Statistics of admissions to higher military schools. How to enter a military school

Military schools have always stood apart from other educational institutions. Getting into such an educational institution is not easy. Admission to such a school is associated with a number of mandatory conditions and requirements for the applicant - exams, physical and psychological tests, standards.

Types of military schools of the Russian Federation

Currently in Russia there are two types of professional military education - basic and higher. The first category includes:

  • cadet school;
  • Suvorov School;
  • Nakhimov School.

Male citizens under 18 years of age are admitted to cadet, Suvorov and Nakhimov schools.

The duration of study at the school is from 2 to 4 years.

The second type of professional military educational institutions includes:

  • Higher Command School;
  • academies;
  • institutes.

The duration of study at a higher military school is from 2 to 3 years.

Each of these types of educational institutions has its own profile specifics and professional orientation:

  • marine;
  • ground forces;
  • missile forces;
  • airborne troops;
  • railway troops;
  • Cossack;
  • military-technical;
  • military music;
  • military justice.

The main feature of such educational institutions is the combination of theory and practice in the learning process. Such a universal system of mastering the military craft allows one to master the art of war to perfection and train elite command staff of the country's armed forces.

Requirements for candidates

Before enrolling, you need to familiarize yourself with the selection rules existing at the educational institution. And they are diametrically different from the requirements of other educational institutions for their applicants. Thus, the recruitment of applicants for admission to a military school after the 11th grade is carried out by the draft commissions of local military registration and enlistment offices among civilians without military service experience. In this case, cadet candidates are subject to a preliminary attribution of their suitability for training in a military school.

Among the main requirements:

  • citizenship of the Russian Federation,
  • age and level of education,
  • health status,
  • level of physical fitness,
  • professional suitability based on the results of psychological and physiological testing.

Admission to a military school after the 9th grade is made only with the written consent of the parents upon submission of a special package of documents to the admissions committee of the educational institution. In addition, the little applicant is required to pass entrance exams and withstand physical tests in the form of summer training camps.

Upon successful completion of all stages of selection, a group of applicants led by an educational officer is placed on the territory of the military school to continue the entrance campaign. Here, applicants live in barracks conditions. If internal regulations and discipline are violated, the applicant may be disqualified.

Documents for admission

What else is needed for admission, besides confidence and a strong desire to become an officer? First of all, this is a package of special documents:

  1. An application addressed to the director of the educational institution indicating the full name, date of birth of the applicant, address at the place of registration, the name of the commissariat and its postal code, information about the citizenship and level of education of the applicant, identification details, personal contacts and the name of the specialty for which the applicant is applying.
  2. Autobiography and characteristics from the place of study or work.
  3. Certificate of education or certificate of the student's current academic performance.
  4. A photocopy of the birth certificate, diploma, passport and documents confirming the special rights of candidates upon enrollment in the school.
  5. Three photo cards 4.5x6.

This entire host of documents is formed into the applicant’s personal file.


The next stage of admission is examinations for admission to a military school and testing of knowledge of the general education program.

To enter a military school after 9th grade, you must pass entrance exams in Russian language and mathematics.

For applicants who have completed 11th grade, it is necessary to pass the Unified State Exam in the following subjects:

  1. Mathematics.
  2. Russian language.
  3. Physics.

What exams must be taken when enrolling in the military?additionally, it is necessary to check with each educational institution separately. Depending on the profile of the school, they will be different.


The third and final step of the admissions campaign is passing the mandatory physical fitness tests. There are two options here:

  1. Passing an exam based on the results of excellent grades in physical education and certificates of victories in sports competitions.
  2. Performing examination exercises in physical education.

In the second case, the standards for admission to a military school are passed strictly according to the physical standards of the Ministry of Health and only after examination by a medical commission.

In the physics program training includes:

  • 1000 m cross;
  • 100 m and 3 km run;
  • swim 50-100 m;
  • pull-ups on the bar (from 11 to 17 times).

There is only one attempt for each task without the right to retake it. Exceptions can only be made in unforeseen cases - falling off the crossbar, falling, etc.


With fairly high competition, many applicants are interested in the question: how to enroll in the military without a competition? In this case, the legislation of the Russian Federation provides for a whole system of benefits and privileges:

  • children without guardianship and orphans;
  • children who graduated from a secondary educational institution with honors or a medal;
  • graduates of preparatory courses at military schools and universities based on the results of final exams;
  • persons who have completed the first year of a civilian university in a specialized specialty at a military school;
  • graduates of other military schools and boarding schools with basic flight training;
  • persons under 20 years of age, whose one of the parents is a disabled person of group I;
  • participants in hostilities.

