Rhetoric for children: work programs, notebooks, textbooks. Work program for the course "rhetoric of communication" for preschoolers Children's rhetoric in preschool institutions


Is it possible to influence the formation of a child’s character? Such questions often arise among parents. This is not surprising, since the child’s future success as an individual largely depends on the child’s character. From the moment a child begins to read his first letters, school and parents try to teach him to speak correctly, clearly and distinctly. Some people are good at speech patterns. And for some it is difficult to say even the most common words without errors. Rhetoric for children is something that will help you develop a culture of child’s speech behavior, which, of course, will have a beneficial effect on the development of his personality and success in the future.

Lomonosov was right in considering rhetoric the basis of all sciences. The ability to think competently and deftly determines: academic performance at school and later at university, communication with peers, building a career. High income is almost always a consequence of the art of persuasion. Ivan Pavlov believed that without speech there is no thinking. Indeed, well-constructed phrases indicate the ability to think logically. Oratory for children lays the foundation for their future successful lives.

When does communication begin?

The process of a child’s communication with the outside world begins very early. It is worth considering that in the modern world, from the first years of life, he watches TV, watches films, listens to the radio, and hears speeches of various styles.

At preschool age, children come into contact with many interlocutors: their peers, younger children, adults, relatives, loved ones, strangers and strangers.

That is why it is very important for a child to be able to make any request, to be able to conduct a dialogue both live and over the phone with friends, peers, relatives, guests and others.

The child begins to communicate from childhood

Regularity is what gives the best results. You don’t have to go to the gym 3 times a week, but keep your body in great shape through daily morning exercises, contrast showers, constant massage, rubbing and evening five-minute stretching to strengthen bones, muscles and tendons.

Everyday small efforts are the big secret! In public speaking classes for children, you, the parent, will master a set of trouble-free game exercises to develop your child’s speech skills. Some people practice effectively, and already achieve tangible results in 4-5 weeks.

Exercises for caring parents and their curious children

1. Exercise “Explain the word”

Give your child a couple of words to define. Let him explain what a nose, a dandelion, a chair, a tree, a ball is.

But understand that first you need to attribute the word to a more general class of objects.

For example:

A tree is a plant that...The nose is an organ that...Dandelion is a flower that...and so on. Then you should name the external distinctive features, functions or structure. So, a tree is a plant that has many legs and leaves, is very hardworking and lives outdoors. This will be enough. It will be nice if the child gives the definition of the word “dandelion”: a dandelion is a flower that is initially yellow, then white. It has fluff and if you blow on it, it will fly in all directions. He lives in the summer. He can also heal people. Don't be surprised: some children can say even worse definitions! Teach them this. Start by defining the word "dog."

2. Exercise “Remember word»

Your task and the child’s task is to remember all the known words that fit the chosen topic. Everything you already know about him.

For example:

Theme "person" (you name it)

Person, creature (the child repeats the previous word and names his own)

— Man, creature, ears

The loser calls out the funny phrase “ram’s head.”

3. Exercise “Come up with a rhyme for the word”

Take any simple words known to the child and let him find a rhyme for them.

For example:

Thunderstorm - dew

4. Exercise “Read and repeat”

Take an interesting book that will be age appropriate. Read the phrase out loud. The child’s task is to repeat verbatim what was said. The fairy tales of Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin are best suited for this rhetoric workshop, but you can take prose that will be more complex. But it all depends on the child and his level. First, take part of a sentence, its short excerpts, then gradually the child can cope with long sentences. Working memory, so necessary for rhetoric, develops and vocabulary expands. This exercise requires the parent’s perseverance, as well as humor and positivity. You can kill the desire to play with you with a stern word and a menacing look.

Read the phrases out loud, and let the child try to repeat what was said

5. Exercise “Listen to silence”

This game is good for developing the ability to quickly concentrate.

To begin with, measure for one and a half to two minutes and listen to all the sounds around you: in the room, in the apartment, outside the window. And then take turns talking about the sounds you heard and depicting them using words. Naturally, we cannot repeat ourselves. The one who names these sounds the most wins.

For example:

I heard the clock ticking in the room

And I heard a car drive by on the street: “trrr-trrr”

The rain was dripping outside the window: “drip-drip-drip”

Footsteps were heard in the other room: “top-top-top”

6. Exercise “Find the missing object”

The driver is selected. For example, this is a child who is asked to carefully look around him and remember the surrounding small objects lying on the tables. He then turns away and leaves the room, and you remove one of the items. When the driver returns, he must detect a change that has occurred on the tables or in the room in general (if the game is played on a larger scale and involves objects located throughout the room). Your task is to prompt the driver by coming up with an original definition of the object, without naming it directly. The child’s task is to ask leading questions to the parent and try to guess the removed item.

For example:

What animal does this item resemble?

For a hamster

-...Can this item only be used in class?

You can take it with you wherever you want!

Is this a pencil case?

Yes! Well done.

7. Exercise “Find the differences”

He invites the children and you to explain in one or two words what the difference is between two outwardly similar objects.

For example:

You: What is the difference between a ball and a lemon?

Child: the ball is round

You: The lemon is also round. Wrong.

Child: It's yellow!

You: Both of these items can be yellow.

Child: The ball is empty.

You: Not all balls are empty inside.

Child: You can’t eat the ball.

You: Absolutely right! This is the difference.

8. Exercises “Imagine yourself as an artist”

A story based on a picture, all kinds of expositions, have been used in the school educational process for a long time. Their benefits are undeniable. In our opinion, such rhetorical exercises for children can also be successfully practiced. Like drawing, telling a story based on a picture develops the associative color perception of a sounding word, which contributes to a more harmonious formation of rhetorical skills in a child.

1) “What I remember”

The meaning of the exercise follows from the name. The child looks at the reproduction for a while, then turns it over so that he can no longer see it, and tells what he remembers. At first, this may be simply a listing of the objects depicted in the picture, but gradually you need to approach a coherent description.

2) “What’s going on?”

This task is much more difficult than the previous one. The child should not just describe the picture, but try to understand what is happening there, show some directorial qualities, notice the action taking place in the picture, or fantasize it if it is a landscape or still life.

3) “What happened before?”

The speaker expresses his assumptions about what happened in the picture before the artist stopped the moment he liked and captured it in paint.

4) “What would I call the painting if I were an artist?”

Your child offers his own version of the title of the picture and tries to prove its validity.

9. Exercise “Funny tongue twister”

An exercise that develops a sense of rhythm and logic of speech. A simple tongue twister is used that is good for everyone, for example: “About the misfortune of a bull.”

The text is divided into more or less logically completed passages - phrases. The pauses separating phrases from each other are filled with claps. You can add stomping and any other movements to the clapping.

It all looks something like this:

Grandma had a bull! (you and your child clap your hands twice and stamp your hands twice)

Little white bull. Two claps and two stamps. (child)

The bull was thick-lipped! Two claps and two stamps (you again)

Dull-lipped bull. Two claps and two stamps. (child again)

The bull has a white lip... Two claps and two stamps.

She was stupid! (in chorus)

The first time the tongue twister is read slowly, thoughtfully. It is necessary to immediately determine what this tongue twister is about. What happens in it, how we relate to its characters. Then, reading the second and third times, you can increase the tempo, observing the general rhythmic structure, the stress points of which are our game pauses - clapping and stamping, as well as plosive consonants - in this tongue twister the plosive sound predominates " B" It should be pronounced especially clearly and “explode” on the lips.

MDOU TsRR-d/s No. 29, Kovdor

Teacher Tochenykh Tatyana Valerievna

Lesson on rhetoric in the senior group

Rhetoric lesson notes

in the senior group “On the Planet of Smiles”

Target: Show children that a smile helps to establish contact between interlocutors, that a smile is a sign of the speakers’ disposition towards each other.

Teach children to observe speech etiquette in different communication situations and to use nonverbal means of communication.

To consolidate children's knowledge about certain types of communication (contact, distance).

Foster a culture of listening to each other; nurturing kindness, attention, mutual assistance, sensitivity.

