What is sodium calcium silicate glass. Carefully! Harmful dishes. Types of glass products

Glass- a material with an amorphous-crystalline structure obtained by supercooling a melt consisting of oxides of various metals.

Crystal- This is a type of simple glass (you need to add lead to the glass).

Common glasses include

potassium – calcium – silicate glass

The main difference between crystal and glass– addition of lead oxide during manufacturing – from 6 to 36% (world standard – 24).

Key quality indicators.

Destination indicators– linear dimensions and capacity of products, stability on a flat surface, density (for crystal). Reliability indicators– quality of annealing, heat resistance, water resistance, strength of parts fastening.

Indicators of aesthetic properties– they are standardized through the conformity of products to the standard sample and the care of manufacturing. For crystal glassware, optical properties are regulated - refractive index, transparency.

Classification of glass products for household use. Decoration methods.

Depending on the type of glass, household products are divided into products made from ordinary glass, crystal and special glass.

Common glasses include

sodium – calcium – silicate(Produces household utensils (cans, bottles) and cheap, usually colorless, everyday tableware from this glass. cheap) and potassium – calcium – silicate glass (This glass is somewhat more expensive; it is used mainly for the production of tableware.).

A group of crystals unites the glass, which contain lead oxides. Lead oxide helps increase the density of glass, improves optical properties: transparency, “whiteness” (colorlessness), and increases the refractive index (brilliance, sparkle).

The third group - special glasses - is represented by borosilicate heat-resistant glass and glass-based materials - glass ceramics. These glasses are characterized by increased heat resistance and mechanical strength (primarily characteristic of glass ceramics). Borosilicate glasses can withstand heating up to 500C, are resistant to thermal shock, which determines their use in the production of kitchen utensils: pots, braziers, frying pans, baking dishes, etc. Sitalls – glass-like materials with a crystalline structure, maximum mechanical strength (tens of times greater than ordinary glass), and high heat resistance. These materials are characterized by low transparency and are most often white in color. .

Depending on the type of jewelry there are different products with decorations applied during the formation process, as well as on finished products. Decorations applied during the formation process include: coloring in the mass, color, optical pattern, decoration with a roller, colored spots, crackle, decoration in bulk (crumbs), decoration with glass threads, etc. Decorations applied to finished products divided into three subgroups:

1 .mechanical methods of decoration (grinding, engraving, diamond cutting, sandblasting waterjet processing (usually through a stencil).

2. chemical decorations (guilloche, pantograph and deep artistic etching).

3. applied (surface) film decorations (painting, decal, silk-screen printing, stencil, metallization, iridescence, plasma spraying, decoration with luster paints).

42. Examination of textile materials by fiber composition: methods and procedure.

Cotton, linen and woolen fabrics are produced in the 1st and 2nd grades, silk - in the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd grades. In this case, the type of fabric is determined in accordance with GOST standards for fabric. By examining fabrics from the front side on specially equipped tables, defects are identified, which are divided into acceptable and unacceptable, local and widespread. The general indicators by which the type of fabric is determined are the number and size of defects in appearance and deviations in physical and mechanical parameters. Defects in appearance include defects in yarn (knots), weaving (thread breaks) and finishing. Unacceptable defects are subject to a cut, which is made across the entire width of the fabric along the line where the defect is located, or a cut at the location of the defect, the size of which does not exceed 3 cm. Non-woven materials are classified into grades 1 and 2. The grade is determined depending on defects in appearance and deviations in physical and mechanical indicators, which are assessed using a point system. All defects are divided into local and widespread. Locals recalculate to a conventional area. Local ones include: oil threads, knots, broken stitching thread; Common ones: dead hair, lack of coloring, pattern failure, different shades.

GOST 24315-80

Group U00



Terms and definitions of types of glass, methods of production and decoration

Glass tableware and decorative articles made of glass. Types of glass. Methods of manufacture and decoration. Terms and definitions

Date of introduction 1981-07-01


1. DEVELOPED AND INTRODUCED by the Ministry of Construction Materials Industry of the USSR


V.M. Budov, Ph.D. tech. sciences; L.S.Sergeeva, Ph.D. tech. sciences; V.A. Fedorova, Ph.D. tech. sciences; G.K.Markova

2. APPROVED AND ENTERED INTO EFFECT by Resolution of the USSR State Committee for Standards dated July 18, 1980 N 3730


4. Tested in 1982

5. REISSUE (July 1991) with Amendments No. 1, 2, approved in June 1982, April 1988 (IUS 9-82, 7-88)

This standard establishes terms and definitions of concepts used in science, technology and production related to types of glass, methods of producing and decorating tableware and decorative glass products.

