Tolstoy jump lesson with presentation. Presentation for a literary reading lesson by L. Tolstoy “Jump” presentation for a reading lesson (2nd grade) on the topic. III. Checking homework

Class: 3

Lesson objectives:

  • Familiarize students with Leo Tolstoy’s story “The Jump”
  • Develop emotional and aesthetic perception of the work
  • Develop children's creative abilities
  • Enrich vocabulary and promote speech development
  • Learn to perform project tasks
  • Learn to work in groups
  • Teach the ability to transform literary texts from the perspective of the hero

Educational materials:

A textbook on literary reading, a presentation for the lesson, an audio recording of Leo Tolstoy’s story “The Jump”, handouts for completing project tasks, handouts for reflection.

During the classes

I. Organizational moment.

II. Updating knowledge:

– What work did we work with in the last lesson? (With the story “Shark” by L.N. Tolstoy).

III. Checking homework:

  • – What was the homework assignment? (Retelling of this work).
  • – Today we will retell, continuing each other. To make our story more accurate, you can follow the text of the work.

    1. – What is the main idea that Leo Tolstoy wanted to say with this work? (Children sometimes do not feel danger and commit rash acts that can lead to big trouble. And adults love their children very much, worry about them and sometimes take great risks to help them out of trouble.)

    IV. Introduction to a new topic:

  • – Consider the sailboat for the story “Shark”. Now look at the sailboat on the slide. Slide 2. Such a ship used to serve as the main means of long-distance sea voyages. The deck of such a ship was made of wood as hard as stone; the masts rose 15-25 meters above the deck, i.e. had the height of a 5–8-story building. The masts had crossbars that supported the sails. There were many ropes and rope ladders stretched from crossbar to crossbar.
  • - Let's try to feel how hard it was for the sailors to raise the sails to the crossbars at the top of the masts. ( Fizminutka: children stand up and show with appropriate movements how they raise the sails up).
  • – Today we will get acquainted with a new work. This is Leo Tolstoy's story “The Jump”. Slide 3. The story takes place on a ship on the high seas. This work is also very instructive. Listen carefully and think about what the author wanted to tell us.
  • V. An audio recording of Leo Tolstoy’s story “The Jump” is played.

  • – Did you like the story?
  • Repeated reading of the work by strong students.
  • VI. Work on the content of the text:

    (If possible, quote answers from the text).

    - Where do you think there was a monkey on the ship? Slide 4.(The ship was returning from a trip around the world, and she was probably taken somewhere in hot countries.)

    – How to understand the expression “diverged even more”? (This means she writhed even more, jumped, etc.).

    – Why did the baby climb onto the mast of the ship? (The monkey tore his hat off his head, put it on and quickly climbed up the mast. And everyone began to laugh.)

    – How did the monkey behave? (She deftly climbed higher and higher.)

    – What did she do in the end?

    – How did the people on deck initially react to the boy’s pursuit of the monkey?

    – When did everyone freeze in fear? Why? Slide 5.

    – What made the boy come to his senses, look down and stagger?

    -Who came on deck at that moment? Slide 6. What did he have in his hands? For what?

    – What did the captain do when he saw and assessed the situation?

    -What did the boy do?

    - How did you save the boy?

    VII. Characteristics of heroes:

    “Did it happen by chance that the boy climbed to the very top of the mast, or did some of his character traits play a role here: heroism, courage, boasting, self-confidence, touchiness, pride, the desire to test himself or show off, to do everything his own way?” Slide 7.(Children's choice). Slide 8.

    -Who was to blame for the fact that the boy found himself in a dangerous situation?

    Slide 9. (Bring the children to the conclusion that the monkey is only a reason for conflict between the sailors and the boy. After all, he was the son of a captain, and his subordinates laughed at him.)

    – What feelings possessed the boy? (At first he didn’t know whether to laugh or cry, then he blushed, rushed after the monkey, he was filled with enthusiasm, he became very excited, then he came to his senses from the screaming and staggered.)

    – What can you say about the character of the captain, the boy’s father? (Strong, resourceful, decisive, a man of his word.)

    – Why do you think the captain cried? (He experienced too much shock. He was very afraid for his son.)

    VIII. Project work:

  • – Now you will split into groups. Each group will receive a card with a project task. After the discussion, we will hear your responses.
  • Children discuss answer options and choose a speaker.
  • IX. Lesson summary:

    – What is the main idea of ​​the story “The Jump”? What did the author want to tell them? Slide 10.

    – Are these two stories “Shark” and “Jump” similar? (The setting is similar - a ship on the water. They are similar in mood and experiences: at first everyone is in a good mood, then anxiety, excitement, fear, in the end there is relief, relaxation. In both works, the father saves his son, shows resourcefulness in tragic moments. When their children are on the verge of death, they are saved by strong fatherly feelings in their characters, courage, the ability to act and not get lost.

    X. Reflection:

    – Did you like today’s lesson?

    – Did you like the work you came across?

