Learning environment: new projects. Learning environment: new projects Typical school for 825 places

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address: Moscow region, Odintsovo, microdistrict "Otradnoe"

Project of a comprehensive school for 825 places

Plot area: 2.4992 hectares.

The site is located on the intrablock territory of a residential microdistrict, its northwestern part.
In the south the site borders the territory

The following functional zones are provided on the site of the General Education School:

- physical education and sports(athletics sports center with a circular running track, a combined field for football and handball and two sectors for jumping
height and length; volleyball court, basketball court, gymnastics court for grades 1-4; a gymnastics area for grades 5-11, a combined area for sports games, ball throwing and high and long jumps.);

- educational and experimental(primary school department, field and vegetable crops department, orchard and nursery department, floral and ornamental plants department, collection and selection work department (pavilion));

- rest(includes a playground for outdoor games for grades 1, 2 playgrounds for outdoor games for grades 2-4, a playground for outdoor games for grades 5-9 and a recreation area for grades 5-9.);

- economic.

The covering of the sites is provided from materials that do not have a harmful effect on humans.

The premises of the General Education School consist of educational and general school premises and are divided into functional groups.

Groups of rooms on the 1st floor:
- lobby group of premises, administrative, utility and medical premises;
- primary school classes (1st grade);
- premises for the study of technology and labor training;
- sports and fitness group;
- dining room.

Groups of rooms on the 2nd floor:
- primary school classes (grades 2-4);

- a group of artistic education premises;
- auditorium group;

Groups of rooms on the 3rd floor:
- primary school classrooms (grades 5-9);
- information center group;
- administrative and utility premises.

Groups of rooms on the 4th floor:
- high school classrooms (grades 10-11).

Technical rooms and storage rooms are designed in the basement.

    Client: AFI Development

Photo archive

Technical and economic indicators

Area of ​​allocated land

We are publishing a selection of recent projects for schools, kindergartens and cultural and leisure centers, approved by the Moscow Committee for Architecture and Architecture and currently being implemented. The projects demonstrate a variety of architectural tools that designers use to avoid the “standard” appearance of buildings with a fairly standard layout and set of premises.

Primary school block - extension to school No. 1001. Solntsevo district, microdistrict. 1 building 9/3. State Unitary Enterprise "MNIITEP"

A three-story building housing primary school classrooms is being built next to the main secondary school building and will increase its capacity by 300 places. Its appearance is quite unusual due to the varied layout of windows, varying in size and alternating with stained glass, as well as the cladding of aluminum panels with yellow accents (from metal panels painted in-house). The total area is about 6 thousand square meters. m.

Children's cultural and leisure center. Maryino district, Maryinsky Park street, apt. 42A, bldg. 30. Stroystandart Service LLC

The small four-story building of the children's leisure center in Maryino was designed using motifs of Western European architecture - a “firewall wall”, a gable roof, wide vertical windows and brick-like clinker tiles. The entrance is highlighted by a canopy resting on a striking corner console. Inside the compact volume with an area of ​​about 1100 sq.m there are classrooms and an assembly hall.

School for 825 seats (33 classes). Nenets Autonomous Okrug, Voskresenskoye, Voskresenskoye settlement, Yazovo village. LLC PPF "Project-Implementation"

The four-story school building with three gyms is designed for dense urban conditions. The school combines primary and secondary and its total area is about 16 thousand sq.m. On the ground floor there is a stroller room, a cloakroom and a bathroom for visitors, a catering unit, two gyms, a medical unit, and first-class rooms. On the second floor there is a large sports hall, an auditorium for 495 seats with a stage, rooms for grades 2-4. On the third floor there are classrooms and main offices for grades 5-9. On the fourth floor there are rooms for grades 10-11 and a library.

Leisure and educational complex. District Biryulyovo Vostochnoe, Elevatornaya street, ow. 8 building 2. Alt Project LLC

A three-story leisure and educational complex is being built on the site of a two-story leisure center building that is being demolished. It is planned to house an exhibition hall, a bookstore, auditoriums, and a hairdresser. Metal facade panels are used for cladding. The total area will be about 4,300 sq.m.

Primary school block. Nagorny district, Elektrolitny proezd, vl. 16. LLC "CNII-design of residential and industrial buildings"

The building combines a block of primary classes with a kindergarten - they are separated into independent volumes of 3 and 2 floors, respectively, connected by a one-story dining room and catering unit. The cladding uses metal cassettes and multi-colored panels. The total area of ​​the building is about 9 thousand square meters. m.

School for 825 places. Severny district, Dmitrovskoe highway (building 13), ow. 167 (1st stage). Architectural bureau LOSAGHINI, JSC MNIITEP

The building has an L-shaped configuration and forms a cozy courtyard with areas for holding school-wide events and recreation areas. The main entrance to the building is located on the courtyard side. The total area is quite large - about 13 thousand sq.m., however, the variable number of storeys and detailing of the facades, lined with multi-colored panels, makes it comparable in scale.

