Express test for career guidance. Free career guidance test: career guidance for schoolchildren, choosing a profession. A unique test will help you choose one of the most in-demand professions

Profession test using cards

When we choose or change a profession, we are often tormented by doubts about the correctness of our chosen path. What to do if a solution does not come?

Of course, there is a lot of advice. But if you are tired of long career guidance tests, and you or your child need to make a choice between 2-3 areas, then pay attention to the next test. These bright pictures will distract you from your worries and at the same time can give you a little hint, choose the one that is closest to you.

Now read the results!

1. Show business star

Keeping your feet warm and your head cool is what you're aiming for. At the same time, you like to be the center of attention and change your surroundings. Do you want life to be an enchanting round dance of

Various persons and events. Sometimes you are not particularly faithful - this largely depends on changes in mood.

There are many pleasures in life that attract you, so you want “Everything at once!” In any situation, you are attracted to new achievements. Well, then go ahead - sing, play and shine. In a word, spread your wings!

2. Private detective / doctor / lawyer

Natural observation, composure and a subtle sense of humor help you in any situation. You like to quietly observe other people, analyze their actions and even thoughts. You place yourself slightly above ordinary mortals. You like logical and at the same time creative activities; you are not afraid of complex and responsible tasks, which, as a rule, you perform at the highest level.

You are a worthy person who is free from envy. Don't you think it's time to become the next Pinkerton in your field?

3. Entrepreneur / manager / politician / PR specialist

You are resourceful and always know what you want from life and how to achieve it. You are sure that the end always justifies the means. You know a lot about pleasure, so every time you need more money to satisfy your personal needs. You have the talent to win people over and skillfully manage them.

There is no doubt that the doors to the world of business, PR and political technology are open to you! And how you will use your cunning is known only to you.

4. Stuntman/Professional Warrior/Martial Arts Trainer

Your vital energy, turning into aggression, simply needs an outlet. You have a lightning-fast reaction, you are not used to thinking for a long time and lamenting about any events. It is likely that even your dialogue is brief and abrupt. Most of all, you can’t stand sitting still, because you need to feel your strength. Your elements are risk, overcoming, strategy, struggle and endurance.

5. Teacher/eternal student

Congratulations, your youth will never end! You are a sparkling personality who loves life. Often, even in your youth, you are the life of the party. You don't like a lot of responsibility, so ideally you would like to remain a perpetual student. Or, as a last resort, a teacher of your favorite subject. And this is a great idea! Who else but you can understand schoolchildren and students?

6. Accountant / businessman / stock analyst / critic

A clearly expressed penchant for analytics, the need to question even common truths - these are your distinctive features. There is no doubt that you are good with numbers, and in mathematics it was your teachers who gave you the highest mark. Such people are always in demand in the labor market. By the way, you can also develop your business quite successfully. Believe in yourself. Chances are good that you could become the next Rockefeller!

Profession test based on personality type

The issue of choosing a profession is relevant not only for high school students. Many of us make the mistake of going to the wrong university and then hate our jobs for the rest of our lives. The beginning of real success lies where a person finds his calling. Anyone who does what they love receives a great charge of vital energy and motivation, quickly masters the necessary practical skills and achieves impressive results.

Question 1. Which of the following types of activities do you prefer?

A. Repair broken items.

B. Communicate with people.

D. Put your papers in order.

D. Make plans.

E. Draw.

Question 2. How do you usually spend your free time?

A. Make new items with your own hands.

B. Look for answers to questions that interest you (on websites, in books).

Q. You meet with family and friends.

D. Watch TV shows.

D. You are engaged in self-improvement.

E. Listening to music.

Question 3. How do you usually solve a problem?

A. I try to calmly assess the situation and make a logical decision.

B. I deeply analyze the problem, develop several options for solving it, and then implement the most suitable option.

Q. I ask advice from a loved one or turn to professionals.

G. I am very worried and wait until the problem resolves itself.

D. I'm trying to find a person who can help solve my problem.

E. I’m trying to assess the current situation from a positive side.

Question 4: Which of the descriptions listed below best describes you as a person?