Material: Doll - Rhetoric, letter, audio recording with the voice of the “ruler of the planet”, Hoop-Hop ball (alien), silhouette of a cheerful smile, words located on the wall: thank you, thank you, forgive me, please; letters: U, L, Y, B, K, A; audio recording “Smile”, flashlight.

Progress of the lesson:

The teacher draws attention to the unusual envelope in which there is a letter (it was brought by the boy Rhetorik).

Letter:All the inhabitants of my planet have stopped smiling, they need help. And only children can save our planet.

Ruler of the Planet of Smiles.

/ The children read the letter /.

Educator: Guys, we are being asked to help. Do you agree to come to the aid of the inhabitants of the Planet of Smiles?

Rhetoric, do you agree to come with us?

Rhetorician: I agree.

Educator: But in order to go on a trip, we need to decide what we will fly to the planet on.

/ Children's suggestions /.

Okay, we'll go on a rocket ride. Let's quickly start construction without wasting time (the children are made of modular blocks).

That's a rocket. Well, the rocket is worth it, but there is a condition: it’s your good mood. If the mood is not good, it is better to stay (children's answers).

Checking for readiness to fly: the teacher asks the children to put on imaginary spacesuits, space shoes, gloves, and close their eyes.

The teacher checks whether the spacesuits are well put on, touches the child’s head and hands, strokes the children, commenting on his actions: “How tight the suit fits, how warm and thick the mittens are, how stately you look in this uniform.”

Then the children are invited to take their places in the rocket (stand around the rocket and hold hands).

On the planet.

1. Acquaintance (in a chain): children sing or say their names.

2. Greetings - Guys, how do we greet each other? (Words, gestures).

Ruler: On the Planet of Smiles, the inhabitants greeted each other with a little finger smile (children say hello), elbows (...), winking at each other. /Children move freely around the group, greeting each other, expressing their feelings/.

One of the inhabitants of the planet appears (a large hop-hop ball, unusually painted), very dull and sad.

I am a resident of the planet of Smiles. Help us, earthlings, we have forgotten how to smile, probably a virus of sadness and despondency has come to our planet (a roar is heard).

The rockfall of rude words began again. There is no hope of saving our planet.

Educator: Wait, don’t be discouraged (addresses the children):

What needs to be done to prevent rude words from happening?

Children: We need to remember polite words more often.

Educator: Guys, we still have the magic lantern that Grandfather Frost gave us. A flashlight will help us save the planet. Its magic rays will help us remember the magic words.

/The lights go out/

    They helped you undress and hang up your clothes. What should you say?

/The answer words are illuminated by a flashlight/.

    You were walking along the corridor and accidentally pushed someone. What needs to be said?

    The man did a good deed and I really want to thank him. What word will you say?

    In order for a person to help you with pleasure, you must not forget one very kind word...

/The light turns on/

Resident of the planet: Guys, we forgot what the words “hello” and “goodbye” mean. (Children's answers).

And I also remembered that we had such a word “Smile”, but we forgot how to spell it.

Educator: Let's, guys, use these letters to spell out this word.

/ Children lay out the word: SMILE /

Resident: Guys, help me remember how to smile.

Educator: To teach to smile, pass the resident to each other and say polite words with a smile.

/The planet’s inhabitant’s sad smile disappears and he smiles/.

Educator: Guys, now maybe we can show those objects with the help of which a person can talk to someone at a distance.

D/i “Find the object.”

Educator: It’s a pity for us to part with you. Let's give the Planet of Smiles the song “From a Smile” by V. Shainsky.


The inhabitant of the planet and the ruler thank the guys for their help and the guys return home to the song.

Educator: Guys, where does a good mood begin? The more often we see kind smiles, hear kind jokes, the fewer evil, greedy, lazy people remain among us. I hope that our planet will not suffer misfortune like the Planet of Smiles. It all depends on you and me, ordinary people.

Ekaterina Nikitina
Rhetoric for kids. Development of communication and speech skills in preschool children

"Rhetoric for kids. Development of communication and speech skills in preschool children"

The existence of humanity is unthinkable outside communicative activities. We constantly request, transmit and store information, i.e. we are actively engaged in communicative activities. Sphere communications- a necessary part of the social space in which a person exists. In communication, people reveal their personal qualities. During communications a person assimilates universal human experience, values, knowledge and ways of acting.

An important mental factor preschooler development is his communication with adults and peers.

Communication skills are not innate, but are formed through the development of the need to communicate with adults and peers. In modern pedagogical concepts, communication appears as a special communication activity aimed at building relationships. IN preschool age traditionally there are two spaces of interaction with society. This is interaction with an adult and interaction with a peer. IN preschool age there is an expansion of the boundaries of social space, primarily due to the fact that from the age of four in a child’s life, in addition to the importance of adults, the importance of peers appears and increases, since it is from this age peers are an integral part of the formation of a child’s self-awareness.

Development of communication skills in preschool age goes through a number of stages. On the first one (2-4 years) a peer is a partner in emotional-practical interaction, which is based on imitation and emotional infection of the child. At the second stage (4-6 years) there is a need for situational business cooperation with a peer. The content of communication becomes joint (mainly gaming) activity. At the third stage (at 6-7 years old) communication with a peer acquires non-situational features - content communicative communication is distracted from the visual situation, stable selective preferences between children begin to take shape. ]

Children come to kindergarten with different emotional perceptions of the world, heterogeneous aspirations and at the same time with different communicative skills and capabilities.

The main tool of communication and communication is speech. Therefore, the formation communication and speech skills is a priority in working with children preschool age.

Speaking correctly and well means establishing and maintaining good relationships with others. people: in the family, at school, at work, in social life. All this helps to achieve success in a wide variety of areas.

Currently, it is becoming relevant to introduce it into the educational process preschool basic education institutions rhetoric.

RHETORIC- the science of the laws of preparing and delivering a public speech in order to have the desired impact on the audience.

Purpose of introduction rhetoric obvious - communion preschooler to the elements, the basics of oratory has great educational, training and developmental value. After all preschool age– this is a sensitive period speech development. Therefore, it is advisable to preschool age start qualified training rhetoric. Education rhetoric is aimed at developing children’s communicative competencies, their ability to establish communication with the surrounding nature and people (adults and peers) using language (phonetic, lexical, grammatical) and non-verbal means (facial expressions, gestures, postures, glances, objective actions). Communicative competence is considered as a basic personality characteristic preschooler, as the most important prerequisite for well-being in social and intellectual development, in the development of specifically children's activities - collective games, theatrical activities, children's artistic and creative activities.

Many preschoolers experience difficulties in organizing various types of speech activity, the culture of speech behavior, because the culture of speech behavior is a manifestation of a person’s general culture. Classes on rhetoric- one of the most important means development of empathy in children, i.e. the ability to recognize a person’s emotional state by facial expressions, gestures, intonation, the ability to put oneself in his place in various situations, and find adequate ways to assist. Classes on rhetoric contribute to the formation of correct speech, communication skills, as well as enriching the inner spiritual and moral life preschooler, development of perception, memory, fantasy, attention, imagination, and can also develop in a child the ability to express himself not only in words, but also in facial expressions and gestures. Special role in the training system rhetoric play those tasks and exercises that develop in children, critical perception of speech is a sense of the appropriateness of a statement (as linguists say, a feeling communicative expediency). Special tasks cultivate attention to that side of speech that is associated with a kind, respectful attitude towards a person.

Therefore, the general goals of work on rhetoric in kindergarten are:

- development the unique human gift of speech, improvement of oral speech, its expressiveness and coherence;

-development critical perception of speech, feelings communicative appropriateness(feasibility);

Expanding speech science concepts about what speech is needed for, what types of communication there are, what successful communication is, etc.

- development culture of speech behavior, education of politeness;

- development creative imagination, literary and communication skills.

1. Moral aspect of speech behavior (development of communication skills) .

2. Speech etiquette in different communication situations.

3. Development verbal and non-verbal means of communication.

4. Culture of listening.

includes work on developing the qualities necessary for communication (sympathy, openness, goodwill);

Formation of the ability to listen and hear the interlocutor;

Mastering behavioral skills (expression of feelings, targeting of statements);

Mastering techniques for stabilizing behavior

For this purpose, theatrical activities and staging are widely used, which help to increase self-confidence, teach the ability to fantasize, develop memory and creative imagination, and also, most importantly, they learn to convey the character of characters expressively, and provoke active involvement in a specific situation.

