DIY hearts for Valentine's Day. Gifts for Valentine's Day: master classes. Soft fabric valentines

For Valentine's Day, I asked myself: what DIY crafts for Valentine's Day can you make with your child? And we made wonderful hearts that decorated the apartment doors. You can find other uses for them; I described my ideas in the article.

Hello, dear parents, schoolchildren and everyone who is looking for an interesting idea for decoration, gift or just creativity for this unusual, but such a pleasant holiday. According to psychologists, every living thing needs love. So why not take February 14th as an opportunity to express it? People are all different, for some it is difficult to do this in everyday life, for others, on the contrary, they splash out their feelings on the chosen one with interest. But this month we are all thinking about how to deliver pleasant moments to loved ones and people dear to us.

On the first of February, in our home, we traditionally begin to immerse ourselves in the festive atmosphere. There are pillows with the inscription LOVE on the sofa, candles and decorations that match the theme on the table, and a heart is hung on the door to the nursery every day. I also try to give a festive look to the doors and sometimes they get large wreaths, like, or small ones. It is them that we will talk about now.

DIY crafts for Valentine's Day with your child

So, such a craft is suitable for children from 6-7 years old, my son is now just 6.3. For kids, an adult can make the basic blank and give it out for decoration. Older children, 8-10 years old, will cope with the whole process on their own. Well, adults who take the idea can modify it at their own discretion. Here, as they say, everything is limited only by your imagination.

You will need:

  • Thick cardboard;
  • scissors;
  • heart template of the selected size (preferably);
  • wooden coffee sticks;
  • liquid silicone or other fast-hardening glue.

To make your heart neat, I advise you to print out any template from the Internet and trace it on cardboard. Then you need to draw another one inside the cut one, measuring the guidelines with a ruler or printing another smaller heart. It is easier to cut out the internal space with nail scissors. As a result, we will get blanks like in the photo above.

Ideas for use

You can vary the number of blanks depending on the idea. I can give you a few:

  1. This decoration can serve as a frame for a photo that you will give to your best friend or boyfriend. Then you will need only 1 blank. There should be two of you in the photo, choose the most joyful moment that you managed to capture. And if you have a family, several of these frames with a picture of each family member in each will decorate your interior.
  2. Attach a stick (like a Chinese chopstick) to the craft, wrap it with a beautiful ribbon and put it in the bottle. If desired, the container can also be decorated festively. A similar gift would be perfect for your husband’s desk or to decorate his coffee table at home. What I am can be found in a separate article.
  3. Garlands are my weakness; I immediately want to make them out of everything! And if you reduce the size of the hearts, you will get a wonderful garland on the mirror, mantelpiece, or on the headboard.

Let's start tinkering - step one

Coffee sticks, as well as ice cream sticks, are sold here in the Dominican Republic in craft stores and school supply departments. Therefore, there were plenty of them in our bag. This natural material is perfect for working with children, and my son and I have already made, cute and even.

The number of sticks you will need now directly depends on the size of the cardboard blank. Distribute the first two at an angle at the top, setting the slope for the subsequent ones. And one at the bottom in the middle so that the desired shape stands out clearly.

If you are an adult, the best glue option is hot silicone. It sets instantly and there is no need to wait for it to dry completely. But a hot gun is contraindicated for children, and I can definitely say that working with cold silicone was no worse. In any case, I advise you to cover your work surface; we just took a white sheet of paper.

The next step I would recommend is to lay out the entire heart with chopsticks. This way you will make sure that there are enough of them and you will understand at what angle and at what distance they should be located. It is worth continuing the cage from top to bottom. Try to position the stick so that it completely covers the cardboard, but does not go beyond the line, that is, keep its end on the cut line. A 6-7 year old child can easily cope with this.

Thus we reach the middle. Then we start from the top again, now on the other half, and finish the first step of work.

Step two

The continuation of the work is painting. And although acrylic paint lays more beautifully on wood and does not require a second layer, in its absence you can get an excellent result with gouache. This is exactly what we used.