    – What did you take away from this work?

    – How many points did you get? Slide 11.

    XI. Homework: prepare an expressive reading of the story “Jump.”


    Task cards for groups:

    Tell us about what happened from the perspective of the sailor who was on deck as planned:

    • What did I see first and why was it funny?
    • What happened next and why did I feel scared?
    • What did my captain do?
    • What do I think about this?

    Tell us about what happened on behalf of the boy according to plan:

    • What happened and why was I offended?
    • What did I do and why didn't I think about the consequences?
    • When did I get scared?
    • Why did I jump into the water?
    • What do I think about this?

    Tell us about what happened on behalf of the captain according to the plan:

    • What did I see when I went on deck and why did I feel scared?
    • What did I do?
    • How did I feel while my son was underwater?
    • Why did I scream and run to my cabin?

    Reflection card:

    Evaluate your work in class (choose an answer, circle the required number of points, calculate the result)

    1. Did I listen and read the story carefully? Yes – 1 point. No – 0 points.
    2. Have I thought through the answers to the questions posed? Yes – 1 point. No – 0 points.
    3. Did I participate in project work? Yes – 1 point. No – 0 points.
    4. Did I draw the right conclusions after reading this work? Yes – 1 point. No – 0 points.
    5. Was I active in class? Yes – 1 point. No – 0 points.
    6. Total I earned: ______ point(s).

    Slide 2

    Tolstoy, Lev Nikolaevich - great writer of the 19th century - the golden age of Russian literature. Born on the Yasnaya Polyana estate in the Tula province on September 9, 1829, he died on November 20, 1910 at the age of 82. The count belonged to a noble, rich family. He was related to the princes Trubetskoy, Golitsyn and other aristocrats. On his mother's side he was related to A.S. Pushkin. In his youth, Tolstoy served in the Caucasus and took part in the heroic defense of Sevastopol. After retirement, he traveled extensively throughout Europe. A life full of events and impressions later helped the gifted wordsmith create true literary masterpieces.

    Slide 3

    The genre of the work is short story. Unlike a fairy tale - a fictional work of fiction, a story is a true story, a true story..

    Slide 4

    The heroes of Leo Tolstoy's story "The Jump" are sailors (people on deck), a boy, his father - the captain of the ship and a monkey.

    Slide 5

    Summary - On a calm, warm day, the sailors were bored on the deck of a ship returning from a voyage around the world. Suddenly, a nimble monkey took the hat from a 12-year-old boy - the captain's son - and began to climb the ship's mast with it. Enraged by the ridicule of the sailors, the boy rushed to take his hat from the monkey and, in pursuit of it, climbed to the very top of the tall mast. The sailors were afraid that the boy would fall from such a height and die. Nobody laughed anymore. Suddenly the captain came out of the cabin. Immediately realizing the seriousness of the situation, he shouted at his son: “Jump into the water or I’ll shoot you!” The boy jumped into the sea. The sailors rushed into the water and saved the boy.

    Slide 6

    Questions about the story: Where do the events take place? (On the ship) Where was the ship returning from? (From the circumnavigation of the world) How old was the boy? (12) Who was the boy's father? (Ship captain) Why did the boy rush after the monkey? (She took the hat from him. He tried to take it away.) The boy was not afraid of heights. He climbed higher and higher after the monkey, regardless of the danger. What was the reason for such reckless behavior? Why did capital cry after his son was saved?

    Slide 8

    Mast height - masts on ships that in the 19th century. could travel around the world, reaching a height of 25 m, i.e. 8-storey building. The decks were made of rock-hard wood.

    Slide 9

    Conclusions - the boy did not feel sorry for his hat at all. He felt uncomfortable because they were laughing at him. Trying to protect his dignity, he committed a rash act that almost cost him his life. You cannot give such importance to the ridicule of the crowd. You must have your own opinion and not succumb to momentary resentment. Parents love their children very much and always try to protect them from harm.

    Slide 10

    The climax is a place of special tension of events in the text.

    Slide 11

    The text consists of 3 parts: introduction - a description of the place where the events unfold; plot - the monkey takes the boy’s hat, everyone laughs, the boy is offended; climax - a boy, chasing a monkey, climbed to the very top of the mast. he is in mortal danger; denouement - the captain saves his son with decisive actions.

    Subject. L.N. Tolstoy "Jump"


      Continue your acquaintance with the works of L.N. Tolstoy.

      Reveal the psychological nature of the conflict in the story.

      Improve the ability to analyze the actions of literary characters and see their motives, develop the ability to highlight the main thing, reason, prove.

      Form fluent, conscious, expressive reading.

      Develop creative imagination, emotional responsiveness, oenrich vocabulary and promote speech development.

      Cultivate a sense of empathy and compassion, a sense of responsibility for one’s actions.

    Planned results:

    Subject: will continue to learn to read aloud consciously, without distortion, expressively, conveying their attitude to what they read; predict the content of the work; list the works of L. N. Tolstoy; understand the main meaning of what they read; find the necessary information in the work.