For the desire to make contact, role-playing situations helps, which teaches joint activity in communication and mutual understanding. Various speech warm-ups, where speech technique develops, diction, tempo, rhythm, ability to control your voice. Speech warm-ups are included in speech situations that help development of reasoning skills, distinguish the individual characteristics of others children and people. Also mastery communication skills can also take place during observation, which helps to systematize knowledge and distinguish changes.

Speech etiquette.

Development speech etiquette to yourself includes:

Mastering a set of stable stereotypes in situations (request, invitation, permission, advice, refusal, greeting, farewell, clarification);

Formation of signs of goodwill in speech;

Formation of awareness of the tone of communication;

Awareness and use of emotional characteristics in speech in the form of phraseological units.

For example:

a) acquaintance: let’s get acquainted, allow me to introduce myself, I would like to, let’s get acquainted;

b) goodbye: all the best, all the best, good luck, see you soon;

c) congratulations, wishes: Please accept congratulations, allow me to congratulate you;

d) gratitude: thank you for, thank you for, I am grateful to you;

d) apology: sorry for, please excuse me, must apologize, etc.

Education preschoolers speech etiquette passes successfully through the use of the following methods and techniques:

Reading fiction and conversations about the content help to understand the behavior of the characters, observe the order of speech actions, which leads to the conclusion that reading books is also communication;

The use of special rituals (greeting and farewelling, which create a feeling of unity and mutual support of all group members;

Participation in playing mini-dialogues, helping to understand that listening means taking an active part in the dialogue, learning to evaluate yourself as a listener, defending your point of view, develop culture of speech communication;

Free communication in the process of joint activities teaches polite communication, helps to determine the speaker’s feelings and sincerity;

Etudes teach you to pronounce phrases that carry different emotional connotations, choose the volume level, and understand that volume depends on the specific communication situation;

Videos are audio materials that help determine the sequence of the plot and the behavior of the characters.

Verbal and non-verbal communication

Education children methods of verbal and non-verbal communication includes myself:

Awareness of different ways to adequately express various emotions;

The ability to express one’s emotions, while simultaneously mastering adequate ways to attract attention to oneself;

Reducing impulsive emotional reactions.

For example:

1) sketches for the expression of various emotions;

2) facial expressions and pantomimes;

3) expressive movements;

4) muscle relaxation training.

These methods and techniques teach you to recognize the emotions of joy, sadness, fear, anger by facial expressions and intonations of the interlocutor’s voice, help to correlate words and movements, intensify mental activity, and make the lesson more effective and lively.

A large role is given to special techniques in this block:

5) breathing exercises help regulate speech breathing, correctly expend air when pronouncing a word or phrase;

6) articulatory gymnastics, which helps improve speech, practice skills clear pronunciation, not correction, but control over correct sound pronunciation.

Culture of listening

Under the culture of listening supposed:

The ability to maintain a conversation, express joyful pleasure, gratitude in response to the care of others, attention, politeness to children and adults (familiar and unfamiliar);

Notice the difficulties of others, express a desire to help, do not attract undue attention to yourself, maintain a conversation, respect for adults, tolerance for children;

Rejoice in the successes of your comrades;

Listen patiently to the speaker;

Fairly resolve emerging disputes and conflicts.

Joint children's improvisations, games with words and sounds are elements of artistic communication and various forms of training are used for this children:

- educational games(dramatization games, role-playing games);

Exercises (imitative-performing and creative nature);

Improvisation, acting out dramatizations and fairy tales;

Observations, walks, excursions;

Examination of drawings and photographs;

Modeling, drawing up pictograms, diagrams of statements;

Analysis of given situations that help development cultures of verbal communication in different positions;

Free and thematic drawing helps to convey the character and feelings of the image;

Modeling and design help to tactilely feel the image;

Reading works of fiction;

Conversations, writing stories;

Watching puppet shows and talking about them;

Exercises for development expressiveness of performance (verbal and non-verbal);

Finger exercises help develop fine motor skills combined with speech.

Thus, development of social and communication skills behavior and self-confidence are promoted by such an organization communicative activities of children, when every child has the opportunity to express himself in some role.

Children's choice of dialogues at will;

Appointment to the main roles of the most timid, shy children;

Distribution of roles on cards (children take from the hands of the teacher any card on which a character is schematically depicted);

Playing through dialogues, games and exercises in pairs

A huge role in conducting classes on rhetoric plays the personality of the teacher. He must express his feelings not only in words, but also with a look, a smile, a gesture, through physical contact. A positive assessment and constant attention to positive manifestations in working with children are important.

During classes it is necessary:

Listen carefully to answers and suggestions children;

If they do not answer, do not demand an explanation, but proceed to action with the character;

When meeting children with the heroes of the works, allocate time so that they can act or talk with them;

Thus, the introduction of classes on rhetoric contribute to the successful formation communicative and speech competencies preschool children. Children feel and behave more relaxed, confident, and free. They construct sentences and entire phrases much better, and successfully use various expressions in speech. Logic is evident in their speech, the meaning of statements is clearer, their active vocabulary increases, their speech becomes more literate and convincing, and a sense of respect for their native language is fostered. Almost everyone children the fear of public speaking is overcome, they are more active and relaxed. And this largely determines the success of schooling.

“Entertaining rhetoric” The use of rhetoric with children of senior preschool age as a means of developing speech and communication skills Prepared by: Klaptyukh I.L., teacher of the MADOU “Kindergarten of a combined type 7, Shebekino, Belgorod region”

Principles of the program: 1) Child development. 2) Respect for the freedom and dignity of every child. 3) Careful attitude towards the results of children's creativity. 4) Scientific validity and practical applicability and possibilities of implementation in mass practice of preschool education, taking into account the age and psychological characteristics of children when selecting content and teaching methods. 5) Combination of a developmental component with a training one. 6)Planning and selection of topics taking into account the interests, skills and abilities of children. 7) Integration of speech activity with other types of activities (game, observation, etc.).

Educational objectives: 1) Identification and development of children's speech abilities. 2) Give an initial understanding of the basic concepts of the rhetoric of everyday and business communication. 3) Teach to master the basic elements of correct, precise speech. 4) Develop initial skills to analyze and evaluate communication and speech. 5) Formation of a creative personality through the child’s involvement in rhetorical activities.

Developmental objectives of the program: 1) Development of children's speech through a system of special productive exercises. 2) Development of all components of children’s oral speech (lexical side, grammatical structure of speech, pronunciation side of speech; coherent speech - dialogical and monologue forms. 3) Development of free communication with adults and children. 4) Development of pronunciation and improvisation skills of a preschooler. 5) Development of the concept of appropriateness of using non-verbal (non-verbal) means of communication - gestures, facial expressions, body movements, intonation. 6) Development of the basic properties of a preschooler’s oral speech: voice color, volume, tempo, etc. 7) Development of the ability to interact with a communication partner; analyze your speech behavior; 8) Development of the child’s communication skills.

2 component. Breathing exercises. Goal: to teach the child to control his breathing, to breathe correctly, strengthening the respiratory muscles, increasing the “vital volume” of the lungs. These could be: - exercises for the development of speech breathing according to the method of A.V. Yastrebova, O.I. Lazarenko; - “Breathing” games; - elements of the respiratory system according to Strelnikova;

3 component. Articulation gymnastics. Goal: - development of full-fledged movements and certain positions of the organs of the articulatory apparatus necessary for the correct pronunciation of sounds. - bioenergoplasty (this is a combination of movements of the articulatory apparatus with movements of the hand according to the method of A.V. Yastrebov, O.I. Lazarenko); - conjugate gymnastics, or Theater of fingers and tongue (exercises for simultaneous work of fingers and tongue).

