Distance learning: pros and cons, advantages and disadvantages. Distance learning: pros and cons, reviews. Research on the possibilities of distance learning for schoolchildren Pros and cons of distance education

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1. Interpretation of the term

2. Advantages of distance education

3. Disadvantages of distance education


List of used literature


Specialists on strategic issues of education call the distance learning system the educational system of the 21st century. Today there is a huge bet on it. The relevance of the topic of distance learning lies in the fact that the results of social progress, previously concentrated in the field of technology, are now concentrated in the information sphere. The era of computer science has arrived. The stage of its development at the moment can be characterized as telecommunications. This area of ​​communication, information and knowledge. Based on the fact that professional knowledge ages very quickly, its constant improvement is necessary. Distance learning today makes it possible to create systems of mass continuous self-learning and universal exchange of information, regardless of time and space zones. In addition, distance education systems provide equal opportunities to all people, regardless of social status (pupils, students, civilians and military, the unemployed, etc.) in any region of the country and abroad to realize their human rights to education and obtaining information. It is this system that can most adequately and flexibly respond to the needs of society and ensure the implementation of the constitutional right to education of every citizen of the country. Based on the above factors, we can conclude that distance learning will enter the 21st century as the most effective system for training and continuously maintaining a high qualification level of specialists.

The purpose of this work is to identify the advantages and disadvantages of the distance education system.

1. Interpretation of the term

To the question: “What is Distance Education,” the search engine returned several answer options. Let's look at them.

Distance education is education that is carried out in whole or in part with the help of computers and telecommunications technologies and means. The subject of distance education is removed from the teacher, and/or teaching aids, and/or educational resources.

Distance education is the organization of cognitive activity based on self-education, where direct pedagogical communication is reduced to a minimum.

Distance education (DL) is a set of technologies that ensure delivery of the main volume of studied material to students, interactive interaction between students and teachers during the learning process, providing students with the opportunity to independently work on mastering the material being studied, as well as during the learning process.

Distance education is a new, specific form of education, somewhat different from the usual forms of full-time or correspondence education. It presupposes other means, methods, organizational forms of teaching, a different form of interaction between teacher and students, and students among themselves.

Thus, we can conclude that distance education is a kind of new form, closest to correspondence, but using information technology and the Internet, which allows online communication between students and teachers. The latter brings it closer to full-time education and distinguishes it as a separate way of obtaining higher education.

2. Pros of distance education

distance learning organizational society

According to experts in the field of education, and the students themselves, the advantages of distance education are obvious and are as follows:

Opportunity to study at any time:

A distance learning student can independently decide when and how much time during the semester to devote to studying the material. He creates an individual training schedule for himself. Some educational institutions provide their students with the opportunity to defer their studies for a long period of time and return to it without having to pay for educational services again.

The ability to learn at your own pace:

Remote learners don't have to worry about falling behind their classmates. You can always return to studying more complex issues, watch video lectures several times, re-read correspondence with the teacher, and you can skip already known topics. The main thing is to successfully pass intermediate and final certifications.

Opportunity to study anywhere:

Students can study from the comfort of their home or office, anywhere in the world. To begin training, you must have a computer with Internet access. The absence of the need to attend an educational institution every day is a definite plus for people with disabilities, for those living in hard-to-reach areas, serving sentences in prison, and parents with small children.

Study without interruption from main activity:

You can study several courses at the same time remotely and receive another higher education. To do this, it is not at all necessary to take a vacation from your main place of work or go on business trips. There are educational organizations that organize corporate training (advanced training) for employees of companies and government employees. In this case, study does not interrupt work experience, and the questions studied can be immediately applied in work.

High learning results:

As studies by American scientists show, the results of distance learning are not inferior or even superior to the results of traditional forms of education. The distance student studies most of the educational material independently. This improves memory and understanding of the topics covered. And the opportunity to immediately apply knowledge in practice at work helps to consolidate it. In addition, the use of the latest technologies in the learning process makes it more interesting and lively.


Communication with teachers and tutors is carried out in different ways: both on-line and off-line. Consulting with a tutor via email is sometimes more effective and faster than scheduling a personal meeting for full-time or distance learning.

Availability of training materials:

Distance learning students are unfamiliar with the problem of a lack of textbooks, problem books, and training manuals. Access to all necessary literature is provided to the student after registering on the university website, or he receives educational materials by mail.

Distance education is cheaper:

If we compare training in a particular specialty on a commercial basis, full-time and remotely, the second will be cheaper. The student does not have to pay for travel, accommodation, and in the case of foreign universities, there is no need to spend money on a visa and passport.

Study in a relaxed environment:

Interim certification of students of distance courses takes place in the form of on-line tests. Therefore, students have less reason to worry before meeting with teachers during tests and exams. The possibility of subjective assessment is excluded: the system that checks the correctness of answers to test questions will not be affected by the student’s performance in other subjects, his social status and other factors.