A. Hardworking and patient.

B. Smart and attentive.

V. Kind and decent.

D. Honest and responsible.

D. Resourceful and purposeful.

E. Charming and sensual.

Question 5. What gift from loved ones would you like to receive for the holiday?

A. New equipment (for example, smartphone, laptop, tablet, car, food processor).

B. Useful literature.

B. Beautiful and fashionable clothes.

G. Expensive souvenir.

D. Any stylish item (for example, a leather wallet, a silver pen).

E. Licensed disc with an interesting film.

Question 6. What is especially important to you in your future profession?

A. A clearly defined task.

B. The opportunity to constantly develop your abilities.

B. Opportunity to work in a team.

D. Stability.

D. High wages.

E. Unforgettable impressions, interesting and unusual tasks.

Question 7. What subjects at school gave you special pleasure?

A. Labor training, physical education.

B. Mathematics and physics.

Options for professional activities

A. Realistic type. Characterizes people who prefer to work with their hands, for example, repairing, inventing, or servicing equipment. Suitable professions: fitter, mechanical engineer, process engineer, civil engineer, electrician, agronomist and others.

B. Intellectual type. Knowledge workers. Suitable professions: scientist, programmer, writer, linguist, lawyer and others.

B. Social type. People who interact well in the social environment. Suitable professions: lawyer, teacher, doctor, educator, customer service manager, sociologist and others.

D. Conventional type. Workers of this type are characterized by adherence to traditions, as well as high organization and discipline. Suitable professions: seamstress, clerk, accountant, secretary, draftsman-cartographer and others.

D. Entrepreneurial type. Such individuals are aimed at leading other people and running a business. Suitable professions: individual entrepreneur, general director, manager, civil servant and others.

E. Creative type. The name speaks for itself. These are people of feelings, emotions and non-standard solutions. Suitable professions: actor, writer, choreographer, publisher, theater critic, designer and others.

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Free career guidance test: career guidance for schoolchildren, choosing a profession. A unique test will help you choose one of the most in-demand professions.

In fact, there are not many things in the world that we cannot choose: our own body, early childhood, parents, the historical era in which we were born... Everything else, to one degree or another, depends on our own choice. Undoubtedly, one of the most important choices that can affect the rest of your life is the choice of profession. That is why it is worth taking this as seriously as possible.

Your overall attitude towards life largely depends on success in your professional activities and job satisfaction. A favorite activity is an undoubted success, which entirely comes from the correct and reasonable choice of professional activity.

Career guidance for schoolchildren differs from career guidance for adults, as it has its own nuances and characteristics. Many parents ask the question: at what age is it necessary to conduct career guidance for a child for the first time? It is impossible to answer this question unequivocally. Most often, parents offer their child to undergo career guidance at the age of 15-16, that is, when they already need to enroll in a university. This is a huge mistake, which cannot even be called full-fledged career guidance, since it may well turn out that you need to enter a university for which the teenager is clearly not prepared and there is no time for this preparation. The most in-demand profession, which parents may insist on mastering, may not be suitable for the child for the reason that they have not previously prepared for it and have not thought about it at all.

It is also a mistake to believe that going through career guidance just once is enough. You need to take a career guidance test at different ages, several times and, preferably, using different methods. You should resort to regular testing because diagnosing talents and abilities is a very complex area, and the more carefully you “look for the treasure,” the higher the likelihood of success. Career guidance is available on our website for free online, which can become the next step in your choice.

Career guidance for schoolchildren is most effective at 7, 9, 11, 13, and 15 years old. By regularly taking a career guidance test, you will be able to notice a certain system that reveals the inclinations of the test taker. The sooner your inclinations and talents are identified, the more time you will have to bring them to the surface and develop them.

Free online career guidance is a convenient way to choose specialties that best suit your interests and expectations. If you have already decided on a professional field (for example, economics and finance), then testing will help narrow down the choice of profession in this field in accordance with the modern labor market, including showing what the most in-demand profession in this segment is. Even if your future profession has already been chosen, career guidance will help you correlate your choice with your abilities, expectations and preferences, which is also important, as it helps you orientate yourself in further educational activities. That is, you can prepare in advance for admission to a particular university by eliminating all your “weak points.”

