A script for a literary and musical composition about drug addiction. Literary and musical composition "save a classmate." Municipal autonomous educational institution

Orlova Margarita Gennadievna,
social teacher of the highest qualification category

Participants: school-age pupils, specialists.

Goals and objectives of the event:
promotion of a healthy lifestyle.
creating conditions for students to develop an understanding of the effects of narcotic substances on the human body;
raising awareness among students about the development of drug addiction;
preparing students to make informed, reasonable decisions.

Presenter 1:
We have gathered today to discuss one of the most important problems in many countries - the problem of drug addiction. It is no secret that there is a growing number of people in the world who, trying to escape from reality, use various drugs and hallucinogens.

People continue to use them, despite the fact that the negative consequences of drug use have long been noted: hellish addiction, risk of overdose, mental degradation, risk of cancer, AIDS, early mortality, etc. Some do this to eliminate pain, others to induce sleep, others to invigorate themselves, to feel “different”, to achieve a state of inner well-being.

Nowadays, drug addiction is a disease of vulnerable sections of society. The income of underground drug trafficking corporations exceeds the income from oil sales. Among teenagers there will always be a “good uncle” who will try by any means to convince the kids to try drugs. Fraud, extortion, theft, prostitution are the only ways to obtain drugs available to most. Distributors of the potion either act under the guise of a patron - “Try, no one has ever died from one time?” or in a group - “We’re all high, but you’re not yet”, or teasingly - “A coward, are you a man or a mama’s boy.” Millions of drug addicts die to enrich drug business tycoons.

Drug addiction is a disease. Chronic. Progressive. Deadly. Incurable. High tendency to relapse. Conditionally infectious. (1 drug addict usually puts 10 on a needle). But recovery is possible. This is a complex, long-term, painful process, the first step and main condition of which is complete abstinence from any drugs.
And one last thing. To use or not to use drugs is your personal choice. Even if your parents or teachers run after you from morning to evening and say: “don’t do drugs, don’t smoke, don’t drink,” they won’t be able to do anything with you. The choice is yours!
The music is "Ringing Bells", which then changes to "Funeral Knell".
There are slides on the screen (calls against drugs, history, statistics, photographs).

Presenter 2:(Schubert's Requiem plays in the background)
Narcotic substances have been known to mankind since ancient times.
Many civilizations have used drugs for religious ceremonies and rituals. With the development of trade, drugs came to Europe, where they found their use in medicine.
As a disease, drug addiction became widespread in the 18th century. This problem came to Russia in the 19th and early 20th centuries.
Anyone can become a drug addict. The hope that “I’m strong, I’ll try and won’t do it again” is not justified. No one starts using drugs to become an addict.
It all starts with the first try. One or three tests are enough for mental dependence to form. Then the physical one. The body of a drug addict wears out over several years.
They die from various diseases because the body does not have the strength to fight diseases. Long-term drug use leads to toxic damage to internal organs.
These are severe damage to the liver, kidneys, and heart. All brain functions are impaired. Hair falls out. The person becomes a “living corpse.”

Presenter 1:
You wanted to look like a very cool guy
You didn't think it was life-threatening.
And now there are only three words in your dictionary:

Syringe, drug and dose.
In general, there was no evil intent in this,
The first grass smelled like a wonderful rose.
And now there are only three words in your dictionary;
Syringe, drug and dose.
Nausea prevents me from getting up from my knees.
How terrible your body is, your ridiculous pose!
And you were taken prisoner for life
Syringe, drug and dose.
Where is the poetry, where is the promised paradise?
Only suffering, pain comes stubbornly.
My son, please don’t die!
Syringe, drugs. Mother...

Music sounds (Tristania-A Seguel of Decay). Figures in black cloaks slowly enter the stage, holding huge syringes in their hands. They whisper the words:

Requiem for a Dream...
Thanks to drugs...
We seem to be alive for now...
But not the same...
We wither and dry...

The words are spoken louder and louder - the voice rises to a scream.
The music stops and the figures slowly sink to the floor - they fall.
(Music changes, Project ONE sounds – She doesn’t know...).
One girl left standing in the center throws off her cloak. She remains in a white dress. To the words of the song, she rushes between the lying figures, depicting the withdrawal of a drug addict.
The song plays (Project ONE – She doesn’t know...).

Nobody knows what's in her soul.
It breaks, and the light is somewhere close.
She doesn't remember what is bad and what is good.
And he kills himself again and again.
Bad girl, bad - everyone around says.
Bad girl, bad girl - everyone says it.
Bad girl, bad, don't call her.
Bad girl, bad girl died of love.
Nobody believes that it could be hard for her.
The doors to her empty heart are closed.
She doesn't know where she can run away.
And kills himself again and again...

Girl(depicts taking a drug dose, she feels a little better, and she reads poetry in despair):

I didn't invite you to my temple
Everything was consigned to oblivion
I prayed only to my gods
And buried everything in the thickness of the walls
In the soul's crazy labyrinths you don't need a guide.
My nightly delirium, my prayer,
Mirage... Where did you come from?
I dissolve in you, like in the waves,
I'm burning, I'm freezing - I don't understand...
I disappear and come back again...
She let you in! Why?!

The music stops, the girl falls, depicting a drug addict who died from taking another dose. Figures in black rise from the floor.
The melody of the song “Devil” (Bowling group) is playing.

Figures in black:
I often hear in my dreams the noise of past days,
Drunken laughter of sleepless nights
We played love: tears, pain:
And again every evening I run from home
Alcohol and juice, sports and rock -
Everyone in this life wanted to be in time
But the world is cruel, the deadline has passed:
We're at the edge, we're afraid to grow up
Two steps to the line
And we can't turn back
Tell me what's ahead -
Desired heaven or the road to hell?
The girl in the white dress slowly gets up. At this time, the figures lying on the floor stand up and throw off their black cloaks. The words “life”, “friendship”, “family”, “love”, “sports”, “health”, “positive”, “active lifestyle”, “respect”, “confidence in the future” are written on white T-shirts.

Presenter 1:
Who is the hero who invented hashish?
If you know, why are you silent?
Yes, you can’t find the answer to this question,
The one who invented it is no longer there!

I took a light, drove nonsense into my blood,
You are a drug addict, you are in plain sight.
You haven't thought about your life,

You haven't decided for yourself what to do next:
Become an academician or a doctor,
You haven't thought about your life
You know, there are only a few days left.

We were born to live
Maybe it’s not worth destroying the planet.
There is a better answer besides “yes”,
Let's say, friends, no to drugs!

We call you
Wake up, you!
Hear your parents' prayers
Correct your destiny to see the beauty of life.

Look around you, look at yourself and those around you, think about whether you can continue to live like this. Take courage and will, and start changing your life so that it becomes more reasonable, more moral.

Nurse:(against the background of the presentation, talks about drugs and responsibility for their use, distribution, etc., as well as existing myths).

"Drugs and Responsibility."

1. For the acquisition and possession of drugs. Imprisonment for up to 3 years – Art. 228 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.
2. For selling a drug or attempting to sell it (sale, gift, exchange, payment of debt). Imprisonment from 3 to 7 years with confiscation of property – Art. 228 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.
3. For drug use. Administrative punishment:
- registration with the police;
- registration with a narcologist;
- refusal to take exams for the right to drive a car or motorcycle;
refusal to purchase a hunting rifle;
- refusal of employment in the FSB, the Ministry of Defense, the Ministry of Internal Affairs.
4. For inducing drug use. Imprisonment from 2 to 5 years – Art. 230 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.
5. For growing plants containing narcotic substances.
6. From a large fine to imprisonment for up to 8 years – Art. 231 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.
7. For maintaining a drug den organized by a group.
8. Imprisonment from 3 to 7 years – Art. 232 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.
9. For involvement in drug addiction using threats or violent actions. Imprisonment from 3 to 8 years – Art. 230 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.
10. If a person involved in a drug crime died from an overdose or suffered serious consequences for his health.
11. Imprisonment from 6 to 12 years – Art. 230 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.
12. 9. For maintaining a drug den.
13. Imprisonment for up to 4 years – Art. 232 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

"Myths and drug addiction."