You will need:

  • Brush;
  • red paint;
  • newspaper.

Try to paint the boards not only on top, but also on the sides. And if your craft will be visible from all sides, then it’s worth covering both sides, although you will only decorate one. Gouache should be reused after drying the first layer. We did it on the terrace, it took 10 minutes.

Step three - decoration

This is the most creative part of the work, so, as always, I took out all kinds of materials that are stored at home and provided them for my son and me to choose from. We sat together, but each chose the style of his craft independently and they turned out completely different, not similar to each other.

Immediately what the child wanted to do was continue coloring! At first I was even confused, but it turned out that all I needed was white paint and cotton swabs.

Then we tried everything: pom-poms, heart stickers, rhinestones, beads, confetti and even colorful feathers. And we came up with DIY Valentine's Day crafts that suit everyone's tastes. I think they would be perfect as a gift.

Result of work

Initially, we wanted to decorate the entrance to our rooms, so I glued loops, now with hot silicone. I really like the combination of natural materials and contrasting styles. Delicate heart shape and stiff bristles.

Or we could leave them on the terrace and please the neighbors, as we have done more than once. But Alexander was persistent: “I want my heart on my door!”

And here is the door of the children's room, on which one new heart appears from February 1 to 14 with my confession to my son. My followers on the Facebook page saw the very first heart and the story associated with it. Subscribe, if you are interested in receiving news of my ideas, because I don’t have time to put everything into articles.

If you didn’t have time to do something similar for your loved one or children, as in my case, don’t worry, because you can arrange a one-day surprise. Sign fourteen hearts at once and hang them on Valentine's Day. Even our dad, having stolen one blank from me, decided to write a confession to his boy.

Dear readers, I hope you liked our crafts, which are easy to make with your own hands using available materials. I will be very pleased if you share the articles on social media. networks, to do this you just need to click on the buttons below. Let's together bring a little warmth and love into the hearts of loved ones. Happy holiday to everyone!

Every holiday is beautiful in its own way, but Valentine's Day is the most tender and touching day of the year. Millions of lovers are looking forward to it to express their feelings or confess them for the first time. Cafes and restaurants never stop seeing visitors on Valentine's Day. A gift made with your own hands will perfectly express all your emotions without words!


The main attribute of this holiday is Valentine. This is a cute card of any size with feelings for your partner expressed on it, gentle words of love! Valentine cards are sent by mail, delivered personally, and attached to a gift. Some organizations and educational institutions install a special container for valentines. At the end of the day, it is opened and postcards are distributed to the recipients. This way, you can confess your love anonymously. Or, on the contrary, to please the whole team on Valentine’s Day, put homemade gifts on everyone’s table.

If you show a little imagination, valentines can be made not from paper, but, for example, from dough, soap, or fabric.


Making a gift for Valentine's Day with your own hands is not so difficult. If your loved one has a sweet tooth, bake a batch of shortbread or custard cookies. The main feature of the Valentine's card will be the decoration. Nowadays there is a huge amount of sprinkles, edible rhinestones, beads, flowers, and paints on sale. Show your creativity and decorate your cookies extraordinarily beautifully! You can place the finished baked goods on a beautiful dish or pack them in a heart-shaped cardboard box. Cookies can be replaced with cupcakes topped with frosting.

A gift for your loved one on Valentine's Day can be presented in the form of a cake! The simplest and most suitable recipe for the occasion is Pancho cake. You can make it in an hour, but it is advisable to let it soak for several hours. We bake an ordinary sponge cake and cut it into two parts, but one plate should be thinner, about 0.5 cm. This will be the base of the cake. Place it on a plate and cut the remaining crumpet into small cubes. Prepare the cream: beat sour cream with sugar or powdered sugar, add red coloring. Remove the seeds from a bag of frozen cherries and mix with biscuit cubes and cream. Now from all this mass we lay out a beautiful heart. You can make a stencil out of cardboard to make it perfect. Cover the top with the remaining red cream. Next is your imagination: you can write a message with cream or simply decorate it.

