct answers to the questions.

What is the height of lowercase letters that have protruding elements?c, d, b, r, f:

a) the height of the capital letter; b) the height of a lowercase letter; c) greater than the height of the capital letter?

Option number 4.

Select and underline the correct answers to the questions.

Are uppercase and lowercase letters different in writing?A, E, T, G, I:

a) differ; b) do not differ; c) do they differ in the spelling of individual elements?

Option #5.

Select and underline the correct answers to the questions.

What does the height of the numbers of a drawing font correspond to:

a) the height of a lowercase letter; b) the height of the capital letter; c) half the height of a capital letter?

Applying dimensions. Scale

Notebook, textbook “Drawing”, ed. A. D. Botvinnikova, accessories.


Notebook, textbook §2.5-2.6, fA4 (vertical)


Rules for applying dimensions



    Numbers on drawings

    R signs, diameter, square

Be able to:

Apply sizing rules. Read the dimensions on the drawings. Use the scale correctly

The sizes are:

Signs that are used when applying dimensions:

L –

R –

Ǿ -


Apply dimensions


Test tasks

Option #1.

Select and underline the correct answers to the questions.

1. What length of the object should be indicated on the drawing if it is 1250 mm and the image scale is 1:10:

a) 125: b) 1250; c) 12.5?

2. Which letter should be placed before the dimension number when indicating the thickness of the part:

a) R; b)L; V)S?

Option #2.

Select and underline the correct answers to the questions.

    The drawing is set to a scale of 2:1. How will the linear dimensions of the image relate to the linear dimensions of the projected object:

    a) the image is larger than the actual size of the object; b) the image corresponds to the actual size of the object; c) is the image smaller than the actual size of the object?

Option #3.

Select and underline the correct answers to the questions.

    What scale is preferable for drawing a part:

a) increase; b) decrease; c) natural?

2. What does the R sign in front of the size number mean:

a) circumference; b) diameter of a circle; c) radius of the circle?

Option number 4.

Select and underline the correct answers to the questions.

    Which option corresponds to the scale of reduction:

a) M 1:2; b) M 1:1; c) M 2:1?

2. What is the minimum distance between the image outline and the dimension line:

a) 5 mm; b) 7 mm; c) 10 mm?

Exercise to consolidate the material

(work with colored pencil)

Graphic work No. 2

"Drawing of a flat part"

Textbook "Drawing" ed. A. D. Botvinnikova, accessories, fA4 (vertical)


Notebook, textbook “Drawing”, ed. A. D. Botvinnikova, accessories (compass)


Rules for applying dimensions, drawing design (fonts, lines).

Be able to:

Carry out a drawing, apply the rules for drawing dimensions, use drawing tools.

Cards - tasks

1 option

2 option

3 option

4 option

Pairings. Geometric constructions

Textbook "Drawing" ed. A. D. Botvinnikova, accessories (compass).


Notebook, textbook “Drawing”, ed. A. D. Botvinnikova, accessories (compasses), fA4, §15.2 -15.3 Fig. 137


Rules for constructing parallel and perpendicular lines, conjugating angles, two parallel lines, a straight line and a circle and dividing a circle into equal parts, constructing regular polygons.

Be able to:

Perform geometric constructions using drawing tools. Read the drawing.

Pairing –

Consolidation of the studied material:

Make a drawing of a door key

Conjugation of obtuse, acute and right angles

Geometric constructions

Dividing a circle into 5 and 10 parts

Dividing a circle into 4 and 8 parts

Dividing a circle into 3, 6 and 12 parts

Dividing a segment into 9 parts

Projection. Projection method. Projecting onto one projection plane


Accessories, 2 matchboxes, textbook “Drawing”, ed. A. D. Botvinnikova pp. 31-34 read.


Projection Basics. Concepts: center, perpendicular, parallel

Be able to:

Analyze the shape of an object, display on a plane.

Obtaining images on 2 projection planes.

Textbook "Drawing" ed. A. D. Botvinnikova, accessories, notebook.


Accessories, textbook “Drawing”, ed. A. D. Botvinnikova §4 pp. 37-38.


Rules for depicting a figure on a mutually perpendicular plane. Basics of the rectangular projection method.

Be able to:

Be able to construct projections on 2 projection planes.


Make models from matchboxes as shown in Fig. 56 a. Compare the model drawings you made with their visual images. Make your own one or two models from two or three boxes and complete their drawings.

Practical task:

Using a visual image, construct a horizontal projection. Add dimensions.

Review task:

Obtaining images on 3 projection planes


Accessories, textbook “Drawing”, ed. A. D. Botvinnikova §4 -5 pp. 37-38 fig. 51.


The order of projection on 3 planes. Number of types used in technical drawings. Principles for choosing the main type.

Be able to:

Draw a simple shape. Select the number of types. Read a drawing of a simple shape.

Oral work:

Construct the third type of part frontally on the chalkboard

Fixing the material

Practical work:

Based on these types, build a third one. Scale 1:1

Option #1

Option No. 2

Option No. 3

Option No. 4

Location of species. Local species. Tasks for drawing up drawings from isolated images

Textbook "Drawing" ed. A. D. Botvinnikova, accessories, notebook, tracing paper.


Accessories, textbook “Drawing”, ed. A. D. Botvinnikova §5 fig. 55-56, scissors, glue, wire, matchboxes, colored paper.


The order of projection on the plane. Number of types used in technical drawings. Principles for choosing the main type.

Be able to:

Make a drawing of a simple form, choosing the required number of types in accordance with GOSTs. Read a drawing of a simple shape.


What's called local species?

Fixing the material

Write your answers in your workbook:

Option #1

Option No. 2

Practical work No. 3

"Modeling from a drawing."

Textbook "Drawing" ed. A.D. Botvinnikova, wire or cardboard, matchboxes, glue, etc.


Accessories, textbook “Drawing”, ed. A. D. Botvinnikova


Methods of modeling from a drawing.

Be able to:

Directions for use

To make a cardboard model, first cut out its blank. Determine the dimensions of the workpiece from the image of the part (Fig. 58). Mark (outline) the cutouts. Cut them along the outlined contour. Remove the cut out parts and bend the model according to the drawing. To prevent the cardboard from straightening after bending, draw lines on the outside of the bend with some sharp object.

The wire for modeling must be soft and of arbitrary length (10 – 20 mm).

The order of constructing images in drawings

tools, textbook, notebook, tracing paper


§13, f A4, colored pencils, accessories.


Be able to:

Construct cuts and sections, perform technical drawings of elements.

Fixing the material


Option No. 1 Option No. 2

Fixing the material


In your workbook, draw a drawing of the part in 3 views. Apply dimensions.

Option No. 3 Option No. 4

Analysis of the geometric shape of objects. Bodies of rotation. Group of geometric bodies

Textbook "Drawing" ed. A. D. Botvinnikova, accessories, notebook.


Accessories, textbook “Drawing”, ed. A. D. Botvinnikova §10, 11, 16, colored pencils.


    Rules for making drawings of geometric bodies.