    Cognitive : analyze a literary text based on the teacher’s questions, identify the main idea of ​​the work, formulate it at the level of generalization in joint collective activity, characterize the behavior of the characters in the work;

    regulatory: formulate the topic of the lesson and educational objectives based on the analysis of the proposed tasks, read in accordance with the task, understand the meaning and purpose of positive attitudes towards successful work, evaluate their work in the lesson;

    communicative : understand the rules of working in a group (distribute responsibilities, agree on joint actions).

    Personal : evaluate the actions of the heroes of the work and their own under the guidance of the teacher, show interest in the works of L. N. Tolstoy.


    Textbook “Literary Reading”, author L.F. Klimanova, V.G. Goretsky

    Portrait of a writer, his books.

    Computer, projector (lesson presentation)

    Explanatory dictionary of S. I. Ozhegov.

    During the classes.

    I Organizational moment.

      Emotional mood.

    We are intelligent! We are friendly!

    We are attentive!

    We are diligent!

    We are great students.

    We will succeed!

      Motivation to learn.


    How do you understand the meaning of this expression?

    (Slide 3)

    The reader lives a thousand lives before he dies.

    A person who never reads experiences only one.

    Students .

    When a person reads, he experiences all the events and adventures together with the heroes of the work. The reader can travel with the characters. He can imagine himself in the place of the hero of the work, rejoice and be sad with him, and thus live his life.

    ІІ. Checking homework.


    What story did we witness in the previous lesson?

    Students :

    We got acquainted with the story of L.N. Tolstoy “Shark”.

      Vernissage of illustrations for the story by L. N. Tolstoy “Shark”. Students accompany their drawings with a retelling of the episodes of the story for which the work was completed.

      Students' retelling of L. N. Tolstoy's work "Shark".

    I ІІ .Updating basic knowledge. Determining the topic of the lesson.


    Knownedo you wantthe person depictedsth in the portrait?(Slide4)


    The portrait depicts Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy.


    Remember what you know about Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy?


    Leo Tolstoy is a famous Russian writer. Lived on the Yasnaya Polyana estate. He wrote for both adults and children. On his estate he opened a school for rural children and taught them himself. He wrote many instructive stories and fables for children, and compiled the ABC. Tolstoy traveled by sea and, based on his observations, wrote several stories.


    What works by L.N. Have you read Tolstoy?

    Students. L. N. Tolstoy wrote such stories as “Filippok”, “Two Comrades”, “Jackdaw and the Jug”, “Squirrel and Wolf”, “Shark”, “Kitten”, “Bone”, “Lion and the Dog”.


    What works do you see illustrations for? (Slides 5, 6)

    Students .

    - “Shark”, “Kitten”, “Bone”, “Lion and Dog”



    Today we will get acquainted with the work of L.N. Tolstoy.


    Make a word from the letters. This will be the title of the work we will get acquainted with today. (Slide 7)




    Explain the meaning of the wordbounce . What are the types of jumps?


    A jump is a quick push off from a support and moving to another place. There are jumping ropes, long jumps, high jumps, ski jumping, tower diving, and parachute jumping.

    IV . Physical education minute .

    One two three four five!
    Let's jump and gallop! (Jumping in place.)

    Right side bent. (Tilts the body left and right.)

    One two Three.

    Left side bent.

    One two Three.

    Now let’s raise our hands (Hands up.)

    And we will reach the cloud.

    Up hand and down hand

    Up hand and down hand.

    They pulled them lightly.

    We quickly changed hands!

    We're not bored today. (One straight arm up, the other down, change hands with a jerk.)

    Squat with clapping:

    Down - clap and up - clap.

    We stretch our legs and arms,

    We know for sure that it will be good. (Squats, clapping hands above your head.)

    We twist and turn our heads,

    Stretch your neck (Rotate your head to the right and left.)Stop!

    V .Preparatory work for taking the test

      Speech warm-up . Working on a tongue twister .(Slide 8)

    (Read at different paces.)

    The ship was carrying caramel,
    the ship ran aground
    And the sailors for three weeks
    ate the caramel broke.

      Working on a riddle.

    It contains salt water.
    Ships sail on the water,
    Waves, wind in the open air,
    Seagulls are circling over….(sea)

      Making up proverbs and words. ( Slides 9, 10)

    Words: sailboat, deck, captain, sailors, boy, mast, hat.

    Proverb. The sea loves the brave and the skillful.

      Predicting the content of a work .


    - What theme can be used to connect a tongue twister, a riddle, proverbs and formed words? This is a hint. Where will the events take place in the new work?


    These words and proverbs are related in meaning to the sea and ships. This means that events will again take place at sea. ( Slide 11)


    Read the title of the story. Look at the illustrations for it. Based on the title and illustrations, determine what the story is about? (Slide 12)


    (The boy was probably sailing on a ship. His hat hit the crossbar. Perhaps the wind blew it away. The boy tried to get it and he had to jump.)