Thus, the military school is a good preparatory school for the younger generation to study military affairs. However, this is just a base that provides primary knowledge and skills for entering universities.

The procedure for entering a military school is very complicated. Before you go to your place of study, you need to go to the military registration and enlistment office together with your parents. Why with your parents, if deep down you already feel like an adult, a real military man? The fact is that in the history of the educational institution there could be periods when almost completely small children were admitted there - this has been the case since then. And the management does not consider it necessary to abandon the idea of ​​agreeing with your parents not only on the issue of your admission to a military school, but also on the issue of your further compulsory education at a military university! And all this is not just in conversation, but in a special report that parents must write. The position “now you will go to Suvorov, and then we’ll see” is unacceptable.

At least in the year preceding admission, or better yet even earlier, try to study well and not spoil relations with either the class teacher or the school principal, since you will be asked for a report card with grades for the last year of schooling and a reference from the school with signatures and official seal . In this case, you need to indicate what language you studied at school, and do you know why? French, which is quite common in Russian schools, can become an obstacle to admission! For example, only those who studied English are accepted into naval secondary schools, and those who studied English or German at school are accepted into the military music school.

When deciding to enroll in a military school, the most important question is health. You need to undergo a detailed medical examination. The most unusual examinations may be required - from x-rays of the paranasal sinuses with a description and photographs to 100% sanitation of the oral cavity with the subsequent issuance of a certificate about this. For a complete list of required documents, look at two websites - the military educational institution you want to enroll in, and the military educational institution closest to you (it is possible that the military command will reconsider your choice based on geographical principles). It happens that this list contains everything mixed up - medical certificates, anthropometric data of the candidate (from height to shoe and headgear size), photographs with a place for a seal in the lower right corner, a certificate from the parents’ place of residence indicating family composition and living conditions, documents about possible benefits and much more. In general, there are enough benefits here - and at the same time, even more documents are required from orphans (they are taken without exams) - almost a court decision to establish guardianship. Mothers of children of deceased military personnel (such children have preferential right of enrollment) must also devote a lot of time to preparing the necessary papers.

Based on the mass of submitted documents, the admissions committee will decide whether to admit you to the entrance examination. And if the negative decision in this case is still subject to appeal, then the results of the tests themselves are no longer subject to appeal.

The competition for admission to a secondary military educational institution can be 4 people per place.

Admission campaign deadlines

Until June 20, the personal lists of candidates admitted to the entrance examinations are submitted by the school’s admissions committee to the central admissions committee.

Before July 1, the central admissions committee creates lists of names taking into account your place of residence (but regardless of which school you have chosen) and promptly sends them to the admissions committees of schools for competitive entrance tests (including the use of visiting committees) .

Until August 5, competitive lists of candidates are sent to the central selection committee, which compiles a single set of lists, which is approved by the Minister of Defense. Lists of enrolled candidates are posted on the Internet on the website of the Ministry of Defense. However, with the withdrawal of military schools from under the wing of the Ministry of Defense and their reassignment to the corresponding branches of the armed forces, such a decision will likely be made by the relevant commanders.

    To enter the military department, you must pass mathematics, the state language (in writing), and physical training (both compulsory and one might say specialized). For any additional disciplines or clarifications, you need to contact the institution itself for complete information.

    I have now gone to the official website of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation in the section We invite you to military universities, there is a list of military universities and schools, and the rules for admission to military universities are given.

    • Rules for admission to a military institute (combined arms institute), as well as to branches of the Military Educational and Scientific Center of the Ground Forces Combined Arms Academy of the Armed Forces. Russian forces. The Federation is required to pass the Unified State Exam in the following disciplines:

    Russian language, mathematics, social studies. Physical fitness testing is also carried out.

    • Rules for admission of applicants who plan to enter the Military University. Educational and Scientific Center of the Military and Air Forces Air Force Academy named after Professor Nikolai Egorovich Zhukovsky and Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin (location in the city of Voronezh) for training, cadets must pass the Unified State Exam:

    mathematics (major discipline), physics, Russian language.