For a true man

For those who don’t like sweets, the cake can be topped with shish kebab or juicy chops, generously sprinkled with onions! If your partner has it, present him with an edible bouquet. The stems of the flowers are a long salted straw, to which you need to carefully attach roses twisted from pink, delicious bacon. Arrange in the form of a bouquet, decorate with green onions, parsley, lettuce and pack the bouquet in wrapping paper. Makes a delicious gift for your loved one on Valentine's Day.

Collage in a box

Wall newspapers and holiday posters are already a little boring. You can make an unusual collage in a box. To do this, you will need to print out more photos of you together, write declarations of love and compliments on beautiful pieces of paper. The box can be small, its walls can be covered with photographs, and gentle inscriptions can be made. And inside this box is another, smaller one, also decorated like a collage. The nesting doll can be endless, but in the smallest, last one, place a tiny key - from your heart! This will be your lovers. A gift made with love by your own hands will express feelings better than words!

Search for treasure

An original gift for Valentine's Day in the style of finding a pirate treasure. The main gift is something made with your own hands. Use acrylic paints, stickers, ribbons, and beads to decorate an ordinary glass bottle. Choose a real strong plug that will close tightly. Inside the treasure bottle you can put a letter with a declaration of love and a cute keychain - a heart. Now your task is to hide the treasure well and leave clues for the search. If your partner walks home, you can attach several messages to fences and posts, this will be very intriguing. When your loved one enters the house, hand him the first note, which indicates where the next one is. Let him wander around the house a little, and the finale will await him in the bathroom... A bath full of fragrant foam and rose petals, small candles everywhere, an intimate setting. Pack the bottle with the surprise in several layers of cellophane and immerse it in the bottom. Once you're both in the hot water, a surprise will be revealed. Such a gift for your husband on Valentine's Day will be remembered for a long time!

Functional gifts

Presents can be functional and practical; they will remind you of this significant day for a long time. If you are not comfortable with needlework, you can choose the simplest method. Sewing a pillowcase in the shape of a heart is very easy to do. Cut out two hearts of the same size from thick red fabric, fold them right sides together and sew them together, leaving a small hole. Carefully turn the pillowcase inside out and fill it with filling; you can use regular cotton wool. Then manually sew up the hole and start decorating. You can buy self-adhesive rhinestones at a hardware store and put your names or the word “love” on them. Use your imagination and the pillow will turn out incredibly beautiful! Show off your crafting talents on Valentine's Day. A gift made with your own hands is much more expensive and nicer than one bought in a store.

Keep your hands warm

Men rarely do needlework. At least once a year you can put in a little effort and make one for Valentine’s Day. There is no need to come up with anything complicated. Buy regular white or black gloves and red fabric paint from the store. Carefully draw small hearts on the gloves with a pencil and paint them red. You will get cute warm gloves into which you have put a piece of your soul.

But you can make a more original gift for Valentine’s Day with your own hands. In this case, you will have to gather your strength and go to the lingerie store. Buy some fishnet panties there - a bikini to suit your taste. Let's try to make an unusual bouquet from thongs!

Your beloved will definitely appreciate both such efforts and new wardrobe items. To do this you will need wrapping paper, long wooden skewers, ribbons and a few small plush toys. We wrap the skewers with satin ribbons and turn them into beautiful flower stems. At the end you can glue a ribbon to a skewer. From the panties, we twist the rosebuds and secure them with small pins. Now we attach flowers and toys to the skewers. We make, of course, an odd number. Ready! You can collect a bouquet and pack it in bright wrapping paper! The emotions received will be remembered for a long time on this Valentine's Day. The gift, made with your own hands, turned out to be exquisite and creative!