    VI . Learning new material.

      Vocabulary work . ( Slide 13)


    In the new work you will encounter words that are difficult or unfamiliar to read. Read them. Where can I find an explanation of the meaning of unknown words?


    An explanation of the meaning of words can be found in the explanatory dictionary.


    Which of these words can you explain on your own?


    The word byl denotes those events that actually happened.


    Find the meaning of words in the dictionarymast , arshin , cabin, enthusiasm

    (Working with dictionaries)


    ( Mast - high post for sails on a ship.Arshin - an ancient measure of length equal to 71 cm.Cabin - separate living quarters on the ship.Enthusiasm - ardor, excitement.)


    Look at the ship. This ship is a sailboat. The deck on this ship was made of wood as hard as stone. Masts -tall pillars on a shiprose 15 - 25 meters above the deck, i.e. were the height of a 5-story building. Onmasts - crossbars on which the sails are attached. There are many ropes and rope ladders stretched from crossbar to crossbar

      Reading a story by the teacher, combined with reading by strong students.

      Primary reading check .

    Did you like the story?

    Who are the heroes of the work?


    Boy, captain, monkey.

    - Which episodes were the most stressful?


    - When a boythrew the mast and stepped onto the crossbar. When he came to his senses, he saw how high he was and staggered. When the captain shouted for the boy to jump, that he would shoot.


    How did you feel when you listened to the story?

    Students share their impressions.

      Creating a problematic situation.


    - Why did the boy make the jump?Students express their assumptions.

    Because of the monkey, because of the hat, because of his father’s threat, because he was scared, etc.

      Reading the work by students.

      Work on the content of the work.


    -- The main character of the story is a boy. How did the boy end up on the ship?


    The boy is the son of a ship captain. The captain took his son with him on the voyage.


    Where was the monkey on the ship?


    The ship was returning from a trip around the world, and, probably, she was taken somewhere in hot countries.


    How to understand the expression “diverged even more”?


    This means she writhed and jumped even more.


    Why did the boy climb the ship's mast?


    The monkey tore his hat from his head, put it on and quickly climbed up the mast. And everyone started laughing.


    How did the people on deck initially react to the boy's pursuit of the monkey?


    At first people laughed, then got scared.


    What made the boy come to his senses?


    Someone on deck gasped loudly. The boy looked down and got scared.


    What did the captain do when he saw and assessed the situation?


    CaptainI wasn’t confused, I quickly assessed the sieveation and shouted: « In water! jump into the water now! Jump or I'll shoot you!.. One, two…»


    How was the boy saved?


    The sailors jumped into the sea and lifted the boy onto the ship.

    7. Analysis of the work. Work in groups.


    Let's follow people's behavior throughout the story. Let us characterize their behavior.

    (The guys are divided into three groups. The first group is tasked with finding sentences that talk about the behavior of people on deck. The second group is about the behavior of the boy, the third is about the captain. The students read out sentences that correspond to the task and analyze the behavior of the characters.

    1st group

    - At first, people were amused by watching the monkey's antics and the boy's reaction to the animal's antics. Nobody expected what could happen. Then they became alarmed and afraid. When the boy jumped into the water, the sailor's sons, without hesitation, rushed to save him. Adults should not have laughed at the boy, they should have stopped the boy.

    2nd group:

    The boy was confused at first. He was offended that they were laughing at him. The boy did not think about the danger that threatened him. He got excited. Finding himself on the edge of the crossbar, hearing a frightened exclamation from the deck, the boy was also frightened and did not understand what to do.

    The boy is hot-tempered,reckless, brave, proud, tried to defend his dignity. PThe boy's behavior is directly related to the behavior of the people on deck: the boy went after the monkey to avoid the ridicule of the sailors, because he is the son of the captain, and everyone laughed at him.


    What made the boy jump?


    The cry of the father, it should be noted that the order of the captain on the ship is carried out unquestioningly and immediately)

    3rd group:

    - The father was not at a loss, quickly assessed the situation and made the right decision. When he realized that his son was saved, he burst into tears. So that no one would see this, he ran into the cabin.

    The captain is a strong man, decisive, loving his son.


    Why do you think the captain cried?


    He was very scaredfor my son.

    8. Working with proverbs.


    Each group chooses from 3 proverbs those that are suitable for the behavior of sailors, a boy, and a captain. (Slide 14)

    1. Everything that is done on the ship is done quickly (Sailors)

    2. The captain must think faster than the speed of his ship. (Captain)

    3. To each his own honor is dear. (Boy)

    VIII .Generalization.

      Test task: . (The text of the assignments is printed for each student.)

    A) What words are suitable to describe the hero of the story? Choose those that you consider the most important and explain your choice.

    Courage, the desire to test yourself,boyish enthusiasm , desire to defend one's dignity , stubbornness, desire to show off, stupidity,desire to prove that he is the son of a captain

    b) What made the boy take the leap? Underline the correct option.