    • Rules for admission of applicants to the Military Academy of Strategic Missile Forces. appointment named after Peter the Great, for admission you must take Unified State Examination in Russian language, mathematics (major subject upon admission), physics.
    • Rules for admission to the Military Space Academy named after Alexander Fedorovich Mozhaisky, you must pass the following exams: mathematics (profile exam), physics, Russian language.
    • Rules for admission to military applicants. Academy of Military Air Defense of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation named after Marshal of the Soviet Union Alexander Mikhailovich Vasilevsky must pass the Unified State Exam: mathematics (major subject), physics, Russian language.
    • Rules for admission to the Military Academy of Aerospace Defense named after Marshal of the Soviet Union Georgy Konstantinovich Zhukov, upon admission they ask for the results of the Unified State Exam in mathematics, physics (major subject), Russian language.
    • Rules for admission to the Mikhailovskaya military. academy (artillery) for training as cadets, upon admission you must present the results of the unified state exam in mathematics, Russian language.
    • Rules for admission to the military. Academy of Radiation and Chemistry and biological Defense named after Marshal of the Soviet Union S.K. Timoshenko, upon admission you must submit the results of the Unified State Examination mathematics, Russian language, chemistry (profile exam).
    • Rules for admission to the military. Academy of Logistics and Technical Support for training in higher and secondary vocational education programs named after Army General Andrei Vasilyevich Khrulev, it is necessary to present the results of the Unified State Exam in the following disciplines: Mathematics, Russian language, physics, social studies.
    • Rules for admission to the Tyumen Higher Military Engineering Command School (military institute of higher education) named after Marshal of the Engineering Troops Alexei Ivanovich Proshlyakov, upon admission, you must present a certificate of the results of the unified state exam in the disciplines: mathematics, physics, Russian language.
    • Rules for admission to the Cherepovets Higher Military Engineering School of Radio Electronics, must be passed for admission Unified State Exam in mathematics (this is a specialized subject), Russian language, physics.
    • Rules for admission to federal state budget military educational institution of higher professionalism. Education Military Medical Academy named after Sergei Mironovich Kirov applicants for training as cadets are required to pass exams in chemistry (major subject upon admission), biology and Russian language.
    • Rules for admission to the Military University of the Ministry of Defense. It is required to pass various disciplines depending on the faculty, including such disciplines as: Biology, mathematics, Russian language, social studies, history, literature, foreign language. You can find out more about the admission rules.
    • Rules for admission to the Federal. state budget military educator. institution Military Technical University of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation (higher educational institution), required to pass Unified State Examination in Russian language, mathematics (this is a specialized subject), and physics.

    Everywhere you need to pass minimum physical fitness standards; each university has its own; you need to look at the official websites or check with the admissions office.

    Many boys and men see their future in military affairs and want to serve their homeland. In order to have a high position, you must graduate from a military school.

    To enter, you will need to pass exams in subjects such as mathematics, Russian (the state language) and physical education in order to show not only your knowledge, your mentality, but your physical condition.

    Now there are websites of almost all educational institutions, so you can go to the school’s website and find out exactly what entrance tests you will need to pass.

    Entrance tests for admission to the Kazan Suvorov School:

    When my brother entered military school, he took subjects such as algebra, Russian and physical education, and in addition to this, he also had to take med. commission, in order to enter a military school you must not only pass exams well, but also have good health.

    First of all, you need to know that the requirements for admission to military educational institutions are very different from the requirements of other educational institutions.

    Of course, you need to pass exams well in the subjects. Please note that the applicant must also be a citizen of the Russian Federation, must have good physical fitness, undergo psychological testing and a medical examination.

    If you want to enter a military school after the ninth grade, then you must have written consent from your parents, as well as participation in summer training camps.

    As for exams, after the ninth grade they take entrance exams in mathematics and the Russian language.

    If you enroll after the eleventh grade, then the Unified State Examination results in mathematics, Russian language and physics are accepted.

    My nephew recently entered a military school, so I can say for sure that in order to enter the school it is necessary to pass:

    1) mathematics;

    2) Russian language;

    3) physical education.

    Plus, you definitely need to go to a medical examination. It's very strict with this. If there is something wrong with your health, then even excellent exam results will not help.

    But along with this, you also need to check directly with the school about the subjects, because depending on the specialization, you may need to take something else.

    Having looked through the information about the Kiev Suvorov Military School, which today is called the Kiev Military Lyceum named after Ivan Bogun, I can say the following:

    • are admitted to school after 9th grade;
    • The school conducts special entrance tests:
    • a certificate competition is being held for UTSKO (Ukrainian Center for Educational Quality Assessment) in the following subjects:
  • Standard subjects such as mathematics and Russian (or Ukrainian depending on what country you live in). Well, you should not forget about physical training, as far as I know this is a hundred-meter run and a kilometer. Naturally, it is advisable to run as quickly as possible. There are also pull-ups on the horizontal bar.

    To enroll in a military school, you must be a citizen of the Russian Federation, no later than March, contact the desired school and write there an application about your desire to enroll. You will have to take the following subjects: mathematics, Russian language and physical training. Ideally, a young man should be a hereditary military man.