    Sequence of reading a group of geometric bodies.

Be able to:

Fixing the material

Working with cards

Fixing the material

Using colored pencils, complete the task on the card.

Geometric shape analysis -

Drawing of a part according to these two types



f A4, tools


Be able to:

Analyze drawings, give an accurate verbal description of the object depicted in the drawing.

Obtaining axonometric projections of plane figures


Repeat paragraph 7-7.2; complete the construction of table 1.

Equipment for students:

textbook "Drawing" ed. Botvinnikova A.D., workbook, drawing accessories.

Square in dimetric projection


Construct a square in isometric projection

Triangle in dimetry Triangle in isometry

Hexagon in dimetry and isometry


Construct a hexagon in isometric projection


Axonometric projections volumetric bodies

Textbook "Drawing" ed. A. D. Botvinnikova, notebook, instruments.


Accessories, textbook “Drawing”, ed. A. D. Botvinnikova page 49 table No. 2, §7-8.


Rules for constructing axonometric projections. Methods for constructing a volumetric part in isometry.

Be able to:

Construct images in axonometry starting from flat figures lying at the base of the part. Learn to analyze the resulting images.

Review task:

Construct a geometric figure on a horizontal projection plane.

Amount (increase)


Reinforcement task

Axonometric projection of a part with cylindrical elements

Textbook "Drawing" ed. A. D. Botvinnikova, accessories, notebook.


Accessories, textbook “Drawing”, ed. A. D. Botvinnikova § 7-8.


Rules for constructing a part with a curved surface. The general concept of “axonometry of a part.”

Be able to:

Analyze the shape of the part and the resulting image.

Ellipse –

Oval -

Algorithm for constructing an oval

1. Let's construct an isometric projection of a square - a rhombus ABCD

2. Let us denote the points of intersection of the circle and the square 1 2 3 4

3. From the top of the rhombus ( D ) draw a straight line to the point 4 (3). We get the segment D 4, which will be equal to the arc radius R .

4. Let's draw an arc that connects the points 3 And 4 .

5. When crossing a segment B2 And AC we get a point O1.

When crossing a line D 4 And AC we get a point O2.

6. From the received centers O1 And O2 let's draw arcs R 1 , which will connect points 2 and 3, 4 and 1.

Consolidating new material

! work in the workbook


Make isometric projections of the circle parallel to the frontal and profile projection planes.

Drawing and visual representation of the part

F A4, tools, textbook


§12, tracing paper



Be able to:

Analyze the shape of the part, build 3 types of parts and apply dimensions.

Technical drawing

Textbook "Drawing" ed. A. D. Botvinnikova§9, accessories, notebook.


Accessories, textbook “Drawing”, ed. A. D. Botvinnikova § 9


Rules for making technical drawings and techniques for making parts.

Be able to:

Perform axonometric projections depicting flat figures. Perform technical drawing.

Technical drawing

Hatching methods:

Fixing the material

Complete a technical drawing of the part, two views of which are shown in Fig. 62

Projections of vertices, edges and faces of an object

Textbook "Drawing" ed. A.D. Botvinnikova, accessories, notebook, colored pencils.


Accessories, textbook “Drawing”, ed. A. D. Botvinnikova §12, fA4, colored pencils.


Methods for selecting a point on a plane. Principles of constructing edges and faces.

Be able to:

Construct projections of points and faces.

? Problem

What is a rib?

What is the top of an object?

What is the edge of an object?

Projection of a point

Practical work:

Label the projections

points on the part drawing, marked in the visual image.


Graphic work No. 9

Part sketch and technical drawing


Tools, graph paper, fA4, § 18


What is a sketch? Sketch rules

Be able to:

Complete the sketch in the required number of types. Draw according to the sketch.

    What's calledsketch ?

Fixing the material

Exercise tasks

Applying dimensions taking into account the shape of the object

tools, textbook, notebook, tracing paper.


Rice. 113 (1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 9)


General rule for drawing dimensions in a drawing.

Be able to:

Repetition and consolidation of the material covered.

Oral exercise

Practical work:

Cutouts and slices on geometric bodies

Parts elements

    SLOT - a groove in the form of a slot or groove on machine parts. For example, a slot in the head of a screw or screw into which the end of a screwdriver is inserted when screwing it in.

    GROOVE - an oblong depression or hole on the surface of a part, limited on the sides by parallel planes.

    LYSKA – a flat cut on one or both sides of cylindrical, conical or spherical sections of a part. The flats are designed to be grabbed with a wrench, etc.

    GROWTH - this is an annular groove on the rod, technologically necessary for the exit of a threaded tool during the manufacture of a part or for other purposes.

    KEYWAY GROOVE - a slot in the form of a groove, which serves to install a key, which transmits rotation from the shaft to the bushing and vice versa.

    CENTER HOLE - an element of a part that serves to reduce its mass, supply lubricant to rubbing surfaces, connect parts, etc. The holes can be through or blind.

    CHAMFER – turning a cylindrical edge of a part onto a truncated cone.

Exercise: Instead of numbers, write the names of the part elements

Exercise: Perform an axonometric projection of the part

Practical work No. 7

"Reading Blueprints"

Textbook, notebook, sheet.


Graph paper, §17


Master the methods of constructing 3 types, analyze the geometric shape of an object, know the names of the elements of a part.

Be able to:

Analyze the drawing, determine dimensions, give an accurate verbal description

Graphic dictation

“Drawing and technical drawing of a part based on a verbal description”

Format (notebook), tools


Tools, graph paper.


Rules for sketching

Be able to:

Determine the necessary and sufficient number of types for a given part. Select the main view. Dimension.

Option #1

Frame is a combination of two parallelepipeds, of which the smaller one is placed with a larger base in the center of the upper base of the other parallelepiped. A through stepped hole runs vertically through the centers of the parallelepipeds.

The total height of the part is 30 mm.

The height of the lower parallelepiped is 10 mm, length 70 mm, width 50 mm.

The second parallelepiped has a length of 50 mm and a width of 40 mm.

The diameter of the bottom step of the hole is 35 mm, height 10 mm; diameter of the second stage is 20 mm.


Option No. 2

Support is a rectangular parallelepiped, to the left (smallest) face of which is attached a half-cylinder, which has a common lower base with the parallelepiped. In the center of the upper (largest) face of the parallelepiped, along its long side, there is a prismatic groove. At the base of the part there is a through hole of a prismatic shape. Its axis coincides in the top view with the axis of the groove.

The height of the parallelepiped is 30 mm, length 65 mm, width 40 mm.

Half-cylinder height 15 mm, baseR 20 mm.

The width of the prismatic groove is 20 mm, the depth is 15 mm.

Hole width 10 mm, length 60 mm. The hole is located at a distance of 15 mm from the right edge of the support.

Note: When drawing dimensions, consider the part as a whole.

Option No. 3

Frame is a combination of a square prism and a truncated cone, which stands with its large base in the center of the upper base of the prism. A through stepped hole runs along the axis of the cone.

The total height of the part is 65 mm.