Children's fun for adults

You've probably seen a piñata at children's parties! This is a design made using papier-mâché technique, decorated with bright paper, inside there are sweets and cute little souvenirs. The baby is blindfolded, handed a bat and spun several times. He must knock down the piñata hanging on the tree and receive his gifts. Such a fun activity can be presented as a gift to your husband on Valentine's Day. Making a piñata with your own hands is very simple; it will take three days to dry completely, so start preparing the surprise in advance. Inflate a huge heart-shaped balloon. Tear the newspapers into small pieces and use PVA or paste to completely cover the ball, leaving a small hole at the top. It is better to make 4-5 layers, but each of them should dry for several hours. After a day, start decorating. You can cover the piñata with corrugated paper, multi-colored stickers, or simply paint it with gouache. Place your surprises inside, attach a rope and seal the hole at the top. Gorgeous heart is ready! Don't forget to film how an adult man with a bat in his hands tries to take away his gifts. It will be a lot of fun!

One, two, three Valentine's Day will fly by quickly, gifts made with love by your own hands will leave bright impressions for a lifetime!

Valentine's Day is approaching. On this day it is customary to congratulate your loved ones. And this applies not only to beloved girls, wives or husbands. On this day, children in kindergartens and schools make original crafts to congratulate their beloved mothers or grandmothers. In addition, you can prepare for the holiday together and with your children. In this article you will find a variety of DIY Valentine's Day crafts for children.

Heart shaped magnet

This craft is intended for children in the senior group of kindergarten or primary school. You can also use the master class to create an original gift with your child at home. When creating a magnet, the technique of cutting napkins is used, which develops fine motor skills of the hands, which makes this also a useful activity for children of any age.

Materials and tools:

  • Cardboard.
  • Scissors.
  • Red napkins.
  • Red plasticine.
  • Pencil.
  • Small magnet.
  • Glue gun.

First, you should draw a heart on cardboard, which will be the basis of the craft. Its size can be arbitrary. Cut out the heart.

First cut the napkin into strips, then cut the strips into squares. We attach plasticine to the base of the craft. The layer thickness should be approximately 5 mm.

Using a pencil, you need to attach each square of napkin to the heart so that it sticks. You need to press strictly in the center so that the edges of the squares remain unglued. Then the magnet will turn out fluffy and voluminous. Try to glue the squares as tightly as possible to each other. Then the craft looks more neat.

All that remains is to attach a small magnet to the back of the craft using a glue gun or Moment glue. However, you can do without glue altogether by using plasticine to attach it.

Box in the shape of a heart

DIY crafts for Valentine's Day with children can be made from various materials. One of the original types of crafts for the holiday is a box. You can make it together with your child and use it as a gift box. For example, dad will prepare a piece of jewelry for mom as a gift, and together with the child, make a box for it. Any woman will like this gift.

Materials and tools:

  • Sheet of cardboard.
  • Double-sided colored paper.
  • Knitting.
  • PVA glue.
  • Needle.
  • Scissors.
  • Toothpicks.
  • Small colored hearts that you can buy or cut out.
  • Rhinestones, borders, beads and other decorative elements.

You need to cut out three hearts of the same size from brightly colored colored paper and cardboard. To make them neat, you can download and print the template.

Then you need to carefully cover the cardboard heart on both sides with colored paper. We insert toothpicks into the cardboard along the perimeter at a distance of several millimeters from each other. Additionally, we wet the edge of the toothpick in glue so that the structure holds tightly.

Moves on to the most responsible and important part of making the box - weaving the base. For this you will need knitting threads. We fasten the thread to one of the toothpicks and braid them using the technique one at a time. The thread should hold tightly enough, but so that the toothpicks do not move, otherwise the craft will lose its shape.

The result is a neat heart-shaped basket that needs to be decorated with a colored border. To make a box out of it, you will need to make a lid.

To do this, you need to cut out another cardboard and two hearts from colored paper. Cover the cardboard heart with colored ones. The size of the lid should be slightly larger than the basket so that the box closes.