4 components. Speech gymnastics. Goal: - formation of the ability to control your voice, development of diction. - diction exercises (tongue twisters, tongue twisters, counting rhymes, etc.) -orthological gymnastics (exercises for mastering pronunciation, word formation and other norms of the literary language)

5 component. Finger games. Purpose: - formation of speech by impulses coming from the hands. - exercises for massage (or self-massage) of the hands (Japanese finger massage technique) - exercises that develop interaction between the hemispheres of the brain; -exercises without objects; - exercises with various objects; - gymnastics for fingers; - exercises that strengthen the muscles of the hands.

6 components. New information. Goal: - to activate the value-semantic component of the consciousness and personality of children, to encourage them to comprehend universal human values, to realize their own internal position, to form their own value orientations; - teach children to identify, analyze and evaluate behavior from the point of view of standards and samples presented in culture; - develop the ability to feel and understand others.

7 component. Modeling speech situations. Goal: Solving, acting out problem situations with elements of theatrical games in accordance with the content of the sections “The ABC of Communication” and “The Art of Argument and Dialogue.” These include: communicative and linguistic games, games for the development of facial expressions, pantomimes, and external culture.

Coordination and outdoor games are used as recreation and physical education minutes. The value of coordination and active games lies in the fact that they: - are one of the effective forms of psychological switching during classes; - give children the opportunity to “play” with their body as an instrument that conveys creative activity; - develop motor abilities, memory, sense of rhythm, speech intonation;

Effectiveness is reflected and taken into account through the principles of joint activity between the teacher and the child: - the principle of developmental education (Vygotsky L.S., Elkonin V.A., etc.); - the principle of educational training; - principle of accessibility; - the principle of gradualism, consistency and systematicity; - the principle of clarity; - the principle of emotional richness (the selection of topics depends on the child’s abilities and successful progress); - the principle of motivation for rhetorical practice; connections between theory and practice.

The main activities in the lesson include: - gaming activities; -cognitive and research activities; - demonstration by the teacher of the features of speech activity; -rhetorical analysis of texts of various speech genres; -examination of visual material; -rhetorical games; - five minutes of speech gymnastics; -orthological warm-ups; - improvisational game tasks;

Literature: Belaya A.E., Miryasova V.I. Finger games. For the development of speech of preschoolers / A.E. Belaya, V.I. Miryasova. – M.: AST. Astrel, 2002 – 163 p. Gin A.L. Techniques of pedagogical techniques: A manual for teachers./A.L.Gin. -M.: Vita Press, – 203 p. Grizik T.G. Cognitive development of children 4-5 years old / T.G. Grizik. - M.: Sphere shopping center, – 92 p. Eltsova O.M. Rhetoric for preschoolers. Program and methodological recommendations for teachers of preschool educational institutions / O.M. Eltsova. – St. Petersburg, 2009. – 208 p. Kurtseva Z.I. You are a word, I am a word... Methodological recommendations for educators, teachers and parents / Z.I. Kurtseva. – M.: – 64 p.

Using V.F. Bazarny’s health-saving technologies in our work, we practice on massage mats located in a circle. The teacher is an interlocutor for children who helps them to relax; shares his thoughts and knowledge; advises how best to act and what to say in a specific speech situation.

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution “Kindergarten of a general developmental type with priority implementation of activities for the artistic and aesthetic development of children No. 70 “Kerechene” of the Urban District “Yakutsk city” Adopted by the pedagogical council No. 1 of 01.09.2015.
Head of MBDOU D/s No. 70 _______________/Nikolaeva G.S./
Club work


For the 2015-2016 academic year
Head: Nyukkanova M.A. Hatassy village

Explanatory note
According to static data in our country, the indicators of speech development of preschool children in recent years leave much to be desired. Therefore, in preschool institutions, in addition to the direct work of a speech therapist with children, which consists of individual and subgroup work to correct sound pronunciation, it is necessary to use other forms that will help in solving this problem. One of the most interesting forms of speech therapist training with preschoolers in this area is circle work. Classes in the circle develop individual creative activity, contribute to the unification of children, their ability to interact with each other and the teacher; enrich children with new knowledge and skills; improve attention, memory, thinking, creative imagination and other mental processes and qualities necessary for life and learning. At the same time, speech problems are also solved: the child’s vocabulary is replenished, the grammatical structure of speech and coherent speech develop, and sounds are automated. Taking into account the above, a “Rhetoric” course program was developed for children of middle preschool age. The age was not chosen by chance, since, firstly, preschoolers of senior and preparatory groups begin to study with a speech therapist teacher individually, or on the basis of a speech therapy group; Secondly, the earlier work on speech development begins, the greater the likelihood of children’s speech being corrected by the time they leave kindergarten. The program solves one of the important
– development of a child’s speech behavior culture in modern society. Allows for the comprehensive development of the intellectual and volitional qualities of a preschooler, makes it possible to form in children all mental processes and personal qualities such as creativity, curiosity, responsibility, and independence. Rhetoric classes are one of the most important means of developing the ability to recognize the emotional state of an interlocutor by facial expressions, gestures, intonation, the ability to put oneself in his place in various situations, to find adequate 3
ways to help. Communicative situations allow the child to overcome timidity, self-doubt, and shyness.
Purpose of the program:
introducing preschoolers to the culture of speech behavior, improving their speech through the use of elements of gaming and theatrical activities.
Program objectives:
 Develop such components of the speech system as vocabulary, grammatical structure of speech, coherent speech;  Develop the muscles of the articulatory apparatus;  Develop clear diction in children, lay the foundations for proper speech breathing, developing an attitude towards clear and precise speech as an essential component of successful communication;  To instill in children an attitude towards the word as an effective means of communication, to teach preschoolers to use this means successfully and appropriately;  Learn to have a conversation, defend your point of view, choosing worthy arguments for this;  Teach the rules of speech etiquette and help ensure that these rules become the norm in children’s lives;  Develop communication skills;  Develop children's acting abilities by working on the expressiveness of their speech, plasticity, and facial expressions;  Develop children's thinking abilities, imagination, fantasy.
Working with parents:
 Theater workshop (making finger puppets from various materials)  Reading fairy tales with the whole family.  Making attributes and scenery for productions The program is designed for children of middle preschool age (4-5 years old). 4

Program implementation period
- one year. Classes are held once a week.
Sections of the Rhetoric program:

"The world of adults." The goal is to develop the need to communicate with adults.
"Let's play together." The goal is to develop the need to communicate with peers.
"The secrets of your success." The goal is to develop communication skills with the outside world (with books, with nature, with people). Oral and written communication.
"Speech Etiquette". The goal is to form speech forms of address
"The Art of Argument and Dialogue." The goal is to develop dialogue skills.
"Development of coherent speech." The goal is to develop the ability to construct a coherent speech statement, compose stories based on pictures and retellings.
Structure of circle classes:
1. Speech warm-ups (articulation, breathing, diction exercises and lexico-grammatical games). 2. Tasks for the development of mental processes in children: memory, attention, thinking and imagination. 3. Speech motor exercises. 4. Theatricalization, performances. 5. Corrective games for children with communication difficulties. 6. Compilation of stories and retellings. 7. Pure statements. 8. Tasks for the development of visual and constructive abilities. 9. Outdoor games.
Expected results:

children know how to use words in speech: allow me, excuse me, goodbye, see you soon, have a nice journey;
children are able to carry on a conversation; - show attention and hospitality to familiar and unfamiliar people (invite them to sit down, offer their help, etc.); - fulfill the request of an adult and a peer, offer them their help; - are able to maintain a conversation, express joyful pleasure, gratitude for the care of others; - polite to children and adults (acquaintances and strangers); - articulatory motor skills are developed; - developed phonemic perception; - collaborate in various activities with peers; - developed non-verbal means of communication, intonation expressiveness.
2. Educational and thematic lesson plan for the “Rhetoric” club