Convenience for the teacher:

Teachers, tutors, teachers engaged in teaching activities remotely can pay attention to a larger number of students and work while, for example, on maternity leave.

Individual approach:

With traditional teaching, it is quite difficult for a teacher to pay the required amount of attention to all students in a group and adjust to the pace of everyone’s work. The use of remote technologies is suitable for organizing an individual approach. In addition to the fact that the student chooses his own pace of learning, he can quickly get answers to questions that arise from the tutor.

Experiments have confirmed that the quality and structure of training courses, as well as the quality of teaching in distance learning are often much better than in traditional forms of education. New electronic technologies can not only ensure the active involvement of students in the learning process, but also allow them to manage this process, unlike most traditional learning environments. The integration of sound, movement, image and text creates a new, incredibly rich learning environment that will increase student engagement in the learning process. The interactive capabilities of the programs and information delivery systems used in the distance learning system make it possible to establish and even stimulate feedback, provide dialogue and constant support that are impossible in most traditional learning systems.

Thus, modern computer telecommunications are capable of providing knowledge transfer and access to a variety of educational information on an equal basis, and sometimes much more effectively, than traditional teaching tools.

3. Disadvantages of remote communicationeducation:

Despite the predominant number of advantages of distance education, this system is not perfect. During the implementation of electronic training programs, the following problems of distance education were identified.

Strong motivation required:

A distance student masters almost all educational material independently. This requires developed willpower, responsibility and self-control. Not everyone can maintain the desired pace of learning without outside control.

Distance education is not suitable for developing communication skills:

With distance learning, students have minimal or no personal contact with each other and with teachers. Therefore, this form of training is not suitable for developing communication skills, confidence, and teamwork skills.

Lack of practical knowledge:

Training in specialties that involve a large number of practical classes is difficult remotely. Even the most modern simulators will not replace future doctors or teachers with “live” practice.

User identification problem:

For now, the most effective way to monitor whether a student passed exams or tests honestly and independently is through video surveillance, which is not always possible. Therefore, students have to personally come to the university or its branches for the final certification.

Insufficient computer literacy:

In Russia, a special need for distance education arises in remote areas. However, in the outback, not everyone who wants to study has a computer with Internet access.

Of course, the effectiveness of distance learning directly depends on those teachers who work with students on the Internet. These should be teachers with universal training: proficient in modern pedagogical and information technologies, psychologically prepared to work with students in a new educational and cognitive network environment. Unfortunately, specialists of this kind are not trained in our country. Another problem is the infrastructure of student information support in networks. The question of what the structure and composition of educational material should be remains open. Along with this, the question is raised about the conditions of access to distance learning courses. The issue of organizing and assessing the knowledge of “distance” students has also not been resolved. To solve it, it is necessary to create a regulatory framework for assessing students' knowledge.

Thus, we can conclude that along with a large number of advantages, distance education also has a number of significant disadvantages.


The prospects and opportunities of distance education have contributed to the fact that the number of people wishing to graduate from a university remotely is steadily growing every year. Despite the fact that the number of advantages is much greater than the disadvantages, the majority still study full-time. Because the features of distance education are simply not acceptable for many students.

For example, lack of constant communication between teacher and student. For some, it is important to be constantly guided, to point out mistakes and to encourage initiative and good performance. For some, on the contrary, oral communication is a burden; it is easier to express their thoughts in writing. In other words, in such cases, and there can be a huge number of them, the choice is justified by the psychological type of the student’s personality. Or, for example, poor technical equipment: lack of a computer, lack of access to the global information and unified educational system. This problem directly affects the ability to study remotely.

To summarize, we can unequivocally answer that distance education has a future. However, much depends on how quickly the problems of eliminating information illiteracy, technical equipment and improving the quality of electronic education that arise during the implementation of distance scientific programs and projects will be resolved.

So, the factors and examples given above show the need to create and expand distance learning in Russia and its regions. This is necessary for the development of a qualified, intelligent, highly professional and simply healthy society.

List of used literature

1. Loginova D.S. The use of distance learning in higher education. Krasnoyarsk, 2011

2. Ilyushin G.A. The use of distance learning technologies in higher education. Krasnoyarsk, 2011

3. Gainanova A.N. The use of distance education in higher education (On the example of one of the Russian and foreign universities). Krasnoyarsk, 2011

4. Yakimenko A.V. Distance education. Abstract. Krasnoyarsk, 2011

5. www.wikipedia.ru

6. Polat E. S. Petrov A. E. Distance learning: what should it be like? // Pedagogy. - 1999. -№7. -WITH. 29-34.

7. http://studynote.ru

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Today we will be interested in such a topic as distance learning. The pros and cons of such a system are what you need to know. After all, this trend in the modern world is beginning to take root in the education system. Can this be allowed? Or will you have to stick with all your might to the “classics”? What are the disadvantages and advantages of the distance learning form? Is she really as scary as some people assume? You will have to understand all this thoroughly. Otherwise, you may make the wrong decision!