Let's move on to decorating the box. To do this, you need to glue ready-made small hearts to the lid or cut them out of colored paper in a contrasting color. You can also use sparkles, beads, beads and rhinestones for decoration. A needle is used to attach the lid. It needs to be inserted into the border of the basket and attached to the lid itself. Such children's crafts for February 14th are a great gift for your beloved mother.

Original valentine

One of the most popular Valentine's Day crafts is the Valentine card. It can be created on the basis of various materials and using a variety of techniques. We present to your attention an original Valentine's card, decorated with threads stretched onto a cardboard base. You can use any color combination, such as red and white, pink and white, or red and gold. If you do the work carefully, such a Valentine card will become not only a pleasant gift, but also a real home decoration for the holiday.

Materials and tools:

  • Cardboard white and red.
  • Golden colored paper.
  • Gold thread.
  • A shaped hole punch that can be used to make holes in the shape of small hearts.
  • Pencil.
  • Tracing paper.
  • Scotch.
  • Glue.
  • Self-adhesive soft plastic.
  • Cutting mat.
  • Stationery knife.

First, print out the heart template and transfer it to red cardboard. You can also draw it yourself. Place the heart on a thick cutting mat and make small triangular slits. It is most convenient to use a stationery knife. It is recommended to first mark the place where the cuts need to be made with a pencil.

Attach the edge of the thread to the back of the heart using tape. Then wind the thread, starting from the second slot from the center to the right. This is the starting point. Then you need to count 11 slits and thread the thread into the 12th. Then thread it through the second slot, then into the thirteenth. Continue winding in this pattern until you reach the second slot to the left of center.

Thus, a circle is formed in the center of the heart. To fill it, you need to wind the thread from above to the slots below. To do this, you need to skip 11 slits, insert a thread into the 12th, and return to the recess from above. After this, thread the thread into the 13th. Use this method until the other half is completely wrapped. The end of the thread should be secured to the back of the heart with tape.

Mark two triangles on red cardboard that will be the same size as the corners of the postcard. Trace them on gold paper. Cut out triangles from this paper that are slightly smaller than the cardboard ones.

Using a figured hole punch, punch three hearts in the red triangles. Then glue a triangle of golden paper to the red triangle.

The hearts obtained after using a figured hole punch must be glued to two opposite corners of the postcard. To do this, it is best to use a glue stick, which holds well and does not leave marks.

All that remains is to glue the self-adhesive soft plastic to the back of the heart with threads, and glue it to the center of the title page of the card. Inside you can write warm words of wishes.

We showed you what to do with children for Valentine's Day. Crafts should be selected depending on age and ability to work with certain materials and tools.

Don't know what to surprise your other half on Valentine's Day? A selection of the best gift ideas for February 14 will help you cope with this difficult task.

On Valentine's Day, even the most skeptical, pedantic and practical people show unprecedented romance.

On this day, the main thing is not the gift, but the feelings expressed in small, warm souvenirs and wishes.

What gift should you give by February 14th for Valentine's Day?

Handmade gifts, made with love and respect for your significant other, are original and unusual in themselves. When choosing a gift for February 14, you need to focus on the preferences of the loved one for whom it is intended.

DIY valentine and postcard ideas for Valentine's Day

The classic version of congratulations is a Valentine's card, which can be given not only to your significant other, but also to express love and recognition to relatives, friends, and colleagues. The design of a small postcard can be very different.

  • cut-out heart of different sizes, decorated with curling, lace, sparkles

  • volumetric valentine from felt, felt and wool

  • garland from cut out hearts, flowers or photographs of lovers

  • postcard love and romantic theme

Video: Valentine on Valentine's Day. Master Class

Sweet valentines and their decoration with your own hands

Another classic gift for Valentine's Day is sweets. Chocolates, cookies, cupcakes and other goodies, decorated in beautiful bouquets or boxes, will be a pleasant surprise for both women and men.

Exquisite bouquet of sweet roses, created with his own hands from crepe paper, round chocolates and golden foil, will please even the most attention-spoiled queen.