Myth No. 1.
Drug use is not a disease, but an indulgence, a bad habit.
Drug use very soon leads to the onset of a disease whose name is drug addiction. The main symptom of this terrible disease is dependence on the use of a drug, which begins to play the same role in human metabolism as air, water and food. If this disease is not stopped in time, it leads to an early and painful death, as changes in the body become irreversible.

Myth No. 2.
Drug addiction is curable..
Drug addiction is incurable, sometimes the disease goes into a latent form, and if you try a drug at least once after a long treatment, the disease will flare up again, acquiring even more severe forms. Therefore, it is believed that a drug addict, even one who abstains from drug use for a long time, is chronically ill.

Myth No. 4.
Sniffing glue and swallowing pills is self-indulgence and has nothing to do with drug addiction.
This is called substance abuse. Toxic – that is, toxic (poisonous) substances. The second part of the word - mania - means that the use of these substances is addictive and dependent, thus substance abuse is a type of drug addiction.

Myth No. 5.
When using a drug, the sensations are so pleasant and unusual that it is worth taking a risk for it.
The euphoric state for which a person begins to take drugs lasts from 3 to 5 minutes. And the remaining 1-3 hours are often accompanied by delirium and nightmarish hallucinations. Often the drug causes nausea and vomiting, severe dry mouth and palpitations in beginners. Sometimes, instead of pleasure, a state of sudden fear sets in - the so-called “betrayal” by drug addicts. Without the drug, the patient experiences a terrible condition - “withdrawal”.

Myth No. 6.
In appearance and lifestyle, drug addicts are no different from those around them.
As one becomes addicted to drugs, the appearance and lifestyle of the addict changes. Insomnia often occurs. The drug addict has dilated pupils, a frozen, pale face devoid of facial expressions, trembling hands with punctured and inflamed veins, and very severe thinness.
The skin becomes gray-yellow, flabby, brittle nails and hair appear, premature aging and a decrease in intelligence, even dementia, occur. The behavior and lifestyle of the drug addict changes, all his thoughts are about one thing - “getting” a dose, taking a dose.

Children:(a soundtrack of a heartbeat sounds, children (in white T-shirts) slowly approach the edge of the stage)
- Life is given only once! And listen to our command:
- Life is wonderful, enjoy it. And life is a game - play it!
- Wealth is life, it must be protected and cherished!
- Bitter meetings, perhaps, you will not avoid,
- But since you value life,
- Overcome everything on the way, and don’t ruin your chance to live!
- And the secret is life, know it!
- And take life as a challenge!
- Create it and don’t lose it!
- Overcome, overcome! And still manage to survive!

Children take balloons on which it is written (or stenciled):
1.The health and happiness of everyone is in his own hands. Therefore, know that you can only refuse once - the FIRST, and this is one of the main conditions on how not to become a drug addict.
2. One gram of heroin: destroys friendships, destroys families, stops mental and physical development, deprives you of health and kills you.
3. The desire to become an adult as quickly as possible - to smoke, drink alcohol, try drugs - leads to sad consequences.
4. Drugs are not a way out of the difficulties of life, but, on the contrary, they are the beginning of the path to huge problems, which are very difficult to get rid of.
5. Stop and think, do you want this kind of life?

Children throw balls into the hall.

The presenters distribute “A World Without Drugs” booklets to everyone present.
At this time, the children sing the song “How wonderful this world is.”

On the screen is a life-affirming video “How beautiful this world is.”

Scenario of literary and musical composition

“War is not a child’s business”

Presenter 1

Once upon a time, the great Dostoevsky posed the question: will there be a justification for peace, our happiness and even eternal harmony, if in the name of this, for the strength of the foundation, at least one tear of an innocent child is shed?

Presenter 2

And he himself answered: this tear will not justify any progress, any revolution. Not a single war. She will always prevail. Just one tear...

(“Holy War”: the first lines are heard)

Presenter 1

War is a terrible and frightening word. This is the most difficult test for the entire people. Children are the most defenseless and vulnerable at this time. Their childhood is irretrievably gone, replaced by pain, suffering, deprivation, loss of family and friends.

Presenter 2

The war squeezes fragile children's souls with a steel vice, wounding and crippling them. The huge bloody wheel launched by the Nazis destroyed the hopes and dreams, desires and aspirations, and lives of millions of children.


Reader 1
Thirteen million children's livesBurned in the hellish flames of war.Their laughter will not spray fountains of joyTo the peaceful blossoming of spring.
Their dreams will not take off in a magical flockOver serious adultsAnd in some ways humanity will lag behind,And in some ways the whole world will become poorer.
Those who burn clay pots,They grow grain and build cities,Who take care of the landFor life, happiness, peace and work.
Without them, Europe immediately aged,For many generations there is a lack of crops,And sadness with hope, like a forest burning:When will the new undergrowth begin to grow?
A mournful monument was erected to them in Poland,And in Leningrad - a stone Flower,So that it stays in people's memories longerThe past wars have a tragic outcome.
Thirteen million children's lives -Bloody trail of the brown plague.Their dead eyes reproachfullyThey look into our souls from the darkness of the grave,
From the ashes of Buchenwald and Khatyn,From the glare of Piskarev's fire:“Will the burning memory really cool down?Will people really not save the world?
Their lips were parched in their last cry,In the dying call of their dear mothers...Oh, mothers of countries small and great!Hear them and remember them!

Presenter 1

Konstantin Simonov wrote: “You need to know everything about the past war. We need to know with what immeasurable emotional burden the days of retreats and defeats were associated for us. We also need to know what sacrifices the war cost us, what destruction it brought, leaving wounds in the souls of people and on the body of the earth.”

Reader 2

Childhood passed, the strawberries ripened...

The day promised us silence.

And it was absurd and wild,

That they suddenly declared war.

We were expecting guests.

Our mother

Starting to bustle around the table,

I looked so intently right

And I couldn’t hold back my tears.

And the pain of enormous growth

The alarm rose like a cry,

And it was not easy for us children

Understand the language of this grief.

The war was looming.

My dear one is bleeding...

Strawberries on a forgotten dish

Oozed like scarlet blood.

Presenter 2

Let us remember gratefully and sacredly all whose childhood and youth were scorched by the most terrible war in the history of mankind, whose childhood, which fell in 1941-1945, did not take place; who, adding years to their lives, beat the thresholds of military registration and enlistment offices, rushed into the active army or into the partisan forests...

Presenter 1

Wartime children can still tell how they died of hunger and fear. How we missed it when the first of September of 1941 arrived and we didn’t have to go to school. Like when you were ten or twelve years old, as soon as you stood on the boxes, you could reach the machines and work twelve hours a day.

Presenter 2

How they received funeral tributes from their dead fathers. How strangers adopted them. How even now the question about their mother hurts them. How, after seeing the first loaf of bread after the war, they didn’t know if it was ok to eat it, because in four years they had forgotten what white bread was.

Reader 3 And we will not contradict the memory

And we often remember the days when

fell on our weak shoulders

A huge, childish problem,

The ground was both hard and snowy.

All people had the same destiny.

We didn’t even have a separate childhood,

And childhood and war were together.

Presenter 1

There is a saying: “There are no children in war.” Those who ended up in the war lost their childhood forever. In those terrible, sorrowful years, the children grew up quickly.

Presenter 2

In a difficult time for the country, at the age of ten to fourteen they were already aware of the involvement of their fate in the fate of the Fatherland, they recognized themselves as a part of their people. They tried to be in no way inferior to adults, often even risking their lives.

Reader 4

We studied by the light of smokehouses,

They wrote between the lines of newspapers,

And a piece of black bread

It was sweeter than overseas sweets.

The boys grew up, the boys grew up,

And if only the urchins could begin to live,

How they got caught up in such snowstorms,

Which, perhaps, fathers never dreamed of.

Presenter 1

Guys worked for days in factories, making fuses for mines, fuses for hand grenades, and assembling gas masks. In the school sewing workshops, the pioneers sewed underwear and tunics for the army; girls knitted warm clothes: mittens, socks, scarves.

