Scenario for a 30th anniversary wedding. Pearl wedding scenario at home. Original congratulations and presentation of gifts

30 years of marriage is an important date for spouses. They have been through so much, but the married couple overcame all adversity, enjoying love, acquiring happiness, family warmth, like a pearl. Wedding anniversary 30 years, the pearl wedding got its name, symbolizing how family relationships, like a pearl, were built gradually, collecting only good things, forming a marriage into a strong union of loving hearts. How to celebrate 30 wedding years?

Traditions and customs for 30th wedding anniversary

The thirtieth wedding anniversary is a serious anniversary, testifying to strong love and mutual feelings of a married couple. This wedding is rich in its traditions, which spouses must follow in order to maintain family warmth.

According to tradition, on the anniversary day, the spouses go to the pond early in the morning, taking a pearl with them. It is better to choose the sea as a body of water, but if there is no opportunity to go to the sea coast, a river, lake or spring flowing near the house is quite suitable. Going to the pond, the couple throws pearls into the water with the hope that just as pearls live for more than 50 years, they will live together until their golden wedding anniversary.

Pearls come not only in white, mother-of-pearl color, but also in different shades, symbolizing something specific. When going to a pond, you can take multi-colored beads. When you don't have white pearls on hand, replace them with regular coins. The main thing is to believe that the coins dipped into the water will preserve your strong family union for many years.

Having visited the pond, the spouses return home, stand in front of the mirror, and swear an oath to each other to remain faithful and love. Why at the mirror? It's just that the mirror doesn't lie, it always displays what really is, and spouses won't be able to lie to each other, making false promises.

Often a married couple went to church to light three candles:

  • First Mother of God, for the health of your other half.
  • The second was placed at the Crucifixion of Christ because throughout the thirty years of family life, he protected marriage.
  • Third Most Holy Theotokos, for saving marriage.

According to the following custom, before the holiday, celebrants present each other with pearls as a gift, which they place under the pillow. In the morning, looking at the pearls, the husband and wife determined what their future life together would be like:

  • The pearl has not darkened or changed color. The next ten years of family life will pass under the sign of harmony and love.
  • The bead has darkened or small stains have appeared, you should pay attention to your health.
  • The pearl has changed its shade; you should devote more time to your loved one; you need to reconsider your attitude and behavior.

This ritual is possible in the cold season, when it is not possible to go to a reservoir.

Wedding anniversary 30 years is a date rich in customs and traditions, following which you will maintain warm family relationships and increase your love.

Pearl wedding: how to celebrate the anniversary?

The 30th wedding anniversary should definitely be celebrated, because it is an important date, the birthday of your family. How to celebrate, who to invite, what to cook for the holiday table? questions that couples ask before the celebration.

Choosing a venue for the celebration

A pearl wedding is an event that is best held near the sea or a body of water, since pearls grew and strengthened in the depths of the sea. The ideal option for holding a celebration would be a cafe or restaurant on the sea coast or near a river. If the spouses have the opportunity, then it would be nice to go on a trip, a sea cruise.

What to wear for spouses

A wedding anniversary is a memorable event, a big holiday, so you need to look decent, in accordance with the theme of the holiday. So, for a holiday, it is best for a woman to choose: a dress or suit made of light, loose materials in a sea color, for example, azure, light blue, blue, turquoise, green.

The husband will look beautiful and harmonious next to his wife in a light suit and shirt. It is better to buy a light beige, ivory or cream outfit.

Who to invite

A wedding anniversary is a family holiday, where the closest people, parents, children, and grandchildren, are always invited to visit. Parents share with the younger generation their experience of maintaining warm family relationships, talk about the difficulties they experienced, how they overcame everything together, helping and supporting each other throughout their thirty-year journey.

What should be on the table

A wedding anniversary is a real holiday, so the table should be truly festive. The festive table should include seafood dishes, for example, shellfish and fish. There should also be a pie, it can be sweet, with fish or meat filling. An elegant cake decorated with beads, such as fondant, will help end the festive evening.

Celebration scenario

To hold a celebration called a pearl wedding, you will definitely need a script. A well-thought-out scenario will diversify and complement the celebration, preventing it from turning into an ordinary feast, but will help organize a real celebration.

Scenario for a pearl wedding at home. What to do, how to entertain guests at home if you couldn’t go to a restaurant or out of town? There are many options, choose the one that suits you best:

  • Make a wish tree, decorating it with beads, ribbons, and flowers.

  • Organize a viewing of photos, and so that it doesn’t seem boring to your guests, arrange the photo into a presentation or video, select or remake a beautiful song.
  • Hold competitions, for example, for the best joke, ditty, congratulation, funny portrait of the heroes of the occasion. Arrange a small quiz with questions, for example, “how old is a pearl wedding?”, traditions of a pearl wedding, questions about spouses, and so on, as long as your imagination is enough.