    To enter a military school, such subjects as the Russian language, mathematics and physical training will be enough. For universities, the requirements are different, depending on the specialization (tactical reconnaissance, military law faculty, military medicine, engineering specialties, etc.) you may need information. languages, physics, chemistry, biology. For each specialty you need to check with the university department separately.

    Throughout the long history of human civilization, a military career, surrounded by a certain aura of mystery and romance, was considered one of the most prestigious and most suitable occupations for real men.

    Regardless of the chosen specialty, in order to enroll in a military school in Ukraine, you need to pass an external examination in three subjects: Ukrainian language and literature, history of Ukraine, and most often, a foreign language (some educational institutions replace it with mathematics or geography).

    In addition, the first baptism of fire for applicants will be a meeting with a very tough and demanding medical commission, and at the university, after graduating from the External Economic Examination, they must also show their physical fitness. Unfortunately, I can say first-hand that exam results are secondary - the main thing is to pass; and upon admission, preference will be given not to intelligence, but to strength, i.e. stupid, but athletically built applicants who have shown perseverance and endurance during physical training. tests, becoming a cadet is incomparably easier than for smart, but averagely physically fit guys.

    By the way, it’s probably worth recalling that, as in the previous year, 2015, for admission to universities, the Ministry of Education of Ukraine allowed the acceptance of EPE certificates, exclusively for the current year 2016!

    All that remains is to wish success to all the young men and women who wish to devote their lives to the complex, but honorable and noble military profession.


How to enter a military school?


In the Russian Federation there are the following higher military educational institutions: military academy, military university and military institute (clause 5 of the Model Regulations, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of January 31, 2009 N 82).

Step 1. Study the requirements for candidates.

Now in the Russian Federation there are a large number of military schools, each of them has its own conditions and regulations for admission. However, they have the same general requirements for candidates (clause 62 of the Instructions, approved by Order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation dated April 24, 2010 N 100):

Citizenship of the Russian Federation;

A state-issued document confirming secondary (complete) general, secondary vocational education or a diploma of primary vocational education, if it contains a record of receiving secondary (complete) general education;

Age. Higher military educational institutions admit citizens aged 16 to 22 years who have not completed military service, and citizens under 24 years of age who have completed or are undergoing military service. If military service is based on a contract, then you can enroll in a military school until you are 25 years old. Universities accept citizens until they reach the age of 30 to study in programs with secondary military-special training;

Availability of special skills. For example, candidates entering the Military Institute of Physical Culture must have sports titles or sports ranks of at least second in one of the sports (clause 63 of the Instructions).

Please note that citizens who have been convicted and sentenced, as well as citizens who are under investigation (preliminary investigation), and citizens whose criminal case has been transferred to court are not allowed to apply. You also cannot enroll in a military school if you have an unexpunged or outstanding conviction for committing a crime, have served a sentence of imprisonment, or are deprived of the right to hold military positions by a court decision (clause 62 of the Instructions).

Step 2. Prepare documents for admission.

The exact set of documents for admission depends on the chosen educational institution and is indicated in the regulations on the admission procedure. Most often it contains the following documents (clause 67 of the Instructions):

Personal statement of the candidate in the approved form. The surname, first name, patronymic, date of birth, address of the candidate’s place of residence, name of the military educational institution, level of professional education, specialty in which he wishes to study are indicated;

Photos of the candidate;

Copies of passport, birth certificate, military ID (if available);


Characteristics from the place of work, study or service;

Documents confirming the candidate’s right to benefits upon admission to a military school. For example, orphans and children left without parental care provide certified copies of the death certificate of their parents, a copy of the court or local government decision to establish guardianship (trusteeship); a certified copy of the guardian's (trustee's) certificate; a recommendation for admission from the commission on affairs of minors and the protection of their rights at the place of residence of the candidate and the guardianship and trusteeship authority of the subject of the Russian Federation from where the candidate arrived;

Military service card.

Additionally, you can attach other documents confirming the candidate’s achievements. These are, for example, copies of certificates, diplomas, certificates of merit, certificates, certificates of participation in various zonal, city, regional creative competitions, festivals, sports competitions and other documents characterizing the social, creative and sports achievements of the candidate.

Please note that in addition to academic success and language proficiency, recently the administration of educational institutions is very interested in the motivation of the candidate. Therefore, you need to be prepared to write a short essay in which you will need to prove that you are worthy of studying at a military school.

Step 3. Submit documents.

If you intend to enroll in a higher military educational institution, submit an application to the military commissariat of the district at your place of residence before April 20 of the year of admission. In this case, the military commissariat will consider you as a candidate for admission to the university of your choice, regardless of the number of candidates determined by the pre-selection plan.