Presenter 2

The guys helped the wounded in hospitals, staged plays, organized concerts, bringing a smile to war-weary adult men.

1st boy

Forty difficult years. Omsk hospital...

The corridors are dry and dirty.

The old nanny whispers:


“Lord, how small the artists are”

1st girl

We walk through long corridors,

We almost disappear into them

With balalaikas, mandolins

And large stacks of books.

1st boy What's in the program?

2nd and 3rd girls

Reading program

A couple of military songs, correct.

1st girl

We are in the ward of the seriously wounded

We enter with trepidation and respect.

2nd boy

Two are here.

An artillery major with an amputated leg.

In a crazy battle near Yelnya

Taking fire upon himself.

He looks cheerfully at those who come.

2nd girl

And the other one, bandaged up to his eyebrows,

The captain who rammed the Messer

Three weeks ago near Rostov.

3rd girl

We entered, we stand in silence.

Suddenly breaking falsetto

Abrikosov Grishka desperately


1st boy The concert begins!

1st girl

And behind him, not quite completely,

But I sang with all my might, listening

We sing about the folk, about the sacred,

The way we understand it.

Song "Holy War"

2nd boy

In it Chapaev fights again,

Red Star tanks are rushing,

Our people are walking in it on the attack,

And the Nazis fall dead.

Someone else's iron melts in it.

In it, death must recede.

To be honest,

We like this kind of war!

1st girl We'll eat...

1st boy

And there is a reproach in it:

“Wait, wait, boys,

Wait, the major has died"

2nd girl

The balalaika cried sadly,

Hastily, as if delirious.


That's all about the concert in the hospital

That year.

Presenter 2

The war spared no one. All forces were thrown into the fight against the enemy. The matured defenders of the Motherland stepped from a happy childhood into death... Young, beautiful, full of hope...

Reader 5 Yu. Drunina “The Ballad of the Landing”

I want it to be as calm and dry as possible

My story about my peers was...

Fourteen schoolgirls - singers, talkers -

They threw the rear into the deep.

When they jumped out of the plane

In the frozen January Crimea,

"Oh, mommy!" - someone exhaled thinly

Into the empty whistling darkness.

For some reason the white-faced pilot couldn't

To overcome the consciousness of guilt...

And three parachutes, and three parachutes

Those who remained in the rain were covered by a curtain,

And for several days in a row

In the disturbing desert of a hostile forest

They were looking for their own detachment.

Then all sorts of things happened to the partisans:

Sometimes in blood and dust

Crawled on swollen knees to attack -

They couldn't get up from hunger.

And I understand that in these moments

Could help the partisans

Only the memory of the girls whose parachutes

They didn’t open up at all that night...

There is no senseless death in the world -

Through the years, through the clouds of trouble

To this day, the friends who survived shine

Three quietly burned stars...

1 M The boys were leaving with greatcoats on their shoulders.

2 M The boys left - they bravely sang songs.

3 M The boys retreated through the dusty steppes.

4 M The boys died - they didn’t know where.

1M The boys ended up in terrible barracks,

2 M Fierce dogs were chasing the boys.

3 M The boys did not want to give in to fear,

4 M The boys rose to attack at the sound of the whistle.

1 M The boys have seen - brave soldiers -

2 M Volga - in 1941, Spree - in 1945.

3 M Shown by boys for four years,

4 M Who are the boys of our people!

Presenter 1

Blockade... As far as this word goes

From our peaceful, bright days.

I say it and see it again

Hungry dying children.

Presenter 2

"Leningrad Children"...

When these words were heard, the man’s heart sank. The war brought grief to everyone, but especially to children. So much fell upon them that everyone, feeling guilty, tried to take at least something off their children’s shoulders. It sounded like a password: “Leningrad children.”

Presenter 1

In the besieged city, thousands died of starvation. The famine spared no one. People fell in the streets, in factories, at machine tools, lay down and did not get up. Leningrad children that winter forgot how to play pranks, play, and laugh. The disciples were dying of hunger.

Presenter 2

They all had a common disease - dystrophy. And scurvy was added to it. My gums were bleeding. Teeth swayed. Schoolchildren died not only at home, on the street on the way to school, but it also happened right in the classroom.

Reader 6

The girl extended her hand

And his head - on the edge of the table.

At first they thought: she fell asleep,

But it turned out she died.

No one said a word

Only hoarsely through the blizzard moan

The teacher squeezed out that again

Activities after the funeral.


Reader 7 Dreams of a besieged boy

On the windows - boring crosses...
And the cannonade doesn’t stop for days,
And bright boyish dreams
They lead me through my grandfather's garden.
I really want to touch you with my hand
To apple transparent ripe skin,
See smiles and peace again
On the faces of hurrying passers-by!
I really want my mom to
As before, she laughed contagiously,
Explosion-scarred land
I took a swim in the flower dew again!
A light paper kite with the breeze
Rush up into the open sky.
And eat
Down to the crumbs!
A loaf of delicious-smelling bread!


Do you know how they eat blockade bread? No? I didn’t know before either... I’ll teach you. You need to put the solder on your palm and break off a piece. And chew it for a long, long time, looking at the remaining bread. And break it off again. And chew again. You need to eat this tiny piece as long as possible. And when all the bread is eaten, use your fingertips to collect the crumbs in the middle of your palm and press your lips to them, as if you want to kiss them... So that not a single crumb is lost... not a single crumb...

Reader 8

There are places on earth whose names are like shackles,

They keep in memory what remains in the sad distance.

Lychkovo became such a place of sorrow and brotherhood for us.

A small village on the edge of Novgorod land.

Here on a cloudless day in July forty-one

The enemy, coming from the sky, bombed the passenger train -

A whole train of Leningrad children, twelve carriages,

Those that the city wanted to keep in these quiet places.

Who could have imagined in Leningrad in the alarming June

That the fascists will so quickly find themselves on the other side,

That children are sent not to the rear, but towards the war,

And cars with crosses will hang over their trains?..

In their sights they could see that there were no soldiers, no guns,

only children are running away from the carriages - dozens of children!..

But the pilots calmly and accurately bombed the vehicles,

Grinning with his malicious Aryan grin.

And boys and girls rushed around the station in fear,

And the crosses loomed ominously on their wings,

And dresses and shirts flashed among the flames,

And the earth and bushes bled with childish flesh.

Presenter 1

Countless atrocities were committed on earth: the fascists organized the extermination of children, terrible in their cruelty.

Presenter 2

Auschwitz, Treblinka, Buchenwald, Dachau, Maly Trostenets, Salaspils. Brutal bullying, backbreaking physical labor, illness, exhaustion, inhumane medical experiments, death...

("Buchenwald Alarm")

Reader 9

Men tortured children.

Smart. On purpose. Skillfully.

They did everyday things

They worked and tortured children.

And this every day again:

Cursing, swearing for no reason...

And the children didn’t understand

What do men want from them?

Why - offensive words,

Beatings, hunger, growling dogs?

And the children thought at first

What kind of disobedience is this?

They couldn't imagine

What was open to everyone:

According to the ancient logic of the earth,

Children expect protection from adults.

And the days went by, as terrible as death,

And the children became exemplary.

But they kept beating them.



And they were not absolved of guilt.

They grabbed people.

They begged. And they loved it.

But the men had "ideas"

Men tortured children.

I'm alive. I'm breathing. I love people.

But life can be hateful to me,

As soon as I remember: it happened!

Men tortured children!

DANCE “Prisoners”

Reader 10
Listed in the column
With pure German precision,

It was in the warehouse

Among adult and children's shoes.

His book number:

"Three thousand two hundred and nine."

"Children's shoes. Worn.

Right shoe. With a patch..."

Who repaired it? Where?

In Melitopol? In Krakow? In Vienna?

Who wore it? Vladek?

Or the Russian girl Zhenya?..

How did he get here, into this warehouse?

Damn on this list

Under serial number

"Three thousand two hundred and nine"?

Wasn't there another one?