Lesson topic


September 09.21.201 5 Let's get to know each other, smiling at each other 1 09.28.201 5 My favorite name 1 October 05.10.201 5 What's in my name? 1 10/12/201 5 Mom, dad, brother, sister, grandfather, grandmother and I are my whole family. 1 10/19/201 5 Does the cockerel have a family? 1 10/26/201 5 The house where I live 1 November 11/02/2015 A dog is a faithful friend in a person’s life. 1 09.11.2015 Our cheerful kindergarten - there are many different children in it. 1 11/16/2015 Candy cogs - boys and girls. 1 11/23/2015 Quarrels and disputes. 1 6
11/30/2015 If life is fun... 1 December 12/07/201 5 In the world of sounds 1 12/14/201 5 To see the word. 1 12/21/201 5 Is it possible to communicate without words? 1 12/28/201 5 Language of gestures and movements. 1 January 01/11/2016 The most amazing miracle in the world (communication and books). 1 01/18/201 6 A fairy tale came to visit us. 1 01/25/201 6 Can nature talk? 1 February 02/01/201 6 Journey into the forest. 1 02/08/201 6 It all starts with the word “Hello” 1 02/15/201 6 Polite words - greetings. 1 02.22.201 6 This word is said when people thank you. 1 02/29/201 6 How to make a request to you? 1 March 03/07/201 6 Learning to be polite. 1 03/14/201 6 When is an apology necessary? 1 03/21/201 6 A fairy tale with details (learn to apologize). 1 03/28/201 6 Polite ABC. 1 April 04/04/201 6 Why is politeness necessary? 1 04/11/2016 Game situations “Polite children”. 1 04/18/201 6 The word is a bridge of understanding between people. 1 04/25/201 6 The art of maintaining a conversation 1 May 05/16/201 6 To the store for shopping. 1 05/23/201 6 Rules of hospitality. 1 7
05/30/201 6 Final lesson “Lessons in polite communication” 1

Lesson No. 1. Topic “Let’s get to know each other by smiling at each other”



Develop a desire to make contact with peers and adults.
Develop dialogical speech.
To consolidate the knowledge that every person has a first name, last name and patronymic.
To develop the skill of using words with diminutive suffixes.

1. Articulation gymnastics: “Pancake”, “Punish the naughty tongue”, “Smile”, “Tube”. 2. Petrushka is visiting. Reads the nursery rhyme “Hello girls!” 3. Game “Parsley get to know each other.” 4. Ball game “Say kindly” 5. Exercise “My patronymic”. 6. Game "Lost".
Lesson No. 2. Topic “My favorite name.”


To teach children to express their opinions, to listen with interest and actively to the answers of all participants in the conversation. 8

Develop dialogical speech, express your opinion publicly. Practice the correct way to express your opinion - with applause and stomping your feet.
Develop the articulatory apparatus and speech technique: pace, diction, rhythm.
Logic of educational activities:
1. Articulation gymnastics. Exercises: “Pancake”, “Smile-pipe”, “Fence”. 2. Gymnastics for the eyes “Once upon a time there was a noise.” 3. Game “Tender Names”. 4. Game "Magic Wand". 5. Summary. Exercise “Choose your mood.”
Lesson No. 3. Topic “What is in your name?”


Develop the articulatory apparatus.
Continue to introduce the history of the origin of names and surnames, their meaning. Bring to the understanding that the objects that surround us also have “names”.
Develop an understanding of the description and its structural elements.
Develop the skill of coordinating joint actions in a group, the ability to build dialogue.

Articulation gymnastics. Exercises: “Punish the naughty tongue”, “Smile-pipe”, “Sail”.
Speech warm-up “Who are you guys?”
Dance movements accompanied by the speech “A friend has a warm and tender palm.”
Speech situation “Granny Zabavushka”.
Pure talk.
Listening and discussing the story “Nameless River.” 9

Lesson No. 5. Theme: “Mom, dad, brother, sister, grandfather, grandmother and me -

this is my whole family"


Development of the articulatory apparatus.
The child’s comprehension of his uniqueness, one of a kind. A child’s understanding of the manifestations of warm relationships in the family.
Enrichment and clarification of the dictionary: names of family members, pedigree, meaning of the name.
Development of the ability to form nouns with diminutive suffixes.
Logic of educational activities.

Articulation gymnastics. Exercises: “Let’s punish the naughty tongue”, “Sail”, “Watch”.
Speech warm-up “Riddles with explanations.”
Speech situation “Who, by whom, to whom”.
Speech with the “Family Exercise” movement.
Conversation on the topic “Family Tree”.
Lesson No. 5. Topic “Does the cockerel have a family?”


Develop the articulatory apparatus.
Develop the ability to reason, explain and prove.
Clarify vocabulary: animals and their young.
Develop intonation traits and voice strength.
Logic of educational activities.
1. Articulation gymnastics. Exercises: “Fence”, “Sail”, “Clock”, “Swing-1”. 2. Breathing exercise “Cockerel”. 3. Reading and analysis of the story “A rooster is walking around the yard” 4. Game “Who has who” 10
5. Poems-game (speech with movement).
Lesson No. 6. Topic “The house in which I live.”


Draw children's attention to the problems of home comfort: the decoration of the house bears the imprint of the lifestyle of the owners.
Develop the need to please your loved ones with good deeds, which make the house warmer.
Develop non-verbal means of communication.
Logic of educational activities

Articulation gymnastics. Exercises: “Delicious jam-1”, “Nut”, “Needle”, “Pancake”.
Diction exercise for different intonation “Four”.
Conversation “Family photo of my home.”
Game “Show without naming”
A game with cut-out pictures “Who will collect it most quickly?”
Game task “Where is whose house?”
Lesson No. 7. Topic “A dog is a faithful friend in a person’s life”


Develop the ability to take part in a group conversation: listen carefully, answer questions, maintain a conversation, enhance knowledge about the animal, reason.
Develop the articulatory apparatus, reinforce onomatopoeia with animals.
Logic of educational activities.
1. Articulation gymnastics. Exercises: “Swing-2”, “Cup”, “Watch”, “Horse”. 2. Riddle about the dog. 3. Game “Guess the sound” (vowel sounds). 11
4. Conversation using the presentation “A dog in a person’s life.” 5. Game “Come up with a nickname.”
Lesson No. 8. Topic “Our cheerful kindergarten - there are many different things in it



Introduce children to the fact that a speech situation has its own components: who begins the communication, to whom the speaker addresses the speech, what he wants to convey, how he speaks.
Please note that depending on the content of what people say to each other, intonation and understanding of speech change.
Develop the articulatory apparatus.
Develop a sense of the beauty of the poetic word, the ability to listen to surrounding sounds, and pronounce them clearly.
Logic of educational activities.
1. Articulation gymnastics. Exercises: “Swing-2”, “Cup”, “Clock”, “Horse”. 2. Diction exercise “Simple song”. 3. Acting out speech situations (persuasion, joy). 4. Speech active game “First I’ll be small” 5. Counting book “Kindergarten”. 6. Didactic game “We are different.”
Lesson No. 9. Topic “Cogs, candies - boys and girls.”


To instill a culture of communication between children of different sexes in joint activities.
To develop the articulatory apparatus, to introduce the fact that a person’s voice has its own unique coloring. 12

Develop social behavior skills, promote self-confidence and independence.
Develop speech memory.
Logic of educational activities.

Articulation gymnastics. Exercises: “Brush your teeth”, “Slide”, “Horse”, “Mushroom”.
Sound “A”, “Attentive ears” - an exercise for the development of phonemic perception.
Repeat the phrases.
Game “Let’s write pure sayings”
Game "Talking Palm".
Sketch "Bad Mood".
Lesson No. 10. Topic “Quarrels and disputes.”


Develop the articulatory apparatus.
To develop the ability to search for constructive solutions to conflicts and dispute management skills.
Develop non-verbal means of communication, intonation expressiveness.
Logic of educational activities.

Articulation gymnastics. Exercises: “Bagel”, “Tube”, “Delicious jam”, “Horse”.
Diction exercise “Conversation with a bee.”
Conversation about the dispute. Finger Theater “Two Hedgehogs”
Game "Mimicry".
Game "Intonation".
Sketch "Kittens".
Lesson No. 11. Topic “If life is fun.”


Develop the articulatory apparatus.
To develop the ability to write a description, reasoning, and narrative.
Improve dialogic and develop monologue speech.
Develop skills in facial expressions and gestures, improvisation and pantomime.
Cultivate goodwill and communication.
Logic of educational activities.