The height of the prism is 15 mm, the size of the sides of the base is 70x70 mm.

The height of the cone is 50 mm, the lower base is Ǿ 50 mm, the upper base is Ǿ 30 mm.

The diameter of the lower part of the hole is 25 mm, height 40 mm.

The diameter of the upper part of the hole is 15 mm.

Note: When drawing dimensions, consider the part as a whole.

Option No. 4

Sleeve is a combination of two cylinders with a stepped through hole that runs along the axis of the part.

The total height of the part is 60 mm.

The height of the lower cylinder is 15 mm, the base is Ǿ 70 mm.

The base of the second cylinder is Ǿ 45 mm.

Bottom hole Ǿ 50 mm, height 8 mm.

The upper part of the hole is Ǿ 30 mm.

Note: When drawing dimensions, consider the part as a whole.

Option No. 5

Base is a parallelepiped. In the center of the upper (largest) face of the parallelepiped, along its long side, there is a prismatic groove. There are two through cylindrical holes in the groove. The centers of the holes are spaced from the ends of the part at a distance of 25 mm.

The height of the parallelepiped is 30 mm, length 100 mm, width 50 mm.

Groove depth 15 mm, width 30 mm.

Hole diameters are 20 mm.

Note: When drawing dimensions, consider the part as a whole.

Option No. 6

Frame It is a cube, along the vertical axis of which there is a through hole: semi-conical at the top, and then turning into a stepped cylindrical one.

Cube edge 60 mm.

The depth of the semi-conical hole is 35 mm, the upper base is 40 mm, the bottom is 20 mm.

The height of the bottom step of the hole is 20 mm, the base is 50 mm. The diameter of the middle part of the hole is 20 mm.

Note: When drawing dimensions, consider the part as a whole.

Option No. 7

Support is a combination of a parallelepiped and a truncated cone. The cone with its large base is placed in the center of the upper base of the parallelepiped. In the center of the smaller side faces of the parallelepiped there are two prismatic cutouts. A through hole of cylindrical shape Ǿ 15 mm is drilled along the axis of the cone.

The total height of the part is 60 mm.

The height of the parallelepiped is 15 mm, length 90 mm, width 55 mm.

The diameters of the cone bases are 40 mm (lower) and 30 mm (upper).

The length of the prismatic cutout is 20 mm, width 10 mm.

Note: When drawing dimensions, consider the part as a whole.

Option No. 8

Frame is a hollow rectangular parallelepiped. In the center of the upper and lower base of the body there are two conical tides. A through hole of cylindrical shape Ǿ 10 mm passes through the centers of the tides.

The total height of the part is 59 mm.

The height of the parallelepiped is 45 mm, length 90 mm, width 40 mm. The thickness of the walls of the parallelepiped is 10 mm.

The height of the cones is 7 mm, the base is Ǿ 30 mm and Ǿ 20 mm.

Note: When drawing dimensions, consider the part as a whole.

Option No. 9

Support is a combination of two cylinders with one common axis. A through hole runs along the axis: at the top it is prismatic in shape with a square base, and then cylindrical in shape.

The total height of the part is 50 mm.

The height of the lower cylinder is 10 mm, the base is Ǿ 70 mm. The diameter of the base of the second cylinder is 30 mm.

The height of the cylindrical hole is 25 mm, the base is Ǿ 24 mm.

The base side of the prismatic hole is 10 mm.

Note: When drawing dimensions, consider the part as a whole.


Graphic work No. 11

“Drawing and visual representation of the part”

A3 format, tools


Tools, notebook, textbook.


Using the axonometric projection, construct a drawing of the part in the required number of views on a scale of 1:1. Add dimensions.

Graphic work No. 10

“Sketch of a part with design elements”

tools, textbook, graph paper


Tools, graph paper.


Sketch rules

Be able to:

Make a sketch and put the dimensions correctly


Draw a drawing of a part from which parts have been removed according to the markings applied. The projection direction for constructing the main view is indicated by an arrow.

Graphic work No. 8

"Part drawing c transforming its form"

tools, fA4, textbook


Tools, graph paper.


Be able to:

Execute drawing

General concept of shape transformation. Relationship between drawing and markings

Textbook, notebook, graph paper, accessories


Textbook pic. 151 (get to know each other), fA4


Be able to:

Analyze the form. Draw the drawing in orthogonal rectangular projection.

Graphic work

Making a drawing of an object in three views with transforming its shape (by removing part of the object)


Complete the technical drawing of the part, making, instead of the protrusions marked with arrows, notches of the same shape and size in the same place.

Logical thinking task

Subject "Design of drawings"

Subject "Drawing tools and accessories"

Crossword "Projection"

1.The point from which the projecting rays emanate during central projection.

2. What is obtained as a result of modeling.

3. Cube face.

4. The image obtained during projection.

5. In this axonometric projection, the axes are located at an angle of 120° to each other.

6. In Greek, this word means “double dimension.”

7. Side view of a person or object.

8. Curve, isometric projection of a circle.

9. The image on the profile projection plane is a view...

Rebus on the topic "View"


Subject "Developments of geometric bodies"

Crossword "Axonometry"


    Translated from French as “front view”.

    The concept in drawing on which the projection of a point or object is obtained.

    The boundary between the halves of a symmetrical part in the drawing.

    Geometric body.

    Drawing tool.

    Translated from Latin, “throw, throw forward.”

    Geometric body.

    The science of graphic images.

    Unit of measurement.

    Translated from Greek “double dimension”.

    Translated from French as “side view”.

    In the drawing, “she” can be thick, thin, wavy, etc.

Technical Dictionary of Drawing



Analysis of the geometric shape of an object






Main view


Local view






Geometric body


Ready room


Dividing a circle

Division of a segment



Drawing tools

Tracing paper


Drawing Layout




Pattern curves

Circular curves



Line - leader

Extension line

Transition line

Dimensional line

Solid line

Dashed line

Dashed line



Monge method




Main inscription

Applying dimensions

Drawing outline





Circlein axonometric projection


Axonometric axes

Rotation axis

Projection axis

Axis of symmetry






Projection plane


Axonometric projections


Isometric rectangular projection

Frontal dimetric oblique projection





Overall dimensions

Structural dimensions

Coordinating sizes

Dimensionspart element


Drawing frame










Mating point



Simplifications and conventions


Drawing formats


Projection center

Pairing Center




Working drawing


Dimensional number

Reading the drawing







Hatching in axonometry



  • WIRE

The article presents an example of developing a outline plan for the eleventh lesson of drawing at school on the topic “Practical work No. 3. Modeling from a drawing” in the first year of teaching schoolchildren drawing” to work with students studying drawing for the first year in a two-year program for their graphic training using manuals educational and methodological kit A.D. Botvinnikov and his co-authors in accordance with the thematic planning of drawing lessons developed by the author of this article.