The terms established by the standard are mandatory for use in all types of documentation, scientific, technical, educational and reference literature.

There is one standardized term for each concept. The use of synonymous terms of a standardized term is prohibited. Synonyms that are unacceptable for use are given in the standard as a reference and are designated “NDP”.

Established definitions can, if necessary, be changed in the form of presentation, without violating the boundaries of concepts.

In cases where the necessary and sufficient characteristics of a concept are contained in the literal meaning of the term, the definition is not given, and, accordingly, a dash is placed in the “Definition” column.

The standard provides foreign equivalents of standardized terms in German (D) for reference.

The standard provides alphabetical indexes of the terms it contains in Russian and their foreign equivalents. Standardized terms are in bold and invalid synonyms are in italics.



Soda-lime-silicate glass

D. Natron-Kalk-Silikatglas

Colorless glass containing mainly silicon dioxide (SiO), alkali metal oxides (NaO, KО), alkaline earth metal oxides (CaO, MgO) and additional components

Special household glass

Sodium-calcium-silicate glass containing special oxide additives and having specified physicochemical properties

Crystal glass

Colorless glass containing mainly silicon dioxide (SiO), and the amount of lead oxide (PbO), barium oxide (BaO), potassium oxide (KO), zinc oxide (ZnO) alone or in combination is not less than 10%, with a refractive index not less than 1.520 and density not less than 2.4 g/cm

Low lead crystal

D. Bleiarmes Kristallglas

Crystal glass containing from 18 to 24% lead oxide (PbO), with a refractive index of at least 1.530 and a density of at least 2.7 g/cm

Lead crystal

D. Bleikristallglas

Crystal glass containing from 24 to 30% lead oxide (PbO), with a refractive index of at least 1.545 and a density of at least 2.9 g/cm

High lead crystal

D. Bleireiches Kristallglas

Crystal glass containing 30% or more lead oxide (PbO), with a refractive index of more than 1.545 and a density of more than 2.9 g/cm

Barium crystal

D. Barium crystal glass

Crystal glass containing at least 18% barium oxide and alkali metal oxides, with a refractive index of at least 1.530 and a density of at least 2.7 g/cm



Glass products used in everyday life and catering, for cooking, drinking and serving tables

Decorative glass product

D. Dekoriertes Glaserzeugnis

Glass product designed to satisfy human aesthetic needs

Semi-finished glass product

D. halbglaserzeugnis

A glass product characterized by specified properties, prepared for subsequent processing

Finished glass product

D. Gefertigtes Glaserzeugnis

A glass product that has passed all stages of processing and control, meets the requirements of current regulatory and technical documentation and is intended for shipment to the consumer

D. Mundgeblasenes Glaserzeugnis

Glass product made by hand using a molded tube or free blow process

D. Maschinenleblasenen Glaserzeugnis

A glass product made from a portion of glass melt fed into a finishing mold and then blown out while rotating

Pressed glass product

D. Gepresstes Glaserzeugnis

A glass product produced in a mold in one step from a portion of glass melt by manual or mechanized means under the pressure of a punch inserted into the mold

Press blown glass product

D. Pressgeblasenen Glaserzeugnis

A glass product made from a portion of glass melt placed in a rough mold and subsequently blown into the final form with air from a compressor

Bent glass product

D. Gebogenes Glaserzeugnis

A glass product produced by heating a glass blank to its softening temperature and bending it under the influence of its own weight and (or) using a pressing device to its final shape

Overlay glass product

A glass product made by fusing two or more layers of glass of different colors

D. Glaserzeugnis mit Mehrstufeuverarbeitung

A glass product produced by combining individual glass elements produced in two or more stages

Combined glass product

D. Kombiniertes Glaserzeugnis

A glass product made by combining glass with other materials

D. Zentrifugalverarbeitetes Glaserzeugnis

A glass product produced in one step from a portion of glass melt under the influence of centrifugal force

Strengthened glass product

D. Verfestigtes Glaserzeugnis

A glass product of increased mechanical strength, achieved through thermal and (or) chemical treatment and (or) a special method of production from several layers of glass of different compositions


NDP. Bent glass product

D. Freigeblasenes Glaserzeugnis

A glass product formed and decorated in a viscoplastic state using tools designed for these operations

D. Glaserzeugnis mit Ornamenten

A glass product decorated with glass moldings, chips, ribbons, rods, threads, followed by heating or collecting glass and its further molding

D. Glaserzeugnis mit optischen Effekten

A glass product decorated in rough forms, followed by blowing to obtain an optical effect in the product