If you can’t come up with anything on your own or you simply don’t have time to do this, you can always hire a toastmaster who will arrange a fun holiday for you using an already developed script.

What to give for a pearl wedding

There is no holiday without gifts. Pearly, green anniversary is no exception. Many people ask questions: What to give to friends for a pearl anniversary? What gift should I give for my 30th wedding anniversary? How to congratulate the celebrants on their thirtieth anniversary of marriage?

What if the anniversaries are your mom and dad, and you don’t know what to give your parents for their pearl wedding? A win-win idea is a beautiful collage of photographs as a reminder of a happy family life. Include here pictures, high-quality photos that capture important moments in the life of the parents: wedding, birth of a child, significant dates, previous wedding anniversaries. It is possible to attach a beautiful card with a cool congratulation. Such a gift will definitely not go unnoticed and will touch the heart of a couple in love.

It’s a great idea to make a video congratulation with photos of the heroes of the occasion. Watch an example of such a video gift:

Products, objects decorated with pearls or mother-of-pearl, boxes, dishes (cups, plates, glasses), candlesticks, and other souvenirs are considered good gifts for the pearl anniversary.

The ideal gift for your wife would be a necklace of thirty pearls, each of which means one happily spent day together.

A ring with pearls and small, beautiful stones is also suitable.

Don’t forget about the bouquet that the husband traditionally presents to his beloved on their wedding anniversary. Give an original bouquet with a rare flower.

Mother-of-pearl cufflinks are perfect for your spouse. If your husband is interested in fishing, then a spinning rod or fishing rod will be a wonderful gift, and you will definitely bring him joy.

Do not rely on the high cost when choosing a gift, the main thing is to pay attention, show care and respect.

Congratulations on your pearl wedding

How can we do without beautiful congratulations? An anniversary wedding is a big holiday, the heroes of the occasion deserve beautiful words of congratulations, expressed in poetry, prose or SMS messages. If you are going on a visit and are afraid to forget the words of congratulations you have come up with, write them down on a piece of paper.

From the wedding, lush and cheerful

Exactly 30 years have passed.

And the look is still loving,

There is simply no happier couple!

We meet them very cheerfully

Fireworks and applause!

The couple walks through the guests' corridor. The guests applaud loudly. Several guests are given firecrackers, which they must explode as the couple walks down the corridor.

Pearls are born at the bottom of the sea,

Therefore, we will declare the spouse Neptune.

Let's call the wife a wondrous mermaid.

May their life be happy and positive!

And to make it doubly pleasant for them,

Let us give them two beautiful pearls.

We will give our spouse a white “Pearl”,

  • (toastmaster hands the spouse “Pearl” toothpaste). For my wife to remain beautiful - “Black Pearl”. (toastmaster hands his wife the cream from the Black Pearl series)

Now let the royal family

  • He goes to his place.

We will celebrate the pearl wedding -

Eat, drink, play and dance!

We will start the celebration with a set table

Please take the guests to your places of honor!

  • Everyone goes to the tables.

A pearl wedding has a gentle glow.

You are not afraid of any tests.

And there is love and inspiration ahead,

Wonderful moments of family life!

For your true love

We will drink again and again today!

Let's shout bitterly to the "groom" and "bride"

May they always be together!

  • The couple kisses.

And now it's time

Everyone go dance.

But first let the spouses

We will be given a dance in a circle.

  • The guests stand in a circle, and the spouses dance a slow dance inside. Next is the dance block.

The aroma of hot dishes captivates

Everyone is invited to return to the tables!

In 30 years you have accumulated

There are many friends and relatives.

They decided to congratulate you

Let's give them the floor now!

  • Guests congratulate and present gifts.

Toastmaster (after all the congratulations):

Thank you guests for your attention,

For your words and gifts.

So that there is understanding between you,

Let's pour everyone a glass now!

Today we have a feast on the mountain,

Let's all have a glass of one!

30 years is a lot

But every year is special for you.

We ask husband and wife

Tell me what pearl

They mined in every year.

We'll count down for you.

You can compare 30 years of life to a pearl necklace. Each pearl is a year lived. It has a special value for the couple, and what should the husband and wife answer. Guests count the years they have lived, and spouses count the important event that happened that year. You can prepare a presentation showing photographs of these events.

Pearl necklace

We will collect for the spouses,

For wild fun

Captured everyone in the area!

The toastmaster invites everyone to the “Collect a pearl necklace” competition. Everyone is divided into two teams of players. Each team must quickly string “pearls on a string” - sew all team members to each other.

Instead of a needle, a spoon is used, to which a thread, ribbon, or twine is tied. You can “string” through a strap, a strap, a loop on your trousers, in a word, through something that will not offend your partner’s dignity. The team that completes the task faster wins.