To recreate a sweet masterpiece, you will need:

  • crepe paper pink (or red) and green
  • gold foil
  • thin wire (or wooden sticks)
  • scissors
  • round shaped candies
  • fantasy and desire to surprise your soulmate.

  • depending on the planned number of flowers, prepare blanks from crepe paper for decorating rose buds and forming a stem

  • tie the candies with foil, leaving a small tail for attaching the petals

  • form a bud from two prepared petals from pink (red) crepe paper, securing it with a thread

  • Using glue, fix the green crepe paper blanks in the form of sepals

  • adding a leg to the created bud in the form of a wire or wooden stick, wrap it with green paper

Video: Bouquet of candies “Raffaello”

More practical, but no less original sweet bouquet design option, can be useful for creating a gift for a man, friend or work colleague.

Your lover's favorite chocolate can be decorated as a valenine, creating a creative packaging for a sweet gift.

Or place treats in decorative box, having originally decorated it on the outside.

Gingerbread cookies or gingerbread cookies in the shape of a heart, baked by the caring hands of your beloved, can become the best declaration of love.

Video: Sugar hearts are the best gift for loved ones

Souvenirs with a love meaning

To hint about your sympathy or dispel your other half’s doubts about the sincerity of your feelings, you can give a small souvenir. It could be a pendant, keychain, hairpin, earrings in the shape of a heart or a key to it.

Video: DIY gift for a man on February 14 and 23

Unusual, original and cool gifts for Valentine's Day: photos

Despite the fact that traditions for celebrating and congratulating Valentine’s Day have already been formed, you can move a little away from the classics and spend the holiday with your other half in an original way.

Any Valentine's Day paraphernalia that you can make yourself will be appropriate in interior decoration: candles, balloons, small thematic panels, garlands of hearts and photos.

Video: Three unusual gifts for Valentine's Day

An original and practical bouquet of underwear and socks for Valentine's Day: photo

People who have known each other for more than a year will definitely like the idea of ​​a personal and quite practical bouquet. Your beloved girl will be crazy about a bouquet of lace panties.

Gift certificate, lottery ticket or wish fulfillment for Valentine's Day

This is an original and unusual gift for people in love who have been together for a long time. These comic documents can be formatted in different ways. If you don’t have enough free time, you can use ready-made templates by printing available blanks on a color printer or in a photo studio.

For those who want to please their soulmate with a hand-made masterpiece, lottery tickets can be decorated as full-fledged valentines and hung as a garland in the room.

The idea of ​​the gift is not only to predict the wishes of a loved one, but also to fulfill them upon request. Make your wish list carefully, because you will have to fulfill them.

The essence of a romantic puzzle card is the presentation of a gift. You need to send parts of the valentine one by one by mail or courier (you can ask a friend or acquaintance). Your loved one should receive 1 valentine puzzle every 3-5 minutes, recreating a complete card.

Photo album for loved ones “Beautiful moments of our lives”

With joint photographs of lovers, you can stylishly and originally decorate the interior of your home or make a beautiful photo album.

A gift is very important, but it's not all you need to give your significant other on Valentine's Day. Take advantage of the advice of our experts and arrange a bright and unforgettable holiday of loving hearts!

February 14 is perhaps the only holiday of the year when it is not enough just to give a gift and say a few beautiful words. We suggest you work on the surroundings and prepare a real romantic surprise for your other half.


A classic of romantic surprises - breakfast in bed. It’s wonderful when February 14 falls on a day off, and breakfast can be extended until lunch if desired, but even an express option on a working day will cheer you both up.

Make heart-shaped scrambled eggs, pancakes, or toast using a frying pan or heart-shaped pan. If you don’t know how to cook, just put the berries in heart-shaped bowls, brew coffee and serve croissants. Don't forget about flowers: they can be presented in a small vase or glass. Another, no less romantic option is to place the petals on a breakfast tray.