  • Integrated training of schoolchildren in fine arts and drawing, introducing them to the national holiday “Maslenitsa” during excursion lessons
  • Teaching schoolchildren to divide a segment, angle and circle into equal parts in a drawing lesson
  • Developmental tasks in mathematics lessons and extracurricular activities
  • Development of the educational discipline “Mathematical methods and tools for project management” for the distance learning system
  • Selection of the content of the academic discipline “Mathematical methods and tools for project management”

The possible version of lesson plan No. 11 presented below for the first year of graphic training for schoolchildren was developed in accordance with our previously published thematic plans for drawing lessons. In this case, the classic manuals of the educational and methodological set (UMK) for drawing were used: program, textbook, workbook, teaching aids for teacher A.D. Botvinnikov and his co-authors, as well as other educational and methodological literature.

We presented the theoretical basis for planning educational work in drawing and preparing a teacher for a lesson in an expanded form in a separate publication. Samples of outline plans for drawing lessons No. 1 – 6, 14, 25 were given for the first year of graphic training for schoolchildren. A separate magazine also presents an example of a lesson plan No. 5 for the second year of teaching schoolchildren drawing with an example of an analysis of a proposed or conducted lesson.

Outline of drawing lesson No. 11 (First year of study)

Lesson topic. Practical work No. 3. Modeling according to the drawing.

Lesson objectives:

  1. Educational.
    • To form among schoolchildren the concept of modeling.
    • To help students develop the skills of reading drawings and the ability to make simple models from wire, cardboard, and plasticine according to drawings.
    • To consolidate the knowledge and skills of schoolchildren acquired in the previous lesson by repeating theoretical material and performing practical work No. 3 “Modeling from a drawing.”
    • Further development of the skills and abilities of schoolchildren to work with educational and reference materials in the process of their practical activities.
  2. Educational.
    • To promote the development of independent work and self-control skills in students as they complete tasks.
    • To promote patience, accuracy, attention, perseverance and hard work in schoolchildren in the process of making objects from wire, cardboard and plasticine according to drawings.
  3. Developmental.
    • To promote the development of the eye, visual memory, spatial concepts, and fine motor skills of schoolchildren’s hands when they make models from drawings.

Teaching aids, drawing tools, accessories and materials.

For the teacher - textbook ; educational tables, screen tools that allow you to demonstrate the main methods of making models according to their drawings; set of tasks; demonstration models made of wire, cardboard and plasticine, chalk for working on the board.

For students - textbook, student notebook, workbook, drawing tools and accessories, scissors, stationery knife, pieces of cardboard and soft wire, plasticine.

Lesson type. Lesson on consolidating skills and abilities.

Lesson progress

1. Organizational part – 2 min.

  • Greetings.
  • Checking student attendance.
  • Identification or appointment of duty officers. Remind duty personnel of their responsibilities.
  • Filling out the class journal by the teacher (possibly after the lesson).
  • Checking students' readiness for the lesson. Providing students with missing teaching aids, drawing tools, supplies and materials from the classroom fund for work in this lesson.

2. Statement of the topic, purpose and objectives of the lesson; motivation of schoolchildren’s educational activities – 3 min.

2.1. In the upper left part of the blackboard, the teacher writes in advance with chalk in drawing font the date of the lesson and its serial number 11. In the middle upper part of the board he indicates the topic of the lesson: “Practical work No. 3. Modeling according to the drawing.” Homework is indicated in the upper right corner of the board: For those who did not have time to complete practical work No. 3 in class, finish it at home and bring it to the next lesson to be submitted to the teacher for testing.

Drawing the students' attention to the board, the teacher speaks out loud what is written and asks them to write down the information received in their student notebooks.

  • Master the concept of “Modeling”.
  • Develop skills in reading drawings in the process of making models according to their drawings.
  • Consolidate the knowledge acquired in the previous lesson by repeating and consolidating theoretical material about types and performing practical work No. 3 “Modeling from a drawing.”
  • Further development of the eye, visual memory, spatial concepts, fine motor skills of the hands in the manufacture of models from various materials: wire, cardboard and plastic.

2.3. Motivating the educational activities of schoolchildren, the teacher reports that today it is important for them to test themselves, how well they have mastered the previously studied theoretical material and whether they will be able to fully use this knowledge in modeling - making objects according to their drawings. Students will learn that the materials in this lesson will be useful to them in adult life in various sectors of the national economy when working with drawing and graphic documentation, for example, in arts and crafts, carpentry and carpentry, in the construction of architectural and other structures, in design bureaus and workshops of machine-building and aviation factories, furniture factories and factories of children's wooden toys, etc., and at school - when reading and making drawings in the course of further study of drawing, students in the additional education system - when modeling various equipment: airplanes, boats and other objects.

As an additional motivation for schoolchildren's educational activities, the teacher informs them that each student's practical work on modeling objects will be assessed, and the grade will be included in the class journal.

3. Introduction to the content of practical work- 8 min.

3.1. At the beginning of this stage of the lesson, the teacher introduces schoolchildren to the concept of “Modeling” and invites them to write down its definition in their notebooks. Modeling –

Table 1. Sequence of execution of the model according to the drawing

3.2. Then, using materials from the Internet resource, in order to expand the horizons of schoolchildren in the field of modeling, the teacher additionally reports that in architectural design, the process of making a demonstration model of the object being developed is called prototyping, and the resulting models are called layouts .

Schoolchildren should be informed that models can be made from paper, cardboard, metal, wood, clay, plasticine, foam and other materials. When modeling, it is allowed to proportionally increase or decrease the size of the model as a whole and its parts.

During the lesson, the children will learn that in production practice, models are made according to drawings, visual images, and specified conditions.

The teacher explains to students that modeling from a drawing is based on the process of reading images. First, according to the drawing, the shape of the depicted object is represented. Then the material and the corresponding workpiece are selected. Perform markings on the workpiece. After this, various technological operations for manufacturing the model are performed (gluing, bending, cutting, etc.).

3.4. The teacher invites schoolchildren to open pages 44 - 45 of the textbook and read the texts of the tasks for practical work No. 3 “Modeling from a drawing”, while projecting the tasks edited by him onto the screen ( rice. 1 – 4) and thoroughly introduces students to the content of practical work:

Rice. 1. rice. 57]

Fig.2. Auxiliary images to facilitate solving wire modeling tasks (to rice. 1)

Rice. 3. Assignments for practical work No. 3 “Modeling from a drawing”

Rice. 4. Additional tasks for practical work No. 3 “Modeling from a drawing” for students to complete at their request

4. Repetition of basic theoretical principles, rules, methods of activity necessary for successful performance of work - 5 minutes.

4.1. Using the method of frontal questioning, the teacher and students repeat the previously studied topic “Arrangement of views in the drawing. Local species." Schoolchildren are asked to answer the questions presented in the textbook:

  1. Define the species. ( View is an image of the visible part of the surface of an object facing the observer.).
  2. How are the views arranged in the drawing? ( The front view is located on the frontal plane of projections, the top view is located in the projection connection under the front view on the horizontal plane of projections, and the left view is located on the profile plane; in the drawing it is located to the right of the front view at the same level - in the projection connection.
  3. Which species is called the main one and why? ( The main view in the drawing is called the front view, because it gives the most complete idea of ​​the shape and size of the object).
  4. Which species is called local? ( The image of a separate, limited area of ​​the surface of an object is called a local view).
  5. For what purpose is the local species used? ( It is used when it is necessary to show the shape and dimensions of individual elements of a part).
  6. What are the benefits of using a local species? ( Allows you to reduce the amount of graphic work and save space on the drawing field).