Articulation gymnastics. Exercises: “Donut-tube”, “Cup”, “Horse”, “Mushroom”.
Diction exercise with onomatopoeia.
Game "Let's laugh."
Petrushka visiting the children. Poem with repetition “Jolly old man.”
Game situation “Pantomime with a riddle.”
Game "Funny words". (selection of words for one topic).
Lesson No. 12. Topic “In the world of sounds.”


Develop the muscles of the articulatory apparatus.
Show the role of the sounding word, form in children an idea of ​​the sounds of speech, based on the idea of ​​​​the meaning of this word.

Logic of educational activities.


Conversation based on pictures: “forest”, “baby”, “chopping wood”, “rider”. Exercise “Guess the meaning of words.”
Reading the poem “Stream” and inventing onomatopoeic words. 14

Reading a poem followed by analysis of “This, in general, is the story.”
Lesson No. 13. Topic “To see the word.”


Develop the articulatory apparatus.
Develop the ability to compare the sounds of the surrounding world with the sounds of human speech.
Develop phonemic awareness.
Logic of educational activities.

Articulation gymnastics. Exercises: “Painter”, “Sail”, “Tasty Jam-2”, “Horse”.
Pure talk.
A conversation about pure and beautiful speech.
Game "Select the first sound."
Game “Say a word” (poem by M. Plyatskovsky “There is a sweet word...”).
Lesson No. 14. Topic “Is it possible to communicate without words?”


Introduce children to nonverbal means of communication.
Develop the articulatory apparatus.
Develop the ability to perceive non-verbal information.
Exercise children in depicting emotions of joy, sadness, fear, anger and the ability to recognize them by facial expressions and intonation.
Learn to construct statements logically, ask questions correctly, see good and bad in an object or action, and defend your point of view.
Logic of educational activities.

Articulation gymnastics. Exercises: “Delicious jam-2”, “Painter”, “Nut”, “Cup”.
Reading the poem with analysis “Feet of Rain”. Accompanying speech with movements.
Reflection exercise “What is good and what is bad”
Game "Guess the Emotion"
Game "Broken Phone".
Lesson No. 15. Topic “Language of gestures and movements.”


Develop children's communication abilities, their facial and pantomimic skills.
Develop the articulatory apparatus.
Develop the ability to coordinate your actions with the actions of your partners; the ability to tell fairy tales, accompanying them with appropriate gestures, appropriate facial expressions and intonation.
Develop creative initiative and intonation expressiveness. Practice clear pronunciation skills.
Logic of educational activities.
1. Articulation gymnastics. Exercises: “Horse”, “Mushroom”, “Breeze”, “Swing-2”. 2. Diction exercise. Patter with movement. 3. Diction exercise “Clap your hands.” 4. Exercise “Gesture, its meaning.” 5. Game “How are you living?” 6. Sketches for the expression of basic emotions. 7. Game "Transfers".
Lesson No. 16. Topic “The most amazing miracle in the world.”



Show the role of a book in a person’s life, lead to the conclusion that reading a book is also communication.
Summarize information about ways to “record” an oral statement using drawings and symbols.
Exercise children in writing sentences using pictograms.
Expand children's knowledge about ancient and modern writing instruments.
Logic of educational activities
1. Articulation gymnastics. Exercises: “Tongue massager”, “Groovet”, “Turkey”, “Horse”. 2. Conversation “Sounds and letters”. 3. Conversation “Alphabet and ancient hieroglyphs.” 4. Reading and analysis of the story “The most amazing miracle in the world.” 5. Pantomime “Reading”.
Lesson No. 17. Topic: “A fairy tale has come to visit us.”

Improve articulatory motor skills.
Develop verbal and logical thinking, memory
Introduce the structure of a fairy tale.
Develop a love for books and a caring attitude towards them.
Logic of educational activities
1. Articulation exercises: “Massager for the tongue”, “Automatic”, “Turkey”, “Mushroom”. 2. Conversation “Who gives us a fairy tale.” 3. Literary quiz game “Guess the fairy tale line by line.” 4. Game “Word Creation”. 5. Game. Fairy tales "inside out". 6. Game “What happened then?” 17

Lesson No. 18. Topic “Can nature talk?”



Introduce the rules of behavior and communication with nature.

Strengthen the skill of pronouncing phrases with a certain intonation and with different voice strengths.
To form an aesthetic perception of nature and cultivate a caring attitude towards it.
Logic of educational activities
1. Articulation and breathing exercises: “Automatic”, “Breeze”, “Turkey”, “Blow on a pencil”. 2. Improvisation game “Hike to the Forest”. 3. Staging scenes from the life of nature. 4. Conversation about the rules of communication with nature. 5. Didactic games “Let’s collect a herbarium”, “What’s around?”, “What is this?” 6. Pantomime game “Zainka”.
Lesson No. 19. Topic “Journey to the forest.”


Improve articulatory motor skills and speech breathing.
To develop children's powers of observation and the ability to understand the behavior of animals, their intentions based on their characteristic movements and postures.
Develop speech skills: verbally describe animals, their behavior, actions; skills of working with imaginary objects; relate the character and the verb formed from onomatopoeia.
Develop fine motor skills in combination with speech.
Foster a humane attitude towards animals.
Logic of educational activities
1. Articulation and breathing exercises: “Turkey”, “Machine gun”, “Blow on a pencil”, “Kick the ball into the goal”. 2. Improvisation “In a clearing” (using the phonogram “Voices of Birds”). 3. Riddle about the sun. Finger gymnastics “Hello, golden sun!” 4. Re-enactment of “Grandfather is Silent.” Game "Find out who's talking." 5. Poems with hands “Merry transformations”. 6. Conversation “What do the animals want to say?” 7. Lexico-grammatical games: “Who will be who?”, “Guess and repeat”, “Name the family members.”
Lesson No. 20. Topic “It all starts with the word “Hello!”


Improve articulatory motor skills and speech breathing.
Develop an understanding of the form of polite greeting, reveal to children the meaning of polite words.
Develop imagination and creative initiative in theatrical play.
Develop pantomime skills and fine motor skills.
Learn to expressively pronounce phrases that carry different emotional connotations.
Logic of educational activities
1. Articulation and breathing exercises: “Painter”, “Start the engine”, “Kick the ball into the goal”, “Snowflake”. 2. Intonation exercise “Good morning!” 3. Improvisation game “Where does the sun go?” 4. Conversation with the hero – old woman Shapoklyak “The Land of Polite Words.” 19
5. Staging a Russian folk greeting. 6. Game to imitate given movements.
Lesson No. 21. Topic “Polite words - greetings”


Improve articulatory motor skills and speech breathing.
Develop the ability to correctly use words in speech.
Develop imagination and creative initiative in theatrical activities.
Strengthen the ability to combine movement and speech.
Logic of educational activities
1. Articulation and breathing exercises: “Painter”, “Start the engine”, “Snowflake”, “Horse”. 2. Choral reading of A. Yashin’s poem “I love it when we meet.” 3. Exercise “Find the opposite words” using the poem “Kind Words”. 4. Game “Say a polite word - greeting.” 5. Playing with sounds and rhymes. 6. Games and exercises “Who will say hello first.”
Lesson No. 22. Topic “This word is said if you are thanked.”


Improve articulatory motor skills and speech breathing.
Develop the ability to appropriately use words of gratitude depending on the situation.
Continue to work on intonation expressiveness, develop basic skills of facial expressions and gestures.
Develop imagination, communication skills, and the culture of verbal communication.
Logic of educational activities
1. Articulation and breathing exercises: “Window”, “Ladder”, “Snowflake”. 2. Diction exercise “Eat oats from a trough.” 3. Rhythmic exercise “Yes-ri-li-piggy.” 4. Reading and analysis of the poem by I. Tokmakova “Masha knew a lot of words.” 5. Acting out situations to express gratitude. 6. Mimic exercise based on the poem “The Cluttering Fly.”
Lesson No. 23. Topic “How to make a request to you?”


