Version of the story of Oleg Pavlyuchenko. Version of the story of Oleg Pavlyuchenko Pavlyuchenko alternative history

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In recent years, the name of the Russian researcher, author of the channel “Alternative History of the Black Sea and Caucasus” (AISPIK) Oleg Pavlyuchenko has become increasingly known among independent researchers of alternative history. It must be said that while studying the artifacts of ancient civilizations, he created his own hypothesis regarding the true chronology of events in human history, which does not coincide with official history. nor with the hyptheses of other “alternatives” based on esoteric sources of antiquity. Nevertheless, this original hypothesis is worthy of attention and is not without a certain harmony and logic in its construction, which cannot be said about the official history.

He believes that on our planet there were successively “megalithic”, “ancient” and “interflood” civilizations, each of which, after a global cataclysm, was revived from the remnants of the previous one and had less knowledge, abilities and less developed technologies. At the same time. The opinion of the majority of modern alternativeists does not at all contradict this hypothesis, and all disputes usually come down to dating the time of existence and death of these previous civilizations of ours.

This is what his hypothesis expressed in the film “How the very first Flood deprived us of earthly Paradise?” looks like in a multiple form: “...My dating of the death of the megalithic civilization and, accordingly, the Great Flood, is much closer to our time. This is absolutely not 250 million years, as official science believes, and, of course, not 114 thousand years ago, as the Vedas write. But with the Vedas everything is more or less clear. Apparently they were simply translated incorrectly. Or, most likely, they incorrectly interpreted the chronology of the Vedas in the real, current time scale. And also, since the Vedas themselves have reached our time in fairly limited quantities, most likely, not all of them were translated. That is why we do not see in them information about the following floods: about the flood at the turn of the 17th-13th centuries, which destroyed that very “ancient” civilization, and we do not see information about the flood of the mid-19th century. But this particular flood has been studied very well by researchers of real history. And I have no doubt about its presence at all: those same covered first floors of all buildings around the world, those same young forests about 200 years old.

But let’s return to the “megalithic” civilization. I think she died due to the “war of the gods” described in the Ramayana and Mahabharata. There is also information about her death in Plato’s “Dialogues”. True, its dating is 9 thousand years from the time of Critias and Solon, i.e. from VI-V centuries BC. Accordingly, from our time - more than 11 thousand years ago. There are later datings of these events also from Greek sources - Herodotus, Diodorus Siculus, Pliny the Elder. The closest dating to our time for the destruction of Atlantis is around 2 thousand years BC. But if we take into account the “new chronology” of Nosovsky and Fomenko, equating antiquity with the Middle Ages, then all dating becomes 2 thousand years closer to our time. In general, there is quite a lot of information about this event and it is located in the time interval from 11 to 2 thousand years ago. I am inclined to dates closer to our time: 2-3 thousand years ago. This is one of the most serious historical questions and it requires further study, but there is only one conclusion: the first global catastrophe or the very biblical Great Flood occurred in a fairly foreseeable past.

Immediately after the “megalithic” civilization, the so-called civilization flourished on the planet. "antique". It reached its peak by the time of its death at the turn of the 17th-18th centuries. Her death was again preceded by a war and again - between the “light forces” and the “dark ones”. I think that, just like in the first “megalithic” catastrophe, this war was not only on Earth. It covered all the inhabited planets of the solar system and some satellites. And Mars is a victim of this particular war. But, of course, all this is still a hypothesis. And in that catastrophe of “ancient” times, Siberia again suffered the most - that same Tartaria.

The ocean level rose again and in this case (at the turn of the 17th-18th centuries) it was about 150 meters. A series of megatsunamis swept across Eurasia. which in the region of Eastern Siberia were bound by the same “permafrost”. Again, matter was brought to the planet, both solid and gases and liquids. And all this is a consequence of the fall of the second satellite of the Earth (the first fell when the “megalithic” civilization died) - that same Fata. At least today we don’t see it in the sky. I suggested my hypothesis of these events, as well as the model, in my series of films “Three Poles - Two Floods”. The only correction to them is that the Earth collided with the wreckage of Fata at the time of the death of the “ancient” civilization at the turn of the 17th-18th centuries, and not Lelya, as I suggested in those films. We just looked at the time of the fall of Lelya (another Earth satellite) today, and in my opinion, this is exactly the time of the death of the “megalithic” civilization in the region of 2-3 thousand years ago.

But the disaster of the 1840s, which covered the first floors of buildings all over the world, occurred as a result of the fall of comet fragments. I outlined my hypothesis of these events in a film on the AISPIK channel - “19th century. A comet fell on us." But that very same - the main catastrophe on our planet, which destroyed the earthly “Paradise”, occurred as a result of the fall of Lelya. I mentioned the approximate dating above. It was then that our earthly civilization dropped one step lower - to the same “C” grade that we live on today. And the two subsequent catastrophes were only a consequence of this first one and they occurred through the fault of people, of course controlled by some “third” cosmic force.”