Primary school block for 250 places. Sokolinaya Gora, Boris Zhigulenkov St., 9. JSC MNIITEP

The asymmetrical U-shaped volume is planned to consist of three volumes - a school department, a kindergarten and a medical department with a catering unit - all with separate entrances. The height of the building varies - from 2 to 3 floors. The total area is about 5 thousand square meters.

Kindergarten for 225 places. Severny district, Chelobitevskoe highway, ow. 4. JSC "MNIITEP"

The memorable appearance of this garden with a fairly standard layout is given by cladding using metal and fiber cement panels. In particular, metal panels along inclined guides were used for cladding the stairs.

Kindergarten for 225 places. TAO. Pos. Krasnopakhorskoe. Bylovo village. JSC "KT ZhB"

The total area of ​​the building is 14381 sq.m., volume 73935 cubic meters. The structural design of the building is a reinforced concrete frame and METTEM wall panels.

The school building is made on four levels and is divided into two functional groups: in accordance with the Technological specification, on the second floor, an autonomous multifunctional sports block with accompanying premises, with a separate entrance from the street through the staircase, is separated from the main volume of the educational premises of the school.

Description and justification of the external and internal appearance of a capital construction project, its spatial, planning and functional organization

This comprehensive school, according to the implemented pedagogical program, has the opportunity to educate students with musculoskeletal disorders (MSD), which is reflected in the adopted planning decisions.
Vertical communication between floors is carried out by stairs and one passenger-and-freight elevator: with a load capacity of 1000 kg.

The construction of a new school building will allow the use of modern high-tech equipment for teaching students and the most rational distribution of flows of schoolchildren of different age groups.
Modern teaching technology, quantity and dimensions determined the volumetric parameters of the designed school building and the solution of access roads to it.

The building is a U-shaped in plan, corresponding to the contour of the territory, a three-story volume, complicated by risalite elements of staircases, with overall dimensions in the axes of 71.0 x 123.3 m. The internal planning scheme is determined by longitudinal mutually perpendicular corridors with staircases fixing them and elevator node in the inner corner of the plan. The stairs have exits to the site, and all provide access to the roof. Exits from the underground floor through the same staircases are cut off from exits from the above-ground floors of the building.
The main entrance to the building is located from the courtyard for the convenience and accessibility of students.
The project provides separate entrances for personnel, workshops, a canteen block and a loading room.
Along the perimeter of the school grounds there is a fence 1.8 m high and equipped with safety devices to prevent students from running out onto the roadway from the entrance to the building. Along the fence there are strips of green space with the planting of trees and shrubs.

The main entrance to the school territory is from the intra-block driveway. The utility entrance for material supplies and waste removal is organized from another intra-block driveway in the northern part of the site.
The main entrance to the school building has a paved area for gathering and holding school-wide events. In the basement of the building, in addition to technical rooms, rooms are designed for storing area cleaning equipment and sports equipment.

In the south-eastern part of the site, a sports zone is designed, which has:

  • athletics sports core consisting of: a children's football field combined with 2 basketball fields and a volleyball court, a 250-meter circular running track, a 100-meter running track, a long jump and table tennis court,
  • playgrounds for outdoor games for grades 1 - 4;
  • playgrounds for combined games for grades 5 - 9;
  • gymnastics complex;
  • training and experimental sites.
On the southern side of the site, a training and experimental zone is designed, which has:
  • educational and experimental site for grades 1 - 4;
  • educational and experimental site for grades 5 - 11.

For quiet relaxation, there are areas in the northern part of the territory separately for grades 1 - 4 and in the southern part of the territory for grades 5 - 9. For students in the senior 10th and 11th grades, the sports zone serves as a recreation area.
Playgrounds for outdoor games in 1st grades include group playgrounds (individual for each class) equipped with shade canopies. Group playgrounds are connected by a 1.5 m wide pedestrian path. Group playgrounds for each class are adopted with an area of ​​at least 180 m2, and shade canopies with an area of ​​40 m2.

The utility area has a separate entrance and is located on the side of the industrial premises of the canteen. The economic zone includes a utility area with an unloading area and an area for waste bins. The area of ​​the utility area in front of the loading catering unit is assumed to be 290 m2. The access of vehicles to the economic site is carried out during the absence of children in the educational institution.

Sanitary gaps between sites for various purposes are provided:
  • at least 3 m between group playgrounds, between group and general sports grounds;
  • at least 6 m between group and utility sites;
  • at least 2 m between the fence of the site and group playgrounds and general physical training grounds.

Technical and economic indicators of the school project for 300 places:

  • Total basement area - 633.0 m2 Total area of ​​the 1st floor - 4032.0 m2
  • Total area of ​​the 2nd floor - 3916.0 m2
  • Total area of ​​the 3rd floor - 3258.0 m2
  • Total area of ​​the 4th floor - 2542.0 m2
  • Total technical area premises - 243.6 m2
  • Total building area - 14381.0 m2
  • Construction area - 4445.0 m2
  • Construction volume - 73935.0 m3

The project of a secondary school for 825 places in 31 microdistricts of Surgut was carried out on the basis of a design assignment. The space-planning solutions of the building are made taking into account its functional structure, the configuration of the site allocated for construction, capacity, natural, climatic and regional features of construction.