The study of the possibilities of distance learning (the pros and cons of this system) has recently become of interest to many. After all, progress does not stand still; every day new theories and devices appear in the world to make modern human life easier. Moreover, all areas are being taken over - including education.

In general, this is a new product. She attracts many people. After all, you won’t need to go to school or university - you just need to appear on the Internet, go through a short login, and you will be able to get a lecture or attend a class. Saves time for both children and adults. But only teachers, as well as students, were divided into several categories. The first admit that such a system can really help, while the second refute this. So what are the pros and cons of distance learning for students? Who and what to believe?

At any time

Of course, there is no way to give a definitive answer. After all, our question today is the eternal problem of all modern education. In some cases, distance learning can help. And sometimes it can cause harm. Many factors play a role here.

For example, there are pros and cons in equal numbers, in principle. Only the importance of each area matters. Among the advantages of such training is its versatility. Without any problems, a schoolchild or student will be able to engage in his education at any time. Immediately life becomes easier. Of course, this is a plus. You are not bound by time frames, you can distribute your time as you want. After all, the main thing in our education today is the result. At least absorb all the material in a day, or at least spread it out over a week.


Distance learning has pros and cons. Feedback from teachers, parents and students indicates that self-education plays a huge role in this form of studying the material. In fact, this is exactly what you will be doing. That is, no teachers behind your back, no surveillance and no time limits. On the one hand, this is a plus - you can learn to use time rationally and better assimilate the material. In addition, there are people who find it easier to learn when no one is monitoring the process. One might say, the students are “with a core.”

On the other hand, distance learning requires organization and composure. For example, for young children such education will most likely be given with great difficulty - it is difficult for them to concentrate. Especially when there is no control. There are also students who are not predisposed to self-education at all. Such children will have fun all the time and not study.

Always and everywhere

The pros and cons of distance education are a controversial issue. It requires a thorough study of all the nuances. Otherwise, you can draw the wrong conclusions. Of course, since this form has been used in Europe for a long time, it means that in Russia, with a well-thought-out system, it will produce results.

In addition to the advantages already listed, we can highlight the fact that teaching schoolchildren at a distance allows them not to miss classes for one reason or another. For example, if a student gets sick. All you have to do is turn on your computer, join the virtual conference, and you can attend the class. And this is without harm to health.

It turns out that absenteeism can be kept to a minimum. Yes, the Internet sometimes has various glitches. But you can just check them. But real absenteeism is not. Often, distance learning helps, even during a long illness or inability to attend school, to remain in the general flow and keep up with other students.


Another plus, which, as a rule, does not stand out much, is learning in a comfortable environment. Often children simply do not want to go to school. They feel uncomfortable and unpleasant there. In this case, there can be no talk of any learning effectiveness.

But if the material is absorbed better at home, then DO is an excellent choice. Not only will it allow you to educate yourself and always stay in touch, but it will also not cause any discomfort. You can create the most comfortable learning conditions for yourself, and then simply listen to lectures and lessons.

True, parents will still have to monitor younger schoolchildren in this case. They still do not know how to concentrate and engage in self-education. Perhaps, distance learning is more suitable for middle and high schools. Children who can already consciously control their activities and do what is necessary.

Freedom of action

Distance learning has numerous pros and cons. We can say that every advantage has its own antipode-disadvantage. And vice versa. When talking about school distance learning, the disadvantages often include complete freedom of action. Indeed, if you don’t keep an eye on your child, he will most likely abandon his studies altogether. So the pros and cons of distance learning for schoolchildren is a very controversial issue.

It is extremely difficult to control an online seminar. Of course, if the system of distance education in schools is developed and thought out to the smallest detail (how to monitor children, conduct testing, and so on), then this form will give visible progress and maximum results. Otherwise, distance education will simply distance children even further from the educational process.


The pros and cons of distance learning (in English, Russian or any other language) can be discussed endlessly. But the main advantage of this form of acquiring knowledge is convenience. It doesn’t matter for what reasons - be it freedom of time and action or saving time. Teaching and learning this way is simply convenient.

This option is especially suitable for teachers. You can stay focused on your own affairs and also do part-time work during class. For example, if this form of training is introduced, women on maternity leave will no longer need to take leave. You can easily look after your baby and teach students at school at the same time. Everything is easy and simple. And most importantly - convenient! Yes, it is important to work through the education system at a distance. But this does not negate the fact that such a technique will make learning accessible to everyone - both students and teachers!

Educational materials

What are the pros and cons of distance learning? To be honest, the advantages of this education system are much easier to describe. Yes, and you can notice them with the naked eye. Of course, with the correct implementation of the process.

For example, another advantage is the availability of educational materials. You can read any textbook or notes electronically. The Internet will provide you with all the information you need. This is additional material. There is no need to spend a lot of time and money buying and searching for textbooks, manuals and other educational notes.