Family life is sweet

Like these delicious sweets.

We offer you a little

Have a snack and leave your plates clean!

Several couples (including spouses) are invited to the competition. Each couple is given a wide plate of white-coated peanuts (or other small white candies) like pearls and Chinese wooden sticks. Ladies or gentlemen should feed them to their significant other. The couple that completes the task the fastest wins.

We suggest you make

Sea voyage,

To get pearls

From the depths of the very sea.

As you know, pearls are obtained from shells that live deep in the sea. And only desperate sailors dare to look for them. Participants in the game are invited to travel the sea in search of a pearl. Guests are asked to remember the “sea” names of the cardinal directions: south - south, north - north, west - west, east - east.

There are posters with the names of the cardinal directions on different sides of the hall. The players go “swimming” around the hall. The presenter says: “Zuid” or “Nord”, “West” or “Ost”. This means that the wind has changed. And the participants in the voyage must immediately change the “course”, turn “with the wind”, for example, if the word “South” is heard, it means the wind is from the south, but they must turn the course to the north, since the wind is blowing at the back. Whoever confuses the cardinal directions is eliminated from the game and becomes a fan. The winner is given a pearl.

Love is like a pearl -

She is pure and beautiful.

Let your family be friendly,

Always be happy!

And we are parting today,

Our evening is coming to an end.

All the guests were satisfied -

I will say thank you for everyone.

Suitable scenarios for the holiday:

  • Toastmaster: Today your union is 25 years old! Let this be only the dawn for you...
  • Toastmaster: Today we will open the celebration, Cutting the red ribbon, And this means only one thing,...
  • The guests form a corridor. Each guest is given a handful of rose petals. When they enter the hall...

Pearl- This is a stone of amazing beauty. Although it’s hard to call it a stone. Rather, it is a mineral capable of growing, strengthening and increasing in size. It is with this wonderful, bewitching and legendary material that it is customary to associate a family’s thirtieth birthday. Every year lived by loving spouses, like a mother-of-pearl pearl, is strung on a thread, forming a beautiful precious necklace. It is not for nothing that a thirty-year marriage is called a pearl wedding - it is a symbol of purity, nobility and strength of marital relations.

According to tradition, on the thirtieth wedding anniversary, the husband presents his wife with a string of pearls, a ring or earrings with this amazing stone. And guests invited to the celebration can give any item that contains mother-of-pearl. Of course, now this does not play a special role. The main thing is that such a special event does not turn out to be forgotten, does not go unnoticed.

After this, in the evening, the heroes of the day and guests gather at the festive table to celebrate such a significant and solemn event as a pearl wedding - thirty years old.

You can start the festive evening with a symbolic tradition, which is as follows: the spouses raise crystal glasses with champagne and one pearl at the bottom, drink them “for brotherhood” and complete this wonderful action with a long kiss.

This is followed by an exchange ritual pearls, which remained in empty glasses. The husband and wife face each other and pronounce a pre-prepared oath. The text of the oath can be compiled individually, or you can use the following words:
“I have been your husband (wife) for exactly thirty years. During this time, I got to know you well, but I am sure that this is not all. You are still a mystery to me. I want to exchange these pearls for your love, tenderness, affection, attention, support and frankness. And may all the time that you keep it, my hopes be justified with trepidation and joy. By accepting your pearls, I undertake to fulfill all your desires and hopes. And the moment one of us stops sharing this happiness, his pearls will darken.”

After pronunciation of the oath the spouses exchange snow-white pearls. They must subsequently be decorated in the form of a pendant or medallion and worn in a visible place, without hiding the color of this amazing stone. After all, as you know, pearls perfectly “feel” the thoughts, sensations and experiences of the owner, and have the unique ability to change color from brighter to duller, and vice versa.

This is always a joyful event, and thirty years of marriage is a sea of ​​love, positivity and general fun. After all, people who have lived together for such a long time probably have children, grandchildren, many close and distant relatives, a huge number of friends and colleagues. Thirty years is quite a long time, but we should not forget that this is just a small part of the path that still remains to be traveled together.

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The scenario of a pearl wedding should be interesting and unusual so that the holiday will be remembered by everyone present.
You can publish a holiday wall newspaper with the main events of family life. In addition, guests and the celebrants themselves will enjoy watching a film based on family archives. You can supplement it with humorous comments and decorate it with animated inserts.

A cool pearl wedding scenario must include fun games and competitions.

This competition is intended for the husband celebrating the anniversary. You need to blindfold him and offer to find his wife by hand. After this, you can try to find her by her leg or nose. If the attempt fails, the husband will have to fulfill his wife’s wishes.