The building is individual, consisting of three functional blocks:
- blocks “A” and “B” - school of II and III levels of education with total dimensions in the axes 99.24x66.21 m with parapet marks +15.3 m and 18.2;
- block “B” - school of the first stage of education with dimensions in the axes 49.94x44.4 m, with a parapet elevation of +15.3 m;
- blocks “G” and “D” - a sports block, consisting of two volumes with total dimensions in the axes 63.0x40.5m with marks on the parapet and ridge +12.7m, and +8.265m.

Block “A” - school of II and III levels of education

The block consists of three volumes - a central one - a three-story building - three above-ground floors, an attic and a ground floor for laying utilities and placing engineering equipment.

Block “B” - school of II and III levels of education

The block is a three-story building - three above-ground floors, an attic and a basement for laying utilities and placing engineering equipment, as well as for placing catering storerooms in the basement.

Block “A” and “B” - a school of II and III levels of education, designed for 625 places in one shift (21 classes of 25 people) with its own separate entrance with security, has a technological connection with the catering unit (block B) on the first floor , on the second floor with sports facilities (blocks “G” and “D”) and an assembly hall (block “A”).

Block “B” - school of the first stage of education

A three-story building - three above-ground floors, a ground floor and an attic floor for laying utilities and placing technical engineering equipment.

The school block of the first stage of education, designed for 300 places in one shift (12 classes of 25 people each) with its own separate entrance with security, has a technological connection with the first-aid post (block “A”) and the catering unit (block “B”) located in the school block II and III levels of education, on the first floor; with sports facilities (blocks “G” and “D”) and an assembly hall (block “A”) on the second floor. Blocks “G” and “D” - Sports blocks.

Sports blocks, which have their own separate entrance with security, dressing rooms and showers, a first-aid post, and coaching rooms, can operate both during school hours and outside of school hours.

Block “G” is a two-story building with a swimming pool room with a 25x8.5m 4-lane bathtub, locker rooms with showers and toilets and a 24x12.6 gym and an attic for placing technical engineering equipment.

Block “D” is a sports hall with axial dimensions of 30x18m - a frame prefabricated building is interlocked with the building. Planning solutions are made taking into account the requirements for natural lighting and insolation, orientation to the cardinal directions, and ensuring standard noise characteristics (insulation of gyms). The placement of auxiliary premises provides convenient communication with the halls and meets sanitary, hygienic and fire safety requirements.

The volumetric-spatial solution of the object was made in accordance with the design specifications.

Basic architectural and artistic techniques - the building consists of several simple volumes, the dimensions and blocking of which are determined by the technological scheme, capacity, configuration, site boundaries and the required orientation to the cardinal points. The rectangular walls of the building blocks emphasize the simplicity of the building’s structural design, and the blocking scheme adds originality and plasticity to the overall volume of the entire building.

In order to create an accent, the central block with the main entrance is designed using stylistic columns and a large area of ​​façade glazing. The facade of the central block contrasts with the rest of the simple and laconic volumes of the building blocks, which differ from each other in the colors used in the decoration of the facades. All blocks have one dominant color for the facades and the same material for the facades, which allows the building to be perceived as a single whole.

The main entrance of the primary school is also highlighted, but does not dominate the main entrance of the central block.

For exterior finishing of premises, materials are used that meet modern sanitary, hygienic, fire safety and aesthetic requirements.

For school blocks “A”, “B”, “C” the project adopted the design of external walls made of brick KORPu 1NF/150/1.8/50/GOST 530-2007 with mortar grade 50. VENTI BATTS mineral wool boards were used as insulation.” . Facade cladding - metal cassettes.

For the sports block “G”, the project adopted the design of the external walls - blocks of cellular concrete grade II-B7.5D600F35-2, 600 kg/m³ (GOST 21520-89) with grade 50 mortar. VENTI BATTS mineral wool slabs were used as insulation.” Facade cladding - metal cassettes and metal panels.

Block “D” is a one-story, single-span made of steel through frames according to the series 1.420.3-36.03 “STEEL FRAMEWORKS OF THE UNITEK TYPE”, developed by LLC Research and Design and Construction Company UNIKON.
- roofing - roofing "sandwich panels", panel thickness - 250 mm;
- walls - wall "sandwich panels", panel thickness - 200 mm.
Facade glazing - glazed vestibules and stained glass windows - are adopted according to the Tatprof system, filled with double-glazed windows.
Windows - double-glazed windows, frame made of multi-chamber PVC profiles.
External metal doors, insulated, filled with effective insulation.
External doors are made of aluminum profiles according to the TATPROF system with double glazed windows.