    The boy felt sorry for the lost hat;
    - He wanted to compete in strength and dexterity with the monkey.
    - He felt offended by the laughter of the sailors. The desire to defend one's dignity

    (Checking results

      Checking the completion of test tasks.

    3. Work on the title of the story. Teacher.


    The boy could have fallen to his death on the deck.

    - Why did the author call his work “Jump”?

    - The jump saved the boy’s life, the jump is an act that the boy did. Hearing his father’s order, he was not at a loss, he managed to pull himself together and group. The boy saved his life and spared his father the grief of losing his son.

    The boy’s father also makes a leap, like an instant fall into the abyss of fear and determination, and perhaps his “leap” is even more terrible, since he, the father, is responsible for his son.

    IX . Reflection Teacher.

    What is your attitude towards the hero?
    Students think independently and give a personal assessment of the boy’s character.

    Could this situation have been avoided?


    Yes, if the adults had stopped the boy in time and foreseen what could come out of this seemingly funny situation.

    - Why did the author write this story? What is the idea of ​​this piece? What does he teach us?

    L.N. Using the example of this story, Tolstoy teaches us not to do rash acts, to learn to control ourselves, our emotions, to try not to notice ridicule, so that such situations do not occur.

    X . Summarizing. Teacher.

    What work did we work on today and who is its author?



    Today we got acquainted with L.N. Tolstoy’s story “The Jump”.

    - What did this work make us think about?

    There is a way out of any situation, even the most difficult one, you just need to pull yourself together and find the right solution.

    - So that everyone can take from the story for themselves? (Or: what conclusions would you draw for yourself?)
    - Do you think we accomplished the tasks we set for ourselves?
    (Students evaluate their work.)

    XI . Homework. (Slide 15)

    Creative task.
    Re-read the story and retell it on behalf of the captain, the boy or one of the sailors (optional). When retelling, the main attention should be paid not so much to the events, but to the conveyance of the feelings and experiences of the characters.

    Malysheva Olga Nikolaevna

    primary school teacher

    Municipal educational institution "Lyceum No. 5"

    Zheleznogorsk, Kursk region

    Lesson topic: L. N. Tolstoy “Jump”

    The purpose of the lesson: improve the skills of correct and fluent reading, the ability to navigate the text, comprehend the motives and consequences of actions, feelings and experiences of the heroes of a literary work, develop the ability to analyze the text, understand the author’s intention

    Planned results:

    Personal: realize your capabilities in learning; adequately judge the reasons for your success or failure.


    Cognitive: search for the necessary information to complete educational tasks using educational literature; construct a speech utterance in oral form, form ability to analyze, compare, draw conclusions.

    Regulatory:develop the ability to accept and maintain a learning task; monitor and evaluate your actions.

    Communicative: development of monologue and dialogic speech, cooperation in jointly solving a problem, coming to a common solution in joint activities.

    Subject: getting acquainted with the works of L. Tolstoy, learning to navigate the text, carefully review it and find the right place; comprehend the motives and consequences of actions, feelings and experiences of heroes, select grounds and criteria for comparison, classification of objects.

    During the classes

    1. Motivation for learning activities

    Slide 2 (Statement by M. Tsvetaeva with her photo)

    “What is reading if not unraveling, extracting secrets left behind?
    lines, beyond words"
    M.. Tsvetaeva

    Teacher. Read the entry on the slide. How can you explain these words?

    Children. Reading is the knowledge of the secret, sometimes hidden in the text, this is what the author is trying to convey to us. To unravel this, to feel it, you need to be an attentive reader.

    Teacher. Who can be called an attentive reader?

    Children. An attentive reader sensitively senses the author’s mood hidden behind the lines he reads.

    Teacher. Do you think it’s easy to be such a reader?

    Children. It's hard to be a careful reader.

    Teacher. What should be done for this?

    Children. You need to love books, read carefully and understand the author’s mood, his attitude towards the characters.

    Teacher. Why do you think I started the lesson with these words?

    Children. Today we will try to figure out what remains behind the lines, beyond the words. We will learn to find words in the text that help us understand the emotional state of the characters, their actions, and also help reveal the theme of the story.

    2. Updating knowledge

    Teacher. We continue our journey through the Land of Literary Reading. Close your eyes and imagine that you have a magic wand in your hands, with which you can turn large objects into small ones, and small ones into large ones. Let's try the magical power of a wand and turn one sentence into a whole story.

    Teacher. What task are we going to do?

    Children. We will learn how to turn a sentence into a whole story.

    Teacher. What does it mean?

    Children. We will read the sentence, select information and write a short text.

    Teacher. You don't have to add anything to the sentence. Extract all the information from the sentence, but do not add anything extra, do not create your own plot.

    Teacher. Read the sentence.

    The proposal is written on the board:

    The sailors began to laugh louder, and the boy blushed, took off his jacket and rushed after the monkey to the mast.

    Teacher. Are all the words clear? Explain the meaning of the word mast.

    Slide 3. (Mast illustration)

    Children. IN a tall, strongly reinforced pole on a ship for sails.