If selection to a university is made after obtaining access to information constituting a state secret, you need to submit an application to the military commissariat of the district at your place of residence before April 1 of the year of admission (clause 65 of the Instructions).

If you are a military personnel, then before April 1 of the year of admission you must submit a report to the commander of the military unit, as well as documents according to the previously specified list (clause 66 of the Instructions).

Step 4. Complete the preliminary selection process.

Preliminary selection of candidates from among citizens who have not undergone military service, as well as those who have completed it, is carried out by the draft commissions of military commissariats of the districts until May 15. This selection includes checking the submitted documents, conducting a medical examination and professional psychological selection (clauses 70, 71 of the Instructions). For candidates entering universities, the selection for which is made after obtaining access to information constituting state secrets, before May 1 of the year of admission, access is issued in the appropriate form (clause 68 of the Instructions).

The decision to send candidates for professional selection is made by the draft commissions of districts, cities or other administrative-territorial entities and is documented in a protocol. Documents for these candidates are sent to universities before May 20 of the year the candidates are admitted (clause 70 of the Instructions).

Next, the selection committees of military educational institutions, based on the consideration of the candidates’ documents received, make a decision on their admission to professional selection. The decision is formalized in a protocol and communicated to candidates through the relevant military commissariats, Suvorov military schools or military units stationed outside the Russian Federation before June 20 of the year of admission to study, indicating the time and place of entrance examinations or reasons for refusal (clause 72 of the Instructions).

Preliminary selection for candidates from among military personnel ends with the formation commander making a decision to send the serviceman to a military educational institution to pass entrance tests. Military personnel pre-selected for admission to military educational institutions are sent to the appropriate educational institutions to undergo professional selection by June 1 (clause 71 of the Instructions). In schools, twenty-five-day training camps are held for them to prepare for entrance examinations (clause 73 of the Instructions).

Step 5. Go through professional selection.

The selection of candidates for admission to study at universities from among citizens who have and have not undergone military service and military personnel is carried out from July 1 to July 30 (clause 75 of the Instructions).

The candidate submits to the admissions committee of a military educational institution a passport, military ID or certificate of a citizen subject to conscription for military service, an original document on secondary education, as well as original documents giving the right to enroll in universities on preferential terms established by the legislation of the Russian Federation. These documents must be submitted upon arrival, but no later than 24 hours before the meeting of the admissions committee on the decision to enroll a citizen for study (clause 69 of the Instructions).

Professional selection of candidates includes (clause 74 of the Instructions):

Determining the suitability of candidates for admission to a university for health reasons;

Entrance tests, consisting of determining the category of professional suitability of candidates based on their socio-psychological study, psychological and psychophysiological examination and assessment of the candidates’ physical fitness.

Pay attention!

Hello again, dear blog reader friends!

As I wrote earlier, I am a former military man. Former, because this summer he voluntarily resigned from the ranks due to the end of his contract. Now I live in the town of my childhood, where everyone cares about everything, and therefore I am often asked: why did I leave the army, do I regret the years I wasted and do I regret my choice.

Why I left and how sorry I feel for myself, I already wrote. And in this article I want to answer the question about choice. You can also title it: “Where would I have entered 10 years ago if I knew everything that I know now.” It will also partially answer the question: “which military school should I go to?” and can become a good adviser to someone who has decided to become a military man, but does not know which university to choose.

My attitude towards Suvorov schools and cadet corps

If you, and most often your parents, decide to connect their/your lives with the army, your first thoughts will appear at school. And what? This is an ideal option for them. With a clear conscience, they will shift all their responsibility for their children to these pre-university institutions.

Just think: the children will be dressed, shod, fed and put to bed on time and at the expense of the state. Beauty! There are cadet corps that recruit students from the 5th (!) grade. That is, these children spend almost their entire adult life in the army system. Of course, not every city has a Suvorov school or a “cadet school,” but some parents are ready to send their children even far away, pay a bribe for admission, thinking that they made the right choice.

My opinion is this: a child should have a childhood. Sometimes some people are just drawn to adventure and are eager to get out of the house - please. But you shouldn’t push, let alone force, a child to make such a decision.

After all, if in the end his military life does not work out for him, you, the parents, will be to blame. Discipline is certainly good. And government support too. But there is only one life.

Where do I get these beliefs from?

I was not a cadet, I was not a Suvorov officer, but I communicated with them a lot. What struck me most was the 6-year-old cadet. He spent 6 years in the army, no matter what it was, by the time he graduated from school! What else could he have become? Naturally he joined the army.