There are roads in the whole world,

Except the one by which

These baby feet have arrived

To this terrible place

Where they hung, burned and tortured,

And then in cold blood

Were the clothes of the dead counted?

Here in all languages

They tried to pray for salvation:

Czechs, Greeks, Jews,

French, Austrians, Belgians.

The earth has absorbed here

The smell of decay and spilled blood

Hundreds of thousands of people

Different nations and different classes...

The hour of reckoning has come!

Executioners and murderers - on your knees!

The judgment of nations is coming

Following the bloody trail of crimes.

Among hundreds of clues -

This children's boot has a patch.

Taken from the victim by Hitler

Three thousand two hundred and nine.
(Music) Reader 11 They drove the mothers with their children
And they forced me to dig a hole, but they themselves
They stood there, a bunch of savages,
And they laughed in hoarse voices.
Lined up at the edge of the abyss
Powerless women, skinny guys...
No, I won't forget this day,
I will never forget, forever!
I saw rivers crying like children,
And Mother Earth wept in rage...
I heard: a powerful oak suddenly fell,
He fell, letting out a heavy sigh.
The children were suddenly seized with fear -
They huddled close to their mothers, clinging to their hems.
And there was a sharp sound of a shot...
- I, mother, want to live. No need, mom...

DANCE “Mother and Child”

Reader 12 Much has faded from memory now, but a trifle, a trifle, lives: lost girl doll

Steam from locomotives above the platform swam low, leaving for the plain... Warm rain whispered in the birches, but no one noticed the rain.

The echelons then went to the east, walked silently, without light and water, full of sudden and cruel, bitter human misfortune.

The girl screamed and asked and tore from her mother’s hands, - she seemed so beautiful and this doll is desirable suddenly.

But no one gave her toys, and the crowd, hurrying to board, the doll was trampled by the heating into liquid flowing mud.

Little one won't believe death and she won’t understand the separation... So at least with this tiny loss the war reached her.

There is nowhere to escape from a strange thought: this is not a toy, not a trifle, - this may be a childhood memory on crossed iron tracks.

Presenter 1

We know all the fearless heroes.

We bow our knees to the memory of the fallen,

Presenter 2

And flowers fall on granite slabs...

Yes, no one is forgotten and nothing is forgotten.

(lyrical music,all the readers on stage leave after their memories )

“But I still want a mother...” (girl)

In forty-one...

I graduated from first grade, and my parents took me to a pioneer camp near Minsk for the summer. I arrived, swam once, and two days later it was war. They started sending us out of the camp. They put us on the train and drove away. German planes were flying, and we shouted: “Hurray!” We didn’t understand that these could be other people’s planes. Until they started bombing... Then all the colors disappeared... All the colors... The word “death” appeared for the first time, everyone began to say this incomprehensible word. And mom and dad aren't around...

“I want to live! I want to live!..” (boy)

From these sights, from these lights... This is my wealth... This is luxury, what I experienced...

Bombs are exploding, and I cling to my older brother: “I want to live! I want to live!” I was afraid to die, although what could I know about death then? Well?

Mom gave my brother and me the last two potatoes, and she just looked at us. We knew that these were the last potatoes. I wanted to leave her... a small piece... And I couldn’t. My brother couldn’t do it either... We were ashamed. It's terribly embarrassing.

War is my history textbook. My loneliness... I missed the time of childhood, it fell out of my life. I am a person without a childhood, instead of a childhood I had a war.

“In the cemetery, the dead were lying at the top... As if they had been killed again...” (boy)

Black sky...

Black thick planes... They hum low. Above the ground itself. This is war. As I remember... I remember in separate glimpses...

We were bombed, and we were hiding in the garden behind old apple trees. All five. I had four more brothers, the oldest was ten years old.

They burned our village. The village cemetery was bombed. People ran there: the dead were lying upstairs... They were lying as if they had been killed again... Our grandfather was lying there, who had recently died. They were buried again...

Both during the war and after the war we played “war”. They put soldiers' helmets on their heads, ours and German ones, the helmets were lying everywhere: in the forest, in the fields. Nobody wanted to be German, we even fought because of it. They played in real dugouts and trenches. They fought with sticks and threw themselves into hand-to-hand combat. And the mothers shook their heads, they didn’t like it. They cried.

We were surprised, because before... Before the war they didn’t scold us for this...

“Please: can I lick it?..” (girl)

Adults are crying: there is war, but we are not afraid. We often played “war”, and this word was very familiar to us. I wondered why my mother cried all night. Only later did I understand...

We ate... water... When lunch time comes, mom puts a pan of hot water on the table. And we pour it into bowls. Evening. Dinner. There is a pan of hot water on the table. White hot water, in winter there is nothing to paint over it with. There's not even grass. I remember such a sunny day, the wind was driving away the cobwebs. Our village is burning, our house is burning. We left the forest. Little children shout: "Bonfire! Bonfire! Beautiful!" And everyone else is crying, mom is crying. Gets baptized.

The house burned down... We dug into the ashes, but found nothing there. Some forks are burnt. The stove remained as it was, there was food there - torn pancakes.

Potato pancakes. Mom took out the frying pan with her hands: “Eat, children.” But we couldn’t eat pancakes, they smelled like smoke, but we ate them because we had nothing else but grass. All that was left was grass and earth.

How many years have passed... But it’s still scary...

"He was hanging on a string like a child..." (boy)

I don’t want... I don’t even want to repeat this word “war”...

For some reason I don’t remember how the Germans came... I remember that they were already there, had been there for a long time, and then they drove us all away, the whole village. They placed machine guns in front and ordered them to answer where the partisans were and who they were visiting. Everyone was silent. Then they counted out every third person and took him out to be shot. Six people were shot: two men, two women and two teenagers. And they left.

Hold back your moans in your throat,

Bitter moans.

4: In memory of the fallen

Be worthy!

Eternally worthy!

5: With bread and song

Dreams and poems

Spacious life

6: Every second...

With every breath

Be worthy!

7: People!

As long as hearts are knocking,


8:At what price is happiness won, -

Please remember!

Conversation about the dangers of drugs.

Leading :

Hello!.. When meeting, people usually say this good, kind word, wishing each other health. Health is not only the absence of disease, but also a state of complete physical, spiritual and social well-being. To a large extent, a person’s health depends on himself. “Life is a duty if it is full.” One of the main indicators of health is life expectancy. Where there is no health, there can be no longevity. “Drugs and their health consequences” is the topic of today’s event. Drug addiction is the plague of the 21st century, claiming the lives of the youngest people. Drugs are the destruction of soul and body. Drugs are degradation of personality - intellectual, moral, social. Drugs are when the world narrows and falls apart. Drugs are when a person is sick and does not realize it. So what is drug addiction and how do drugs adversely affect the human body?

Leading :

Game "Pyramid". The presenter selects two people, each of whom invites them to invite the next two, etc. The game ends when there is not a single teenager left at the tables. It took very little time to get you all up from your tables. Just as quickly, alcohol, tobacco, and drugs destroy a person when they enter his life.

Sit down. (Students sit down, the presenter distributes tests)


Let's take the test, based on the results you can already draw certain conclusions and think about your behavior.

Test. 1. How do you feel about those who smoke in the presence of non-smokers?

A) people with cigarettes are big egoists because they force innocent people around them to inhale this poison (10 points)
B) I hate prohibitions - everyone must decide for themselves where and when to smoke (0 points)
C) Let them smoke in specially designated areas (5 points)

2. Exam. Everyone is shaking nervously. Someone brought sedative pills and feeds them to classmates. Do you agree to take the pill?