Pointed glass product

D. Glaserzeugnis mit Anlauffarbe

A product made of colorless glass with additives, which, upon subsequent cooling and reheating, acquires color

Crackle glass product

D. Glaserzeugnis Krakelee

A glass product decorated by rapidly cooling the set in water or wet sawdust to form thin surface cracks that melt when it is further heated and processed

D. Glaserzeugnis mit Reliefen

Glass product decorated in relief forms by pressing or blowing

D. Glaserzeugnis mit

Glass product decorated with airy ribbons, threads and bubbles

D. Glaserzeugnis mit

A glass product decorated by melting various objects made from other materials into glass melt


D. Glaserzeugnis mit Flachschitt

A glass product decorated with ground and polished surfaces using an abrasive wheel and abrasive material

D. Glaserzeugnis mit Diamantschitt

A glass product decorated by applying edges in different states along the profile and depth using an abrasive wheel

D. Glaserzeugnis mit Mattschleifen

Glass product decorated on a grinding wheel without subsequent polishing

Engraved glass product

D. Graviertes Glaserzeugnis

Glass product decorated with ultrasound, laser or engraving tools

D. Glaserzeugnis mit Sandstrahlen

Glass product decorated with etching

D. Glaserzeugnis Atzglas

D. Glaserzeugnis mit verschidenem

Glass product decorated with painting, silk-screen printing, spraying, decals

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 1, 2).


Overlay glass product

Finished glass product

Engraved glass product

Bent glass product

Decorative glass product

Glass product, decorative* etched

* The text corresponds to the original. - Note from the database manufacturer.

Combined glass product

Crackle glass product

Mechanized blown glass product

Multi-stage glass product

Bent glass product

Pressed glass product

Press-blowing glass product

Hand blown glass product

Glass product with diamond cut

Free blown glass product

Glass product with gas inclusions

Glass product with foreign inclusions

Glass product with matte finish

Pointed glass product

Glass product with optical effect

Glass product with ornaments

Sandblasted glass product

Glass product with a flat edge

Glass product with surface decoration

Glass product with reliefs

Strengthened glass product

Centrifugal glass product

Semi-finished glass product


Sodium-lime-silicate glass

Household special glass

Crystal glass

Barium crystal

High lead crystal

Low lead crystal

Lead crystal

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 2).


Barium crystal glass

Bleiarmes Kristallglas


Bleireiches Crystalglas

Dekoriertes Glaserzeugnis

Freigeblasenes Glaserzeugnis

Gebogenes Glaserzeugnis

Gefertigtes Glaserzeugnis

Gepresstes Glaserzeugnis

Glaserzeugnis Atzglas

Glaserzeugnis Krakelee

Glaserzeugnis mit Anlauffarbe

Glaserzeugnis mit Diamantschitt

Glaserzeugnis mit Flachschitt

Glaserzeugnis mit

Glaserzeugnis mit

Glaserxeugnis mit Mattschleifen

Glaserzeugnis mit Mehrstufeuverarbeitung

Glaserzeugnis mit optischen Effekten

Glaserzeugnis mit Ornamenten

Glaserzeugnis mit Reliefen

Glaserzeugnis mit Sandstrahlen

Glaserzeugnis mit verschidenem


Graviertes Glaserzeugnis


Combiniertes Glaserzeugnis


Maschinenleblasenen Glaserzeugnis

Mundgeblasenes Glaserzeugnis


Pressgeblasenen Glaserzeugnis

Verfestigtes Glaserzeugnis

Zentrifugalverarbeitetes Glaserzeugnis

Electronic document text
prepared by Kodeks JSC and verified against:
official publication
M.: Standards Publishing House, 1991

Glass as a material has a long history. Russian scientists made a significant contribution to the development of the science and practice of glassmaking: M.V. Lomonosov, D.I. Mendeleev, N.I. Kitaygorodsky and others. Glass as a material is widely used for making tableware. This use is due to its high aesthetic properties, harmlessness, hygiene, etc.

Glass is a material with an amorphous-crystalline structure, obtained by supercooling a melt consisting of various oxides.

Any glass contains at least five oxides. Depending on the composition (its main component), silicate glass (SiO a), borate glass (B 2 0 3), phosphate glass (P 2 0 5) and combined glass (borosilicate glass, etc.) are distinguished. The oxides that form the structure and properties of glasses are called glass-forming substances. In the production of household goods, silicate glasses and glasses based on their combinations are most widely used.