By the way, distance learning will save children from a lot of books in their bags. Nowadays, even a first-grader’s briefcase sometimes weighs so much that it’s scary to think how children go to school like that! All this has a negative impact on health. And electronic textbooks weigh nothing at all. And in class, saying that you forgot the manual at home will no longer work. If you have access to the network, this means that all the material will be at your fingertips!


As you can see, our current system has many pros and cons. If you work it out thoroughly, then only the advantages will remain. Unfortunately, no educational system has ever been developed so well. But such a possibility is not excluded.

If we talk about education for older people, then the distance learning form has become extremely popular. They actively use it. You will be able to study and receive higher education (and even several), without interrupting your daily life, work and family. These are all huge opportunities. Thus, you can live in one city and study in another. And without even disturbing your usual routine. The choice of universities that provide distance learning is increasing every year.

In addition, this form differs in cost. Costs for distance learning are lower. This means that you can get a higher education without any problems and at affordable prices. So you shouldn’t think that the absence of personality within the walls of an academic university is a bad thing. Not at all.

As you can see, distance learning has various pros and cons at school and university. There are many advantages. But there are also plenty of shortcomings. It is recommended to use this form if the child studies better independently (predisposed to self-education), and also when it is not possible to attend classes at school. Remember, with the correct organization of the educational process, only advantages will remain from preschool education. But now this is an excellent choice for getting a “tower”!

In the article we looked at the question of how relevant it is to have a higher education diploma today, and came to the conclusion that people with a diploma have a slightly greater chance of a more successful life than people without a diploma. Situations are different, and if previously much depended on geographical factors, finances and time, today obtaining higher education has become much closer and more accessible to all segments of the population. Let's talk about distance education, and also consider possible pros and cons of remotetraining.

Higher education remotely is a modern reality, giving many a chance to receive the coveted document necessary for successful career growth and advancement. The pros and cons of distance learning are not axioms, these are just the opinions of the majority of experts, but perhaps some of the disadvantages will seem like advantages to you and vice versa.

The advantages include:

  1. Expanding access to education for those people who have no other options due to work, family or physical limitations.
  2. Provides a teaching method that is better suited to a specific type of learner.
  3. Greater flexibility when planning your studies: students can determine the time and location of their lessons.
  4. Greater flexibility in terms of location: students can study at work, at home, in the park, on vacation, and essentially anywhere there is electricity and a network.
  5. Distance education makes students more independent and disciplined.
  6. Facilitates student-teacher interaction.
  7. The opportunity to meet new people from different cities during online lectures.
  8. Saving time and other resources, including paper. Most of the materials are in electronic form.
  9. More affordable tuition fees than full-time courses.
  10. Democracy and the opportunity to get an education regardless of place of residence, physical abilities and other criteria. This type of education has important social significance.

Students come to university for various reasons. They may be interested in improving their career, or simply want to expand their horizons. others want to learn a new language, or pursue a degree that has been put on hold due to family needs or other reasons. And the main reason for choosing distance education is that students can study at their own pace or at a specific time and place that is convenient for them.

TO pros and cons of distance learning You must add your own criteria, which are known only to you. There are people for whom such education cannot be understood as equal to full-time education.

Well, this education system also has disadvantages:

  1. Lack of social interaction. If you like to communicate live with people, then you will clearly miss conversations and contacts with society. There will be emails, chats, letters. This is a slightly different communication.
  2. The format is not ideal for all students. If you know that you have problems with motivation, discipline and other similar issues, then think about whether you can be collected and do everything on time. Online learning is also learning with a strict schedule.
  3. Some employers do not take diplomas obtained through distance education seriously. Of course, this is a temporary factor. Everything is going digital.
  4. Requires adaptation to new technologies. If you've never been someone who enjoys working with new technologies, you'll probably get a lot less out of your online courses than your more tech-savvy colleagues. Make sure you feel comfortable working with computers and online programs before enrolling in this type of training.
  5. Not all majors can be offered online. It is logical that more practical specialties, for example, medical professions, cannot be taught by correspondence. But the list of available professions is still large.

The International Commission on Educational, Scientific and Cultural Affairs of the United Nations (UNESCO) proclaimed two basic principles of modern education: “education for all” and “education throughout life.” Of course, no one doubts the correctness of this approach to building an education system. But from the point of view of today's Russian realities, a number of problems arise.

First: the problem of vast territories with uneven population density. And although the population is scattered throughout the country, the central region (especially Moscow and St. Petersburg) contains the majority of high-level educational institutions and highly qualified teachers. And traveling to another city to enroll is often impossible due to high costs. There is also a need to improve the education of people working in the regions, usually those with families, for whom moving to another city is associated with significant problems.

Second: this is a problem of time. Today, most modern specialists schedule their time in minutes. And yet, no one can do without new knowledge, without lifelong learning. And even evening and Sunday education does not solve this problem.