4.2. Then the teacher consolidates the students’ knowledge on the new topic, and in this regard invites them to answer the following questions:

  1. What should be understood by modeling? ( Modeling This is the process of making a model of an object according to a drawing.)
  2. What material can models be made from? ( From paper, cardboard, metal, wood, clay, plasticine, foam and other materials).
  3. Is it allowed to proportionally increase or decrease the size of the model as a whole and its parts during modeling? ( Allowed).
  4. Name the stages of making a model. ( 1 - reading a drawing and presenting the shape of an object, 2 - selecting a material and a workpiece, 3 - making markings on a workpiece, 4 - performing technological operations for making a model (bending, cutting, sculpting, etc.)).

5. Discussion with students about the plan for completing practical work and the self-control plan- 5 min.

5.1. The teacher hangs educational materials on the blackboard tables 1, 2 - 4, which contain sample tasks. With their help and demonstration models, schoolchildren and the teacher once again discuss how to complete the tasks.

Table 2. Sequence of making a wire model

Table 3. Sequence of making a cardboard model

Table 4. Sequence of making a plasticine model

To make a cardboard model, first cut out its blank. Determine the dimensions of the workpiece from the image of the part (see article in the article). rice. 3, table. 1 and 3). Mark (outline) the cutouts. Trim them along the outlined kennel. Remove the cut out parts and bend the model according to the drawing. To prevent the cardboard from straightening after bending, draw lines on the outside of the bend with some sharp object ( table 1, second column; table 3).

The wire for modeling must be soft and of arbitrary length (in the article, see rice. 1 and 2; table 1, first column; table 2).

By using table 1(third column) and 4 Schoolchildren get acquainted with the sequence of making a plasticine model. At the same time, the teacher demonstrates to the children safe ways to cut plasticine with a stationery knife.

5.2. Schoolchildren looking at table 1 together with the teacher and using table 2 - 4, finally remember the sequence of making the model according to the drawing as a plan for performing practical work in this lesson:

  1. Reading a drawing and imagining the shape of an image of an object.
  2. Selection of material and corresponding workpiece.
  3. Performing markings on the workpiece.
  4. Carrying out various technological operations for making the model.

5.3. Then the teacher provides safety instructions when working with sharp and cutting tools.

6. Independent work of schoolchildren. Differentiated assistance to students– 20 min.

At this stage of the lesson, schoolchildren begin to carry out practical work on making models from wire and cardboard according to their drawings ( rice. 1 – 3). For those who have completed two mandatory tasks, the teacher invites students to complete an additional third task on modeling from plasticine ( rice. 4) or cardboard and wire according to task cards.

Differentiated assistance to students is that the teacher can give them differentiated task cards of different levels of complexity, taking into account their age characteristics and educational and cognitive abilities. In this case, the teacher can use task cards for modeling from different authors, for example, E.A. Vasilenko and E.T. Zhukova.

7. Summing up the lesson - 2 min.

  • asks students to name the difficulties they encountered in the lesson, then gives a general description of their learning activities in the lesson; at the same time, informs them about the achievement of the lesson goals, identified shortcomings and ways to eliminate them;
  • objectively evaluates the results of collective and individual work; puts marks in the class register and in student diaries;
  • invites those who did not have time to finish their work in class to finish it at home and bring it to the next lesson;
  • reminds those on duty of their responsibilities: after the bell rings from class, stay and tidy up the classroom, provide the teacher with other necessary assistance;
  • thanks students for educational, cognitive and practical activities and ends the lesson.


  1. Drawing, grades 7 - 8 (authors: A.D. Botvinnikov, I.S. Vyshnepolsky, V.A. Gerver, M.M. Seliverstov: executive editor V.A. Gerver) // Programs of general educational institutions in drawing : Collection of programs / Compiled by: V.V. Stepakova and L.E. Samovolnova. – M.: Education, 2000. – 76 p. - P.51 - 60.
  2. Botvinnikov, A.D. Drawing: 9th grade: textbook for educational institutions / A.D. Botvinnikov, V.N. Vinogradov, I.S. Vyshnepolsky. – 4th ed., revised. - M.: AST: Astrel, 2014. – 221, p.: ill.
  3. Vyshnepolsky, V.I. Workbook: For the textbook “Drawing. 9th grade" A.D. Botvinnikova, V.N. Vinogradova, I.S. Vyshnepolsky: 9th grade / V.I. Vyshnepolsky. – M.: AST: Astrel, 2014. - 79, p.: ill.
  4. Botvinnikov A.D. Methodological guide to drawing: To the textbook by A.D. Botvinnikova and others. “Drawing”. 7th – 8th grades” / A.D. Botvinnikov, V.N. Vinogradov, I.S. Vyshnepolsky and others - M.: Astrel Publishing House LLC: AST Publishing House LLC, 2003. - 159, p.: ill.
  5. Vinogradov V.N. Thematic and lesson planning for drawing: To the textbook by A.D. Botvinnikova, V.N. Vinogradova, I.S. Vyshnepolsky “Drawing”: for grades 7 – 8: method manual / V.N. Vinogradov. – M.: EXAM, 2006. – 159, p. – (Training and methodological kit).
  6. Vasilenko E.A., Zhukova E.T. Cards-tasks on drawing for 6th grade: A manual for teachers. – M.: Education, 1998. – 208 p.: ill.
  7. Mikhailov N.G. Thematic planning of drawing lessons: method. manual for teachers / N.G. Mikhailov; Pomeranian state University named after M.V. Lomonosov. – 3rd ed., revised. and additional – Arkhangelsk: Pomor University, 2009. – 32 p.
  8. Mikhailov N.G. Lessons for the first year of teaching drawing to schoolchildren: a thematic plan for the program and textbook by A.D. Botvinnikova and others // Priority scientific directions: from theory to practice. - 2014. – No. 13. – P. 35 – 43.
  9. Mikhailov N.G. Lessons from the second year of teaching schoolchildren drawing: a thematic plan for the program and textbook by A.D. Botvinnikova and others // Achievements of university science. - 2014. – No. 12. – P. 35 - 41.
  10. Mikhailov N.G. Methodological recommendations for planning training sessions on drawing at school // Modern education system: experience of the past - a look into the future. - 2014. - No. 3. – P. 140 – 146.
  11. Mikhailov N.G. Planning an introductory drawing lesson in the first year of graphic training for schoolchildren // New word in science and practice: hypotheses and testing of research results. - 2014. – No. 13. – P. 33 – 43.
  12. Mikhailov N.G. Drawing at school: Lesson outline “The concept of GOST ESKD. Formats, frame and title block of the drawing. Drawing lines" // Problems and prospects for the development of education in Russia. - 2014. – No. 30. – P. 48 – 56.
  13. Mikhailov N.G. Drawing at school: lesson plan “Information about drawing font. Letters, numbers and signs on drawings” // New look. International Scientific Bulletin. - 2014. – No. 5. – P. 70 – 80.
  14. Mikhailov N.G. Organization of graphic work No. 1 “Drawing lines” in the first year of teaching schoolchildren drawing // Science and modernity – 2014. – 2014. - No. 33. – P. 80 – 86.
  15. Mikhailov N.G. Planning a drawing lesson on the topic “Basic information about drawing dimensions. Application and designation of scale" in the first year of graphic training of schoolchildren // New word in science and practice: hypotheses and testing of research results. – 2014. - No. 14. – P. 69 – 79.
  16. Mikhailov N.G. Organization of graphic work No. 2 “Drawing of a “flat” part” in the first year of teaching drawing to schoolchildren // Psychology and pedagogy: methods and problems of practical application. – 2015. - No. 44. – P. 165 – 173.
  17. Mikhailov N.G. Teaching schoolchildren the topic “Axonometric projections of circles and objects with cylindrical elements” in a drawing lesson // Psychology and pedagogy: methods and problems of practical application. - 2014. – No. 40. – P. 80 – 103.
  18. Mikhailov N.G.) – 2016 – No. 43; URL: http://site/article/5108
  19. Mikhailov N.G., Emelov K.P. Drawing at school: Lesson plan “The concept of a section, the similarities and differences between a section and a section, simple sections” // Fundamental and applied research: problems and results. - 2014. – No. 14. – P. 29 – 43.
  20. Chepaev D.I. Homework on drawing for grades 7-8 for the textbook by A.D. Botvinnikov “Drawing. Textbook for 7-8 grades. general education institutions": Educational and methodological manual / I.D. Chepaev. – M.: Exam, 2005. – 96 p. - (Series “Reshebnik”).
  21. С
  22. Drawing: Textbook. for medium general education schools / A.D. Botvinnikov, V.N. Vinogradov, I.S. Vyshnepolsky, S.I. Dembinsky; Ed. V.N. Vinogradova. – 3rd ed. – M.: Education, 1984. – 240 p.: ill.
  23. Sevastopolsky N.O. Drawing lessons: (From work experience). Manual for teachers. – M.: Education, 1981. – 160 p.: devil.