The following are used as glass-forming oxides in silicate glasses: Si0 2, which is introduced in the form of quartz sand, Na 2 C0 3 - introduced in the form of soda, K 2 CO3 - in the form of potash, CaC0 3 - in the form of limestone or chalk, glass waste is also introduced and other components. The quality of quartz sand and the absence of harmful impurities in it (iron oxides and ferrous oxides, etc.) have a significant impact on the colorlessness and transparency of glass (an example is Bohemian glass).

In addition to glass-forming substances, glass may contain the following components: bleaches, brighteners, dyes, opacifiers, oxidizing and reducing agents, glass melting accelerators. These components influence the aesthetic properties, functionality, and technological performance of glass products.

According to the current regulatory and technical documentation, the main types of glass used for the production of household products are divided into three groups: ordinary glass; crystal and special glasses.

Common glasses include sodium-calcium-silicate (sodium-lime) and potassium-calcium-silicate glass (lime-potassium). Glasses of this group are characterized by transparency, strength, and low cost.

The cheapest representative of this group of glasses is sodium-calcium-silicate, which has color shades of varying degrees of severity (greenish, yellowish, grayish, etc.). This glass is used to produce household utensils (jars, bottles) and cheap, usually colorless, everyday tableware.

Thanks to the introduced potassium oxide, potassium-calcium-silicate glass is more colorless, which makes it possible to improve products in terms of aesthetic properties, both colorless and colored (greater color purity is achieved). This glass is somewhat more expensive; it is used mainly for the production of tableware.

The group of crystals combines glasses that contain lead oxides (Pb0 2). Lead oxide helps increase the density of glass, improves optical properties: transparency, “whiteness” (colorlessness), and increases the refractive index (brilliance, play of light). However, these types of glass have a higher cost, lower hardness, chemical resistance and harmlessness. This group combines three types of glass: crystal glass (low-lead crystal); lead crystal and high lead crystal.

Crystal glass contains a minimum amount of lead oxide (according to GOST 24315-80, the total amount of lead and potassium oxides should not be less than 10%), so it occupies an intermediate position between ordinary glass and lead crystal in terms of optical properties and cost. Crystal glass products are produced by pressing, applying a pattern from a mold; they are not subjected to manual decorative processing. The range of products is represented by tableware (mugs, salad bowls, herring bowls, vases for table setting, ashtrays, etc.).

Lead crystal contains at least 24% lead oxide. This type of crystal is superior to that previously discussed in terms of optical properties and density; when struck, products made from it produce a high-pitched, long-lasting sound (“crimson ringing”). Lead crystal is used in the production of festive tableware (shot glasses, goblets, wine glasses, glasses, vases for table setting); decorative and utilitarian products (flower vases, souvenir mugs, ashtrays); decorative products. Products are produced by blowing, pressing, multi-stage production, and in almost all cases they are subjected to manual finishing (decorated with a “diamond edge”, etc.), which increases the level of aesthetic expressiveness. Necklaces with silver embossing are glued to the bottom of such products.

High-lead crystal (lead oxide content of at least 32%) is characterized by maximum cost and high potential for shaping the aesthetic properties of products. It is used to make expensive dishes, cups, decorative prize items, small sculptures, etc.). Necklaces with gold embossing are glued to the bottom of such products.

Previously, the domestic industry produced crystal products based on barium oxides and zinc oxides, but currently their production is limited.

The third group of glasses - special glasses - is represented by borosilicate (heat-resistant) glass and glass-like materials - glass ceramics. These types of glass are characterized by specific properties: increased heat resistance and mechanical strength (which is primarily inherent in glass ceramics).

Borosilicate glasses can withstand temperatures up to 500°C and are resistant to thermal shock, which determines their use in the production of kitchen utensils: pots, frying pans, baking dishes, etc. Externally, this type of glass is easily recognizable by the following indicators: reduced transparency, greenish -yellow color (imported products can also be painted in warm colors: orange-pink; rose-red, etc.); massiveness of products (large wall thickness is determined by the production method - pressing).

Sitalls are glass-like materials with a crystalline structure (the process of crystal formation is activated by lithium, titanium and magnesium introduced into the composition of aluminosilicate glasses), maximum mechanical strength (they exceed ordinary glass tens of times); high temperature resistance. These materials are also characterized by low transparency, most often have a white color, and dishes made from them have signs of pressed products.

The consumer properties and quality of glass products are influenced by the technological production cycle, in which the following stages are usually distinguished: preparation of raw materials; glass melting; product molding; heat treatment (annealing or hardening) and decoration.

For the production of household household goods from glass, five main molding methods are used: pressing, blowing, press blowing; multi-stage production (joint), casting.