Game "30 years later"

This game is perfect for a 30th wedding anniversary, because it is a great way to check how well the spouses have gotten to know each other over such a long time. The essence is this: the husband leaves the room, and at this time the presenter asks his wife questions:

  • How did you two meet?
  • When did this happen?
  • The very first one your spouse made for you?
  • What was the first reason you quarreled?
  • Where was your honeymoon?

Then the husband enters the room and answers the same questions. In case of an incorrect answer, he must pay a forfeit. After this, the wife leaves the room and questions are asked to her husband:

  • What are your wife's favorite flowers?
  • What dish does she cook most often?
  • What's your spouse's least favorite day of the week?
  • How long does it take the wife to get ready before going out?
  • Who usually makes up first?

The wife comes in and answers questions. And in the same way, the forfeit pays for each mismatch. Then the host plays forfeits and the spouses perform funny tasks.

Game "Confessions in front of everyone"

The anniversaries are invited to the presenter, who has two hats in his hands. One contains questions, and the other contains answers to them. The celebrants take turns unfolding the notes, asking questions to their partner, but not answering themselves, but taking answers from another hat. You definitely won’t get bored with such competitions! Questions must be tricky:

Suggested answers:

  • Three times a day.
  • Exclusively on weekends.
  • In principle I am for it, but what will the children think?
  • Yes, often.
  • Only late at night.
  • To be honest, I like it, but don’t even think about telling anyone!
  • Who do you take me for?!
  • What is the asking price?
  • I am ready (ready) to discuss this proposal.

Prepare a bright, interesting script for

A pearl wedding anniversary is a holiday that spouses should celebrate with relatives and very close people. It is very important that children and grandchildren be present at the celebration. An original gift for parents would be organizing a celebration and drawing up a script for a pearl wedding at home. An interesting wedding scenario will help create a joyful and solemn atmosphere at the celebration, regardless of where the banquet is held.

Celebrating the 30th anniversary of family life, many spouses want to share this joy at home in the family circle. The majority of those invited are relatives, children and grandchildren. Family and friends can help create an enchanting holiday by creating a scenario for a pearl wedding at home. It can include traditions and rituals, entertainment and competitions. It is very important that the evening is fun and memorable for many years.

Scenario for holding a pearl wedding at home

The most interesting and exciting part of any celebration is the entertainment. They will help diversify the evening and give it a festive atmosphere and fun. An approximate scenario for holding a pearl wedding at home.

Pearl wedding - 30 years of marriage

  • You can make a beautiful start to the celebration like this. Having gathered at the table, the spouses raise crystal glasses with champagne, and pearls lie at their bottom. After drinking at the Brudershaft, the “young” kiss. Next, having exchanged pearls, the wife and husband face each other and confess their love for each other, thanking for all the happy years they have lived together.
  • Then you can start congratulating. You can add originality to this process by making a wish tree decorated with postcards on ribbons. This accessory will remain as a keepsake for the spouses.
  • After congratulating the heroes of the occasion and drinking to their health and a happy, long life, you can start having fun, toasting, competitions and dancing.
  • An original and interesting moment for all those present will be viewing a multimedia slide show with photographs of the spouses over the entire period of their life together.
  • The final stage of the festive evening, according to tradition, like 30 years ago, is the cutting of the wedding cake with wishes for a sweet and happy life

Pearl wedding scenario for toastmaster

If, when organizing and preparing a pearl wedding, you lack personal imagination and creativity, or simply don’t have time, you have the opportunity to hire a toastmaster. A good professional will arrange a celebration for you using his own pearl wedding script for the toastmaster.

You can hold the wedding yourself or hire a toastmaster

  • The transfer of the constitution of family life to young grandchildren will look symbolic.
  • Giving young people gifts and souvenirs.
  • Dance department.
  • Banquet.
  • Throwing the bride's bouquet.
  • Cutting the wedding cake.
  • Escorting the spouses from the hall along a corridor lined with rose petals.

Pearl wedding scenario with competitions

Regardless of the location of the wedding anniversary celebration, the atmosphere and mood should be cheerful and positive for everyone. This is easy to achieve using . And in order not to forget this, you should write about their presence in the holiday script.

To make sure everyone has fun and the holiday is successful, use competitions

List of competitions for the pearl wedding scenario.

“Steps to the Pearl Jubilee.” Guests call consecutive annual wedding anniversaries.

"Eternal love" Name and tell a little about famous married couples who have lived together for at least 30 years.

"Balance of Hearts in Love" Couples participate. Standing together on a small brick, the girl collects the hearts scattered on the floor, and her husband supports her so that she does not fall and collects as many hearts as possible.

“I recognize you from a thousand.” Participating couples are blindfolded and taken to different sides of the apartment. Each half must find its own piece.

It is believed that the lifespan of pearls is about 50 years, so a pearl anniversary is only the beginning of a new family life.