Improve articulatory motor skills and speech breathing.
Form a polite request to the interlocutor.
Show how to politely refuse your interlocutor.
Develop the ability to pronounce phrases with intonation and expressiveness.
Develop imagination and pantomime skills.
Logic of educational activities
1. Articulation and breathing exercises: “Pultant”, “Window”, “Ladder”. 2. Diction exercise “My snake.” 3. Reading and analysis of the poem “The Goat.” 4. Exercise in justifying the request “Crocodiles”. 5. Exercise in refusing requests “Pony Horse”. 6. Game situations with staging. (acting out in pairs of tasks)
Lesson No. 24. Topic “Learning to be polite”


Improve articulatory motor skills and speech breathing.
Explain to children that the request must be motivated.
Strengthen the skill of using polite forms of refusal (in a request, etc.) 21

Develop improvisation during dramatization and pantomime skills.
Logic of educational activities
1. Articulation and breathing exercises: “Ladder”, “Elephant”, “Pussy is angry”, “Sultana” 2. Reading, conversation with children “Visiting Grandma Maria”. 3. Mini-scenes “Cancer the Slacker.” 4. Staging the poem “Winter Conversation through the Window.” 5. Intonation exercise “Sentences in the garden” 6. Dramatization exercise “Kitten”.
Lesson No. 25. Topic “When is an apology necessary?”


Improve articulatory motor skills and speech breathing.
Introduce children to the rules of communication that are used when apologizing.
Explain that you need to be able to admit your guilt; that the apology must be justified (explained).
Develop the ability to find a way out of conflict situations using verbal forms of apology.

Logic of educational activities
1. Articulation and breathing exercises: “The pussy is angry,” “The elephant is drinking,” “Kneading the dough.” 2. Playing with rhymes. 3. Game “Let’s compose a pure proverb.” 4. Reading and analysis of the poem “I’m not crying.” 5. Didactic game “Know how to apologize.” 6. Reading a poem with a dramatization of “Sorry.” 22

Lesson No. 26. Topic “Fairy tale with details (learn to apologize)”



Learn to expressively convey the character of the chosen character and his emotional state with intonation.
Encourage children's creative initiative, the desire to take a role and play it.
Cultivate a friendly attitude in children through play.
Logic of educational activities
1. Phonemic exercise “Parrot” (sounds g-k). 2. Game “Find and show the emotion.” 3. Reading the work of G. Oster “A Tale with Details” 4. Conversation about what was read. 5. Acting out situations. 6. Creative task “Draw the mood after the apology.”
Lesson No. 27. Topic “Polite ABC”.


Develop phonemic awareness.
Introduce children to the rules of speech communication, encourage them to use greetings, gratitude and other words in speech that help in communication between people.
To improve children’s ability to express their thoughts logically and coherently.
Encourage children to improvise and be creative.
Logic of educational activities
1. Phonemic exercise “Parrot” (sounds b-p). 2. Breathing exercise “Cranes”. 3. Diction exercise “Iki, iki.” 4. Game “Shop of Polite Words.” 5. Reading the poem “Vovka is a kind soul.” 6. Game-competition “Who can say the most polite words.” 23

Lesson No. 28. Topic “Why is politeness needed?”


Develop phonemic awareness.
Strengthen polite verbal communication skills.
Continue to develop intonation expressiveness, facial expressions and gestures.
Develop communication skills.
Logic of educational activities
1. Phonemic exercise “Find the error.” 2. Diction exercise in intonation of polite words. 3. Reading and analysis of G. Oster’s poems “Bad Advice.” 4. Pantomime exercise “Kind words”.
Lesson No. 29. Topic “Game situations “Polite children.”


Develop phonemic awareness.
Strengthen polite behavior and communication skills.
Improve your ability to express your thoughts logically and coherently.
Develop children's communication and acting abilities, their pantomime skills.
Logic of educational activities
1. Phonemic exercise “Parrot” (v-f). 2. Pantomime exercise “March Ninth”. 3. 18 game situations “Polite Children” (based on the book by N. Pikuleva “The Word on the Palm”).
Lesson No. 30. “The word is a bridge of understanding between people”


Develop phonemic awareness.
Expand children's understanding that a person's word is powerful, it will help to find mutual understanding; a word can cheer you up, encourage you, support you in difficult times; with a word you can regret, offend, upset.
Develop the ability to imagine how the interlocutor will react to the words spoken.
Develop the ability to select words that are opposite in meaning and select definitions for given words.
Logic of educational activities
1. Phonemic exercise “Confusions”. 2. Diction exercise-game “The word is not a sparrow.” 3. Didactic game “Say the opposite”. 4. Game situation with the hero “grandmother” “Our Olenka is in the house” 5. Dramatization of the dialogues “Kitty”, “Dachshund”. 6. Game “Imagine” 7. Art activity “Photo studio “Please.”
Lesson No. 31. Topic “The art of maintaining a conversation”


Develop phonemic awareness.
Develop the ability to think through your statement.
Develop artistic abilities, the ability to portray emotions and mood.
Activate your vocabulary of polite words.
Logic of educational activities
1. Phonemic exercise “Parrot” (d-t). 2. Reading and analysis of R. Talipov’s poems “What is the bitterest?”, “What is the sweetest?” 3. Sketch “The Squirrel and the Wolf”. 4. Exercise “Let's compliment each other.” 25
5. Reading the text “The Squirrel and the Wolf.” Dramatization of the story.
Lesson No. 32. Topic “Going shopping”


Develop phonemic awareness.
To develop children's speech attention and speech breathing, intonation expressiveness.
Develop logical thinking and memory.
Develop the ability to describe an object.
Develop the ability to adequately perceive non-verbal information.
Logic of educational activities
1. Phonemic exercise “Choose a word.” 2. Speech gymnastics “Tell me about the purchase.” 3. Conversation about the rules of behavior in the store. 4. Game “Name in one word” 5. Game “Name in detail”. 6. Exercise “Name the common features and differences.” 7. Acting out dialogue situations.
Lesson No. 33. Topic “Rules of Hospitality”


Improve phonemic awareness and concepts.
Develop guest etiquette skills.
Develop self-confidence and the ability to set goals.
Develop creativity and initiative in acting out game situations.
Logic of educational activities
1. Phonemic exercises “The sound is lost”, “Find the mistake”. 2. Conversation “Wrong rules” (based on the poem “Game of Guests”). 3. Sketch “Game of guests”. 26
4. Lexico-grammatical games “What from what?”, “Pie”. 5. Psycho-speech gymnastics “Think and answer.” 6. Ball counter.
Final lesson No. 34. “Lessons in polite communication”


Improve phonemic awareness.
Strengthen the skills of polite behavior and communication in various social situations.
Cultivate a friendly attitude towards each other, a desire to help and support.
Strengthen verbal and non-verbal means of communication.
Logic of educational activities.
1. Game “Guess the word.” 2. Dramatization “Talking on the Phone.” 3. Dramatization “Going to the store with the whole family.” 4. Pantomime “Birthday”. 5. Quiz game “Polite words” (using lexical and grammatical games). .
4. Methodological support of the program.