Pressing is the most technologically advanced method of producing glass products for this purpose. The process boils down to the formation of a product from molten glass mass placed at the bottom of the matrix, in the gap between the matrix (the stationary part of the mold) and the punch (the moving part of the mold). During the molding process, relief patterns and marking attributes can be applied to the surface of the matrix, which are transferred to the product during pressing.

However, this method does not always emphasize all the advantages of glass: “airiness,” shine, and a high degree of transparency. Products obtained by this molding method are characterized by massiveness, large wall thickness, lower heat resistance (for products made from ordinary glass), simplicity of shape, their upper internal diameter is always larger than the lower one, due to the wear process of the molds, smoothness is lost and gloss decreases.

Blowing is a molding method that allows you to use the potential of glass to a greater extent. The blowing process can be done mechanically or manually. The products of this production method are distinguished by their high surface smoothness; a significant range of wall thickness (from very small - no more than 1 mm, to very large - 10 mm or more); the ability to obtain various types of jewelry (both simple and complex).

Products obtained by mechanized blowing are characterized by a simple shape with an axis of symmetry and a thickened bottom. Examples of such products are thin-walled tea glasses, products with a stem (shot glasses, glasses, wine glasses).

The hand blowing method is more labor intensive and can be done freely and using molds. A variation of manual free blowing is guten work (gutny technique). Products of this production method are characterized by complex types of decoration and form an assortment of artistic and decorative products.

Press blowing is carried out in two stages: first, the product blank is pressed, and then the blank is finally blown into the mold in a hot state. Products of this production method have the characteristics of both pressed and blown products, but their distinctive feature is the presence of a neck; traces (“seams”) from the splitting of composite molds are often visible.

Multi-stage processing is used in the production of hollow products with a stem, in which the hollow part is blown, the stem is pressed, then the two parts are joined.

Decorative items (sculptures) and optical glasses are made by casting into molds (molten glass is poured into a prepared mold).

An important stage in the production of glass products is decoration - the application of additional decorations.

Hot jewelry includes:

Coloring in the mass - a dye is introduced into the glass mass in order to impart a certain color (by their nature, dyes can be molecular and colloidal);

Overcolor - used for surface coloring of blown products, additionally emphasizing (by grinding, diamond cutting, etc.) the colorlessness of the base glass;

Optical pattern - the product is produced in two stages: at the first stage it is molded in a relief form, and at the second - in a smooth form;

Decoration with a roller resembles an optical pattern, but the front surface remains in relief;

Air bubbles, threads, tapes - gas-forming inclusions are introduced into the glass melt (or individual elements of the product);

Colored spots, marble decorations, malachite, etc. - glass melts of different colors are mixed unevenly;

Crackle - after molding, the product is sharply cooled, the resulting surface cracks are subsequently melted;

Decoration in bulk (crumbs) - the product is rolled hot over glass chips;

Decorations with glass threads, ribbons, glass cords;

Sticks, decorative folds of edges, and figured edges are obtained using a special tool in the process of free blowing of products.

Cold jewelry is usually divided into three subgroups:

Mechanical methods of decoration;

Chemical decorations;

Overhead (surface) film decorations.

Mechanical methods of decoration include the following:

Grinding - removing the glass surface using an abrasive to form a specific pattern; a distinction is made between grinding with and without polishing;

Engraving - processing the glass surface with narrow engraving abrasive wheels (laser, ultrasound) to obtain a pattern; unlike grinding, the pattern is thinner, more textured, matte (not polished);

Diamond edge - the pattern is formed by dihedral grooves obtained on the glass using an abrasive; they can be additionally polished;

Sandblasting, waterjet processing - the formation of a pattern by chipping the glass surface with abrasives supplied by a powerful air or water jet (usually through a stencil).

Chemically produced jewelry is currently used to a limited extent by the domestic industry due to its significant cost. These decoration methods are based on the destruction of the surface layer of glass with hydrofluoric acid (HF). These types of decorations include guilloche, pantograph and deep artistic etching (the latter is usually characteristic of products with color).

Overlay (surface) film decorations are widely used for decorating products made of ordinary glass and glass ceramics; they are represented by the following types:

Painting - decoration with paints or gold preparations applied with a brush; designs can be either thematic or in the form of stripes (up to 1 mm - tendril; from 1 to 3 mm - layering; from 4 to 10 mm - tape);

Decal (decalcomania) - decorations applied using decals;

Silk-screen printing (silk-screen printing) is often a one-color design reminiscent of a “thin” stencil design;

Stencil - a single-color or multi-color simple drawing with paints, applied using one or several stencils, respectively (possible overlay of paints, lack of clarity of the outline);

Metallization, iridescence, plasma spraying - application of metal oxide, metal and other films to the glass surface to form a specific pattern;

Decoration with luster paints - when applying and subsequent firing of paints, a thin film with a specific effect is formed on the surface (golden luster, iridescent luster, etc.).