Introduction to the Subject of Drawing

The history of the emergence of graphic methods of images and drawings

Drawings in Rus' were made by “draftsmen”, a mention of which can be found in the “Pushkar Order” of Ivan IV.

Other images - drawings, were a bird's eye view of the structure.

At the end of the 12th century. In Russia, large-scale images are introduced and dimensions are indicated. In the 18th century, Russian draftsmen and Tsar Peter I himself made drawings using the method of rectangular projections (the founder of the method is the French mathematician and engineer Gaspard Monge). By order of Peter I, the teaching of drawing was introduced in all technical educational institutions.

The entire history of the development of the drawing is inextricably linked with technical progress. Currently, the drawing has become the main document of business communication in science, technology, production, design, and construction.

It is impossible to create and check a machine drawing without knowing the basics of the graphic language. Which you will meet while studying the subject "Drawing"

Types of graphic images

Exercise: label the names of the images.

The concept of GOST standards. Formats. Frame. Drawing lines.

Task 1

Graphic work No. 1

"Formats. Frame. Drawing lines"

Examples of work performed

Test tasks for graphic work No. 1

Option #1.

1. What designation according to GOST has a format of size 210x297:

a) A1; b) A2; c) A4?

2. What is the thickness of the dash-dotted line if in the drawing the solid main thick line is 0.8 mm:

a) 1mm: b) 0.8 mm: c) 0.3 mm?


Option #2.

Select and underline the correct answers to the questions.

1. Where in the drawing is the main inscription located:

a) in the lower left corner; b) in the lower right corner; c) in the upper right corner?

2. How much should the axial and center lines extend beyond the contour of the image:

a) 3...5 mm; b) 5…10 mm4 c) 10…15 mm?

Option #3.

Select and underline the correct answers to the questions.

1. What arrangement of A4 format is allowed by GOST:

A) vertical; b) horizontal; c) vertical and horizontal?

2. . What is the thickness of a solid thin line if in the drawing the solid main thick line is 1 mm:

a) 0.3 mm: b) 0.8 mm: c) 0.5 mm?

Option number 4.

Select and underline the correct answers to the questions.

1. At what distance from the edges of the sheet is the drawing frame drawn:

a) left, top, right and bottom – 5 mm each; b) left, top and bottom – 10 mm, right – 25 mm; c) left – 20 mm, top, right and bottom – 5 mm each?

2. What type of line are the axial and center lines made in the drawings:

a) a solid thin line; b) dash-dotted line; c) dashed line?

Option #5.

Select and underline the correct answers to the questions.

1. What are the dimensions of the A4 format according to GOST:

a) 297x210 mm; b) 297x420 mm; c) 594x841 mm?

2. Depending on which line the thickness of the drawing lines is selected:

a) dash-dotted line; b) a solid thin line; c) a solid main thick line?

Fonts (GOST 2304-81)

Font types:

Font sizes:

Practical tasks:

Calculations of drawing font parameters

Test tasks

Option #1.

Select and underline the correct answers to the questions.

What value is taken as the font size:

a) the height of a lowercase letter; b) height of capital letter; c) the height of the spaces between the lines?

Option #2.

Select and underline the correct answers to the questions.

What is the height of the capital letter of rift No. 5:

a) 10 mm; b) 7 mm; c) 5 mm; d) 3.5 mm?

Option #3.

Select and underline the correct answers to the questions.

What is the height of lowercase letters that have protruding elements? c, d, b, r, f:

a) the height of the capital letter; b) the height of a lowercase letter; c) greater than the height of the capital letter?

Option number 4.

Select and underline the correct answers to the questions.

Are uppercase and lowercase letters different in writing? A, E, T, G, I:

a) differ; b) do not differ; c) do they differ in the spelling of individual elements?

Option #5.

Select and underline the correct answers to the questions.

What does the height of the numbers of a drawing font correspond to:

a) the height of a lowercase letter; b) the height of the capital letter; c) half the height of a capital letter?

Graphic work No. 2

"Drawing of a flat part"

Cards - tasks

1 option

Option 2

Option 3

Option 4

Geometric constructions

Dividing a circle into 5 and 10 parts

Dividing a circle into 4 and 8 parts

Dividing a circle into 3, 6 and 12 parts

Dividing a segment into 9 parts

Fixing the material

Practical work:

Based on these types, build a third one. Scale 1:1

Option #1

Option No. 2

Option No. 3

Option No. 4

Fixing the material

Write your answers in your workbook:

Option #1

Option No. 2

Practical work No. 3

"Modeling from a drawing."