Third: money problem. This applies to a greater extent to higher education and preparation for it. Competition for free places is high, and not everyone can afford paid education.

Distance education helps in solving all of the above problems. What is this? The answer is already contained in the definition itself. This is learning “at a distance,” that is, at a distance, when the teacher and student are separated spatially. Naturally, new technologies for presenting educational materials are being used. It is they who make distance education cheap and accessible to all, opening up opportunities for communication over long distances. The condition for the development of distance education was modern achievements in the field of educational technologies, media and communications, the rapid development and widespread use of various technical means. These are primarily computer and information technologies; satellite communication systems; educational television; mass connection to information systems; distribution of computer training programs, videotapes with them, etc.

Highlight Three types of remote technologies, used in the learning process. The first type is case technology based on paper media. These are primarily educational and methodological aids, called workbooks, which are accompanied by a tutor. The tutor maintains telephone, postal and other communications with students, and can also directly meet with students at counseling centers or training centers. The second technology is television-satellite. It is very expensive and is still little used. Its main drawback is weak interactivity, that is, feedback. And finally The third technology is online learning, or network technology. Most often, in the process of distance learning, all of the above technologies are used in different proportions.

Distance education began to develop intensively in Europe and the USA back in the early 70s. The reasons for the spread of this education are simple: every person, regardless of his nationality and location, can receive a diploma from any university. Most education experts view distance education as a promising form of education because it can be suitable for many and is less expensive. In addition, you can choose certain training courses, i.e. receive the so-called “custom education”, which also gives an advantage in price.

In Russia, distance education began to develop in the 90s. In 1997, an all-Russian experiment in the field of distance learning was started and completed in 2002. State and non-state educational institutions participated in it. In June 2002, a meeting of the board of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation was held, which summed up its results. The participants of the experiment - 20 institutions of higher professional education - worked on such main groups of distance technologies as case technology (it is used, as a rule, in combination with full-time forms of training), network (Internet training) and television-satellite. Universities have created and tested specialized educational materials (basic interactive teaching aids, educational videos, audio programs, educational computer programs, etc.). On their basis, special EB methods have been developed.

An important result of the experiment was the creation of legal and regulatory support. This made it possible for all educational institutions to work on the basis of distance educational technologies. In December 2002, the “Methodology for the use of distance educational technologies (distance learning) in institutions of higher, secondary and additional vocational education of the Russian Federation” was approved. In January 2003, President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin signed the Law “On Amendments and Additions to the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education” and the Federal Law “On Higher and Postgraduate Professional Education”. Distance technologies, according to the changes and additions made to the legislation, became legally recognized.

Naturally, this type of training has its pros and cons for students. If you are considering the option of education using this technology, you should consider the following:

The advantages of distance education include:

    Learning at an individual pace - the speed of learning is set by the student himself, depending on his personal circumstances and needs. Freedom and flexibility - the student can choose any of the many courses of study, as well as independently plan the time, place and duration of classes. Accessibility - independence from the geographical and temporal location of the student and educational institution allows you not to limit yourself in educational needs. Mobility - the effective implementation of feedback between the teacher and the student is one of the main requirements and grounds for the success of the learning process. Manufacturability - the use of the latest achievements of information and telecommunication technologies in the educational process. Social equality - equal opportunities to receive education, regardless of place of residence, health status, elitism and financial security of the student. Creativity is a comfortable environment for the student’s creative self-expression.

But there are also obvious disadvantages:

    Lack of face-to-face communication between students and teacher. That is, all aspects related to an individual approach and education are excluded. And when there is no person nearby who could emotionally color the knowledge, this is a significant disadvantage. The need for a number of individual psychological conditions. Distance learning requires strict self-discipline, and its results directly depend on the student’s independence and consciousness. The need for constant access to sources of information. Good technical equipment is needed, but not everyone who wants to study has a computer and Internet access. As a rule, students feel a lack of practical training. There is no constant control over students, which for a Russian person is a powerful incentive. Training programs and courses may not be well developed due to the fact that there are not so many qualified specialists capable of creating such training aids today. In distance education, the basis of learning is written only. For some, the lack of opportunity to express their knowledge also in verbal form can turn into a stumbling block.

From our point of view, Distance education is a very convenient and useful thing. But we advise you to receive basic education in this way only if for some reason (spatial, time or money) the traditional option of education is not available to you. But in the future, preference may well be given to remote forms. They are very effective in the field of additional education or advanced training, because the student has already received the basics of the profession and knows a lot from full-time education.

MBOU Secondary School No. 2 Nogliki

Pros and cons of distance education

Kunevich Elena Leonidovna


A good school is good, a smart school is great, but the child must also be prepared for life.