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Main Features

Glass in building - Basic soda lime silicate glass products - Part 1: Definitions and general physical and mechanical properties,

Official publication

GOST EN 572-1-2016



The goals, basic principles and basic procedure for carrying out work on interstate standardization are established in GOST 1.0-2015 “Interstate standardization system. Basic provisions" and GOST 1.2-2015 "Interstate standardization system. Interstate standards, rules and recommendations for interstate standardization. Rules for development and adoption. updates and cancellations"

Standard information

1 PREPARED by the Open Joint Stock Company "Institute of Glass", Technical Committee for Standardization TC 41 "Glass" based on its own translation into Russian of the English version of the standard specified in paragraph 5

2 INTRODUCED by the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology

3 ADOPTED by the Interstate Council for Standardization, Metrology and Certification (protocol dated August 31, 2016 No. 90-P)

Short name of the country according to MK (ISO 3166) 004-97

Country code no MK (ISO 3166) 004-97

Abbreviated name of the national standardization body

Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Armenia


State Standard of the Republic of Belarus


Gosstandart of the Republic of Kazakhstan






4 By Order of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology dated April 25, 2017 No. 307-st, the interstate standard GOST EN 572-1-2016 was put into effect as a national standard of the Russian Federation on March 1, 2018.

5 This standard is identical to the European standard EN 572-1:2012 “Glass in construction. Basic products made of soda-lime-silicate glass. Part 1. Definitions and general physical and mechanical properties” (“Glass in building - Basic soda lime silicate glass products - Part 1: Definitions and general physical and mechanical properties”, IDT).

The European standard was developed by Technical Committee CEN/TC 129 “Glass in construction” of the European Committee for Standardization (CEN).

The name of this standard has been changed relative to the name of the specified European standard to bring it into compliance with GOST 1.5 (subsection 3.6).

Clause 6.2 is supplemented with a footnote containing background information on the strength of glass.


7 Certain provisions of the European standard referred to in paragraph 5 may be the subject of patent rights. The European Committee for Standardization (CEN) is not responsible for the identification of such patent rights

GOST EN 572-1-2016


Glass in building - Determination of the bending strength of glass - Part 1: Fundamentals of testing glass

Glass in building - Determination of the bending strength of glass - Part 2: Coaxial ring test on flat specimens with large test surface areas

Glass in building - Determination of the bending strength of glass - Part 3: Test with specimen supported at two points (four point bending)

Glass in building - Determination of the bending strength of glass - Part 4: Testing of channel shaped glass

Glass in building - Determination of the bending strength of glass - Part 5: Coaxial ring test on flat specimens with small test surface areas

PrEN 13474 (all parts)

Glass in building - Design of glass panes - Determination of the load resistance of glass panes by calculation and testing

(7) Evaluation of the relevant parameters allowing to prevent the weathering of float glass during storage. Franco Geotti-Bianchini. Martina Preo. RivistadeBa Stazione Sperimentale del Vetro n. 3-1999. pages 127-146

UDC 666.151:006.354 MKS 81.040.30 UT

Key words: soda-lime-silicate glass, chemical composition, characteristics, colorless glass

Editor M I Maksimova Technical editor V N Prusakova Proofreader P.S. Pysokko Computer layout A N Zolotareva

Submitted for printing on 04/28/2017. Signed for printing on 05/05/2017. Format 60-84U g Typeface Arial

Uel pech l. 1.40 Academic publication l. 1.27. Circulation 25 eq Zak 768 Prepared on the basis of the electronic version provided by the developer of the standard

Published and printed by FSUE "STANDARDNYFORM". 123995 Moscow. Grenade por.. 4. www.gostinfo.fu info@gostinfo gi

GOST EN 572-1-2016

Information about changes to this standard is published in the annual information index “National Standards”. and the text of changes and amendments is in the monthly information index “National Standards”. In case of revision (replacement) or cancellation of this standard, the corresponding notice will be published in the monthly information index “National Standards”. Relevant information, notices and texts are also posted in the public information system - on the official website of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology on the Internet (www.gost.ru)

©Standardinform, 2017

In the Russian Federation, this standard cannot be fully or partially reproduced, replicated and distributed as an official publication without permission from the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology

1 Scope of application................................................... ..

3 Terms and definitions................................................... .

4 General provisions................................................... ...

5 Chemical composition................................................... ...

5.1 Main components...................................................

5.2 Glass colored in the mass....................................................

6 Physical and mechanical characteristics...................................................

6.1 Main characteristics...................................................

6.2 Flexural strength fg.kk.................................................... .

6.3 Definition of flint glass....................................................

6.3.1 General provisions....................................................

6.3.2 Colorless transparent glass....................................................

6.3.3 Clear translucent glass....................................

6.4 Stability of physical and chemical characteristics....................................

6.5 Characteristics for assessing the quality of products....................................

6.5.1 Optical distortion....................................................

6.5.2 Appearance................................................... ....

Appendix YES (informative) Information on the compliance of reference European and international

standards interstate standards......................