Directions for use

To make a cardboard model, first cut out its blank. Determine the dimensions of the workpiece from the image of the part (Fig. 58). Mark (outline) the cutouts. Cut them along the outlined contour. Remove the cut out parts and bend the model according to the drawing. To prevent the cardboard from straightening after bending, draw lines on the outside of the bend with some sharp object.

The wire for modeling must be soft and of arbitrary length (10 – 20 mm).

Fixing the material

Option No. 1 Option No. 2

Fixing the material

In your workbook, draw a drawing of the part in 3 views. Apply dimensions.

Option No. 3 Option No. 4

Fixing the material

Working with cards

Fixing the material

Using colored pencils, complete the task on the card.

Amount (increase)


Reinforcement task

Oval -

Algorithm for constructing an oval

1. Construct an isometric projection of a square - rhombus ABCD

2. Let us denote the points of intersection of the circle and the square 1 2 3 4

3. From the top of the rhombus (D) draw a straight line to point 4 (3). We obtain segment D4, which will be equal to the radius of the arc R.

4. Let's draw an arc that will connect points 3 and 4.

5. At the intersection of segment B2 and AC, we obtain point O1.

When the segment D4 and AC intersect, we obtain point O2.

6. From the resulting centers O1 and O2 we will draw arcs R1 that will connect points 2 and 3, 4 and 1.

Fixing the material

Complete a technical drawing of the part, two views of which are shown in Fig. 62

Graphic work No. 9

Part sketch and technical drawing

1. What is called sketch?

Fixing the material

Exercise tasks

Practical work No. 7

"Reading Blueprints"

Graphic dictation

“Drawing and technical drawing of a part based on a verbal description”

Option #1

Frame is a combination of two parallelepipeds, of which the smaller one is placed with a larger base in the center of the upper base of the other parallelepiped. A through stepped hole runs vertically through the centers of the parallelepipeds.

The total height of the part is 30 mm.

The height of the lower parallelepiped is 10 mm, length 70 mm, width 50 mm.

The second parallelepiped has a length of 50 mm and a width of 40 mm.

The diameter of the bottom step of the hole is 35 mm, height 10 mm; diameter of the second stage is 20 mm.


Option No. 2

Support is a rectangular parallelepiped, to the left (smallest) face of which is attached a half-cylinder, which has a common lower base with the parallelepiped. In the center of the upper (largest) face of the parallelepiped, along its long side, there is a prismatic groove. At the base of the part there is a through hole of a prismatic shape. Its axis coincides in the top view with the axis of the groove.

The height of the parallelepiped is 30 mm, length 65 mm, width 40 mm.

Half-cylinder height 15 mm, base R 20 mm.

The width of the prismatic groove is 20 mm, the depth is 15 mm.

Hole width 10 mm, length 60 mm. The hole is located at a distance of 15 mm from the right edge of the support.

Note: When drawing dimensions, consider the part as a whole.

Option No. 3

Frame is a combination of a square prism and a truncated cone, which stands with its large base in the center of the upper base of the prism. A through stepped hole runs along the axis of the cone.

The total height of the part is 65 mm.

The height of the prism is 15 mm, the size of the sides of the base is 70x70 mm.

The height of the cone is 50 mm, the lower base is Ǿ 50 mm, the upper base is Ǿ 30 mm.

The diameter of the lower part of the hole is 25 mm, height 40 mm.

The diameter of the upper part of the hole is 15 mm.

Note: When drawing dimensions, consider the part as a whole.

Option No. 4

Sleeve is a combination of two cylinders with a stepped through hole that runs along the axis of the part.

The total height of the part is 60 mm.

The height of the lower cylinder is 15 mm, the base is Ǿ 70 mm.

The base of the second cylinder is Ǿ 45 mm.

Bottom hole Ǿ 50 mm, height 8 mm.

The upper part of the hole is Ǿ 30 mm.

Note: When drawing dimensions, consider the part as a whole.

Option No. 5

Base is a parallelepiped. In the center of the upper (largest) face of the parallelepiped, along its long side, there is a prismatic groove. There are two through cylindrical holes in the groove. The centers of the holes are spaced from the ends of the part at a distance of 25 mm.

The height of the parallelepiped is 30 mm, length 100 mm, width 50 mm.

Groove depth 15 mm, width 30 mm.

Hole diameters are 20 mm.

Note: When drawing dimensions, consider the part as a whole.

Option No. 6

Frame It is a cube, along the vertical axis of which there is a through hole: semi-conical at the top, and then turning into a stepped cylindrical one.

Cube edge 60 mm.

The depth of the semi-conical hole is 35 mm, the upper base is 40 mm, the bottom is 20 mm.

The height of the bottom step of the hole is 20 mm, the base is 50 mm. The diameter of the middle part of the hole is 20 mm.

Note: When drawing dimensions, consider the part as a whole.

Option No. 7

Support is a combination of a parallelepiped and a truncated cone. The cone with its large base is placed in the center of the upper base of the parallelepiped. In the center of the smaller side faces of the parallelepiped there are two prismatic cutouts. A through hole of cylindrical shape Ǿ 15 mm is drilled along the axis of the cone.

The total height of the part is 60 mm.

The height of the parallelepiped is 15 mm, length 90 mm, width 55 mm.

The diameters of the cone bases are 40 mm (lower) and 30 mm (upper).

The length of the prismatic cutout is 20 mm, width 10 mm.

Note: When drawing dimensions, consider the part as a whole.

Option No. 8

Frame is a hollow rectangular parallelepiped. In the center of the upper and lower base of the body there are two conical tides. A through hole of cylindrical shape Ǿ 10 mm passes through the centers of the tides.

The total height of the part is 59 mm.

The height of the parallelepiped is 45 mm, length 90 mm, width 40 mm. The thickness of the walls of the parallelepiped is 10 mm.

The height of the cones is 7 mm, the base is Ǿ 30 mm and Ǿ 20 mm.

Note: When drawing dimensions, consider the part as a whole.

Option No. 9

Support is a combination of two cylinders with one common axis. A through hole runs along the axis: at the top it is prismatic in shape with a square base, and then cylindrical in shape.

The total height of the part is 50 mm.

The height of the lower cylinder is 10 mm, the base is Ǿ 70 mm. The diameter of the base of the second cylinder is 30 mm.

The height of the cylindrical hole is 25 mm, the base is Ǿ 24 mm.

The base side of the prismatic hole is 10 mm.

Note: When drawing dimensions, consider the part as a whole.


Graphic work No. 11

“Drawing and visual representation of the part”

Using the axonometric projection, construct a drawing of the part in the required number of views on a scale of 1:1. Add dimensions.

Graphic work No. 10

“Sketch of a part with design elements”

Draw a drawing of a part from which parts have been removed according to the markings applied. The projection direction for constructing the main view is indicated by an arrow.

Graphic work No. 8

“Drawing of a part with transformation of its shape”

General concept of shape transformation. Relationship between drawing and markings

Graphic work

Making a drawing of an object in three views with transforming its shape (by removing part of the object)

Complete the technical drawing of the part, making, instead of the protrusions marked with arrows, notches of the same shape and size in the same place.