D. Dewey.

The high pace of informatization of education, the development of telecommunication technologies and, first of all, the global Internet, open up many new educational opportunities for children with special needs. And, of course, one of the most effective forms here is distance learning. It is this form of education, which allows you to study at any convenient time, without leaving home, at any distance from an educational institution, that is especially relevant when working with disabled children, for whom physical illnesses are often an insurmountable barrier to obtaining an education.

The use of distance learning in school is an additional way to ensure the continuity and required intensity of the educational process and cooperation between teachers and students. Distance learning is based on pedagogical technologies of multi-paced learning, independence in self-education of schoolchildren in various educational fields, and a combination of various forms and methods of interaction between teacher and student.

The relevance of the problem of teaching disabled children is due to the specifics of the modern educational situation. Quality education remains largely inaccessible to the majority of children with disabilities, despite the fact that approaches to the education of children with disabilities have recently changed. Teaching a child at home often leads to the fact that he is afraid of communicating with other children and becomes withdrawn. As a result, limited social contacts and poverty of social experience create difficulty in developing social and communicative competence in disabled children, which negatively affects their socialization. Very often, disabled children are afraid of various obstacles and difficulties, afraid of contact with people. Their increased anxiety, lack of self-confidence and inability to establish communicative relationships create barriers between the disabled child and the outside world.

Goals and objectives:

    Conduct an analysis of the work of MBOU Secondary School No. 2 in the distance learning system. To identify positive and negative trends in organizing a full-fledged secondary education for children with disabilities through the integration of full-time and distance learning.

    Increasing the motivation of students who do not attend educational institutions for health reasons by organizing creative, research, and practice-oriented courses, as well as creating an environment for communication, socialization and professional guidance for schoolchildren.

Expected results:

    Improving the quality of training for home-schooled students.

    Creating conditions that allow homeschoolers to successfully implement the school curriculum.

His future largely depends on the conditions in which a child finds himself from a very early age. The development of a person and the formation of his personality depend on the beneficial influence of the family, on the desire of parents to learn the characteristics of the development of children in each age period, on the desire to study their child, on the ability to direct the process of formation of his personality.

It would never occur to anyone to prepare to become disabled themselves or to prepare their relatives for this fate. But no one, unfortunately, is insured against temporary or permanent disability, injury, mutilation, serious illness or the birth of an unhealthy child.

According to statistics, every tenth family is faced with the problem of a loved one’s disability throughout their life. Cases of severe illness in children are especially difficult for families. The viability of the child himself largely depends on what strategy of behavior in relationships with a disabled child the parents choose.

For a child with disabilities, school is one of the important factors of socialization, as well as an important symbol of health and a fulfilling life. Therefore, school occupies a significant place in the vision of children with disabilities about their future.

Often children with disabilities have developmental deviations associated with overstrain of the child’s nervous system, as well as various painful conditions of the nervous system - neuroses.

A significant proportion of children with disabilities experience difficulties in mastering program material due to impaired speech development and the characteristics of their mental activity.

For many children with developmental disabilities, difficulties in learning activities may be due to immaturity of visual-motor coordination, that is, they have uncoordinated work of the hand and eye. Often there is an immaturity of spatial analysis and synthesis. Such children find it difficult to differentiate between the left and right sides and to put together a whole from parts. They cannot follow the lines in notebooks, distinguish between the right and left sides, and are poorly oriented in notebook space.

When teaching children with disabilities, one of the most important conditions for the teacher is to understand that these children are not handicapped compared to others. But, nevertheless, these children need a special individual approach, different from the framework of a standard comprehensive school, in realizing their potential and creating conditions for development. The key point of this situation is that children with disabilities do not adapt to the rules and conditions of society, but are included in life on their own terms, which society accepts and takes into account.

Distance learning is the best way to ensure that a disabled child receives a quality education. Such children need an individual approach.

Teaching children with disabilities through distance learning makes it possible to provide each child with high-quality education, regardless of the specific place of education. Acquiring knowledge with the help of a computer information environment provides a child with the opportunity to acquire the appropriate professional skills necessary for him in the future both for work and for a decent existence in general. In practice, it has been repeatedly proven that learning through distance learning technologies makes it possible for children with disabilities to receive an appropriate education, as well as their full mastery of the basic general education program of secondary general education. Advantages of distance learning Here, a network teacher and tutor (teacher-consultant) will be able to conduct lessons using a special technological map, which is used as a mechanism for individualizing the educational process through a variety of individually oriented models for organizing both the curriculum and the lesson (depending on educational needs and capabilities of this category of students). The primary task of education here is the preservation of the child’s individuality, as well as the creation of suitable conditions for his self-expression. This can be achieved through differentiated instruction, taking into account the degree to which the student has acquired knowledge, the pace of his activity and the development of certain skills and abilities.

What conditions need to be created in educational institutions for children with disabilities? They must guarantee capabilities such as:

1. Achievement of planned results in relation to the mastery by all students of the basic educational program of primary general education.