Therefore, I repeat once again - do not experiment. If you are not the son of a hereditary military man and do not intend to serve your Motherland all your life, do not go to Suvorov, and parents do not push your children there. Perhaps you will take someone else's place. Someone who really needs it.

What they won't tell you about the service

Our wise state calculated everything very correctly. You graduate from college at the age of 22, you need to serve another 5 years. In total, the person is 27 years old and has 9 years and 11 months of service. According to the law, someone who has served for 10 years or more has the right to housing and a minimum pension in a number of cases, such as dismissal for organizational reasons, in case of illness, or for a number of other compelling reasons.

The military man reasons: “Yeah, a little more and I’ll get a “ten”, I’ll sign another contract, and then we’ll see.” And in general, this “ten” in the army is just a fix idea, Rubicon. Although it does not provide any special advantages. The next minimum contract is 3 years.

Total by the end: you are already 30 years old, you have served for 13 years. There are 7 years left until a guaranteed pension and apartment. Plus, you’ve already become lazy, you don’t know how to do anything except the ability to perfectly pretend that you’re working (although when the pressure comes you’re very efficient). So what next? Right! After this, a new contract is signed, and this time most likely for 10 years.

And what? I want to serve, most of my term is behind me, why do I have to fill out the paperwork five times? Another 10 years pass, you are 40. 23 years of service, until the age limit of 5 years, after which one hundred percent is in reserve. How lucky! One more contract for a well-deserved retirement. At this time, the children (who have them) are already big, and he himself is relatively young. In my life I have only seen garrisons and training grounds, but everything is there! He didn’t live in vain!

Only now I saw these 45-year-old men! I thought they were under 60. Honestly. Officers are all right, if you don’t abuse them too much. But ordinary contract workers give up their health completely. Even drivers have at least hemorrhoids and intervertebral hernia. Minimum. Obesity, varying degrees of alcoholism and much, much more.

I saw it! With my own eyes. But did anyone tell me about this at the military registration and enlistment office back in school, on January 11, 2003, when I went to enlistment? Do you who have decided to become military know this? This is not a freebie! This is not an eternal parade of white shirts and gold shoulder straps.

During the 5 years of my service, I wore my dress uniform about 5 times! Three times for the parade on May 9, when he was not in uniform, once on the day of the unit and once at the officers’ meeting in honor of the arrival of young recruits. Has anyone told you this?

This part of the article will be of interest to those who have decided to enroll in a military school, but do not know which one. In principle, such a question cannot arise among hereditary army men.

Not a single tanker in his memory would send his son to become a signalman. The children of air defense officers will most likely become air defense officers.

Not a single paratrooper would want to see his son as a medic or logistics officer, and this is understandable.

What should mere mortals do? Is it realistic to get into the ranks and what direction to choose.

It’s all very simple: since you’ve decided to become a military man, are ready to enroll in an army university, have health checks and are not registered with a psychiatrist – go for it. Just take an interest in the civilian specialties that this or that school offers. After all, on the day of graduation you will be given not only an officer’s shoulder straps, but also a certain state-issued document with which you will go through life.

Let me give you a few examples

Naturally, I’ll start with myself. My peaceful profession is an engineer with a specialty in Radio Engineering. It doesn't look like a profession. But just in appearance. Depending on the degree of academic performance, some knowledge settles (or does not settle) in the head. Only now they are preparing you for the army. Serve. Command and obey. Who wants smart subordinates? Is it easier to manage the smart one or the not so smart one?

Hence my observation to you: no one needs your knowledge! In the army, the ability to drink liters of vodka without consequences for the body is valued much higher than engineering knowledge. Yes, you will be asked for knowledge of the material part of the weapon, but these are different matters. That's not it.

So it turns out that a person who has gone through the “hard path from sperm to lieutenant colonel” (most often this is the ceiling) at the end of his life leaves the army without a single knowledge useful for peaceful life. And where then (at 45-50 years old, full of ambition, yesterday’s big boss?) - right into security. If friends and colleagues who managed (or thought of) leaving earlier don’t pull them into some more decent business.

Radio engineering is a very promising and interesting field, but by civilian standards it is not monetary. It’s difficult to get settled; you need to know a lot.

And you need to have the ability to do this. I have a friend who is now advancing science at the research institute of our university. He is a talent. It's talent. Plus perseverance. He studied better than me, but I’m definitely no dumber. The only big difference is that he liked all these pieces of hardware, but I didn’t really like it. Much less than him. That's all. If you like it, go become an engineer. Then I can recommend the Smolensk Military Academy of Military Air Defense or the Yaroslavl Anti-Aircraft Gun. I don't know exactly what it's called. There they will make you engineers if you want.