Logical thinking task

Topic “Design of drawings”

Crossword "Projection"

1.The point from which the projecting rays emanate during central projection.

2. What is obtained as a result of modeling.

3. Cube face.

4. The image obtained during projection.

5. In this axonometric projection, the axes are located at an angle of 120° to each other.

6. In Greek, this word means “double dimension.”

7. Side view of a person or object.

8. Curve, isometric projection of a circle.

9. The image on the profile projection plane is a view...

Rebus on the topic “View”


Crossword "Axonometry"


1. Translated from French as “front view”.

2. The concept in drawing of what the projection of a point or object is obtained on.

3. The boundary between the halves of a symmetrical part in the drawing.

4. Geometric body.

5. Drawing tool.

6. Translated from Latin, “throw, throw forward.”

7. Geometric body.

8. The science of graphic images.

9. Unit of measurement.

10. Translated from Greek as “double dimension”.

11. Translated from French as “side view”.

12. In the drawing, “she” can be thick, thin, wavy, etc.

Technical Dictionary of Drawing

Term Definition of a term or concept
Analysis of the geometric shape of an object
Main view
Additional view
Local view
Geometric body
Ready room
Dividing a circle
Division of a segment
Drawing tools
Tracing paper
Drawing Layout
Pattern curves
Circular curves
Line - leader
Extension line
Transition line
Dimensional line
Solid line
Dashed line
Dashed line
Monge method
Main inscription
Applying dimensions
Drawing outline
Circle in axonometric projection
Axonometric axes
Rotation axis
Projection axis
Axis of symmetry
Projection plane
Axonometric projections
Isometric rectangular projection
Frontal dimetric oblique projection
Overall dimensions
Structural dimensions
Coordinating sizes
Part element dimensions
Drawing frame
Technical drawing
Mating point
Simplifications and conventions
Drawing formats
Projection center
Pairing Center
Working drawing
Dimensional number
Reading the drawing
Hatching Hatching in axonometry


Practical and graphic work on drawing

The notebook was developed by Anna Aleksandrovna Nesterova, teacher of the highest category of drawing and fine art, teacher of the Municipal Budgetary Educational Institution “Secondary School No. 1 of Lensk”

Introduction to the Subject of Drawing
Materials, accessories, drawing tools.

Purpose of the work: study the rules for depicting and designating species; learn to make a drawing of a part, consisting of the required number of its types.


1). Based on the axonometric projection of the part, construct three views of it: front view, top view and left view.

2). Enter the dimensions of the part.

The task is carried out according to options on A3 format (420 x 297), the main inscription according to form 1 GOST 2.104-68. Options for tasks are selected similarly to the previous one. In the “Designation” column of the main inscription, sign ПЧ.XX.02 in font No. 10, where ПЧ is the topic of the task (projection drawing), XX is the version number, 02 is the work number. In the “Name” column of the main inscription, sign the name of the part. An example of completing the task is given in Appendix 3.

Work order

1). On an A3 sheet of paper, draw a frame and stamp the main inscription.

2). Study the provided axonometric image and determine the direction of the main view of the part (front view). Using the given dimensions, draw a front view in thin lines.

2). Make views of the part from above and to the left, if possible without disturbing the projection relationship between the views. Otherwise, designate the species (see rules for designating species).

3). Outline the visible contours of the part with a solid main line, and the invisible contours with a thin dashed line.

4). Enter the required dimensions and designations.

5) Fill out the title block stamp in accordance with the assignment.

4. Cuts

Cut - this is an image of an object mentally dissected by one or more secant planes. The section shows what is included in the cutting plane and what is behind it.

Classification of cuts

1). The sections are divided, depending on the position of the cutting plane relative to the horizontal projection plane, into:

- horizontal – the cutting plane is parallel to the horizontal plane of projections (for example, section B-B, Fig. 52);

- vertical – the cutting plane is perpendicular to the horizontal plane of projections (for example, sections A-A, B-B, D-G, Fig. 52);

- inclined – the cutting plane makes an angle with the horizontal projection plane that is different from a right angle.

The vertical cut is called frontal , if the cutting plane is parallel to the frontal plane of projections, and profile , if the cutting plane is parallel to the profile plane of projections.

2). Depending on the number of cutting planes, the sections are divided into:

- simple – with one cutting plane (for example, section B-B Fig. 52);

- complex – with several cutting planes (for example, section B-B, Fig. 52).

There are difficult cuts stepped, if the cutting planes are parallel (for example, a stepped horizontal section B-B, Fig. 52), and broken , if the cutting planes intersect (for example, sections A-A, Fig. 52).

Rice. 52. Designation of cuts

Rules for making cuts

1). The position of the cutting plane is indicated in the drawing by a section line. An open line must be used for the section line. For complex cuts, the strokes of an open line also show the intersection of the cutting planes. The starting and ending strokes must not intersect the outline of the corresponding image. Arrows are placed on the initial and final strokes indicating the direction of view. The arrows should be at a distance of 2-3 mm from the end of the stroke. Capital letters are placed on the outside of the arrows to indicate the cut. The incision itself is designated by appropriate capital letters. The letters indicating the cut are not underlined (see Fig. 52). The cut should be marked with an inscription like “AA” (always two letters separated by a dash).

2). When the secant plane coincides with the plane of symmetry of the object as a whole, and the corresponding images are located on the same sheet in direct projection connection and are not separated by any other images, for horizontal, frontal and profile sections the position of the secant plane is not marked, and the cut is inscribed not accompanied.

3). Horizontal, frontal and profile sections can be located in place of the corresponding main views. For example, horizontal - in the top view, frontal - in the front view, profile - in the left view (Fig. 52).

4). For broken cuts, the cutting planes are conventionally rotated until they are aligned into one plane, and the direction of rotation may not coincide with the direction of view (Fig. 53).

Rice. 53. Broken cuts.

If the combined planes turn out to be parallel to one of the main projection planes, then the broken section can be placed in the place of the corresponding type. When rotating the secant plane, the elements of the object located behind it are drawn as they are projected onto the corresponding plane with which the alignment is made (Fig. 53).

5). An incision that serves to clarify the structure of an object in a separate, limited place is called local .

A local cut is made in the view and is separated from it by a solid wavy line or a thin line with a break. These lines must not coincide with any other lines in the image (see Fig. 54).

Fig.54. Local incision.

6). To reduce graphic work, it is allowed to connect part of the view and part of the section. Part of the view and part of the corresponding section can be connected by separating them with a solid wavy line (Fig. 55 a) or a solid thin line with a break (Fig. 55 c). If in this case half of the view and half of the section are connected, each of which is a symmetrical figure, then the dividing line is the axis of symmetry (Fig. 55 d).

7). If in a symmetrical part the axis of symmetry coincides with the contour line, the boundary of the view and section is shifted from the axis and drawn up as shown in Figure 55 b.

Fig.55 (a, b). Combining half the view and half the section.

Fig.55 (c, d). Combining half the view and half the section.