2. The use of both conventional and specific assessment scales for the academic achievements of children with disabilities that meet their educational needs.

3. Adequacy of assessment of the rate of change in the life competence of each child with disabilities, along with other students, as well as parents (or legal representatives) and school employees.

4. Individualization of the educational process for children with disabilities.

5. Purposeful development of the ability of this category of students to interact and communicate with peers.

6. Development and identification of the abilities of children with disabilities through sections, circles, clubs and studios, as well as the organization of socially useful activities, including social practice, using the capabilities of existing educational institutions of additional education.

7. Involving students with disabilities in creative and intellectual competitions, design and research activities and scientific and technical creativity that are acceptable to them.

8. Involving children with disabilities, parents and teaching staff in the process of developing the basic educational program of primary general education, as well as in the design of the internal social environment and the formation of individual learning routes.

9. The use of advanced, scientifically based correctional technologies within the educational process, which are focused on the special educational needs of students with disabilities.

10. Interaction in one educational space between both general education and special schools, which will allow productive use of many years of teaching experience regarding the education of children with disabilities, as well as the use of resources created specifically for this.

"Pros" of distance learning

Children with disabilities who receive individual education at home, thanks to the priority national project “Distance Education of Disabled Children,” have a unique opportunity to study using computer technology and communications.

    Distance learning allows you to minimize the unproductive use of student time. The child does not wait for the teacher to write sentences on the board for analysis; an electronic laboratory experiment will always go smoothly, according to a given scenario; search engines will allow you to quickly find the materials you need. This allows you to master educational material in a shorter period of time compared to the classroom-lesson system.

    The system supports the exchange of files of any format - both between teacher and student, and between students. The mailing service allows you to quickly inform all course participants or individual groups about current events. The forum provides an opportunity to organize educational discussions of problems, and discussions can be carried out in groups. You can attach files of any format to messages in the forum. There is a function for rating messages - both by teachers and students. Chat allows you to organize educational discussions of problems in real time, conduct a “class meeting” or consultation. All this allows the teacher to quickly respond to student requests, monitor and correct his work.

    Due to the interactive style of communication and operational communication in distance learning, the opportunity to individualize the learning process opens up. The teacher, depending on the student’s success, can use a flexible, individual teaching method, offer him additional, student-oriented blocks of educational materials, and links to information resources. Since the time factor (40 min. lesson) becomes not critical, the student can also choose his own pace of studying the material, i.e. can work according to an individual program consistent with the general course program.

    In distance learning, the teacher leads each student by the hand. A special learning environment allows you to comment on each student’s work, give recommendations for correcting errors - work with each child until the learning task is completely solved.

    An important feature of the special learning environment is that it creates and stores reports on the activities (portfolio) of each child: all the work he has submitted, all grades and teacher comments on the work, all messages in the forum.

    The benefits of distance learning are almost limitless, and the virtual environment can help overcome barriers. After all, the main thing is to want to overcome them, because insurmountable barriers are those that we put forward for ourselves.

The limited resources of the curriculum for individual education (no more than 10 hours in basic school, 12 hours in grades 10-11) lead to a reduction in the curriculum, which complicates the implementation of the state educational standard and leads to educational inequality when choosing vocational education, moving away from higher education and professional activities of some capable children. Teaching a child at home often leads to his isolation from the children's group, the formation of pathological isolation in the child, reluctance and fear of communicating with other children. Often, disabled children cannot leave the house not only because of the lack of a ramp to exit the apartment, but also because of the fear of encountering various obstacles and various people in the “big world.”

Currently, distance education is often called one of the most modern forms of acquiring knowledge. This form of education is becoming increasingly popular. At the same time, distance educational technologies are understood as educational technologies implemented mainly using information and telecommunication technologies with indirect (at a distance) or incompletely indirect interaction between the student and the teaching staff.

    Distance learning technologies allow not only to improve and improve the quality of education by increasing the teaching load by 5-6 hours, but also gives disabled children the opportunity to virtually communicate, get to know each other and exchange opinions on a computer network, i.e. will promote their integration into society through Internet technologies. For a child with disabilities, this opens the door to a new world, gives him the opportunity to realize himself and his needs, and overcome his loneliness.

    At the preschool center, a child can communicate with a psychologist. The psychologist, in turn, not only works with the child, but also with the parents. With the help of such consultations, parents not only receive free qualified help from a psychologist and identify the child’s psychological problems, but also solve these problems. The child has the opportunity to enroll in various educational courses and, independently or under the guidance of teachers and parents, study them and prepare for passing exams.

    The technical support includes an “Archimedes” kit and an electron microscope with which he can conduct various experiments in physics, chemistry, and biology.

    The FE Center provides students with a large selection of various electronic resources in all subjects.

    During the lesson, the teacher can use any of them, either fully or partially. And also create your own assignments and tests, depending on the needs and capabilities of the student.

    The teacher can create and use any assessment system within the course. All marks for each course are stored in a summary electronic statement.