But this is my experience. Once I got into the army, after about three months I realized that I was in the wrong place.

Military topographer

From an army point of view, and from a life point of view, today I would go to study in St. Petersburg. For a military topographer. This is truly a real profession. After all, according to their civil diploma, they are surveyors. And in the army, my age-mate came straight to the position of major. I am a senior lieutenant, and he is a major. Simply because I graduated from the right university.

But even if you decide to part with the army, measuring the land with a theodolite is a very profitable and not dusty business. Several of my friends work in the land cadastre. Believe me, they live wonderfully. And that guy himself stayed in the service for less than a year. He quit his job, lives in Krasnodar and has already bought himself an apartment. (And so I would have waited 20 years).


The second or even the first coolest profession in the army is logistics. In Volsk there is the Volsk Military School of Logistics. They say it's very difficult to get there, but it's worth it. Do you want to deal with issues of clothing and food property? And if you're lucky, fuel and lubricants? Do you want it? And who doesn't want to? They have a peaceful profession, something to do with logistics, I don’t know for sure. Because these comrades sit quietly in their positions and are not going anywhere.


There are several universities in the army that train motorists. I had the option of enrolling in Ryazanskoe, but due to childish stupidity, I thought it was not cool. Well, either shoot down planes or some motorists... But in vain!

This is a very promising direction. Firstly, having all the categories for the right to drive vehicles is already a profession. You can always get a job as a driver. In the army, these people sit in the automobile service or in auto companies, write out and sign vouchers for cars, write off fuel and lubricants and are quietly silent about their affairs. You will always have a fleet of vehicles at your disposal with free labor in the form of soldiers and the necessary tools. At a minimum, always have a charged battery and a free car wash...

You know... For now this is enough, if this article finds a response from readers, I will definitely add a couple more sensible ideas to the list.

Nevertheless, what has already been written above is quite enough to give reasoned thought about choosing a profession. And choose a military university correctly, without unnecessary emotions, not based on the connections your parents have, not based on your place of residence - in the case of a military school, this is not important at all, but deliberately! With your head.

I still have something to say about the Mozhaisk Academy of East Kazakhstan region, physical education teachers and railway workers, but that will come later.

I look forward to your comments!

To be continued…

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203 comments on ““How not to and how to choose a military school for admission””

    Hello, please tell me about KVVAUL how to enroll there. My son is finishing school in 3 years. He studies just above average in physical education. Also, is there a chance of enrolling? He dreams of becoming a pilot since childhood

    Hello! Very informative article, thank you! My daughter is 7 years old and we have already clearly decided on our choice of profession. In the Airborne Forces and nowhere else. I am in shock and quiet horror. To be honest... almost everyone in our family on my husband’s side is military... I’ve seen enough... and so... well, okay, we’re going to Airborne Forces school this fall in parallel with general education. In principle, I was mentally prepared for such a turn of events, because my asshole has been attending all kinds of sports and competitions since the age of 3.5. Already 2 medals and certificates. But I wanted to ask if this school gives airborne training to children when entering a university? This year, 1 girl graduated with a bunch of medals and several jumps, it seems like 10 pieces. They passed exams, took the oath in the presence of the head of Kalmykia and the Ministry of Emergency Situations, and were awarded the blue. berets Is this some kind of step on the way to university or just a valuable gift? Thank you in advance for your answer.

    Hello everyone who will read this. Since childhood, I dreamed of becoming an officer, but the medical board rejected him twice (as a child, a horse hit his head with a hoof). I served 2 years as a conscript and again submitted a report for admission. It so happened that I, by chance, drove up to the district hospital in the commander’s car. I went through all the doctors, the neurologist again objects. I arrived at a meeting of the Military High Commission and then the chairman of the commission said, like, a young, handsome senior sergeant wants to become an officer, I think we should give him this opportunity. What I mean is that service in the Armed Forces should not be perceived as a business. Otherwise, it will be a burden and, as the author noted, you will get drunk. I graduated from the Higher Engineering Radio Engineering School of Air Defense, 26 years old, lieutenant engineer, two tiny twin children, a major position, a garrison in the forest, subordinate to officers older than me in age and rank, for a “snack” the Finnish border is 10 kilometers away. For the first two years I didn’t take off my field uniform, I only came home to sleep. When the kids saw it, they cried because... mistaken for someone else's guy. Then a long government business trip “over the hill”. Upon return, the border again. He graduated from the academy and returned to the headquarters of the border division. If someone likes it, then you can think about where to go. As a result, 32 years of total service. The pension is such that you can choose an occupation (work) to your liking. I worked for 12 years as a mechanic repairing measuring instruments in the metrology department of the Moscow Region, the salary is meager, with other advantages - you get pleasure from the work and close to home. I worked as an engineer, as a boss - I don’t like it. Conclusion. 1. Do not under any circumstances try to enroll in college if you are not ready for anything described above. 2. Be prepared to be injured in the service and to the fact that, after dismissal, the Defense Ministry will forget about you. 3. It is better to choose an educational profile that is easier to find a use for after dismissal.