Stock up on the necessary supplies in advance: you will need molds, frying pans, plates and mugs with hearts and, of course, tables for breakfast in bed.

Love story

Preparing this romantic surprise will take you a couple of evenings. You will need photos of you together (the more of them, the better), a video editing program (for example, Movie Maker, Sony Vegas, Adobe Premiere; any other will do), the website (there you will find video tutorials on how to make a video from the photo) and a little perseverance.

Select the best shots and create a beautiful story from them using suitable effects, transitions and elements that video editing programs offer. For inspiration, watch a few videos from the Internet. And, of course, don’t forget to insert your favorite lyrical composition into the film.

Invite your significant other to the traditional viewing of the series, sit back, take a bottle of champagne with a couple of glasses and “accidentally” turn on your movie with a love story - an evening filled with pleasant memories, tenderness and romance is guaranteed to you!

This next idea doesn't require any video editing skills. You can make an original gift for your loved one with your own hands.

Romance in the interior

The easiest way to surprise your loved one is to decorate your home in the spirit of Valentine's Day. However, if your imagination runs wild, this method may not be so simple. We offer you several ready-made ideas that will help create a romantic atmosphere in your home.

Doors and walls can be decorated with heart wreaths.

This chic wreath can be made from scraps of red or pink. Here you will find a detailed one. Using this pattern, you can make several hearts that are completely different from each other from scraps of different shades and textures.

There is also a more sophisticated option - such a heart can be made from thin paper (for example, papyrus) or from colored tracing paper. In this case, you will have to work hard on each element separately: first you need to make pom-poms from paper, and then connect them together in a special way to make a heart. You can read more about this option in our master class.

A lot of colored paper and a heart-shaped hole punch will help you make a rain of hearts - romance will literally be in the air.

And, of course, garlands! How can we live without them? In our section you will find 6 different ideas for making garlands with hearts - from the simplest to those that will require some work. In addition to garlands, there are several other interesting options - pillows embroidered with hearts, kitchen towels with prints in the shape of hearts and many other romantic things.

For those who don’t have time for handicrafts and creating a romantic atmosphere with handmade items, we also have several options. For example, new bed linen with hearts, beautiful flowers, or simply the appropriate color - red or pink - will help to “revive” the interior of your bedroom on Valentine’s Day. Place flowers in vases or ready-made flower arrangements, heart-shaped candles (it is better to use aromatic ones with your favorite scents) everywhere - and a festive atmosphere is guaranteed. Another great option to “fill” the entire apartment with hearts is helium balloons. They look truly festive, and some specimens can fly in the air for up to two weeks.

And again... first date?

This may not be a total surprise - this idea will require preparation from both of you, but it will be worth it. The point is to recreate your first date with emotional precision.

Book a table in the same restaurant, try to choose similar clothes, buy a similar bouquet, walk the same route, try to remember the dialogues, your shyness and embarrassment, trepidation and some awkwardness. All this will be truly sweet and touching, you will be able to again feel the spark that lit the flame of love in you (especially if you are an experienced couple, and this flame is no longer as flaming as it was a few years ago).

Tender Confessions

How often do we tell our loved one about love in everyday life, that he is dear to us and how much we appreciate him? Unfortunately, over the years, less and less. Let's fix this, February 14th is a great occasion! Write your significant other a real love letter, even if it is a whole letter (only on paper, not electronic)! You can put it in the mailbox or in a folder with documents, or leave it on the table next to the prepared breakfast. If the letter is read at a time when you are not around, when you meet, you are guaranteed sparkling eyes, a sea of ​​tenderness, hugs and kisses.

Instead of one big letter, you can place small notes in different places with separate phrases “I love you because you...”, the more reasons for love you come up with, the more pleasant it will be for your beloved or loved one.

Notes can be written on the bathroom mirror, on sticky notes attached to the refrigerator, you can put a photo of you and a note in your hands on his computer desktop, put valentines in clothing pockets, in a wallet, on a car seat, and so on. You can write notes with declarations of love in different languages ​​of the world, draw hearts, leave traces of kisses using lipstick.