Career guidance allows you to build your future life based on your own interests, and not those imposed by anyone.

is a service for those who are faced with choosing a new profession, for those who find themselves at a dead end in life, for those for whom work does not bring satisfaction.

Using our website you can:

  1. Determine a suitable profession;
  2. Understand which types of activities are best suited for you;
  3. Find out what talents you have and how you can develop them;
  4. Determine your creative potential;
  5. Find out how others perceive you.

Read the article to the end and you will learn how to pass the test.

The question “who should I become?” Many people have been asking this question since early childhood, but it remains no less relevant for adults. Often, when dreaming about a profession, we see only one side and do not delve into the details. So, the work of an investigator is not at all romantic, it is full of paperwork, and the profession of a surgeon is not only about saving people. Joyful hopes and anticipations give way to disappointment.

How not to make mistakes and make the right choice? How to determine the type of activity that will bring you pleasure and that you will want to devote your whole life to? After all, not only material well-being, but also mental comfort and balance depend on the choice of profession.

According to statistics, only 10% of the population make the right choice of profession and do what they love. Enjoying their work, these people easily achieve their goals. They become highly qualified specialists, have career growth and high salaries. The possibility of self-realization, stability and moral satisfaction from work are some of the components of a happy life.

Unfortunately, 90% of people make wrong decisions. When choosing a profession, many, first of all, focus on its prestige and high earnings and do not think that work should be a joy. The working day for these people turns into an ordeal! Eight hours a day they feel miserable, hate Mondays and look forward to Fridays. People become hostage to a job they don’t like, they are faced with constant criticism from their superiors and low salaries. Troubles at work have a negative impact on your personal life.

If you are reading these lines, it means that you are faced with a difficult choice of your future profession, or you have made a mistake and want to correct everything. Great! Career guidance for adults online test, created especially for you! The test will determine your ability to do one thing or another, and, taking into account your psycho-emotional state, will select a profession for which you have the ability and which will bring moral satisfaction.

You can take the test online no matter where you are.
You receive the test result in a matter of minutes.

Career guidance for adults online test, how does it work? All that is required of you is to answer the questions posed as honestly as possible. The test accurately determines a person's character, talents, strengths and weaknesses. After processing the received data, the optimal profession in which you will feel comfortable is determined.

Get advice on choosing a profession on our website!

Everyday necessity is eating, and in order to eat you need money, you have to work, each person getting everything they need. But the most important thing is to choose a job that suits you internally. Talent can play a decisive role, but how to determine its nature, what exactly we are suitable for.

If you have a clear talent for drawing, then you don’t have to look for long, although by and large such a skill doesn’t mean anything in particular, because drawing skills are needed in a very wide range of specialties, from the design of architectural structures to the design of jewelry. You will have to choose among a wide range of fine arts specialties. The profession of an artist should be geared towards a specific style or a separate specialty.

Likewise, in other professions, for example, mastery of a musical instrument does not necessarily indicate the profession of a musician. Sound engineers are also not “treaded on by an elephant,” although they have more responsibility. They work with sound in music and in the fight against sound.

The ability to study makes the choice of work more certain!

Academic specialties probably attract many, this is where the cream of society is, its real bohemia, and not the riffraff flashing on TV. To be a scientist means to be higher, better, smarter than everyone else. You can walk around all your life with your nose in the air and look condescendingly at a bunch of fools. The choice is difficult due to the fact that the growth of a young scientist is long and few can continue their career; it is necessary to be able to work with your head, and this is difficult.

Find out who you can be! What abilities are your most developed? Inclinations towards a certain profession! Determine exactly who you should study for. You will learn everything about your profession! Subtle analysis of career guidance, personal work with everyone. Perhaps, having learned who you were in the past, you will understand who you will become in the present! A unique career guidance test!

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