    Teacher.The masts in such ships rose 15–20 meters above the deck, that is, the height of a 5–8-story building. The masts had crossbars that supported the sails. There were many ropes and rope ladders stretched from crossbar to crossbar.

    Teacher. Who are the sailors?

    Children. A sailor serving in the navy.

    Teacher. Where do we start our story? Where might the action take place?

    Children. On the ship. The mast is on the ship.

    Teacher. Who are the heroes of our story?

    Children. Boy, sailors.

    Teacher. What did the sailors do?

    Children. They stood on the ship and laughed loudly.

    Teacher. How did the boy do?

    Children. The boy took off his jacket and climbed up.

    Teacher. Read the words the author used to describe the boy's actions.

    Children. M the boy blushed, took off his jacket and rushed after the monkey to the mast.

    Teacher. Is it possible to replace the word “threw off” the jacket with the word “took off”?

    Children. It’s possible, but more precisely the word “threw off”, because “threw off” means quickly performing the action.

    Teacher. Replace the word “rushed” with a synonym.

    Children. He rushed and climbed.

    Teacher. Can you say why he rushed after the monkey?

    Children. No, we don't know that for sure. But something happened. After all, “the sailors laughed loudly, and the boy blushed.” This means he was angry and upset.

    Teacher. Can you tell what the weather was like?

    Children. Yes, because only during good weather would the sailors gather on deck.

    Teacher. Now let's put everything we said into a coherent story.

    Children. It was a good day. The sailors stood on the deck. There was a monkey nearby. Everyone had fun, the sailors laughed loudly. Suddenly the boy threw off his jacket and climbed up after the monkey.

    3. Formulating the topic and objectives of the lesson

    Teacher. Why do you think we wrote the story using this particular sentence?

    Children. We will look at a text that contains such a sentence.

    Teacher. Do you want to get acquainted with the story and find out how events with the characters developed further.

    Children. In the textbook.

    Teacher.Open the textbook on p. 161 and read the title of the work. Who is the author of the story? What do you know about L.N. Tolstoy?

    4. Acquaintance with the works of L. N. Tolstoy

    Slide 4 (Portrait of Tolstoy)

    Lev Nikolaevich was born in 1828 - almost 200 years ago. He spent his childhood years in the village of Yasnaya Polyana. Mother died when Tolstoy was not 2 years old. Tolstoy had three brothers and one sister; a distant relative took care of their upbringing.

    Slide 5 (Photo of Yasnaya Polyana)

    There were still very few schools then; the children of poor people could not study. Lev Nikolaevich opened a school in Yasnaya Polyana, wrote textbooks for children and taught them himself.

    Tolstoy died in 1910. He lived to be 82 years old and dedicated his entire life to literature. His books have been translated into many languages ​​and are read all over the world. Complete works – 90 volumes!

    Slide 6.(Interior decoration of the room)

    Teacher. This is what L. N. Tolstoy’s room looked like, in which he lived and worked.

    Teacher. What books by L. Tolstoy have you read?

    Slide 7. (Book Exhibition)

    5. Working with text

    1) vocabulary work

    Teacher. Read the title of the story.

    Teacher. What does the word "jump" mean?

    Slide 8 (Statement from the dictionary)

    In the dictionary by word "bounce" called rapid movement of the body, repulsion from any point of support. It's just an action.

    Teacher. Choose related words to the title of the text.

    Children. Jump, jumper.

    2) initial reading of the text by the teacher

    The teacher reads to the words «… everyone froze in fear..." Andmakes a stop.

    "Basket of Assumptions" Technique

    Teacher. Let's try to guess what could happen next? Work in pairs.

    Work in pairs

    Children express their guesses.The teacher reads the text to the end.

    Teacher. Did your assumptions coincide with the events in the story? (Children's statements)

    Teacher.Why did the boy make the jump? (ambiguity of answers)

    Children.The father shouted, the boy was frightened, he became scared, he wanted to get down quickly, but it was impossible to go down.

    Teacher.Why are everyone's answers different?

    Children. Different attitudes to the story, not everyone understood, we don’t know.

    Teacher.What was the problem? What question do we need to answer?

    Children.Why did the boy jump?

    3) reading and analysis of a work of art

    Teacher.Let's return to the text. Read the first paragraph of the story. What did the author tell us in this passage?

    Children.Good weather, people gathered on the deck.

    Teacher.Why does the author tell us about good weather?

    Children.These details will help to understand the mood of the people on deck, people are tired from the journey, they want new experiences, so they watch the playing monkey.

    Teacher. Name the main characters of the story.

    Children. Boy, captain.

    Teacher. H What does Tolstoy say about the boy? Support with words from the text.

    Children.The captain's son. He is 12 years old.

    Teacher. How did the monkey appear on the ship?

    Children.The ship was returning from a trip around the world, and, probably, she was taken somewhere in hot countries.

    Teacher. How do you understand the phrase “diverged even more”?