Spa night

This type of romantic home gatherings, very popular in the West, is almost unknown in our country, although the idea seems quite interesting. A girl can independently organize such a surprise for her beloved. On the contrary, it is unlikely, and now you will understand why.

In order to thoroughly prepare for a spa night, you need to have a good understanding of what a spa is and understand salon procedures, which, you see, not every man can boast of. This means that this time he relaxes, and you are required to properly organize and implement everything. Who knows, maybe next time he will finally agree to go to the salon for treatments with you.

Prepare scented candles or incense, turn on pleasant music, try to create a relaxing environment at home: you can make paths from flower petals leading from the bath to the areas you have designated for treatments. Your spa evening for your loved one can begin with a relaxing bath (use bath bombs, aromatic oils, body scrubs, make herbal tea). You can take a bath together, or you can leave your loved one to relax, and go prepare the following procedures yourself (this could be a manicure, pedicure, all kinds of masks and wraps, which can be done at home).

You can finish the treatment with a relaxing massage. Be prepared for the fact that after all this, your significant other will fall asleep in the sound and restful sleep of a baby.

If you like the idea of ​​a spa, but you are not ready for the difficulties of organizing the process, choose ready-made options.

Sweet love

What would Valentine's Day be without sweets? When it comes to cooking something, we, again, turn primarily to girls, since traditionally they are the ones who cope better with culinary wisdom. Although in the next paragraph we came up with something for men too.

So, to make your favorite cake or pie look more festive on February 14, you can give it a heart shape using the following scheme: bake one part (for example, a sponge cake) in the shape of a square, and make the other, traditional, round. Then cut the circle in half and attach it to two adjacent sides of the square sponge cake. And then everything is as usual - cream, decorations.

Attention: for men only!

We thought that we should not underestimate the abilities of men - after all, there are simple recipes suitable even for representatives of the stronger sex who are not prepared for the kitchen. Here is a video recipe that men simply must cope with. So, get into the kitchen, and while your loved one is not at home, create your first culinary masterpiece, using this video as a guide.

Even in such an everyday place as a kitchen, you can create a romantic atmosphere: dim the lights, pour wine into glasses, hug while cutting vegetables, spoon feed each other, reward your loved one with kisses for successful culinary discoveries.

Decorate your dish as beautifully as they do in a restaurant, place it in the best dishes and cover... the floor! Yes, yes, exactly the floor, only not in the kitchen, but in the living room or bedroom. Have a picnic right on the floor: cover it with a blanket, throw pillows, light candles, turn on lyrical music. Enjoy communication and delicious food. And when dinner is finished, you can play a little.

For joint cooking you will need original aprons

Games for lovers

There are many ready-made scenarios for games on Valentine's Day (of course, you can modify them and make adjustments by coming up with something of your own). You can start playing even a few days before the holiday. Agree to accumulate kisses: your partner kisses your partner when he hears the word “love”, and she kisses him when she hears the word “chocolate”; say these words casually in a variety of situations. At “hour X” you can compare the number of “correct” kisses and choose a winner who receives a massage (another option is for the loser to perform an erotic dance).

You can arrange a real quest to find a gift or ask your partner to guess what awaits him as a gift, offering minor clues in the form of notes placed in the most unexpected places. Write out certificates to your loved one for kisses, hugs, stroking, erotic massages or any other actions that please your partner - he can use this gift at any time during the year (or all at once in one evening).

Another game: draw kisses on each other’s bodies with lipstick or confectionery paints (you can use chocolate, jam, cream) and take turns kissing each mark on your partner’s body.

If you decide to watch a movie this evening, make the viewing more exciting. Agree that when the actors in the film perform any action (for example, when the characters in the movie eat, laugh, dress, shoot, or drive a car), you will kiss.

We hope these ideas help make your Valentine's Day unforgettable!