Articulation gymnastics

First complex
includes exercises necessary for the formation of a clear, correct pronunciation of all sounds:  “Window” - open your mouth slightly and hold it in this position.  “Knead the dough” - chew your tongue. 27
 “Fence” - smile without tension, show closed upper and lower teeth.  “Tube” - stretch your lips forward like a tube and hold.  “Pancake” or “Spatula” - a wide, relaxed tongue lies on the lower lip. Pay attention that your tongue does not tremble. Tell your child that the tongue is tired and decided to rest on the bench.  “Watch” - stretch the narrow tip of the tongue alternately to the corners of the mouth. Done at a slow pace (counting, following a depicted pendulum, to the words “right - left,” etc.)  “Nuts” - the narrow tip of the tongue rests alternately on one cheek, then on the other. Mouth closed.  “Elephant” - extend your closed lips forward.  “The elephant is drinking” - stretch your lips forward and blow air into yourself, then blow it out.  “Let's punish the naughty tongue” or “Let's bake a pancake” - so that the tongue is wide and calm, spank it with your lips 5-7 times, saying five-five-five.  “Swing - 1” - stretch your tongue towards your nose and chin.
Second complex
designed for production and automation of whistling sounds “S”, “Z”, “C”. when pronouncing them, the tip of the tongue is behind the lower teeth, the lips are stretched in a smile, a fairly strong air stream goes in the middle of the tongue:  “Brushing the lower teeth” - move the tongue behind the lower teeth from right to left, from bottom to top. The mouth is half open, the lips are in a smile.  “Gorka” - lips in a smile. The wide tip of the tongue rests on the bases of the lower incisors. The back of the tongue arches, then straightens.  “Pussy is angry” - smile, open your mouth slightly, hook the tip of your tongue onto your lower teeth and, without lifting it from your teeth, push the back of your tongue forward, like a cat arching its back.  “Ladder” - the tongue steps over the lower teeth. 28
 “Smile” - stretch your lips in a smile so that your teeth are not visible.  “Swing -2” - with your mouth open, move your tongue up - behind the upper incisors, then down - behind the lower incisors.
Third complex
is aimed at producing and automating the hissing sounds “SH”, “ZH”, “SHCH”, “CH”. When pronouncing them, the wide tongue rises to the alveoli behind the upper teeth, the lateral edges of the tongue fit tightly to the upper molars, a warm air stream goes in the middle of the tongue:  “Calyx” - the wide tongue is raised to the upper teeth, but not touching them. The mouth is wide open.  “Horse” - suck your tongue to the roof of your mouth, click your tongue. Click slowly and pull on the hyoid ligament. The mouth is half open, the lips are in a smile.  “Mushroom” - press the wide tongue with its entire plane to the palate (The tongue is suctioned) and hold in this position for a count from 1 to 5-10. The tongue will resemble a thin mushroom cap, and the stretched hyoid frenulum will resemble its stem.  “Accordion” - suck the tongue to the palate (exercise “Mushroom”) and strongly pull the lower jaw down.  “Delicious jam” - lick your upper lip with a wide tongue and move your tongue into your mouth towards the roof of your mouth.  “Swing – 2” (see above).  “Let's count the teeth” - move your tongue along the upper teeth from right to left and vice versa.  “Donut” - close your teeth, round your lips and slightly pull them forward so that the upper and lower incisors are visible.
Fourth complex
designed for setting and automating the sounds “L”, “L”. When pronouncing them, the tip of the tongue rises up and presses against the base of the upper teeth:  “Let's catch the mouse” - raise the wide tongue upward by the upper teeth. Stick out the tip of your tongue, then put it back behind your teeth.  “Sail” - smile, lift your tongue up behind the incisors. 29
 “The steamer is humming” - smile, lift your tongue up behind your incisors. Mouth half open. Make the sound "y".  “Swing – 2” (see above).  “Brushing the upper teeth” - move your tongue behind the upper teeth to the right and left.
Fifth complex
aimed at producing and automating the sounds “P”, “Pb”. When pronouncing them, the tongue is raised up behind the teeth, its tip vibrates in a passing strong air stream:  “Drummer” - smile, open your mouth slightly and tap the tip of your tongue behind your upper teeth with the sound “d-d-d”, first slowly, then quickly. The lower jaw is motionless, only the tongue works.  “Machine gun” - the same as “Drummer”, only we pronounce “t-d, t-d, t-d.”  “Turkey” - we move our wide tongue along the upper lip back and forth, trying not to lift the tongue from the lip, as if stroking it, first slowly, without a voice, then speeding up, with a voice “bl-bl-bl” (like a turkey babbling) .  “Painter” - move a wide tongue from the upper incisors to the soft palate. The mouth is open.  “Focus” - stick out your tongue. The lateral edges and tip of the tongue are raised, the middle part of the back of the tongue bends downwards. Holding your tongue in this position, blow on the tip of your nose, blowing away the cotton ball.  “Horse”, “Mushroom” (see above).
Games and exercises to develop phonemic awareness

Game "Parrot"
Game "Find the mistake"
A ponytail with patterns, boots with curtains. Tili-bom! Tili-bom! The cat volume caught fire. The joyful people of the boys cut honey sonorously with their skates. Having dropped the doll from her hands, Masha rushes to her mother: There is a green onion crawling there with long mustaches. God's box, fly to heaven, bring me bread. The eccentric neighbor said: A red crayfish (poppy) grew up in a field. Mom scolded the bunny: I didn’t put a nut (T-shirt) under my sweater. Hooligans are not amused if Rex is in the doghouse. (kennel)
Game "Confusion"
All that's left of the sweets are... BOWTS. I'll tie it on the dress... Wrappers. 31
I ate a vegetable... BATHROBE. And then I put on... SALAD. Two tank crews are traveling in...BANK The money is preserved in...TANK It's hot...STUMP Masha sat down on...DAY I'll put it next to the stove...KNEE And anoint it with brilliant green...LOW Soldiers are coming in strong...MASKS. And everyone at the carnival is wearing...HELMETS
Game "Add a Word"
TICKET - BALLET - PACKAGE - BOUQUET I will give you the task of putting everything in its place. I'll buy it at the cash register and go to I have with me a large BUD - BATON - PYTHON - CONCRETE I'll give you the task of putting everything in its place. I’ll buy it at the bakery... Lived at the zoo... It’s blooming... Needed for roads... RINK - FLOW - HAND - WREATH I’ll give you the task of putting everything in its place. 32
What did the playful cat steal? ... Tanya weaves for girls? ... Comes down from the mountains, flows? ... What kind of slippery, smooth ice is this? ...
Exercise “Lay out the pictures”
Game "Repeat the words"
Com-dom-tom Package - layout - bouquet Letters - cranberry - pumpkin Banana - sofa - trap Pipette - branch - cage Window - cinema - long ago Hoopoe - hood - compote Minute - coin - candy Concrete loaf - bud Screw - bandage - bow Duck – pipe – booth 2. Date – cotton wool – hut – mint Mark – pipette – candy – cutlet Kalina – raspberry – Polina – Alina Sink – T-shirt – bunk – bike Branch – cage – duck – pipe 33
Anya - Manya - Vanya - Tanya Spider - turkey - wreath - skein Tanks - slippers - sleds - cans Tom - house-gnome-bom
Game “Pick up pictures” (pictures are selected that are similar to the sound of the 1st

Game "Find the rhyming picture"
The child listens carefully to the unfinished rhyme. He must independently select the picture and name the last word so that it rhymes with the highlighted word. In the clearing, the monkeys begin to eat... (bananas) I brought a bun out to the balcony for the birds... (loaf) And about the sun, and about May Sings... (parrot) The nightingale sings its tune among... (branches) Tree with a large hollow. The squirrel will arrange here... (house) I have two bouquets for my mother. I take them out of... (the package) In a warm sunny valley They ripen quickly... (melons) 34
The cockroaches are getting naughty, crawling under... (sofas) Through fields, forests, swamps We are walking towards... (hippopotamuses.)
5. List of used literature:
1. Arushanova A.G. Speech and verbal communication of children. – M., 2002. 2. Balandina L.A. Rhetoric for Kids (Series from Kindergarten to School"). – Rostov n/d: publishing house “Phoenix”, 2003. 3. Boguslavskaya M.E., Kupina N.A. Fun etiquette (developing children's communication skills). – Ekaterinburg, 1997. 4. Durova A.V. A very important conversation: Conversations and lessons about the ethics of behavior with preschool children - M., 2000. 5. Kurochkina I.N. Modern etiquette and education of a culture of behavior in preschool children: A textbook for universities. – M., 2001. 6. Kurtseva Z.I. “You are a word, I am a word...” (Options for classes in preschool rhetoric with theoretical commentary.): Methodological recommendations for educators, teachers, parents. – M., 2001. 7. Nikolaeva S.O. Classes on behavioral culture with preschoolers. – M.. 2001. 8. Sinitsyna E. Games and exercises with words. Series: “Preschool education”. – M., 2000. 9. Smirnova L.N. Speech therapy in kindergarten. Classes with children with special needs. _ M.. 2002. 10. Chupakha I.V. Health-saving technologies in the educational process: Sat. – Stavropol, 2001. 35
11. Shipitsyna L.M., Zashirinskaya O.V., Voronova A.P., Nilova T.A. The ABCs of Communication: Development of a child’s personality, communication skills with adults and peers. – St. Petersburg, 2002. 36