Bibliography................................................. .....

GOST EN 572-1-2016



Soda lime silicate glass. General characteristics

Date of introduction -2018-03-01

1 Application area

This standard applies to basic soda-lime-silicate glass products and specifies their chemical composition and basic physical and mechanical characteristics.

Dimensions and dimensional deviations, descriptions of defects, quality requirements and symbols of basic products are not included in this standard and are given in other parts of EN 572 that establish requirements for products of a specific type:

EN 572-2 - float glass;

EN 572-3 - polished reinforced glass;

EN 572-4 - drawn sheet glass;

EN 572-5 - patterned glass;

EN 572-6 - reinforced patterned glass;

EN 572-7 - reinforced or non-reinforced profile glass;

EN 572-8 - supplied and final dimensions;

EN 572-9 - conformity assessment/product standard.

2 Normative references

The following reference documents are required for the application of this standard. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.

EN 410 Glass in building - Determination of luminous and solar characteristics of glazing

EN 572-2 Glass in building - Basic soda lime silicate glass products - Part 2; Float glass (Glass in construction. Basic products from soda-lime-silicate glass. Part 2. Float glass)

EN 572-3 Glass in building - Basic soda lime silicate glass products - Part 3: Polished wired glass

EN 572-4 Glass in building - Basic soda lime silicate glass products - Part 4: Drawn sheet glass

EN 572-5 Glass in building - Basic soda lime silicate glass products - Part 5: Patterned glass

EN 572-6 Glass in building - Basic soda lime silicate glass products - Part 6; Wired patterned glass (Glass in construction. Basic products made of soda-lime-silicate glass. Part 6. Wired patterned glass)

Official publication

EN 572-7 Glass in building - Basic soda lime silicate glass products - Part 7: Wired or unwired channel shaped glass

EN 572-8 Glass in building - Basic soda lime silicate glass products - Part 8: Supplied and final cut sizes

EN 572-9 Glass in building - Basic soda lime silicate glass products - Part 9: Evaluation of conformity/Product standard

ISO 9385 Glass and glass-ceramics - Knoop hardness test (Glass and glass-ceramics. Determination of Knoop hardness)

3 Terms and definitions

The following terms with corresponding definitions are used in this standard:

3.1 float glass: Flat, transparent, colorless or mass-dyed soda-lime-silicate glass having parallel polished surfaces, produced by thermal molding on a molten metal.

Note 1 - Equivalent terms; in French - "glace", in German - "Floatglas".

3.2 drawn sheet glass: Flat, transparent, colorless or mass-dyed soda-lime-silicate glass, made by vertical drawing, having uniform thickness and fire-polished surfaces.

Note 1 - Drawn sheet glass is divided into three types; “antique”, “for restoration” and “with a minimum number of defects”.

3.3 patterned glass: Flat, translucent, colorless or mass-dyed soda-lime-silicate glass made by continuous rolling.

3.4 wired patterned glass: Flat, translucent, colorless or dyed soda-lime-silicate glass, manufactured by the continuous rolling method, inside which there is a welded steel mesh fused into the glass during its production.

Note 1—Glass surfaces may be patterned or hammered.

Note 2—In German, the term “Drahtglas” (“wired glass”) is used for patterned reinforced glass with forged surfaces.

3.5 polished wired glass: Flat, transparent, colorless soda-lime-silicate glass having parallel polished surfaces, made from wired patterned glass by mechanical grinding and polishing of the surfaces.

3.6 wired or unwired channel-shaped glass: Translucent clear or colored soda-lime-silicate glass, reinforced or unreinforced. manufactured by continuous rolling, which is given an lZ-shape during the production process.

4 General provisions

This standard applies in conjunction with EN 572, parts 2 to 9.

5 Chemical composition

5.1 Main components

The basic products covered by this standard are made of soda-lime-silicate glass.