    A special learning environment allows you to control the “attendance”, activity of the student, and the time of his educational work in each lesson.

    The Distance Education Center provides a safe Internet space for the child. Parents don’t have to worry that their child will visit “unnecessary sites,” make dubious acquaintances, and play games.

    Distance education undoubtedly has its advantages over traditional forms of education. It solves the student’s psychological problems, removes time and space restrictions, problems of distance from educational institutions, helps people with physical disabilities who have individual traits and unusual characteristics study, and expands the communicative sphere of students and teachers.

    The child has the opportunity to participate in various competitions and video conferences. Writers and artists are often invited to video conferences. During conferences, the child can ask questions and receive qualified answers. Communicate with conference participants.

    The learning process using the Internet is aimed at developing students’ skills in independent active learning activities with a high level of efficiency. For students with disabilities, this factor is largely significant, since in conditions of the irreversibility of the disease, the student will be forced to independently receive education throughout his life, first in his chosen specialty, and then to improve the level of his professional qualifications.

    Distance education allows children isolated from society to fully embrace its values, realize their creative potential, form a professional orientation and develop important qualities for future professional activities.

    Distance education allows children living in remote settlements, who are unable to travel to the place of study, to receive vocational education.

"Disadvantages" of distance education.

Distance learning is a very popular form of learning, which is increasingly used in the modern education system. Most sources talk about the advantages of distance learning, while everyone prefers to remain silent about the disadvantages. If you decide to choose a learning path such as distance learning, then you need to know what disadvantages you will have to face.

    With distance learning, students have minimal or no personal contact with each other and with teachers. Therefore, this form of training is not suitable for developing communication skills, confidence, and teamwork skills.

    Lack of psychological motivation and possible difficulties if it is difficult to motivate yourself on your own. Often, what parents and teachers want, children do not want. They need real contact, not virtual contact.

    Lack of control over the learning process, which is necessary for some students to gain knowledge. Often during training, when parents or guardians are absent, the child cannot organize himself.

    The teacher must study the child’s capabilities, know the characteristics of his illness, and be able to determine by his behavior the level of tension, anxiety, and exacerbation of symptoms of the disease. Respond to such symptoms in a timely manner and help the child cope with this condition from a distance. This requires special teacher training.

    Technical capabilities such as Internet access. Often during classes the connection is lost or its speed is so unstable that the class has to be rescheduled. Which is not desirable for both the teacher and the student. Since the child’s study and rest schedule is disrupted, as well as the schedule of his extracurricular activities.

    Software crashes during class. Incorrect operation of various equipment.

    It is difficult to obtain practical knowledge and skills.

    There are no universal courses that take into account the capabilities of all students. Courses are developed by teachers. Each course developed by a teacher is designed for the capabilities of the child with whom he taught, and does not take into account the capabilities of other children. Therefore, it is necessary to additionally prepare material for each lesson. A teacher who relies only on ready-made courses cannot conduct a full lesson with a child.

    Lack of computer literacy narrows the circle of those who can study remotely. It is very important that parents are computer literate. Often, after a child experiments with the settings of various programs, intervention from a competent specialist is necessary. Unfortunately, the technicians from the Central Dispatch Center are very busy and there is no hope for quick help.


Despite the presence of disadvantages, it is still necessary to remember that distance learning also has advantages, which is why it has become so popular.

This type of training is undesirable to use in the case of basic training in the school education system, since it is not capable of providing complete knowledge. At the same time, it is excellent as additional training, as courses are designed to acquire additional skills and implement the child’s personal competencies.

The goal of distance learning is to take into account the capabilities and interests of each student with disabilities, to provide assistance in obtaining an individual education that will combine various forms of learning, including distance learning. It is also necessary to ensure the development of creative abilities, cultural development, independent activity skills, and socialization. Education should be aimed at ensuring that every child with disabilities can adapt in life. Involving parents in their children's activities will provide an opportunity for families of disabled children to learn about the possibilities of the Internet, feel more confident and, ultimately, overcome the difficulties that are typical for many families raising disabled children.

Thus, we can conclude that students are not passive “consumers” of knowledge, but act as active participants in the educational process and gain experience in interpersonal interaction. The main role is played by the personal qualities of students, their abilities, the desire to acquire knowledge, while physical disabilities fade into the background. As a result, the inclusion of a disabled child in the virtual community allows him to recognize himself as a subject of activity in the information educational space, contributes to the formation of an adequate attitude to reality, the need for cooperation, overcoming isolation, the development of communicative potential and the formation of “life competence”. Distance learning allows children with disabilities to realize their potential to a greater extent, lead an active life, and increase self-confidence.

Such training is determined by their psychophysiological characteristics and involves changing pedagogical communications and creating new didactic tools, which allows you to plan an individual training schedule in accordance with the problems and diseases of the child.


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Appendix 1.

Disc with presentation.