Of course, one can agree with O. Pavlyuchenko’s hypothesis or not. It especially shocks people who blindly believe in the dogmas of “official history.” But for “alternatives” it is much easier to accept the probable possibility of just such a course of historical events. For, no matter how true or false the assumptions of this researcher turn out to be, in the main thing he is still right: in our past there were highly developed civilizations that left behind artifacts hushed up by historians and died for reasons unknown to us. But a collection of fantastic myths called “official history”, due to the presence of many inconsistencies, absurdities and outright falsifications of real historical events, is only suitable as dogmas of a new religion, which can only be believed in blindly, without trying to test them in practice and completely ignoring many artifacts discovered around the world.

In recent years, among independent researchers of alternative history, the name of the Russian researcher, author of the channel “Alternative History of the Black Sea and Caucasus” (AISPIK) Oleg Pavlyuchenko has become increasingly known. It must be said that while studying the artifacts of ancient civilizations, he created his own hypothesis regarding the true chronology of events in human history, which does not coincide with official history. nor with the hypotheses of other “alternatives” based on esoteric sources of antiquity. Nevertheless, this original hypothesis is worthy of attention and is not without a certain harmony and logic in its construction, which cannot be said about the official history.

He believes that on our planet there were successively “megalithic”, “ancient” and “interflood” civilizations, each of which, after a global cataclysm, was revived from the remnants of the previous one and had less knowledge, abilities and less developed technologies. At the same time. The opinion of the majority of modern alternativeists does not at all contradict this hypothesis, and all disputes usually come down to dating the time of existence and death of these previous civilizations of ours.

Here is a brief summary of his hypothesis, which he expressed in the film “How did the very first Flood deprive us of earthly Paradise?”:"...My dating of the death of the megalithic civilization and, accordingly, the Great Flood, is much closer to our time. This is absolutely not 250 million years, as official science believes, and, of course, not 114 thousand years ago, as they write" Vedas". But with the “Vedas” everything is more or less clear. They, apparently, were simply translated incorrectly. Or, most likely, the chronology of the Vedas was incorrectly interpreted in the real, current time scale. And also, since the Vedas themselves have reached our time in in a fairly limited number, most likely, not all of them were translated. That is why we do not see in them information about the following floods: about the flood at the turn of the 17th-13th centuries, which destroyed that very “ancient” civilization, and we do not see information about the flood of the mid-19th century. But this particular flood has been studied very well by researchers of real history. And I have no doubt about its presence at all: those same covered first floors of all buildings around the world, those same young forests about 200 years old.

But let's return to the "megalithic" civilization. I think she died due to the "war of the gods" described in the Ramayana and Mahabharata. There is also information about her death in Plato's Dialogues. True, its dating is 9 thousand years from the time of Critias and Solon, i.e. from VI-V centuries BC. Accordingly, from our time - more than 11 thousand years ago. There are later datings of these events also from Greek sources - Herodotus, Diodorus Siculus, Pliny the Elder. The dates closest to our time for the destruction of Atlantis are around 2 thousand years BC. But if we take into account the “new chronology” of Nosovsky and Fomenko, equating antiquity with the Middle Ages, then all dating becomes 2 thousand years closer to our time. In general, there is quite a lot of information about this event and it is located in the time interval from 11 to 2 thousand years ago. I am inclined to dates closer to our time: 2-3 thousand years ago. This is one of the most serious historical questions and it requires further study, but there is only one conclusion: the first global catastrophe or the very biblical Great Flood occurred in a fairly foreseeable past.

Immediately after the “megalithic” civilization, the so-called civilization flourished on the planet. "antique". It reached its peak by the time of its death at the turn of the 17th-18th centuries. Her death was again preceded by a war and again - between “light forces” and “dark ones”. I think that, just like in the first “megalithic” catastrophe, this war was not only on Earth. It covered all the inhabited planets of the solar system and some satellites. And Mars is a victim of this particular war. But, of course, all this is still a hypothesis. And in that catastrophe of “ancient” times, Siberia again suffered the most - that same Tartaria.

The sea level has risen again and in this case ( at the turn of the 17th-18th centuries) it was about 150 meters. A series of megatsunamis swept across Eurasia. which in the region of Eastern Siberia were bound by the same “permafrost”. Again, matter was brought to the planet, both solid and gases and liquids. And all this is a consequence of the fall of the second satellite of the Earth (the first fell when the “megalithic” civilization died) - that same Fata. At least today we don’t see it in the sky. I suggested my hypothesis of these events, as well as the model, in my series of films “Three Poles - Two Floods”. The only correction to them is that the Earth collided with the debris of Fata at the moment of the death of the “ancient” civilization at the turn ofXVII-XVIII centuries, and not Lelya, as I suggested in those films. We just looked at the time of the fall of Lelya (another Earth satellite) today, and in my opinion, this is exactly the time of the death of the “megalithic” civilization in the region of 2-3 thousand years ago.