A) Yes, but if I’m very nervous (0 points)
B) Perhaps not, what if you like it? Where will I find her next time then? (5 points)
C) Thank you, I don’t need artificial sedatives (10 points)

3. The party is in full swing. A cigarette with “weed” went around. What will you do when it's your turn?

A) of course, I’ll try like everyone else (0 points)
B) I’ll go home before they offer anything else (10 points)
C) What else - voluntarily poison yourself! Not only will I not take a cigarette, but I will laugh at everyone (5 points)

4. You are late for your birthday. Everyone has already drunk, the fun is in full swing. What's your reaction?

A) you need to take a couple of glasses on an empty stomach (0 points)
B) I don’t like companies where a good mood depends only on drinking. I’ll sit for the sake of appearances and go home. (10 points)
C) I’m already in a good mood, and if others drink, I don’t care. (5 points)

5. Some people say: “If you use moderation, drugs are not dangerous!” Do you believe it?

A) the one who thinks so is deceiving himself (10 points)
B) If you do not take into account hard drugs, this statement seems to be true (0 points)

6. Do you believe that rock music and drugs are twin brothers?

A) Bullshit! Many rockers don't use drugs and write great music (10 points)
B) It seems to me that after taking drugs you can’t perceive music at all (5 points)
B) All musicians take something (0 points)

7. A friend asks you to lend him money. You have money, but you know that he indulges in drugs. Will you lend him money?

A) yes (0 points)
B) no (10 points)
C) only if I know why he needs them (0 points)

8. You're head over heels in love. But your (your) girlfriend (boyfriend) has her own company, in which the guys are not averse to drinking and sometimes trying drugs. Will you feel “out of place”?

A) if it’s fun there, then why not? (0 points)
B) Why is it necessary to hang around in this company - we will find something more interesting to do (5 points)
C) I simply have to get him out of this environment. Otherwise we will have to part (10 points)


We tally up the results of 0–20 points: you are sure that drugs are not a problem at all, and alcohol and nicotine are harmless than sweets. Change your views urgently! Keep in mind that not only heroin and cocaine are dangerous to health, but also weed cigarettes, and those who like to drink often turn into chronic alcoholics.

21–50 points: From time to time you don’t mind having a drink or two, and you think that it won’t do any harm. After all, you are sure that you are in control of the situation! Be careful: under the influence of friends, you may well succumb to temptation.

51–80 points: All kinds of doping is not your problem. You have willpower. Just don't go to the other extreme and turn into a prude.


And now we continue our conversation. What is drug addiction? After all, some people consider both coffee and tobacco to be drugs, while others say that anasha and marijuana are practically safe. Who is right? If we look at the medical encyclopedia, we can read the following: The term “drug addiction” is specific in relation to the more general one - substance abuse. The fact is that many substances can cause a narcotic state, and all of them, without exception, are poisonous. This is a very wide range substances - from drugs with a psychotropic effect to household chemicals. Alcohol and nicotine are also narcotic substances, and addiction to them in a broad sense is also substance abuse." So, I’ll name some drugs and how they affect the human body - Opiates (heroin, morphine)
Cause drowsiness, slow breathing, constriction of the pupils.
They lead to damage to the liver, cardiovascular and respiratory systems, and to brain damage.
- Cocaine (cocaine, “crack”).
Causes an excited state, obsessive talkativeness, agitation, hallucinations, dilated pupils.
They lead to arrhythmia, psychosis, and damage to the respiratory mucosa.
- Hashish (hashish, marijuana).
Causes mood swings, delayed reactions, increased appetite, dry mouth, dilated pupils.
Leads to memory impairment, increased risk of cancer, liver damage, and brain damage.
- Hallucinogens (LSD).
Causes a trance-like state, agitation, insomnia, and hallucinations.
Leads to loss of coordination, severe brain damage, and depression.
- Antidepressants (hypnotics - sedatives).
Causes drowsiness, lethargy, weak breathing, dilated pupils.
Leads to damage to the brain, cardiovascular system, and psychosis.
- Stimulants (Amphetamine, “ecstasy”).
Causes excitability, increased sweating, dry mouth, hallucinations, dilated pupils.
Leads to disorders of the nervous system, respiratory system, depression, paranoia.

Leading :

Very often among teenagers you can hear the following expressions: there are “soft drugs”, “there are drugs that are not addictive”, “you can smoke weed, it won’t do anything. Is this so? As medical studies have shown, there is no fundamental difference between narcotic drugs; they all change metabolic processes in the structures of the brain, forming mental dependence. Soon the effects of the drugs cease to satisfy, and physical dependence occurs. To recover from drug addiction you need to have enormous willpower. The only question is, was it worth trying drugs at all?
It might be easier to immediately say “no to drugs!”, “Yes! A healthy lifestyle!”?!

Criminal liability. Art. 228. Illegal production, acquisition, storage, transportation, forwarding or sale of narcotic drugs or psychotropic substances.

Art. 229. Theft or extortion of narcotic drugs or psychotropic drugs.

Art. 230. Inducement to use narcotic drugs or psychotropic substances.

Art. 231. Illegal cultivation of prohibited plants containing narcotic substances.


Drug addiction is a terrible evil. This poem was written by a girl who had previously taken drugs. Listen to her lines and you will understand that drug addiction is a condition that destroys a person.

Drug addict - you are nobody

Your name - no way.

In the morning you look out the window: there is life

It's dark here...

In order not to regret, you start smoking, and you forget about everything, everything...

The winds fly away into the distance. And they come back again, But drug addiction with me, Unfortunately, does not say goodbye.

I want to be strong, I want to be brave

I want to live without drugs.

What have I done anyway?

In order not to go to hell, I will endure everything that is required.

Drug addiction is a disease. Insanely complex.

Leading :

“For three weeks the mice gnawed at my bones. I've been injecting regularly for about five years now, three times a day, no matter what. I no longer did this for the “high”, but to eat, drink, sleep, in general, “chemistry” gave me a short-term opportunity to live, that’s the whole “high”. So, I decided to quit, to “get off the needle.” I decided to “break” hard - “dry”, without “ladders”, methadone, plasmapheresis, hemodialysis. And although I am a healthy man, I survived a nightmare. To say that you wouldn’t wish this on your enemy is to say nothing. I fell asleep for the first time three weeks later, I’ll try to remember some details day by day.

Day 1: today is very bad, but bearable. After all, money was often short. Sometimes I had to “sit” longer.

Day 3: I rush around the apartment, looking for a position where I can endure the pain, but I can’t find it. It feels like hot sand has been poured between the muscles and bones.

Day 6: stories about what “breaks” 6 days, no more - just stories. I'm getting worse and worse. Instead of sand, “mice” appeared in the tendons. Sometimes I lose consciousness for 10 minutes, and this is happiness. I got myself a pillow so I could scream in pain into it, otherwise the neighbors would get scared. I can’t eat or drink - the vomiting is terrible.

8th day: “mice” were replaced by “rats”, and hungry ones. It’s hard to imagine what’s going on around me. Stupid from the pain. My tongue and lips are bitten into rags, and I don’t remember when. Constant ringing in the ears. Every cell in the body screams: “Dose!” I found an old syringe and stroked it like it was my own. Then I realized that I would go get a dose, and I threw the syringe away.

Day 10: I haven’t been able to figure anything out for a long time. Consciousness returns sporadically, like fainting. It’s as if it’s not me who feels bad, but someone else. Fortunately, the body has its limits of patience. And pain too.

Day 12: perhaps the turning point. On this Day I realized that I could. For a while I was not only relieved, but it became easier. Maybe a little, but this was the first time in five years. After that, I felt less and less sick, but I felt disgusting for another three weeks.

But nothing compares to the feeling that I made it, I survived.

Then I read in a medical publication that of all drug addicts with more than two years of experience who decide to quit, two percent succeed. I know the fate of the others very well. Some will die from an “overdose,” easily, since all the “hucksters” mix heroin with anything. For example, you get used to your dose - where it’s 10-15% of the drug, and then one “honest huckster” comes along and sells you the whole 60%. You “push” with the usual dose - and hello. Breathing arrest is guaranteed. Others will die from anything else: they will freeze in the snow, their hearts won’t stand it in the “cop” - they don’t give you “herich” there, no matter how much you ask. Still others will die because the body cannot withstand such abuse for more than 5 years. I came back at the last minute.


Today in Russia, 5.99 million people regularly use drugs. Official statistics on drug addiction give a figure of 500 thousand drug addicts, but these are those who voluntarily registered with a doctor. Medical institutions can inpatiently treat no more than 50 thousand people per year.