    Hello, Admin! Tell me, my son graduated from ensign school and wants to study further to become an officer. What actions does he have to take: what, where and to whom should he write? He signs a contract this year, they said for 5 years (I mean after ensign school).

    I recommend the MTO Academy to all young people. I graduated two years ago, I have very warm memories of my cadet days! Excellent teachers and educational facilities, in addition to basic studies, here you can express yourself in scientific work, in sports competitions, and in creativity.

    why enroll in academies that rejected you 2?
    my son entered the MBAA in the city of St. Petersburg, although the contract ended, he entered and is happy, you can enter it until you are 27 years old, so I recommend this academy, you won’t find a better one, it’s not known in other academies that they collect money for what

    Hello! I have incomplete higher education. I am 22 years old. This fall I want to join the army for compulsory service. And also, in the fall I will turn 23 years old. Can I, after serving for six months, submit an application for admission to a military university? The fact is that next fall in October I will be 24 years old.

    Alexander, good evening, very interesting and informative blog. My son is finishing 11th grade this year and his dream is to become a military man, which we have been discouraging him from since 8th grade. But we can't do anything. He is an excellent student, a first-class boxer, and is studying physics and mathematics. Help him choose a military university where he could apply his knowledge in mathematics, computer science, physics and get a good specialty. When we contacted the military registration and enlistment office, we were told that no matter how excellent a student or athlete he was, he wouldn’t be able to get in without money. We really want our children's dreams to come true.

    Thank you, very useful site. Please tell me what you would do in our situation. My son's contract ends in March. Now he is 22 years old, (graduated in 2012) his military service is over and he has a 3-year contract. Participant in hostilities. I don’t mind continuing to serve, but I also don’t want to remain without an education. As I understand, next year is the last year when you can enter VVU (born July 27, 1994). Maybe there are already some preparatory courses at VVU? Thank you.

    Hello, I am finishing 11th grade. I want to enroll as a motorist at the Chelyabinsk Automotive School. After graduation, what will I work for and where? What are the prospects?

    Alexander, good afternoon! The son plans to enter a military university in St. Petersburg. I chose the Academy of Communications and the Mozhaisk Academy. Can you recommend the best place to go? Or some other promising options? Thanks in advance!

    Hello, what can you say about the Tyumen Higher Military Engineering Command School, my son will graduate from 11th grade in a year and wants to enroll there in the specialty “Use of controlled mining units and operation of radio-electronic engineering weapons” in accordance with Federal State Educational Standard VPO 210602 Special radio engineering systems,” and what can you say about this specialty?

    I read the article, thank you very much to the admin for the information. I'm in 11th grade and I'm thinking about where to go. Along with civilian universities, I also took note of the military. The paragraph with motorists was especially interesting. There doesn’t seem to be such a school in Ryazan, now it’s in Omsk if I’m not mistaken. I'd like to know more about him. After reading the comments above, the question also arose about the demands of the profession in civilian life? I’m from Kazan

    Hello, I found your site by accident and am reading it with great interest. My son is a second year student at NVVKU. Reading the articles and comments, I realized that he was going nowhere, but it was too late to change anything, especially since it was his choice (they never thought about a military career for their son).
    My question (although you wrote that you know nothing about this educational institution) is whether my son will receive a driver’s license. Thank you!

    Hello Alexander, I am currently graduating from the Kursk Railway Technical School as a helper/driver with honors. From the first years I had a desire to enter a military university, I considered the A.F. Mozhaisky Military Space Academy. According to rumors, I have heard a lot about the selection committee, the competition in general. I wanted to know how realistic it is to enroll without connections and money, or do you still need to have a wallet at any university? What's the competition now? What is the fate of graduates (is there any employment)?
    Where should you try to enroll in your specialty? I wouldn’t want to go to the St. Petersburg railway station.
    After graduation, they will most likely be drafted into the army (19 years old). I would like to join the railway troops, but from a conversation with the military commissar and his hints, I realized that this is problematic. What can I do?
    There are many questions, no one can really answer!
    Thank you in advance for your answer!