GOST EN 572-1-2016

Silicon dioxide (Si0 2) 69-74;

Calcium oxide (CaO) 5-14;

Sodium oxide (Na 2 0) 10-16;

Magnesium oxide (MgO) 0-6;

Aluminum oxide (A1 2 0 3) 0-3;

Other components 0-5.

In addition to the main components indicated, glass may contain small amounts of other substances.

5.2 Glass, colored in mass

Bulk-colored glass is produced by adding special substances (dyes) to the glass melt.

6 Physical and mechanical characteristics

6.1 Main characteristics

The generally accepted values ​​of the physical and mechanical characteristics of base products made of soda-lime-silicate glass, with the exception of bending strength f g W(. are given in Table 1. The given values, characteristic of ordinary annealed glass without additional processing, are not mandatory requirements that the glass must strictly comply, but are generally accepted values ​​for use in calculations that do not require high accuracy.

Table 1 - Main characteristics of basic products made of soda-lime-silicate glass

Characteristic name



Density (at 18 °C)

Knoop hardness number

Young's modulus (modulus of elasticity)

Poisson's ratio

Specific heat

720 J/(kg K)

Temperature coefficient of linear expansion (in the temperature range from 20 * C to 300 * C)

Heat resistance

Thermal conductivity coefficient

Refractive index (at wavelength 589.3 nm)

Emission factor (adjusted)

> According to ISO 9385.

b > Generally accepted value, which depends on the quality of edge processing and type of glass.

6.2 Flexural strength f g kk

The flexural strength value is valid for short-term quasi-static loads (eg wind loads) with a 5% probability of failure at the lower limit of the 95% confidence interval.

The bending strength f g m of soda-lime-silicate glass is 45 MPa*.

NOTE Methods for determining the flexural strength of glass are given in EN 1288 (parts 1 to 5), see (I) to (5). Calculation methods for sheet glass are given in prEN 13474 (see (6)).

’ The value indicated is not intended for calculation purposes. Reference values ​​for the bending strength of products made of soda-lime-silicate glass, recommended for strength calculations when designing glazing, are given in GOST 33561 and standards for specific types of glass products.

6.3 Definition of flint glass

6.3.1 General

Soda-lime-silicate glass is classified as colorless glass if it is not colored in the mass and the light transmittance of the base glass, not altered by the possible presence of a coating or surface relief (for example, patterned glass), complies with 6.3.2, 6.3.3.

Before measuring the light transmittance in order to determine whether the glass can be classified as clear glass, if necessary, the glass is subjected to the following pre-treatment:

Coatings on flat surfaces are removed without changing the thickness of the base glass;

Relief surfaces, coated or uncoated, are leveled by grinding and polishing. the thickness of the glass will change.

Light transmittance should be measured on glass with polished surfaces.

Note - The light transmittance values ​​given in 6.3.2 and 6.3.3 are not intended for calculation purposes. These values ​​do not take into account the influence of coatings and surface topography and are used only to classify glass as clear glass. Light transmittance values ​​for calculations can be obtained from the glass manufacturer or determined according to EN 410.

6.3.2 Colorless transparent glass

Transparent glass is classified as colorless glass if it is not colored in the mass and its light transmittance is

Rounded to 0.01,

not less than the value specified in table 2 for the corresponding nominal glass thickness.

Note - The limit values ​​given in Table 2 are applicable provided that the measured glass thickness is within the permissible deviations of the nominal thickness of the glass.

Table 2 - Light transmittance for classifying transparent glass to clear glass

Nominal glass thickness, mm

Light transmittance, not less

6.3.3 Clear translucent glass

Translucent glass is classified as colorless glass if it is not colored in the mass and its light transmittance is

After the necessary pre-treatment of the glass.

Measured according to EN 410 and

Rounded to 0.01,

not less than the value indicated in Table 3 for the measured thickness of the glass sample.

Note - The limit value will vary depending on the exact thickness of the glass sample after pre-treatment.

GOST EN 572-1-2016

Table 3 - Light transmittance for classifying translucent glass to colorless glass

Glass sample thickness, mm

Saot transmittance. no less

6.4 Stability of physical and chemical characteristics

The physical and chemical characteristics of basic soda-lime glass products do not change over a long period of time for the following reasons:

a) since glass is not a photosensitive material, the spectral properties (transmission of light and solar energy) of basic glass products do not change under the influence of solar radiation;

b) the surface of glass used in construction is practically insensitive to environmental influences.

Note - Despite this. Since the surface of glass installed in the glazing of buildings is practically insensitive to the effects of water, the surface of the glass should be protected before its installation. Improper storage may result in water/moisture getting between the glass sheets. This localized environmental influence can cause damage to the glass surface (see)