Of the total number of drug addicts in Russia according to statistics

20% are schoolchildren.
60% are young people aged 16-30 years.
20% are older people.

Teacher: The ways in which teenagers and young people are involved in drug addiction are very diverse. Researchers note that none of the teenagers who start using drugs think about the possibility of becoming dependent on them. All of them either satisfy their own curiosity (“Come on, let’s check - what are hallucinations?”, “Come on, is it true that drugs give pleasure?”), or try drugs for the sake of the company they respect. Teenagers take their first steps into drug addiction with the intention of only one-time use, but circumstances are such that similar situations are repeated and the teenager ends up in drug slavery.


There are many scenarios for getting involved in drug addiction.

Boasting and envy"

The teenager’s friends repeatedly and excitedly boasted that they had a very nice time the night before: they gathered at the apartment of one of their older friends and, in addition to the usual entertainment, smoked “weed.” It was as fun as ever. The teenager’s imagination paints very tempting pictures of entertainment. Curiosity and envy take their toll, and he accepts the offer to join the company.


Friendly joke”

The teenager’s friend, instead of the regular cigarettes they usually smoke, offers him imported ones, which give the teenager previously unknown sensations and causeless laughter. A friend reveals the meaning of the joke and reports that the cigarettes contained marijuana. The first unexpectedly acquired drug experience encourages the teenager to repeat the pleasant sensations.


Friendly blackmail”

Friends egg him on with words: “Don’t be a coward,” “Are you a weakling?” The situation is aggravated by the presence of a pretty girl in the company. The teenager has to give in.


. “In a drunken stupor...”

The first drug try occurs in a drunken party, when an excited and unwary teenager (knee-deep in a drunken state) without any pressure from others recklessly agrees to smoke marijuana.


Merry candy”

Similar to the previous one: instead of a drink, they treat you to candy with a drug injected into it.


Put on a needle"

Morally stable and drug-averse teenagers, especially girls, are trying to lure “their own” into the company. There, as a rule, after drinking, the victim is held by the arms and legs and the drug is injected into her with a syringe. The procedure is greatly facilitated if the victim is in a state of severe alcoholic or drug intoxication (sleeping pills are mixed into the wine), and even more so if she is unconscious.


Compassionate friend"

A friend suggests that a guy whose girlfriend has left him and who is painfully going through a breakup should “take an injection and forget.” Indeed, after taking a drug, the tragedy fades and is forgotten, but only until sobering up. The young man has to take the drug again, and so on until a state of dependence on it appears.


The health and happiness of everyone is in his own hands. Therefore, know that you can only refuse once - the FIRST, and this is one of the main conditions on how not to become a drug addict.


. One gram of heroin: destroys friendships, destroys families, stops mental and physical development, deprives you of health and kills you.


The desire to become an adult as quickly as possible - to smoke, drink alcohol, try drugs - leads to sad consequences.


Drugs are not a way out of the difficulties of life, but, on the contrary, it is the beginning of the path to huge problems, from which it is very difficult to get rid of.


Stop and think, do you want this kind of life?

Know how to say “no”! After all, you are a person! Unique! Unique!

Presenters pronounce the words together:

No to drugs!
Tell all your friends!
No to drugs!
Tell yourself!
Drugs are bad!
Always know!
Drugs are death!
You'll kill yourself!


How to live today to have a chance to see tomorrow?
“It is incomparably better not to touch dirt than to be cleansed of it.”

To be healthy is to forget grief.
The greatest wealth is health.
Good health is more valuable than wealth.
Mind and health are more valuable than anything else. Smoking is harmful to health.
Those who do not smoke or drink protect their health.
A wise person prevents diseases, not cures them.

People say: “If you want to be happy for one day, go visit, if you want to be happy for a week, get married, if you want to be happy for a month, buy yourself a car, if you want to be happy all your life, be healthy!” So be healthy, goodbye, see you again.

Scenario of a literary and musical composition for Victory Day

Stage decoration: model of the obelisk, poster “Be worthy of the memory of the fallen!”

Solemn music sounds

Slide No. 1(the eternal flame at the Kremlin wall) is projected onto the stage.

1 presenter Dedicated to the memory of those who fell on the fronts of the Great Patriotic War...

2 presenter Dedicated to the glorious veterans of the Great Patriotic War, to the home front workers who won and survived the fight against the enemy, who gave life and happiness to the world!

1 presenter Dedicated to the younger generation that has entered life, to those who do not know what war is. To be remembered... To be understood...

The presenters leave

Slide No. 2 (Temple with bells)

The bells sound (recorded). 2 children with flowers in their hands and a teacher come onto the stage. She leads them by the hands.

First child: What is this? Can you hear?
Teacher: These are bells. Bells of memory...
Second child: Memory? Do such things really exist?
Teacher: They happen, listen! This is what memory itself says...
First child: But is memory ever alive?
Teacher: Don’t you believe it? A person can die twice:
there, on the battlefield, when a bullet catches up with him... And the second time - in people's memory.
Dying the second time is worse. The second time a person must live! (They stand at the obelisk on stage, listen)

Voice behind the scenes: Remember!
Through the centuries, through the years - remember!
About those who will never come again -
Be worthy of the memory of the fallen!
Eternally worthy!
While hearts are beating, remember!
At what price was happiness won?
Please remember!
Tell your children about them,
so that they remember!
Tell children's children about them,
so that they remember too!

Slide No. 3 (Image of a monument to fellow villagers)

A WWII veteran comes out, stands by the model of the obelisk, and sits down on a chair.

Teacher: “Hello, Efim Ivanovich! Happy holiday to you, Happy Victory Day!” (Children present flowers to the veteran). 5-7 children come on stage, stand in a semicircle, without obscuring the veteran, and read the poem:

"At the Obelisk"

1.Obelisk on a rural street:

Speckled gray granite,

The cat is squinting at the fence,

And the birch rustles.

Everything is familiar and familiar.

Without much fuss

On Victory Day, as usual,

We bring flowers here.

2. The ritual is so familiar

In the morning it was disturbed:

Unusual visitor

He stepped behind the fence...

Situated on the grass,

He sat down at home.

Who decided to come here?

Did you manage to arrive before us?

3. The old man is simple and friendly,

The forehead is not covered with a cap.

He doesn't look heroic at all.

The order is covered with a lapel.

4. The carnations made it look elegant.

They sang more than one song.

And we read a lot of poems

About Victory and war.

(Children perform the song “Katyusha”)

5. And the old man sits, listens,

The Belomorkanal will be tarred.

He doesn't bother us at all.

...I came to bow

To everyone who didn't come with us,

Remember and apologize -

The order didn’t find them.

6. The birch tree rustles peacefully.

Saluting the soldier,

The class stood frozen

"at attention"

Like a company on the parade ground.

7. Nothing is forgotten,

And no one forgot

Who brought us victory?

Who was a hero during the war?

(The poem “I have never seen war” is read by a first-grader, holding a bouquet in her hands))

I've never seen war
And I can’t imagine her horror,
But the fact that our world wants silence,
Today I understand very clearly.

Thank you that we didn't have to
Imagine and recognize such torment.
Thank you for the bright light of the sun,
For the joy of life in every moment

For the trills of the nightingale, and for the dawn,
And, beyond the fields of blooming daisies.
Yes, the terrible hour is behind us.
We only learned about the war from books.
Thank you! We love you very much!
Bows to you from girls and boys! (hands flowers to the veteran)

(All the guys leave with the veteran)

Song “Obelisk” (performed by a vocal group)

1 reader(young man) Forties, fateful, military and front-line, where there are funeral notices and echelon knocks. How it was! What a coincidence: - war, trouble, dream and youth!

And all this sunk into me and only then woke up in me.

So let's turn over a few pages of those distant years and remember how it all was...

Slide No. 4 (image of graduates against a background of nature)

2 reader June...The sunset was approaching evening.
And the sea overflowed into the white night.
And the children's ringing laughter was heard,
Those who do not know, those who do not know grief.