    Children. She began to play around a lot, make noise, and play.


    Teacher. What did the monkey do with the hat?

    Children. She took it from the boy and began to tear it.

    Teacher.How did the boy behave in the first two minutes, left without a hat? Read it.

    Slide 9. (Choose answer)

    Teacher.Why did the boy go after the monkey? Select an answer.

      he felt sorry for the lost hat;

      he wanted to compete with the monkey in strength and agility;

      he felt ashamed and offended by the ridicule of the sailors.

    Teacher. Is the boy's behavior related to the behavior of the sailors?

    Children. The boy followed the monkey to avoid the ridicule of the sailors subordinate to his father.

    Teacher.How did you imagine the boy in this story? What words are suitable to describe the hero of the story? Choose those that you consider the most important and explain your choice.

    Work in groups. The words are written on pieces of paper.

    Slide 10.(Characteristics of a boy)








    Teacher. So, what words did you choose to describe the hero?

    Children read out the selected words and give an explanation.

    1. Courage– a cowardly person would not be able to climb to such a height and expose himself to danger.

    2. Recklessness- his feelings took precedence over reason, over reason, and he did not control his actions, he was controlled only by enthusiasm.

    4. Rashness– he did not think about the consequences.

    5. Determination– the boy did not hesitate, his movements were fast: he reached the top of the mast in one minute.

    6. Self-love - in if the sailors' ridicule provoked him, the boy was offended, he

    He felt ashamed of himself that he, the captain’s son, did not take care of the hat and allowed the monkey to mock and tease him.

    Teacher. Has the attitude of others to the monkey’s antics and the boy’s behavior changed? At what point did this happen? Read it.

    Children read fa piece of text that begins with the words: “But the boy got very excited”

    Teacher. How do you understand the phrase “the boy got excited”?

    Children. I got excited and couldn’t stop because I wanted to take the hat away from the monkey.

    Teacher. How can you say it in other words?

    Children. Got excited, got excited, got inspired, got excited, forgot

    Teacher. Pay attention to what words and actions the author used to characterize the boy’s actions.

    Children. He screamed, he climbed, he climbed, he got excited, he showed his enthusiasm, he didn’t lag behind, he threw, he stepped, he looked, he staggered, he swung, he jumped.

    Teacher. What was the distance from the mast to the end of the crossbar where the hat hung?

    Children. Two arshins

    Teacher. What is an arshin?

    Children. Arshin is an ancient measure of length, slightly less than a meter.

    Teacher.In what words does the author convey the threat to the boy’s life? Read the passages.

    Children.Everyone froze in fear. Suddenly, someone among the people gasped in fear. The boy came to his senses from this scream, looked down and staggered.

    Teacher. Find and re-read that part of the text whose hero is the captain.

    Children read a fragment of text that begins with the words: “At this time the captain of the ship, the boy’s father, came out of the cabin.”

    Teacher. Do you think the captain was right when he started aiming at the boy and shouting: “I’ll shoot you!”? Maybe you should have just shouted: “Jump into the water!”?

    Children. The father’s decisive and menacing cry, “I’ll shoot you!” and the raised gun forced the boy to obey and, without hesitation, jump into the water. Any indecision and softness on the part of the captain could lead to the death of his son.

    Teacher. Find words in the text that describe the captain's behavior.

    Children. He came out, carried, saw, immediately took aim, shouted, shouted, saw, ran away, crying.

    Teacher. What qualities did the captain have?

    Work in groups.

    Children write qualities on pieces of paper and then one reads them out.

    Children. Resourceful, decisive, fearless, has fortitude, knows how to make decisions in a difficult situation, was able not to get confused in a difficult situation, self-confidence.

    Teacher. Think about why the captain cried and ran to his cabin?

    Children. I didn't want them to see the tears. I experienced a strong shock and was very scared for my son.

    Teacher. Let's try to convey our impressions by writing a cinquain (a type of creative writing, an unrhymed poem of five lines)

    Teacher. Let us recall the scheme for compiling a syncwine.

    Slide 11. (Plan for drawing up a syncwine)

    1 line – topic consists of one word - a noun.

    2 line topic description consists of two words adjectives.

    Line 3 – description of the action within the topic consists of three words - verbs.

    Line 4 – attitude to the topic – a four-word phrase.

    Line 5 – synonym for the topic name – one noun.

    Group work

    Children make up a syncwine by working together, and then make a report. (Can be read by one student or the whole group)

    Group 1 – about the monkey

    Group 2 – about a boy

    Group 3 – about the captain

    4) work with illustrations.

    Teacher. What is shown in the illustration? Find passages in the text that correspond to these illustrations.

    Slide 12.

    She jumped up to a 12-year-old boy, the son of a ship captain, tore his hat off his head,

    She put it on and quickly climbed up the mast. Everyone laughed, but the boy was left without a hat and did not know whether to laugh or cry.

    Slide 13.

    Suddenly, someone among the people gasped in fear. The boy came to his senses from this scream, looked down and staggered.