But the disaster of the 1840s, which covered the first floors of buildings all over the world, occurred as a result of the fall of comet fragments. I outlined my hypothesis of these events in a film on the AISPIK channel - “19th century. A comet fell on us.” But that very same - the main catastrophe on our planet, which destroyed the earthly “Paradise”, occurred as a result of the fall of Lelya. I mentioned the approximate dating above. It was then that our earthly civilization dropped one step lower - to that very “C” grade on which we live today. And the two subsequent catastrophes were just a consequence of this first one and they occurred through the fault of people, of course controlled by some “third” cosmic force.”

Of course, one can agree with O. Pavlyuchenko’s hypothesis or not. It especially shocks people who blindly believe in the dogmas of “official history.” But for the “alternatives” it is much easier to accept the probable possibility of just such a course of historical events. For, no matter how true or false the assumptions of this researcher turn out to be, in the main thing he is still right: in our past there were highly developed civilizations that left behind artifacts hushed up by historians and died for reasons unknown to us. But the collection of fantastic myths called “official history”, due to the presence of many inconsistencies, absurdities and outright falsifications of real historical events, is only suitable as dogmas of a new religion, which can only be believed in blindly, without trying to test them in practice and completely ignoring many artifacts discovered around the world.

Many people believe that Vikings are a nationality. In fact, the Vikings were something of a military alliance, which at one time seriously expanded their possessions. We are told that the Vikings were at the peak of their power around the 9th - 11th centuries, but these dates still need to be proven somehow.

Many people believe that Vikings are a nationality. In fact, the Vikings were something of a military alliance, which at one time seriously expanded their possessions. We are told that the Vikings were at the peak of their power around the 9th - 11th centuries, but these dates still need to be proven somehow. There is also a classic misconception about the nationality of the Vikings - that they were exclusively Scandinavian - Swedes, Danes, Norwegians, Estonians and so on. In fact, the Baltic Slavs (aka the Vendians of the Icelandic sagas) also took part in the Viking movement. The Western Slavic peoples Ruyans and Vagrs, that is, Varangians, became famous among the Vikings for their raids on Scandinavia and Denmark allegedly in the 12th century. This information was preserved, including in the sagas (for example, in the “Saga of Magnus the Blind and Harald Gilli”). Perhaps the medieval historiographer Mavro Orbini, whom we have already talked about, meant precisely the Viking attacks by the Slavic conquest of Europe.

In other words, a Viking and a Varangian are one and the same. Which, by the way, is proven by the strong similarity of the culture of the first Varangian rulers of Rus' - Rurik, Sineus, Truvor and their squad - with the culture of the upper strata of Viking society. And, by the way, the Franks called all “northerners” Normans, including Slavs, Finns, etc., and not just Scandinavians.

Horned helmets are the most glaring misconception about the Vikings.

In fact, there really were horned helmets, but not among the Vikings, but among the Celts. Some images from pre-Viking times show warriors wearing horned helmets. But such helmets were rare and ritual, they were worn by priests. As for the Vikings, a huge number of burials from that era are known. And there is not a single case of finding such a helmet. They are all round, without horns. As an example, consider the reconstruction of the helmet from Sutton Hoo. But this is a royal helmet. Ordinary Vikings wore simpler helmets or leather hats made of thick cowhide. True, all this does not prevent us from depicting Vikings with characteristic horned bowlers. Historical science also claims that the Vikings sometimes used Asian coins and objects with Arabic Muslim inscriptions. But this question, of course, has more to do with the reliability of the official chronology.

Here's something else. When the legendary Norwegian explorer and traveler Thor Heyerdahl launched an expedition to the Russian city of Azov in 2000, it caused widespread outrage among supporters of the Western historical paradigm. Of course, the goal of Heyerdahl’s archaeological expedition was, neither more nor less, to find confirmation of the hypothesis according to which the ancestors of the Scandinavians, led by Odin, came to their country from the Don steppes.

The idea that the ancestral home of the Scandinavians should be sought here arose among the famous Norwegian after he became thoroughly familiar with one of the Old Scandinavian Royal Sagas - “The Saga of the Ynglings”.

Having studied the materials of the Azov region, Heyerdahl writes the following: “... I was simply amazed when I learned that the tribes of the Aesir and Vanir were real peoples who inhabited these places BC!”

The international expedition, which also included Heyerdahl's longtime friend and associate Yuri Senkevich, lasted 2 seasons - 2000 and 2001, and in 2002 Thor Heyerdahl passed away. What did the expedition manage to discover? About 35 thousand valuable artifacts, including 3 buckles, completely identical in appearance to those worn by the ancient Vikings. Heyerdahl believed that this fact alone was enough to begin to rewrite history. Indeed, according to the official point of view, everything was the other way around - the Norman theory claims that it was the Varangians (who are considered to be Scandinavians) who brought statehood to Rus'.

By the way, did you know what the word “Viking” means?

Its origin is derived from different languages: among some peoples it means “rower of a boat,” among others it means “pirate,” among others it means “campaign” or “one who goes on a campaign.” It is curious that in the sagas supposedly from the 13th century, the Viking past is presented in a romantic aura. It is often described, for example, how old people complained that in their youth they “went Viking” (that is, on expeditions), but now they are weak and are not capable of such deeds. In Scandinavia, Vikings were the name given to brave men who carried out military expeditions to foreign lands.