(A waltz sounds, a group of graduates enters the stage laughing, holding hands and dancing. Girls in light dresses, boys in white shirts. Jokes. Laughter.)

Girl 1: What a morning! What a dawn! I wish our last night at school would never end.
Boy 1: Everything ends someday, but that’s not bad - after all, real life will follow.
Young man 2: So the golden childhood flew by. Goodbye school, goodbye teachers, goodbye classmates! What awaits us ahead? Unknown...
Girl 2: Why the unknown? You will become a sea captain, and I will become a primary school teacher.
Girl 3: Oh, guys, just imagine, five years will pass, we will graduate from all the institutes. We'll grow up. Maybe someone will even get married.
Boy 3: Yeah, or get married. No, that's later. I'll be a geologist and go to the taiga. Romance!
Boy 1: We are young and happy...
Girl 2: We dream of exploits, of glory, we believe in our high destiny on this earth...
Girl 3: We dream of becoming geologists, builders, doctors in five years...
Girl 2: I dream of becoming a teacher.
Boy 3: I dream of bringing good to people.
Girl 1: I dream of love.
Young man 2: I dream...
Girl 3: I dream...
Presenter 1: Dreamed...
Echo: dreamed, dreamed, dreamed... (they freeze in poses as if taking photographs, one of the young men takes photographs...)

Presenter 2 They were still laughing that day,
Loved the greenery and lights.
Neither the voice of violins nor pianos
No war was predicted for them.
Presenter 3 Everything breathed such silence,
It seemed that the whole earth was still sleeping.
Who knew that between peace and war
Just five minutes left!
Presenter 2 Just yesterday these girls and boys were copying tests, making dates, trying on white prom dresses, reading Yesenin and Green, dreaming of scarlet sails and handsome princes, dreaming of happiness, and tomorrow there was war...

1 presenter Tomorrow the birds will be afraid of the groves,
Tomorrow the birds will not be recognized by the forests...
This will all happen only tomorrow,
In 24 hours...

There's a song playing"Rio Rita" graduates dance the waltz.

Soloist: “Provincial town,
Summer heat
On the dance floor -
Music in the morning.
Rio Rita, Rio Rita,
The foxtrot is spinning,
On the dance floor -
Forty-first year."

(Guys throw lines to the music)

1 -It’s okay that the Germans are in Poland,
But the country is strong!
2 -In a month and no more
The war will end!
The soloist sings: Rio Rita, Rio Rita,
The foxtrot is spinning,
On the dance floor -
Forty-first year.<...>
Provincial town

Summer heat,

On the dance floor

Music in the morning.

Rio Rita, Rio Rita,

Trumpet solo!

The hair is not shaved,

Keep your feet to yourself.

It’s okay that the Germans are in Poland,

But the country is strong.

In a month, and no more,

The war will end.

Rio Rita, Rio Rita,

The foxtrot is spinning,

On the dance floor

Forty-first year.

(Song by S. Nikitin, lyrics by G. Shpalikov, performer Oleg Mityaev

The music stops abruptly. The stage lights go out. The vapors freeze. The whistling of shells, the howl of airplanes (recorded). Graduates listen to Levitan's voice in the recording (a message about the beginning of the war).

Slide No. 5 (The Motherland is calling!)

The first verse and chorus of the song “Holy War” are played.
In the light of a flickering lantern, the couples break up.

Voice of one: “Comrade volunteers! Pay in order of numbers!” The boys take turns taking a step forward and putting on their caps.
- First!
- First!
- First!
- First!
Voice of the second: “Forties, fateful, lead, gunpowder... War is sweeping across Russia, and we are so young!
1 girl comes out and puts on her cap:

Early, sunny morning in June,
At the hour when the country awakened.
This terrible word “war” was heard for the first time for the young people.
2nd girl comes out and puts on her cap:

I left my childhood for a dirty car,

To an infantry echelon, to a medical platoon...

I listened to distant breaks and did not listen

41 years old, used to everything

I came from childhood to damp dugouts,

From the Beautiful Lady to “mother” and “rewind”,

Because the name is closer than Russia,

Couldn't find...

3 young man

And I was afraid in the war that they would be foolishly captured

And so that they don’t accidentally get killed by a platoon somewhere on the side.

And in combat security so that my trail is not suddenly lost,

So that I don’t prostrate myself dead before the triumphant enemy...

3 girl Uncompressed rye swings.

The soldiers are walking along it.

We also walk -

Look like guys.

No, it’s not the houses that are burning -

My youth is on fire.

Girls go to war

Similar to guys

The song “Goodbye boys” by B. Okudzhava is playing
Oh, war, what have you done, vile:
Our yards have become quiet,
Our boys raised their heads
They have matured for the time being.
They barely loomed on the threshold
And they left - for the soldier the soldier...
Goodbye boys! boys,

No, don't hide, be tall
Spare no bullets or grenades,
And don’t spare yourself... But still
Try to go back!

Oh, war, what have you done, vile one?
instead of weddings there are separations and smoke.
Our girls' dresses are white
gave it to their sisters.
Boots - where can you get away from them?
Yes, green wings...
Don't give a damn about the gossipers, girls.
We'll settle the score with them later.
Let them chatter that you have nothing to believe in,
that you are going to war at random...
Goodbye girls! Girls,
try to go back.

The young men take their duffel bags, say goodbye and leave. The girls look with sadness and anxiety after the departing soldiers, then they also leave.
The lights go out. Machine gun fire sounds. The rumble of airplanes. Explosions and shots

Reader 1 To reach you, forty-fifth,
Through hardship, pain and misfortune,
The boys left home
In the distant forty-first year.

Reader 2 The boys left with greatcoats on their shoulders,
The boys left and bravely sang songs.
The boys retreated through the dusty steppes,
The boys died, they didn’t know where.

Reader 3 The boys ended up in terrible barracks,
Fierce dogs were chasing the boys,
They killed boys for running away on the spot...
The boys did not sell their conscience and honor.

Reader 4 The boys have seen - brave soldiers
Volga - in 1941, Spree - in 1945...
The boys showed for four years,
What are the boys of our people?

Song from the film "Belorussky Station"

Reader (girl): Poem by V. Solovyov “Stop Station”

The station was quiet, small and sad,
The horses chewed oats with a crunch,
But under the sleeper the gravel crunched,
And the rails shook from the wheels.
And the trains floated out to the stop,
The birches at the platform are in formation,
And belatedly the ditty gasped,
Filled with pain and longing:

Darling is going to fight
I put on a white shirt.
I'll be waiting all the time
I won't change it.

And the tension instantly burst,
It hit my heart hot and tight,
And a woman’s voice rose tremblingly:
- Zhenya!!!
What about us... take care of yourself! -
And he went, already a Russian soldier,
To the train cars, to the sad fellow countrymen,
And his sons next to him are barefoot
They walked on the sides like adults.

And the woman remained small, -
It would make her sad to write Russian!
She fumbles fussily in her pockets
And he can’t find all the scarves.
And in the crush she managed to peer -
The husband kisses the tear-stained children...
And through the village, as if through the heart,
The train went off into the blazing sunset.

Song "Wait for me"

A. Kochetkov's poem "The Ballad of a Smoky Car" (read by a young man and a girl)

How painful, honey, how strange,
Connected in the ground, intertwined with branches, -
How painful, honey, how strange
Split under the saw.
The wound on the heart will not heal,
Will shed pure tears,
The wound on the heart will not heal -
It will spill with fiery resin.

As long as I'm alive, I'll be with you -
Soul and blood are indivisible, -
As long as I'm alive, I'll be with you -
Love and death are always together.
You will carry it with you everywhere -
You will carry with you, my love, -

You will carry it with you everywhere
Native land, sweet home.

But if I have nothing to hide with
From incurable pity,
But if I have nothing to hide with
From the cold and darkness?
- After parting there will be a meeting,
Don't forget me, darling,
After parting there will be a meeting,
Let's both come back - you and me.

But if I disappear into obscurity -
Short daylight beam -
But if I disappear into obscurity
Beyond the star belt, into the milky smoke?
- I will pray for you,
So as not to forget the earthly path,
I will pray for you,
May you return unharmed.