    Slide 14.

    He saw his son on the mast, and immediately took aim at his son and shouted: “Into the water! jump into the water now! I’ll shoot you!”

    Teacher. Why do you think the story is called "The Jump"? What meaning does L. Tolstoy put into the word “jump”?

    Children. This is the act that the boy did when he heard his father's order; he saved his life and saved his father from grief.

    Teacher. What role did the jump play?

    Children. The jump saved the boy's life, the jump is an act that the boy did when he heard his father's order, he was not at a loss, he managed to pull himself together and group. He saved his life and spared the grief of losing his father's son.

    5) work with proverbs

    Teacher. Which proverb fits L. N. Tolstoy’s story “The Jump”? Explain your choice. You will work in pairs.

    Work in pairs.

    Children discuss proverbs and choose the appropriate ones, justifying their choice.

    Slide 15. (Proverbs)

    The father is proud that his son is brave.

    Labor feeds and waters.

    One head it's good, but two better.

    A brave act is half the salvation.

    Teacher.What is the idea of ​​the work? Why did the author tell us this story?

    Children. The story teaches us to overcome fear, to be able to quickly make decisions in a difficult situation, because life may depend on it, teaches us not to commit rash acts, teaches us to manage ourselves and our emotions.

    6. Reflection

    Slide 16. (Finish the phrase)

    1 . Today in class I discovered...

    2. During the lesson I was surprised...

    3. It was difficult for me in class...

    4. I wanted to help...

    5. Today I purchased...

    Children choose one phrase and make up an answer

    Teacher. There are drawings of a boat on your tables. Let's paint the sail of the ship.

    To do this, you need to evaluate your work in class:

      Worked great and understood everything - green sail

      It worked well, but there were still questions - the yellow sail.

      I didn’t understand anything and didn’t learn anything new - the blue sail.

    Teacher. The lesson is over. Thank you for your excellent work and help to my comrades.

    Used Books

    1. Ship

    2. Churakova N. A. “Literary reading. 2nd grade." M.: Academbook/Textbook, 2013.

    3. Zakharova V.V., Serova M.V. “Lesson developments in literary reading for the textbook by N.A. Churakova. 2nd grade" Moscow: "Wako", 2012.

    4. Edited by Shumakova N. B. “ Lesson - research in elementary school. Russian language. Literary reading." M.: Education, 2014.

    5. Lesson developmentByvsheva Zhanna Alekseevn s

    “Lesson of Leo Tolstoy” - And there is no greatness where there is no simplicity, goodness and truth. Childhood memories. Plan. L.N. Tolstoy. Little Leva Tolstoy dreams of the “brotherhood of man.” Lesson topic: Commander Kutuzov. Happy childhood of Leo Tolstoy. The era of Nicholas I. “Childhood”, “Adolescence”, “Youth”. Cane discipline. Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy.

    “Tolstoy's Tale of Childhood” - Nikolenka did not remember his mother well, like the writer himself. Problematic question: What incident from Nikolenka’s life will he remember for the rest of his life? Problematic question: Is Tolstoy’s story “Childhood” autobiographical? Nikolenka remembered the incident with the tablecloth until the end of his life. Problematic question: Why does Nikolenka call her parents in French?

    “Years of life of Tolstoy L.N.” - Religious sentiments, reaching the point of asceticism, alternated with carousing, cards, trips to the gypsies. The only surviving image. Alexey Lvovich Tolstoy (born October 31, 1881, died January 18, 1886) 12. 180th birthday. Thirteen children were born into the family of Lev Nikolaevich and Sofia Andreevna Tolstoy:

    “Sevastopol Stories” - Introduction. Content. 2. The feat of a man in war in B. Vasiliev’s novel “Not on the Lists.” The image of a Russian officer. 1. Russian officer as imagined by L.N. Tolstoy (“Sevastopol Stories” and “War and Peace”). The novel is about the heroic deeds of the main character, who was only 18 years old. The young, beardless Lieutenant Pluzhnikov, full of desires, graduates from college.

    “The Life and Work of Tolstoy” - Portrait of I. E. Repin. L.N. Tolstoy on arable land. I. N. KRAMSKOY (1837-1887) Portrait of the writer L. N. Tolstoy. 1873. Table “Life is an increase in one’s soul.” Painting by I. Repin. ON THE. Nekrasov, editor of the Sovremennik magazine. Tolstoy's grave. L.N. Tolstoy, aspiring writer. School for peasant children in Yasnaya Polyana. "ABC".

    “The Years of Tolstoy’s Life” - The coachman’s hands were shaking and sweat was rolling off his face. 1870 – 77 – “Anna Karenina” 1879 – 82 – “Confession”. Writer, public figure, teacher (1860 – 1870). Gain some knowledge of natural sciences. 11. Yasnaya Polyana: experience of independent life (1849 – 1851). Tolstoy in Yasnaya Polyana. 1908. Compose an essay from all the subjects that I will study.