Shaking in a smoky carriage,
He became homeless and humble,
Shaking in a smoky carriage,
He was half crying, half sleeping,
Suddenly he bent with a terrible list,
When the train is on a slippery slope
The wheels were torn off the rails.

Superhuman strength
In one winepress, crippling everyone,
Superhuman strength
She threw earthly things off the ground.
And didn't protect anyone
The promised meeting in the distance,
And didn't protect anyone
A hand calling in the distance.
Don't part with your loved ones!
Don't part with your loved ones!
Don't part with your loved ones!
Grow into them with all your blood, -
And every time say goodbye forever!
And every time say goodbye forever!
When you leave for a moment!

Song “I am reading a letter that has already turned yellow over the years...”


There is such a bitter word - widow...

Dedicated to fellow village women - wives, brides, daughters, whose husbands, fathers, loved ones did not return from the war.
Reader (young woman) He didn't write from the front line,
she's just a teenager -
was called the straw widow,
first - a straw widow,
then - just a widow.

Under the creaking of boots, under the sound of wheels
the war drove her,
and somehow there was no time for tears,
there was no time for thinking.

When he left, my soul burned,
And became an unnecessary burnt match...
And then you live no longer in a hurry:
Not life and not death - just like that, out of habit...

But is it possible to forget about love?
But can you really measure trouble with a ruler?
From where he is, call him or not,
A return is possible only in a dream or in delirium!

Only time will dull the heartache...
You live... Only action can help...
Love is endless! And that’s the whole point!
And there is a continuation of it - a son and daughter!

There is a medallion in the box
dead soldier.
The battalion has been in civilian life for a long time,
where he once served.

But this is how it is already done:
the spring leaf does not dry,
widows do not believe in the death of their husbands
and await their return.

It’s not like they look into the distance of roads
with hope for a miracle,
that he will come back,
that a soldier is coming home
no one knows where.

But simply, having accepted the troubles in full,
there is no limit to their gaze,
and there is such depth in it,
that my head is spinning.

It's as if they were given eyes,
so that with those eyes
to all those who did not return from the war
look at the spring world.

Song “My dear, if there were no war”

Reader.Great worker, Dedicated to the Russian woman... (M. Isakovsky)

Slide No. 6 (photos of women - widows and home front workers of our village are projected onto the screen)

Can you really tell me about this?
What years did you live in?
What an immeasurable burden
It fell on women's shoulders!..
That morning I said goodbye to you
Your husband, or brother, or son,
And you and your destiny
Left alone.
One on one with tears,
With unharvested grain in the field
You met this war.
And all - without end and without counting -
Sorrows, labors and worries
We fell for you for one.
To you alone - willy-nilly -
But you have to keep up everywhere;
You are alone both at home and in the field,
You are the only one to cry and sing.
And the clouds hang lower and lower,
And the thunder roars ever closer,
More and more bad news.
And you are in front of the whole country,
And you before the whole war
She said who you are.
You walked, hiding your grief,
The harsh way of labor.
The entire front, from sea to sea,
You fed me with your bread.
In cold winters, in snowstorms,
At the one at the distant line
The soldiers were warmed by their greatcoats,
What you sewed with care.
They rushed in the noise, in the smoke
Soviet soldiers into battle,
And the enemy's strongholds collapsed
From bombs filled with you.
You took on everything without fear.
And, as in the saying,
You were both a spinner and a weaver,
She knew how to use a needle and a saw.
I chopped, carried, dug -
Can you really re-read everything?
And in letters to the front she assured,
It's like you're living a great life.
The soldiers read your letters,
And there, at the forefront,
They understood well
Your holy lies.
And a warrior going to battle
And ready to meet her,
Like an oath, whispered like a prayer,
Your distant name...
Song “Dark Night” or “In the Dugout”

Leading During the Great Patriotic War wars 27 million Russians died, among them our fellow countrymen from Pokrovka, Borkovo, Makhaikha, Aleksandrovka, Klyuchikov, Put-Equality. How many boys and girls are left without fathers! How many new children could have been born without this war! How numerous our village could be now! Could...


But there might not be us living on this earth now if they had not given their lives for the Motherland, for peace, for freedom.

The memory of generations is inextinguishable
And the memory of those whom we honor so sacredly,
Come on people, let's stand for a moment.
And in sorrow we will stand and be silent

Slide No. 7 (Monument on Mamayev Kurgan)


On the ninth day of jubilant May
When silence fell on the ground,
The news rushed from edge to edge:
The world has won, the war is over!


And if children are laughing now,
Steel is melted and books are written,
If bread grows in native fields,
That's because there was Victory!

Song "Victory Day"


Where the grass is damp with dew and blood,
where the pupils of machine guns look fiercely,
in full height above the front line trench
the victorious soldier rose.
The heart beat against the ribs intermittently, often.
Silence - Silence - Not in a dream, in reality.
And the infantryman said: “We’ve given up!” That's it!
And I noticed a violet in the ditch.
And in the soul, longing for light and affection,
the singing stream of the former joy came to life.
And the soldier bent down, and to the bullet-ridden helmet
Carefully adjusted the flower.
Came to life again in memory were alive
Moscow region under snow, Stalingrad on fire.
For the first time in four unimaginable years,
The soldier cried like a child.
So the infantryman stood, laughing and sobbing,
trampling the thorny fence with his boot.
A young dawn burned behind my shoulders,
foreshadowing a sunny day.

Song "May Waltz"

(Poems are heard in the background of music)

Reader The entire globe is underfoot.
I live. I'm breathing. I sing.
But in memory it is always with me
Killed in battle.
Let me not name all the names,
There is no blood relative.
Isn't that why I live
Why did they die?
It’s not me who’s half-dead in blood,
Torn to pieces and stripped, -
Remained silent during Kosheva's torture
At sixteen years old.
Let me not name all the names,
There is no blood relative.
Isn't that why I live
Why did they die?
I know what I owe them.
And let not only verse,
My life will be worthy
Their soldier's death.....

Song "Light the Candles"(the soloist sings, the lights are dimmed, while the song is being performed, girls in white dresses come out one after another with lit candles and stop in a semicircle at the model of the obelisk)

1 presenter The war has passed, the suffering has passed, but the pain calls out to people:

Let's, people, never forget about this!

Song "Memory"

2 presenter Along with spring, a wonderful holiday comes to our land - Victory Day. A day of joy and celebration, a day of immortal glory and blessed memory of heroes

2 presenter: The war is long over.
The soldiers came back from the war a long time ago.
And on their chests are medals
They burn like memorable dates.
To all of you who endured that war -
In the rear or on the battlefields, -
Brought a victorious spring, -
Bow and memory of generations.

Song "Dedicated to veterans"

Readers - primary school students (read to music):

We need peace! To you and me

And to all the children in the world!

And the dawn that we will see tomorrow must be peaceful.

We need peace! Grass in dew, smiling childhood!

We need peace! Wonderful world


We need a colorful meadow

And a rainbow over the meadow!

We need to run, jump, sing

And talk to each other!

For friendship, for smiles and for meetings

We inherited the planet.

We are bequeathed to protect this world

And this amazing land.

We are bequeathed to protect this world -

So unique at dawn,

He has been very dear and dear to us since childhood,

We are responsible for the future of the world.

We will not let you become ashes and cinders

To what is called earthly beauty.

May the sky above the earth be peaceful,

May childhood always laugh loudly!

All participants go on stage with flowers, balloons, and portraits of their deceased relatives.

Song “How beautiful this world is” (soloist performs, chorus all together)

You will wake up at dawn, you and I will celebrate the birthday of the dawn together
You can't help but notice: nightingales live in the world and simple sisars
How beautiful this world is, look how beautiful this world is...
You looked - and the minutes seemed to stop, like dew drops...
How beautiful this world is, look how beautiful this world is...

1 presenter: Happy holiday, dear fellow villagers!

2 presenter: Peace to your home! Joy, light and warmth!

1,2 presenters together: “Happy Victory Day!”